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19x19 - The Brat Pack

Posted: 05/03/22 07:46
by bunniefuu
Flight getting canceled
was not my fault.

So you say.

Cynthia, I didn't create
a tropical depression

over the Gulf of Mexico.

Maybe you manifested it.

You would do anything
to get out of spending

a week with my mother.

I love your mother.


Oh, no, not again.

Lucas, did you close all the windows

before we left, like I asked?

Of course, dear.

Well, then how did
the neighbor's cat get in again?

Oh, my God.

Nana's vase.

That is it.

- Where are you going?
- I am going

full Karen on the neighbors!

They need to leash that furball!

We don't have proof
that it was the Nelsons' cat.

Yes, we do.

See? It sensed motion
right before we came in.

It's that damn cat.

Babe, that's not a cat.

Oh, my God, somebody was in our house.

LUCAS: Cynthia,
I didn't create a tropical depression

over the Gulf of Mexico.

CYNTHIA: Maybe you manifested it.

You would do anything
to get out of spending

a week with my mother.

LUCAS: I love your mother.

[WHISPERS]: He still is.

CYNTHIA: Oh, no, not again.

♪ ♪

Well, I got to say,
today was a pretty good day.

Yeah, no murders. No one missing.

I got to re-sand my Zen garden,
which was looking not so Zen.

Hey, I say we slip out early.
I got big plans.

Sounds good. I've got plans, too.

Oh, you go first. What you got?

KNIGHT: Well, I plan on
being in bed by : .

Kasie and I got these Halo Views

that give you a nightly sleep score.

And Kasie got a the other night.

And I plan on getting a .

Wow. How incredibly exciting.

I have someplace to be as well.

Let me guess...

In bed by :

and you're going for a ?

No. Delilah and I have a meeting
at Morgan's preschool.

Is everything okay?

Yes and no.

See, Morgan's been insisting
on wearing a, uh,

princess dress to school
every single day.

Well, that's adorable.

You know, when I was her age,

I wore a mask

and carried a spatula everywhere.

I made my mom call me Zorro.

I turned out just fine.

- That's debatable.
- Come on.

But, seriously, a cute little

princess dress...
That's harmless enough, yeah?

Well, the school's saying
that there's peer issues,

and, you know, I don't want
her getting picked on.

Wait, but didn't you used to wear

a magician outfit all the
time when you were a kid?

Yeah, and I got picked on.

I bet you looked good in a top hat.

Thank you. But we were
on my father's O- salary,

so top hats were

kind of a luxury.

Maybe you're overreacting?

You sound like Delilah.

She thinks that Morgan's
just going through a phase.

I'm Team Delilah on this.

Yeah, me, too. I mean,
let Morgan have some fun.


Whoa. Where's everybody going?

Well, um... Knight's going to sleep,

I'm going to a concert, and McGee is...

he's being McGee.

Any plans tonight, Parker?

Yeah. In Norfolk.

- What's in Norfolk?
- The four of us,

investigating a break-in
on base housing.


It all happened so fast.



No! Lucas!


- You know what? You're lucky.
- Yeah.

We could've been k*lled.

- Anything taken?
- Uh, no.

Anyone know you're supposed
to be out of town?

Command knew that I was taking leave.

But I'm not surprised this happened.

I've heard there's been a
string of break-ins on base lately.

Well, not just lately.

There's one happening right now.

That was Torres.
He's with base security.

They just got a report of a
suspicious man entering a home.

- Where?
- Two minutes from here.

McGee's on his way there now.

You want to go open
a can of whup-ass on this guy?

Works for me.

All right, we'll be in touch.


What do we know, McGee?

MCGEE: Neighbors haven't seen
anyone come out.

I got the back.

Suspect could still be inside.

Assume he's armed.

In position.

We got the front.

Door's open.




What was that?


It's coming from the basement.

That's fresh blood.







Five-O! Run!


Stop! No one's going anywhere.


