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02x22 - Sunil's Sick Day

Posted: 05/08/22 08:21
by bunniefuu
( groans )

I give up.

Studying for French class is impossible.

None of it makes sense.

It's like learning another language.

Well, maybe we can help? How?

Well, we have been listening to you practice, Blythe.

Yeah, and we could say stuff to you in French.

And then you could, you know, tell us what it means.

Huh. That's actually a pretty good idea.

( clears throat )

Lulu velulu zhevou monfroo.

( nasal gibberish )

What does that mean, Pepper? I don't know.

That's what the language sounds like when you're saying it,

so I figure that's gotta mean something.

( groans ) ( door opens )

Blythe, my darling daughter,

have I got some great news for you.

French is no longer a language? No. Guess again.

You've been-- I'll just tell you.

Here's the exciting news.

Zoe's owners are sick. Hee-hee-hee.

I wouldn't call that news necessarily exciting.

They've asked me to ask you

if you want to go with Zoe on the Pet Jet

and chaperone her to her show in...Paris.

Paris? City of romance? City of lights?

City of a language I don't understand?


Unh. Ow.

N-not interested, huh?

Hm-hm-hm. You better go pack.


I am going to Paris. I am going to Paris.

She is going to Paris!

She is going to Paris!

♪ You think about All the things ♪

♪ That you love to do ♪

♪ It all comes true ♪

♪ You find a place You never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy To just be you ♪

♪ We can be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪

♪ We can be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪

♪ I am going to Paris, I am going to Paris ♪

Blythe, you're not gonna be singing that

the whole flight, are you?

I might.

Green across the board.

Flight plan is filed. We are ready to go, Captain.

Great. Blythe, meet my co-pilot, Stephanie Hart.


Hi. I've heard a lot about you, Blythe.

My daughter Emma's on board for this flight.

I'm sure she'd like to meet you too.


Mwah. Have a good flight, kiddo.

Stephanie, let's hit the skies.

Hey, you must be Emma.

Hello. Blythe, right?

Yep. Nice to meet you.

You sure brought a lot of reading material.

It's research.

My dream is to be a travel guide and lead tours.

So, I'm studying up before we get to Paris.

That sounds really cool,

but it looks like you brought stuff for Germany instead.

Oh, no!

Or, as they say in Canada, sacrebleu.

Well, the good news is,

you can probably get a map of Paris when we get there.

Yeah. Hey, maybe we can explore the city together.

Oh, I'd love to. ZOE: Arf! Arf!

But I'm really going to Paris to help a friend.

So that's job number one. Oh, I totally understand.

I'll still let you know when I'm going out wandering,

just in case.

Sounds good. Nice meeting you.

As they say in Italy, ciao.

( toy squeaking )

Well, Zoe, do you think you packed enough?

My travel motto is: when in doubt, pack everything.

( toy squeaking )

A little nervous, huh?

No. Just excited.

I can barely keep from jumping out of my fur!

My first overseas show.

And I get to see my old friend Madame Pom!

I'm really glad you're with me, Blythe.

I'm excited too. Paris is gonna be great.

But I'm gonna help you with whatever you need, I promise.

That's first priority.

I know you will.

You've never let me down before, darling.

( gasps ) ( plane rattling )

( squeaking )

Ooh, this is so exciting.

Our Zoe in an international competition.

Ha-ha-ha-ha! line.

Oh, I-I don't understand why we don't get the channel

the competition is on.

We get every other station,

like the Bread Crust Network and the Insect Channel.

( buzzing )

Huh. I think I'd better call my cable provider.


Insect Channel.

Zoe's gonna be on television.

Do you think this means Blythe will be too?

I sure hope so.

I wish we were there

so we could watch ourselves on television.

Minka, if we were there, we wouldn't be here,

so we couldn't watch ourselves be there.


Okay, that one's gonna hurt for a while.

I hope the television shows us some of Paris.

Blythe made it sound very exciting.

Yeah, from the way she described Paris,

I can practically see it.

( accordion playing )

♪ Chez Paris Chez Paris ♪

♪ A beautiful city Where they say ♪

Oui, oui!

