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08x07 - Horse Play

Posted: 05/06/22 08:05
by bunniefuu
Princess Celestia,

I have an idea for
your Onesversary!

My... Onesversary?

The one thousand one hundred
eleventh year anniversary

of when you first
raised the sun.

Good thing Pinkie
Pie reminded us,

or we woulda forgot
to celebrate!

You're not the only ones.

What did you have in mind?

To commemorate your first
sunrise, I've written a play.

We'd like to perform it at
my School of Friendship.

If you don't mind.



Oh, of course not!

Oh, I think a play
is a fantastic idea!

Did she just...

Oh. Forgive me for
getting so excited.

I-It's just...

When I was a filly, my
friends often put on plays.

Oh, it was so wonderful;
everypony coming together

to create a magical experience
to share with others.

I've always believed theatre
brings out the best in us,

and forges a special
bond of friendship.

I didn't know you used to act.

Oh, not me.

I was always too busy
with my magic lessons

to be part of any
plays myself.

But still, it's something
I always wished

I could experience.

And you still can!

Princess Celestia...

we would be honored if you
would be the star of our play!


♪ My little pony,
my little pony ♪

♪ Aaaahhh ♪

♪ My little Pony ♪

♪ I used to wonder what
friendship could be. ♪

♪ My Little Pony ♪

♪ Until you all shared
its magic with me. ♪

♪ Big adventure! ♪
♪ Tons of fun ♪

♪ A beautiful heart! ♪ ♪
Faithful and strong! ♪

♪ Sharing kindness ♪
♪ it's an easy feat ♪

♪ And magic makes it
all complete! ♪

♪ To have my little pony ♪

♪ Do you know you're all
my very best friends? ♪

♪ ..friends? ♪

You want me to
star in your play?

Yeah, when did that
happen exactly?

If you'll excuse
us for a second...

Don't you see, Spike?

It's perfect!

Princess Celestia has always
wanted to be in a play,

and this one's about her!

I guess...

But how are we supposed
to give her directions?

She's the ruler of Equestria!

She's also our friend.

Celestia's always
kind to everypony.

So if we have a chance to
finally do something for her,

we should!


C'mon, how many times
has Celestia helped us?

Guided us.

Been a warm calming
voice over our shoulder-


Yes, Princess Celestia?

Your invitation
is very kind.

But are you certain
it's wise?

I have no acting
experience at all.

Experience? Pssh!

You'll be playing yourself.

And we'll all help you.


It'd mean so much
to the students

if you were in our show.

Well, if you're sure...

Yeah, what she said.

Then I would be delighted
to join your theatre troupe!

Whoo hoo!

Confetti is ready!

Hoo hoo!

Wormy applecores, Pinkie!

How many times have I told ya
to keep your special effects

away from my sets?

Three hundred twenty-seven.

Ooh! Unless you just DID.

Then it's three
hundred twenty-eight!


I can't believe you've memorized
your lines already, Fluttershy.

Once you get past terrifying,
paralyzing stage fright,

the rest is easy.

Now I just hope
Princess Celestia

says we can do our play.

Oh! As soon as she sees
these fabulous costumes,

all she'll be able
to say is 'brava!'

Heads up!

Here comes our answer.

Wonderful news, everypony!


We get to put on our show?

Even better.

Princess Celestia is
gonna be our star!

Yeah, that's how I felt, too.

Starring in our play?

This is huge!

Well, she was a little
nervous at first,

but I told her not to worry.

With us helping, it'll
all go smooth as...


I must find the silk!

If Celestia is going
to be in our play,

we have to take everything
up to the next level!

None of these old
ideas will do!

Yeah! Forget my
regular party cannon.

For princess-size effects, we're
gonna need "Big Bertha!"

Grrr... PINKIE!


Our play is gonna be AMAZING!

I gotta tell everypony I know!

And even the ones I don't!

Why in tarnation are y'all
gettin' so star-struck?

We've met Princess
Celestia before.

Plenty of times.

Those were formal things,
galas, world-saving.

This is different.

Imagine doing sweaty
warm-ups with a princess.

Blowing your nose in
front of a princess.

Sitting around just...
talking with a princess.

I'm a princess.
You talk to me.

That's different.

You're not a
PRINCESS princess.

Uh... thanks.

Celestia wants to experience
the special friendship

that theatre ponies have.

To give her that, you just
need to be yourselves.

You... you really
think so?

Heh. Aw, quit frettin'.

It's only a coupla
pals gettin' together

to put on a Onesversary play.

What could go wrong?

Places, everypony.

We're here to rehearse
"A New Day in Equestria!"


Directed, written, and
produced by Twilight Sparkle.

Page , Act , Scene .


