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01x09 - AKA Sin Bin

Posted: 05/08/22 10:34
by bunniefuu



Smile, Kevin.

Be a big boy for Mummy and Daddy, Kevin.

You don't see Eric crying
when he goes in the sin bin.

You lied to me!

...built up my trust,
pretended we were a team?

You even made me a hero.

All this while you were planning this?

Because you're not a hero.

You're a m*rder*r, Kevin.

Shut up!

Go ahead, command me again.

That's a hermetically sealed room...

Kevin died in that lab.

Granted, it is a mundane name,
but "Kilgrave"?

Talk about obvious.

Was "Murdercorpse" already taken?

You have feelings for me, Jessica.

If you didn't, I'd be dead.

There are worse things than death.

Don't be melodramatic.

Like being the sl*ve
to a sociopathic k*ller.

I've never k*lled anyone.

Can you say the same?

If you wanna build trust,
start by admitting what you did.

To me, to Hope, to Ruben...

I thought P.I.'s were
supposed to be clever.

Start at the beginning, Kevin.


It was a cold, clear night...

when I came across a young beauty being
savagely att*cked down a dark alley.

Don't make me hurt you.

I saved you...

dried your tears,

fed you dinner.

And later we made sweet, sweet love.


Forgot to mention...

the water in your room
is a conductor to an open wire.

It was jerry-rigged
by a former Spec Ops interrogator.

Clearly, he knows his shit.

I'm impressed.

I never realized you were such a bitch.

Yeah, well, this bitch is
in control of you now, assh*le.

Simpson! God...

Simpson, can you hear me?

Simpson! The plan was to capture him,
not k*ll him.

Where's Jessica?


I know, you'll only see Dr. Kozlov,

but I called Metro-General,
and he's not on staff.

- He'll be there.
- You might bleed out first.

- Did the police see you?
- No, I made sure.

You weren't there.
I wasn't there.

- Was Jessica there?
- The neighbor's dead.

And my boys... God!

My boys are dead!

Simpson, I will k*ll you
if you die in my car.

Kozlov... Metro...

- What happened to him?
- There was an expl*si*n.

He wants to see a Dr. Kozlov,
says he works here.

Never heard of him.
We need to start an IV. Let's go, people.

So you weren't the only lab rat.

Reva knew about this, didn't she?
And that's why you wanted her dead.

I never touched that woman.

Where are these other kids?

You k*lled for this video,

and you never thought
to look for the other kids?

Afraid of the competition?

You're a better sleuth than that.

They were all in different labs.

I was too busy looking
for my own sadistic parents

to care about strange children.

Maybe you k*lled them all.

Help me!
I'm being held c*ptive by a mad...

What the hell are you doing?

- Please don't let her...
- Stop! Now!

Oh, God bless...

God bless you.

Oh, God bless you.

- This was your plan?
- My plan was to cut his balls off,

but now I'll settle for a confession.

Under duress.
It'll be inadmissible.

Worse, it'll indict you.

Let him go and hope
that he doesn't press charges.

The second you share
the same air with him,

he will make you
put your head through a window.

You've heard from those survivors.

That's all you have, hearsay.
Where's the proof?

I have video. His parents...

Were evil scientists, yes.
I listened to the files you sent.

But there's nothing to link
the boy in that video

to the man you are torturing.

Then I will make a new video
and force him to use his abilities.

There is no time.

- Since when?
- The DA is offering Hope a plea bargain.


Why now?

All the stories, all the crazy claims
coming out of the woodwork

make for bad press.
They want it done.

No, I am too close.
I have him.

Hope will do 20 years,
maybe 15 for good behavior.

If she turns it down,
she could do life.

I have a legal obligation
to present this plea deal to my client.

- So you haven't told her yet?
- I wanted to see what you had.

One juror, right?

That's all we need, is one juror
to believe in Kilgrave's mind control.

- That's reasonable doubt.
- Technically.

But any video would be...

would be dismissed as staged.


- What, is that the DA?
- No!

No. You know what, Jessica?
I have problems of my own.

I have a life.
I have a fiancée, a vindictive ex...

Hogarth, tell me how
to legitimize the video.

You need a witness with legal authority.

What, like a cop, or a judge?


But the DA is giving us a 48-hour
window for this plea deal.

I'll have a cop here in three.

Will you just... wait here?

You are in no position
to ask me to do anything.

You have done
absolutely nothing to help me.

Kilgrave's seen you, Hogarth.

You're already implicated.

You set me up.

You need to see this through with me.

God damn it.

Don't look at him, don't talk to him,
and don't listen to him.

