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12x16 - Old Man Quiver

Posted: 04/28/22 12:15
by bunniefuu
Previously on "nypd blue"...

I just heard from a friend who
oversees the sergeant's exam.

You passed.
You're kidding.

You ready to be a boss?

I don't know.

I guess
you'll find that out.

You're pretty good
with those things.

Watch this.

[ Laughing ]

His name is hugh rasmussen.

According to his secretary,

He was a partner at fairchild
and rasmussen,

Some big wall street
law firm.

How did the job come in?

Secretary ‐‐ she found him.

Her name is judith howe.
She got here around 8:30.

This guy was still working
at his age?

She says he was retired,
but kept her on

So she'd come over every day
to see what he needed.

Doesn't look like he's got
any bruises.

She said the pillow was over
his face when she walked in.

Where is she?
Out in the living room.

Ms. Howe?

Can you tell us
what happened this morning?

I got here at 7:30,
as I always do.

I let myself in.

I made myself a cup of tea,
and I waited in the kitchen.

At around 8:15, not having heard
from mr. Rasmussen,

I went into the bedroom,
which is where I found him.

You were coming from where?

My home, which is at 3220
crocheron avenue in flushing.

You must leave
the house early.
Around 6:15.

How do you get to work?

I drive to long island city,
I park,

And I take the number 7
train in.

Mr. Rasmussen married?

Yes, he is.

Do you know
where his wife is?

I know she isn't here.

I think she got picked up this
morning by a friend of hers.

Where they went ‐‐
that I don't know.

How long had you been working
for him?

I came to work in 1977.

You must have been very
attached to him.
I was.

Well, we're very sorry
for your loss.

Thank you very much
for saying that.

What's going on?

She's the wife.


There seems to have been
an accident.

Hugh is dead, amy.


Someone suffocated him

By putting a pillow over his
face and holding it there.

Judith, why don't you give us
a minute with amy, please?

I'll be in the kitchen
if you need me.

Have a seat.

[ Sighs ]

Um, we know this is a difficult
time, and it's a big shock,

But we have a couple
questions for you.

Can we get you anything ‐‐
something to drink?

No, go ahead.

Ask me whatever
you have to ask me.

When's the last time you saw
your husband?

When I left for the gym
this morning.

That was about 6:30.

Everything seem normal?

I kissed him good‐bye‐‐ told him
that we'd have lunch together.

How long had you and your
husband been married?

It would have been 2 years
this coming july.

Was it a good relationship?

Are you asking that because
of the difference in age?

It's a pretty extreme

Right, and people look at hugh
like he's a dirty old man

And me like
I'm a gold digger,

And everyone with their
judgments and their opinions

Can just go straight to hell.

Where is he?

In the bedroom.
I want to see him.

You might not want to put
yourself through that.

He's my husband,
and I want to see him.

[ Sniffles ]

Guy was 80.
His wife's 28.

Looks like he was suffocated.

Any history of domestic

None that we're seeing
so far.

It's a 52‐year difference
between them.

Guy had ties older than her.

we dumped the phone.

We got his lawyer coming in

To give us details
of their financial arrangement.

What's her background?
She's hot.

That's her background?

No, I mean, we don't know,
really, what her background is.

That would be a good thing
to find out.

We'll keep you posted.

Getting promoted today.


Sergeant sipowicz.


What ‐‐
were you struck blind?


You got it pressed
for the ceremony?

Yeah, I had it
at the tailor's

To sew on
the sergeant's stripes.

I'm sure
it's in good shape.

Where are you taking
the family after?

I made a reservation
at shun lee.

Oh, that's nice.

We got a d. O. A.,

A possible homicide at the
senior citizens' home.

Who's up?
Oh, that's me.

You and medavoy respond.

625 East 23rd street.

What's going on?

D.o.a. Is olive rosenthal.

She didn't show up for breakfast
this morning.

One of the aides came to check
on her and found her dead.

Why are we here?

Doctor wouldn't sign
the death certificate.

He's in the next room.
Name is shawn mara.

Dr. Mara,
what's the problem?

