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04x18 - It's a Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy World

Posted: 05/11/22 05:56
by bunniefuu

[whistling happily]

Someone's in a good mood, today.

I totally am!

That makes...

♪ [singing] Two of us!

You two are having a good morning, too?

There must be something in the air.

I felt so good that I decided to work out.



Whoa, easy fella!

Hi everybody, I've got new paint brushes!

This is the best day ever!

Vinnie: New brushes? That ain't nuthin'.

I perfected my latest dance move.


Eh? EH? Pretty sweet, right?

Looking good, Vinnie.


Don't hurt yourself.

Oh, I think I already have.

And I might've made it worse if I stop moving.

Looks like this is going to be a wonderful day!

Sunil: Stop that insufferable music!

[music stops]

Boy, someone sure got up on the wrong side of the bed today.

There was no 'right side' after the night that I had.

[dripping water]



[dripping continues]





[horror sting]

Oh, come on!

The drip just got worse and worse.

I tried to stay positive and think good thoughts

like how I would at least have my favorite cereal

for breakfast in the morning.


[frightened shouts]

And do you know why?

Because my owner ran out and forgot to get more!

So I am not only beyond exhausted, I am also starving.

Which means I am in no mood for anyone's shenanigans.

Vinnie. Why are you still shenanigan'ing?

It will hurt too much if I stop. Ow ow ow.

Ugh, fine! Just do it out of my sight.

[exasperated sigh]

I am going to take a nap over there on my favorite pillow

and I want to be left alone all day!

Oh, who's going to break the news to Sunil

that Mrs. Twombly sent off his pillow to be cleaned?

Where is my favorite pillow?

♪ You think about all the things ♪

♪ That you love to do

♪ It all comes true

♪ You find a place you never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy to

♪ Just be you!

♪ We can be [yeah]

♪ Who we want to be [yeah]

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me We can be [yeah] ♪

♪ Who we want to be [yeah]

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me


That poor pillow!

Where did Sunil get it?

It's mine. I thought it would make him happy.

Worst! Pillow! Ever!


I really liked that pillow.

Listen, everybody, we're at Defcon one here.

The tiniest annoying thing could make Sunil blow

like Mount Vesuvius.

The best thing we can do is to just not go anywhere near him

for the rest of the day...

and just ride this thing out.

This is gonna be a long day.

Mrs. Twombly: OK, my sweeties,

we have a very happy pet staying with us today,

so please be happy back.

Hi, I'm Peachie Fluffton. What's your name?


[gasp] Your name is Peachie, too?

What? No. My name is Sunil.

Sunil, it is great to meet you.

I am so excited to be your friend.

We are not friends!

Well, technically that's true,

but our friendship is blooming as we speak.

Ooh! I like your pillow.

It's not mine. I had to borrow it because mine is gone!

Awww. Someone let you have their pillow?

You must have the greatest friends ever.

Enough with the happy act, Peachie,

if that's really your name.

Oh, it is, and it is no act. This is how I am all the time!

How can anyone be that happy?

It's easy. Anybody can be as happy as I am. Even you!

Really? How?

All you have to do is go out into the city,

and you'll find happiness at the really big smile.

Now, I'm gonna go say 'hi' to the other,

much happier than you, pets.

I'll find happiness at the big smile. What does that mean?


I'm so stoked you could help out today

with the Downtown City Beautification Project.

Me too, Josh. I'm happy to do anything I can

to help make our city a more beautiful place.

A happy city equals happy people, am I right?

Totally! FYI, if you want a snack or some water,

I have all the essentials to get us through the day.

I also have gum, eye drops, lip balm, sunscreen, hand sanitizer,

tissues, energy bars, and an emergency cupcake.

You are prepared. What's that book?

Oh, it's my mom's journal. I take it everywhere I go.

If I'm ever feeling down, I'll read a page from it

and I'm happy all over again.

Well, that sounds like the most essential of essentials.

♪ la la la la la la

Wow. Peachie is even happy in her sleep. How does she do it?

Aw, I think it's kind of sweet.

Why does it bug you so much, pal?

Because aside from today when I am my most unhappiest,

I do not know if I have ever been that happy.

But, I would like to be.

And Peachie has told me how to achieve it.


She said that I could find happiness out in the city,

at the really big smile.

Uh, OK. You should get right on that.

That is a fantastic idea!

