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01x01 - 3 AM

Posted: 05/08/22 13:35
by bunniefuu

- FRANK: Ready?
- LISA: Okay.







One batch...

two batch.

Penny and dime.



(MAN IN SPANISH) Here he comes!


- MAN 1: Welcome home.
- MAN 2: The one that got away!

Screw you, Punisher, piece of shit!

MAN 3: You're safe back in Mexico.

MAN 4: Punisher comes to Juarez,
we'll k*ll his ass.

WOMAN: The last survivor of
the cartel deserves a reward.




to Dublin, Ireland, boarding at Gate 31.

Again, that's Flight 1513
to Dublin at Gate 31.

Hey, it's Mickey. Yeah,
anyone else make it?

Oh, shit, I'm the only one left?

No, I'm good. I'm good.
Yeah, about to board.

Tell Dublin to get ready for
a big party. I'm on my way.




- Please don't...

You won.
You... you k*lled everyone.

The bikers, the cartels,
the Kitchen Irish... they're all gone.

- Yeah. Yeah, almost.
- I get it.

An eye for an eye and all that.

- I got a family of my own.
- I don't.

For God's sake, man, k*lling me
is not gonna bring yours back.

- What does it change if I'm dead?
- Nothing.


- Oh, God.


- Jeez.

- MAN 1: Can you believe that?
- MAN 2: Get a room, you dirty bastards!

(WOMAN ON PA) Flight 1513 to
Dublin, Ireland, is now boarding.





- Are you the new guy?
- Yeah. Uh, Donny Chavez.

(SPITS) All right, let's
see how you do. Come on.


That's the gimp.

Don't worry about him.
He ain't all there.

- MAN 1: That's the shit.
- MAN 2: Yeah, yeah.

Yo! Castiglione!


Hey, dumbass... lunch time.


- ret*rd loves that hammer.
- Yeah.









NEIGHBOR: The rice is ready!




- Hey, sleepyhead.


- LANCE: This g*dd*mn guy.

LEO: He's crazy, Lance.
What are you gonna do?

Hey, what's the story with you, man?

Here early, here late.

You know if they don't
ask you to work...

they don't pay you for it, right?

- PAULIE: Right?
- But you knew that, right?

You got a tongue in your head?

I don't know
what your deal is, man.

I'm guessing, uh, "elevator don't
go up to the penthouse" type thing.

- Hey, whatever, right?

But this shit you do,
that's hurting us.

Because of you, we're
getting less overtime.

Kick his ass, Lance.
Maybe he'd understand that.

Wise up, window licker.

- All right. All right.


- PAULIE: Shit, there go the PB and Js.
- There he is.

You don't want me
for an enemy, man.

- SCUT: You gotta be kiddin'!
- LEO: All this talk.

- Why don't we make it interesting?
- DONNY: Yo!

(STAMMERS) I would whup your butt.

- Put money on it.
- All right.

- Fifty. Hundred.
- Oh, big talk. Big talk.

- Where you going?
- I'm gonna whup your ass.

LEO: Easy money.

- LANCE: We'll see.
- Can I come?

- No room.




This is high, man. Shit.

I'm Donny.


You can see forever up here, huh?


- This why you come up here?
- Hmm.

I come up here
because no one else does.



Pete, right?

Well, Pete, my grandma makes the
best sandwich in the five boroughs.

And you ain't gonna know
that unless you try one.

Come on, man.
A man's gotta eat.

Especially the way you're
throwing that hammer. (CHUCKLES)

Like Cool Hand Luke or something.

One-man chain g*ng.
You like that movie?

I take one of those sandwiches,
you stop talking?


No promises.


Appreciate it.

You know...

everyone thinks
you're a ret*rd.

But I knew you wasn't.

Lance shouldn't have done that, man.

Everyone's just worried about
making money, that's all.

Shit, I could use
the overtime myself.

I ain't worked in a while and
I gotta pay for my grandma's meds.

Those are some serious scars, man.

- That one a b*llet hole?
- Yeah.


You some sort of
secret badass, Pete?

- Marine Corps.
- Yeah?


My pa was in the corps.

Yeah. In the 1/2 down
in North Carolina.

