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03x06 - Tongue Tied

Posted: 05/09/22 06:28
by bunniefuu
(angry muttering)

I know it's supposed to be in here, but I can't find it!

Hey, Vinnie, have you seen my rubber chicken?

Yes, as a matter of fact, I have.

Whenever you tell a lame chicken joke which makes it,

let's see...about a ba-jillion times!

Are you saying I'm repetitive?

No, but I am saying that you repeat yourself a lot.

Ha! Now that's funny, Vinnie!

MINKA! What?

Would it be possible for you to stop your yibber-yabbering

and the constant swinging around.

I'm trying to read my book.


Is that the same book you've been reading

for the last three months?

I'm not sure I like your tone,

or your ridiculously loud chewing, Penny Ling.

You mean my book, which he claimed only to want to borrow

but has had for such a long time

that I suspect he will claim ownership of it at any moment.

Here, Pepper. I've been trying to make your

repetitive rubber chicken magically vanish.

But like your jokes, it keeps returning over and over again.

No one said you could touch my chicken.



It is impossible to chill with my mad beats with all of you...

arguing, and chewing, and arguing,

and swinging and reading and...


Thank goodness it's almost time for us to go home.

All: Agreed!

♪ You think about all the things ♪

♪ That you love to do

♪ It all comes true

♪ You find a place you never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy to

♪ Just be you!

♪ We can be (yeah)

♪ Who we wanna be (yeah)

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me

♪ We can be (yeah)

♪ Who we wanna be (yeah)

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me

♪ My name is Blythe, and I'm stacking cans. ♪

♪ Yeah, I can stack them like no one... ♪

...uh can!

(phone rings)

Littlest Pet Shop, we don't sell pets,

but we do sell hopes, dreams and kibble!

Blythe speaking.

Hello, Blythe, it's Mrs. Twombly,

owner of Littlest Pet Shop and your boss.

Oh, hi, Mrs. Twombly. What's up?

I just wanted to let you know

that the man from the cable company still hasn't shown up,

so I guess I'm stuck here until he does.

Oh, sorry to hear that, Mrs. T.

They tell you they're going to be here at a certain time

and it's anyone's guess whether they'll actually show up.

My day's been a complete waste,

and now I hear they're expecting a freak snow storm!

A snow storm?

Yes, according to the inter-world-webby,

it's a rare kind of storm called a 'Blitzard',

and it's expected to drop a ton of snow any second now.

Really? I don't see anyth--



Blythe, is everything all right?

No, Mrs. Twombly, it's not.

We're completely snowed in!

Yes, Mrs. Nevla, I understand.

None of the other owners can make it here, either.

I'll take good care of Sunil for you

until you can make it to the shop.

I bet the pets will love hearing they get to hang out together

for a few hours more.

(horn honks)

Thanks for the lift!


Holy frijoles!

That is a lot of snow.

(phone rings)



Where are you?

We're snowed in!

I can see that, Blythie.

I'm right out front.

Just gotta dig through a little bitty bit of snow

and you'll be 'snowed out.'

Heh heh.


That oughta do it.




Blythe: Hi, everyone.

(clamouring to leave)

OK, everyone. Settle down.

Didn't you hear the big loud rumble and 'thwump!'

a few minutes ago?

No. We were too busy getting ready to go home.

So, when can we go home?

That's just it.

The loud rumble and 'thwump!' was a blitzard.

We're up to our window sills in snow.

So, when can we go home?

That's what I'm trying to tell you.

There's so much snow in the city,

your owners are all stuck at work.

We're all snowed in!

All: Snowed in?

Do you mean that we have to stay here...

...with each other?

I'm afraid we have no choice.

Now if we weren't all such great friends,

this might be downright bad news, right?

(low grumbles)

What's wrong with everyone?

We've had kind of a hard day back here in the day camp.

You know how it is. You spend a lot of time together,

some might say too much time together,

and when that happens, it's inevitable that some pets--


Your last nerve!

You're all talking about me, aren't you?

You mammals are all alike.

It's not always about you, Vinnie!

But in this case, it is.

(angry arguing)

OK, knock it off!

I understand you're all having one of those days, but...

It's a snowy mess out there.

So what we're going to do is make the best of it.

Now take off your coats and hats.

(moaning and groaning)

My dad's right out front,

and he's going to dig us out.


Made it!

Ha ha!

What the how?

I knew I should've been checking my compass attachment as I dug.

Oh well, lesson learned.

OK. Littlest Pet Shop is directly in front of me.

Once more unto the breach, dear Baxter, once more!

Come on, can't we all just have some fun?

We don't have time for fun.

Not that this bunch has been a barrel of laughs lately, anyway.

OK, what did you have in mind?

I suggest that we pay attention to the serious nature

of our predicament.

We're snowed-in and we have limited supplies.

We have limited supplies?

And another thing,

does it seem like it's getting kind of cold in here?

Now that you mention it, yes.

Oh no!

The heat's out!

OK, everybody, it looks like the heat went out.


