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02x18 - Grounded

Posted: 05/08/22 08:17
by bunniefuu
( grunts )

( rings )

Littlest Pet Shop.

We don't sell pets, we cater to them.

May I--? Oh, my word. That's terrible.

Of course we'll miss him at the day camp today.

Who will we miss?

Oh, I agree. It's no fun being sick.

Sick? Who's sick?

But what's most important is that Sunil feels better.

Oh, no! Sunil's sick.

( all laughing )

Hey, everybody, I've got a secret.

Who wants to hear it?

Oh, I do! Me! Me!

Let's hear it.

I thought you weren't supposed to tell secrets.

What's the fun in that?

Sunil is sick.

Surreal is lick.

Cereal smells ick.

Syrup McDrick.

Okay, what did I say?

Cyril McFlip. Cyril McFlip?

Who's Cyril McFlip? Is he a new pet here?

Ugh! Why am I always the last to know?

♪ You think about All the things ♪

♪ That you love to do ♪

♪ It all comes true ♪

♪ You find a place You never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy To just be you ♪

♪ We can be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪

♪ We can be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪

Oh, of course. I understand.

You don't want to leave Sunil alone.

Mm-hm. Oh, I'd be happy to help you find a sitter.

Just a minute.

Blythe, got a sec?

Sure, Mrs. Twombly. What's up?

Sunil is too sick to come to day camp today,

and his owners need someone to stay with him.

Mrs. Twombly, you had me at...

"Sunil is too sick to come to day camp today,

and his owners need someone to stay with him."



She'd love to.

Russell, the message wasn't Cyril McFlip.

The message was, "Sunil is sick."


I hate telephone.

So Sunil's not coming to camp today?

Guess not.

Aw, I'll miss him.

We all will, but it's no secret

who this is going to be hardest on.

ALL: Vinnie.

Remember the last time

Sunil didn't come in for the day?

Aah! Sunil's not coming in today?!

( screaming )

( Vinnie hyperventilating )

( screaming )

( grunting, shouting )

Aah! Aah!

( roars )

I knew I shouldn't have told him.

( all shudder )

Uh-oh, here comes Goshzilla now.

Okay, everybody, we don't want to upset Vinnie,

so let's break the news to him gently.

Hey, day campers.

Hey, what do you want to do today?

Sunil is sick!

Run away!

( pets scream )

That wasn't exactly cushioning the blow, Minka.


So we're playing hide and seek.

Uh, Vinnie, did you just hear Minka say that Sunil is sick?

Yeah, I heard her.

Don't you care? Not really.

Hey, anybody's owner watch any good TV last night?

Blythe, don't forget the mango!

Oh, and the cold compresses for my aching head.

Anything for my favorite patient.

Oh, thank you.

Oh, that feels much better.

( gulps )

Mm. Yum.

Is there anything else you need, Sunil?

Actually, my pillows do feel a little flat.

Do you think you could fluff them up for me?


( coughs )

So, what do you think made you sick?

Did you catch something from someone?

If by someone you mean Vinnie, then no.

I most certainly did not catch it from him.

He would never give me anything.

Okay, then.

I actually wasn't thinking specifically about Vinnie.

Vinnie this, Vinnie that.

Could you please stop talking about Vinnie already?


Uh, well, who's up for more mango?

Anything is better than talking about Vinnie.

Something definitely happened between Sunil and Vinnie.

( scatting )

Ha. Whoa. Uhh.

I can't believe Vinnie's not upset.

He's just pretending to be okay.

It's only a matter of time before Vinnie realizes

he's not gonna see Sunil today.

And when it finally sinks in, trust me, he'll go bonkers.

Are you saying he's a ticking b*mb

waiting to explode?

That's exactly what I'm saying.

Tick, tick, tick.

Kaboom! PETS: Aah!

Minka, don't do that.

Is there anything we can do?

Yes. We'll just keep bringing up Sunil.

Talking about him will help Vinnie accept the fact

that Sunil's not coming in.

What's up? Aah!

Oh, hi, Vinnie.

We were just about to play a new game.

Great. What is it? It goes like this.

