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08x26 - School Raze (Part 2)

Posted: 05/06/22 09:09
by bunniefuu

Magic is disappearing

all across Equestria.

Didn't we learn about a

creature that eats magic?

Somepony should investigate.

We'll go.

- I thought
- Starlight Glimmer

- was going to be
- temporary Head Mare.

With Equestria under attack,

Ponies must stand together!

I need the Cutie Mark Crusaders!

My friends are in trouble!

It seems my little protégé's

plan worked after all.

The future empress

of friendship!


♪ My little pony,

my little pony ♪

♪ Aaaahhh ♪

♪ My little Pony ♪

♪ I used to wonder what

friendship could be. ♪

♪ My Little Pony ♪

♪ Until you all shared

its magic with me. ♪

♪ Big adventure! ♪

♪ Tons of fun ♪

♪ A beautiful heart! ♪ ♪

Faithful and strong! ♪

♪ Sharing kindness ♪

♪ it's an easy feat ♪

- ♪ And magic makes it
- all complete! ♪

♪ To have my little pony ♪

♪ Do you know you're all

my very best friends? ♪


Cozy Glow is

behind all of this?

Ha ha ha ha!

I'm not usually a

fan of ponies,

but draining your

precious world of magic

so she could trap the six

of you was inspiring.

Ha ha ha ha!

Um... there's

seven of us.

I knew we shouldn't have left!

But Starlight's in

charge at the school.

If anypony can stop

Cozy Glow, it's her.

[Tirek] Cozy Glow

outsmarted the six of you.

I doubt this "Starlight"

stands a chance.

We have to get out of here.

Our students can't

handle Cozy on their own.

Then I guess we'll just

have to bust our way out!



[groan] That didn't work.

Not everything can be

solved with brute force.

We need magic to escape.

Maybe there's a way to

get out without magic.

Like a secret lever,

or a secret button,

or a secret admirer who knows a

secret about you, but is all,

- "Your secret's safe with me
- because I put it in Tartarus

and I have a key."

I'm afraid not.

- The most powerful villains and
- monsters of all time

are trapped here.

And without our

magic, so are we.


...These creatures might be

losing their magical powers,

but there's still a magic

that makes up what they are.

- Maybe we can borrow
- some of that!

[tapping at door]

Uh, excuse me?

Chancellor Neighsay?

- You might as well get used
- to calling me

Headstallion Neighsay.

I plan to be here

for quite some time.

Gee, it sure is a relief

to have somepony in charge,

what with the magical

crisis going on,

and we're all so grateful to

you for taking care of those

non-ponies, but doesn't

the EEA need you?

What the EEA needs is somepony

to protect this school

from the threats at

Equestria's borders

instead of gallivanting off

on adventures beyond them.

Twilight didn't just

run off willy-nilly.

She left me in charge.

I'm her right-hoof-mare!

Another in a long

list of mistakes

the "Princess of

Friendship" has made.

Rest assured, from now on this

school shall be run

- according to strict
- EEA guidelines...

the way it always

should have been.

Well, that sounds just peachy...


Headstallion Neighsay!

Sweetie Belle: Cozy Glow did

all of this? How? Why?

- I don't know, but
- come on, y'all.

We gotta get Starlight out of

there before she comes back!

Sandbar: Wait!

[roaring sound]


Sweetie Belle!


That's gotta be what's sucking

up all the magic in Equestria.

- But if that's true, then
- Twilight and the others

went to Tartarus for nothing.

And if all of Equestria's magic

is getting sucked up in there,

there's no way for

them to get back!

We need to get help! But

Starlight's trapped here,

And there's no way to get word

to Celestia or anypony else.

I guess we're on our own.



Still locked, huh?

We've gotta at least

try to get out.

Why? If Sandbar's

turned his back on us,

every other pony

probably has too.

Sandbar not turn his back.

Sandbar is our friend.

- Uh, Did you miss the part where
- he said he didn't want

anything to do with us?

Maybe he just said that so one

of us could be free to snoop

around and figure

out what's going on!

Sandbar: I don't know.

That sounds too clever for

a pony to come up with.

Ya ha ha ha!

Yona knew Sandbar

was still our friend!

We all are.

Except for Cozy Glow.

That pony is not who

we thought she was.

She's the one draining

magic out of Equestria.


- We'll explain on the
- way, but right now,

- we've gotta get to
- Chancellor Neighsay.

- I know he doesn't
- like non-ponies,

but if we tell him what's

going on, he'll help.

I'm sure you're all concerned

about the magic situation,

but I want to assure you that

this institution is safe,

despite the absence

of your Headmare.

As your new Headstallion, let

me be the first to say

that the reign of Princess

Twilight is over.

From now on, this school will

adhere to EEA doctrine

as it should have

from the start.

[alarmed murmurs]

Thank you, Chancellor Neighsay,

for that rousing speech.

I know you're a stallion who

truly believes what you say.

