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02x05 - Day 45 / 16

Posted: 05/07/22 14:58
by bunniefuu

♪ ♪

♪ Blue skies smiling at me ♪

♪ Nothing but blue skies ♪

♪ Do I see ♪

♪ Blue birds singing a song ♪

♪ Singing a song, singing a song ♪

♪ Singing a song, singing a song... ♪


♪ ♪

You can't just do this. You
can't just give up on me.

- Like hell I can't.
- Let me try again.

Let me fix it. He was so close.

I just... I... I don't
know why I stopped him.

It was, like, this stupid
crisis of conscience.

I had one of those myself recently,

but now I'm over it, and
I've never felt better.


Please just...

just let me try again.

Do you think this is the kind of place

that hands out second chances?

And cut the hysterics 'cause
I'm not falling for them again.

You really aren't any
different, are you?

You're just as cruel and as
sick as everybody else here.

Well, shit.

- I guess so.
- Do you even have a daughter?

Or was that photo you showed me

just some cheap internet stock photo?

Hush your mouth and keep walking.

[YOUNG] You brought this
on yourself, you know?

Came up with a plan and didn't
even bother asking yourself

if you can go through with it.

And speaking of half-baked schemes,

we found your little w*apon,

the knife you hid in the toilet t*nk.

Did you honestly think
we weren't doing sweeps?

I had you thinking I was nice,

and you had me thinking you were smart.

I guess we really did play each other.


♪ ♪


[FABER] Our next interview's in place...

... but it can wait
if you need a moment.

I hate the beach.

Well, some people say
the ocean brings peace.

Yeah, well, having
been out here an hour,

I'd like to report they're full of shit.

Okay, talk to me.


I'll bill you later.

I'm a scientist, you
know? A strict materialist.

I don't subscribe to any
kind of mystical thinking,

except when it comes to failure.

For me, failure's always had

a sort of black magic to it.

Like, you got to ward it
off with crosses and garlic

and everything in your power,

because if you let it in,
even just the thought of it,

it becomes inevitable.

And then I woke up this morning,

there it was, the prospect of failure

just sort of sitting on my chest,

waiting for me to acknowledge it.

All because these f*cking
boys won't f*cking talk.

♪ ♪

Well, we'll cycle through
a few more of them today.

We'll press them harder.

We'll get more surgical
with our questions.

Yes, there is a hole in our research,

but we will fill it.

Look, you can't lose sight
of the endgame here, Gretchen.

You got to remember
what you're doing here.

I swear to Christ, Dan,

I swear to the actual biblical Christ,

if he ruined this, if he did
something to taint this...


Good. So you're ready

to have this conversation.

You're ready to admit
that the problem...

our real problem here was
your choice of operative.


Look, um, I don't mean to
sound the alarm or anything,

but I'm starting to worry about Josh.

All the meds that he takes
for stress or depression,

I don't know what.

And the poor kid, he
drinks... he drinks so much.

And, like, gets really sloppy.
I found him wandering all alone

last night, uh, just totally out of it.

And then this morning we were
collecting salt water for, um,

so we could boil it down
and preserve the jag meat...

[SUSAN] Preserving sustenance.

That's a pretty impressive
milestone for them to hit.

[SETH] Josh, he was so
hungover he tried to drink

the water straight from the ocean.

I don't know what's going on with him.

Maybe his dosages are off something.

I do wonder why Gretchen
picked someone like Josh

with all of his health issues.

Okay, first off, most of his illnesses

are obviously psychosomatic.

And second, his family is
one of the few that paid.

World-altering studies don't
just fund themselves, Susan.

The kid is absurdly fragile, Thom.

- That's all I'm saying.
- That's why he's there,

to grow some thicker skin.

Look, if I had someone helping me

the way Gretchen's helping Josh, I,

you know, might've come
into my own a little sooner.

But anyway, he's got support. Look.

I'm doing my best to look out for him.

I just hope it'll be enough.

I mean, if he hurts himself

or like, someone else, then...

I don't know.

I had to put this on your radar though.

I'll memo this and CC her.

[SUSAN] You know, it might be time

to admit what's happening here.

The guys are building community
even faster than the girls did.

I don't think it's time to admit that.

