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02x07 - Day 50 / 33

Posted: 05/07/22 15:01
by bunniefuu
The relationship
between mother and child

is so important. It's
practically biblical.

To be loved and cared for by a mother...

... it's just the most
elemental human need.

Unfortunately, it wasn't met for you.

That hunger was never fed,

leaving you to scavenge
for it on your own,

to seek validation from
everyone else in your life.

And to lash out when you
feel abandoned or ashamed.

The behaviors that landed you here today

are the direct result of that wound.

You cannot blame yourself for them.

I certainly don't.

In fact, I think you
deserve a second chance.

Didn't I nail this?

Like, it could be in
a damn Yogurtland ad

with a twist and the little curl on top.

Yeah, you did really great.

Mmm, shit.

Should I sling yogurt for a
living when I'm all grown up?

Mom, you are grown up.

What did you call me?

Grown-up, my ass.

Oh, hey. Look, what do you say?

You want to get your ass
handed to you at skeeball?

You wish.


Just have a little fun.

He wants a mother here.

You're acting like a f*cking teenager.

f*cking teenager?

He needs a mother here now.

No, I can't do now here.
I need to do me, okay?

A break would do you some good.

I could take over, maybe trim her nails.

Or we could go for a
walk, just you and me?

At least stretch your legs a little?

Okay. I know we've been hit real hard.

I-I know that we're up against it,

but this whole all-is-lost
vibe that we've got going on,

it's not helping anybody.

What do you want us to do, Rachel?

Sit down with our gratitude journals?

You know, just turn our
f*cking frowns upside down?

Jesus, Dorothy. What
crawled up your ass?

I'm in a shit mood in the
face of a shit situation.

I am having the correct f*cking reaction

to the fact that Martha
is basically catatonic.

So don't ask me what crawled up my ass,

unless you want me to
shove it in your face

so you can have a look.

Okay. Everybody chill.

I know you've gotta be in your feelings.

I'm just asking you to
not feel them at each other

and maybe leave yourself a little room.

Room for what?

I don't know. Hope?

We've still got shit going for us.

It's only been four
days since her breakdown

and she's keeping some water down

and her heart rate is
good. We still got this.

We got this.

Oh, shit.


A bedsore.

- Oh, f*ck.
- No, no, no, Toni, Toni,

hand to God, it'll be all right, okay?

All right.

You know what we'll do?

We'll take her to the hot spring.

Okay, the hot spring's not very close

and Martha's not super moveable.

Well, we can carry her on
a bed if we rig it up right.

Look, I know. I know it'll be a grind,

but it's the best we can do right now.

If we can get her down there,
we can get her clean, warm,

and maybe we can just get her
feeling as good as possible.

So who's in?

Then that means we're all in.

- Leah?
- Yes, yeah, hi.

I need you to head
out and get some bamboo

to make sure that this
platform is strong enough

to carry her, okay?

Yeah. Rachel, I can't.

I mean, I can, but I shouldn't.

I really... I-I shouldn't go anywhere.

Look, no offense, Leah,

but this short leash you've got
yourself on, it's a little...


You haven't even gone more than feet

to go to the bathroom.

I've seen your butt cheeks enough times

that I could pick them out of a lineup.

No, it's just I ca...

I have to stay here.

I have to stay vigilant.

I was out there, like,
extremely on alert when she...

maybe if I hadn't been floating around

my own f*cking head,
I would've found her.


It all happened so fast.

None of this shit is your fault.

I'll go for the bamboo.

Thank you.

Okay, so everybody
else, prep for departure

and I don't know how long
we're going to be down there.

Just pack accordingly.

Hey. Look, I know you've got

a lot on your mind, but do you think

we might be able to get
a moment alone maybe?

Yeah, um...

I need you to not make
this about you right now.

Maybe just don't be so needy.

It might sound a little
crazy, but I can't lie.

I-I like it when a girl
has a little bit extra,

you know what I'm saying?