I was called by the director to
come and examine mrs. Rosenthal

And sign
on the death certificate,

And when I got here,

I saw a blood spot on her
nightgown in the abdominal area.

I examined underneath and saw
evidence of an injection.

When's the last time
you saw her?

About two weeks ago.


Given her age, yeah.

What you're saying is evidence
of an injection ‐‐

Could that be anything else?

There's a bruise and what
I think is a needle mark.

Now, I can't state conclusively
that that's what it is,

And, absent any autopsy,

I can't state conclusively that
that's what k*lled her,

But there's just no way,
at this point,

That I'm gonna sign off on it
being natural causes.

The director around?

In here.
Her name's lillian jacobs.

Uh, ms. Jacobs.

That's me.

I'm detective medavoy.
This is detective jones.

What can you tell us
about mrs. Rosenthal?

She was with us
about six months.

Nothing particularly
unusual about her.

Any complaints from her about
conflicts with anyone?

None that I'm aware of.

Who was the aide
that found her?

Oh, that would be eleanor.

these are detectives.

Why don't you tell them
what happened this morning?

When mrs. Rosenthal
didn't come to breakfast,

I went to check on her.

I found her not breathing,
and I hit the panic button.

Eleanor worked full time
as mrs. Rosenthal's aide.

Was there anyone else that would
come into her room?

She might have visitors,
but, as a rule,

There were no staff people
coming in, other than eleanor.

Um, might I speak to you
for a moment privately?

Because this kind of thing
can be very upsetting

For the other residents,

I would ask that you didn't
speak to them about it.

that might be unavoidable.
Why is that?

Well, in order to investigate
a homicide,

We have to talk to the people
who knew the victim.

Number one, you don't know that
this is a homicide,

And number two,

How much information do you
think you're gonna get

From these people?

Well, we won't know that
until we talk to them.

What was the financial

Between rasmussen
and his wife?

If they got a divorce,
regardless of who initiated it,

It was a straight buyout ‐‐
$500,000, all‐in.

If they were together
at the time of his death,

Then she inherited
half his estate.

Who got the other half?

It was split between a number
of employees, friends.

There were substantial bequests
to some institutions.

He also set up a trust
for his brother.

What's the estate worth?

All told,
about $120 million.

Far as you can tell,
did him and the wife get along?

I don't know what kind of
arrangement they had,

But they seemed
to get along fine.

What does that mean?
It means
she's 28 years old.

She didn't necessarily conform
her life‐style

To that
of an 80‐year‐old man.

So are you telling us

She had some extracurricular
relationships going on?

At least one that I know of.

Who is he?

The only reason
I know about him

Is I was shown an unexplained
$42,000 expenditure

By his accountant.

When I asked hugh about it,

He told me it was for a truck
for a friend of amy's.

Do you know
the friend's name?

Richard penkava.

Do you know where we can get
in touch with him?

I made a point of knowing how
to get in touch with him.

Amy might have convinced hugh it
was an innocent relationship.

She didn't convince me.

This is the daughter of the
woman in the nursing home.

It's not a nursing home.

It's an assisted‐living


I'm detective medavoy, and this
is my partner, detective jones.

Nora rosenthal.

Why don't we come back
in here?

You'll have to forgive me.

I got the news about my mother
two hours ago,

And I'm holding it together,
but just barely.

It's very tough to lose
a mother.

I lost mine a number
of years ago,

And I can still get choked up
thinking about it.

Where do we stand
with the investigation?

We're waiting for the toxicology
panels to come back

From the medical examiner's

In the meantime,

We're looking at who might have
had access to her room.

It's conclusive she was injected
with something.

Based on our preliminary
examination, yeah.


Here's who your investigation
should focus on ‐‐

Her name is eleanor jackson.

She lives, I believe,
on g*n hill road in the bronx.

As soon as I get
to the office,

I'll call
with the exact address.

The eleanor jackson who found
your mother this morning?

Pretended to find her.

What makes you suspect her?

I hired her

So that my mother would have
someone with her at all times.

