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04x21 - Paint a Picture, It'll Last Longer

Posted: 05/11/22 05:58
by bunniefuu



Almost done, Penny Ling!

I don't mind.

I've always dreamed of being an easel for a great artist.

[sigh] It just needs a little something...extra...more...good.

Ah! I thought she was going to use Ocean Blue,

but that's Caribbean Azure.



Tastes more like Royal Blue to me.

Oh Vinnie, eating paint.

Bleah! That's disgusting! And a little dangerous.

No, it's not. [gag]

Actually, yes it is.

Well, I'm finished. But I don't know...

Well, Minka, let's see it.


Russell: Whoa, Minka, that's really... different.

Yeah. It's kind of hypnotic.

Do you think I made the eyes too small?

No, Minka. The eyes are not too small.

♪ You think about all the things ♪

♪ That you love to do

♪ It all comes true

♪ You find a place you never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy to

♪ Just be you!

♪ We can be [yeah]

♪ Who we want to be [yeah]

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me We can be [yeah] ♪

♪ Who we want to be [yeah]

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me

Mrs. Twombly: And that's eight, nine and ten.

Thank you for shopping at Littlest Pet Shop.


Would you look at that? He didn't recycle.

Why, this cup could be recycled into anything. Look...a fez.

Recycling is great, Mrs. Twombly,

but maybe head-wear isn't the best reuse for that cup.

Well, I can't very well make shoulder pads

with only one, silly.

Oh, goodness.

Did I forget to wash out my shampoo this morning?

I don't remember buying coffee-flavored shampoo.

What the what?

This is most definitely not trash!

[sniff sniff] Eugh. Even if it smells like trash.



Blythe, you startled me.

I was just thinking about if bananas could talk.

If they could, do you think everything they said would be...

a-peeling? Ha ha!

I... don't know. But I have a question for you.

Ooh! I love questions! Is it about talking bananas?


Too bad. Well, ask anyway.


You don't happen to know why this beautiful painting

was in the trash, do you?

No idea. None whatsoever. Hey, is that Russell over there?

I only ask because, well, you are a painter.

True. Very true. But that? Not me, painting that one, no.


Monkey's honor.

Because you've got paint all over your paws.

Duh! Huh? Duh. Paint! This isn't paint.

It's not? What is it, then?

Um...monkey shedding?

Yep! Every year monkeys shed their paw skin.

This is what it looks like underneath. Weird, huh?

Monkey shedding.

That's right! Monkey shedding.

Well, whoever painted it, I wish they would tell me because

it makes me so happy and I want to give them a great big hug.

IT WAS ME! Mmmmmmmm.

Why did you say you didn't do this awesome painting, Minka?

Well, I wanted to try a different style.

You know, get out of my creative comfort zone.

But look at it! Ugh! Big fail.

I don't think so. I really like it.

Blythe, art should inspire.

My usual style, 'avant monkey-splatter paintcore'...

Now that makes me feel.

But this... UGH! I feel nothing!

Except kinda creeped out.

♪ [eerie music]

They're staring into my soul.

Well, it makes me happy.

It's my favorite thing you've ever done. Can I keep it?

I... guess so.

Just promise you'll never, ever, NEVER tell anyone

that I was the one who painted it. Ack!

Imagine what it would do to my reputation

in the monkey art world.




♪ [jazzy fanfare]

[horrified gasps]

Thank goodness I can't see anymore

because that painting's hideous.


[monkey squawks]


Minka, I think you might be overreact--


OK, OK! I promise to keep your name a secret.


Whoa, Blythe. What's that?

What's what?

This portrait. It's amazing. It's awesome!

It's you!

Oh! And the pets.

May I?

Uh, sure.

Wow! The artist really captured you, Blythe.

You don't think the eyes are too small, do you?

No way.

Who painted it?


Promise you'll never tell it was me!

Wow, Youngmee, where'd you get this cool backpack?

The store. You were with me, remember?

Now, about this painting...

The store, huh? Wow-wow-wow.