Especially when she
has that little pouch

right up under her belly
button... what's it called?

It's got like... it's got
like this acronym or something.

What... what is it? It was f*cking...


I-I was pretty nervous
walking over here,

thinking hard about what I might say.

Definitely didn't think
that FUPA would be my opener.

What do you want, man?

Nothing actually. I
just came to say hey.

Look, dude, this ain't
no Pleasantville, okay?

We... we don't need a
friendly, neighborly hello.

In fact, we'd rather you not.

Yeah, no, no, no. Sorry.

I just actually... I-I
wanted to bring you this.

Ivan and Raf found some washed-up nets

so we've been trying it out.

Slow at first but this
morning we caught three.

And it's honestly more
than we can eat, so...


Hey, yo. Thanks, Seth.


Yeah, of course.


Yeah, I don't have much but I'm...

here if you need me.


Oh, I knew I'd see your face

and immediately feel
bad for coming over.

No, no, no, come. Get in.

Oh, why can't I deal
with shit on my own?

Like, I'm such a baby, you know?

Actually, I wish I was a baby
because baby life was so easy.

You just gotta pee your pants

and people weren't allowed
to be f*cking assholes to you.

Is this... is this is a Jeremy thing?

Well, we were partying at Jenna's,

and him and his friends
were getting just so stupid.

And I don't know, like, her parents

had all these really awesome old records

like Billie Holiday
and Dusty Springfield.

I don't know. I just... I kind of wanted

to just listen to music and chill

and all he wanted to
do was butt chug tequila

and try to f*ck me in
Jenna's parents' room.

And so I left, 'cause I'm...

I'm tired of him not getting me.

Yeah. No shit, Jules.

No, no, that's gotta,
like, get old at some point.

- Oh.
- Um...

Yeah, I'm wasted.


That's why I just
couldn't go back to my...

Oh, oh, God. Oh, okay, come on.

Active situation. We're on the move.

Has your bathroom always been this gross

and I just never noticed?

Wow. I open my home.

I give her asylum, and...
and... and what does she do?

She... she shit-talks my living space.

I'm just giving you a hard time, Beth.

I know you are, Julio.

I'm going to close my eyes right now,

but I'm not going to sleep.

I am not feeling right about this.

My grip is slipping.

We're never gonna make it before dark.

Yes, we will. We just have to keep...


Does anyone else hear that?

God f*cking dammit!

How the f*ck haven't
we found this before?

Well, I mean, we swung way the hell east

to avoid the marsh.

Oh, my God.

What are we supposed to do now?


Maybe we just accept this.

Accept what? That we're stuck here?

That Martha may never recover?

What the f*ck are we supposed to accept?

No, that... maybe that Martha

just... she took herself someplace safe.


The mind can do that, you know?

Sort of give you what you need.

- So you're a brain surgeon now.
- No.

Toni, maybe you should go easy on her.

Why should I?

She's acting like this is all fine.

Like Martha's having some
cool f*cking daydream.

I'm sorry, I'm not having it.

Hey, it is a river.

It's not a brick wall.
All we have to do is cross.

Okay, respectfully, Rachel, f*ck that.

We have no idea how deep it is.

There's no telling how
slippery the rocks are

and I'm not even sure that
we're on the right track.

Look, the... the spring is
just over that way, okay?

It's just over the rise.

I've kept my eyes on it this whole time.

We can do this.

All we have to do is have
a little faith right now.

Oh, I'm fresh out of that shit.

Blew through all I had a while back.

Well, I haven't, so let's f*cking go.


Martha, Martha!



- Martha!
- Martha!


Holy f*cking shit, Martha!


Dot, Dot!

Where's Dot?

Where are they? Martha!

- Where are they?
- Martha!

- Martha!
- Dot!



Lights out, b*tches.

Hell yeah!

Did I not just call it? Did
I not just say lights out.

Lights out! Whoo!