I'm just saying,

who breaks into somebody's
house to have a party?

I never did anything like that
when I lived on base.

And where were those kids' parents?

And it took forever, man.

I was at security
until : in the morning,

waiting for these brats
to get picked up.

I'm jealous. We were processing
vomit at Casa Party.

I'm a federal agent, man.

I'm not a babysitter.

JIMMY: Hey. Good news.

The blood you found on the carpet...

Rhinovirus DNA confirms

that it was a nosebleed.

You know, kids...

Notoriously thin capillaries.


I don't know how you
guys can be so grumpy.

We have free breakfast right here.

I got a sleep score of last night.

and I'm gonna need more than a babka

to make up for missing
my first concert in two years.

Yeah, and I missed
my parent-teacher conference,

so Delilah let Morgan wear
the dress again.

God, is that where this is headed?

One day, your daughter's
wearing her princess dress,

won't take it off. Next day,

she's committing felony trespassing?

Okay, yeah, grumpy it is.

PARKER: We got bigger problems

than a dress right now anyway.

Not that your home situation

- isn't important.
- But...

I just spoke
to the Norfolk base commander.

There's been six break-ins
in the last three months.

And why is this our problem
and not base security's?

Because the doors at Norfolk
unlock via QR codes

that refresh every minutes.

The only way
to get into a resident's home

is either break in

or with one of those codes.

And there were no signs of a break-in.

Which means what?

To be honest, I didn't hear
anything after "QR codes."

It means that someone
hacked into the base's

central security system
and generated fake codes.

That's a pretty serious security breach.

And pretty impressive
for a bunch of teenagers.

We need to get them in here

and find out how they hacked the system

before the base's security is breached

for something far worse
than a house party.

Start with that kid on the nanny cam.

Thanks for bringing him in,
Mrs. Richter.

Of course. We've got nothing to hide.

Noah's a good kid.

More of a follower, though.

I'm sure he just got swept up

in whatever the cool kids were doing.


please answer the question
with something

- other than a grunt.
- Huh.

It was a party. Not like we hurt anyone.

None of your friends hurt anyone.

But you did.

You're on video,
attacking a petty officer.

That's not me.

You are literally still wearing
the same sweatshirt.

For the record, none
of the, uh, cool kids

committed felony as*ault.

That little...

Excuse me. [CHUCKLES]

Should I go get her?

No, no, no, no. Let her go. Let her go.

- Noah Patrick Henry Richter,

you better sit up straight
and put that listening cap on!

- Yes, ma'am.
- I will take your phone,

sell your laptop and
melt your PlayStation

unless you tell me everything!

- The parties were my idea.
- What?!

We need to bring in
suspects' parents more often.

[LAUGHING] Good cop, mom cop.

We were just trying to have some fun.

What kind of fun

were you having in the
Monizes' house alone?

I was pre-scouting
for the party that night.

How did you get the QR codes
to enter the houses?

I found, um...

a backdoor channel
and hacked into the multi-net.

Son, I love you,

but you're not even smart enough

to take off the clothes
you committed a crime in.

You've been wearing the
same hoodie for a week.

Oh, my God. That ishow it starts.

You couldn't hack a thing.

Who are you covering for, Noah?

No one.

It's that girl, isn't it?

What girl?

Teagan something.

He's been in love with her
since the moment

she moved in three months ago.

We've got a Teagan Fields
in the conference room.

She was supposed to be
at a sleepover last night

when she snuck out for the party.

Still waiting
for her guardians to arrive.

All right. Let's go introduce ourselves.

Teagan. Hi.

I'm Agent McGee.

Can I go now?

Um, we can only release you
to a parent or a guardian.

Because your mom is on deployment,

your uncle is on the way.

So I'm stuck here.


And my phone's at three percent.

Just k*ll me now.

Or we could just get you a charger.

Finally. A useful adult.

After you tell us about the parties.

So, a few of us base kids
hung out in some empty houses.

