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02x21 - Littlest Bigfoot

Posted: 05/08/22 08:20
by bunniefuu
( upbeat theme playing )

Thanks for helping me clean my scooter, everyone.

Unh. No problem, Blythe.

We know how much you love your scooter.

We like it when it looks...

Pretty, shiny!

( both laugh )

Vroom, vroom!

Oh, the pretend motor noises are working just fine.

Ha-ha. Thanks, Zoe. Good to know.

Ah, this is the life, ain't it, Sunil?

Ah, ain't it, indeed.

It is the life and plus some, if I might add.

Add away, my friend, add away.

( belch )

( chuckles )

VINNIE: Oh, boy. Oh, Vinnie.

Hey, girl.

Uh, that sounds weird when you say it.

It does? Oh, snap.

So, what's up?

We were going to grab something to eat at the mall.

You want to join us?

( gasps ): OMG!

It's coming here!

ALL: Huh? What's coming here?

The International Pet Fashion Expo is coming to Downtown City!

Yeah! Hoo-hoo-hoo! Yeah!


♪ You think about All the things ♪

♪ That you love to do ♪

♪ It all comes true ♪

♪ You find a place You never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy To just be you ♪

♪ We can be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪

♪ We can be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪

It says here the International Pet Fashion Expo

is coming to Downtown City later this year.

It's like the biggest pet fashion expo

in the whole wide world!

It's like the only pet fashion expo in the whole wide world.

Ha, ha.

Boy, if I could do the Expo, it'd be a big deal.

There's going to be people there from all over the world.

It could totally make me as a pet fashion designer.

Maybe it's too big of a deal.

It says here that the Expo is only open

to designers with their own shop.

Your own shop?

Are you sure you're ready for a big step like that?

I'll to have to expand my clothing line

and open up a shop of my own,

but I think I'm ready for it.

In fact, I know I'm ready for it.

Oh, I've gotta start planning.

Why don't you guys go on without me?

I'll catch up with you later.

Blythe, does opening up a shop mean

that you're going to leave us again?

Again? Yeah...

like when you went away to Fashion Camp.

I'm going to need all of your help

to figure out how to do this, so I'm not going anywhere.

( all cheering )




How about this for an idea?

You could walk up and down the street and ask people

if they wanted to buy your clothes for their pets.

Yes. You could use the sidewalk like a big fashion show runway.

Uh, I don't think walking around asking people

to buy pet fashions will count as having my own shop.

Nope. I need a shop, and it can't cost much money.

Because you do not have much money.

I could just conjure up a very nice little shop

using my powerful magic.

Oh, really?

Yes. Observe.

Hoppy hippy, hippy hoppy.

Bring to Blythe a little shoppy!

( dramatic theme plays )

Wow! Whoa!

Nice one, Sunil.

Wow. That's really impressive, Sunil,

but, unfortunately,

I think I might need something a bit bigger.

( both chuckle )

Uh, what if we made a shop out of bamboo?

You know, 'cause it's inexpensive,

but we also put it on wheels so you can get away

in case it's att*cked by a horde of hungry pandas.

That's an interesting idea, Penny Ling,

but I'm not sure how practical that would be.

I got it! Okay, you find some land somewhere

that no one's using and build your own shop,

not out of bamboo, but out of, uh...

Stay with me here. Old cardboard boxes, yes!

And discarded truck tires, tin foil and chewing gum.

Now, you can't get any cheaper than that.

Okay, I don't got it.

Whoa! Wait a minute.

Maybe you're on to something...

Penny Ling.

I am?

Sometimes the shopkeepers at the mall

use something called a kiosk.

It's basically a shop on wheels.

Maybe I could talk Mrs. Twombly

into clearing a little more space

so I can leave it right here in the shop.

Now all I have to do is find a kiosk that...

PETS: Doesn't cost a lot of money.

Blythe, you find a lot of great clothes at secondhand shops.

Maybe there's a secondhand shop

that has one of these kiosk thingies.

Hmm. Maybe there is.

ROGER: Blythie! Where are you?

I'm in the day camp, Dad!