He was like a superhero
to me or something.

Except they don't die, right?


I'm sorry to hear that.

My pa, he served three tours.

Iraq twice, Afghanistan.

Then him and my ma were coming
back from a movie one night...

and got clipped by some kid who
had just passed his driving test.

I woke up the next morning,
they were just gone.

(SIGHS) You got family?

I was 12.

I had to come up here,
live with my grandma.

She's the only person
I got left.

LISA: Dad, look.

(VOICE FADING) It's hard...

took the fall for some
guys I hung out with...

but I never gave 'em up.

Semper Fi, right?

Look, Donny. Thanks for the sandwich.
You know, I... appreciate that.

But I'm not looking for
a pal, yeah?

Whatever it is you're
looking for... I'm not it.

Yeah... okay.

CURTIS: There's a story I heard.

There's a soldier in
a hole and he can't get out,

so he yells for help.

An NCO comes by and says,
"Suck it up, son. Dig deep."

And gives the soldier a shovel.

The soldier does as he's told
and digs that hole deeper.

Then an officer comes by,

says, "Hell, son, use the
tools your NCO gave you."

And throws him a bucket.

So the trooper in the hole uses
the shovel to fill that bucket,

and the hole was
deeper still, right?

Next up, psychiatrist comes by
and offers him dr*gs, tells him,

"This is gonna help you
forget about the hole."

And they do.

But then the pills run out.

Then a soldier comes
up, a guy just like him,

covered in mud and dirt, and
he hears the yells for help.

And that filthy soldier
jumps down in the hole, too.

And the kid, he freaks out.

"What are you doing?
Now we're both stuck in a hole."

And the filthy soldier just smiles...

and says, "Calm down,
buddy. I've been here before.

I know how to get out."

Got a couple of new faces
in here today.


If you wanna talk, talk.

If you just wanna listen,
that's all good, too.

No judgment here, just brothers
and sisters who understand.

Only thing you've got to understand
is the world isn't changing.

The real persecuted minority
in this country today...

- is the Christian American patriot.
- Oh, here we go with the same bullshit.

You're blind, assh*le.
Don't rag on me because I can see.

Kiss my ass, cr*cker.

Isaac, let O'Connor finish
his piece, the same way you do

when we get a blow-by-blow account
of your week's titty bar action.

- Blow-by-blow is right.

We've got to do something about
the liberal, do-gooding assholes

who are running this
country into the ground.

The ones who want to take
our rights and our g*ns.

Anyone else got a take?

I just know that I fought for this

country and that it's got
no place for me.

I don't know what the rules
are anymore, you know?

They're scared, man.
Because they aren't stupid.

They spent 15 years training an army
and then abandoned it on the streets.

A time is gonna come when
we have to defend ourselves

and... and put things
back to how they were.

You love this country,
you better be ready,

'cause the next w*r's
gonna be here.

Blood will flow in the streets.

Sic semper tyrannis.

"Thus always to tyrants"?

You really think our governments
are tyrants, Lewis?

All I know is that we risked our
lives and we did terrible things...

and it meant nothing
when we got home.


How you sleeping, Lewis?

Uh, better.
I work a lot but, uh, better.

Group helps.

I've been reading a lot.

Perspective is good.

- Mmm-hmm.
- But...

the answers have to be your own.

You have to take an honest look in
here before we look anywhere else.

All right?

I'll see you next time.

Take care of yourself, Lewis.

FRANK: Was a good meeting, Curt.

There he is.

- You good?
- I'm copacetic, Frank. You?

Oh, yeah. Great.

- It's been a while.
- Yeah, I'm a slow reader.


- I appreciate it.
- Right.

I really enjoyed it.

Like I told Lewis...

books are great, but they
don't hold all the answers.

- Can I get some coffee?
- Help yourself.

Lewis drives a cab all night.

I don't think
it's a coincidence, either.

I suspect he talks to
himself in the mirror.

And that's part of
the problem, Frank.

Nobody wants to be
themselves anymore.

Internet, social media, g*dd*mn
talent shows for assholes...

Everybody wants to be
somebody else.


is happy just to look at themselves
in the mirror, see themselves.

Then it means they don't
have to be responsible either.