Or he'll mind control me.

No, because he's an assh*le.

His powers don't work through a mic,
so you'd have to go in the room.

Don't do that, either.


Uh-huh. Here you go.

You're making a mistake.

The cart on 41st Street
has pastrami fries.

I need you to witness something.

I don't like what I see
when you're around.

Oh, you mean that room full of cops
that put their own Glocks to their heads?

I don't know what that was about.

I do.
And I know the man responsible.

You know Lieutenant Evans, huh?

They say he orchestrated that whole prank.
Quite a character, Evans.

Was it a prank when I twisted
that chair in half?

Or dumped a human head on your desk?

Evans may have bad taste,
but we all decided to look the other way.

It's better for everybody.

You can't ignore what you saw.

What I saw at that station
was a group of brave cops

who could all be kicked off the force
as su1c1de risks

if any of this should get out.

You have a chance
of bringing in a serial k*ller.

And I'm two years away
from a full pension.

Thank you and goodbye, Miss Jones.

696 Hackett Street, Apartment C.

If you don't think Kilgrave's a threat,

you won't mind if I give him
your home address.

- You wouldn't do that.
- Of course not.

Because I know that Kilgrave is dangerous,

and so do you,
or you would've kept walking.

I can get him off the streets,
but I need your help.

Googling my address
does not make you a detective.

Good detectives use evidence.

Like security footage.

But the cameras at the station
were all wiped clean.

So unless you have positive proof
that a crime was committed...

Yeah, I didn't think so.

Wendy, if I get disbarred,
you will get 90% of nothing.

Yesterday, it was 75%.

And if it was 100%,
you'd still be getting off easy.

Since when do you care so much
about money?

Since you started spending
all of ours on your secretary.

Oh, I didn't.
I didn't touch a penny of your money.

What are you calling mine?

I turned down field work for you,

I pulled doubles every day
to pay for law school. I don't...

- You got your money's worth.
- What?

I foot the bill
while you played Mother Teresa.

- Now you resent me for helping poor people.
- That's... a new low.

Wendy, even if you take all of my money,

it will not change how I feel about Pam.

No... but it'll hurt.

I won't be the only one
left bleeding on the floor.

And you call me the heartless one.

Wendy, I'm sorry, I take that back.

I know we can agree on a number...


Do you need something?

A good lawyer.
Do you know one?

I'll get you a referral.

b*tches, right?

Trouble with your ex?

Wendy... is it?
Sorry, I was reading your lips.

Could be Randy, but I think not.

Threatening to expose you?
Sounds hideous.

Jessica tell you that?

Jessica doesn't let anyone in.

I bet she hasn't told you
that she moved in with me three days ago.



Under her own free will.

It was going great,
then she just snapped.

Jessica has lied to both of us.

What do you really know about her, really?

More than I know about you.

You know her version of events.
No one's even heard mine.

As a lawyer, you must know that
the reality lies somewhere in the middle.

You are clearly a smart woman.

You know that if I did have...

"abilities," they wouldn't be
inherently bad.

Just imagine
what someone like that could do.

His powers of persuasion
could right any wrong.

Make any stubborn problem...


Please repeat that for the camera.

Dr. Kozlov only has privileges here.
I left messages for him.

He'll come.

Why don't you just let
one of the other doctors look at you?

The room...

The sealed room I set up...

It's the only place
she could hold Kilgrave.

Just forget about Kilgrave.
You need to focus on...

No, she won't k*ll him.

It has to be you.

The g*n that I gave you...

You can't ask me to do that.

It's the only way.

Let it go.

He's too dangerous.
Look at what he's done to you...

- what he's done to your friends.
- Yeah, which is why you have to k*ll him.

Just stop, okay?

- Knew you'd come.
- Dr. Kozlov, I'm Trish Walker,

- I brought Sergeant Simpson here.
- "Sergeant"?

I didn't expect to hear from you again.

But I can see why you called.

I want back in.

Team ready?

You need to leave.

- I'll stay until you...
- Now!

- I'm not leaving him.
- Trish, go.

You have to end it.



What's wrong? Did he do something?
Say something?

Nothing that I listened to.

Visiting hours at the prison are over.
I needed to talk to Hope.

- Sorry.
- No, you're not.

- Where's your cop?
- He needs evidence of Kilgrave's power.

I'd appreciate you manning
the shock switch.

- What, you're going in there?
- Yeah, I know how to piss him off.

When he takes control,

the electricity will stop me
as quickly as Kilgrave.

But only hit the switch
if he makes me hurt myself.

What if he kills you?

Well, then we'll have proof,
won't we?


