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02x12 - Commercial Success

Posted: 05/08/22 08:13
by bunniefuu
( snoring )

( snoring )

( yells )

( hooting )

My sculpture!



Vinnie, that was my fruit scrap sculpture.

I have to start all over.

Except now my artistic muse has left me.

Hey, I said "oops." What more do you want?

( groans )

We've run around the park,

played with all the pet toys,

and eaten everything but the blanket.

( sighs ): Now what should we do?

Hey, I know. Let's all tell

the most interesting thing that's ever happened to us.

Whoo! Me first! Me first!

I got a great story.

It was a dark and stormy day...

VINNIE: Ooh! I like this story already.


I was on the bus with my owner and it was super crowded.

PEPPER: Everyone was mushed in like sardines.

This poor old lady was having a hard time staying on her feet.

( tires screech )

Oh, my goodness!

Oh, this is my stop.

She got herself together. She accidentally grabbed me

instead of her purse and got off the bus...

with me under her arm.

( exhales )

That was a nutso day.

Aren't you forgetting something?

Forgetting something? What do you mean?

What happened to you after the bus left?

Oh, yeah. Well, uh...

When she figured she was holding a skunk, she screamed, I ran,

somebody picked me up and took me on one of those cruise ship

thingies, and we sailed off to the Bahamas and got left there

for some reason. But then I snuck on this other ship,

yada yada, detour to Greenland, blah blah,

caught a hot-air balloon home, blah blah, the end.

Well, that was...


Okay, who wants to go next?

( all clamoring )

Penny Ling, do you want to tell your interesting story next?



( gulps )

♪ You think about All the things ♪

♪ That you love to do ♪

♪ It all comes true ♪

♪ You find a place You never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy To just be you ♪

♪ We can be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪

♪ We can be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪

Come on, Penny Ling, tell us an interesting story.


I think I overdid it on some bamboo at lunch...

Maybe somebody else should go.

Oh! Oh!

I've got a really good one!

His name was Juan Jorge Jose.

Isn't that the dog who does those hilarious flips

in the dog treat commercials?

It's adorable how he gets those stubby legs up in the--

Yes. Adorable.

We met on a modeling job for a dog food commercial.

He fell in love with me.

But sadly for him, so did the camera.

He wanted me to jump the fence and run away with him

to Hollywood, where he would make movies,

and I would stay home all day raising a litter of puppies.

But I had to remain true to my first love...

having my picture taken.

( crowd cheering )

( all sigh )

( sighs )

Zoe, I can't believe you almost ran off with a big star.

( sighs ): Okay, who's next?


Once I took a train,

clear across the country.

That's your interesting story?

You rode on a train?

Who said anything about riding

in the train?

( screaming ): Help!


( all exclaiming )

That's a really great story, Vinnie.

Gee, these stories just get more and more interesting.

PEPPER: Oh, hey Minka!

Tell everyone about the time you painted the king.

Okay! Okay! Okay! Okay! Okay!

One time, I got to stay in a palace...

See, my owner is the cousin to the cousin

of this king's cousin, which makes me the pet

of the king's cousin's cousin's cousin.

Practically royalty.

So we went to the king's throne room for lunch,

and here's where it gets exciting...

I jumped on the food table

just to see what was there...

( hooting )

and oopsy! I knocked a glass of punch onto the king's shirt.

Onto a king?

What happened?


The color looked so pretty,

so I had to make the rest of him look as pretty.

So I used the rest of the food on the table to paint the king!

One of my greatest works of art if I do say so myself.

And I do! I just said so.

By myself.

Such a great story, Minka.

Okay, Penny Ling. Now it's definitely your turn.

Wow us.


One time I was eating,

and a piece of bamboo got caught in my teeth.

I thought it would never come out.

It did, though. The end.

( scoffs ): That's your story?

Food got stuck in your teeth?

You gotta have a more interesting story than that.

Yeah, everybody has something

interesting happen in their life.

Uh, well...

There was a time I saw a snake,

and I jumped.

But it just turned out to be a stick.

The end.


( crying ): I'm just not interesting!

( sobbing )


( horn honks )

Don't worry about that stuff back at the park, Penny Ling.

It's just,

everyone's so interesting and has such great stories.

I feel kind of left out.

I'm sure you have an interesting tale to tell,

and you'll tell it when you're ready.

( sniffling )

Tale? Like a fairy tale?

Well, some stories are so good

they do seem like fairy tales.


I guess I could tell my story

about the Green Bean Fairy Queen.

The green-bean-who-to-the-what, now?