And what I was seeing
more and more of

Was that she was asserting
her own will

In ways
that were inappropriate.

Like how?

Rearranging furniture,

Dispensing opinions on things
that didn't concern her ‐‐

Doesn't sound like much, but it
wasn't what she was paid to do.

It's a long way from that
to committing m*rder.

I also believe
she was stealing.

The last time I was there,
I noticed things missing.

When was that?
About a month ago.

I'm quite sure,
if you search her apartment,

You'll find whatever's

Well, at present, we have no
right to search her apartment.

Let's see if I can't help you
with that.

Ms. Rosenthal, there's something
called "probable cause,"

Which you have to show in order
to get a search warrant.

I am a new york state supreme
court judge, detective.

I know full well

What is required
to get a search warrant.

We'll definitely look
at eleanor jackson.

I want an arrest made.

Assuming the facts warrant it.

I'll expect to hear from you
by the end of the day.

[ Door opens ]

Have a piece of candy?

Oh, no, thank you.

Your friend want?

Oh, thank you.
I'm fine.

What can you tell us about
your friend ‐‐ olive?

Well, she got here
about six months ago ‐‐

A little shy at first.

And you became friends
with her?

I understood
what she was going through.

It's not so easy.

You see nice surroundings,
very expensive,

Then you wonder,
"what's the problem?"

Believe you me ‐‐
there are plenty of problems.

And until you get old,
you don't know.

Eleanor jackson was her aide ‐‐
was that right?

She broke her hip last year,

And her daughter wanted
someone to be with her.

I mean, to tell you the truth,
she didn't need anybody,

But to make her daughter
feel better, she had her.

Well, did they get along ‐‐
she and eleanor?

What's not to get along?

[ Knock on door ]
come in.

You have company.

Yes, I have company.

All right, you don't have
to speak to me so sharp.

I'm mad at you, enid.

So be mad at me.

Why are you mad at her?

That's between us.

You had a tiff?

You know you're very

I'm asking you
why you're mad at her

In case it relates
to olive's death in some way.

Well, I'm mad at her

Because she didn't understand
why I was so upset this morning.

But wasn't she upset?

Apparently not.

Richard penkava?

Yeah, why?
What's going on?

Can you step out of the truck
for a second?

We'll explain it to you when you
get out of the truck.

It's a little embarrassing
to be doing this here.

Well, we'll try to do it
as quick as we can.

These guys in there
work for me.

Now they see me getting hassled
by the cops.

Do you know a girl by the name
of amy rasmussen?

Yeah, what kind of trouble
is she in now?

What makes you think she's
in any kind of trouble?

Yeah, you're right.
I shouldn't jump to conclusions.

You don't have any weapons
in this truck, do you?

What kind of weapons?

No g*ns, nothing like that?

No, I don't have any g*ns.

All right.
Mind if we take a look inside?

Yeah, go ahead.
I don't have any g*ns.

Can we take a look
in your glove compartment?

Go ahead.
I said I don't have any g*ns.

How come this bill
is like this?

Like what?

Rolled up.

I don't know.

Richard, do you got anything
else in there

You're not supposed to have?

I thought you said you were
looking for g*ns.

What's this?

I don't know what that is.
Come on.

I think I know what that is.
Put your hands on the truck.

Come on.

A.d.a. Munson
has a search warrant

For the apartment
of an eleanor jackson

We're supposed to execute.

The nurse's aide?

And how did you get a judge
to sign that?

The d. O. A.'S daughter
is judge rosenthal.

I'd say it was a matter of
professional courtesy.

When I think of what I've had

And not been able to get
a search warrant...

Well, you didn't have a judge
in your hip pocket.

If you don't come up
with anything,

Chalk it up to servicing
a victim's family member.

We have an inventory

And a description
of the items missing.

We'll let you know
what we find.

I was just thinking of you.

Oh, yeah?

Yeah, I was wondering
if you were free for lunch.

I actually have to have lunch
with my father today.

Oh, well.
Wait a minute.
Why don't you come?

No, thanks.
If you're there,
it'll be tolerable.

Otherwise, it's gonna be another
career‐day counseling session.