Boy, oh, boy, do I have some news for you.

You're doing your happy dance, so it must be good news.

We just had a big meeting to discuss ideas

of how to juice up the airline's business.

( light dramatic theme playing )

I was paying close attention, brainstorming away,

when suddenly it hit me.

Littlest Pet Shop does a great job catering to pets.

Why couldn't our airlines do the same thing?

You mean, have a plane just for pets to travel on?

Exactly! My bosses loved the idea,

and now you're looking at the pilot

for the very first all-pet airplane.

Also known as, wait for it...

Eh? The Pet Jet!

That is so cool.

I know. Imagine it,

air travel just for pets, and their owners, of course.

Come on, I think this calls for

some celebratory milk and cookies.

Dad, that's a snack for little kids.

Okay, it's for big kids too.

I've been on one of those airplane things before,

but I wonder what one that's just for pets will be like.

Are you kidding? It'll be pet-tastic!

♪ Come fly The pet friendly skies ♪

♪ We take pets of any size ♪

♪ Climb aboard It's time to jet ♪

Wait, don't leave! I'm not onboard yet!

♪ Pedicure with a snack ♪

Hey, these seats Go way back!

Hey, watch it!

Are there any snakes on this plane?

ALL: Snakes?!

♪ Sorry, sir We're not that insane ♪

♪ No, you ain't seen Nothin' yet ♪

♪ Till you fly Pet Jet ♪

Okay, folks, I have a little pre-flight checklist here.

Please make sure your seatbelts are securely fastened.

Also check your shoelaces are tied snugly.

During the flight there will be no tail-chasing or dancing.

Aw, man! Okay!

Let's go! RUSSELL: Penny!

♪ Around the world Up in the air ♪

♪ You can hop out anywhere ♪


♪ Can you take me To old Bombay? ♪

♪ I'm goin' to Moose Jaw Is that on the way? ♪

♪ No, you ain't seen Nothin' yet ♪

♪ Till you fly Pet Jet ♪

Okay, we seem to be heading into some turbulence here.

We'll just activate the Pet Jet cloud-parting machine

and get this cleared up.

( majestic theme playing )

♪ No, you ain't seen Nothin' yet ♪

♪ Till you fly ♪ ♪ Till you fly ♪

♪ Till you fly ♪ ♪ Till you fly ♪

♪ Till you fly ♪

♪ Pet Jet ♪

( Blythe sighs )

I don't care how old I get,

I'm always going to love milk and cookies.

Mmm. Me too.


Um, Dad, can I do this?

"International Pet Fashion Expo."

( gulps ): What's that?

It's this super-cool convention-y thing

I really want to do, but I have to set up my own business

to get in, and I'm thinking about buying a sales kiosk

for my pet clothes and that'll cost money.

Don't worry, I've got everything figured out,

and I promise my grades will stay good.

Uh, well...

It sounds like quite a commitment.


Thank you, Daddy! Mwah!

Uh... You're welcome?

Aw, it's been such a wonderful flight,

hasn't it, Captain Russell?

It certainly has, Copilot Penny Ling.

The maiden flight of the Pet Jet has gone off without a hitch.

That means "perfectly" in civilian talk.

( alarm beeping ) Uh-oh, spoke too soon.

Oh! What's the red light flashing for?

I'm not sure. There are so many buttons, lights, and switches,

I can't tell if that means the landing gear is frozen

or the food in the microwave is done.

I know we're looking for a kiosk,

but if we happen to see any clothes for me, can we get them?

Sure, Zoe.

I'm ready.

Let's go.

( upbeat theme playing )

( light dramatic theme playing )

Head Flight Attendant Pepper to the cockpit, please.

( alarm beeping )

Yes, captain.

Hey, what's with the flashing red light?

We don't know. But until we figure it out,

we need you to keep the passengers distracted

in the unlikely event

this flashing red light means something bad.

Something really, really bad.

Don't worry about a thing.

I've got everything under control.

( playing music badly )

Everybody feeling distracted out there?

When the Head Flight Attendant uses extraordinary methods

to distract you, it can only mean one thing.