- And when you say this
- school will be run

according to EEA doctrine,

I know you mean it.

And when you say there won't

be any more lessons

from the Princess of Friendship

at the School of Friendship,

I guess you mean that too.

That's not exact--

But Twilight decided

to run her school

outside of the EEA guidelines.

And even though you

tried to stop her,

Princesses Celestia and

Luna trusted her enough

to support her.

Well, I wouldn't say--

So since I know you

mean what you say,

my question is really

for the students.

Are we going to give the pony

who already tried to wreck

Twilight's school once

another chance to do it?


No way!

Not gonna happen!

I guess things will have to stay

the way Twilight wants them,

which includes

leaving me in charge.


OK, so maybe we need a new plan.

[dramatic music]

Oh, oh, not too tight.

- We don't want to
- hurt the Chancellor.

- I'm sure Twilight will
- know what to do with him

when she gets back.

Now, back to class everyone.

We've let the EEA disrupt our

friendship studies long enough.


Why are you doing this?

- I thought you wanted
- to have somepony

in charge of the school.

Oh, I do! You just aren't

the pony I had in mind.

I can't very well have the

EEA running the school

if I want to run it myself.

Of course, that's

just the beginning.

You see, if there's one

thing I've learned here,

it's that friendship is the

most powerful thing there is,

and as Headmare of the

School of Friendship,

nopony will have more

friends than me!

Making me the most

powerful pony in Equestria!

[evil laugh]


[soft giggling]

Hey, Cozy Glow.

What's so funny?

Are you just happy to

be running the school?

Oh, I'm just keeping

Twilight's seat warm.

Still, it's pretty impressive!

- Is there anything
- we can do to help?

We can hang out with

you all day if you want.

You know, there is

something I need help with.

Yay! Whoo-hoo! Awesome!

Oh. Wonderful.

I suppose you've

all come to gloat.

Actually, we've come to undo

all these chains and free you!

But why?

Now that nasty pony

met even nastier pony,

maybe nasty pony

not be so nasty.


- Also we'd kinda
- like to stop Cozy

before she drains all the

magic from Equestria.

She's behind that as well?

I must get word to

Celestia and Luna.

How? Without magic, it'll

take forever to get to them.

While it's true that unicorns

have lost their ability

to cast spells, the most

potent magic in Equestria

is housed in our... artifacts!

The EEA medallion allows me to

travel throughout Equestria.

Its magic worked when

I chained you up,

perhaps it still has enough

to send me to the Princesses.


I hope he makes it.

I hope he doesn't come

back and lock us up again.

If he comes back.


gonna be fine!

Twilight and the others are

probably already on their way.

Are you sure there's

magic in Cerberus?

Clarissa the pig has two tails,

- and while her singing
- voice is lovely,

- I don't think
- it's magical.

We need to try everything if

we want to get out of here.

I don't know,

Tartarus isn't so bad.

I could hang out

here for a while.



Maybe not

forever, though.

But that is just

what it will be.

If my protege has followed my

instructions, by sunset tonight,

every last vestige

of Equestrian magic

will disappear into

the ether forever!

Have you even thought about

what losing magic would mean?

It means the six of you will be

trapped here, like me.

[Spike] Seven!


It means you're trapped here.

Forever. With us.

I hadn't thought

of it like that.

So what do we do, Twilight?

Dash and Applejack nearly

have Cerberus tired out.

If Rarity pitches in, I think

they can get him to sit still

long enough to try

what I have in mind.

I'm sure I can get the

other monsters to help.

Besides, I would never

call them monsters.

What about Tirek?

- He's probably got
- some magic too, right?

Leave him to me.


OK, everyone.

Time to show Equestria

that you aren't "monsters"

You're wonderful,

mystical creatures!

♪ I know it's not

your birthday so, ♪

- ♪ you get a party
- even though, ♪

- ♪ we'll sing and dance
- from one to ten, ♪

♪ and then we'll do

it all again! ♪

More tea, Princess Pudding Rock?

"Oh, don't mind if I do!"

I can do this all eternity.

Fine! I'll help you leave.

Just please stop.

Tirek's in!

It's just so excitin' to have

a foal our age runnin' things.

We should have an ice

cream social every day!

That's a splendid

idea, Apple Bloom.

But to tell you the truth,

the thing I need help

with most is cleaning.

Say no more. Just take

us around the school

and show us everything

you want cleaned.

Well, actually, you can

start right in here.

It looks pretty clean already.


- Do you three think
- you can fool me?

- I know a diversion
- when I see it.

Why pony lead us back down here?

We obviously can't

handle Cozy on our own,

- but we can't just sit
- around and wait for help.

So, there's one more prisoner

I think we should free.

Ooh! I guess Starlight.

Is it Starlight?

[dramatic music]

Counselor pony come out!

We need help with nasty pony!

- She can't talk to
- us from in there.