Whoever is holding the mouse has to say

what their favorite thing about Sunil is.

Huh. Go!

I love that Sunil does magic.

I love Sunil's laugh.

I love Sunil's furry face.

Oh! Sunil, Sunil, Sunil!

Can we please stop talking about Sunil?!

Okay, something definitely happened between those two,

and I'm gonna get to the bottom of this mystery.

( jingles )

It's mango madness!

( giggles, chomps )

Again! You know who else loves mangos?

Haven't a clue.

Vinnie. ( chokes )


Did you say the name of the person

we agreed not to talk about?

You mean Vinnie?

( coughs )

What? I can't hear you.

( coughs )

I'm having a coughing fit,

because, as you know, I'm very sick.

( coughing )

Here. A drink of water might help.

( coughs )

( gulps )


Much better.

You know what this reminds me of?


That time you accidentally swallowed some bubble bath.

Oh. Oh, yeah.

( chuckling )


( coughing, spitting )

Oh, easy, easy.

Oh, there you-- There you go.

Keep-- Keep coughing. Yeah, good.

( Cockney accent ): Good day.

( both laughing )

( laughter fades )

Hey, you're just trying to get me to think about...

( softly ): you-know-who.

You mean Vinnie?

Ow! My stomach! I'm in agony!

Oh, come on, Sunil. This is getting silly.

I-I think I am feeling dizzy.


Must get peanuts.

It's the only thing that will stop the spinning.

Oh, excuse me.

I didn't see you there.

Sunil, you're talking to a couch leg.

Oh, I know.

I'm delirious.

If I don't get peanuts soon...

Ugh. I'll get them.

And take your time.

The longer she's gone,

the less I'll have to hear about him.

RUSSELL: That...

Aha! Found it!

Now I'm ready to get to the bottom

of what happened between Vinnie and Sunil.

If you wanna get to the bottom of things,

why don't you just ask me what happened?

Oh. What happened? Nothing.

Well, you leave me no choice but to do some detective work.

Ooh, what's your detective name?

I know. How about Cyril McFlip?

Cyril McFlip.

( English accent ): By Jove, I think she's got it!

♪ I'm Cyril McFlip And I'm here to discover ♪

♪ How two best friends Fell out with each other ♪

♪ Before today They were thick as thieves ♪

♪ Spending all their time ♪

♪ Watching scary movies ♪

♪ But now we know There's something wrong ♪

♪ And that is why I'm singing this song ♪

♪ Cyril McFlip ♪

♪ Cyril McFlip ♪

♪ He always gets To the bottom of it ♪

♪ He can solve any mystery ♪

♪ For he's the best detective In history ♪

Maybe Sunil and Vinnie both wanted

to live in this house which was mostly haunted.

Oh, there's a ghost!

Move it! Out of my way, slowpoke!

Or maybe they both had a secret desire

to ride a ferocious saber-toothed tiger.

BOTH: Aah!

You sit by the teeth. No, I want to be in the back.

♪ Cyril McFlip ♪

♪ Cyril McFlip ♪

♪ He always gets To the bottom of it ♪

♪ He can solve any mystery ♪

♪ For he's the best detective In history ♪

What we know for sure is that Sunil and Vinnie

are no longer speaking, and that is a pity.

Maybe they argued over who was better

at eating those spicy jalapeño peppers.

Hot, hot! Aah!

♪ When two friends fight, It's such a shame ♪

♪ It's hard to know Just who's to blame ♪

♪ Maybe they fought Over who was taller ♪

♪ Or who could hold their breath for longer ♪

♪ Cyril McFlip ♪

♪ Cyril McFlip ♪

♪ He can solve any mystery ♪

♪ For he's the best detective In history ♪

Blimey, it's late. Time to get cracking.

Everyone spread out and search for clues.

( sniffs )

What's this?

Mr. McFlip, aren't you going to impersonate me?

Don't you mean interrogate you?

No, I mean grill me with a lot of questions under a hot light

until I can't take it anymore and spill the beans.

Capital idea.

( grunts )

When was the last time you and Sunil were together?