And what kind of fabric would you say this is?

Uh... Backpack fabric?


So, Blythe, who's the artist?

[gasp] And look at this zipper!

How many teeth do you think are here? I'm gonna count 'em.

, , , , , , , , , , , , , ..

, , , .

Wait... I... lost count.

That was weird.


That looks amazing, Minka. Like a photograph...

the standard against which all art should be judged.

No-no-no! Ugh! What is this?

I thought it was a bowl of pet treats.

It's nothing!

Pet treats are not nothing.

Nuuh! I thought trying some new art styles would be fun,

but I'm just not feeling anything.

Anger, pain, the smell of soap from a mountaintop,

the feel of raindrops on a day where the temperature

is just above freezing...

This means something! But what I did today? UGH! NOTHING!

Well, now that you put it like that,

I can't believe I missed the difference.

Minka, if you don't like this style of painting,

why not try another? Aren't there lots and lots?





[cat yowls]

Pose! Strike another! POSING!





[frustrated shouts]



There. It really pulls my locker together!


So, Blythe. You still haven't told us who painted it.

Don't worry about it.

Come on! Who's the artist?

Oh, just somebody.

Why are you being weird about this?

Me? Weird? I'm not being weird.

Wow, Blythe, nice painting.

Oh, thanks, Josh.

I was just saying that it really pulls my lock-

Hey, everybody! Check out this awesome portrait of Blythe!

Oh no.

[excited clamoring]

Who painted it, Blythe?

[nervous moan]

She uh, won't tell us, Josh.

Aw, you'll tell me. Won't you Blythe?


Remember, you promised to never tell

it was me who painted it, Blythe.

Ummmmmmm. It was me!


Yes. [nervous laugh] I painted it.

Well, why didn't you just say so?

Now we can add portrait painter

to the list of cool stuff you can do.


Yeah. I'm having a hard time believing it, myself.

Blythe is the worst.


But, that painting's not.

It's kinda good.

Maybe I like it.

Maybe I, like, love it!

Britney, we need our own one-of-a-kind-

giant eye-portrait!

Whoa. That's too hard to say.


From now on we'll just say, O.O.A.K.G.E.P. 'K?

'K. Hey, Whitney, we could give it to, like, Gran-Gran Lorraine.

Good idea, Britney.

It could totes replace that weird blurry photo

she has of us now.

Ugh, There's only one not-so-small problem

with this idea, Whitney.

Ugh, I know.

We need to get Blythe to paint it for us.

Wow Minka, your paintings have really spruced the place up.

Although they say art's subjective...

How do I know I really like them?


[sniff-sniff] Oh yeah, I like them.

If I hear one more compliment, I just might...


Hey, Minka! Everybody at school absolutely loved

your giant-eye painting!


Whoa, Minka. Don't worry.

I didn't tell anyone you painted it.

I kinda said... I did it.

You kinda said that?

OK. I said it.

I'm not sure that's better.

Oh, Minka. These are beautiful!



I'm gonna...


Omph! Whitney, Britney? Are you in the wrong store?

Obvs, but we're only here 'cause we need something from you.

An O.O.A.K.G.E.P.

An Oh-Oh-A-Kay what now?

O.O.A.K.G.E.P! Do we have to spell it out for you?

Because we, like... just did.


We want a one-of-a-kind-giant eye-portrait!

Oh! An O.O.A.K.G.

So, you came to me because I painted that portrait.

Because... that's a thing I do.

Listen. I'd love to paint your portrait--

Then do it.

BUT! I'm really busy right now.

Uh, what are those?

We don't really, like... know.

They're, like, Daddy's paper credit cards or something.


So anyway, Blythe, name your price and it's yours.

We want an O.O.A.K.G.E.P.

It's not the money.

We'll give you a car.

I can't drive, so no thanks.

Seven cars.

Still can't drive, so no.

How about a solid gold piano?

It's slightly out of tune.

And weighs, like... a lot.

Um. That's a 'no'.