Your father doesn't
want me along.

He won't mind, and I will be
really grateful.

Where are we doing this?

I'll give you a call.

You got a sec?

Yeah. John,
take him into the room.

Do you want me to start
without you?

I'll be right there.

What are you looking to do
following the promotion?

Hadn't really thought
about it.

Do you want to be retained
here in the 15th?

On patrol?

I wouldn't mind that,
for the time being, anyway.

I'll make a call ‐‐
see what I can do.

Sit down.

I swear to god

I have no idea how that cocaine
got in that truck.

You can square it with god
on your own time.

As far as we're concerned,
you're looking at a "b" felony.

Any way I can catch
a break on that?


What was your relationship
with amy rasmussen?

We're friends.

When's the last time
you saw her?

What ‐‐ is she in some kind
of trouble or something?

It's a simple question ‐‐ do you
want to help yourself or not?

I don't know when it was.

When was the last time
you saw her husband?

I met the guy once,
maybe six months ago.

Well, richard,
he was m*rder*d this morning.

Whoa. I don't know
anything about that.

Your number was dialed from
the house phone this morning.

Did amy call you?

Yeah, she wanted to see
how I was doing.

[ Thud ]
don't tell us fairy tales,

Why was she calling you?

I picked her up
this morning.

Did you go in the apartment?

No, I was taking her
to see this building.

I was running late.
She called to see where I was.

Why were you taking her
to see a building?

I wanted to buy it.

I thought I could rehab it, sell
off the units, make some money.

I needed help with the purchase
price, so I called her.

Were you sleeping with her?

She buys you a new truck,

And now you're talking to her
about buying a building?

We had a romantic

One thing and another,
and we broke up.

Didn't mean she lost
her desire for you.

That's right ‐‐
it didn't mean that.

Come to think of it,

Just might have been too much
to ask her to stay faithful,

Given he was, like,

Maybe she wanted him
out of the way.

So you two could be together.

If I testify against her,
cocaine charges get dropped?

I guess we can assume

That you're willing
to consider that, right?

Hey, I got to do
what I got to do.

Sit tight.

What do you want to tell us

About the things we found
in your apartment?

Mrs. Rosenthal
gave them to me.

Well, her daughter wasn't
aware she'd done that.

All kinds of things her
daughter's not aware of.

She didn't pay her mother
a visit but once a month.

Well, did she ever ask you
where her mother's things were?

I don't remember whether she did
or she didn't.

I think you do remember,
and I think she did.

What did you tell her,

I told her I didn't know
nothing about it.

Well, if her mother gave you
permission to take them,

Then why wouldn't
you have said that?

'Cause I didn't want her
taking them back.

Well, you can explain all that
to a judge, eleanor,

But chances are, you're looking
at a burglary prosecution.

Probably don't help me none the
daughter's a judge herself.

No, it doesn't.

She gave me
the picture frame.

She gave me
the candlesticks.

She gave me the silver bowl,

'Cause she said she had
no use for it.

I took the bracelet.

I shouldn't have.

I know I shouldn't have,
but I was looking at it one day,

Feeling bad 'cause her daughter
had yelled at me on the phone.

And since olive never wore it,

I figured I was taking it
from her daughter.

That don't make it right,
but that's why I did it.

And you were afraid
of getting caught.

Is that why you injected her
with a drug, eleanor?

You think I did that?

You had the opportunity
to do it.

You had a reason to do it.
I cared for that woman.

You're a nurse's aide,
making $7.15 an hour.

That don't make me wicked.

Nobody's saying it does.

Only a wicked soul would hurt
that woman.

Now, I may not be perfect, sir,
but my soul is not wicked.

I'm reading about
this carly fiorina.

Do you know who she is?

She's the ceo of

She's one pisser of a gal,
I'll tell you.

My father regularly updates me
on the careers of various women

Who have climbed
the corporate ladder.

'Cause I want her to see
what women are capable of.

Is there anything wrong
with that?

Not so far as I can tell.

How was your veal?