The Green Bean Fairy Queen...

who gave me a hug and made flowers grow out of my hair.

Hold that thought, Penny Ling.

What's this about interesting stories?

We skip one park outing and we miss out on some great stories.

Lucky for you you won't miss this one, Russell.

Go on Penny Ling,

tell the others what you just told me.

Oh, it's not a big deal.

Besides, I'm sure I've told you this one a hundred times before.

Uh, does anyone remember Penny Ling telling us about

a Green Bean Fairy Queen.

making flowers grow out of her hair?

ALL: No.

Well, that part was a little weird.

But after growing up with fairies,

you kind of get used to that kind of stuff.

What are you talking about?

I should probably start at the beginning.

I was born in the misty Forest of Galloway.

( yawning )

The fairies brought me bean juice every morning.

PEPPER: Hold it!

Did you just say fairies brought you bean juice?

Yes. The fairies were the reason I battled the Crab Witch

while on my journey to find the Watering Stone.

I'm getting a headache.

Shh. I want to hear more.

Yeah, zip it, Pepper.

Go on, Penny.

Okay, where was I...?

Oh, yes,

years ago I lived in the Forest of Galloway,

where I was cared for by the bean fairies.

The whole forest was beautiful.

The fairies lived a very happy life,

playing games, helping the green beans grow,

and being very nice to each other.

This is like that song about the boat. And the rowing.

And the boat. Rowing the boat!

No... No, that's not it.

My, you are one fabulous looking fairy.

FAIRY: Incoming!

They tried to teach me fairy things, like,

how to fly.

( screams )

BOTH: Oops.

But I was way better at falling.

Then one day,

all the water that made the green bean valley so green,

stopped flowing.

Everything in the valley became dry,

shriveled and brown.

The fairies said this could only happen if somebody removed

the Watering Stone from the waterfall.

The Watering Stone?

Yes, the magical stone that keeps the waterfalls flowing?

Oh, that Watering Stone. Got it.

Naturally, the fairies assumed

it was the goblins who took the Watering Stone.

I have never seen bean fairies so angry.

( grumbling )

They were planning an all-out air as*ault

against the goblins!

I had to do something.


Let me go talk to the goblins

and try to get the Watering Stone back.

Because the goblins lived on a remote mountaintop,

the fairies were afraid I couldn't make the trip.

But I knew it was something I had to do.

( gasps )


Any goblins here?

Nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah!

( all taunting )

Hey, that's not very nice.

We're goblins. It's our thing.

Hello, goblins.

My name is Penny Ling, and I've come here for a reason.

GOBLIN: Quiet!

Goblins do not talk to strangers.

Not without a test.

You must pass a test.

What kind of test?

A dancing test!

( all cheering )


I just climbed that huge cliff wall and I'm a little tired.

If you fail,

we send you back down the cliff wall!


The only talking we want you to do is:

with your feet.

( exhales )

( all exclaim )

( all cheer )

Now, you must return the Watering Stone and restore

the water to Green Bean Land.

Huh? We're goblins.

Took the watering-what, now? But goblins don't steal!

You didn't take the Watering Stone?

No, we love green beans.

Yeah, who doesn't? They're so versatile.

Huh, well, this is awkward.

WISE-MONGOOSE: What you seek is not here.


I said, what you seek is not here.

How do you know what I seek?

Because I was listening.

Just now? While we were talking?

Yes, I was standing right over there.


He who listens is wiser than he who speaks.

Yeah, more like, he who eavesdrops.

Yeah, how rude!


if you seek the Watering Stone,

look to the one who hates the Beans of Green.

You speak in riddles, oh, Wise-Mongoose.

Yes, like the reason the chicken crossed the road

is known only by the chicken, and not by the road.

Is anyone writing this stuff down?

These are gold.


will you take me to the one who hates the beans of green?

Are you brave enough to face beasts who breathe fire,

demons who drip acid, and monsters who smell like

rotten bologna and bananas?


Okay, good, because this won't be that bad.

Hey, Wise-Mongoose, where are you taking me?

( laughing )

Okay, no weird laughing please!

Are you taking me to the one who hates the beans of green,

or aren't you?

I am not taking you on this journey,

you are taking yourself.

I am only walking ahead of you in the same direction.

Ah! Stop talking like that.


take one more step closer.


There, now what?

Now, you meet your destiny.

( screams )

Don't worry! You'll be fine!

Tell her I say, "hello!"

And everything went dark, dark,


Time for the pets to go home, Blythe.

ALL: Aw...

Don't worry,

Penny Ling can finish her story tomorrow.


you really want to hear more of my story?

