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02x17 - Shanghai Hi-Jinks

Posted: 05/08/22 08:16
by bunniefuu
( upbeat theme playing )

BLYTHE: Mm. Okay. Awesome.

All right.

There we go. Not too shabby.

To the contrary, it is quite shabby.

In fact, I do believe

it is the most shabby outfit I have ever seen.

So now I am guessing

the word "shabby" is not a compliment?

Heh-heh. Uh, not really, Sunil.

It means old and kind of worn out.

( laughs ): Oh.

Oops. Oh, sorry.

In that case, it is the least shabby outfit I have ever seen.

It is most unshabby indeed.

( horn honks, car door closes )

Blythe! Mrs. Twombly! I did it. I finally did it.

Now, Roger, I'm sure that whatever it is you've done,

a sincere apology will go a long way

toward setting things right.

I don't hear any sirens...yet.

What did you finally do, Dad?

Follow me.


Wow, a trailer.

Not just any trailer.

It's the Ruegger Mini Tent Camper.

When I was a kid, we used to go camping all the time,

but just in ordinary old tents.

The fancy campers all had fancy tent trailers.

I vowed that one day I would be a fancy camper,

and I would own one of these beauties.

Ha-ha-ha-ha. Mwah.

Eh, we all have our dreams.

Just think, Blythe,

we can go camping in the National Forest

any time we want.

You know, collect abandoned bird nests, weigh minnows,

look for...Bigfoot!

Bigfoot? The hairy monster thing?

BOTH: Hairy monster?

Now it all makes sense.

Bigfoot's always been a secret passion of my dad's,

but I think he'd probably fall into a hole

if he ever actually saw him.

So, Blythe, what do you say we go camping this weekend?


( pets clamoring )

Can the pets come too?

I don't have a problem with that.

What do you say, Mrs. Twombly?

Animals in nature. Hm.

Why not?

Just make sure you get permission from their owners.

Right. I think this is gonna be fun.

Have you ever heard of this Bigfoot character?

I must confess that I have not, nor have I seen a scary movie

about the aforementioned creature.

Yeah, me neither.

You know what this means, don't you?


It's a new monster.

( gulps )

♪ You think about All the things ♪

♪ That you love to do ♪

♪ It all comes true ♪

♪ You find a place You never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy to Just be you ♪

♪ We can be ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪

♪ At Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪

♪ We can be ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪

♪ At Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪

( upbeat theme playing )

ROGER: Okay, everybody, we're here!

( pets clamoring )

( sniffs )


I smell nature, and I like it.

I just love camping.

Sleeping on the ground,

the smell of fresh pine in the morning,

cooking kibble over an open flame.

You do know we're camping, not glamping, right?

What's glamping?

Glamping, or glamorous camping, is delightful,

but, no, give me a bed of leaves and a blanket of stars,

and I'm a happy camper.

Literally. ( bones cracking )


Heh-heh. Sorry about that.

The old back gets a little stiff after a long drive.

I'll set up the trailer.

Why don't you start unloading the car?


This is all so cool, Blythe.

I was on the web last night,

and I found out there's been over a dozen Bigfoot sightings

in the area this year.

Over a dozen! Can you believe it?

No, but I'll take your word for it.

Did he just say there are over a dozen Bigfoot monsters living

in the very same area that we are currently inhabiting?

Uh, somethin' like that,

but the bottom line is that we gotta figure out a way

to protect ourselves and all of our friends too.

Well, how do we do that?

By setting up some kind of Bigfoot trap, of course.

Oh, Vinnie, for a small-brained reptile,

you come up with some amazingly intelligent ideas.

Uh, thanks.


Ooh, it's so pretty out here.

Well, I've gathered all the firewood,

marked several trails, and whittled this divining stick

so we can find fresh water.

Who are you?

Your guide to all things natural.

These Douglas Firs create a lovely canopy

and the edelweiss underfoot, nature's beautiful carpet.

Well said, Scoutmaster Zoe.

( sniffs )

Ahh, the whole place feels alive.

I know. Maybe we should do this more often.


Aah! Where'd he come from?

And...maybe not.

( rumbling )

( horn blows )

( dramatic theme playing )

( sniffs )

Ahh, I smell money.

Ugh. A little heavy on the earth tones,

wouldn't you say, Brittany?

Totes. Like blech, Whittany.

Daddy, you said nature was beautiful.

We think it's, like, drab.

I said the profits to be made from nature are beautiful.

Don't worry, girls.

We'll be out of here as soon as I can grind me up some forest.

( dramatic theme playing )

Behold, the essence

of Fisher Biskit's Pine Fresh Pet Shampoo.

It only takes one tree to get a whole drop of the stuff.

Impressed, girls?

Like, yay.

We're so proud and stuff.

( phones beep )

Chances of picking up a signal in this dump?

Next to nothing.

Ooh, you're good.

Aw, go on.

No, seriously, go on.

And you dress nice?

( both giggle )

Mmm. Nature's colorful candy. Mmm.

( rustling )

Oh, hello.

I've never seen anything like you before.

Care for some flowers?