For the record, you are?

I, Jessica Jones,
of sound mind and body,

submit the following footage
into evidence.

My feet are pruning.
What's that?


Smells fast.

You're welcome.

Are you not afraid that I'll touch you?


Afraid I'll touch you?

I remember how you like to be touched.

It's bad enough to shock me.
You have to toy with my emotions?

You can have it...

but I want you to beg for it.

You will not...

If that was foreplay, I'm all in.

Then do something about it.

Unless you can't compel yourself
to get it up.

After that performance,
you have my full attention.

Oh, you mean that Slim Jim in your pants?

You're pathetic.

You disgust me.

All that power
and you're too afraid to use it.

Scared like a little mama's boy.

Come on, Kevin.

Be a big boy for Mummy and Daddy.

I don't know what you mean.
You have all the power here.


- Make me stop.
- I won't hit a woman.

No, but you'd r*pe her.

Destroy her mind,
make her a m*rder*r.

- Say the words!
- Jessica, enough.

I loved you.
I gave you whatever you wanted.

All you ever gave me was shame.

And remorse.

And pain.

Stop. I'm gonna hit the switch.

She is going to k*ll him.

No, she won't.
She's holding back.

Come on, you cowardly piece of shit!

You don't have the balls to fight me?

This isn't you, Jess.
We were happy.

Whatever you think I did to hurt you,
I'm sorry.

What's the matter with you people?
You're just gonna let this happen?

He is powerless.

He's playing us.

I will not be party to any of this.

Please! Somebody help me!

Feels good, doesn't it?

Being in control.

He didn't have to tell me
to do a g*dd*mn thing

and he had all the control.

Got to admire his commitment.

Look at that.

Even I feel sorry for him.

I just helped his case.

I'm such an idiot.

What if you and I walked out
of here right now?

Locked the door and never came back?

Just left him.

Hope could take the deal,
I have enough money to get us far away.

- Trish...
- I mean it.

As long as he has your attention,
as long as you care...

he's in control.

I won't let Hope
lose 20 years of her life.

Why is she your responsibility?

That's not you.

That's your boyfriend.

He's not my boyfriend.

But can you blame him?

Kilgrave m*rder*d Simpson's buddies.

He almost died.

- Wait, what?
- There was a b*mb.

An expl*si*n.

Simpson's in the hospital.

Be a big boy for Mummy and Daddy.

He'll be all right.
He's too stubborn to die.

There'll be an investigation.

Maybe a link to prove Kilgrave's guilt.

He doesn't leave fingerprints, ever.

He spent his whole life avoiding cameras,
except that one.

And I thought my mother was bad.

Who does that to their own child?

No one gets under a person's skin
like their parents.

That could push him to the breaking point.

If they're still alive.

He thinks so.
He looked for them for a long time.

Should've hired a P.I.

Wendy sent her evidence
to the general company inbox.

Interns check that.
What if I didn't catch it in time?

It's a bluff.
Just a shot across the bow.

If anyone saw it, you'd be disbarred.
Maybe even put in jail.

- Don't worry about me.
- How about you worry about me?

You committed a crime, Jeri.

And that makes me
an accessory after the fact...

I am doing...

the best I can.

What do you want from me?

I want you to handle it.

If this were any other case,

you would've shut down Wendy
without even breaking a sweat.

This is not a case.

This is my life.

Which includes you being
the best g*dd*mn lawyer in the city.

First time I watched you in court...

I could feel your power.

The way you dismantled
the ADA's argument...

held that jury in your hand.

I could feel you watching me.

You were showing off.

It worked.

- No one controls you.
- No.

No one can stop you.

That is the Jeri I fell in love with.

The one who knows what she wants
and takes it.

If that Jeri comes back,

I'm in.
All the way.

Until then...

I don't like ultimatums.

I know.

The camera never sees their faces.

Look for background details.
We need a location.

What's that right there?
Zoom in on that.

You don't see Eric crying
when he goes in the sin bin.

Be a big boy
for Mummy and Daddy, Kevin.

You don't see Eric crying
when he goes in the sin bin.

Who is Eric?
His brother?

Another kid from the study?

Sin bin.


Baby Kilgrave had a childhood hero.

Eric Brantford.

Rugby Club, University of Manchester.

I'm looking for a Professor Davies.

He was the head of Manchester's
neuroscience department in 1985.

That would be me.

I'm checking a reference.

I need the names of the professors
that ran studies back then.

You're hiring a Spartan?
Then I'm sure they're a good egg.

Not like those sods at Liverpool.
They'll pick your pocket...