And I'll tell you
something else ‐‐

It's not every father who sees
his daughter is capable

Of going out and laying waste
to the competition.

This little girl
is all of that.

I've seen her in action.

She's terrific.

Thank you, john.

I just wish she was playing
in a major‐league ballpark.

Well, she's in the manhattan
d. A.'S office.

That's a city job.
I mean, let's be honest.

Civil service at its best
is a backwash of modest talent

And stunted ambition.

Am I right, or am I right?

Daddy, did I not mention

That john is
a new york city detective?

That's great.

John, I don't know
your background.

Maybe the police department
is a stepping‐stone for you.

Maybe you're happy there.

I'm pretty happy there.

God bless you.

All I'm saying is that
with her intelligence

And the kind of connections that
she's able to capitalize on,

There's nowhere
she can't go.

Yeah, I'm doing
what I want to be doing.

Can we just leave it at that?

You told me you were gonna do
a 3‐year stint

At the d. A.'S office,
put it on your résumé,

And head for the high corn.

You've been there now 4 1/2
years and counting,

And I don't see any movement
in the direction

Of making good on that plan.

Now, what am I supposed to do ‐‐
keep my feelings to myself?

Oh, no, daddy.
Don't do that.

Naturally, everyone wants the
best for their children.

And I really have to
get going.

Aren't you gonna have
any coffee?

I have to be in court.

These are the toxicology reports
from your d. O. A.

They found a mixture of sodium
pentobarbital and dilantin.

Is that what k*lled her?

The note said they're dr*gs
used to euthanize dogs.

All right. We need to go
through the records

Of those residents again.

[ Door closes ]

Where did you go
this morning, amy?

I went to the gym.

How'd you get there?

So if I told you you were seen
getting into a pickup truck

Driven by an ex‐boyfriend
of yours, that would be wrong?

Um, okay, look, I did get
into a pickup truck

Driven by a former boyfriend.


But when I came back to the
apartment, I couldn't say that,

Because judith
was sitting there,

And I couldn't say it
in front of her.

And why was that?

Because she hates me
as it is,

And I don't like to give her
amm*nit*on to go after me with.

I lied right now
because I lied before, so...

You started seeing this guy?

No, I did not.

All right, amy.
We talked to richard.

We know about the truck.
We know about the building.

The truck I felt
like I owed him.

Based on what?

There was a time when I needed
help, and he was there for me,

At least, at first.

He got in touch with me
a few months ago.

He was broke.

He said that
if he had a truck,

He could start making
a living again.

I talked to hugh,

And I told him there was nothing
going on between us,

Because nothing was going on
between us.

He bought him the truck.

Was he gonna buy him
the building?

No, and I wasn't
gonna ask him to.

Why were you going to see it?
Just to go.

I was trying to be
a good friend,

Trying to be encouraging.

Maybe it was an accident
with the pillow?

You think I k*lled hugh?

I think maybe a part of you
wanted him out of the way.

No part of me wanted that.

You're 28 years old.
Your husband was 80.

You stood to make $500,000
if you divorced him

And $60 million if he d*ed ‐‐

That's a boatload of temptation
staring you in the face, kid.

How dare you.

Have I spoken out of turn?

You don't know
the first thing about me.

Fill us in.

I was run out on
by my father.

I was turned out
by my stepfather.

When I met hugh, I had been
abused by every man and woman

I had ever been involved with.

I was a strung‐out call girl,

And when a friend of his paid me
to go over to his apartment,

I took one look at that place,

And the only thing
I could think about

Was how I was gonna rob it.

Why didn't you?

Because I liked him.

The first few times I was with
him, he didn't want to have sex.

He just wanted to talk,
watch tv.

He would read to me
from these books ‐‐

Oliver wendell holmes,
ralph waldo emerson, e. B. White.

I didn't know who they were.

Half the time, I didn't know
what they were talking about,

But he would try
and explain it to me.

He eventually put me in rehab
and got me healthy,

And I fell in love
with him.

[ Sniffles ]

I don't really care
if you believe me or not,

Because the way
I feel right now,

I don't care
what you do to me.

But how dare you say
that I was tempted by money.

