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02x19 - Dead Presidents

Posted: 05/02/22 16:43
by bunniefuu
In the nation's largest city,

the vicious and violent
members of the underworld

are hunted by the detectives

of the Organized Crime Control Bureau.

These are their stories.

I'm making Stabler my
official number two.

I want somebody I can trust at the top.

He's that someone.

This kind of thing didn't
happen before he showed up.

Somebody stole from me.

I had the g*ns hidden in a crate of art.

Okay, we'll take the job.

You gotta give them something.


I got five kids.

If it were me, I'd let the world burn

to protect any one of them.

My father received the Combat Cross.

I want to know about the
circumstances surrounding this.

You better learn how
to let go of the past

or you're never gonna be free of it.

- Where's Donnelly?
- He missed the meet.

This new supply chain
of yours, it sucks.

Maybe from now on, you deal with me.



She don't even want to
leave me on read, bro.

I told you, quit that chick.
She playing you.

In fact...

Whoa, whoa, whoa. What you doing?

I'm doing you a favor, bro.

"Delete contact?" Yes, please.

- What?
- And there you go.

Now I don't gotta hear about how long

it's taking her to
text your dumb ass back.

Oh, it's like that, huh?


I don't see anything.

[g*ns COCK]


Yeah, I was targeted.

One of my best soldiers was k*lled.

Chongo was loyal as they come, man.

Had another one, he managed
to escape with his life,

but he couldn't ID the sh**t.

But I'ma deal with him later.

Where's the body?

You don't need to concern
yourself with that.

So then what is it exactly

that I should concern myself with?

You said, uh...

well, you suggested
that I deal with you.

I did.

The first thought came to mind was,

I don't know this cat.

And he damn sure doesn't
know me well enough

to tell me who I deal with.

I mean, there was a time
when a suggestion like that

would have made me just
squeeze the trigger.

Well, I sure hope you
had a second thought.

You tell me why. Huh?

Why should I deal with
you instead of Donnelly?

'Cause you're a businessman, Mr. Webb.

You like to close deals
like I like to close cases.

No holes. Airtight.

You use people on the street
to help you seal the deal.

I rely on the street
to tell me what's what.

But you and I, we're
smart enough to know

that the street will
only take you so far.


The street sometimes doesn't
stand up to cross-examination.


And that's why you use the
Brotherhood every now and then.

But the first rule of
cross-examinations is,

never ask a question you don't
already know the answer to.

And with Donnelly, you never
know what the answer is.

With me you do.

Let's go for a ride.

See that house right there?

Kind of hard to miss.

It belongs to a guy
named, uh, Rutger Ulrich.

He handles sensitive
financial transactions

for people in certain lines of work.

Sensitive financial transactions?

- Consider him a... a banker.
- Uh-huh.

For people who can't
use traditional banks.

Money launderer.

My friends in the banking community

tell me that he cleans cash

for people all around the world.

- Oh.
- Cartels, arms dealers, insider traders.

- You.
- No.


But a couple of very reliable CIs

tell me that whoever
stole from me last night

has already placed my money with him.

But these reliable sources don't know

who stole your money?

We'll discuss retribution later.

All right. What'd they take?

A million, cash. But
it ain't about the cash.

I have a reputation to uphold.

What do you want me to do about it?

I want you to steal it back.


How many times do we have to
keep having this conversation?

As many as it takes until you
give me one concrete reason

why I should turn it down.

Because it's Kilbride's old law firm.

End of story.

Taking this job can change
the trajectory of my career,

our life, the things
that we can do for Jack.

We are investigating Kilbride, okay?

Have been for months.

- For what?
- I can't get into the specifics,

but he is directly
linked to organized crime.

Kilbride is just a figurehead.

I wouldn't be working for him.

But you'd be under his influence,

no matter how much distance
you put between the two of you.

Baby, I know this is a great firm,

but it is not the only one.

But it's the one that wants me.

And I want to go where I am wanted.


Look, Friday, I'll come home early.

I'll take care of Jack.

Whatever it is you need

so you can have some time to yourself.

You can do a deep dive.

Find some better options.

There are plenty of firms
out there who would want you.

I gotta go.

Rutger Ulrich.

Born in Stockholm to a Swiss
mother and a German father.

Speaks six languages,
graduated top of his class

at the London School of Economics

and Harvard Business School.