Lights out all the way out.

I mean, fuses are blown.
The power grids are down.

There's rolling blackouts
across the Eastern seaboard.

Whoa, Josh, k*ll switch.

Right, yeah, totally.

Hey, can you go grab me
some water and some sunblock?

And then I'm going to need you

to restack the beers
as soon as you can, huh?

Yeah. On it like a bonnet.

That was a test, Josh.

One that you did not pass.

Oh, God, sorry.

No sorrys. Just learn the lesson.

You don't always have to
do shit for other people,

no questions asked.
That's bitch behavior.

And you know what b*tches get?


Whoo-hoo. Nice.

You reel that in?

- Yeah, I mean...
- Um...

Seth did.

Man, I-I need you to not live your life

like you're always hooked
up to a damn polygraph.

Wait, you talked to that assh*le?

You let him give you that?

- They caught extra.
- Who gives a shit?

We don't take handouts from dirtbags.

When we're low on food, we do.

I don't know if you've
noticed the shortage

since you've been busy
scratching at your clap sack

and playing Frisbee with your mini me

and trying to light your farts on fire.

Don't act like you didn't laugh at that.

Personally speaking, I did not.

Look, man. All I'm saying is you've been

acting like you run this
camp for a while now.

We haven't exactly
thrived on your watch.

I mean, the atmosphere around here

is getting to be like f*ckin'...

NFL Sunday at Hooters.

But with no chicken wings.

So yeah, dickhead, we
are taking handouts.

Bo-bo, filet this shit up
so we can get it cooking.

This is such horseshit.

Do you think we should
be taking charity fish

from that f*cking deviant?

No, I don't. I don't at all.

Maybe you should tell
that to our friend here.

Hey, big guy.

What do you say we the flounder?

Josh, come on.

Right. Yeah, that's right.

You're... you're never super psyched

about missing a meal, are you?


Do you know what's totally
fascinating about you?

You're like this complete OCD nut job

over the inventory and
keeping things neat.

But at the same time, it's like
physically impossible for you

as a person to stay clean.

I mean, look how f*cking sweaty you are.

Is there like a tidal wave of sweat

gushing down your crack right now?

Josh, pump the brakes, man.

Have you ever looked down on a hot day

to realize you were standing

in a puddle of your
own greasy perspiration?

Shut your ass up and get on your feet.

Scotty, don't do something stupid, man.

You should have told that to your boy

before he came at mine.

The only thing Bo's gonna
be taking inventory of

is this bitch's teeth when
I bust them out of his mouth.

Scotty, c'mon. It's okay.

It's not f*cking okay.
Nobody says that shit

and gets away with it,
you... you white-bread,

rickets-having, devil-stick,
f*ck-stick cry baby.


- You f*cking asked for it.
- Scotty, come on.

Hey, hey.

No f*cking way.

Look at me.

Okay, let's... let's just leave.

Right, that's all we
need to do, let's just go.

Wait, where the hell are you going?

Absolutely anywhere but here.

♪ g*dd*mn, take a look at myself ♪

♪ I think I'm over ♪

- I smell French roast.
- Oh, just brewed it.

This is why I keep you around.

Ah, thank you.


Oh God. I hate this tacky mug.

Secret Santa gift gone horribly wrong.

Yeah, it's a little
too cute for a badass

with a bitchin' tattoo.

God, I forgot I told you that.

Told him what?

About my tattoo.

Wait, you have a tattoo?

A little skeleton I got on my hip

when I landed my first
job as an x-ray tech.

I told you years ago.

No, you didn't. But now that I'm aware,

I feel like you should
stop giving me so much crap

about my septum ring.

That's on your face, Henry.

You stuck a piece of metal
in the center of your face.

What if you wake up
tomorrow and want to, like,

get a job at a bank or something?

I would never work at
a financial institution.

I know, that was a bad example.

Banks are a plague

and money is a government psy-op.

