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01x26 - Summertime Blues

Posted: 05/07/22 17:09
by bunniefuu
( upbeat theme playing )

BLYTHE: Whoo-hoo!

It's happening! It's really happening!

Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!

I didn't think it was going to happen,

but it's actually happening. Whoo, whoo, whoo! Yeah!

Don't know what this game is-- But we want to play too!

( Pets cheering )

What in the name of Grandma's pot roast is going on back here?

Oh, Mrs. Twombly, you aren't going to believe what happened.

That's probably true.

Well... a couple of months ago

I sent all of my fashion designs into FUN.

Fun? F.U.N.,

Fashion University North.

It's located upstate and is only like the best

fashion design school in the whole country.

I am able to understand about every third word

that comes from her mouth.

That's better than I'm doing.

They're holding a fashion camp there this summer,

and I thought I would apply, you know, just for fun?

And they accepted me!

( screaming )

( glasses shatter )

Oh, Blythe, that's wonderful.

OMG! It's like a dream come true.

Maybe the summer will turn into fall, then winter,

then spring...

Who knows how long I'll be gone?

Maybe I'll spend the rest of my life studying fashion design!

I've gotta go start planning.

Oh, my goodness, oh, my goodness!

Blythe's going away? Oh, jeepers.

Gone for the rest of her life? Oh, that's not good.

Ugh. That's not good at all.

♪ You think about All the things ♪

♪ That you love to do

♪ It all comes true

♪ You find a place You never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy To just be you ♪

♪ We can be ♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪

♪ We can be ♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪

( sad music playing )

♪ Our friend Blythe

♪ Just told us That she's leavin' ♪

♪ Leavin' us

♪ With heads and hearts A-grievin' ♪

♪ Fashion camp Is calling her name ♪

♪ But none of us Will ever be the same ♪

♪ Inseparable

♪ That's what Blythe And me were ♪

♪ Actually I think she and I Were closer ♪

♪ Was it me?

♪ Something that I said?

♪ Did I joke too much?

♪ About her giant head

♪ Oh, Blythe

♪ Just stay here forever

♪ We're askin', Blythe ♪ Ooh

♪ Don't leave us Not ever ♪

♪ I think we just need to talk

♪ Who's gonna take me For a walk? ♪

♪ Oh, Blythe

♪ Just stay here forever

♪ Bags are packed The train's ready to go ♪

♪ You step aboard My tears they start to flow ♪

♪ What went wrong? What should we think? ♪

♪ Is it me? ( sniffing )

♪ Do I stink?

♪ Can't you see me cryin'

♪ No, my tears I can't contain ♪

( sobbing )

♪ It's true He can't stop cryin' ♪

♪ Luckily

♪ We left him standing Near a drain ♪

♪ Oh, Blythe

♪ Just stay here forever

♪ We're askin', Blythe ♪ Ooh

♪ Don't leave us Not ever ♪

♪ Life will never be the same

♪ I think Russell's to blame Hey!

♪ Blythe Just stay here forever ♪

Please don't go.

Oh, I'm gonna miss you.

Oh, my eyes are wet.

Hey, knock, knock. Who's there?

My broken heart.

♪ Blythe, stay here forever

RUSSELL: Maybe I am to blame.

Look, everybody, there's no need to panic about this.

I'll have a heart to heart with Blythe and get the details.

Maybe it's not as bad as we think.

Russell is right. It's probably worse.

And this is where the dorms are,

and those are the classrooms.

Look. That's the gallery

where the students display their latest designs.

Isn't it the coolest campus you've ever seen, Dad?

It's in the top five, for sure.

It looks like your days will be jam-packed, full of activities--

But it'll be a B-L-A-S-T!

( Blythe screams )

Ow! Yeah, a total blast.

It is okay for me to go, isn't it, Dad?

Well, um, you see, I would have to say...

Of course it is, Blythie!


OMG! I haven't told my buds yet!

( door opens and closes )

I'm sure going to miss you, Blythe.

( knocking )

Have you heard the horrible news?

Blythe's leaving!

Of course you've heard, you're her father. That much we know.

But don't worry, I have a plan.

We frame Blythe for a crime she didn't commit,

so they'll place her under house arrest

and she'll have to stay in the apartment the whole time.

I don't think we can do that, Mrs. T.

Oh, you're right.

She'll need to get out to work in the pet shop.

But what if she tries to run off to the fashion school?

Ninjas. That's it.

We'll hire ninjas to secretly keep an eye on her.

Chillax, Mrs. Twombly.

She's not going to be gone

for the rest of her life, just for the summer.

That's still too long. We've got to do something!

No, we don't. What?

You've seen how excited she is.

I think the right thing to do is to support Blythe

as she pursues her dream...

even though we'll all miss her like crazy.


Oh, you're right. I know you are.

Still, I just can't imagine this place without Blythe.

Neither can I.

Neither can I.

F.U.N. Fashion University North.

It's the best fashion design school in the whole country.

Hey, that is fun! Literally!

F stands for fashion, U stands for...

We get it, Jasper. Where is it, Blythe?

Well, that's the one negative. It's not in town.

My Dad says it's either a short flight or a long drive away.