It is?

Sunil, you're smiling. Feeling better?

Indeed I am, Russell. I am going to find happiness,

at the really big smile.

Was I supposed to understand that?

Well, if you don't, what are the chances that I do?

Uh, one in a gah-zllion?


Whoa, Sunil, you can't just go into Downtown City

looking for a 'big smile' all by yourself!

Well, I am following Peachie's advice on how to find happiness.

Wait, this was the quokka's idea?


So, Vinnie, are you coming or not?

Well, I'm not letting you do this by yourself.

Hey, you two are not going into the city without me!

Someone has to keep you out of trouble.

Where are you boys going?

We are going into the city to find happiness.

And he's the one gonna keep you out of trouble?


You'll roll into a ball if a tourist looks at you funny.

I'll go too to keep you safe.

Zoe: Where are you all going?

Into the city.

To find happiness.

Fun! We'll come too, to keep Pepper calm

so she doesn't release one of her less-pleasant scents.

Well, I'm not staying here by myself.

And Mrs. Twombly will never know we left,

thanks to the cardboard paintings I made of us.

Penny Ling: Wow, Mika! Those are great!

When did you make those?

Oh, months ago.

I miss you guys when we're not all together.


Sunil, slow down! We need to stick together!

♪ [dramatic music]


[crashes and shouts]

Vinnie, why did you stop?

Sunil went down one of the tubes.

But I don't know which one.

We've gotta find Sunil!

We have no time to waste.

We'll split up and use the 'buddy system' to find him.

Pepper, you come with me buddy.

I'll go with Zoe.

Come with me if you want to give.

Wait. That's not right.

Come with me if you want to sieve?





Ah, enough, already! Let's just go!


[sigh] Wow, it is so pretty here.

Right? This place is definitely high

on my list of 'happy places'.

So what other things makes you happy, Josh?

Well, helping people by volunteering my time,

like with this beautification project. And renaissance fairs.

But I'm sure you haven't forgotten that.

[giggle] How could I?

I don't think I'll ever get the image of you

in that costume out of my head.

Well, what makes you happy, Blythe?

I mean, besides your mom's journal.

Um. My dad, my friends. The pets at Littlest Pet Shop.

Fashion design, for sure. And volunteering, of course.

Oh! Oh man. All this 'happy talk' has made us late.

C'mon, Blythe, we've gotta get back to cleaning up the area.



Ah! Oh. [giggle] You all scared me.

How long have you been standing there?

Sunil, why is everyone being so quiet?

Is there an enforced 'quiet time' that I don't know about?

Oh, I get it now. You're playing the 'freeze game'!

I just love that game. I'll join in!

♪ [guitar strumming]

Roller-blading tourists, buskers playing songs for money,

the smell of patchouli in the air.

I must be at Seal Beach Bay!

Now all I have to do is find happiness at a 'giant smile'.

No giant smiles there.

Ew, that guy should swallow his food

before opening his mouth at all.

That's close to a big smile but it's more like a smirk.

C'mon, giant smile, where are you?



So where are we?

Skinny jeans, lumberjack beards, twelve coffee shops

on this one block alone.

This is the hipster part of Downtown City!

Hipsters? I love those guys!

Well, do me a favor. Let me do all the talking.

I know how to speak their language.


Yo, yo, yo hipster cat. I was wondering if you might have seen

a blue mongoose pass by?

I can't even...

Uh, can't even what?

It's like... Why.

Why, what?


OK, the cat said he hasn't seen Sunil. Ah, I think.

I guess we need to keep looking for him.

But there sure is a lot of ground to cover.

Yeah. We could use a set of wheels.


Will those work?

That's it! I'll get the car; you get the remote.

Right! I'll leave a note to let the owner know

we're borrowing it.

There, that should do it.

That monkey took my remote... and gave me a receipt?

Let's go!

Sweet! I'm driving.

[tire screech]

[Minka screams]

Ha ha! Look out!


Where are we?

It looks like we're on the East side of the city.

I hear these peeps are tough and no-nonsense.

Well, there sure are a lot of them.

Hey did you just say 'peeps'?

We'll never find Sunil with all of this sidewalk traffic.

Hmmm. Pepper, how do you feel about heights?

It's a complicated relationship at best. Why?

'Cause a bird's-eye view of the area is what we need

to find Sunil.