- Sue us.
- Funny,

the residents might do just that.

Your boyfriend Noah
said that you were the one

that hacked into
the keyless entry system.

Ew. Noah's not my boyfriend.

No? Then why did he cover for you?

He likes me.

He's sweet, but kind of mid, you know?

This is my boyfriend. Jayden.

He's valid.


So, um, Teagan, hacking into the, uh,

base server, that's, uh,
that's pretty impressive.

JavaScript or Python?

Neither. C programming all the way.

Yeah, you don't find that
too restrictive?

Python and Java may seem easier, but

only 'cause they hide their complexities
from the Luddite users.


I'm-a go get that charger.

Teagan, how long you been a hacker?

I prefer "open source developer."

And as long as I've
been a m*llitary brat.

Seven schools in four years.

in six for me.

Got me b*at.


It was, uh,

it was my father's world,
I was just living in it.

For me, it's my mom.
I'm pretty much invisible.

I was always, uh, jealous of those kids

that didn't have to move around a lot.

Yeah. Must be nice.


we really need to know how you hacked

into the base's central security system.

I used a backdoor-embedding algorithm

to bypass the detection subroutine

in the keyless entry app's code.

You exploited a flaw in the system.

I can open almost any door on base.

Or even hack visitor logs

to generate access codes
and get someone on base.

Okay, Teagan, you know that you created

a major security hazard, right?

No one knows the algorithm but me.

You sure about that?

A hundred percent.

And last night was
my last party, obviously,

so we good?

Not good.

Agent McGee.

Base commander just called.

There was another break-in last night

- on base housing.
- Another party?

I don't think so.

It happened after
all the kids were in custody.

But the same QR code hack was used.

Well, Teagan says she's the only
one that knows that algorithm.

Well, either she's lying
and shared it with someone...

Or someone stole it from her.

She hacked into a m*llitary base.

She is not the victim here.

Well, I don't know, maybe she is.

I don't know, she sounds pretty alone.

I could relate to that at her age.

We're not that different.

You weren't
a t*rror1st hacker as a teen.

Yeah, but why? What makes the
difference between me and her?

You mean, did Teagan's parents
let her wear

the same Cure T-shirt over and over?

Kinda. Yeah.

And she's not a t*rror1st.

Okay? They were just
trying to have some fun.

Well, they had fun.

And now somebody has the master key

to our base at Norfolk.

Parker and I are gonna go check it out.

Resident is Lieutenant Carl Tang.

Came home from leave this morning.

Could tell somebody was in his house.

And we know it wasn't the kids.

Well, doesn't mean
they weren't involved.

Well, McGee sure seems to think
that Teagan is innocent, though.

- Yeah, 'cause he relates to her.

I take it you don't?

Well, my dad dragged me all over
the world, too, with his career,

but I didn't turn out
to be a teenage menace.

Oh, we all can't be like
the great Jessica Knight.

[LAUGHS] Oh, that's right.

You were a teenage menace, too.

I straightened myself out eventually.

Hopefully, Teagan will do the same.

Yeah, that's what McGee
says, but we all know

this is how it starts, and then...

MCGEE: Lieutenant Carl Tang.

[SIGHS] Surface warfare officer.
Lived alone.

Neighbors say he was quiet.

Liked to spend his free time
at a base hobby club.

Nice. Homemade camera
from an old tin can.

This man was an inventor.

Maybe this was an accident.

Something, uh, Tang
was working on exploded?

Right after his house got
broken into? Coincidence?

I think your former boss
had a rule against them.

But that Rule ?
That man was ahead of his time.

I do my homework.

KNIGHT: Got something.

I don't think this wiring
is part of the TV.

It looks like some kind of detonator.

Clever. Inside the TV.

Probably used the remote as a trigger.

Tang was targeted. Why?

Well, it was Teagan's algorithm
that opened the door.

Let's ask her.

Well, I can talk to her again,

but she's not big on sharing.