So what about you, Frank?

What is it gonna take
to make you happy?

Come on.

Happy is a kick in
the balls waiting to happen.

So you kick yourself
in the balls first.


That's crazy, Lieutenant.
(CHUCKLES) Look...

you got half a life
left to live, my friend.

If you don't,
you might as well be dead.

- Oh, I am dead, Curtis. You didn't hear?
- Bullshit.

You got a name, a passport,
as I recall...

Frank Castle's dead.

Pete Castiglione...
he's got a life.

Anybody that had anything
to do with what...

happened to Maria and
the kids are dead.

Mission accomplished. And I
don't have a problem with that.

Hell, if you would've asked me,
I woulda helped you.

I know that.

- I know you would have.
- But that was months ago.

Now the only person
you're punishing is yourself.

Thank you for the coffee.

Hey, Curt.

How often you think about it?
You know, the shit we did over there?

All the time.

But my conscience is clear.

Afghanistan... was different,
you know?

- Different how?
- Just different.

Things we did, they...
they kinda got blurred.

What were you into, Frank?

- You see, what worries me the most...

is that you've been in a hole
so long that it's become home.

Maybe that's where
I'm supposed to be.

Do me a favor, Frank.
Don't be a wallowing assh*le.


Before I have to take this fake leg
off and beat you to death with it.


Just imagine your tombstone.

"Frank Castle lose a ass-kicking
contest to a one-legged man."

- I'd do it.
- Yeah.

I'd actually kinda
like to see that.

Take care of yourself, Curt.

ID, please?


SAM: So who was this guy to you?

DINAH: Ahmad Zubair was my partner.

He was taken from his home in
Kandahar, shot in the head,

- and buried in an unmarked grave.
- SAM: That's quite a story.

Doesn't bode well for me as
your newly assigned partner.

It's more than a story. And
Stein... we're not partners.


- Stein sounds like a large beer glass.

And, uh, according to the assignments,
that's exactly what we are.

Partners, I mean.

Sure, you're the lead agent
with a nice office...

and I'm the junior with the
shitty little desk outside,

but... partners nevertheless.

- Gotta earn my trust first.
- Yeah.

That's exactly what I have to do.

Your approval immediately being
the most important thing in my life.

Madani, you really think Wolf is
gonna let you run with all this?

I'm confident I can persuade
the SAC of the case's merits.

Well... I guess you are new here.


Morning, sir.

Back in the country three weeks,
and you already have a case for me.

I brought this one back from
Afghanistan with me, sir.

This man, Ahmad Zubair of
the Afghan National Police,

discovered United States soldiers
were trafficking heroin.

And they k*lled him for it.

Stein, give us the room.

Sir, uh, as Madani's new partner,

- shouldn't I...
- Close the door on your way out.

You're lucky, Madani.

A lot of people would give
their left tit for this job.

I was happy where I was...
tits intact.

Others weren't.

The investigation
you were pursuing

in Kandahar was deemed to
serve no one.

Deemed by who?

Frankly, you must have
a guardian angel, Madani.

They pulled you out of there before
you did your career some real harm.

I guess you tick a lot of boxes,

because they didn't want the
poster girl embarrassing them.

That was sexist, r*cist,

and demeaning of my abilities
all in one sentence, sir. Bravo.

Well, sue me. It's your word against
mine. Kinda like your case here.

The US government gave Ahmad Zubair
our word, and it got him k*lled.

A place like this, who
knows what got him k*lled?

He could've been dirty.

I was pulled out of Afghanistan
'cause something stunk to high heaven

and I was close to
finding out exactly what.

And here you are.

Now, I like tenacious
and energetic, Madani.

I find it kinda hot in a woman.

But I will not stand for
insubordinate. Are we clear?

Ask your little buddy
Stein about that.

Now, Kandahar is off-limits.
Otherwise, you can quit.

- You're the boss.
- Yes, I am.



LEO: I need a drink.

- PAULIE: Murphy's?
- SCUT: Maybe Rhonda will be working.

Maybe this time
you'll speak to her.

- Like she'd notice.
- Bite me, dipshit.

I could use a drink.


Come on, Lance.

Let me come with you guys.
Look, first round's on me.