- We'll have to figure
- a way to get her out.


- Hey! This is just like
- chapter twelve in

Kanthaka's Facts & Artifacts,

from Twilight's class.

- What? I've
- been studying.

- Finals are coming
- up, you know.

Actually, I remember that too.

- Cozy must have linked
- these artifacts

to act like a mystical magnet,

attracting all the magic

in Equestria into that orb!

So, we can shut it down

by yanking one of these

things out, right?

Sure, though, that would

probably cause a magical

feedback loop and

destroy the whole school.

[Cozy] Destroy the

School of Friendship?

Oh, dear...

Chancellor Neighsay was

wrong about a lot of things,

but I guess he was

right about all of you.

All right.

Is everypony ready?



I can't say for how much longer.

[smashing cymbals]

All eternity!

Yes, by all means.

Please, just get on with it.



There's your cue, you

evil centaur, you.



That's it!

I think its working!

[doors creaking]

Come on!

- I don't know how
- long I can hold it!

Good boy!

Bye friends!

Hopefully we'll be able to turn

you all back into your normal

wonderful selves soon.

- Thanks for the
- assist, Your Redness!




Yay! Twilight did it!

I couldn't have done it

without all your help.

I'm not sure we did.


Tirek said all of Equestria's

magic would be gone at sunset.

- Without magic, there's
- no way we'll get back

to the school in time.

What does that mean?

It means we failed.

After everything

Twilight's done for you,

why would you want

to destroy her school?

We don't!

- You're the one using
- these artifacts

to drain magic from Equestria.


We all just saw you with

your claws all over them.

It all makes sense.

These creatures want magic

gone from Equestria

because it's the only thing

ponies have that they don't!

Technically, there's

a magical component

- when Silversteam
- and I transform.

And Yona's friends'

friendship is magic.

Twilight said!

And you repaid her by

sending her to Tartarus

- on a wild goose chase
- so you could destroy

everything she's built!

They've even trapped

Starlight in that thing!

We have to defend the school!

[angry shouts]

No! No! Don't listen to her!




[tense music]



They just sacrificed themselves

trying to save their friend.

- Professor Dash always
- says there's nothing

more loyal than that.

Shouldn't we try to save them?

They brought this on themselves.

There's nothing we can do.

That doesn't seem very

generous or kind.

Yeah, yeah.

The Elements of Harmony

are very important.

They're just not applicable

in every circumstance.

- And with magic gone
- from Equestria,

- I'm not even sure
- the Tree of Harmony

will be as helpful

as it once was.


What's happening?

[majestic music]

- They're glowing
- like the Elements.

I think the Tree of

Harmony saved them.

Guess our friendship is

pretty magical after all.

Hurry, grab the artifacts!

Um... didn't you say that

could destroy the school?

But if we don't try, we

could lose magic forever.

You all better get clear.


Wait! Where are you going?


[zapping / chimes /

rushing sounds]



Counselor Pony!

It's nice to see you too.

I guess magic is back.

[Cozy] You've

ruined everything!

- Now Twilight and her
- ridiculous friends

can escape from Tartarus!


I mean... Yay!

All my friends are safe.

You can drop the act, Cozy Glow.

Your pen pal, Tirek, told us

all about how he helped you

suck up all that magic.

But I still don't

understand why.

Why? Because

friendship is power.

- You might be the
- Princess of Friendship,

but as Headmare

of this school,

I can collect even

more friends than you.

[questioning sounds]

- You're the one who
- doesn't get it, Cozy.

Friendship is powerful,

but power isn't why

you make friends.

I'm sorry I couldn't

teach you that.

Well, you taught us!

You can't let one bad apple

make you think you failed.

- And we never could
- have stopped her

- if we hadn't learned what you
- taught us about friendship.




Blah blah blah.

I can make more friends

without using any of them.

And if I can't do it here,

I'll do it somewhere else!

Yeah. I don't think so.

I'm glad you are

back in charge

of the School of

Friendship, Princess.

It's clear to me now that there

is no pony better suited

for the job.

What's going on?

Hi, Headmare Twilight.

We're just practicing

for graduation.


- Now that we've
- saved Equestria,

we figured we were

done with school.


Saving Equestria is nice, but

I'm afraid it'll take

more than one semester to learn

- all there is to know
- about friendship.

Told ya!


Your Headmare is right.

I thought friendship was

something that only ponies

should share with each other,

but you all taught

me how wrong I was.

I suppose true friendship can

take a lifetime to understand.

If it were easy to learn,

we wouldn't need a school.


We held her off as

long as we could!

- But she locked us
- in this closet!

- What happened! Is
- everything all right?

Where's Cozy Glow?


Everything worked

out just fine.

As for Cozy Glow,

I can assure you.

Where she's going, she won't

be causing any more trouble.

Of course it's

boring here now,

- but at least you're
- not in a cage.

[door clangs shut]

Hey neighbour,

wanna be friends?