Try not to get eaten alive.

Knight, you're with me.

Let's go check out
Lieutenant Tang's hobby club.

Excuse me, ladies.

Agent Parker, NCIS.

This is Agent Knight.

This your club?

Oh, it's everybody's club.

Claudia. Aviation electrician's mate.


Ramona. I was a Seabee

for years.

I oversee builds.

You mind if we ask you a few questions

about one of your fellow members?

You can ask me anything.

Ditto. I'm an open book.

You can pick the genre.

Feel free to read as much as you'd like.

Looks like you have this handled.


RAMONA: Did we get

your first name?


Oh, did anyone ever tell you

that you have fantastic hair, Alden?

Uh, Lieutenant Tang.

Did you know him by any chance?

Did? Is Carl okay?

There was, uh, an expl*si*n
on base this morning.

That was Carl's house?

Oh, no, he was the sweetest man.

You notice anything off
about him recently?

Uh, any unusual behavior?

Well, now that you mention it, yeah.

He's been pretty stressed
since he started

his shore assignment.

He used to come here
every night to unwind.

What do you like to do
to unwind after work, Alden?

Yeah, people always say it,
but he was a really nice guy.

Nice enough for someone
to plant a b*mb in his house?

I assume you checked his Footman.

Tang had a-a servant?

On a m*llitary base?

No, the Footman .

It was his pride and joy.

H-He took an off-the-shelf
security system

and modified it with
an integrated CRM platform.


Which would do what?

[LAUGHS SOFTLY] I-It used an
A.I. to learn about his guests.

Their preferred air temp,
their musical tastes,

even their biometric data.

Housed it in a robotic platform

that would greet people
as they walked in.

[CHUCKLES] Wow, that's creepy.

If you can find it,
it might have recorded

all sorts of data
on who was in his house.

Is my uncle here yet?

Yeah, he pulled into the parking lot.

- Great, so can I go now?
- No.

No, I, um, I needed
to talk to you first.

It'll be quick.

Okay. What?

This man.

Lieutenant Tang. Do you know him?

Never heard of him.

Somebody broke into his house
and planted a b*mb.

What's that have to do with me?

They used your algorithm to get inside.

Now he's dead.


You think I had something
to do with this?

That's not what I'm saying.

Then what are you saying?


I'm saying that I think

maybe you're not being
completely honest with me.

You're just like everyone else.
You don't get it.

You're right. There's a lot
about kids I don't get.

Like why my four-year-old
insists on wearing

a princess dress every day.

You're comparing me to a four-year-old?


No, I'm just saying, maybe today
it's princess dresses,

and tomorrow it's hacking
government buildings.

Maybe you should listen
to what she wants.

I do.



Right now I'm listening to you.

And if you tell me

that you didn't give
this algorithm to anyone, fine.

But maybe there's something that
you don't know but you know.

You know what I'm saying?

Just start from the beginning.

Why did you hack the base server?

What did you want?

To fit in.

You seem pretty popular to me.

I was a total hermit
before I met Jayden on BratChat.

Is that the social media app
that you m*llitary kids use?

I wish I had something
like that when I was your age.

We, like, instantly clicked.

He saw how lonely I was,
he convinced me to hang out

with some of the other base kids.

I finally have friends here,
Agent McGee.

I'm happy.

I didn't have anything
to do with that expl*si*n.

I believe you.

You find Tang's robot friend?

No security system
of any kind inside the house.

Could've been destroyed in the blast.

Or maybe someone stole it.

KNIGHT: Well, if I was the k*ller,

I sure wouldn't leave behind any
kind of incriminating evidence.

All right, so let's try motive,

which we are, uh, sorely missing.

TORRES: So, Tang recently returned

from his third sea tour.

CO said his transition
to shore was rocky.

Claudia did say that he was
having a difficult time at work.

And who's Claudia?

President of the Alden Parker Fan Club.