They've k*lled an apex predator,

they're working as a team,

and they've already
cracked food preservation.

The girls are how
many days ahead of them

and they still haven't
figured that one out.

[DOT] All right, eat up.

- This shit won't keep.
- [TONI] No, I can't.

- I'm way too full over here.
- [DOT] Come on, guys.

We'll feel like dicks if we
just throw away food today

and then, you know, we
don't have anything tomorrow.

- Yummy.
- No.

Mm-mm. I'm engorged,

and not in a hot way.

Wow, I am so over this
feast to famine bullshit.

[LEAH] I know, they're sort
of awful in their own way.

[MARTHA] I don't know.
I still like feast.

- Look at my food baby.

Absolutely not, Martha.

No one has said "food baby"
since for a reason.

We decided to leave it there.

Food baby? I think it's kind of cute.

Nope, Shelby, we are
not reinforcing this.

Martha, I love you,

but I'm not letting you
resurrect "food baby."

My thing is, like, if
you extend the metaphor,

when you do take a shit, are you
supposed to love it like a child?

It's all very confusing.

I'm sorry, baby.

I didn't know you'd be so controversial.

Yeah, Jesus. Come on.

Let her have her food baby.

Ah, nails on a chalkboard.

Can we just stop saying it?

Come on, Fatin, let her have her baby.


Just let her have her little food baby.

- [FATIN] This isn't funny.

- Now you're...
- [DOT] You want a little kiss?


- [SHELBY] Oh, my God.
- Oh.

Oh, shit!

I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry.

Yeah, it's fine, it's fine, it's fine.

It's fine. Honestly, something needed

to interrupt that conversation, so...

[DOT] Yeah, that was pretty
low for us in terms of banter.

I wanna know if you're okay.

I am.

And then I'm not.

And then I am, and then I'm really not.

But the prayer thing is working.

Uh, I guess I just

want more.


Like, I don't know, more God, I guess.

I don't mean to make
this heavy, I just...

I just want some of what you got.


... finding God is about faith really.

You can't just get it or learn it.

You know, you...

you sort of have to trust it.

Yeah, but you know me.
I've got control issues.

Like, I need steps. Like...

like a program or some
rituals or something.

Okay. Uh, well...

... um, maybe you could start
with, like, a baptism or...

I've been in water my whole life.

It's kind of played out for me.

Then there's marriage,

though not everybody's allowed that.

Not in my church anyway.

Uh, I don't know.

Uh, maybe the Catholics do more.

We just kind of hit the
high notes, you know,

babies, matrimony, death.

Rachel, I didn't mean to bring that up.

- I'm... I'm so sorry.
- [RACHEL] Don't be.

Maybe, like, that's

what I need.

A funeral, you know?

Maybe I need to...

Maybe I need to bury her.

We're here to help.

Whatever you need.

I'll be here for you.


♪ ♪

Thank you.

Um, I'll get some of her stuff together.

You okay?

Of course.

Shelby, you gave her your cross.

I'm just... I'm just
trying to be a good friend.

[BO] When you're
brought up a certain way,

you just do stuff and believe stuff,

'cause it's what your
parents taught you.


Like you've got to make your
bed with the tight corners

and put the milk in the fridge
with the spout facing out.

How everything is always better

when it's straight and neat and clean.

And you don't question it really...

... because it's all you know.

Until it's not,

and you glimpse something
different for yourself.

Yeah, like the morning after the hunt.

We had all this dried
meat from the k*ll.

We could look at it and
say that we did that.

We provided for ourselves.

I was eating it, you know,

grease all over my hands,

gristle under my nails.

I've never been proud and
dirty at the same time.

[BO] What?

Why are you looking at
me like that all weird?

[SCOTTY] Nothing, man.

It's just a good day is all.

It's just a damn good day.

[KIRIN] Who wants some more?

[RAF] This is unreal, dude.

I can't believe you
got it to taste okay.

[SCOTTY] Hey, it's not just okay, okay?

This shit is f*cking marketable.

It... it's all-natural, gluten-free.

It's exotic. I mean, when we get home,

me and you are gonna talk.

We gonna see if we
can't market this shit.

[KIRIN] Yeah, I don't
know. I tried a few things.