A little early to talk

about government psy-ops for me.

I'm gonna head up.

Is Julia still sleeping?

I think so. I haven't
checked on her yet.

Did Julia stay the night?

How do I know nothing around here?

I mean, I have a theory.

God, this is such a scam.
You never let Paige stay over.

Now that's because
she's your girlfriend.

Julia is just a friend who got in a jam

and we allowed it because
Seth slept downstairs.

Does that clear things up for you?


Still feels like a
double standard to me.


Oh, I slept for a super
long time, didn't I?

Yeah, yeah. Don't know
how to tell you this

but the year is .

There's a nuclear winter outside.

America is a totalitarian state.

Oh, shit.

Who's our dictator?

Kesha actually.

- Yeah.
- Right.

Yeah. No, she quit the music biz

and got really into
military coups and...

here we are.

Oh, you're so funny.

I always sort of forget
how funny you are.

Thought my mouth would
taste like a tequila sewer,

but it feels kinda fresh.

Yeah, I actually heard
you swish some mouthwash

last night after you vomited.

- Oh, hmm.
- So...

Well, you know, alcohol gets a bad rap

for impairing your
decision-making faculties,

but I feel like I make some of
my best choices when I'm drunk.

Oh, yeah. Such as?

Well, I Ubered here instead of driving.

I remembered mouthwash

and I didn't go over to Kelly's

who would have just gotten
me high on top of drunk.

Instead, I came here.

No, Jules. I, um...

I... I... I... I can't.

I... it's not because I don't want.

It's just that... I mean, I really have

for a really, really
long time. It's, um...

Ah, f*ck, f*ck.

I am freaking out right now. No, no.

- Seth...
- No, it's...

Look, it's just that...

you have a lot of drama and I...

just don't.



Do you want this?

Seth, hey.

What's the next move?

Yeah, yeah, sorry.


I guess we start building.

I'm, like, a little too sun-stroked

and nutrient-deficient
for manual labor right now.

Oh, come on, man. Let's get up

and moving, you know?
Like, flex a little.

Okay! Boundaries, please!

You know I'm still
not with you, with you.

I've just chosen to try
and keep myself alive

in your general vicinity.

I know. I'm... I'm sorry, Ivan.

Well, what's going on over here?

Hey, hey, relax.

We're not... we're not
here to mess with you guys.

Just kinda hit our bullshit
limit back at the other camp.

How toxic has it gotten?

It's f*cking Chernobyl.

Well, well, mi casa es su casa.

or more like our casa.

But I don't... I don't
know how to say that.

I take French.

So, Henry, he didn't come with you?

Nah, nah. I don't give him long, though.

The kid's been fed up for a minute.

He's always going on water
runs just to get away.


So, look, I hate to put you to work

just as soon as you land,

but we're trying to put
a roof over our heads.

Maybe we should reconsider that though.

I mean, we sort of outnumber them now.

So you're saying we should
storm the castle, huh?

No, no, I don't mean by force. I just...

I don't know. Never mind.

No, no, no, no, no. No, this is good.

A diplomatic mission.

Let's run with it.

We go over there, all five of us

completely in peace,

just lay out what we want.

Which is?

To be done with this divisive shit.

One camp, one crew, fresh start.

Let's do it.

All right.

All right, but if this is gonna happen,

I gotta go talk to Henry first.

Family starts with family.

Can't tell if this is doing anything.

Give it a little time.

You're the only...

You're the only one who knows
the truth about this place.



... can I have a cloth
of some sort, please?

Yeah, sorry. Of course.

Thank you.

Rachel, what if it doesn't...

f*ck, you know, what if
nothing f*cking works?

Hey, hey. Patience and faith.

Toni, I see what's happening here

and I think you just need
to step away for a sec.

Wander around and cool your head off.

Yeah, no, I'm not gonna do that.

It's not a request.

I've got Marty.

I need you to get right with you.