- All right.

- Yeah, sure.

Why not, huh?
Why not?


- Good meeting with Wolf, huh?
- Peachy.

As your immediate junior
in the chain of command...

am I allowed to ask how
you're feeling about that?

How about you lay off
with the "junior" shit?

I can live without your
wiseass comments right now.

Not really sure what
else I have to offer.

You know how I knew Wolf
wouldn't want your case?

You got me for a partner.

You're telling me this why?

You seem like a good person.

Someone with a career in the
department if you really want one.

(SCOFFS) What did you
do to piss him off?

You gotta earn my trust first.



what now?

Now I want you to get
me whatever we have

on a Marine Force Recon
colonel called Schoonover,

the expl*si*n and drug bust at
the 41st Street docks last year,

and everything available
on one of his men,

Lieutenant Frank Castle.

The Punisher?
He's dead.

Castle and Schoonover served
in Afghanistan, same unit,

then both are dead one day
and 20 miles apart...

right here in New York.

That strike you
as a coincidence?

- You're gonna run with this anyway?
- Do you have a problem with that?


I'm already on the shit pile.

Just surprised a hotshot like
you is so eager to join me there.


Five more beers and... and five
more sh*ts of that good stuff

for me and my new pals here. (LAUGHS)

Last round,
and then I'm closing up.

He pukes, you assholes are
cleaning it up, all right?

You hear that?
Keep it together, Donny.


I need to pull another job.

I got this... Gnucci loan shark.
This guy's up my ass.

Prick is threatening to break my
legs, take my car, the whole thing.


- Man, what were you thinking?

What were you thinking
taking money off those guys?

What'd you think
was gonna happen?

You got something for me or not?

- (SIGHS) Thanks, Rhonda.
- Yeah.

Yeah, all right. Just take it
easy, man, okay? I'll, uh...

I'll call my cousin. All right?
See if he can hook us up again.

- Soon, Paulie. Soon.
- Yeah. Okay. All right. All right. Okay.

I'll call him tonight, all right?

- SCUT: Whoa!

LEO: Keep it together, Donny.

- The state of this guy, man.
- LEO: She's looking, man.


Your check.


Pay the lady.

You said you were buying, right?


Yeah. Yeah.

- All right.

- SCUT: Yeah!
- LEO: Heck, yeah!

- LEO: I knew you were buying.
- SCUT: Big bucks.

- Hey, sleepyhead.

- FRANK: Hey.
- Hi.


- What time is it?
- It's 10:30.


You needed your sleep.


There's plenty of time
now that you're home.



PAULIE: My cousin
came through big time.

LANCE: All right. All right.
What's the job, huh?

PAULIE: It's a poker game. High stakes.

- Fifty, maybe even seventy grand.

PAULIE: I know. I know. They got
a "no g*ns at the table" rule.

Except for one guard standing
at the door. We go in...

we take out the guard, the
two of us cover the room.

One of us scoops up the cash,
and one outside in the car.

(SCOFFS) What's the catch? Why isn't
someone hitting this every week?

(LAUGHS) It's protected by the Gnuccis.

- Are you crazy?

You want to hit
an outfit game?

- I don't know, Paulie. Paulie, this is...
- PAULIE: Hey. Don't be a p*ssy.

And besides,
I thought...

you'd like the idea of paying back
the Gnuccis' shylock with his own cash.

- Yeah, I do.
- There we go.

- I do.
- Attaboy. Attaboy.

- All right.

Who's that?

Look who it is...

- Captain Batshit.

Were you listening to us?



Everywhere I turn,
there you are, pissing me off.

Now, you...

you need to mind
your own business.

PAULIE: Putting your nose
where it don't belong, huh?


What? What do you wanna do?


What do you wanna do?

Whoa, where you goin'?
Where you goin'?

Oh, where you goin'?

You're gonna get hurt, gimp.


Oh, you wanna do something
with that hammer?

Huh? You wanna...
You wanna do something?

What do you wanna do?
You wanna take me?

I'm right here.

I ain't going anywhere.

And I will mess you up
without breaking a sweat.

Are we clear on that? Huh?

Yeah, you better
stay out of my way,

or that hammer's gonna
find a new home up your ass.