(panicked shouts)

Now there's no reason to panic.

Just put your coats back on and you'll be fine.

This is serious, Blythe.

We need to enter survival mode, immediately!

Russell, I think that's --


-- a great idea.

It is?

Of course, Russell!

You need to do what you do best...

Come up with a plan that will save us all!

Well, since you put it that way, I'll do it!

Hey, how come Russell's always the one who gets

to come up with a survival plan?

Why can't I make one and save us all from the freezing cold?

Yes, I am perfectly capable of designing

a clever bit of planning that will ensure our survival

in these troubled and chilly times.

What he said.

(all shouting)

Why don't you all work together on a plan?

I don't care how cold it gets in here,

there's no way I'm working with her .

Ditto, sunshine.

I'll work on my own plan to save us all.

(loud discussion)


What the double-how?

Largest Ever Pet Shop?

I'm halfway across town.

How did I get all the way over here?

This thing must be frozen.

Oh well, third time's a charm...

I hope.

Let's see.

Emergency flashlight.


Emergency First Aid Kit.


Emergency Astronaut Food.

Astronaut food?


Emergency Astronaut Food.


Speaking of 'check,' I better go check on the pets.

This isn't how we're supposed to spend a Blitzard day.

We're supposed to be happy and having some fun...



♪ When you're feeling cooped up With your nerves about to fray ♪

♪ If you just change your attitude ♪

♪ There's still time to save the day ♪

♪ The people in Alaska Yeah, they do it many ways ♪

♪ If you ask them what it's called I'll tell you, ♪

♪ here is what they'll say ♪ You just... ♪

♪ Chase away the winter blues There are many ways to choose ♪

♪ You can dip some candy apples ♪

Ooh, I don't mind if I do!

♪ You just chase away the winter blues ♪

♪ I'm not talking ballyhoo

♪ You can play a movie star

♪ And have your friends do interviews ♪

Oh! I like that!

♪ Grab some sofa cushions Stack them side by side ♪

♪ We'll build ourselves a pillow fort ♪

Vinnie: Uh, did I make it way too high?

♪ Chase away the winter blues As the people in igloos ♪

♪ We can just start acting silly And hop around like kangaroos ♪

♪ What's so great about sticking to yourself ♪

♪ Go grab a bunch of books and pull them off the shelf ♪

♪ Start to read aloud 'cause it's a story kind of day ♪

♪ Can you please read this scary one ♪

♪ about zombies who crochet? ♪ It's how we...

♪ Chase away the winter blues Write a play starring gnus ♪

♪ We can make them out of sweat socks ♪

♪ Have them talk using kazoos ♪

♪ Chase away the winter blues

♪ Dance ballet in pink tutus

♪ You will cheer up and be happy ♪

♪ When you chase away the winter blues ♪

♪ Yeah, we'll cheer up and be happy ♪

♪ As we chase away the winter blues! ♪

(sigh) I guess not.

Hey, hey, hey! What do you say?

Buttercream is here to play!

♪ Ta da!

(half-hearted greetings)

What's the buzzy, Fuzzy Wuzzy?





I just came over lookin' for some fun.

How come everyone's so gloomy gloomy, extra doomy?

We're kind of in a serious situation here, Buttercream,

snowed in and no heat.

Oh, that's why it's so co-co-co-freezing in here?

Yes, and we're all trying to come up

with separate survival plans.

By ourselves, alone, without any help or by working together!

Separate? That sounds crazy to me, and I'm a crazy bunny.

Ooh! Pretty nummy numbers!


Hey, Skinny Vinnie, you want to play a game of butterscotch?

Uh, no time right now, Buttercream.

I gotta come up with a plan to save everybody from freezing.

As much as I hate to admit it, the reptile is right...

Cause these knuckle- pets are going to be

a mess of frozen trouble if I don't come up with a plan.


Oh, yes that will work!

And pose!

Oh no, that doesn't work.

Ugh! No no no no no!

What's wrong, snowy Zoe?

I'm trying to come up with a way to use glamour and beauty

to help us survive.

Makes sense.

Hey, Minka Dinka Diddly Doo--

Nope! Too busy to play!

Did I mention that our lives are in danger

if I don't figure out a way for us to survive?

Now you did, kid.


♪ Dig dig dig dig diggy dig dig! ♪

♪ Dig dig dig dig!

Cable guy!

Wow. They got you guys out working in weather like this?

Work never stops for us basic cable troubleshooters.

Unfortunately, I got a little turned around

in this here snow tunnel.

Where you headed?


You're very close, yeah.

Just take this tunnel back about a hundred yards,

then turn right near the partially buried mailbox,

go another half-mile, and you're there.

Thanks, you're a lifesaver.

Good luck.

♪ Dig a dig dig a diggity! ♪

♪ Diggity dig!

Hi-dee-ho-hi, Blythe!

Hi, Buttercream.

Not sure what's going on in there,

but your pet pals are the down-dee down-dee-est of all the

down-dee down-dee-est downers!





Why's everybody so grumpy?