Once upon a time,
before Celestia,

Equestria was suffering
terrible hardship.

Raising the sun every
morning was so hard,

it took five great sorcerers

plus Starswirl the
Bearded to do it.

And every day, the unicorns
helping Starswirl

would use so much magic,
they lost their powers...


Things looked bleak.

Soon, Equestria would
lose all its magic-users!

Then, the land would be covered
in darkness for eternity.

Even I can't believe
how good my play is.

The sets, the props, the
outfits, they're all great!

And, here comes
the best part.

But then, a student named
Celestia discovered she had the

power to raise the sun herself,
without draining her magic!

Um... that's your
cue, Celestia.

Oh! Right! Of course.


It is time for a new
day in Equestria.

Um. What?

Oh, uh, I said...

It is time for a new
day in Equestria.

And your delivery was... great.

But maybe you should try
it a tiny bit louder.

For the ponies in
the back row.

Oh, yes, yes.

My Royal Canterlot Voice.

Thank you for the
reminder, Twilight.


Oh, goodness, this theatre
does have strong acoustics.

My apologies.

I'm still learning to
"hone my craft."

No, no, you're doing... fine.

Why don't we try it
one more time?

Just like you're
talking to me.

It is time for a
new day in Equestria.

A bit more energy.

It's time for a
new day in Equestria!

Uh... How was that?


Great! Wow!

It's hard to believe you've
never done this before!

Let's move on to
the dance number.

Again! Step, buck,
leap, touch...


Step, buck, leap, touch...

Got it?
Movin' on.

Five, six, seven, eight!

Come ON, StarSWIRL!

Throw OFF that musty HAT,
and let's have a-a dance!

Oh, dear.

I think we have a problem.

Yeah. Our lead actress
is a disaster!

What are we gonna do?

If I tell Celestia
she's terrible,

it'll hurt her feelings.

And I'll be a bad friend.

But if I keep her
in the show,

she'll be the laughingstock
of Equestria.

And I'll be a worse friend!

Ya need to tell Celestia
the truth, Twilight.

Any other suggestions?

Why don't we just
cancel the show?

Real suggestions?

No, think about it.

Right now, most of
Equestria doesn't

even know we're doing
a Onesversary play.

If we shut it down...

Nopony will ever miss it!

So they'll never find
out Princess Celestia

is a bad actress.

And she won't be embarrassed.

Ah! It's the
perfect plan!

All right!

I just finished telling
everypony to come to our play!

You... did?


You should've seen how
excited they got

when they found out
Celestia was in it!

They said they'd
tell their friends,

and then their friends'd
tell their friends!

Everypony in Equestria
is gonna see this thing!

Uh, did I miss something?

Just a bright light
of hope being snuffed.

But that's OK.

If we can't cancel the show,
I know what I have to do.

Be honest with Celestia and give
the lead role to somepony else?

Not a chance.

Twilight, you know truth is
a huge part of friendship.

And so is making another
pony's dreams come true!

Look, I promised Celestia
that this time she could

be a part of the play
instead of just watching it.

And I plan to keep
that promise.

But... how?

You want to
give me acting lessons?

No no no no no no!

More like, a special
workshop with other actors.

To... take your performance
from good to flawless!

Thank you so much, Twilight!

This is what I always knew
theatre must be about.

That special stage pony bond
of shared trust and honesty.

Yeah. That's
what it is.

Princess Celestia? Meet
Method Mare performers

On Stage and
Raspberry Beret.

Avec pleasure,
Your Majesty.

The pleasure is all mine!

If there's anything
I can do to become

a better Equestrian
thespian, I will!

What do you have planned?

Well, I thought we'd make
it up as we go along.

Otherwise known as "improvisation!"

YES, and we can start as soon
as we get out of this box!

What box?

How's it going over here?

That sun will
never rise again.

That's why I have
something even better!

It's the
perfect substitute!

It was the perfect substitute.

Please give me something
to be happy about.

Let's try visualization!


you're skiing!

Whoosh, whoosh!

Oh, it's so
snowy today!

Brrr... I'm
getting chilly!

Should I get you a blanket?

All aboard!

The Ponyville Express
is leaving the station!



It is? I don't
see anything.

Let's be weeping
willows in the wind!

We are strong in adversity,
yet supple as we bow to fate.

Well? What do you feel?


Oh! The classroom floor
under my hooves.

Does that count?

Do I want to know?

Wait for it...


What? It's realistic!

The sun is just like
a burning marshmallow.

What are
they doing now?

The simplest acting exercise
they could think of:

A game of Charades.

A puppy!

A duck-billed platypus!


Oh, I give up! What?

My love for Equestria
and all the ponies in it!

Twilight, you felt what I
was emoting, didn't you?


Now that's the best
acting we've seen all day.