Hiiii-yooo, pigeon!

Hey.Isn't that Blythe's mom's journ-

Whoa! I can't look.

Pepper, if I'm driving, you have to be our 'eyes in the sky'.

You won't see Sunil if you've got them closed.


Hey, this isn't so bad.


Ooh! Comfy landing.

[gasp] A satin pillow outside a tube stop?

That means we're in...

Diamond Hills!

[excited giggle]

My diamond-studded heaven on earth.

But, Zoe, we need to find Sunil.

Oh, I'm sure he's fine. I mean, we're already here.

A little window shopping won't hurt.

Sunil could be anywhere. And there's so much ground to cover.

[bicycle bell]

I've heard about these city bike stands.

We don't need a bike, but we could definitely use

one of those trailers.

Mmm. Come to Mama. Oh!

Penny Ling, what are we doing?

Just hang on and keep an eye out for Sunil.

[buzzing flies & squawking gulls]

No wonder there are no smiles here. This is not a happy place.

I guess I have to look for a 'big smile'

in a different part of the city.

[awkward giggle]

Here you are, Josh.

Thanks. Hey, can I get some water from you?

All that running has made me thirsty.


[gasp] Oh no! It's gone!

That's OK. I can just go buy a bottle.

No! It's my mom's journal!

It's gone!

[panicked whimpers] This can't be happening!

My mom's journal means everything to me!

How could I have lost it?

Maybe you left it where we had lunch.

Yeah. Under that tree! It's gotta be there!

Oh, it looks like everybody's getting along just fine,

albeit very strangely.

Oh no! The journal's not here!

I totally lost it. What am I gonna do?

This is the worst day of my life.

I've got an idea. Why don't we just retrace our steps?

Do you really think that will work?

I don't know, but we have to at least try, right?

Any sign of Sunil?

Not yet.

Whoa! Omph! Whoa!

Penny Ling, I thought you were driving!

I was.

Well, if you're not, then who is?



Russell, who told you you could fly?

I'm not the one flying. He is!

[train horn blast]


Oh my, city birds make some very weird sounds.

[tire screech]

AHHHH! Vinnie, the way you drive,

I'm surprised you could get a driver's license.

Who said I have a driver's license?


Whoo hoo hoo hoo!

This search for happiness has been a complete waste of time.

Peachie totally punked me.

'You will find happiness in the city at the really big smile.'

Maybe that is what quokkas call 'humor'.


I wish I'd never left Littlest Pet Shop

to embark on such a wild goose chase.

It's the really big smile!

This is the place Peachie was talking about!

OK, happiness! Lay it on me.

C'mon, I am waiting.

It is go time. Let us do this happiness thing.

I do not understand. What is it I am missing?

Huh? What's this?

I know this journal. It is Blythe's mother's.

What is it doing here?

Oh my. Blythe must have lost it!


That totally rocked!

Hey, it's a giant smile! You found it, Sunil.

Indeed, I did



We made it, Zoe!

Well, maybe we didn't make it and this is heaven.

Very wrong, Zoe. You made it. Look!

Wow, that's one big smile.



Russell, remind me never to leave the flying to you.

Sunil, what do you have there?

Oh, it's the journal Blythe carries in her backpack.

The one that belonged to her mom?

The very same. She must be sick with worry looking for it.

No doubt. We need to get it back to her, right away!

To the hamster tubes!


Hi, Peachie.

What? But I thought...

Ohhh! You fooled me.

I thought you were here with me all this time.

Where did you all go?

I went searching for 'happiness, under the 'big smile',

like you said. And I found it! It was on a billboard.

Oh, I love that billboard!

You can't help but be happy when you see that big smile.

I am having the worst day ever.

I really need one of Penny Ling's patented hugs.

Wait, Blythe. I have something that will cheer you up.

OMG! My mom's journal! Where did you find it?

Well, I went looking for happiness in the city,

seeking out a big smile,

which I found in the form of a toothpaste billboard.

That is when I looked down and found your journal.

And seeing how happy it has made you to get it back,

well, that makes me so very happy!

Sunil, I'm beyond happy, and you're the reason why.

I want in!

Hugs rule, kisses drool!

Group hug!

Save some for me.

Make room!

Every day should end like this.

Hi, I'm Peachie Fluffton.

Oh! I'm Blythe. Happy to meet you.

Not as happy as me.