Something will happen here, Toni.

This is a very special place.

What the f*ck is wrong
with you, you f*cking freak?

And what the f*ck are
you all looking at?

You think I haven't seen it?
You think I haven't noticed you

letting her down one by f*cking one?


You and this constant f*cking
head-trip that you're on,

always around but doing jack shit

besides staring into
space and shit-talking

your mystical half-baked garbage.

Like, what is it, Leah?

Somebody I care about loses her mind

and your ass thinks you
need to f*cking outdo her?

Back the f*ck away.

And get all the way
out of my g*dd*mn face.


What good have you been, huh?

Sitting there reading Nora's diary

and f*cking coloring?

How the f*ck does that help?

I can't even with you.

You might have been there at the river,

but what else have you done?

Okay, Martha gets laid
out and all your f*cking

good-in-a-crisis shit just
goes right out the window.

Yeah, until you're just some bleak bitch

who keeps looking at my best friend

like she's a ghost or a
leper or something else

that you can't seem to f*cking handle.

Am I wrong?

My best friend goes down

and all your strength shits
the f*cking bed, is that it?

Is that it?

Toni, please.

I'm done.

Don't run away.

It's just me.

Oh, that was probably not
the most reassuring words

to hear given the circumstances.

Um, the, um...

... the Florida boys switched camps.

Means we have, like, a majority thing

going on so, hashtag, squad goals.

I said that ironically,
the squad goals thing.

Doesn't make much sense to say it.

Ironically, hacky and over.

Man, I am really spinning my wheels here

which I hope that you're
getting a kick out of.

A little.

I miss you, man.

It's actually like,

kind of k*lling me, all
this shit between us.

I feel like it has
to be k*lling you too.

A little.

You took their side, Hen.

That plays with my head, you know?

It's not like I wanted to.

Why did you?

Because every time I
tried to tell myself

you couldn't have done it,
I thought about your hands

pushing my shoulders down,
holding me underwater.

That's not all of it, is it?

What do you mean?

You're holding onto something else.

I know you are.

All this...

... shit with your mom,

how me and her get along.

Doesn't feel great, I guess.

The way she likes you and gets you.

Yeah. Yeah, maybe.


Maybe she's cool with me

because I'm a try-hard kiss ass.

Like, cracking jokes and
just sucking up -f*cking- .

But she loves you, Henry.

You pierce your face, you wear...

... what you wear.

You do all this stuff that just

freaks her the f*ck out

all the time.

But she sticks around.

That's how I know she loves you.

I know.

Or at least I think I do.

Though she does have some
messed-up ways of showing it,

like shipping me off

on some horrifying retreat
for norm-core adventure boys.

And with that love shit,

all that f*cking love shit,

nobody gets the showing part right.

I mean, look at me.

I wanted to show you

so I dunked you in the f*cking ocean.

- What the f*ck is this?
- Peace conference, Kirin.

Nothing more, nothing less.

We're over the conflict, Kirin.

We want to be a team again.
One camp, eight strong.

You gotta be f*cking kidding.

Look, I get it. I get...

... I get the push back and I don't...

I don't resent it.

I got five guys behind me who
know what we're up against.

We know that it's only gonna get harder.

The weather's turning,
the food is hit or miss,

we're only getting weaker.

I'm not asking to be
anyone's best friend.

I'm not... I'm not asking for
a warm welcome or open arms.

I'm just... I'm asking for arms

that aren't actively
decking me in the face

because I'm not...
I'm not the enemy here

or at least I'm not the main one, right?

Death is.

This is a fight for our lives.

Our only chance of winning

is together.

f*ck, f*ck!

Penny for your thoughts.

That's a joke.

I know you hate that question.

Would you like to sit down?

You got old.


You went in. No shade, as they say,

but shouldn't that up my
market value in your book?

You know about him?

Oh, God, I know about
all of your crushes.