OK. I tried, and
tried, and tried.

But we have to face facts.

We can't make
Celestia an actress.

So there's only one
thing to do.

Tell her the
truth? Finally?


I've re-written the script
to give Celestia

a more "artistic" part.

With no lines.

And to make sure
the show's a hit,

I've whipped up the
biggest, bestest,

flashiest fake sun EVER!

Pinkie, that
looks... unsafe.

Why would untested magic
fireworks that I bought in a

back alley from Trixie
at midnight be unsafe?









If you honestly felt I was a bad
actress, why didn't you tell me?

I'm so sorry.

I didn't mean to
insult your acting.

It's just... I got
so stressed.

But that's no excuse
for what I said.

You have every right
to be upset with me.

I'm not upset because
you insulted my acting.

You're not?

I'm upset...

because in all the time
we've known each other,

I thought I'd taught you about
the importance of friendship,

trust, and honesty.

Celestia! Wait!

No! You can't fly away now!


Ponies are taking their
seats for the show!

Heh heh. Standing
room only!

Did I do a good job
of advertising

for this thing or what?


We can't put on a show
with no lead actress.

You go find Celestia.

We'll figure out a way to stall
this thing till you get back.

Good luck.

Nopony's gonna volunteer
to try to tame that!

NoPONY indeed.

So... ha ha!

Who likes juggling?

Princess Celestia!

Please wait!

Can we talk?

I'm afraid I haven't
much to say, Twilight.

All right then, just listen.

You've guided me
since I was a filly.

You've given me knowledge,
and advice, and friendship.

Just once...

I wanted to be able to
give something back to you.

I know what I did was wrong.

I should've told you the truth.

But I promised you
could be in our play!

I had to make it work.

Nothing would make me feel worse
than knowing I disappointed you.

You really mean that?

Of course!

I look up to you more than
anypony I've ever met.

I'd hate to let you down...

like I did.

Oh. You had good
intentions, Twilight.

But you know that the
truth is always better

than a well-meant lie.

Didn't Applejack remind you?

About a hundred times.

And now, because I
didn't listen to her,

I've ruined your
whole Onesversary.

Well, I don't
know about that.

Isn't there an old saying,
"The show must go on"?

There may be a way for
us to save the play yet.

But how?

I mean, if I'm being
completely honest...

You're not an actress.

No, but I am a princess.


Good news, free food.

Bad news?

This play is
officially a disaster.

Fortunately, I know
a thing or two

about how to deal
with those.

You came back!

Yes. But let's celebrate later.

Right now, we have a show to do!

But-but-but how?

The audience is
about to riot!

We have no backdrop!

And our lead actress is...!

No longer in that role.

Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie,
Twilight, go calm the audience.

Let them know the play will
start in just a minute.

Rainbow Dash, bring
us some clouds

and place them
behind the stage.

There. That's our
new backdrop.

Starlight, do you have
a copy of the script?

Spike, you
narrate the play.

Fluttershy will
be our new lead.

Oh, my.

Me? Playing you?

While you watch me playing you?

Oh, no, oh no, I think my
stage fright is coming back.

Visualize with me.

You're a Princess.

Regal, commanding,

Feel the rising
sun's warmth.

Equestria needs you.

Once upon a time,
before Celestia,

Equestria was suffering
terrible hardship.

Raising the sun every
morning was so hard

that it took five
Unicorn Sorcerers

plus Starswirl the
Bearded to do it.

You call THOSE
great sorcerers?

Oh, no. Hecklers!

What should we do?



Yes! And... uh... raising the sun
each day was super-draining.

But you can see that
for yourselves, right?

I mean, do these guys
look beat up or what?

Starswirl's so stressed
he's got kinks in his horn!

But that's OK.

Cause it turns out, Celestia
had the special power

to raise the sun
all by herself!

It's time for a new
day in Equestria!

Agh! In all the commotion, we
forgot we don't have a sun!

What do we do?

We play Charades.

Oooh! Aaah!


My goodness!

I had no idea this production

would have such elaborate
special effects!

Judging by how many
flowers the audience threw,

it seems our play was a success.

I just feel bad you never got
a chance to actually be in it.

You shouldn't.

I never felt I had to be on
stage to be a part of the show.

All I ever wanted was to share
an honest bond of creativity,

artistry, and happiness
with my friends.

And that's exactly
what I got to do.

Thank you for saving our
play, Princess Celestia.

You're welcome, Twilight.

But from now on, none of you

will have to call me
"Princess" anymore.


Wait what?
We don't?

No. I had so much fun
tonight, I've decided

to give up my crown,
step down from the throne,

and devote all of my
time to the theatre!

You... what?


Maybe I'm not
such a bad actress, after all.