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03x04 - Secret Cupet

Posted: 05/09/22 06:27
by bunniefuu
♪ (harpsichord)


(shrill) Daddy!

Forget that newspaper.

This is what you need to be reading.

What is it?

Hello! It's our holiday gift list.

These are all the presents you're going to buy us.

Just how many items are there?

Three hundred, and like...

fifty eight.

Three hundred and fifty-nine, Brittany.

Oh, is that all?

Well, we didn't want to look too, like...


So, we're ready for our first present.

Jewellery works for me. Or cash.

Girls, there's more to the holiday season

than just getting things.

When I was a boy, I didn't receive many presents at all.

Maybe just one or two.


One or two?

Daddy, you're like, hilarious.

Now, how about our presents?

Now listen to me, girls.

Neither of you will receive a single present

until you can show me that this season

is also about giving.

Uh, giving? What's that?

It means doing something nice for someone.

Maybe even someone less fortunate than yourself.

But everyone is less fortunate than us.

Just one person will do.

Whittany, what just happened?

Brittany, I am just about to be, like, super smart.

Who's the biggest charity case we know?


See, you're super smart, too!

(squealing laughter)

♪ You think about all the things ♪

♪ That you love to do

♪ It all comes true

♪ You find a place you never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy to

♪ Just be you!

♪ We can be (yeah)

♪ Who we wanna be (yeah)

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me

♪ We can be (yeah)

♪ Who we wanna be (yeah)

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me

Blythe: OK, everybody, I'm taking Zoe out

for her morning walk.

If the snow's not too deep,

maybe we can all go to the park later.

Hi, Mrs. Twombly.

Hello, dear.

Gather round, sweeties!

We have a very special winter camper today.

(honk honk)

All: Huh?

Say hello to Parker.

He's a penguin who's come all the way

from the South Pole.


I have a sister who lives there.

But she's not a penguin, of course.

(loud laugh)


I wonder if they ever met.

(door closes)

♪ (humming)

Step aside, non-funny pets; I got this one.

Welcome to Littlest Pet Shop, Parker.

Mind if I break the 'ice' with a little penguin humor?

Ha ha ha. Great.

So, where do penguins go swimming?

At the South Pool!

(loud cackling)

Ummm... Excuse me.

Gee, not every pet likes my jokes,

but I've never had a walk-out.


I want to be outside.

All that snow makes it look like home.

Sounds like he's homesick.

Homesick, huh?

Well, they say laughter is the best medicine.

Hey Parker, what do penguins like to eat?



(sad sigh)

Whoa, he's tough.

Glad I'm not playing to a whole crowd of penguins.


Pepper! You just gave me a great idea!

You know, Zoe, there's something almost magical

about a city when it's covered in snow.

Yes, I look great.

I mean, it looks great.

(revving motor)

(tire screech)



Driver! Come and pick up the luggage and stuff!

And tie it on top of the limo, but like,

better this time!

OMG, look Brittany, it's Blythe!

This is so, like...


I think you mean karma.

And why do you say that?

We want to invite you to our winter chateau.

You're inviting me to your chateau?


Don't make us say it twice.

And why would I want to go anywhere with you

after everything that you've done to me?

Brittany, what is she, like talking about?

I have no idea.

She's into making stuff up.

It's like... her 'thing.'


I thought these two fired you.

Actually, Miss Blythe, I'm Francois Two,

Francois' twin brother.

Francois has a twin...

who's also named Francois?

Yes, M'um.

Our parents weren't very creative.

Today's my first day working for the Biskit family.

Uh, hello?

We can't wait all day.

Are you like, coming to our chateau or not?

Wild horses could not drag me to that chateau with you.

Who said anything about horses?

Well, it's not like we didn't like, try.

Francois Two, could you be like any slower with that luggage?

Hurry it up, or we'll fire you, too!

Yes, M'ums!

Right away, M'ums!



(tire screech)

Pepper: We look great!

Thank goodness for Blythe Style's Formal Wear collection.

Maybe seeing us all looking like penguins

will make Parker less homesick.

That's the idea, anyway.

Come on!


Penny Ling: Hey Parker, look at us!



You all look like penguins!

And that makes me miss home more than ever.


Let me give this another try.

Hey Parker, where do penguins like to dance?

The snow ball!


Snow ball! Ha ha ha!


Well, at least I got him to stop crying.

I call that a breakthrough!

Well, Blythe should be back any minute

to take us outside in the snow.

Maybe that'll cheer Parker up.

Where is Blythe?

OMG, we're finally like, here.

I need to relax.