And I'm tellin' ya there is a monster called Bigfoot.

Blythe's dad says so.

He has no proof.

Look, I don't mind helping you guys relax

by working on your silly trap, but I want you to know

that the only thing you're gonna catch in it

is one of us who isn't paying attention.

Russell, I am telling you that you will be quite relieved

when the monstrous Bigfoot monsters

are staring up at us with their monstrous gnashing teeth

and dirty monstrous fingernails.

Twelve? We're gonna need a bigger hole.

( sighs )

Psst. Zoe, why don't you pop some popcorn?


'Cause this is gonna be a great show.

Roger's gonna set up a camper!


( upbeat theme playing )

( laughing ) Hey, guys, what's up?

( grunts )

Whoa! Dad!

Hello, birdies.



Oh, boy. Isn't this fun?


( twig snaps, leaves rustling )

Uh! Whazzat? Indeed, what is zat?

Okay, everybody calm down.

It's probably nothing.

( ghostly howling )

( all screaming )

Okay, Miss Outdoors Lady, what's that sound?

Nothing I've ever heard before.

Hi, everyone. What's up?

PETS: Penny Ling!

Where have you been?

Mmm. Picking flowers with my new friend.

Penny Ling, does your new friend

have sharp claws...

Pointy, dagger-like teeth...

BOTH: ...and very big feet?

( laughs ): No, sillies.

ALL: ( sigh )

Her feet aren't that big.

( ghostly howling )

Oh, I wish they would just stop.

I can't understand a word they're saying,

and I speak pretty good howl.

You can't understand them because they're not real.

What's that? My new friend just told me

that those howl-y noises are coming from fake forest animals,

not real ones.

So, Penny Ling,

what's with this "new friend" stuff?

Let me guess. It's another one of your "interesting stories"?

This isn't a story. I'm telling the truth.

Of course the howls

are not coming from real forest animals.

They're coming from a real Bigfoot.

Right, Vincent? Right, Sunil.

And don't call me Vincent.

( ghostly howls )

You know, I can't understand those howls either,

which means that Penny Ling is right

about them coming from fake forest animals.

I'm gonna go check this out.

VINNIE: Don't leave us here alone.

ZOE: Please don't go.

( ghostly howling )

( groans )

I still can't get a signal.

BRITTANY: Ohh! Neither can I.

WHITTANY, BRITTANY, BLYTHE: What are you doing here?

We asked you first. No, you didn't.

Are you two spying on me?

Ha. Why would people like us

bother spying on people like you?

Yeah, we're just trying to get a signal for our phones.

Forget all that.

What I meant was, why are you camping?

I mean, all of this doesn't really seem like your thing.

Oh, that.

Well, we have this, like, ginormous RV.

That means, like, "Rich people's Vehicle."

Not quite.

Anyway, it's got a flatscreen in it

which is hu-yu-uge.

Probably bigger than your entire apartment, Blythe.

( in unison ): Nice.

Wrap it up, ladies.

So, like, we were in there watching it last night,

when suddenly Daddy climbs in and drives off.

The next thing we know, we're, like, here.

But why here?

( scoffs ): Who knows?

Daddy mentioned something about plans

for this waste of real estate,

but we space out when he changes the subject

from us to something else, don't we, Brit?

Hm? Sorry.

I was texting something interesting about me

and didn't catch what you were saying.

( gasps ): You got bars?

All right, all right. Beat it, you two.

( Whittany groans )

Hey-dee-ho, girls.

What brings you to our neck of the woods? Pun intended.

Oh, we just wanted to, like, stop by

and visit our, like, dear, sweet and good friend, Blythe.

Well, isn't that nice, huh, Blythe?


Say, as long as you girls are in the area,

would you mind keeping an eye out for Bigfoot?

WHITTANY: Ew! He's hairy.


He could use some serious, like, manscaping.

Ugh. Blythe and I are running

a quasi-scientific research expedition

and would love for you girls to keep an eye open

for any sign of that big guy.

You know, help us get the word out and whatnot.

Oh, we'll get the word out about this, Mr. Baxter.

Yeah, you can, like, count on that.

( both laugh )

I'll bet "Blythe Baxter, Bigfoot Wacko"

is already trending on the Chirp-osphere.

Okay, Blythe, I've got my observation post set up.

What do you say we have some fun?

♪ It's time to stop And seize the day ♪

♪ Pack your bags Grab your friends ♪

♪ And just get away ♪

♪ As you're feeling the sun Warm your heart right up ♪

♪ And you lighten your load ♪

♪ When you go ♪

♪ Just go unplug ♪

♪ Try new things Get outside ♪

♪ And just see what's there ♪

♪ New adventures await ♪

♪ You can't wait to share ♪

♪ And you find that words They just aren't enough ♪

♪ To describe that feeling ♪

♪ When you go ♪

♪ Just go unplug ♪

♪ This is the time Of your life ♪

♪ This is the time Of your life ♪

♪ This is the time Of your life ♪

♪ Don't let it go by ♪

♪ Just go unplug ♪

♪ Just go unplug ♪

( Penny Ling sighs )

It's so peaceful and beautiful here in your forest.