After me, there was Paul your neighbor,

there was Avishar from camp,

Jiro, Amanda, Lana Del
Rey, Brandon P, Brandon T.

You can absolutely stop now.

I don't need a delusion to
tell me how pathetic I am.

Pathetic. Who said pathetic?

f*ck that, man. That's
a modern American lie,

the idea that all-consuming infatuations

are sad or something.

What's more beautiful than an
overwhelming investment of the heart?

You can't keep selling your
obsessive spirit down the river.

Great songs were not written
about passing fancies,

about shallow-feeling people.

They're written about devastating love,

by people who think and feel...

... with a depth that verges on madness.

Like you.

I should go back now.

Come here, Leah.

♪ Up the stairs to her apartment ♪

♪ She is balled up on the couch ♪

♪ Her mom and dad went
down to Charlotte ♪

♪ They're not home to find us out ♪

♪ And we drive ♪

♪ Now that I have found someone ♪

♪ I'm feeling more alone ♪

♪ Than I ever have before ♪

♪ She's a brick and I'm drowning ♪

Daddy, I miss you...

♪ Off the coast and
I'm headed nowhere ♪

... a lot.

♪ She's a brick and
I'm drowning slowly ♪

I should have done this forever ago.

What's that?

Just fall ass backwards
through the looking glass.

Oh, my God.

Shit, I think you're ready.

For what?


I know what this is.

I know that you blame me.

I know that every time you look at me,

you remember what I did.

How I had a chance with the boat

and I let it... I let it go.

I know when you see me,

all you see is...

maybe all you'll ever see is...

... is the reason is...

... that she's not okay.

A part of me wants to ask
you if there's a way back.

The part of me that knows you...

That part...

... knows there isn't.

Is there?

Oh, honey.

You're all right. You'll be all right.

Who am I kidding? I can't promise that.

But I'm here with you.

Right here with you, right on
the edge of our f*cking sanity.

Madness loves company, am I right?

You're the sanest person I know.

Yeah, maybe not.


Just look at what I've
been obsessing over.

Yeah, I know I've gone full Leah.

Hey, man.

Happy fricking homecoming.

Where... where'd you get this?

Stumbled upon it a while back

when I was pissed at the others.

I hid it so they wouldn't
get their hands on it.

Rafael Garcia, you are
shadier than you look.

Hey, you mind if... if we
make this a communal moment?

Not at all, man.

Hey, yo, this guy got away from us.

Let's take him down together.

What do you say?

I mean, it's only ounces between us,

but it'll be more of a ceremonial thing.

A... a passing of the peace pipe.

Hey, Kirin. Come on.

You joining? Let's go, gladiator.

- f*ck it.
- All right.

All right, here we go.

Here's to...

... no more f*cking toast speeches

or grandstanding from yours truly.

Ugh, can I get an amen?


Hey, what you say we
play a game of... of poker

like we're a bunch of
dads from the suburbs?

Hey, yo, J-money.

Let's go. We're getting a game in.

Josh. Josh, come on over, man.

Yo, just leave him alone
and deal already, bro.

I'm... I'm ready to take
your ass to the cleaners.

No, no, no, he should get on this.

I bet you he's a low-key card shark.

Yo, J-money, let's go. J-street.

Come on over here, man. Let's go.

Come on, man. Let's do this.

Yo, just back off.

Yeah, all right, all right, all right.

What are we playing today?

Texas Hold'em, Omaha, Stud?
Six-sh**t, Tightrope?

Sloppy Deuces, Duck Lips?
Jude Law Draw, Armadillo.

Respectfully, what the hell
are you saying right now?

He's freestyling.


Yeah. Fun fact.

You can say any word or words

and it'll sound like
the name of a card game.

- Shit-flip.
- Hey, there you go.

I'd play a hand of Shit-flip.

Bourgeois bullshit.

Hey, hey, hey, love it.

Nipples up.

Nipples up. Oh, f*ck yes.