♪ Travel to France ♪

♪ And you'll be entranced ♪

♪ By the beauty of Chez Paris ♪

♪ The restaurants of Paris Are like nowhere else ♪

♪ You can dine on soufflé And baguettes ♪

♪ With , cheeses You'll never want to leave ♪

♪ This beautiful Chez Paris ♪

♪ Chez Paris Chez Paris ♪

♪ Throw on a beret And let's go ♪


♪ Croissants in cafés ♪

♪ You're a frog Hide your legs ♪

♪ When in beautiful Chez Paris ♪

♪ It's a city of artists Who hang in the Louvre ♪

♪ Mona Lisa is smirking ♪

♪ Picasso is blue ♪

♪ Van Gogh is here ♪

Have you seen my ear?

♪ In the beautiful Chez Paris ♪

♪ It's a city of romance There's love in the air ♪

♪ You'll float down the river With nary a care ♪

♪ An accordion plays The love songs of the day ♪

♪ In the beautiful Chez Paris ♪

♪ Chez Paris Chez Paris ♪

♪ You'll never get tired With so much to see ♪

♪ Make some fondue ♪

♪ Get a flower or two ♪

♪ In beautiful ♪

♪ Chez Paris ♪

It really is gonna be something to see.

I just hope we get to see it.

( whimsical French theme playing )

Paris is totally amazing!

Oh, Zoe, I want to see every street, every stairway.

Well, right now I just want to see

the grounds for the dog show.

You're sure we're headed the right way?

Right. The dog show.

They said it's near the Eiffel Tower,

and they don't get any more Eiffel-y than that.

Good. I am ready for this competition.

Nothing will distract me. Nothing.

What the who?

Apparently you didn't hear me.

I said nothing will distract me.

( whimsical theme playing )

Um, what's he doing?

He's a street mime, Zoe.

Mimes act out situations and feelings without speaking.

Paris is famous for them.

His dish says his name is Philippe.

Ahh! Oh, how sweet.

( sniffs )

Merci, Philippe.

We should be at the show grounds in just a couple of minutes.

Okay, Zoe?

It's a good thing I know you're focused on the dog show, Zoe.

Otherwise that Philippe could be a real thorn

in your competition preparation, right?

Uh, right. Ahh, thorn.

( dogs barking )

( mellow theme playing )


Not only is Paris another world, so is this dog show.

( sniffs )



Oh, do my eyes deceive?

Zey do not.

Mwah, mwah, mwah.

Oh, dearest Zoe,

so nice to see you here on ze continent.

I'm so excited for you.

Your first international competition.

If you do well,

you'll be famous all over the world, like me.

Competition. Famous.

Me. Philippe.

I'm due for some costume fittings,

but we simply must talk before ze competition.

I vill see you, yes? Mwah, mwah, mwah.

You're gonna get past this puppy love thing, right, Zoe?

Ahh. Philippe.

Well, what do you think of this one, Zoe?

Are you still daydreaming about that mime?


Oh, Blythe, I think about him every night, every day,

and every time in between.

Zoe, you just met him yesterday.

Try to stay focused.

We'll make sure you see Philippe after the competition.

But what about after that?

I'll go home, he'll stay here,

and we'll never see each other again!

This is a dog who hasn't even spoken to you, remember?

Maybe I just like the strong, silent type.

G'day, Blythe. Oh, hi, Emma.

I'm going out to explore. Want to come?

What's the flag for?

So my tour group doesn't get lost.

I know I don't have a group, so it's just practice.

Do you want to go explore?

I don't know, Emma.

I'd love to, but the dog show is in just a couple hours.

Still, most of the outfits are almost done.

Well, I'll be down in the lobby if you decide you wanna go.

Cheers. As they say in London.

There really is no reason for us to stay here all afternoon

until the competition.

How would you feel if Emma and I

dropped you off at the dog show grounds

a little early?

That sounds like a brilliant idea, darling.


Looks like it's dogs only beyond this point,

so you're on your own, Zoe.

I'll be back by . I promise-promise, okay?

She'll be fine, Blythe. Now come on.