Something really, really bad!

( both screaming )

( sighs ): Well, Youngmee,

I may have to rethink my used kiosk strategy.

( sniffing )

I honestly think we've hit every thrift shop in Downtown City.

( Zoe barking )


( barking )

What is it, girl?

BLYTHE: "One Last Chance Thrift Shop"?

( barks )

( both giggling )

Oh, oh, check it out, Youngmee.

What do you think?

Well, it needs a lot of work.

( coughs )

You're right. It's perfect!

Two hundred and fifty dollars?

Not perfect.

There's no way I can raise that kind of money.

May I help you?

I hope so.

I'm really interested in this kiosk,

but it's kind of expensive.

Is there any way you could lower the price?

Um, I'm afraid not.

Two hundred and fifty is pretty close to what I paid for it.

Ugh. Okay.

Well...thanks anyway.

Let's go, guys.

Well, that was literally our one last chance to get a kiosk.

Excuse me, young lady, I accept trades all the time.

Trades? But I don't have anything worth trading.

Well, I don't know about that.

Your scooter looks like it'd be a fair trade.

My kiosk for your scooter. What do you say?

Uh, my scooter, huh?

Oh, Blythe, trade your scooter?

Won't your dad be mad?

Probably. Maybe not.

Uh, I don't know.

YOUNGMEE: Wow, Blythe, when you want to do something,

you totally go for it.

I can't believe you gave up your scooter.

Ah, it's all part of the plan, Youngmee.

As soon as I get the kiosk up and running,

I can buy another scooter.

But right now, I sure miss my old one.

But I'll have to figure out

how I'm going to break the news to my dad.

In the meantime, let's get going.

( upbeat theme playing )

I always love visiting Chinatown.

BLYTHE: Me too.

( Chinese theme playing )

PENNY LING: Russell, wake up!

W-What happened? ( alarm beeping )

You fainted...again! Now get it together!

We've got a flashing red light to deal with!


( light dramatic theme playing )

( sniffs )

Oh, that pizza smells so good.

Blythe, I'm starving.

( panting )

No time to stop, Youngmee. We'll have to get it to go.

( alarm beeping ) ( sniffs )

What's that smell, copilot?

( sniffs )

It smells like something's burning.

Oh, no!

Uh, just wanted to apologize for the smell.

Guess I'm a little nervous. Heh-heh.

BOTH: Phew!

( jackhammer rattling )

BLYTHE: Whoa! Be careful with that thing!

( Zoe barking )

Aah! Come on! Let's get out of here!

( barking )

( Youngmee and Blythe scream )

( tense theme playing )

( both screaming )

( Russell screaming )

What is your problem?

What's my problem? We're about to land the plane,

and that red light could mean the wheels aren't locked.

And if the wheels aren't locked we'll start bouncing up and down

like we're on a trampoline, and when I'm on a trampoline

I wear a helmet and elbow pads and wrist guards.

And I didn't bring my helmet or elbow pads,

and I definitely didn't bring my wrist guards!

No wrist guards!

( screams )

Nothing like that's going to happen to us.

Not if copilot Penny Ling has anything to say about it.

This is acting Captain Penny Ling speaking.

We're about to land, and it could get a little bumpy.

( both screaming )

Please take a brief moment to buckle yourselves in.

( both screaming )

Here we go.

( all screaming )

( dramatic theme playing )

( alarm beeping )

( alarm beeping )

( dramatic theme playing )

( tires screeching ) ( groans )

( beeping continues )

Did we make it?

( beeping stops )

Hey, what do you know?

The red light was for the microwave.

( groaning )

( gulps )

Heh-heh. Uh, popcorn?

( both panting )

I don't think I can push this thing another step.

It doesn't look like that's going to be possible anyway.

Well, this can't be good.

Oh, no! Largest-Ever Pet Shop!

( phone dialing )

Hello, Mrs. Twombly?

Youngmee and I were pushing my new kiosk across town,

and the wheel fell off right in front of Largest-Ever Pet Shop.

I hate to ask this, but could you please

drive over and pick us up? As fast as you can?