Fine! You can have Francois!

What? You can't give me a person!

We can't?

Look, I'm sorry, but like I said, I'm too busy right now.

So there's absolutely no way I can do a portrait for you,

under any circumstances.

[sigh] Well, Britney, I guess we can forget about

giving Gran-Gran Lorr-Lorr a nice portrait of us

to replace that terrible picture.

It was going to be for Grandma Lorraine?

Lorraine? Well, I do really like her.

And she really likes you. But I'm not sure why.

Look, Blythe, if you won't paint us, we'll never leave this shop!


OK, OK. I'll do it!

We knew you'd eventually see things our way.

Just, uh, let me go back to the day camp and prepare

because that's where I do all my painting.

Whatever. Just hurry up.

Yeah. We feel weird standing around in a pet shop.

But your dad owns the biggest pet shop in town.

Don't remind us.


What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do?

I won't do it!

But if I don't get the Biskit twins an O.O.A.K--

A giant-eye portrait, they're never going to leave the shop!


Minka, need I remind you that none of this would be happening

if I hadn't been trying to do what you asked

and keep your name out of this?

Seriously, need I remind you? Cause I'm reminding you.

Yeah, well I didn't tell you to use your name.

Huh. Good point.

Listen. I get that this style of painting

doesn't make you feel anything,

but art affects everyone differently.

And these giant-eye portraits make others feel happy.

Mmmmm. I guess I hadn't thought about that.

So will you do it?

Yes. I'll do it.


But I don't know how it's going to happen

since they think you're the artist

and obviously I'm a monkey.

Don't worry about that. I have an idea.

So, poses. What are we thinking?

♪ [techno pop]



I'm king of the shop!

Excuse me. I'm ready for you. Come on back.

Please, sit.

Uh, what are you wearing?

It's called 'an artist's smock'.

Minka: Ah-choo!

That's called an artist's sneeze?


Thank you.

Minka: Thank you!

Now, to begin, I must summon my muses, my inspirations,

my everythings. MUSES!


Now, now, if you want a good portrait,

my muses need to be in the painting as well.

Ugh, fine.

Artists are so, like weird.

Now, hold that pose.

♪ [lively violin theme]

♪ [music continues]





Ugh! I can't take it anymore!

Yeah! We've been holding our pose for like, literally...

eight hours!

Uh, it's only been about ten minutes.

Show us the portrait!

♪ [mounting tension]


What do you call this, Blythe?

Uh, I have to feel my art and go where my inspiration takes me.

Even if it... comes out like this.

It's uh, one of a kind and I doubt

that I could ever do it again.

Whitney, aren't one of a kind things like,

really expensive and stuff?

Uh... yeah.



Uh, you do?

Let's go take it to Gran-Gran, like, right now!


Wait, Britney.

What if Blythe does more portraits like this one?

Then it won't be, like, one-of-a-kind anymore.

We can't let that happen!

Blythe, we need you to sign something.

Do you two always carry contracts around with you?

We try to be prepared.

It's pretty standard. No, like, biggie.

It just says you'll never paint another portrait again.

And ours is, like, guaranteed to go up in value.

I'd love to never paint again.

Then sign it!


Blythe, you are too easy.

Oh no! You two outsmarted me.

Yet again, we are geniuses.


[happy cheers]

I can't believe we tricked those two!

What am I talking about? Of course we tricked those two.

Well, I'm just glad it's over. I've learned my lesson.

I'm never taking credit for someone else's work again.

Here, Blythe. Have my other paintings.

Take them to school and tell your friends

about your talented monkey friend who can paint.

Even though you don't like them?

Well, maybe they'll make somebody else feel something.

Wait, wait! That one of me.

I don't want that leaving the shop.

I'm in it; I should get to keep it.

Yeah, same with mine!

I want my painting, too!

Well, Minka? I guess I won't be taking any of your masterpieces

to school, after all.

Don't worry, I'll just paint some more,

'cause I love painting.

Any kind of painting!