Oh, I need to hear this story.

KNIGHT: Hey, wait.

Did either of you see a safe

inside of the house, by any chance?

Don't think so. Why?

Surface warfare officers work with ONR

on experimental weapons,
so he would have access

to some pretty sensitive information.

And he'd want to keep that secure.

Yeah, weapons intel
could sell for big bucks

on the underground arms market.

Hold on. Go back one.

There. Indentations in the carpet.

Okay, if that was a safe,
it's missing now.

And whatever's inside of it.

So, who are we looking for?

Foreign intelligence service,

maybe an arms dealer.

KASIE: And a lead is flying in

as we speak.

What, is the elevator down again?

[EXHALES] I wouldn't know.
I took the stairs

to boost my Halo
activity score for the week.

Which I am crushing, by the way.

Kasie's b*ating you
on sleep and activity?

It's not a contest.

Yeah, except for the part
where it's a contest.

How many points you got there, Jess?

Okay, can we get to the
point of your visit?

Ah, I am also crushing
my case-solving score.

Ah, someone just listed an item
matching the description

of Lieutenant Tang's
creepy little robot butler.

Well, maybe whoever has that
also has our mystery safe.

Can you track down the seller's GPS?

Is my activity score
through the roof right now?

KNIGHT: Robot guy should be
right over here.

Well, that doesn't look obvious at all.

Look at that bootleg WALL-E.

Federal agents.

Gonna need both of you to
step against the wall, please.

- Hey, we were just talking.



Turn it off!


Turn it off now!


Get out of the car.

Do you know what I did
to the last person

who tried to run me over?

Let them go?

Take off your hat.

How old are you?


And a half.

A little young to be an arms dealer.


You've got the wrong guy.

I'm not an international arms dealer.

Oh, we figured that one out.

PARKER: And yet you still have a safe

full of sensitive
m*llitary manuals in your trunk.

Weird, huh?

You know what's also weird?

A dead Navy lieutenant.

I got no idea who that is.

That's the guy you robbed.

TORRES: And blew up.

See, that's why
he's missing half a face.

I didn't blow anybody up.

So you just robbed him?

No, I'm the one who was robbed.
Who puts books in a safe?

I figured it was jewelry or cash.

So you expect us to believe
that you just randomly

picked a house to rob

hours before a b*mb exploded
in the living room?

I didn't say it was random.

He was supposed to be out of town.

And how do you know that?

Lucky guess.

Sailors get deployed

- all the time.
- Try again, Zack.

Or maybe we just charge you with m*rder.


It was my brother.


You guys picked him up the other night?

Hoodie boy?

Your brother is Noah Richter?

Half brother.

Different dads.

Wait till mom cop finds out about this.

His friends like to sneak
into empty houses to party.

I figured if anyone
noticed anything missing,

- they'd get the blame.
- Hmm. Classy.

But the kids never partied
in Lieutenant Tang's house.

No, but they were going to.

And how do you know that?

Because I saw the invite

on that girl's BratChat thread.

That girl wouldn't be
named Teagan, by any chance?

She told McGee that she
never heard of Lieutenant Tang.

MCGEE: This is Teagan's
invite for the party

at Lieutenant Tang's house.

She knew exactly who he was.

- She lied to me.
- Why?

There's got to be some connection
between 'em that we're missing.

And I think I know what it is.

That was Navy Personnel Command.

Tang's shore assignment
was in the Second Fleet

- Operations Center.
- Right.

Guess whose ship is currently
assigned to the Second Fleet.

Chief Petty Officer Melissa Fields.

Teagan's mother.

She's an EOD tech
aboard the USS Wilmington.

Tang's responsibility was managing

the Wilmington's deployments,

and I don't think Teagan
would be a fan of his work.

Our victim was about to deploy

Teagan's mom to Latvia.

Teagan would have to move again.

But with Tang dead, maybe that
deployment doesn't go through.

I think we found our motive.