If I could still
have him with me,

I wouldn't trade it in for
all the money in the world.

She didn't do it, andy.


No, I mean it.
I really don't think she did.

How many times
you gonna take orders

From your little captain
down there?

That's not what I'm doing.
It's not, huh?

I stop and look at something
in the window ‐‐

Doesn't mean I'm gonna buy it.

What I say we do is we talk
to the brother.

The fact that the will
sets up a trust

Rather than gives him
the money outright

Tells you something's off.

Yeah, good idea.

I'd just rather not think we're
doing it on this girl's behalf.

Just part
of the investigation.

[ Door opens ]

Mr. Munson.

Someplace we can talk?

I'll be right back.


No, thanks.

I'd like to make
a proposition.

If it's not something
you're interested in,

I'm sure you'll say so.


I have some potential clients
coming in from hong kong

In a couple of weeks.

They're heavy gamblers,

And I know they want to go
down to atlantic city.

I just want to see if you're
available to watch out for them.

They need a bodyguard?

I don't know
that they need one.

It makes them feel important
to have one.

Well, it depends on what's going
on here at work

And how much time is required.

You give me as much or as
little time as you want.

I just want to tell you
that it pays $1,000 a day,

And the need for this comes up
with some regularity.

I'm definitely interested.

According to my daughter,
you're a heads‐up guy.

That's very nice of her
to say that.

Not to say that she hasn't
been wrong once or twice.

Haven't we all?

Anyway, I hope you think
about it.

I appreciate the offer.

Hey, boss, the blood work that
comes back on our d. O. A.

Shows a veterinary drug
was used to k*ll her.

That point to anybody?

Well, there's a resident
in the place who knew her,

Whose son's a veterinarian,

And, until she retired,
was a veterinarian herself.

Sounds like that's who you
ought to be looking at.

We were hoping to toss
her room.

It didn't take much to get
a warrant the first time,

We were hoping munson might be
willing to go for another one.

Call and ask her.

Since we broke a little bat

Over the d. O. A.'S daughter
using her influence,

We didn't want it to seem
like we were asking

Just to make a point.

Do you want me to ask?

It might be better
coming from you.


Jerry rasmussen?


We got a couple questions
for you.
About what?

Somebody seems to think you were
involved in an accident.

What kind of accident?

Just talk to us for a second, so
we can straighten it out, hmm?

Can get a bet down
on the 4 horse?

He ran at hamilton
a little while back,

And he came out of nowhere.

He got boxed in, and now
he's going off at 6 to 1.

He's running
from the outside.

Where were you this morning,

I was at my job.

Oh, which is what?

I sell advertising
at a radio station.

When's the last time you saw
your brother?


What happened to my brother?

Your brother's dead, jerry.

Hey, let's go.

Hey, why don't you
take it easy, pal?

Why don't we go over here,
so we can talk?

What kind of relationship did
you have with him?

Well, it had its problems.
Like what?

He tried to put me
through school,

And that didn't work out.

And then he tried
to get me started

In different
business ventures.

They didn't work out.

Probably thought I was a dope.
Can't say he's wrong.

But, through it all, I always
knew that if I ever needed him,

He'd be there.

Jerry, what can you tell us
about your brother's wife?

Well, some people don't
like her, but I do.

Who doesn't like her?

My brother's secretary

But, then, she didn't
like me much, either.

Why didn't she like her?

I think she was hoping that when
my brother's first wife d*ed

That she'd be next in line.

Well, what makes you
say that?

That was the only time
she was friendly with me.

After the funeral,
back at the house,

She had a whole different

Asking me what I was doing
and joking around with me.

I think she was trying
to show my brother

That she could be the lady
of the house

And take care of all the family
obligations for him.

How long after that did amy
come on the scene?

Less than a year.

Do you know if your brother
was at any time

Romantically involved
with judith?

I doubt it.

Why is that?
She worked for him.

My brother gave me a lecture
one time ‐‐

He said, "don't mix business
and personal."

That was way back when,

When he was trying to tell me
how to be a success.

Thanks, jerry.