Shot up the ranks at Stalder Bank.

I remember seeing something
about this guy on CNN.

- Isn't he legit?
- According to this report

by the U.S. Department of Treasury's

Financial Crimes Enforcement Network,

over $ million in transactions

during his time at Stalder Bank

have been flagged by
internal compliance officers

as possible money laundering.

So much for being legit.

This guy makes organized crime possible.

Without his currency conversion
pipeline, they can't exist.

Look, the rumors I've heard,

he personally keeps La
Familia Cartel afloat.

There's a river of dirty money

flowing through that place.

His Upper West Side townhouse

is, like, a bona fide
bank for criminals.

- This is a risky operation.
- Mm-hmm.

I can give you a long
list of potential problems.

Look, I get it,

but I still think it's worth it.

We get to take down Webb
and one of the world's

biggest money launderers.

That would be a big get for all of us.

[SIGHS] Okay.

Rutger Ulrich.

The Fort Knox for organized crime.

I'll make a call upstairs.

You set things in motion. Let's do this.

Please come see us at Ezekiel Baptist

on Sunday, ma'am. Just down the block.

We'll have volunteers
there serving warm meals

and giving out free supplies.


All right.

I'll be right back. All right?

What are you doing here?

What you asked me to do.

Did you get my text? I
told you I changed my mind.

Nah, it's too late for that.

You already put things in motion.

And once they in motion,
they stayin' in motion.

- You got my money?
- Look, I don't want it.

I'm not gonna ask you again.


Is that enough?

God is good.

Where's your pride and joy?

Uh, getting detailed.
I needed this, man.

You know, I haven't
been drinking 'cause...

[SNIFFS] Trying to have
solidarity with, uh, Bridget.

- Nice of you.
- You know, she's breastfeeding and stuff.

Two whole days without a drink, man.

I don't know how you're doing it.

So how is it? Fatherhood
for the sixth time.

It's great, man. It really is.

You know?

It's true what they
say, older and wiser.

Should have had my head
examined having a kid at .


But those late-night
feedings gotta be hard, huh?

Oh, yeah. For Bridget.

I'm sleeping in the other room.


You're a piece of work, my man.


So I want to talk to
you about something.

You didn't come by just to swap

- child-rearing tips?
- Ah, no.

So Webb reached out to
me with a job for us.

For us. He reached out to you?

Yeah, and I'm trying to keep
everything above board here.

I don't want anything to come between

what we got going on here.


And what do we got going on here?

Frank, it's your show.
You call the sh*ts.

He reached out to you,
not the other way around?

I tell you what, don't
take my word for it.

Why don't you just call him yourself.

I'm just asking.

No, I know what you're asking.

And by the way, it doesn't matter to me

who reached out to who, okay?

It's about making money, Frank.



Right. What's the job?

He got robbed.

He thinks his cash is in the hands

of, uh, this money launderer
by the name of Ulrich.

What's in it for us?

Well, Webb wants his cash back.

Everything on the top is ours.

My two cents, it's too risky.

You know, who knows how
much is actually there.

It's a lot of work
for an unknown result.

I mean, Webb's gonna bristle a bit,

but in the end, he'll just
send his MKs to hit the place.

Right, but we split everything on top?

That's what he said.

That could be a huge haul, man.

A guy like Ulrich, huge.



Let's go rob the Swedish prick.

Consider it an investment.

You know, don't you
rich folks always say

you gotta spend money to make money?

I'm not making any money. I'm
just getting my money back.

Well, that's true.

Look, I'm not telling you
anything you don't know,

but gaining access to Ulrich's place

is no small feat. This
is not a smash and grab

that you're just gonna give
to one of your MK people.

And that's no disrespect to you.

It's why you called me and Frank.

That's why I called you.


So what are we talking?
How much you need?

$ million.


You gotta make it worth his while.

You want your money?

That's gonna get us in.

Check, check.


- Wi-Fi?
- Not a problem.

Can I help you?

Yeah, we're here to see Mr. Ulrich.

- Who the hell are you?
- New clients.

I don't know anything
about any new clients.

- Get lost.
- No...

You want to get that shot off?

I'm, uh... I'm trying to
save your ass here, pal.

'Cause if your boss
finds out that you passed

on what's in these bags,
he ain't gonna be too happy.

Stay here.


Drop the bags.

Put your arms up.

