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03x11 - If the Shoe Fits

Posted: 05/09/22 06:31
by bunniefuu
(Scottish woman) Now, our very last presentation for

'Young Entrepreneurs Week' will be from Youngmee Song.


Thank you, Ms. Amster.

(clears throat)

What's that you say, Ms. Amster?

You wish you could find a tasty treat

that your pet would really love?

♪ (upbeat instrumental)

Well, wish no more, because now there's

'Youngmee's Tasty Pet Treats'.

Baked with purely fresh ingredients

with an extra helping of love,

'Youngmee's Tasty Pet Treats'

are loved by all pets, everywhere.

Even bunny rabbits love them.

Don't you, Mr. Bunny?

(deeper voice) Mmm.

I really love these treats, Youngmee.

They're delicious!


(normal voice) So pick up some of

'Youngmee's Tasty Pet Treats'.

Your pet will love them!

Even if your pet's a bunny!

(cheers and applause)

Excellent presentation, Youngmee.

(bell rings)

You know, Youngmee, I think these could be a real product.

Your pet treats could actually be the next big thing!

Did you hear that, Blythe?

'Youngmee's Tasty Pet Treats'

could be the next big thing!



♪ You think about all the things ♪

♪ That you love to do

♪ It all comes true

♪ You find a place you never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy to

♪ Just be you!

♪ We can be (yeah)

♪ Who we want to be (yeah)

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me

♪ We can be (yeah)

♪ Who we want to be (yeah)

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me


Ooh! Ah! Ooh!

Help! I'm being poisoned!!



I'm not really being poisoned.

Buttercream, not funny!

I'm sorry, but pleasey, pleasey, cousin Wheezy,

don't make me eat any more of Youngmee's pet treats!

Ooh, Youngmee's making pet treats?

Yes, Youngmee's Tasty--

They're not tasty!

Pet Treats are delicious.

They're DEFINITELY not delicious.

It was Young Entrepreneurs Week at school

and Youngmee baked up some pet treats.

I guess she's still serious about making them

an actual product.

I'm going to go see how she's doing.

Buttercream: Blythe!

Let's make a dealy-no-squealy

about my hydrant hiding place.

My lips are sealed.

So are mine if those treats show up.


Hi, Youngmee.

Buttercream said, I mean, I heard

you were making more of your pet treats.


Oh, well I just made a fresh batch!

You don't want me to try them, do you?

No, silly.

But I thought we could give them to the pets

to see what they think.

Oh no!

I mean, oh yeah?

Yeah, I've given some to Buttercream to try,

but she doesn't seem interested.

Oh, you know how fussy bunnies can be.

She probably already filled up on carrots

or something.

Well, I would love to see if the other pets like them.


They'll need a few minutes to cool.

Great! I'll go warn them.

I mean, I'll make sure they're ready for you.


And that's when I discovered rainboots

don't really rain.

Heads up, everyone. Youngmee's coming over

with some treats for you to try.

So long, suckers!

But Blythe, aren't Youngmee's treats terrible?

Well, that's one bunny's opinion.

But even if you think they're terrible,

I want you to pretend they aren't.

Oh. You want us to lie.

Well, it's not really 'lying', Pepper.

Even though Youngmee's just doing this for fun,

I want to totally support her.

It's like an acting exercise.

You want us to 'act' like her treats are not terrible.


So we're stretching the truth a little.

It's way better than discouraging her.




Buttercream, do me a favour.

Just stay in there till the tasting's over?

You don't have to ask me thrice.

(door opens)


I've got pet treats!

Remember, you're about to take a trip to Yummytown.

Well, look what Youngmee has, everyone,

some delicious treats.

Here you go.




They really like them!

Maybe they want more!

No, you should save some for later.

Too much of a good thing, and all.

What do you say we go celebrate?

Smoothies on me!



Agh! Buttercream was right!

Those were anything but a treat.

HA! Toldja, boldja, don't wanna scoldja.




Anywho! Now do you see what all my fuss was about?

Yeah, I usually like everything, but not those.

Well, as Blythe said, Youngmee is only doing it for fun.

She has no plans to inflict them on the pet population at large.

Right! Our good deed for the day is done.

I can't believe how much the pets loved my treats!

I know. Crazy, huh?

Well, their reaction really confirms it.

I'm taking my idea to the next level.

What's the next level?

'The Bear Cave'.

(spit choke cough)

You mean that TV show where judges tell people

what they think of their new product ideas?

That's the one.

I got such a positive response in class,

and now from the pets,

I've decided to pitch them my product!

And I'm going to take Buttercream with me

so they can see how much a real pet loves them.


Kudos to youdos for convincing Youngmee

those treats are delish.

Oh, Buttercream, it's called...


(door opens and closes)

Hi, everyone.

Why so bluesy-oozy, Blythe?

(sigh) I just found out Youngmee's going to take

her treats to 'The Bear Cave'.

You mean, 'The Bear Cave', that TV show?