We'll let you know
if we need anything.

[ Sighs ]

You still got 2 minutes
before the race.

That's all right.

I think I'm just
gonna go home.

Do you remember what time you
got up this morning, enid?

The same time I always get up ‐‐
a quarter to 6:00.

And what time did you go
to breakfast?

I didn't go to breakfast.

Why was that?
I don't enjoy it.

What don't you enjoy?

I don't enjoy sitting at the
table where I used to sit.

Why don't you sit
at another table?

I'm assigned
to table number 5,

And that's the table
I'm required to sit at.

Well, did you used to enjoy
sitting at table number 5?

Why did you stop sitting
at the table?

Because a certain
individual moved in

And was invited by another
individual to sit there,

And then this certain individual
proceeded to monopolize

The other individual's

And I chose not to be
a part of it.

It was olive rosenthal
who moved in?

I'd rather not say.

We need you to say.

Don't you think it's wrong
to come into a place

And change the way things are
just to suit yourself?

Where did you go last weekend,

To my son's.

And this is the son
who's a veterinarian?

How did you know that?

You were a veterinarian
yourself, weren't you, enid?

Yes, I was.

I bet at the time you went
to veterinarian school,

There were very few women
who did that.

I was one of two
in my class.

You know how to put
an animal down, enid.

We found the wrapping for the
syringe in your room, enid.

She was such a needy thing.

Wanted belle all to herself,

Acting helpless when she was
asked to do anything

Or go anywhere,

Unless belle was there
to hold her hand.

And you had to adjust
to that.

When I was 77 years old, I gave
up my veterinary practice,

And I adjusted to that.

And then I went to work
part time

For another veterinarian
until I was 81,

When I had to retire,
and I adjusted to that, too.

I moved in here
when I was 83,

Having given up the home I've
lived in for more than 50 years.

It wasn't easy...

But with belle as my friend,

I finally adjusted
to that, too.

I don't think it's right that
I'm forced to adjust again.

I've adjusted enough.

You wanted things
the way they were.

I can't have things
the way they were.

Isn't that
the damnedest thing?

I put that
silly old woman down,

And now belle won't even
talk to me.

[ Crying ]


Sipowicz: yeah, thanks.
I appreciate it.

[ Receiver clicks ]

That was the chief of
personnel's office.

I'm being retained on patrol
here at the 15th.


Yeah, all right, thanks.

Andy, that was a parking lot
in long island city.

I think we need to talk to the
old man's secretary again.


[ Clears throat ]

Are you mad at me?

I'm sorry.
I just had to get out of there.

He came by.

What do you mean?
Your father came by.

He asked if I wanted to do
some security work for him.

What did you say?

I said if we could work out the
time, then I'd be open to it.

You're kidding me, right?

What's wrong with that?

Do you not understand
what he was doing?

What was he doing?

He hires you.
It goes bad.

Now there's a problem
between you and me.

How do you know
it's gonna go bad?
I know my father.

Everything is about

Everything comes
with an agenda.

Okay, okay, I won't do it.

Which now he's gonna know
is because of me.

He's not gonna know.
I'll say it was because of work.

Next time,
will you do me a favor?

Will you just check
with me first?



What happened?
She went for it.

This is this enid woman?


I still want to go forward

With burglary charges
against eleanor.

You sure?

What do you mean, "am I sure?"
She stole.

I think this was mostly
a crime of opportunity.

Does that excuse it?

Puts it in perspective,

It does nothing of the kind.

My mother was vulnerable, and
she took advantage of that.

She took care of your mother.

Are you saying I didn't?

No. You needed help,
and you got eleanor to help you.

We talked to her, judge,

And I don't think there's any
doubt in either of our minds

That she did her best to make
your mother comfortable,

To keep her company.

So just let her go,
then, right?

It's up to you.

[ Crying ]

I think, probably, that's what
my mother would want me to do.

I think, probably,
you're right.

I thought you might be

In some of mr. Rasmussen's
accomplishments over the years.

Wow. You put that together?

Not the kind of thing
he would do for himself.