We've got a deluxe tour to get to.

Lead on, tour guide.

( buzzing )

( laughs )

Vinnie, tell me you haven't been watching

the Insect Channel all this time.

Shh! You'll scare them away.

MRS. TWOMBLY: Good news, my sweeties!

I spoke to my cable provider, and we should be getting

the channel showing Zoe's competition right now.

What are you--

( whimsical theme playing )

There you go. Enjoy.

Ohh, no more Insect Channel?


Under a short-- Wall?

( grunting )

Ha-ha. VINNIE: Oh-ho-ho.

Come now, Vinnie.

We don't want to miss any of Zoe's dog show.

( angrily ) No one's changing this channel!

( whimsical theme playing )

Philippe! Philippe!

( sniffs )

Oh, another flower.

How sweet.

Although it'd be even nicer

if you actually said something sweet to me.

Oh, I see.

You're saying the struggle to be together

is like a great wind pushing against us.

Oh, and it's true.

We are trapped by our circumstances.

Ohh, poor us.

You're so right.

There's a force pulling us together

that cannot be denied.

Oh, Philippe, we think exactly alike,

our two hearts beating as one.

These fabrics are perfect.

I could use these for my pet expo designs.

Doggie sweaters, mongoose booties.

I think this amazing city has some kind of hold on me.

It's a magnet, and I can't help

but be drawn to everything in it.

You know, Blythe, I think you've got

what they call in the travel biz Travel Fever.

More like Paris Fever. Where are we going next?

Are you sure you don't need to be getting back to the dog show?

Oh, there's still time to do one or two more things

before I need to get back.

Well, there's supposed to be a great ramen place over that way.

Ha. Maybe if we were in Tokyo.

( chuckles )

I really should get a Paris map.

Ooh, look over there. A real French café.

I bet they have café au lait and maybe some chocolat too.

( buzzing continues )

Russell, we're running out of time.

We've got to get that channel changed,

or we're gonna miss the whole show!

Relax, Pepper. I have the perfect plan.

Oh, my gosh, look!

They're having auditions across the street

for an all-dancing gecko show!

Yeah. Not one of your better plans.

I'd have to agree.

Oh, Philippe, Madame Pom will be so excited to meet you.

Oh! There she is now.

Madame Pom.

Zoe darling, I was wondering when you were going to appear.

Ze competition is almost ready to--

Madame Pom, I want you to meet my partner, my soul mate,

my reason for living.

This is Philippe.

Philippe, I thought you only gave flowers to me.

Charmed, I'm sure.

Yes, nice to meet you.

Zoe, can ve speak privately?

You're not serious about zis soul mate business,

are you, darling?

What do you mean?

Vell, I'm sure this Philippe is very nice,

but I alvays pictured you vith someone of more...depth.


His every gesture

is about how passionately he feels about me.

Are you sure you're not just seeing what you vant to see?

I just don't vant you to be so distracted

zat you don't do vell in de competition.

You're jealous that I've found my perfect match

and you haven't.

You're just trying to make me doubt myself

for the competition.

Zoe, I assure you, I--

Well! I don't even care about the dog show!

All I care about is Philippe,

and we're going to be together forever!

( whimsical French theme playing )

Ooh, merci beaucoup.

Did I say that right?

To perfection. How's your café?

( slurps )

Mmm. It is so au lait.

Oh, this city.

The fashions, the food, the people.

Ugh. Mm.

I'd move here in a heartbeat

if it weren't for my friends back home.

I just wish this day hadn't gone by so quickly.

I mean, look at that, it's practically--

Oh, my gosh. It's almost !

I said I'd be back at the dog show with Zoe's costumes.

Paris, how could you do this to me?

( suspenseful theme playing )

Um, excuse me. How do I get to the--

Excuse me, can you tell me how to--

Duh. It's no use.

I need directions back to the dog show grounds,

but we still don't have a Paris map,

and all I've learned how to say is merci beaucoup.

Blythe, I'm so sorry.

I didn't know that your animal friends meant so much to you.

Ah, they mean everything.

It's okay. I know how to find our way back to the dog show.

Without a map?