Is that a bad thing?

Well, she wants to take Buttercream with her

to show the Bears how much a real pet loves her treats.


I know, Buttercream; this is a real mess.

And I've got no one to blame but myself.

I never should've asked you to act like you liked the treats.

You know what we should do?

We should just eat Youngmee's treats again,

only this time we'll spit them out like we wanted to.

Vinnie, that's a great idea!

Seeing all of your honest reactions

will let Youngmee know that maybe it's not a great idea

to go on The Bear Cave!

You're a genius, Vinnie.

Be right back.

Did you hear that?

I'm a genie!


Well, thanks.

Seriously, Youngmee, you've got to randomly

test your product as much as possible.

You know, for quality control.

Well, OK, Blythe.

You seem to know about these things.


Here you are, pets.

Some of Youngmee's delicious treats.

Now, watch closely for their true reactions.


(spitting and groaning)

(gasp) OMG!

Wow! They really don't like them.

Better give them another one just to be sure.


I just realized I forgot to add the cardamom

to this batch.

No wonder they don't like them.

Carda--who to the what now?

As long as I don't forget the cardamom tomorrow

at 'The Bear Cave', I should be fine.

Youngmee, it's not the carda--

Wait. Did you say that you're going

on 'The Bear Cave', tomorrow?


I found out a little while ago.

Can you believe it?

And guess what else?

I renamed my product and designed a new label.

Buttercream Bunny's Pet Bites?

I did not sign off on that.

Isn't it great?

I thought my product needed a face,

and whose face is cuter than Buttercream's?

I'm just so excited!

Well, I've got to get back to the kitchen

and bake up some more treats.

And this time not forget the cardamom.

Gee, Blythe, what are you going to do?

I can't let her go on that show with our treat-hating

bunny friend.

I'm going to have to tell Youngmee

that you pets just don't like her treats.

And when she asks me how I know that,

I'll just have to tell her the truth...

that you all told me.

You mean share your secret?


I think I have to, for Youngmee.

But all this time, you've never told anyone your secret.

Well, that's because I was afraid they would think I'm...

I don't know...weird.

Your real friends would never think such a thing.

You're right.

At least, I hope you're right.


♪ I've waited for this long

♪ to talk about what's been going on ♪

♪ Afraid of what might change ♪

♪ If I reveal myself to you ♪

♪ 'Cause there's another side to me ♪

♪ Something that you have yet to see ♪

♪ What would you say?

♪ What would you do?

♪ Where would you go if I tell it to you? ♪

♪ Should I share with you

♪ My biggest secret,

♪ biggest secret?

♪ Should I share with you

♪ My biggest secret,

♪ Biggest secret part of me?

♪ There are friends

♪ That you have for life

♪ And I don't want to feel

♪ Like I have to tell you lies

♪ And I would be there

♪ For you no matter what

♪ And I know you feel the same

♪ That who I am

♪ Won't need to change

♪ That I can be

♪ Whoever I need to be


♪ So I'll share with you

♪ my biggest secret

♪ biggest secret part of me

♪ I'll share with you

♪ My biggest secret

♪ Biggest secret

♪ So I'll share with you

♪ my biggest secret

♪ biggest secret part of me

♪ I'll share with you

♪ My biggest secret

♪ Biggest secret part of me

Well, I guess I should tell Youngmee.


I'm pretty sure she won't think I'm weird.

Hi, Youngmee.

Oh hi, Blythe.

Did you come over to help me with my packaging?

There's some ribbon. You can start tying it

around these bags.

Youngmee, there's something I want to tell you.

What's the matter?

You sound kinda, I don't know ... weird.

Weird? Well, uh... I just wanted to tell you

that your packaging is awesome.

In fact, I bet you can sell your idea

on the packaging alone.

You don't even need to bring Buttercream with you.

But her face is on the package,

and I need her to demonstrate

how much she loves my treats.

Do you, though?

Blythe, what exactly is it you're trying to tell me?

I don't think Buttercream likes your treats very much.

And how would you know that?

I, I...just...know!

You just know?

Why don't you take another pet?

How about Zoe?

She can act like your treats are delicious.

Act like they're delicious?

I don't understand you, Blythe.

It's like you don't believe in me

or my product.

Well, thanks a lot for your help!

Ugh! Why can't you just taste better?

Wait, what am I saying?

You can taste better!

Blythe: And, into the oven they go.

Thanks so much for helping me, Buttercream.

Without you, I wouldn't have known

what your favorite tasty ingredients are,

so I could put them into the treats.

Glad to help, Blytheity-Blythe-Blythe.

But why couldn't Youngmee just ask me

what my favorite ingredients are?

Well, mostly because she can't understand you.

That never stops you.


Well, I understand you in a way she can't,

but she doesn't know how I understand you.


Not at all.

Ooh, those smell terrifilicious!

Here, taste one.

Even more terrifilicious!