This is one of three cases

He argued in front of the
united states supreme court.

And this is him
with governor rockefeller,

With yitzhak shamir.

Quite a career.

Yes, it was quite
a career.

Judith, what time was it
you left your house this morning

To come into the city?

I said it was about 6:15,
I believe.

So the drive from flushing
to long island city

That time of day takes
about a half‐hour,

So that puts you there
about 6:45.

Can I ask why this is an issue
of such significance?

We set up a timeline
with everyone.

So I'm assuming you got
on the subway ‐‐

Where ‐‐ queensboro plaza?


So from there, it's one stop
to grand central.

I take it to 5th avenue,
transfer to the f‐train,

Which I take
to west 4th street.

Which gets you into the
rasmussen apartment around 7:30.

Which is when I said
I got there.

Problem is, we checked with the
parking lot in long island city.

Why would you have
done that?

It's what we do.

They have you parking
your car at 5:45,

Putting you in the city
at 6:30.

Well, I don't know that they're
correct about that.

No, they have a stamped
time card.

But even assuming
that they are,

I don't always keep perfect
track of the time.

I'm always punctual.
I think you do, judith.

I think you do keep perfect
track of the time.

So, you got there at 6:30

Because you had overheard amy
making arrangements

To get picked up
at that hour.

You saw her get into the truck
with her old boyfriend,

And you went up to the apartment
to deliver that news

Hot off the presses.

I don't know
why I would do that.

There's no gratitude given
the bearer of bad news.

With the wife running around on
him and you being loyal...

Yes, I was loyal.

You served him faithfully
for almost 30 years.

And I was well rewarded
for my service.

Just wasn't the reward
you were looking for.

No, mr. Rasmussen was
eminently fair with me.

Yeah, but he just married
somebody else.

As it was
his prerogative to do.

Somebody else to live in
that beautiful apartment,

While you commuted
from flushing,

Somebody else to travel with
him, to stay in great hotels,

To eat in fine restaurants,
somebody else to share his life.

And why was that, huh?

I mean, because she had
a great body?

She knew him less than a year,
and she got him to marry her,

And, still,
she was going out on him.

Who the hell was she
to get away with all that?

I don't blame her.

She's a whore,
and I mean that literally.

She's a woman
who takes money for sex.

But mr. Rasmussen, on the other
hand ‐‐ he knew better.

He knew what it meant
to be a decent person,

To recognize loyalty
and devotion and sacrifice,

And he refused to do that.

Instead, he let the base,
animal side of his nature

Brush me aside
in favor of what?

As you said, a great body.

Of course,
you told him all that.

I owed it to him
to tell him.

I owed it to him
to make him aware

That people
were laughing at him,

That she was laughing at him ‐‐

She and her boyfriend both.

But he didn't listen.

He told me that she was his
wife, and I had to accept that.

He didn't want me keeping
an eye on her

And reporting back to him.

He said it wasn't my business ‐‐
my business!

For almost 30 years,
my business was him!

Then he told me to take
the rest of the day off

And think about whether or not
I could be civil to amy ‐‐

To amy,
because if I couldn't,

Then he was gonna have to think
about making some changes.

[ Sighs ]

That's the way he put it ‐‐
"making some changes."

So I covered his face
with a pillow,

That small, toothless face,

And I held it there
until he stopped breathing.

I deserved better

Than to have mr. Rasmussen
speak to me like that.

I ‐‐ I really did.

[ Door opens ]

It was judith
who k*lled your husband.

I guess I should have seen
that coming.

Amy, so you know, your friend
richard was arrested

With a small amount of coke
in his truck.

He was ready to testify
against you

If there was a deal
to be made.

That also doesn't much
surprise me.

You got a lot of money now ‐‐
money of your own.

You'll probably want
to stay away

From people looking
to hustle you.

Are there any other kind?


I guess hugh was one, right?

There will be others.

Give it some time.

I've never done too well
being on my own.

Good luck.

Thank you, detective.

[ Exhales slowly ]

Where did everybody go?

Oh, I guess they headed over
to the ceremony.



[ Applause ]