Oh. Well, they all just had one of those days where

they were each doing their own thing and then their own thing

totally got on each other's nerves.

You know what I mean?

Yeah...not really.

All I know is they're not as fun fun funny as they usually are.

Like the time we all got stuck in the candy pantry.

Now that was the fun fun funniest time ever!

Wait a second! You just gave me a great idea

of how we can get the pets to all get along again.

Buttercream, you're the scoosh-da-booshiest

of all the scoosh-da-booshes!






No, seriously, what does that mean?

North Pole?


Hmm. Not bad. Not bad at all.

Well, everyone, I've come up with a snow survival plan.

Me, too!

Same here!

Panda Plan # is ready!

I'm good to go!

Alakazaam, I've got my plan!

OK, that is not a pure rhyme, but I think my meaning is clear.

Honey, I've got my ideas all worked out

and they're plan-tastic.


Now we don't have heat or power.

How can this get any worse?

Hurry hurry, spicy curry!

Blythe is trapped in the storage room!


We have a storage room?

Come on, Buttercream.

What's taking so long?

Vinnie: Blythe, you OK?


She's insidey, Clydey!

Blythe: Help!

I'm stuck in this small enclosed space

which is also cold and dark.

It's driving me bonkers as anyone outside the door

might well imagine!

Blythe, lucky for you my plan includes escape routes

from each area of the pet shop.

Now, do you happen to have a white board

and some dry-erase markers in there?

Well, my plan includes ideas on how to remain glamorous

in an emergency situation.

OK, I want you to strike the most glamorous pose

you can think of --


What Blythe needs is my plan which contains actual jokes

for a trapee to use when trapped

so that she doesn't have to think about being trapped--

or something like that.

For example... Blythe...

What's white and stretchy and lives in Tibet?

The abominable rubber chicken!

Ha? Right?

Boo! It's so funny I forgot to laugh.

Rubber chicken again. How predictable

All of those plans sound great, but in the meantime,

I'm still trapped in this tiny enclosed space,

and it's, uh, tiny... and dark... and cold. Brrrr!

Blythe, my plan has a list of all the best survival foods

to help you keep warm.

Blythe: Is bamboo the only thing on the list?

Yeah, how'd you guess?

Blythe, the key component of my completely comprehensive plan

is using mind over matter to force you into survival mode.

Um, how is that going to help get me

out of this cold, dark, and tiny room?



OK, it is obvious that I need to work on my minding

over my mattering.

I've got a plan! I've GOT A PLAN!

Blythe: What's your plan, Minka?

You rechannel all your cray-cray banana pants energy

when you're trapped in a tiny cold dark space on a snow day.

Ooh, I want to hear about that plan!


Where should I rechannel the energy...

and why?

Minka: I was hoping you knew.

Buttercream, here little bunny!

Gotta go go goon, see you so so soon!

Hope you get out someday, Blythe.

Blythe: Bye, Buttercream!

Blythe, I have a plan, Blythe.

Blythe: You're kidding.

Vinnie, that's the formula for nuclear fission.

Is that what this is?

Well, that's not gonna work for this situation.

Everyone, listen!

I'm sorry, but none of those plans are going to work.

You're going to have to come up with something together

to get me out of here.

Blythe's right.

OK, gather around everyone. My plan is--

Oh no you don't, Russell.

You're not taking over again.

My plan is just as good as yours, if not better!



(arguing stops)


You got out.

With no help from you guys.

I got so tired of listening to you argue

that I gave up on trying to get you to work together

and just came out.

So you were just acting trapped?


Bravo, Blythe.

Well played.





What was that?

(gasp) Dad!

Hi, Blythe.

Don't worry, Dad.

I'll get you out of there!

It's stuck! What am I gonna do?

Wait, how do we know this isn't another one of your

'pretending to be trapped to get us to work together' tricks?

(smack) Ow!

I need to get someone down here, but who?

We've got to do something to help.

(all talking at once)

Something together!

He's right.

Russell, start us off.



OK, first we've got to get that door off its hinges.

I'll take care of the bottom hinge!

I can do the top hinge!

Vinnie, Penny Ling, and I will get a step stool

to reach the other hinge.

What's a step stool?



Blythe's dad is going to be freezing once we rescue him.

I'll get some blankets.


What are you all doing?

We're working together.

You'll be out of there in no time, Dad!





Sorry it took me so long to g-g-get here, Blythe,

but I had a hard time f-f-finding my way

through all of that snow!

That's OK, Dad.

I'm just glad we're all together.

Uh, I just want to say that I'm sorry

for being so grumpy all day.

Yeah me too, I'm sorry.

(all apologizing at once)

Group hug!


Anybody here?

Mrs. Twombly?

Snakes in a paper bag, what happened here?

My dad was trying to get in the front door and got stuck so we,

I mean, I had to take off its hinges.

You should've tried the back door, Roger.

No snow back there.

I can't believe it.

I can't either.

I waited all day for that cable guy, but he never showed.

(whistling wind)

Uh....North Pole?

You got cable?