You know anyone who carries
bags of cash and doesn't carry?

Open the bags.

Please. Open them.

If I had to guess, in
the ballpark of a million.

Exactly the ballpark.

Pass. No thank you. Show them out.

- Mr. Ulrich...
- Don't speak.

You show up at my house, unannounced,

with $ million in cash
like I'm a dry cleaner.

What do you expect me to say?


I'll have it ready by Friday? No starch?

[SCOFFS] You insult me.

Get out of my house.

Don't you want to know
where the money's from?

- Of course I do.
- Preston Webb.

- You're lying.
- I'm not lying. He's a big admirer,

and he wants to be in business with you.

And in fact, this is just a fraction

of what he can deliver
to you every month.


- Preston Webb.
- Hey, Mr. Webb.

Mr. Webb, this is Rutger Ulrich.

It's a pleasure to speak with you, sir.

You as well, Mr. Ulrich.

I have nothing but respect
for you and your bank.

I'm sorry to have my men
show up with no notice,

but I just need to know
if you can improvise.

I understand.

So what do you say
to a little trial run?

I think I'd be amenable to that.

Okay. Good man. We'll be speaking soon.

Gentlemen, follow me.

Wow, look at this place. Huh.

What's this, your, uh... your office?

You can leave the money here.

Uh, doesn't seem, uh, very secure.

I assure you, Mr. Webb's money
is well-protected.

Okay, he's surveying the room for us.

Something doesn't seem right.

Jet, pull up those blueprints.

Blueprints say the room
they're in is x .

[SCOFFS] That can't be the same room.

It's maybe x .

Ulrich keeps the money
in a concealment room.

Gentlemen, I appreciate
your visit today.

I must be leaving.

Please extend my gratitude
once again to Mr. Webb.

I look forward to a long
and lucrative relationship.

You see, according to this,
Ulrich's office is x .

- And I say it's half that size.
- Yeah, at most.

He's got a concealment room.
It's big enough to have a safe.

How do you plan to get it open?

I got someone. Name's Malachi.

He's an underground hacker.

He built these untraceable
cell phones for the Albanians.

Didn't the Albanians go down?

Yeah, they went down,

but he had nothing to do with that.

Look, trust me. He's a savant.
He can break into anything.

All right, so listen, we go tonight.

All right? It's all hands on deck.

- Carling, Parnell?
- We sit outside.

And once the SUV moves,

we tail it to the final destination,

radio back when Ulrich leaves.

Comm systems?

I got a secure, private,
Bluetooth network set up for us.

- And Ulrich?
- eHe's got a dinner
meeting from : to : .

All right, guys, this is huge.

In and out. No room for error.

Bring them up.

- L'chaim.

- Take it down.
- ALL: Take it down.


Ooh, Elvis has left the building.

Malachi, are you in position?


Malachi, do you read me?

Hey, it's me.

Are... are you there?


I told you this was a bad idea.

I'm here, I'm here.

- or whatever. Sorry.

I just had to go hurl into a trash can.

- I'm fine.
- You'll be fine.

Stabler will be with
you the entire time.

He's not gonna let
anything happen to you.

Okay, your boy's up.

Malachi, make us invisible.


Okay. You guys are ghosts.

I took care of the alarm and the locks.

Oh, here we go.

Psst. Hey, got it.

Yeah, we're in business, boys.

Come on, kid. You're up. Let's go.

All right, I spent the last twelve hours

trying to figure out
how to hack this thing.

And sadly, these things
are not gonna work.

Safety first.

Is he serious right now?

I thought you said you had this.

I do.

Do you want this thing opened or not?


The target has landed and is seated

- at the restaurant.
- Copy that.


Boss, are you seeing this?

Is that Ulrich's security guard?

Jesus, that's him.

Jet, override Malachi's signal jammer

and reconnect the alarm.

Why didn't I think of that?

- Front door opened.

Shh, shh, shh.


Alarm disabled.




bucks. Some kind of sick joke.

- Chump change and a watch?
- Yep.

The only ones who knew about this

were us, the Brotherhood, and Webb.

And Webb's not gonna steal his own money

back from under you after
sending you in there with a mill.

Donnelly was with me the
whole time we were planning it.

And the rest of the Brotherhood,

there's no way they
could have pulled off

an operation like this.

Maybe Ulrich moved it.

- To a different location?
- Or laundered it.