Took that bunker ketchup
and used it as a rub,

and then I smoked the meat
for a punch of mesquite.

Um, I'm sorry, what?

Uh, my coach used to be a pit master.

Taught me all this cool shit.

It's good, Kirin.
Compliments to the chef.

Where's J-Bird, huh? He get any?

[SETH] You know what, maybe
we should just let him chill.

He's super hungover.

Probably should just, like, walk it off.

Besides the energy is good here.

If Josh comes over, then it's
a whole spiel about alcohol

and the effects on his microbiome.


He might not be drinking enough water.

That's true... Raf, tell
them what he told you.

Tell them why he doesn't wanna
drink from the water supply.

He doesn't want to abuse
his white privilege.

[IVAN] Oh, Lord. So what?

Instead, he's gonna die
heroically of dehydration

and make himself the
center of the narrative

when we get back home?

- Please.
- [SCOTTY] Nah, it's true.

I mean, that boy's all
messed up with this shit.

The other day, guess what he called me?

Wait for it.




Come hang out.

I feel like I just told you
to let him chill, but okay.

Packs don't leave the weak on their own.

It's against nature.

[SETH] Hey.

How are you feeling, man?

- You holding up okay?
- [IVAN] Joshua,

would you like some water?

I really shouldn't.

I want you to know that me and
my people would very much love

for you to take some water and not die.

[SETH] Yeah, dude. We
want you to rebound.

We got a "good vibes
only" thing here and...

... uh, we want you in on it.

Here. Seriously.

Are you sure you're okay, Josh?

[SETH] Oh, shit.

We blew through the
f*cking water supply.

[BO] Aw, man.

[SETH] No, no, it's cool. It's cool.

Between the alcohol and...
and the salt on the meat,

we weren't not gonna get thirsty.

We just... we just got to...

We got to hit the woods,
find some fresh water.

- Come on, come on.
- Spillz is right.

- We can't really put this off.
- [SETH] Let's go, come on.

[SCOTTY] Should we split
up, cover more ground?

[SETH] Excellent idea
all the way around.

I'll... I'll hang back
here with... with J.

No, I, uh...

No, I... I should move.

I should keep it moving.

[KIRIN] You can go with me, Snowflake.

I'll push your sad ass up
the hill if it comes to that.

Let's go.

Great. Thanks... thanks, Kirin.

[KIRIN] Show me those high knees.

Let's do it.

Up high. No charge.

Let's go. Let's get it.

[SETH] The first one to find water...

... gets water.


♪ ♪

- f*ck!
- [LEAH] Hey.

Oh, my God, you scared me.

How long were you lurking over there?

Long enough to marvel
at you doing laundry.

Weird, right?

- Is that Nora's?
- [FATIN] Mm-hmm.

Rachel wants to bury it
as part of the funeral.

If it's just gonna get dirt all over it,

why are you cleaning it?

I don't really know.

Feels more respectful or something.

You know, about today...

... I really wanna be
there for Rachel but...

... all things Nora are just
sort of triggering for me,

and I think maybe I should
just sit this one out.

And here we are again.

- Here we are where?
- [FATIN] You're fixated

on shit that's dead and gone.

If it's not Nora, it's
your writer boyfie,

and honestly, I don't
love any of it for you.

I know I trash talk Jeff, right?

I think it's just
because I'm bummed out.

You give him so much real estate

in your head and your heart.

I don't think he deserves it.

Well, if I give it up,

like, I stop thinking
about him and Nora...

... what then?

Just dream bigger or
better or different.


♪ ♪

Ben Folds.

- What?
- [LEAH] I'll fantasize about Ben Folds.

- Is that a human being?
- A human.

A musician, a songwriter, a poet,

a messy-haired wearer of great glasses.

Wait, do you really not know
Ben Folds of Ben Folds Five?

He was, like, huge in the early aughts.

Bieber was huge. I've
never heard of this guy.

Okay, he was, like, niche huge.

But my cousin at Berkeley
was super into him

and so I was super into
him and he just, like...

he wrecked me.

I was maybe .

He was my first crush and I
knew every lyric to every song.

I wrote them all over
my binders, my walls,

sometimes my skin.

Yeah, that sounds
really on brand for you.