What's the use? Vinnie's not talking.

But this was his idea.

It was my idea to question me, but I never said I'd talk.


Hm, we'll see about that.

( gasps ): Mango!

That's me and you-know-who's favorite.

The mango's all yours if you spill the beans.

Fine! You broke me!

( normal voice ): That worked better than I thought it would. Ahem.

( English accent ): All right, Vinnie, spill.

It all started when Sunil practically begged me

to dance for him.

I'd do anything for my buddy pal,

so naturally I started to dance.

But I was only dancing for what seemed like the shortest time

before Sunil lost interest.

So I decided to dance even harder.

But still he walked away.

I can see that he's now practicing his magic,

but I think that's okay.

I'll still dance for him, because he's my pal

and he practically begged me to dance for him,

so I dance.

I was transported to a Broadway stage.

It was my time to shine.

I was dancing better than ever.

I could tell that everyone wanted me to keep going.

I was flying high,

and before I knew what was happening...


Look what you've done!

You and your incessant dancing!


So even if Sunil weren't sick,

you wouldn't speak to him if he was here,

'cause you're mad at him for yelling at you.

Listen, Cyril, Sunil's not sick,

and I'm not mad at him for yelling at me.

I'm mad at him for something else,

and if you get me another slice of yummy mango,

I'll tell you why.

BLYTHE: Here you are, Sunil.

Finely chopped nuts. But not too finely.


You know, Sunil,

now that I'm looking at you up close,

you are so not looking good.

See for yourself.

Your illness definitely seems to be getting worse.

It is? Yes.

I think you might need to be quarantined for life.

Oh, phew. That's a relief.

Wait, what does "quarantined" mean?

It means that you'll never be able to return

to the day camp again.

Never ever?

Never ever.

Uh, you know, for some reason,

I don't feel that sick anymore.

I'm feeling fit as a fiddle.

Hi-yah! Hohh! Ha!

I think I'm going to make a full recovery.

Oo-oo-ooh, oh, ha-ha!

Huh. It's a miracle.

Let's go tell the pets that you're feeling better,

and you're coming back.

Does everyone include Vinnie?

Sunil, tell me the truth.

What happened between you two?

Why don't you want to see him?

Ah. Okay, fine.

It all started yesterday.

I was getting ready to try out my newest magic trick when....

Hey, hey, hey, Sunil,

you wanna see the most incredible dance moves?

Well, I was just about to try a new magic trick

which I've been preparing for weeks now.

Uhh! Watch me!

Watch me!

Watch meeeee!

Of course, my good friend. Anything for you.

SUNIL: But he didn't just dance.

He kept asking me if I was watching him.

Are you watching me, Sunil? Sunil?

Like a hawk, my best bud.

You are a fabulous dancer.

Hey, Sunil, Sunil. Hey, oh!

Hey, are you still watching me?

Yes, I could watch you forever, closest chum.

Sunil, how about now?

Are you watching me now? Yes!

Though you have asked me several times, I continue to watch.

Hey, hey, hey! Are you still watching me?


SUNIL: Truth is, I just really wanted to try out my new trick,

and even though I knew how important it was to Vinnie,

I guess I stopped watching him.

Sunil, why aren't you watching me?

Vinnie was so mad that I wasn't watching him

that he crashed into my table on purpose.

So that's why you're not talking to Vinnie?

Because he crashed into your table?

No, Vinnie has crashed into my table hundreds of times.

Between you and me, he's not the best dancer.

It wasn't until he accused me of stealing his tap shoes

that things got ugly.

It was after I finally got my table back together.

Sunil's new magic trick, take two.

Hold it right there, pal.

What have you done with my tap shoes?

Uh, absolutely nothing, my friend?

Don't give me that. Just admit it.

You're an evil sorcerer,

and you made my tap shoes disappear with your dark magic.

( cackling evilly )

( dramatic theme playing )

Me? An evil wizard?

Get out of here.

I mean it. Please get out of here.

Anyway, why would I want to get rid of your tap shoes?


You were mad at me for knocking over your dumb table,

so you conjured up a spell as payback.

Ehh! Sorry, that is incorrect.

