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01x03 - Kiss

Posted: 05/02/22 09:23
by bunniefuu
-S Ep -

♪ Been rotating the same two outfits
For three years now ♪

♪ Waiting for some kind of inspiration
To make me feel like I'm my own person ♪

♪ But buying new clothes
Just makes me feel down ♪

♪ Having new style
Would cause me more attention ♪

♪ And I don't feel like
I'm my own person ♪

♪ I just feel like
Some other version of me ♪

♪ Been talking about the same problems
For years now ♪

♪ But nothing I do seems
To make things happen ♪

♪ I try too hard
Guess I gotta keep searching ♪

♪ Can't help but think I just stand out ♪

♪ No matter what I do it's bad
It's hurting ♪

♪ And I don't feel like
I'm my own person ♪

♪ I just feel like
Some other version of me ♪


All right?

- How's it?
- It's fine. Normal.

Pleased for you, mate.

So, uh, what's up?

- Here to talk about the party, mate.
- Party?

My sixteenth birthday party.

St. George's Hotel, this Saturday.
You're going to be there.

Uh... Yeah. Sounds good.

You'd better bring some
cool people with you.

You going to invite me?

Um, only if you're
cool enough, apparently.

Um, do you not think
I'm cool, Nick Nelson?

Fine, I... I guess I can invite you, Imogen.

Yeah. Yeah, definitely.

You know Tara Jones
is going to be there.

Mate, she is fit.

Nick is going to
have his pick of two girls.

Who's the other girl?

Imogen, obviously.
Everybody knows she fancies him.

Hey, what?

Oh, um... Nothing.
We're talking about Tara Jones.

- She's going to be at Harry's party.
- What about her?

Thought you might be interested, mate.

Didn't you have some
childhood romance with her?

We don't have a thing.

We just kissed at a party one time.

Yeah, three years ago.

Nick's got a thing with Imogen now?

No, no, I don't.

He has two proper fit girls
trying to get with him,

and he's not even bothered.

If you're not into Imogen,

then Saturday night's
your chance with Tara.

That's all I'm saying.

Yeah. Maybe.


Do you want to go to Harry's party?

With me.



I don't know. It doesn't sound like
my sort of thing.

Please come.

I want you to be there.


Pick up at : , okay?

Can't it be : ?

No, : is late enough.




Call me if you need me, okay?

I will. Thanks, Dad.

♪ 'Cause I think that I love you so ♪

♪ I know we only just met
So why do I feel invested? ♪

♪ And do you feel it too?
Do you feel it too? ♪

♪ I can be your best yet
Future favorite regret ♪

♪ I talk a lot
But we could fill your frames ♪

- Hey!
- Hey!

How are you?

Yeah? Great! Do you like my dress?


♪ Feel like miles ♪

♪ Where you go, I'll follow ♪

♪ I know we only just met
So why do I feel invested? ♪

♪ And do you feel it too?
Do you feel it too? ♪

♪ I can be your best yet
Future favorite regret ♪

♪ Do you feel it too?
Do you feel it too? ♪

- I've been looking for you.
- I've been looking for you.

Elle! Oh, my goodness.

Oh, it's been too long, my darling.

Hi, Yan.

Mum, she's here to see me.

Oh, but I've missed her so much.

- I want to hear everything.
- Mmm...

How are you doing, my love?
New school okay?

- Yeah, it's all really good.
- Good.


Okay, okay. In you come,
I'll put the kettle on.


I swear to God,
she loves you more than me.

- Lady Bird?
- No.


Moonlight's so sad,
I don't want to cry.

What about Arrival?

Oh, my God, that's even sadder.

Can't we just watch something funny?

- I thought we were having a film night.
- Yeah, a fun one.

I wanted it to be like old times.

Well, it's not old times anymore.


Just us then.

Just us.

I'm being serious.
I've never ever seen anyone.

I literally dragged my mum
to play Mario Kart...


All right, mate.

Why are you hanging out in here?
It's a bit boring, innit?

We just are.

I've got important news for you.

Yeah, what?

Tara Jones is here.


So what?

So this is your big second chance, mate.

Let's make it happen.

They kissed when they were .
Proper romantic.

He should go for it, right?

- Come on, mate.
- Harry.

Come on. She's just down the corridor.

I haven't talked to her for years.

So? She's super hot, man.

All right, ladies!

Hey, Tara, I've got someone
who wants to see you.

You remember Nick Nelson?

Uh... Yeah. Hi.

- Hi.
- How are you?

Charlie's changing.

What do you mean?

He's gone to rich-boy Harry's parties.

Last year he would have rather died
than go to one of those.

Well, I don't think he's there
to see Harry, to be honest.

Nick's stolen him.

That's a little dramatic.

It doesn't matter why he's there,

he should be with his actual friends.

I think Nick is his friend.

So you're on his side?

Tao, there aren't any sides.
Let's just stop talking about this.


Anyway, sorry about this.

I don't know why
my friends want to set us up.

Not that you're not, like, um, you know...

I don't really feel that way...

Nick, it's fine,
I don't feel that way about you either.


All of this could have
been avoided if I just...


Told everyone I was a lesbian.

Well, yeah, um,

but that's not something
you'd want to lie about.

Wouldn't be a lie.


Oh. You actually are?

There's my girlfriend over there.

- We've mostly been keeping it quiet.
- Yeah.