- Do you understand?

- (MAN IN THE DISTANCE) Yeah, that's it.
- Huh?



- LANCE: Shit!


MAN: Call somebody. Hurry up!


Jesus! You can see the bone!

MAN: All right. Call an ambulance.

You were in the Marines, right?

You must know first aid or field
medicine or something! Come on!


We gotta cancel tonight.

No, man. My cousin will
think we pussied out.

- I thought you needed the money.

- I do.
- Then let's do it, huh?

We got nothing to worry about.
Don't worry.

- Hey. Hey, hey...
- PAULIE: Hmm?

- What about him?
- Him?

- You can't be serious.
- What? He's no virgin.

- Hey, Donny. Come here.


- That was messed up, huh?
- Yeah, shitty luck. For him, for us.

Hey, look, we got a thing tonight.
Make us some real money.

But... Scut going down
has left us a man short.

I ain't gonna lie to you, Donny.
This ain't exactly... legal.

- You got the balls for it?
- Hey, man, I got plenty of balls.

I don't doubt it.
So you in?

No, man.
I need to know more about it.

PAULIE: Nah. You're in or you're not.

LANCE: Serious money, hour's work.

Huh? You'd be doing us a solid.

(SIGHS) Yeah.

- All right, I'll help you out.
- LANCE: All right.

All right.
He's growing up, huh?

- One of the boys.
- He's growing up.

LANCE: All right, help
us clean this shit up.

All right, over here.


FARAH: Why is it that you resent

being home so much,
do you think?

I resent being
forced to come back.

I resent that
no one is hiding that fact.

Mostly, I... I resent that
no one wants the truth.

I just want you to be sure that
this case of yours isn't just a way

to avoid dealing with losing
someone you were close to.

I didn't lose anyone.
They k*lled him.

I told Ahmad
he could trust us.

Told him he could trust me.

How much are you
drinking these days?

(SIGHS) Jesus, Mom.
Now and then.

Maybe more now I'm home and have
access to your $100 a bottle stuff.

I know your heart is in the right
place, but I don't need therapy.

Definitely not from you.
No offense.

None taken.

That. That right there.

That is why therapy
would never work for me.

Talking to you is like...

It's like interviewing a suspect
you know has the answers

and just smiles in your face.

That's not about being a psychiatrist.
It's about being your mother.


Nice to have you back.

Nice to share this with you.

It's temporary.

Just till I find a place.

Every night, I drink a glass of
wine over dinner with your father.

He usually pours it for me.

And not once in almost
40 years has he joined me.

His faith is as strong as
my lack of it.

I sometimes ask him,
"How can a surgeon believe in God?"

He says he would go mad

if he couldn't see some kind of
guiding principle in the world.

I have faith in a system.
Our system.

The one that took you and Dad in
and made you wealthy and respected.

This country gave us freedom.

But it's fragile.
It needs protection.

Your father's faith in
God doesn't mean...

that he cannot see
the flaws in his religion.

Why don't you tell me what it
is you're trying to say, Mom?

This case of yours is heresy, Dinah.
You've been told as much.

What you're doing scares me.

I don't want to see
your head on a plate.




Keep it runnin'.

Let's boogaloo.

- LANCE: Get up. Come on, move your ass!

PAULIE: Nobody move! Nobody!

- Or you get what he got! Eyes down.
- LANCE: Stay down!


LANCE: Hey. Bag the cash!

- DONNY: Shit.
- LANCE: All right, listen up, fellas.

This is gonna go
nice and easy.

We know none of you is packing.
So no heroics, huh?

You boys should leave
while you can.

PAULIE: Shut up, greaseball,
or you'll get what he got.

- LANCE: Eyes on the table!
- Do you know whose game this is?

I guess not.
Otherwise you wouldn't be here.

PAULIE: Or maybe we don't give a
shit about you oily Gnuccishitbags.

- You're all dead.
- LANCE: Come on, let's go.

- Let's go!
- PAULIE: Hurry up!

LANCE: Move. Move. Move. Move!

Let's go. Don't look at him!
Eyes on the table!

You got any sense, kid,
you'll drop that bag and walk away.

PAULIE: Don't speak again, assh*le.