No. No, no. No way.

People have k*lled for less.

She's a kid.

PARKER: Hey, I lived with my sister

for a week while my niece
was in middle school.

The sky is the limit
when it comes to puberty.

Okay, don't tell me that.
Please don't tell me that.

Let me go to her house
and talk to her, okay?

Let me see what she has to say
before we haul her in.

Uh, Jimmy wants to talk to me.

Good luck, McGee. You're
probably gonna need it.


I was really hoping not
to see this guy again.

This better be worth it.

It is. I may have an answer

as to what k*lled our lieutenant.

It wasn't the, uh, you know, kaboom?

Well, yeah, uh, m-more specifically,

it was the shrapnel
inside of the kaboom.

U-Uh, but this was
no ordinary hardware store

IED filled with nails.

In fact, figuring out what
it was filled with has been

quite the journey.

Skip to the destination.

According to Kasie, the shrapnel inside

is over years old
and has been degraded

by highly acidic soil.

I'm stumped already.

Yeah, so was Kasie.

She recommended we find a metallurgist.

Now, after Agent Knight told us
about her trip to Hawai'i,

I knew just who to call.

ERNIE: Wait,
what did Knight say about me?

May I present

Ernie Malik from
the Pearl Harbor field office.

Nice to meet you, Ernie.

No, no, no, come on, come on.

Wh-What, what did she say about me?

I don't recall any specifics.

I think she said he was

the smartest guy she's ever met.

- She said that about me?
- I don't think she said that.

[LAUGHS]: Yes.

Will... So, will Jess
be joining us down here?

Uh, afraid not. Just me.

Alden Parker.


Supervisory Special Agent Alden Parker.

Of course.

Um, as, uh, Jimmy alluded to,

I have extensive knowledge
of metallurgy.

As well as world
m*llitary history, it turns out.

So, the k*ller built
this b*mb using pieces

from an old a*tillery shell

found in the Alsace region of France.

One of thousands left over from WWI.

Any idea how parts
from a World w*r I expl*sive

ended up in our victim's skull?

No idea.

But if you call Jess down,
maybe we can brainstorm.

Uh, thanks, Ernie. Bye.


Poor guy. [CHUCKLES]

Seems kind of desperate.

Uh, now back to that, uh, antique b*mb.

Maybe it's not such a bad
idea to have Agent Knight

come down here to brainstorm.

Don't need her.
I think I just figured out

how those old b*mb parts
ended up in Tang's skull.

- How?
- Ever wonder why an EOD

b*mb tech gets assigned to Latvia?

No. And why do you look so worried

all of a sudden? [STAMMERS]

MCGEE: I'm NCIS Special Agent McGee.

I need to talk to your niece.

You sure you want to talk to her?

She's upstairs in her room.

In a mood.

Yeah, it's pretty important.


I'm gonna send her a text, because, uh,

Teagan's incapable of hearing my voice

- while she has her cell.
- Ah.

Does Teagan's mom know about

her little breaking
and entering problem?

Her team is on radio silence
until mission is complete.

She's gonna blow a gasket
when she finds out.

What, that her daughter was arrested

or that it was during your watch?

Oh, geez. My sister's gonna k*ll me.

Look, don't b*at yourself up, okay?

I'm going through the same thing myself.

My kids are four years old.

That's a great age.

When Teagan was four,
we'd play pony for hours on end.

Now she doesn't even
come out of her room.

Well, except, apparently,
to break the law.

- Well, that's a comforting thought.


Parker, yeah. What's up?

You need to bring Teagan back
to NCIS now.

Why? What's going on?

It looks like she built the b*mb, McGee.

Wait, b*mb? What are you talking about?

Do you know why her mom
was being reassigned to Latvia?

Because she specializes

in pre- s ordnance disposal.

The stuff left over from our old wars.

Yeah, I can see she really knows
her stuff here.

Yeah, she's not the only one.

The b*mb was built
with old ordnance parts.