$ million?

I don't even think Ulrich

could clean the money that fast.

[SIGHS] You think he's onto us?

There wasn't a mark on that safe

until Malachi got ahold of it.

He said no one hacked into it.

So whoever opened it had the code.

All right, we'll keep exploring that.

Where's Donnelly now?

He and I are laying low.

That's not a plan.

Jet, what do you got?

I pulled security video
from Ulrich's neighbors.

I rolled back to three hours
before you guys went in.

Found this.


Can't run him through facial rec.

What the hell's going on?

Inside job?

Is that how Ulrich moves his money?

Whatever it is, they were in and out

- in under four minutes.
- Can you grab the plate?

Cho, sending you a license number.

Got it. Running it now.

If that van was stolen,
the plate is probably fake.

Okay, rewind.

No good. Plate's not registered.

Nothing comes up.

Put out a city-wide BOLO on that plate.

It's a pleasure to have you guys here.

You know, don't hesitate
to reach out to me.

We need to talk.

Now, I'm so sorry for the interruption.

I promise, I will be right with you.

Just give me a moment.

What is wrong with you?

- Where is it?
- Where is what?

The g*n, Derrick. Where is it?

What are you talking about?

You think a pastor
goes out on the streets,

buys a g*n, and I don't hear about it?

Carmen, this isn't the place.

Don't give me that crap about us being

in the house of worship.

You bought a g*n.

And are apparently
prepared to commit m*rder.

You still gonna hide behind religion?

What was your plan?

You were just gonna walk
up to the most connected

and dangerous man in
the city and sh**t him?

- I don't know.
- You don't know.

Carmen, the man k*lled our father.

- I never should have told you.
- But you did.

Derrick, you have no
idea what you're getting

yourself into with this man.

- I don't care.
- I do!

About what happens to you.

You're all I have left.

You think I haven't thought
about putting a b*llet

in that man's head?

I dream about it every day.

And believe me, I've had plenty
of opportunities to do it.

But that is not how I want this to end.


We lost Dad.

I can't bear the thought of losing you.

I do not want to walk through this world

without you in it.

So you have go to let me do this my way.

The right way. Do you hear me?

I hear you.

I do.

I hear you.

Good. I want the g*n.

I don't have it.

What do you mean you don't have it?

I told the guy I changed my mind.

What, that word didn't
reach your streets yet?

See? I called it off.

What, you want to frisk me?

You want to search my office?

I'll let you get back to it.

Those people need you.



The BOLO paid off.

The van was found abandoned
in a ditch off of Henry Hudson.

The plates were fake, but
unis found a VIN number

on the engine block.

It's registered to Economy Rental Vans.

Call the DA's office.

Get a subpoena for the
credit card records.

You got it.

It's a safe bet the credit card records

come back to one Raymond Moss.

Who's Raymond Moss?

The owner of the print they
pulled off the GPS screen.

And what do we know about Mr. Moss?


On parole for burglary .

Last known, an apartment
in Long Island City.

I'll call Stabler.


Raymond Moss? Police! Open up!



- sh**t on the roof!
- sh*ts fired!

Bravo's in, Bravo team in position!

- Police, don't move.
- [g*nsh*t]


I'm gonna be blunt, Mr. Moss.

It's not looking very good for you.

But I might be able to overlook the fact

that you almost blew my head off

if you give me a name.

Give me a name, Raymond.

Who hired you to go in Ulrich's house

and take the money?

I'm not saying a damn thing.

Was it one of Ulrich's guys?

Security guard let
you in the front door?


- Raymond, give me a name.
- Nurse!

I want a lawyer, you hear me?

She's my witness.

Can you tell her to get
the hell out of my room?

Okay. I'm leaving.

But you should have k*lled me, Raymond.

'Cause I'm gonna make
sure you spend the rest

of your natural-born life behind bars.


No good. He's not talking.

Attempted m*rder of a police officer,

and he's staying quiet.

I don't know.

I guess he's more afraid
of the person who hired him

than he is of going to prison.


Everything all right?

The van that was used in the robbery

- was a rental.
- Yeah, you told me that.

Well, the credit card information

from the rental company came back.


Says it was rented by you.

Someone's setting me up.


- I'm being set up, Frank.
- What do you mean?

Those guys who hit Ulrich's place?

- Yeah?
- They rented a van with my credit card.