I'll be gone for most of the summer.

What? That stinks!


Well, it does.

Blythe, this is your dream come true.

We're totally happy for you. Aren't we, Jasper?

Oh, yeah, right! This is super cool, Blythe.

You gotta have fun! Sweet!

See you guys tomorrow. Last day of school! Whoo-hoo!

ALL: Whoo-hoo!

( dramatic theme playing )


The good news is that Blythe's

not going to be gone for the rest of her life.

PETS: Hooray!

The bad news is...

that she will be gone all summer.

PETS: Aw...

I have no idea of how long that will be.

Me either. Calendars are delicious.

So this morning was the last time

Blythe is going to feed us for months?

( gasping ): What? I'll starve!


Keep your tail on, Vinnie.

Mrs. Twombly will feed us. It's just, well...

Blythe always laughs at my jokes.

And compliments my paintings.

And Blythe always takes us on fun trips around the city.

Is Mrs. Twombly going to take us to the park? I love the park.

( Pets indistinctly chattering )

Settle down, everyone!

Blythe really wants to do this,

and just like her dad said, we should support her.

So, what do you say we put our worries aside

and work on coming up with the best going-away presents ever.

( Pets agreeing )

VINNIE: Okay, let's do it.

( school bell ringing )

( students cheering )

Out for the summer!


No more school until September.

And no more Blythe till September, either.

( sighs ): Thanks for reminding me, Jasper.

Remember, you two, we've gotta totally support Blythe

and not let her think we'll miss her,

or do lots of fun things without her.

It'll just bum her out, and that's not fair.

So I shouldn't show her

these Zany Island Grand Reopening passes?

( both squealing )

BLYTHE: What's going on?

OMG, Zany Island Grand Reopening tickets.

That's going to be so much fun...

for you guys.

Not even close to the amount of fun that you're gonna have.

You're actually going to a place called FUN! How fun is that?

Hello, Blythe. Others.

So, Blythe, we heard you were leaving town.

For good, we hope.

( both laugh )

Nope. Back at the end of the summer.

Too bad.

For us.

Well, I didn't expect they would miss me,

but you guys will, right?

Oh, don't worry about us, Blythe.

We'll get along just fine without you.

JASPER: Yeah, I mean...

We got lots to do. SUE: We'll have a great summer.


( Pets indistinctly chattering )

What's up, guys?

What makes you think there's something up?

Yeah, it's not like we were planning

any surprises or anything.


Oh, Zoe, I'm sorry

I haven't had time to work on your summer fashions.

I've been so busy getting ready for fashion camp that I...

Oh, no worries.

I couldn't care less. Really?

Sure. I don't need any special fashions for summer.

( Pets agree )

In fact, Blythe, we don't need you

for anything at all this summer.

So you should just go to that school and not think about us.

Oh... Well, that's great.

I guess I'll see you later, then.

Yeah, well, maybe you will and maybe you won't.

Just don't worry about us

'cause we won't be worrying about you!

Ow! Why do you keep doing that?

'Cause you keep sayin' dumb stuff!

I thought we were supposed to act like we wanted her to go.

Now quit it with that chicken.

Okay, let's hear what you're thinking about doing

for Blythe's going-away present.

I'm working on a new comedy routine

around how we can talk to Blythe and understand her and stuff.

I, Sunil the Great, am working on a new magic trick.

I call it, "Although Blythe is disappearing for the summer,

she will be reappearing in the fall."

I'll be interpreting Blythe's importance to us

through a fabulous rhythmic gymnastics routine.

( grunts )

Fabulous new song.

I'm working on some kickin' new moves. Check it!

( grunts )

So? What do you think?

Keep working on it. Minka?

I'm painting a fantastic piece just for Blythe, of course.

Okay, that

Hmm. What am I going to do?

Keeping in mind that some of the pets are herbivores.

Ooh, herbivores. I like that word.

It makes me think of salads.

Oh, Blythe, just in time. I'd like you to meet Madison.

Hi. I'm Madison,

but you can call me by my nickname...Madison.

Madison will be taking your place

while you're gone this summer.

Really? That was fast. I haven't even left yet.

Oh I didn't want you to worry about us this summer,

so I did an exhaustive search with numerous candidates.

Hey, you! You want a job for the summer?


Come on, Madison, I'll show you around.

( sniffs, toy squeaks )

( door opens )

Russell, my replacement is right behind me.

Tell everyone to talk, so I can see if she understands you.

Why was she in a dumbwaiter accident too?

Just do it! Right.

So, this is the day camp area

where the pets hang out everyday.

And these are the pets.

Say hello to Madison, everyone.

( Pets indistinctly chattering )

( Pets barking and yelping )

My, they're very noisy, aren't they?

They're talking to you.

( Pets barking and yelping )

Well, I don't have my "animal-to-English" dictionary

so I don't know what they're saying.

That's all I wanted to hear.

Hello, pets. I know we're going to get along just fine,

as long as you don't breathe on me.

And who knows, if Blythe doesn't come back,

maybe I'll just have to stay here, for good!