See, isn't this is more fun

than getting hung up
on the same old shit?

You know what else sounds fun?




[FATIN] Yeah, Leah!

[LEAH] Oh, f*ck me, it's so cold.

[KIRIN] I'm so f*cking hot.

I'm f*cking thirsty too.

But I keep at it. I keep going.

'Cause "pain is weakness
leaving the body."

You ever heard that before?

"Pain is weakness leaving the body?"

Come on, dude. Keep going.

Sweat it out. It'll be good for you.

- I'm trying.
- Try harder.

Redeem yourself for
getting so shit-faced.

Shh, shh, shh.


Oh, shit.

H O, baby!



♪ ♪

Oh, yeah.

♪ ♪


We f*cking did it, bro!



Come on down.

Sweet baby Jesus, it feels so good.

Dude, let's go, let's go, let's go.

Get in the water!

Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.

What are you doing, man?
Get the hell in here.

It's nice.

What the hell was that?

All the way in, man.
Feels f*cking amazing.

- Oh, you're getting in.
- [JOSH] No.

Oh, yeah.

- [JOSH] I'm really not up for it.
- [KIRIN] Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah!

Come on, don't be such
a little bitch, Joshy.

I'm telling you, you'll be reborn.

- [JOSH] Get...
- [KIRIN] Come on.

- [JOSH] Kirin, get off!
- Whoa!

- What is that on your stomach?
- It's nothing.

It just happens sometimes
when I drink, especially beer.

It's just... it's gluten. It'll go away.

Jesus, why are you like this?

We literally can't get a single win

without you bringing up
some of your sad shit.

Whatever. Seth's right.

We're all out here vibing,
trying to keep each other up...

What did Seth say?

That this is your thing.

k*lling the high, being the problem,

I'm not the f*cking problem. Seth is!

Seth is the problem!
He's the f*cking problem!

It wasn't me! I'm not
the f*cking problem!

- Hey, hey, hey, hey, shh, shh.
- No!

- No, it's okay.
- [JOSH] I just... I couldn't...

- Okay.
- [JOSH] Seth...

I am not the f*cking problem, man.

[MUTTERING] I'm not the f*cking problem.

[KIRIN] Josh...

... what happened, man?

[GRETCHEN] Is there anything
that you might share with us

about what he told you that day?

It changed us.

It changed everything.

How exactly did it change you?

Not sure it's one of those things

you can describe, just...

... boom, and then nothing was the same.

Well, for you to be so rattled
by this, that's saying a lot.

You who'd been so strong, so steady,

the one everyone counted on,

or at least that's what
the others have said.

Used to that, I guess.

Sort of had to be an
adult back home, you know?

Mom doesn't count. You figured that out

if you talked to her.

And my father...


[FABER] I wonder if this
adult quality that you have

is why Josh felt so
comfortable opening up to you

when he shared with you what he did.

I actually figured out
where he lived, my dad.

New house, new wife, new kid.

I was in the third grade
I think and I went by.

They were having pancakes for dinner.

That feeling...

... never really goes away.


That shitty feeling of
not mattering to people...

♪ ♪

... not mattering to the people
you're supposed to matter to.

It hits hard.

It hits early.

And it will f*ck with your soul.

That not mattering shit...

... you can let it f*ck you up.

Or you can bury it.


♪ I wanna fall deep in your ways ♪

♪ ♪

♪ I wanna wash under your waves ♪

♪ And if it all falls away ♪

♪ I'll still be held in your shape ♪

♪ Mm, mm, mm ♪

'Cause she loved birds.

My last cig.

Martha suggested that I give it to her.

My family burns tobacco
when we pray to our creator.

The smoke sends our prayers to Manidoo.

♪ I wanna be holed up with you ♪

♪ I wanna be wrinkled as two ♪

♪ And even if it's a phase ♪

♪ I'll always be in your shape ♪

♪ I wanna fall deep in your ways ♪

♪ I wanna wash under your waves ♪

You think I could have
a moment alone with her?

Maybe say goodbye just the two of us?

♪ I'll still be held in your shape ♪

♪ Mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm ♪

Do you guys think that,

like, our families
have given us funerals?

Jesus, I hadn't thought about that.


I mean, it's been so long
that we're probably...