I am not a sorcerer, I am a magician,

and I don't appreciate being accused

of disappearing your tap shoes,

even though it does sound like a great trick.

Well, how would you feel if I broke your magic wand?

Uh, not very good.

( dramatic theme playing )

So you see, Blythe,

I'm sure you can understand

why I will never speak to Vinnie again, ever.

Whoa. Major drama.

This is my last mango slice, Vinnie.


Now, will you please finish your story?

( gulps )

All right.

But I warn you, it does not have a happy ending.


Oh, I need a break.

( snoring )

Gotta dance!

That's funny.

I'm tap dancing, but I don't hear any tappity-taps.

My tap shoes are gone!

I looked everywhere, but I couldn't find them.

So I innocently ask my best pal if he's seen my tap shoes.

Who cares about your shoes?

I'm practicing my new important magic trick.

Okay. Sorry to bother you.

Hey, do you want any help?

Maybe I could wave your magic wand.

But when I picked it up, it was already broken.

( dramatic theme playing )

You broke my wand!

I can't believe you would do something like this!

So not only did he disappear my tap shoes,

but he also accuses me of breaking his magic wand.

And that's why I'll never speak to Sunil again, ever.

RUSSELL ( normal voice ): Whoa.

Major drama.

You know, the more I think about it,

the more I'm convinced that you totally made the right choice

by severing ties with Vinnie.

This is a trick, right?

You're the one who does the tricks.

Although now that Vinnie broke your magic wand, maybe not.

Who needs him, right?

And if from now on

you have to watch scary movies all by yourself,

then that's the way it goes.

I'm going to have to watch scary movies all by myself?

Can't you watch them with me?

Uh-uh. No way.

They are much too scary for me, but I'm sure you can handle it.

Oh, and you're gonna be able to test it out.

Attack of the Giant Mutant Garden Slugs

is coming on later.

( gulps )

ZOE: Poor Vinnie.

I hate to see him like this.

You mean alone?

Yes, alone, without his best friend.

I just hope Sunil doesn't stay away forever.

Stay away forever?

I might never see Sunil again?

( wistful theme playing )

ZOE (echoing): Sunil?

Earth to Sunil.

Huh? Oh.

Welcome back, mind traveler,

from wherever you just were.

I was just thinking about what life would be like

without Vinnie.

Blythe, I have a confession.

( English accent ): I've got it.

Gather round, everyone,

while the greatest detective in the world,

Cyril McFlip, amazes you,

for I have solved the mystery

of the two best friends who are no more.

This is what really happened between Vinnie and Sunil.

Yesterday was a typical day here at the camp.

Sunil and Vinnie were both doing what they loved,

and happily so, quite.

But inevitably our Vinnie became overzealous

and accidentally crashed into Sunil's magic table.

Later, after a well-deserved break...

Gotta dance!

...he discovered his tap shoes were gone.

My tap shoes are gone!

Vinnie thought that Sunil was angry with him

for crashing into his table.

He also thought that meant

that Sunil must have disappeared his shoes.

The two friends begin to quarrel,


Vinnie broke Sunil's wand.

He broke this magic wand.

( pets gasp )

It's a trick wand.

You mean, I--

SUNIL: Didn't break it.

Russell's right. It is a trick wand.

I'm sorry for letting you think you broke it, Vinnie.

Well, I'm glad it's not broken,

but I'm still mad about my missing tap shoes.

Look, everybody.

Tap hands!

( tapping )

Minka, why do you have my tap shoes?

Well, remember that time you said I could borrow them?

Vinnie, do you think someday, probably far in the future,

I could borrow those tap shoes without asking?


You weren't using them while you were asleep,

so I borrowed them.

( normal voice ): Ha. I did not see that coming.

Sunil, I'm sorry I accused you of taking my shoes.

Big hug? Oh, it's okay, pal.

I'm sorry too.

Oh-ho, let's never be apart again.

Never ever, ever.

Blythe, it's time for Vinnie to go!

Uh, see you tomorrow, pal.

See you tomorrow.


( upbeat pop theme playing )

♪ We can be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