Great! Now I just need to convince Youngmee

to take them with her tomorrow to the show,

which should be...impossible.

Why in the whole wide world would that be?

Youngmee's not real happy with me right now,

so I'm not sure how I could possibly convince her

to take these treats.

Why don't you just mix them in with Youngmee's treats?

My extra-sensitive sniffer will pick them out,

and my extra big mouth will eat them up!

That could work!

Time to get you home and to bed.

You've got a big day tomorrow.

Good morning, pets!

Where are you off to in such a hurry?

I've got to get to Sweet Delights before Youngmee does.

I'll explain it when I get back!

Who wants to wait until she gets back?

(all talking at once)

What are you doing?

AH! (sigh)

Buttercream, you scared me.

I'm putting my treats in with Youngmee's

before she leaves for 'The Bear Cave'.

Oh, right.

Ah! Her sample bag.




What are you doing?

Uh, well, I uh...I was just tidying up your display.

No, you weren't!

You were doing something with my treat samples.


Well, I made these treats.

And I know Buttercream really likes them.

So I thought you could take them with you today.

You made treats?

And you know she really likes them?

Yes. Well, I do know because... because...

Just forget it, Blythe!

I don't know what you're trying to say or do,

but the way you've been acting toward me lately...

I don't know if we can even be friends anymore.

Now if you don't mind,

I've got some Bears to see.

Agh! Why couldn't I just tell Youngmee the truth?

You still can, Blythe.

You're right!

I'm going to that TV studio.

Let's go, pets!

Youngmee: Well, Buttercream, we're almost on.

Be a good bunny for me, OK?

What are you hiding behind your back?

Blythe's treats?

Why is she trying to sabotage me?

Youngmee Song, we need you on set now!

Oh, Blythe.

Youngmee will be so happy you're here.

I hope so.

♪ (TV theme)

Hello, Bears, my name is Youngmee Song

and the product I would like to tell you about

is 'Buttercream Bunny's Pet Bites'.

Bears, have you been looking for the absolute

freshest, most delicious, baked-with-love pet treat?

Well, look no further because now there's

'Buttercream Bunny's Pet Bites'.

Made with all natural ingredients,

these treats are suitable for all pets.

But don't take my word for it.

Watch how much Buttercream herself enjoys them.




Oh, silly Buttercream.

She's a little camera shy.

Come on now; have a treat.



She likes Blythe's treats way more than mine.


OK, but this is the last one.

We don't want to run out of

'Buttercream Bunny's Pet Bites'.

And no one else will either, Bears.

So come on, help me make my dream a reality.


Miss Song, you are delightful.

We love your packaging, your display

and your bunny sure loves your treats.

You're so young, yet you did this all by yourself?

Well, not exactly.

I had some help from a very good friend.

While you have a fantastic product,

we're not quite sure you're ready

for the big leagues just yet.

The pet food industry is really dog-eat-dog.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

No pun intended.

But seriously, Miss Song, don't give up on your product.

Start small, but think big,

and come back to see us in a few years.

You've got real talent.

I will. And thank you very much!

You were fantastic, Youngmee!

Yeah, so great!

Was I really?

Of course!

And the Bears are right; you should start small.

How would you like it if we try selling

Buttercream Bunny's Pet Bites in Sweet Delights?

Oh, well, Aunt Christie, about the treats, I didn't ma--


You didn't make enough to sell at Sweet Delights?

Well, you can always make more, Youngmee!

Of course!

You girls stay here; I'll just go get your things

and put them in the truck.

Blythe, you were right about Buttercream,

and all the pets not liking my treats.

You're so good with this pet stuff.

Well, I--

And I thought I was good at baking, but...

...not so much.

Youngmee, I have to tell you something.

You see, I've been keeping a secret from you,

from everybody, actually.

You have?

I have.

For some reason, after my dad and I moved into our apartment

I... I discovered...

I mean, when I first met the pets, I realized I could...


Youngmee, for some reason, I can talk to the pets

and the pets can talk to me!


I want to learn Korean.

Would you like some ferret chow for lunch?

Hey! did you guys hear that announcement?

Sounded like a gecko's call, actually.

The rest of the pets are going to be so disappointed.


Uh huh.

And that the pets are not at all happy

with the voices you gave them.

Just be careful not to drive it away!

When I say talk, I mean in their little animal

language, you know?

You can talk to pets?

Uh huh.

You can talk to pets?

See, that's how I knew Buttercream and the pets

didn't like your treats.

They told me.

Please don't think I'm weird.

You're not weird, and you can talk to pets!

I didn't think I'd ever tell anyone, ever,

but I couldn't let you think I don't believe in you,

because I do.

I know, and thanks for sharing your secret.

It's safe with me.

(happy sounds)

What are they saying?

They're just happy that we're friends again.

That's what they're really saying?


You're just going to have to trust me on this.

I've got plenty of treats left.

Who wants one?

Well, I don't have to have a special gift

to understand that!