Gone to people back home?

We are dead to the world.

[LEAH CHUCKLING] Oh, my God, my parents.

I love them but they definitely
got the funeral all wrong.

Probably made a slide show
with all the pictures I hate,

the baby ones when I had a cone head.

And they definitely picked
some regrettably bad song

like "I Hope You Dance."

My parents probably cry a lot...

... but are probably trying
to be strong for my sisters.

I hope someone's
taking care of my bunny.

If you don't love
them, bunnies get mean.

Your mom's definitely taking
care of Mr. Bunniesworth.

That f*cking Dr. Gretchen Klein
with her whole greasy little

"don't you deserve good
things" sales pitch.

- Who are you talking about?
- Gretchen Klein,

the retreat lady in the airplane video.

I don't think she's actually,
like, a doctor-doctor,

but that's just, you know,
how she introduced herself.

- Wait, you met her?
- Yeah.

Didn't you?

- [LEAH] No.
- [TONI] No.

[DOT] Oh.

I think she just gave me a donut,

did her little song and dance
selling me on the retreat.

Said that she'd sort out child services,

so I f*cking went for it.

Doesn't that strike you as
weird that she met with Dot?

Yes, I'm just not really interested

in reopening some extremely closed doors

that weren't good for
me in the first place.

Said with love.


♪ ♪

You know, I'm just
gonna keep asking this.

I'm not really a quitter.

Are you okay?

You know what I thought

when I realized I was dead to the world?


'Cause if they knew who I really was,

I'd be dead to them anyway.

- I'm gonna k*ll him.
- Kirin, no.

You said you wouldn't, over and over.

And I keep changing
my mind over and over.

But you can't just sweep
this shit under the rug.

Yeah, but it's my thing.

Don't I get to decide what happens?

There have to be consequences.

Otherwise monsters
like this piece of shit

start getting f*cking confident
and then they take charge.


I can't tell people. Like...

I don't wanna be the kid who, like...

Look, I'm not gonna be that.

Then we don't tell them what happened

and I beat the shit out of him anyway.

Okay, no, but I was drunk
and I was all over the place,

so who even knows and
who's gonna believe me?

I believe you.

Look, if you want me to chill,

not say anything, not do anything, fine.

But if he comes near you again...

Come on.

[SETH] Hey!

What do we got?

- Goal?
- Sorry.

I found this. It's not water though.

Sick consolation prize though.

[SCOTTY] Hey, man. Somebody
better come through.

My mouth is dry as hell.

Got that white buildup shit in
the corners of my damn mouth.

[SETH] I hate that. Here, take mine.

[SCOTTY] Thanks, man.

[SETH] Hey, how'd we go? Goal?

- You don't even play soccer.
- My entire body is screaming.

Okay, I'll take that as a... as a no.

Uh, we're zero for two,
but it can turn around.

I'm a man of... of... of faith.

Mm-hmm. Ish.

- Hey.
- [SETH] Hey!


- [SETH] Oh, shit, f*ck yeah!

- Goal!
- Whoo-hoo!

Goal! Goal!

Heads-up seven up!

[SCOTTY] JK bringing it home, baby.

Bottled at the source,
Crystal Geyser realness.

[HENRY] Don't.

It needs purifying.

[RAF] Huge find. Thanks, guys.

[JOSH] Yeah, of course.

It's a really good
spot about an hour away.

It's a waterfall, actually.

It's a whole fall of water.

- Pretty psyched about it.
- [SETH] Joshua!


You prince!

Here I thought you were off your game,

but you saved the f*cking day.

Get your f*cking hands off him!

[RAF] Kirin!

Kirin! Kirin, Kirin!

- Agh!

- Chill!
- Come on, dude!

What the hell is your problem?

Why don't you ask your sick f*ck friend?

♪ ♪

[GRETCHEN] What caused Kirin

to show such aggression towards Seth,

especially when things
were going so well?

You had food and then water.

Oftentimes when the physical
needs of a group are met,

emotional conflicts tend to bubble up.

Is that what was happening here?


Or maybe Seth deserved it.

Why might he have deserved it?

Well, his face is sort of punch-able.

The Germans have a
marvelous word for that.


Sure. That.