So why are you telling me?

Me and Darcy have been talking,

and honestly, we feel like we don't
need to keep it that quiet anymore.

You mean, like, come out?

Not necessarily.

Um, we don't want to make
a big announcement, but...

Maybe just not hide so much.

That's cool.

I mean, I've only ever met
one openly gay person before.

Do you know Charlie Spring?

Yeah, I know of Charlie Spring.
Uh, are you friends?

Yeah, we sit next to each other in form.

He's probably...

Yeah, he probably is
my best friend right now.


Want to dance?

Yes, please.

Got to go.

Hey, look who's by himself.
Nick! Where you going?

I'm going to go find Charlie.

What, that nerdy little Year ?

Why do you even hang out with him?

- He's my friend.
- But why?

Do you feel sorry for him 'cause he's gay?


Oh, my God, no, wait, wait.

Do you think he has a crush on you?

Oh, my God, how sad.

That's h*m*, Harry.

Come on, mate.

And I really don't like you.

Happy birthday.

Sorry I made tonight weird.

- You didn't.
- I did.

I just miss how things used to be.

With the four of us.


Well, sometimes change is a good thing.


That's true.

And Harry's party
probably isn't even that bad.

Some of my friends said that
they were going.

- Friends from Higgs?
- Yeah.

- You made some friends?
- Yeah, you jealous?

No, no. I'm happy for you.

I was really scared
no one would like me, so...

I didn't even try
talking to people at first.

But then I realized I actually needed to
put myself out there or I'd just be alone.

So I think I'm going to be okay there.

At Higgs.

That's a good change, right?

Yeah. It's a good change.




Look, I'm sorry about what happened.

- Have you finished sulking about it?
- Leave me alone.

- Oh, come on.
- Do not touch me!

I miss you guys though.


We miss you a lot too.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

I kept buying your apple juice.


I kept accidentally buying your
apple juice at the start of term.

Tao, that's so dumb.

I know.

Can we promise that no matter what happens

we'll always prioritize our friendship?

Sounds a bit dramatic.

No, I'm serious.

Like, no matter what changes,
we always put our friendship first.

We'll still go bowling
and watch creepy documentaries,

and stay up to watch the Oscars.

And we'll always be able
to talk about deep stuff. Like this.


♪ You'll meet me halfway ♪

♪ Whenever I feel it coming on
You can be well aware ♪

♪ If ever I try to push away
You can just keep me there ♪

♪ So please say you'll meet me ♪


Come dance with me!

I can't dance.

I don't care.

♪ Tied to the shifting ground ♪

♪ Like it always was ♪

Sorry, I have to go.

I was just looking for someone.

No, stay with me!

I want to hang out with you.

Do you like me?


I really like you, Nick.

You don't have to reply right now,
I just wanted you to know.

Okay. Um...

I'm going to find my friend.

♪ Every open eye ♪

♪ Holding on tightly to the sides
Never quite learning why ♪

♪ Whenever I feel it coming on
You can be well aware ♪

♪ If ever I try to push away
You can just keep me, tell me ♪

♪ Tell me, tell me you'll meet me ♪

♪ Tell me, tell me you'll keep me ♪

♪ Tell me, tell me you'll meet me ♪

♪ Will you meet me more than halfway up? ♪

♪ Shaped ♪

♪ By clearest blue ♪

♪ Shaped ♪

♪ By clearest blue ♪

♪ Shaped ♪

♪ By clearest... ♪



You left.

Sorry, I...

I felt like I was in the way.

And your Year friends
are kind of intimidating.


I don't know if I want to hang out
with those guys anymore.

I'd rather hang out with you, anyway.

So, I just ran into Ben.



I mean... I dealt with it.

He tried to, like,
apologize for what happened,

but I pushed him into a wall
and told him to go away.

I think he got the message this time.

- I'm so proud!
- Shut up.

It's kind of noisy in here, isn't it?


Shall we go somewhere quieter?


Come on.

You want to race?

You want to race me?

- No, no, no.
- You want to race?

Come on!

Wait, stop!

You're going too fast!

Slow down!

Come on!

♪ You and I, there's air in between ♪

♪ Leave me be
I'm exhaling ♪

I'm dying!

It's 'cause you're old.


- Yeah.
- How did Harry hire this entire place?

Oh, he's, like, extremely rich.

He should have gone on My Super Sweet .

So he could cry when his parents got him
the wrong color Lamborghini.



Was Harry being serious?

Do you like Tara?

What? No! No, definitely not.


So you don't have
a crush on anyone at the moment?


I didn't say that.


What's she like then?

You're just going to assume
they're a "she"?

Are they...

Are they not a girl?


Would you go out with someone
who wasn't a girl?

I don't know.


Would you kiss someone who wasn't a girl?

I don't know.

Would you kiss me?


You okay?


Nick, are you up here?

I just want to talk, mate.

Why are you hiding?

And like, it's all just banter, isn't it?

I mean, the lads can see it's banter.

You can see it's banter.

There's no need to start anything,

just 'cause you're in a bad mood
at my party.


Guess I was just in a mood.

Yeah. Exactly.

So we're good?


Just going to go find the loo.



Hey, you okay?

It's okay.

It's okay.

It's okay. I've got you.

I got you.

Everything's going to be okay.

Would you kiss me?


Can you get the door please?

It's probably the postman.

Fine, one sec.