Thanks. Ugh.

Hopefully, she'll get here before the Biskits see us.

Yee! Like...too late.

Aw. Yeah, we see you.

And you friend and your dog and your sad little, uh--

Your gross rolly... Your beat up...

What is that thing?

This is a sales kiosk that I am going to refurbish and use

at the International Pet Fashion Expo, also known as the IPFE.

( scoffs ): Oh, yeah?

Well, wait until you see what we're doing

for the IPFE thingie.

Yeah, we'll blow you out of the water with our awesomeness.

So we'll see you there.

Actually, you'll see me tomorrow at school,

since the IPFE is still a few months away.

( scoffs )

We like...knew that.

Yeah, we were just like messing with your head.

Really? In that case,

I think you need to work on your head-messing skills more,

'cause it didn't really work.

( car horn honking )

( panting ): I got here as fast as I could, Blythe.

( dramatic theme playing )

( electric tools whirring )

Okey-dokey, all aboard!

( upbeat theme playing )

See you in the funny papers, girls.

RUSSELL: Blythe, do all kiosk carts look that bad?

Well, I'll admit this one isn't in the best shape,

but with a little elbow grease,

we'll have it looking awesome in no time.

Okay, pets, let's get busy.

( upbeat theme playing )

( buzzing )

( whistling )

BLYTHE: Isn't it the coolest thing ever, Dad?

ROGER: It sure is, Blythie. I'm very impressed.

Where in the world did you get the money for this?

It must've cost a small fortune.

Huh? Oh. Well...

Heh-heh. A fortune?

Like I'd have a fortune. Nope.

It didn't cost a fortune, that's for sure.

Nope, no fortune was spent on this kiosk.

Heh-heh. No, siree.

Well, anyway, I'm very proud of you for pulling this together.

Thanks, Dad. Ooh, I almost forgot.

How'd you like to come to the airport

to check out the new Pet Jet?

It's all finished, so I figured you and your pet friends

could hop on the old scooter and swing-a-ding ding on by.

Where is your scooter, anyway?

Uh, my scooter? Where is it?

Well, it's not here, that's for sure.

Dad, do you think the pets and I

could catch a ride with you instead?

I mean, the airport is pretty far from here,

especially if you have to get there on a scooter.

You're right. I hadn't thought about the distance.

Sure, you and the pets can ride with me.

( sighs ): Yay.

BLYTHE: Wow, Dad, the Pet Jet is amazing!

Wait until you see the inside.

( upbeat theme playing )

( speaking in French )

( all cheering )

So? What do you think?

( all cheering )

( upbeat theme playing )

I don't see any flashing red lights.

Thank goodness.

This is for you, Blythe.

What for? Unh!

It's heavy.

For doing such an amazing job on fixing up your kiosk.

A trailer hitch?

For your scooter. All you have to do

is hook your kiosk to it and away you go.

Oh. Uh...

Thanks, Dad.

What's wrong, Blythie? Oh, Dad,

I wanted to tell you this sooner,

but I thought you'd be so disappointed, so I didn't.

What I was going to tell you is...

I had to trade in my scooter to get the kiosk.

I knew that. Follow me.

I happened to be driving by a certain secondhand store

when I saw a certain scooter sitting in the window.

You know, your dad's a pretty smart guy.

What the...?

I put two and two together and figured out what happened.

I'm sorry, Dad. I should've told you sooner.

Well, don't worry about it, Blythe.

I'm actually impressed you were mature enough

to work out a deal like that.

You are? Of course.

But next time, give me a heads up

about trading your scooter for something,

so I don't have to buy it back again.


( upbeat theme playing )

This is so cool!

I can't believe you bought it back for me, Dad!

Well, I had to.

If you're going to be a successful businesswoman,

you've got to have a reliable means of transportation.

I read that somewhere, I think.


( pets cheering )

Come on, everybody, hop in and I'll drive us home.

Uh-oh! What's that flashing red light mean?

( gasps ) ( Vinnie & Sunil screaming )

Uh, nothing. Heh.

( upbeat pop theme playing )

♪ We can be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