As Seth's step-brother, you must've had

some complicated feelings
about Kirin's attack.

Fear or anger, defensiveness.

When I was a young boy...

... my father took me into the city

to see a marching band.

Go on.

He said, "Son, when you grow up..."

♪ Will you be the savior of the broken ♪

♪ The beaten, and the damned?" ♪

♪ He said, "Will you defeat them? ♪

♪ Your demons ♪

♪ And all the non-believers?" ♪

♪ To join the black parade ♪

♪ ♪

- Mm.
- No...

I think we should talk.

You remember when we
had that grudge match

over who had the
shittiest life back home?

Well, I'm... I'm not
conceding here, you know?

I still got it locked up but...

... I'll admit I...

I don't know what it's
like to have the kind

of parents you do.

You know, who can't or won't...

Accept me? Yeah.

[TONI] That's got to hit deep, you know?

There's no way that it doesn't, so...

... I get it if...

... this is hard.

If being with me is hard.

It's not though.

I may be doubting everything else,

but not this.

With the church, it was all just...

... lies and hiding.

That's what I wanna be done with.

That's the part that I wanna, like,

burn or scrape out of
me until I'm just...

until I'm just here, you know?

And okay.

And honest.

You are.

You're the most honest person I know.

Except I'm not.


I was on lookout a few nights ago and...

... I saw a light on the horizon.

Like... like the light of a boat.

I went to go and get the
tinder to stoke the fire...

... but then I just froze.

Only for a second or two,
but when I came back the...

the boat... the light
was... it was gone.

I was so afraid of my
other life that I hesitated

and I missed our chance of
being saved and I f*cked up.

- [TONI] Shh.
- I f*cked up and I'm so sorry.

- Shelby.
- [SHELBY] I'm sorry.

- I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
- Shelby, Shelby.

- I'm sorry.
- [TONI] Shh, shh.

It probably wouldn't have
made a difference, okay?

Okay, if the boat was that far out,

the fire wouldn't
have helped, all right?

It's okay.

This is quite possibly the
sickest destiny I've ever beheld.

You're gonna marry Shrek,
which sucks for Marcus,

but Shrek is one hot piece.

You're gonna be a powerful and sexy

Veterinarian Without Borders.

You're gonna live in a shack,

which given the current circumstances,

is a true upgrade.

And you are going to have
beautiful children.

Real ones. Not food ones.

I'm on fire with jealousy.

Really? Because kids is a lot.

Yeah, maybe not with
global warming in play,

but a brood sounds nice.

Heading to signal fire duty.

Oh, um, if you see Rachel,
can you tell her to come back?

Funerals are draining and I
just sort of want her to crash.

Okay. My turn.

- Do my MASH.
- [FATIN] Sure.

[DOT] Oh, but don't waste
your time filling in the jobs

because A, I am retired and B,

I'm gonna be living off
the settlement money.

You know, Dr. Klein doesn't
have to pay for a funeral,

but she will have to bankroll
my very luxurious lifestyle.


Wow, you're really out for her blood.

[DOT] Yeah. I mean, I don't know.

It just feels nice to
have someone to blame.

Look, can I... can I please
explain now that I'm...

now I'm no longer getting
thrashed for no f*cking reason.

No reason, my ass.

- He jacked off on him.
- Kirin, let him explain.

There's not usually a
rationale for sexual as*ault.

Come on, we... we don't
know that's what happened.

[RAF] Let him talk!

Look, Josh, he walked in on me

when I was in the middle
of... when I was...

I was... I was jerking off,

and then he was just standing there,

and he saw me and... and that's it.

And now somehow, it's getting scrambled.


Lift up your shirt.


Show 'em.

He's got, like, red all over.

[SUSAN] What the hell is going on?

Why can't we hear anything?

Microphones must be malfunctioning.

Oh, what? Like that... like that's

supposed to be some smoking g*n?

Look, I mean, no offense, Josh,

you literally break out
in hives over everything.

Why would Josh lie?

[KIRIN] Huh, why?

[IVAN] He's right.

And if Kirin O'Connor is
believing the victim, then...

... something obviously happened here.

[SCOTTY] Okay. Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Kirin, dude, I mean, you got,

like, reasons to f*ck with Seth.

You've been in a d*ck measuring
contest with him since day one.