Are you kidding, Penny Ling?

I need to know what happened when you went down the hole.

PEPPER: Did the water ever come back?

It was the goblins who stole the Watering Stone,

and the Wise-Mongoose was just trying to get rid of her.

Am I right?

You know, you should never trust a goblin.

Everybody's always trying to blame them

just because they're goblins.

See you all tomorrow.

( groans ): I hate cliffhangers.

( vacuuming )

Morning, Mrs. Twombly.

( yelling ): Good morning, Mrs. Twombly!

Oh, good morning, Blythe.

( laughing ): I guess I didn't hear you come in.

All the little sweeties are here.

Except Penny Ling.

They haven't moved since they got here.

It's as if they're waiting for something.

Oh, they are.

Good morning, Penny Ling.

Everyone is dying to hear the rest of your story.

PEPPER: Come on, Penny Ling! Finish your story!

I barely slept last night,

I was so excited to hear what happened next.

Don't leave anything out.

It's the best story I've ever heard.

Let's see, where was I...?

When I was little...

I lived in the misty Forest of Galloway.

RUSSELL: You already told us that!

Oh, sorry.

I was climbing the rock cliff

to get to the goblin encampment.

PEPPER: You told us this part too!

RUSSELL: Go to where you got sucked into the sand.

Oh, yeah.

( rapid sounds )

The Wise-Mongoose told me to stand right on the spot

where I fell through.

I thought I was a goner.

Lucky for me, I landed inside some kind of

underground prison.

ZOE: That was lucky?

PENNY LING: Well, it was better than being buried in sand.

ADVENTURER RUSSELL: I wouldn't do that if I were you.

Who said that?

ADVENTURER RUSSELL: Voice in the fire.


Yeah, there's a face in the fire.

I know it takes some getting used to.

Spirit of the Flame, Flame Keeper, whatever.

I'm Penny Ling.

Are you looking for the Crab Witch?

Is she the one who hates the beans of green?

Probably, she's pretty crabby.

And if there's hating going on somewhere,

then yeah, it's her.

Where is she?

If I had to guess, I'd say behind that wooden door.


everything here is booby trapped, so...

just a head's up.

( grunting )

Well, I don't see any boobytr--

( screams )

Well, that was convenient.

( gasps ): Look!

The Watering Stone!


what do we have here?

( gasps )

A visitor, I see.

We've come to take back the Watering Stone.

Hey! Leave me out of this.

CRAB WITCH PEPPER: A green bean lover, eh?

Personally, I can't stand them.

( spits )

Oh, so because you don't like green beans you have to steal

the Watering Stone and keep it locked in a cabinet?

That's right. I'm the Crab Witch,

and I am very, very crabby.

And a witch.

Are you just against green beans,

or is it all vegetables?

What's it to ya? I stole it fair and square,

and now I'm going to keep you here as my prisoner forever!

( laughing )


I don't think so.

Hey, what's the big idea?

CRAB WITCH PEPPER: That display case was my mother's!

Get back here with that!

( grunting )

Why did I put these booby traps in here?


( groaning )

PENNY LING: Hey, goblins!

I got it! I got it!

I got it! I got it! I got the stone!

Oh, no!

She fell off!

I'll never forget you.

And we'll never, ever forget you.

Wait, what did she say her name was?

FAIRIES: Thank you! Thank you!

You're welcome, and that's it.

The end.

Hey, didn't you say something about getting a hug

that made flowers grow out of your hair?

Oh yeah,

that was the best part.

Penny Ling, you have been very brave,

and worked very hard for us.

Any time you need me, just call my name,

and I will come to you.

( giggling )

Wow, great story, Penny Ling.

As far as stories go, it was very...


Give me a break.

There is no way that story was true.

It's percent true.

If it's true, call the Green Bean Fairy Queen here,

right now.

Well, Green Bean Land is very far away.

I don't think a call will go through...

It's not true!

None of it!

I just made it up as I went along

so I'd have an interesting story to tell,

like everybody else.

You made up all of that?

The fairies, the green beans?

The goblins and the Watering Stone?


That was awesome!

I could never have made up a story like that.

I think being such a great storyteller makes Penny Ling

pretty interesting.

I concur.

I don't.

But I do agree.


You think I'm interesting?

( giggles ): Wow.

Yeah! I was gonna do something else today,

but I'd rather hear another story.

( all clamoring )

Well, if you insist.

Now this is a great story.

Millions of light years from earth,

on a planet of rocks and dust,

there was a little pet shop.

( upbeat pop theme playing )

♪ We can be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