Or what?

Hurry up. We don't got all day!
Or we don't get shit!

Take every last one of these
shitbags' dollars! Hurry up!

What are you doing?

- LANCE: Kid, pick it up!
- DONNY: Shit.

Let's go!

Shit, you really
screwed this up, Donald.

- PAULIE: We gotta cap 'em.
- LANCE: No! Come on.

- Get out of here. Move! Yo, move!
- DONNY: Shit.

- LANCE: Move!
- PAULIE: Come on.


- Hey, sleepyhead.
- (GASPING) What?

- (SIGHS) Hey.
- Hi.


- What time is it?
- Mmm. It's 10:30.


You needed your sleep.

There's plenty of time
now that you're home.

I'm gonna go get breakfast.

- Okay.
- Okay.




- Dad!

- Dad, look!

- No!



DONNY: Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

- Give me the g*n.
- DONNY: I made a mistake, man. I'm sorry.

(STAMMERS) I didn't know
whether to... I figured...

I figured bring my license,

you know, in case we got
stopped by the cops.

To act normal, right?
And I'm sorry, Lance.


He's gotta disappear.
They're gonna look for him.

I wouldn't give you up.
I promise.

The shit they'll do to you, man,
you'd be crazy if you didn't.


- We have to do this.

- No.
- DONNY: No. No.

- He's gotta disappear.

- (SNAPS FINGERS) Start the mixer.
- Are we really doing this?

Start that thing now!

DONNY: Please.


What the hell, huh?

- Let's work a little overtime.
- DONNY: No! No!

LANCE: Shit! Get him! Come on! Go! Go!

- LANCE: Come on, get him!

- Move! Move, move!
- DONNY: Shit!

LANCE: Shit!

- Put it down.
- I'll run. I'll run. Just let me go.

- Can't happen, Donny.
- Just sh**t him.


- Forget it. I'll sh**t him.
- No. No b*ll*ts!




- Get him up!

LANCE: All right, let's go.

- LEO: Ah, shit!

- Come on!
- (SOBBING) No! No! No!

Lance, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
I won't say anything, man!



No! No! No! No! No!

- Come on!
- DONNY: No!

(GROANS) No! No! No!



Lance! No, please!

Lance! Turn it off!

Lance! Please!

You brought this on yourself!

- DONNY: Please! Help me!
- FRANK: Shut it off.

DONNY: Turn it off! Help!

LEO: Hey... look, it's the gimp.

- DONNY: Lance!

Turn it off! (SOBBING) No!

- DONNY: Lance!
- Tonight just gets better and better.






♪ I had a good home But I left ♪

♪ I had a good home But
I left, right, left ♪


♪ b*mb made me deaf ♪


No, please! (SCREAMING) Lance!

♪ Hell broke luce ♪

- (g*n CLICKING)
- LANCE: Paulie!


Paulie, don't leave me!





♪ Dig damn ditches In
the middle of the road ♪

♪ You pay a hundred dollars
Just for filling in the hole ♪

♪ Listen to the general
Every g*dd*mn word ♪

♪ How many ways Can
you polish up a turd? ♪

♪ And left, right ♪


♪ Left, right Hell broke luce ♪

(LANCE GRUNTS) Oh, please.
Please, just let me go, man.

Take the money.
Take the money, man.

You don't have to
k*ll me over this.

It was him or us! (GRUNTING)

Oh, God!

- Where did it go down?
- What?

- (SCREAMS) God!


- Talk.


Okay! Okay! It's in the
basement of a restaurant.

Linello's in Little Italy.

Okay. I told you. Ow!

(CRYING) No, no, no, no.
I told you.

What are you gonna do?

I'm gonna find
a home for this.

- No!






TONY: No one sleeps
until we get these guys.

Start with this kid,
Donald Chavez.

My guy in the precinct called
with an address in Queens.

He lives with his grandmother.

Do what you have to to
make him give up the others.

- Christ. Get the circuit breaker.
- MAN 1: You got it.

- (g*nsh*t)
- MAN 2: Heads up!

(RAPID g*nf*re)


(g*nf*re RESUMES)




- MICRO: Oh.



Yeah, man.



Welcome back, Frank.