Sitting in a limo is, like...


Well, what are you waiting for?

Get our bags.


Ooo, la, la, Zoe like.

Blythe and pet! You decided to come!

We like totally knew you secretly wanted to.

I did NOT want to come!

We got shoved back there with the luggage!

Didn't you hear me banging on the back window?

Oh, that was you?

We thought it was like, a limo ghost, or something.

Brittany, now we can so totally put our plan know, do our plan.

And then we'll get our holiday presents...

all of them.


Who are you, like, calling?

My dad, to come pick me up.

Agh! My battery's dead.

Can I use your land line?


Land line... How !

Yeah sure, you can use it.

If we have one.


That's right, Dad.

I'm up in the mountains at the Biskits' chateau.

Could you come get me?

Whittany: Oh, Blythe!


We brought you some hot chocolate to warm you up.

And here are some cozy slippers

to soothe your icky feet.

Achy feet.

Uh, thank you?

Blythe, maybe we should stay.

It is the season of giving, after all.

You mean as in giving them a chance

to redeem themselves?

Hm, Dad? Change of plans.

I've decided to stay a while longer.

Oh, and can you let Mrs. Twombly know

that Zoe's with me? Thanks.

I sure hope I'm not going to regret this.

Time for treats, everyone.

Well, sweeties, it looks like you're stuck

with just me for the day,

since Blythe has decided to take an unexpected trip.

With the Biskit twins, of all people.

Well, I know you can't understand me,

but I think it's kooky, too.

So if Blythe isn't coming back,

that means we're not...

...going outside in the snow? No.

Parker is not going to like to hear that.

Russell: Oh, I wish there was something we could do

to get him back home.


Well, we can't just hail a cab to the South Pole

and put him in it.

Can we?

No. But maybe we can do the next best thing.

(sigh) Thanks for talking me into staying, Zoe.

I thought it would be awful,

but it's been pretty OK, so far.

(mean-girl laughter)

She's, like, doing it again.

Talking to her dog.

So weird.

That's what happens when you grow up the way she has.

You know I can hear you.

Time for your custom pedicures.


Robotella, commence pampering!


Wow. You have your own spa robot?

Yeah. Doesn't everyone?

Well, no.

Blythe, you don't have to put on a brave face for us.

We totally know how harsh your life is.

You know, just because I don't have a spa robot

doesn't mean my life is harsh.

You're probably crazy from hunger.

These cucumbers were grown from solid gold seeds

and harvested by a team of unicorns. Enjoy!


Lucky for you, there are people like us

who are totally into giving, and not just with cucumbers.


Whittany: FYI, Blythe, this is the most expensive meal

you'll ever eat, so like, chew slowly.

Um, it's cold pizza.

It's not just ordinary cold pizza.

It's space pizza.

We had it delivered from a restaurant in outer space.

Bet you've never been in a Relaxinator before, Blythe.

I've been in a hot tub before.

Although never as big as this one.

Guess what this is.

It's a bed. I sleep in one every night.

Although, not one like this.

That's because it's not a bed!

It's a 'Premiere Princess Swan Feather Softy-Bedtime

Sweet-Dream Cloud Sleep Experience'

made with, like, magical self- massaging swan feathers.

And actual clouds.

Ahhhh... cloudy.

(chattering teeth)

So cold.

This su-sure was a ga-good idea ya-you had, Russell.

Just drop the te-te-temperature in the room

to something more p-p-p-penguin friendly.

Ya-ya-yes, I da-don't know why we didn't think of it


Wow! I feel great!

So good in fact, that I can do this!

That was aw-awesome!

It was better than awesome.

It was ga-ga-ga-good!

H-hey, Pa-Parker, wa-what do penguins eat f-f-for lunch?

Ice Berg-ers!

Ha ha ha ha!

Oh, cold.

Pa-Parker, th-that joke was actually kinda funny.

Why are you s-s-sad again?

Well, I appreciate that you made it cold for me,

but Pepper's joke just reminded me of something

that would really make this feel like home.

P-please say burgers, p-please say burgers...


W-w-way to g-g-go, P-P-Pepper.

You look so cute.

You do.

We're totally ready to, like, hit the slopes.

But did you forget?

We don't know how to ski.

Don't worry Brit, we'll go watch Blythe tumble down

the mountain, and then take the chair lift back down.

Oh Whittany, you always know what to say to, like...

cheer me up.

(mean-girl giggles)

Blythe, I know the Biskits say some really rude things,

but it seems like they're trying.

Oh, they're trying, all right.

But to do what?

To be nicer people.