Which Teagan would have known
about from her mom's work.


- What's going on? Hey. Hey.
- Teagan!


What's going on?

- Can you open this?
- No way.

You can't enter a
teenager's space uninvited.

Teagan, we're coming in.

What the hell is going on?!

You got to be kidding me. Where is she?!

Agent Parker, are you telling me
my daughter is gone?

NCIS has teams
looking for her as we speak.

She's had it rough the last few years.

Moving, fitting in.

Evidence doesn't look good.
Running looks worse.

It doesn't make any sense.

She's been so happy
since we came to Norfolk.

I think that's the problem.

Any idea where she'd go?

Or maybe who she'd go to?

There was a boy. Um, Noah, I think.

I heard her mention him a few times,

but she doesn't open up to me
about her love life.

Yeah, Noah is not, uh,
not Teagan's boyfriend.

- I mean, he wishes, but...
- He's too mid.

No, she's with Jayden.

Jayden's valid.

There's no way she's still
with that Jayden kid.

I know that much.

What makes you say that?

He was supposed to be her date

to the m*llitary Child of the Year gala,

but he blew her off last minute.

That was the first time
they were gonna meet in person.

She was inconsolable.

Wait, did you say
that they never met in person?


And you don't think that was strange?

Yes, but a lot of things about
kids today are strange to me.

There's a reason Teagan
never met this kid in person.

Because "Jayden"

doesn't exist.

PARKER: He looks like he exists.

That's actually a combination
of stock photos.

Check this out.


Teagan was catfished.

Someone with a fake I.D.
lured her into a relationship.

Which is terrifying.

You got a real I.D.?

Working on it. He says he's
a -year-old from Oceanside,

but metadata from his BratChat account

suggests he's actually around .

Lives in Reston.

Yeah, that's a lot of suspects.

Any idea what he's after?

Well, usually, these romance scams

are used to steal someone's credit card.


Except Teagan doesn't have one.

Well, it has to have something
to do with Tang's m*rder.

When did Teagan and whoever this guy is

start talking?

Uh, around three months ago.

That's right when the break-ins started.

And I doubt that that was a coincidence.

No luck on Teagan's BOLO yet.

But we pulled her cell
records and recovered a bunch

of deleted messages
between her and Jayden.

He was the one that talked her
into hacking the base server

so that people could
break into the houses.

He spent a lot of time asking
about her mom's EOD experience.

Let me guess.

He asked for the master key
to get on base?

Yeah. And she gave it to him.

Teagan did not k*ll Tang.

The catfisher set her up,

used her to get on base.

Then built a b*mb using parts

that we would trace back to her.

All right, just-just stay with me.

So what is this guy's beef with Tang?

We got to find out who he is.

Which means we have to find Teagan.

She just went online. McGee.

Yeah. Tapping into her message feed.

Waiting for him where?

You got a location?

Shopping center in Reston.

But Tang is dead. Why-why would he risk

meeting Teagan in person?

To tie up loose ends.

Let's move.

It went straight to voice mail again.

Maybe she's screening your calls.

Or maybe we're too late.

Think positive, McGee.

We need to get Teagan off-site quietly.

If she makes a scene
and the k*ller sees,

we lose our sh*t at catching him.

I have a feeling
she's not gonna go quietly.

Hey, Knight, do you have eyes?

I just tapped into the CCTV,

but half of these cameras are off-line.

Can you get them back on line?

Uh... this is really McGee's territory.

Sorry, he's our Teagan whisperer.

We need his boots on the ground.

Whoa, whoa. Hold up, hold up.

Nine o'clock.

Yeah, I see her.

All right, get her in the van.

We'll wait in the wings
in case the k*ller shows.


You waiting for someone?

Not that it's any of your business,

but I'm waiting for my boyfriend.

Let me guess, it was Jayden's idea

for you to sneak out the window?

Just like it was Jayden's idea
to break into those houses?