The study I'm looking for
had to do with kids.

Experiments on them.

Who is this?

I just need the names of the professors.

They're gone
and they should stay gone.

They skipped town in '88
with some grant money.

The program was aborted
and I was in no way associated with them.

With who?


Albert and Louise Thompson.
Don't call again.

They want me to plead guilty?

Even if you serve 20 years,

you'll still have half your life
to live on the outside.

After all of this,
you're telling me to lie?

The DA wants an answer by the morning.

I wanna talk to Jessica.

It's your life, not hers.

- You don't...
- You barely know her.

You have a way out
of an impossible situation.

You're too young to know how rare that is,
so take my word for it.

The real world is not about happy endings.

It's about taking the life you have,
and fighting like hell to keep it.

I wanna talk to Jessica.

Still think she looks familiar?

It's impossible, right?

I've stopped using that word around you.

Collect call from
North Eastern Correctional Facility.

Yes, I'll accept. Hope?

I'm taking the deal.

Hope, listen.

I'm tired, Jessica.

I just want this to be over.

It won't be
as long as Kilgrave is out there.

Yeah, well, at least I'll have a life.

In 20 years, I could finish my degree.

I don't want to die in here.

I've made my decision.
I just thought that you should know.

I've got him, Hope.


Kilgrave is my prisoner.

What do you mean?

I mean, I pumped him full of dr*gs
and I dumped him in a cage.

We are so close to having
the proof we need for reasonable doubt.

Hope... do not let him off the hook
for what he did to you.

To us.


Thank you.

Don't give me that look.
I'm getting her out of there.




You're late.

Where's the rest of them?

I couldn't reach everyone.
You didn't give me much notice.

I haven't heard from you in days
and I thought you were in jail.

- Clearly I'm not.
- And what,

you couldn't be bothered to tell me?

I crossed a big line
to save you from yourself.

- Do you even know what I did for you?
- I didn't ask you to.


No, you do not get to play that card.
Not anymore.

See this?
You're a part of this.

Just take a look around.

You said that you needed to talk.
They're all here to support you.

Just let that sink in.

Hey. All right, let's start.

Well, speak at will.
No one's controlling this.

I think I'll just listen for a while.

I need to clear my head.
Everywhere I look, all I see is Kilgrave.

- I guess I'll start.
- Thank you.

Um, I was thinking the other day
about accountability.

Because when Kilgrave was in control,
I wasn't accountable for what I did.

Even though, at the time,
I really wanted to do it.

So, how do I take responsibility
for anything if I don't, you know...

Dude, you lost a jacket, move on.


Let's let someone else share.

How about you?

Betty just listens, like you,
and that's okay.

I wanna hear Betty's story.

When did you meet Kilgrave?
A long time ago?

Would you say
that you know him intimately?

Have you seen him naked?

No, Jessica.

- Wait for it. It'll be good.
- No, this is a victim support group.

Not everyone here is a victim.


I've got to go.

Where are you going?

Hey! Leave that poor woman alone.

That poor woman is Kilgrave's mother.


Hey, hey, I wanna help.

- Too bad.
- No, I need to help.

I can't sleep at night.

Every single time I close my eyes,
I just see Ruben's face.

That is why I'm not
getting you involved.

- You let this stuff get to you.
- "This stuff"?

I scrubbed blood
off your floorboards, all right?

I dumped a man's body in a river.

And you wanna spend more time with me?

Go back to that group.
Help those people.

That's your superpower.

Only a matter of time
before he found us.

We never should've stopped moving.

I'm sorry, Albert.
You were right.

Hi, Dad.

I see where your son gets his bad manners.

Now you are coming with me to stop him.

Stop him?

Kevin didn't send you?

No, but I bet he'll be glad to see you.

You may have named him Kevin,
but you made him Kilgrave.

- We didn't know what he'd become.
- Bullshit!

I've seen the videos, the tests.

You tried to play God!

We tried to save him.

Kevin was born
with a degenerative neural disease.

He'd have been brain-dead
before he reached 12.

His only hope was an experimental study
using a virus to repair his damaged DNA.

So you infected him?


I wish I had a Mother of the Year award
so I could bludgeon you with it.

We loved our son.

We wanted a cure and we found one.

We didn't know
about the side effects until...

Until things got bad and you jumped ship.

No, we stayed and lived with it.

We carried out
his every childish demand for years.

He was throwing a tantrum,

but I was busy ironing, and...

I never should've yelled at him, but...

We were living in fear,
so we ran.

We've been running ever since.

Well, you could've told someone,
or done something.

Yours aren't the only lives
that little Kevin has destroyed.