I wouldn't mind living here, believe you me.

( animal chitters )

Of course, if I moved out here,

I'd be moving away from Littlest Pet Shop.

That's where I hang out every day with all my friends.

( chitters )

Would you like to meet them?

( chitters )

You would? Let's go!

( upbeat theme playing )

I'll ask them right now.

Who are you talking to, Penny Ling?

My new woodland friend.

The one with the sharp claws...

Pointy, dagger-like teeth...

BOTH: And very big feet?

I told you, her feet aren't that big.

And between you and me,

she's kind of sensitive about it, so zip it.

Penny Ling, this isn't another one of your stories, is it?


Sweetie, I know that this much fresh air

can be a little overwhelming.

We outdoorsy types call it nature madness.

Maybe you have a touch of that.

I'm perfectly fine, and my friend is perfectly real!

It's quiet out here.

Too quiet.

( gasps )

What the what?

( gasps ): The engine is gone!

Is that a problem?

Who would do such a thing?

This forest is so uncivilized.

( grumbling )

I hate seeing Daddy suffering like this.

Me too.

I'm sure that Blythe is behind it all.

Really? Why?

Like, because she's mean, like, nasty.

You know, Blythe.

Oh, thank goodness for that auxiliary engine

and the auto-repair feature for all the rest of it.

BOTH: Yay. Good for you, Daddy.

( dramatic theme playing )

( machinery grinding )

We need to teach Blythe, like, a lesson.

What do you have in mind?

Hold on. I'm thinking.

( groans )

Brittany, I have an idea.

( owl hoots )

I haven't seen Penny Ling since she got mad and left.

Do you think she's okay?

BLYTHE: I know what will bring her back.

Penny Ling, snack time!

Ooh! My favorite time of day.

What's the snack?

They're called s'mores.

Blythe, what's a s'm-m-m-m-more?

Only the most famous and delicious campfire treat

of all time.

Ooh. How do you make 'em?

First, you take a stick,

and then you poke it through a marshmallow.

Marshmallow? Then you cook it over the fire.

PETS: Ooh.

Then you put it between two squares of graham crackers

along with a piece of chocolate,

or a pet-friendly substitute, which would be...nothing.

Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum,

Sounds delicious.

Okay, so here are the sticks,

here's the graham crackers,

and here are the marshmallows.

A whole bag of marshmallows?

( squeals )

And...he's gone.

Oh, no. Sorry, Russell.

I completely forgot about your marshmallow phobia.

They creep me out with their puffy squishiness.

( shudders )

( dramatic theme playing )

( moaning )

( pets screaming )

Are the marshmallows attacking everyone?

It is of the Bigfoots!

There must be... ( mutters )

more in the woods!

Two Bigfoots, huh?

Oh, my.

I am so very scared.

There are not one, but two Bigfoots about to eat us all.

Like, rawr.

We're the Bigfoots your dad is looking for.

No, we're Bigfeets.

It's plural.

Uh, they're surprisingly eloquent

for forest monsters.

( sighs ): I didn't want to do it.

She talked me into it.

Aren't you two ashamed of yourselves,

trying to scare us all again?

We might be ashamed...

If we knew what that meant.

Who's that? Your dad?

Uhh, no.

It's just a real Bigfoot.

Yeah, just a real--

BOTH: Bigfoot!

Aah! Aah!

( screaming )

Daddy, please take us back to the city!

This forest is full of all kinds of unpleasant creatures.

Like Bigfoot! And Blythe!

Uhh! With pleasure.

I'm tired of this place too.

I turn my back for one moment,

and the next thing I know,

the mechanical arms have fallen off again.

I've had more than enough of this overrated nature stuff.

Girls, we're going home.

Penny Ling, come back.

This is the new forest friend

that I've been telling you about.

Her name is Mushroom.

( chitters ): Hello.

Aah! Aah!

Inside! Inside!

Looks like a classic case of nature madness.

( chitters )

As you correctly point out, Mushroom,

many domesticated pets often have difficulty

adjusting to the natural world

when released into the wild.

In Vinnie and Sunil's case, they're just dopes.

I know that I speak for everyone

when I say that we're sorry for doubting you, Penny Ling.

No need to apologize. See, Mushroom?

Didn't I tell you they were nice?

Mm. Yes.

They are much nicer than those forest breakers,

who were not very nice at all.

( chitters )

You must mean the Biskits.

I spent the whole day doing everything I could think of

to keep their nasty metal monster

from ruining the forest.

( chitters )

First I made its grabbies fall off,

and then I made its roll-y feet go whoosh,

and then I took out its noisy boom-boom

that made everything go.

Ohh, what a waste of time.

I sat in that rope seat for the last four hours

and didn't see a thing.

Oh, well, now, who's this little cutie?

Oh, no one, just a real Bigfoot.


A r-real B-B-Big-Big-Big-Big--


Oh! Oh, no!


Oh. Uhh!

OMG, I was right.

I've seen that before.

PETS, MUSHROOM: Bigfoot Madness.

( all laughing )

( upbeat pop theme playing )

♪ We can be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