You don't know anything about him, okay?

Actually, you got that
backwards, Teagan.

What's that supposed to mean?

We called Camp Pendleton.

There's no record
of Jayden or his family.

Kasie discovered the picture
on BratChat was fake.

You know, Jayden told
me not to trust you.

That's because he's not real, Teagan.

He's a bad man and he's trying
to set you up for m*rder.

Stop trying to pull
some cop trick on me.

It's not gonna work.

Why would I lie to you, Teagan?

Because if you're not lying,
then you're saying

the one person
who ever got me isn't real.

I get you.

Heard that before.

I'm serious, Teagan.

I get you, in every way. You...

You are an amazing kid.

You are funny, you are so smart.

k*ller taste in music.

A little too sarcastic
for your own good, but...

I don't know, it kind of suits you.

One other thing.

You told me to listen
to what my daughter wants.

You know, just because she's four,

doesn't mean that what
she wants isn't important.

I need you to listen to me now, okay?

What you want isn't real.

So right now I need you
to come with me, okay?

Nicely done, McGee.

We're gonna catch this guy in a van?

KNIGHT: Yep, we tapped into
the mall's surveillance system.

We're going off Kasie's suspect profile.

- There's only one problem.
- What?

TORRES: We don't even
know what he looks like.

TEAGAN: He knows what I look like.
You could use me as bait.

- So not happening.
- Absolutely not, no.

We can't let him get away.

KNIGHT: There is no
"we" in this situation.

I'm open to the kid's ideas.

Hack his phone.

We tried that. It's not on.

I can turn it on.

If you let me.

Have at it.

I can get access to his phone
via the BratChat code.

KNIGHT: Is this like the tenth
law you've broken in two days?

Arrest me later.

You used his profile to install

a backdoor on his phone months ago?

TEAGAN: I installed a backdoor
on anyone's phone

I gave a key to,

in case I needed to revoke it.

Okay, I'm in.

I don't have access to his GPS,

but I can turn the volume
on his ringer all the way up.

All right, let's give him a call.

TEAGAN: People don't call anymore,

Agent McGee, they text.


You hear that?

It's coming from over there.

Keep going, Teagan. We're getting close.


Torres. Your .


NCIS! Don't move.

Get out of the way! Out of the way!

Get on the ground now.

I said get down.

PARKER: Torres, cuff him.

Nice work, Teagan.

TEAGAN: I can't believe I was
talking to a homeless Kenny G.

[QUIETLY]: Well done.

TORRES: His real name is Jason Samuels.

He did seven years on a hit-and-run.

MCGEE: It turns out it was
Lieutenant Tang's

eyewitness testimony
that sent him to prison.

Yeah, his cellmate said
that he was obsessed

with getting revenge.

KNIGHT: And he tried
framing Teagan with b*mb parts

that he bought on the dark web.

Pretty mid. Very mid.


I appreciate the effort, but you guys

should stick with old people talk.

I think she's talking about you.

I can't believe I fell for it.

I should've known.

PARKER: Don't b*at yourself up.

This guy was plotting his revenge

while you were still
learning how to read.

I was reading at three.

KNIGHT: Either way,

we would not have caught
Samuels without you.

You're welcome.

Bold. I like this girl.

You know, Teagan, if my daughter
is anything like you

when she grows up,
I'm gonna be very proud.

You'll be proud of her anyway.

She's lucky to have you as a dad.

Why do you say that?

You're a good listener.

- FIELDS: Teagan.
- Mom?

- Mom!
- Honey.

Oh, I'm so glad you're okay.

Thank God. I thought you
were gonna k*ll me.

Oh, I am.

But right now I just want to hug you.

That's your future, McGee.

You know, minus the, uh,
brushes with the law, I hope.

FIELDS: Are you okay?

I missed you.

Oh, you're in for it, Tim.

Yeah, well, then I guess
I'll enjoy the, uh,

princess dress phase while it lasts.