We know.

We heard about that poor girl
who k*lled her parents.

I knew it was Kevin.

Louise insisted we make sure, so we came.

Louise joined that ghoulish group
to t*rture herself.

I hoped I could help.

A lot of good it's done.

Well, here's your chance
to help that girl.

I am taking you to your son.

We've only stayed alive this long
by keeping our distance.

If your parenting didn't make him
a sociopath, the lack of it did.

Either way, irresponsible.

I'm going with her, Albert.

You're not going alone.

Have a good night.

Yeah, you too. Take it easy.

You're back.

Jessica said she had something
urgent to show me.

She'll be back soon.

Why don't you go outside
and get some fresh air?

Last thing I need
is another woman losing her mind.

Yeah, I guess I could use a break.

I'm listening.

I'm checking on a patient,
Will Simpson.

I doubt he's conscious.

Simpson here.

You sound... all right.

I told you, Kozlov was the guy.

And I wanted to see you again.

Are you with Jessica?
With him?

I know you won't do it.

I'm not like you.

It's a good thing.

Now, you get out of there.

Get out of town.

Jessica's an idiot if she thinks
she can keep him locked up.


Tell me you're not gonna
stay there with him.

I'm glad you'll be okay.



You're responding well to the meds.

Feels good.
Like old times.

- Give me a red.
- You had a red this morning.

We altered protocol
after what happened in Damascus.

One red to get you going.

Two whites to keep you even.

One blue to bring you down.

Got it.

Glad to have you back.

We're going to do
important things together.

We're about to get our proof.

For Hope's sake,
you better be right.

DA said she turned down the plea.
She'll seek two life terms now.

She'll lose.

Come on in!

Are they the mad scientists?

All the tests they did on him
were to save his life.

He tortured them.
Everything Kilgrave said was a lie.

If things go bad, I hit this switch.

Everyone goes down and we pull you out.
You won't feel a thing.


- What if you're not fast enough?
- Don't worry, I'm fast enough.

It's not worth the risk.
We need to find another way.

We're going in, Albert.

He's our responsibility.

Hands above your head.

I see you got my evidence.

Oh, yeah.

You convinced me you are one sick lady.

- Now open that cell.
- Sure thing.

One sec.


Are you insane?

You know, why don't you
just cuff me right now?

Because I'm about to call 911.

Well, then I will make sure to tell them
that you're an accomplice to kidnapping.

Keep your eyes on that man in that cell.
Your testimony is gonna put him away.

Now, let's give him something to witness.

Come on.

Hello, Kevin.



Have they been giving you enough to eat?

You might as well ask who fed me
when I was ten.

Or 14, or 25.
You never cared then.

Kevin, sweetheart.

I used to wonder
if you thought about me growing up...

begging for scraps like a dog.

Or if you worried about when I got sick.

Or when I was scared.
I was all alone, Mum.

I had to make people feed me
and shelter me and care for me.

That's how I learned to survive.

Bollocks, Kevin.
You always knew how to give orders.

Telling us when to eat,
when to sleep, when to piss.

No, Albert.

Oh, Dad, I've changed.

Jessica taught me to help people.

I saved children.

I wondered if that would
make you proud of me.

Oh, of course we're proud of you, Kevin.

We love you.

Then why did you leave?

Your mother nearly died
after what you did to her!

I was ten! I had a tantrum,
like a normal child.

I didn't know what I was doing.
You didn't explain to me, you just left!

We made a mistake.

I promise, I will never leave you again.

Louise, remember what he did.

He's our son, Albert.


I'm sorry I hurt you, Mum.


Release me now
and I'll overlook the as*ault.

We'll call it resisting arrest.

It's not over yet.

I'm sorry, Kevin.

I am so sorry.

I'm so sorry.

Get them out now!

Not yet.

You're our responsibility.

We have got to stop you.

Yeah, I understand.


pick up the scissors.


Stay there, Dad.

Take note.


- She did it.
- She did what?

- It's on tape.
- He didn't see it. It's not enough.

This won't work.
Pull them out now!


for every year that you left me alone...

s*ab yourself.

Got him.

Everybody out! Run!

- Go! Go! Run!
- Get me out of these.

Jess, the keys! I need the...

Please. Please.

Don't just stand there, Dad.

Pick up the scissors.

No, not him, too.

Get me out of here!

Cut your heart out, Dad.

Put a b*llet in your skull, Patsy.

Follow me, Detective.

Let go of me, Jessica.

Get her off me, Detective!

Let go of me, Jessica.

Get back here, Jessica.

Now, Jessica!