If there is a game of nipples
up playing in the vicinity,

absolutely deal me in
f*cking right there.

Hey, Josh, can you
give us a name of a...

of a made-up card game, man? Come on.

Any name.

I don't know.

Oh, no, come on. Dude, you're hilarious.

- Give it a shot.
- Hey, hey, man.

It's cool. He doesn't have to.

Oh, no, no, but... but, like, Josh,

you're, like, a funny guy. Honestly,

you should probably come
and guest-post for Spillz

when we get back. What do you say?

It's okay.

Oh, come on, man.

I'm sure you've got great material.

You know, we'll... we'll riff it up.

It will be great.

Don't touch me!

Jesus Christ. You needy f*ck.

You said it yourself but
now I really believe you.

What'd I say?

That nobody's allowed to hate you.

And if they do, you'll start

that creepy full-court press shit

or you'll steal their f*cking cat.

- Wait, steal...
- What are you talking about?

He told me. Those are his words.

His girlfriend dumped his
ass so he kidnapped her cat

until she agreed to talk to him again.

Wait. Julia's cat?


I-I-I-I-I don't know what
he's talking about so.

You told me you were cat sitting.

Wait, wait, Julia-Julia?

Wait, Julia? She didn't dump you.

You said you guys were still together.

They broke up, like, months ago.

Is that true? That's not what you said.

- Just hear me out.
- Leave me alone!

Let go!

Get the f*ck away from me!

Oh, my God.

You did something to Julia.

You know he's a good kid.

He just made a mistake.

- What happened?
- I don't know.

What did you do? What did you do to her?

No, Henry, Henry, you
don't understand, man.

You don't. You don't understand.

I don't need to. You hurt Julia.

You hurt people. This is who you are.

You don't know the story, He... Henry.

You don't know what she did to me.

So that gave you the right to do

whatever heinous thing you did?

It's... it was... it
was an accident, Henry.

I didn't mean... I never mean...

- I never mean...
- I was right.

When I said Mom only felt sorry for you,

I said it to piss you off but...

... I-I was f*cking right.

I said that you don't understand, man.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

- Hey, hold on.
- Easy.

I don't know how to
f*cking... you can't control...

you have no idea how this feels.

This is what you do. You lie, you hide,

and you fake your way into
everybody's f*cking sympathies.

I know what I'm living for now.

Yeah, I'm living to get back

and tell them you
don't deserve the pity.

You're not some sad
case that snapped once.

You're a f*cking monster!

What? I'm not, I'm not.



Henry, please...


A failed mother is a tragic thing.

The damage she leaves in her wake

can be immense and irreparable.

To mishandle or abandon
a young developing thing

without seeing it through to maturity,

that is a violent and dangerous act.

Give me the phone and get in.

Does... does... does...
does she know yet?

That you asked to be extracted?

Of course, and she's really
f*cking disappointed in you.

I am determined that I will not fall in

with the failed mothers of the world.

It's not merely that these
subjects are my children.

This entire enterprise is my child.

This is my fragile,


important child.

And I do not give up on my children.

So celebrate, boys
because we f*cking won.

There was no experimental contamination.

Everything that went wrong
with our control group

can be laid at the feet of one simple,

straightforward thing...

bad male behavior.

I'm still not clear on
how you got that intel.

Oh, I'll debrief you in
full later on, but for now,

suffice it to say...

a mother's intuition.

♪ I can't walk the streets now ♪

♪ To convulate my mind ♪

♪ Some pretty mama, she
starts breaking down ♪

♪ Stop breaking down ooh ♪

Nobody's home.

Go away.

Yeah, no, sorry. I
don't mean to, like...

... this is weird and
a bit of a long shot,

but I got a call from my friend, Leah.

She's on this retreat.

There's a website for it
registered to this address.

The Dawn of Eve is what it's called.

And I just thought...

I don't know what I thought.

Anyway, sorry again.

Beep, beep, coming through.