And look, they're about to take us skiing.

All right, Zoe, maybe they have changed

in some sort of weird back-handed way

that I don't completely understand.

At all.

So I guess there's only one thing to do...

go skiing.

That's all I wanted to hear!

Brittany: So how much longer do we have to pretend to be nice

to that major charity case, Blech?

Whittany: Just until Daddy shows up and sees how giving we are.

Then we can send Blythe packing.

And her little dog, too.

And then Daddy will shower us with presents.

All of them!

(mean-girl laughter)

Blythe was right!

Is it time to check the ice yet?

Parker, it takes a while for water to freeze completely.

Well, it looks frozen enough.

Vinnie: Oh, it's frozen, all right!

If it wasn't, my tongue wouldn't be stuck like this.

Vinnie, do not worry; I shall free you!



Got you!


(both screaming)


Thanks, buddy.

Wow, we really lucked out.

No line for the chair lift.

What good would it be to own your own mountain

if you had to wait in line to use it?

You own this mountain? Whoa!



What's wrong with your dingo, Blythe?

Yeah. It's totally acting psycho!

Zoe, what's the matter?

Francois Two, remove that mongrel!

She's not a mongrel.





Ugh. Blythe, it's hard to enjoy the scenery

when your mutt is the one making a scene.

Be a good girl, Zoe.

Sit. Sit!

You're not going to talk to her again, are you?

Is that, like, your pretend super power?

Talking to pets?

We should tell everyone!

(mean-girl laugh)

Well, Parker, there's your ice.

Awesome! It's just like home!

♪ (happy humming)

Hmmm. Why, that's odd.

The Day Camp's window looks frozen...

from the inside.

What in the world is going on in here?



Zero degrees!

Oh my heavens, I must have turned down the thermostat

by mistake.


Ugh, what a soggy mess.

Well, looks like I can finally use my new

Flood Sucker .

Parker, I'm sorry we couldn't make it

like the South Pole in here.

Oh, that's OK because I'm not homesick anymore.

You're not?

No. I got to thinking, home isn't always just a place.

It's also a feeling you get when you're with friends.

And doing all the stuff you've been doing for me means...

you're all my friends.


Hey Pepper, what do you call a penguin smile?

A pen-grin!


Good one, Parker!


Excuse me, but Zoe is--

Freaking out?

Yeah, we noticed.

I'll be right back.

Zoe, what's the matter?

I overheard the twins talking about you.

They said you were a charity case.

They're just using you to show their dad

that they can do a good deed

and then he'll shower them with presents.

How very Biskity of them.

Listen, you two--

No, you listen, Blythe,

because we have a surprise for you.

We're giving you a chance to ski down our mountain

like we do...

on Francois Two's back!

Blythe: What the what?

Shall we go?

No, we shall not!

I already know how to ski, and unlike you two,

I actually like doing things for myself.

I don't need someone waiting on me hand and foot.


Now you've crossed the line, Blythe!

You know what else I don't need?

A spa robot, massaging feather beds,

an Olympic-sized hot tub, or pizza from outer space!

Get over yourself, Blythe.

You two just don't get it.

Most people don't have their own mountain,

but that doesn't make them charity cases!

I know you're just using me as your 'good deed'

so your dad will shower you with presents.

Listen, Blythe, we did all this to prove to our daddy

that we know what this season is all about.

Yeah, so you have to go along with this,

at least until he gets here.

No need to wait, girls.

Because I am your daddy.





Blythe, what are you doing?

Trying to save the Biskits!

Did I really just say that?






Blythe, thank you for saving my girls.

You're welcome, Mr. Biskit.

Oh, Daddy, we like, totally knew you were Francois Two

the whole time.

For reals!

It was so mean that we went along with it

just to teach you a lesson not to be so mean.

Well, I had to see for myself if you could really

do something nice for someone less privileged

than yourselves.

Excuse me, Mr. Biskit.

But by wasting time on me,

your daughters missed a chance to help someone in real need.

I agree, and I know just the person they can help.

(bell tinkles)

Bonjour, Monsieur.

Both: Francois?

That's right, girls, I have hired Francois back

at double his salary.

If you are very, very nice to him,

then you might just get one or two presents.

One or two?

That's less than we, like... deserve.


OK, Daddy.



May I drive you home, Miss Blythe?

You may.



One flipper!

Other flipper!

No flippers!


Hey everyone, let's make a chain!






(camera click)

Blythe, what are you doing?

Oh, just sending a text.

(phone chimes)

This is what the season is really all about.

How does she have our number?

She is so weird.