You think I'd make up
some sick lie about it?

Josh, I believe you.

[SETH] Okay, okay. Okay, this...

this is getting out of hand.

[BO] He's not okay!


somebody did something to him.

You say that like you're sure.

I know that kind of
scared when I see it.

[SCOTTY] This is a whole mess.

I'm not about to be on the
wrong side of history, man.

Wait, come on. Sides of history?

Looks like you've picked yours.

[RAF] No. No, I'm... I'm not.


Josh, I'm not saying
you're making it up...

... but with the
drinking and everything.


do you really think
that he could do this?

He's your family. You know him.


♪ ♪

It's possible.

What? Hen... Henry,

Henry, what... what
the f*ck? Wh... I mean.

[KIRIN] His own brother said he did it.

[HENRY] I didn't. I said it's possible.

[KIRIN] He's out.

We're kicking the
m*therf*cker out of camp.

[RAF] Can we just take a second...

[IVAN] No, I'm sorry, we're
not being passive about this.

Okay, we'll vote.

Okay, it's the... it's the
just and fair way to decide.

[SETH] This is insane. This is...

this is completely off the rails.

Let's keep this as
civilized as possible, okay?

All those in favor of protecting Josh

and removing a toxic force...

hands up.

I can't get behind this.

Josh, I'm sorry, I don't
think you would lie, but...

... I don't think Seth would either.

[JOSH] No. It's okay, I, uh...

Well, I... I don't... I
don't wanna mess things up

and, um, may... maybe
I was just confused

and, you know, things
were really confusing

and I just... you know, I
just wanna forget... forget it.

He just wants to forget.
He just wants to...

he just wants to forget this, so...


Seth, you are hereby
expelled from this group.

For the safety of
Josh and everyone else,

remove yourself and keep your
distance until further notice.

Pack your f*cking bags.

[THOM] Camp mics one
through six all out.

[SUSAN] I'm calling Alex.

If we can't get the audio repatched,

we'll be completely in the dark.




I'm fine.


You don't have to, like,

put me on some kind
of watch or something.

We know.

I, uh...

I should thank you, everybody,

for having my back, you know?

Even when I didn't have
my own, you know, back.

I'm just...

I'm sorry.

Apology fiercely rejected.



- I'm sorry.
- [IVAN] Josh,

you are not the one who
needs to be apologizing.

You're the victim here.



That's great.

No, honey, don't...

There's no stigma.

It's your truth,

and now you need to own it...

What I need is to never
f*cking think about it again,

and for everybody here to
shut up about it... forever!

Whether we get out of this place or not.

I have been called all of the things...

p*ssy, chicken shit, little bitch...

and I'm so sick of it
all that I could choke.

And everyone is like,
own it, just own it,

like if you own it you'll
be invincible or something.

And that is just...
it's not how it works.

Owning it just means that you are it.

Okay, whatever you need, Josh.

For you to just never tell anyone...

... please.


I promise.

[IVAN] I promise.

[HENRY] I promise.

[BO] I promise.

[SCOTTY] I promise.

♪ ♪

[RAF] I promise.

"Boy who cried wolf,
unstable, problem case."

Ugh, these are some of the monikers...

[JOSH] Blah, blah, blah.

Blah, blah, blah, blah.

Those are just words.


So why didn't you tell us in your words

what happened to you on that island?

I learned a lot.


Like what, Josh?

Silence can be very potent.

♪ ♪


What a load of shit.

Rest in power?

Rest in power, rest in peace,

the "rest" of it all.

I tried really hard today...

... to walk the paces,
to get my goodbye right.


There's no rest.

Not for me at least.

Oh, f*ck. f*ck, f*ck, f*ck.

You're probably really
sick of hearing this.

You all must be.


♪ ♪

Not even a little.

I just really miss her.

Have faith, Rachel.

Nora will find you.

The people who have really
meant something to us,

they never really go away.

They stay by our sides,

and they show up in the strangest ways.


They leave us signs...


to make sure we still feel them.

Holy shit.


If I could just see her one more time...

♪ ♪

Oh, my God.



She's here.

Nora's here.

[AUDREY] It's time.


♪ ♪

[CHILD] Beep beep, coming through!