( all gasp )

♪ Blythe, you're gonna miss me

♪ I'm trying not to boast

♪ Blythe, you're gonna miss me

♪ You're gonna miss me most

Me. Well?

Yeah, um... Can you make it a little more about Blythe,

and a little less about you?

I'm not quite following you.

You know how you say, "You're gonna miss me?"

Yes, I love that part!

Well, maybe you should instead say something like,

"I'm gonna miss you."

Hmm, let me see what I can do.

Mmm, okay. Next!

Thank you! Hey, it's great to be back at Littlest Pet Shop.

So anyway, you know your pet is talking to you

when the pet says something, and you say, "What?"

Okay, that one needs work.

Um... You know you're a human who can talk to pets

when you start talking back to them, and they say, "What?"

Hold on, that's not good. Uh...

That's okay. I know where you're heading with these. Next!

SUNIL: I plead for forgiveness, Russell,

but I cannot perform my disappearing trick.

Why not? It has disappeared.


La-la-la, la-la-la-la-- Oh, boy!

La-la-la, la-la-la-- Oh, boy!

Keep practicing.

Minka, how's your painting coming along?

Don't worry, I'll have it done in time.

Great. Well, it looks like

everyone has something for Blythe.

Except me.

BLYTHE: Fashion camp this summer.

Zany Island Grand Reopening this summer.

( sighs ): I don't know.

Maybe I shouldn't go to fashion camp.

I wish I knew what I should do.

( knocking ) Come in.

( groans )

Blythe, I've got you all stocked up for camp.

Wow! Look at all of this stuff. Ooh! A travel mannequin!

With kung fu grip!

Thanks, Dad. You're the best.

I'm going to miss you so much.

Aw... Well, we'll talk every day,

and write letters and e-mails and postcards and...

And you better finish packing,

because we're leaving bright and early.

( dramatic theme playing )

Are you sure you need all of this luggage, Blythe?

Absolutely, Dad. They're mostly filled with my design supplies.


Okay, they're mostly my shoes, but I need them, Dad!

All right, we'll get going right after I load everything up.

I'll go say good-bye to the pets and Mrs. Twombly.

Hey, everybody, I'm almost ready to leave.

Blythe, we have a surprise for you.

Have a seat.

Hit it!

( upbeat theme playing )

♪ I thought of you today And all the funny ways ♪

♪ You make my day so bright

♪ And it seems that

♪ You were always

♪ On my mind

♪ And it won't be long

♪ Till I see you again

♪ In the meantime

♪ I will miss you My friend ♪

♪ No, it won't be long Till I see you again ♪

♪ In the meantime

♪ I will miss you

♪ Till I see you again

( clapping and laughing )

That was amazing!

Well, we're not finished yet.

Minka has a little something for you.

That's you in the middle, surrounded by all of us.

Oh, Minka, it's beautiful.

I absolutely love it.

Um, Blythe, I'm afraid I couldn't

come up with anything to give you.

What are you talking about, Russell?

This whole thing was Russell's idea, Blythe.

Thank you, Russell.

I think I'll miss you most of all.

( sad theme playing )

( clears throat ): Well, then...

Blythe's only going to be gone for a little while,

and she'll be back before we know it. Right?

PETS: Right!

ROGER: Let's go, Blythe! Okay, Dad!

Well...time to go.

Now, Blythe, I don't want you to worry about anything

while you're gone.

Between Madison and myself,

we'll have everything under control.

Oh, by the way, Blythe...

As my going-away present to you,

I had a webcam installed in the day camp,

so you'll be able to check in on the sweeties

anytime you want.

Really? TSC.

BOTH: That's so cool!

Are you okay, Mrs. T?

Just a little too much coffee this morning.

It went straight to my eyelid.

So, quick question... Which one's Blythe?

Have fun at FUN, Blythe.

Ha, ha! Did you see what I did there? I made a joke.

Oh, I'm going to miss hanging with you guys so much.

Don't, because we're just going to be doing boring stuff.

That's right, stuff you wouldn't want to do anyway.

Okay, knock off the phony

"It's going to be a boring summer" act.

You'll have fun like everybody else.

I'll only be a little jealous.

You better call me every night.

And you better take a lot of pictures at Zany Island.

Ready to go?

( sighs ): As I'll ever be.

( car door opens and closes, engine starts )

Bye, everyone! Have a good summer!

Dad, I wrote up a list of things for you to do while I'm gone.

Water the plants, but not too much.

Don't leave your shoes in the middle of the floor

'cause you'll trip.

If something in the fridge grows fur,

throw it away.

Sweetie, relax. I'll be fine.

WOMAN ( on P.A. ): Okay, summer fashion campers.

Check in with me before you get on the FUN bus.

Dad, you're going to miss me, right?

I started missing you the second I found out you were going away.

Now you listen to me, Blythe Baxter.

You will not worry about me or the pets or your friends,

because we're all going to be fine.

All you need to do is concentrate

on this wonderful opportunity and have a great time. Got it?

Got it. Love you!

Me too.

( upbeat theme playing )

Fashion camp, here I come!

Well, woop-dee-doo.

Hey, I heard that.

What the-- Huh?

( upbeat pop theme playing )

♪ We can be ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