Yes. I know a magic travel trick

every tour guide has up their sleeve in case of an emergency.


Is that how they say it in France?

That's how they say it everywhere!

Eiffel Tower, s'il vous plait, tout de suite.

( horns honking )

BLYTHE: This can't be happening.

VINNIE: So real,

like I can reach out and touch 'em.

I could watch this for the rest of my life.


I don't even have my D glasses on.

( crafty laugh )

Come here, you tasty TV dinner.

( grunting )

It's a toy fly?

Sorry to trick you, Vinnie, but it had to be done.

You would've hated yourself

if you'd been the reason that we all missed Zoe on TV.

Come on, everybody, dog show competition is on!


I'm sorry, you guys.

It's just sometimes TV seems so, you know, real.

I guess I just got caught up in it all.

It's okay, Vinnie. It happens. Have a seat.

Gotta say, this definitely was one of your better plans.

I have to agree.

Oh, Philippe, to be walking with you like this,

almost arm-in-arm, it's a dream come true.

( clanks )

Yes, that's very nice,

but I must know how you truly feel,

and I long to hear your voice.

Speak what's in your heart, Philippe.

Speak. Speak.

( grunts )

Enough with the flowers, already!

How come you never speak, hm?

I understand some French, so it can't be the language barrier.

You have nothing to say?

Oh, what a fool I've been.

I can't believe I told off Madame Pom

for some fake-flower-picking French Spaniel.

ANNOUNCER ( over PA ): Mesdames and messieurs,

welcome to the international canine competition.

Oh, no. They're starting!

Oh, I hope I can get there in time

and make some kind of showing.

Oh, Philippe, I'll always think of you fondly,

and you'll think of me, won't you?

Yeah, okay, whatever. Later.

BLYTHE: I don't even know why I'm trying to make an outfit for Zoe.

It's not like I'm gonna make it to the dog show in this traffic.

Blythe, I think I just came up with another travel guide trick

for how to get through a traffic jam.

Here's the most important thing to remember.

"Excuse me" in French is...

BLYTHE: Pardonnez-moi! Pardonnez-moi!

Pardonnez-moi! Pardonnez-moi!


ANNOUNCER ( over PA ): We have a disqualification.

The American competitor Zoe is no longer a participant

in the solo competition

because she did not take the stage at her assigned time.


But there is still one thing I must salvage.

Madame Pom!

Hello, darling. Vere's your soul mate?

Oh, Madame, I am so sorry. You were right.

Philippe was gorgeous, so very gorgeous,

but he had nothing else to offer, nothing to share.

Oh, darling, I hope you do not feel too badly.

No. I'm happy I learned the truth

before I let any more of my fabulous prime pass.

And you were only trying to help.

Can you ever forgive me?

Consider yourself forgiven.

Zoe, I'm so sorry,

I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry!

Paris got to me and I totally lost track of time.

I hope I'm not too late. Here's your outfit.

Oh, Blythe, it's a marvelous outfit,

but unfortunately, I've been disqualified from the show.

Oh, no! It's all my fault.

I got so distracted.

No, it's not your fault.

I was more than a little distracted myself,

but it's all right.

The important things all worked out.

Ah, Madame is getting an idea.

I believe I know how to make all of zis work out.

ANNOUNCER ( over PA ): Ladies and gentlemen,

Madame Pom has dropped out of ze competition

and re-entered in the duo category,

now teamed with-- Wait for it.


Bet you didn't see zat one coming.

( electronic music playing )

( cheering )

( whistles )

ANNOUNCER ( over PA ): It's official.

The Best In Show award goes to Madame Pom and Zoe.

( cheering )

I really am sorry I cut things so close there, Zoe.

You don't need to apologize, darling.

I think I got a bit swept up by Paris too.

Romance and all that.

Now we know to always keep our heads

firmly on our shoulders when we're here.

( Scottish burr ): Ladies, you're looking quite lovely today.

You were saying, Zoe?

Um, I was saying that I think it's time to go home.

Ha-ha-ha. I think you're right.

But remember,

we'll always have Paris.

( upbeat pop theme playing )

♪ We can be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