- How's that even possible?
- I don't know.

But they used my credit card number.

Now someone is trying to trace
this whole thing back to me.

They trace it back to you,
they trace it back to me,

and Webb's gonna think we
were both in this together.

You know what he's gonna do?

He'll k*ll us both. [SIGHS]

So what do we do?

What do you want to do?

Well, we gotta deal with this head-on.

You're right.

We gotta k*ll him first.

No, we gotta go to him
before he comes to us.

- Bad idea.
- Why is that a bad idea?

Okay, because we convinced this guy

to give us another million dollars

on top of the other
losses he already had.

He's gonna want restitution.

You got a million dollars lying around?

- No, I don't have a million dollars.
- Neither do I. No.

You go to that meeting,
you come out in a body bag.

We can't keep dodging him, Frank.


Yes, we can.

Till we find his money.

I've been trying to reach you.

- Where the hell you been?

Well, look, there's no
easy way to say this.

Um, we had complications.

Well, I pay you and your, uh, fellow
officers to avoid complications.

Either you have my money

or you about to tell me where it is.

I got neither for you.

But I'm on the road to
finding it and getting it.

Better be a short road.


Somebody robbed Ulrich's
place before we got there.

That is the third time
I have been robbed.

I have never been this unlucky.

Mr. Webb, I'd never double-cross you.

Money turns men into fools.

And liars.

Okay, so how about this,

the guys who ripped you
off, they rented a van

using my credit card number.

Now, does that sound
like something I'd do?

Maybe that's exactly
what you want me to think.

My patience will expire.

But you never know when it does.




Uh, food. Um, I got you food.

Um... are you hungry?

I'll watch you eat.

We don't have to talk about it

if you don't want to, you know?

I know.

I mean, it's a significant thing

to sh**t another human being.

It's not like a computer game.

It's for real. With real consequences.

But it's your job, and you do it well.

I thought we weren't talking about it.

When we first met,

I wasn't the biggest
fan of law enforcement.

[CHUCKLES] That's an understatement.

But you changed that.

Your passion for this.

You believe in this,
in the rightness of it,

and you made me believe too.

I... I guess...

what I'm trying to say is
that if there's a part of you

that needs to process what happened,

to talk about the events,

I don't know, to
dissect your feelings...


I don't think it's hit me yet.


Well, when it does...

I'm here.

Babe, I'm home.

Jack has been fed.

And I put him down a half hour ago,

so he should sleep through the night.

Babe, I'm so sorry

I haven't been able
to help out with Jack.

- I know I said I'd be here.
- But you weren't.

- Look, I've gotta go.
- Where are you going?

I have to meet someone.

Now? Who are you meeting?

My new boss.

I took the job, Ayanna. I start Monday.

Babe, we talked about this.

I'm sorry, I've sacrificed
enough for this relationship.

You're overreacting about me
working at Kilbride's firm.

If anyone ever asks me
to do anything sketchy

or makes me feel
uncomfortable, I'll walk.

But I'm taking this job.



Good times. [CHUCKLES]

Those were definitely the good times.

What the hell happened to them? Huh?


How long were you and my pop partners?

Too long.

- Not long enough.
- Yeah?

- You've never seen this, have you?
- No.

Mom just had them in
a box all these years.

- So how is Bernie?
- She's good.

Thanks for asking. She's good.

- Tell her hello from me.
- I will.

And then you can tell me why
you're really here, Elliot.

You're still a detective, you know.

You want to talk about your old man?

I want to talk about the Combat Cross.

What's there to talk about?


and this is not easy for me to say,

and I mean no disrespect, Gus,

but I'm hearing that
the sh**ting was staged.

What the hell does that mean, staged?

Who the hell told you that?

Frank Donnelly.

- Frank Donnelly?
- Yeah.

Is that Jack Donnelly's kid?

Yeah. I'm working with him now.

Jack Donnelly was a scumbag.


He told me Pop took a b*llet to the leg

to justify the wrongful
sh**ting of a suspect.

He said you were the sh**t, Gus.

I'm gonna only say this once.

That was a good sh**t.

We ex*cuted the warrant,

the perp shot your dad, I shot the perp.

You understand?

I understand.

Your father was a good cop.

And he earned that Combat Cross.

Like I said, I meant no disrespect, Gus.

I appreciate your time.

Great to see you. Take care of yourself.

You too.