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04x23 - LPS: The Moosical

Posted: 05/11/22 05:59
by bunniefuu

Thank you, Mr. Wiggins. Come back and visit us very soon.

So much to do. Pet Street opening and [sigh].

But first, I have to get the store's inventory done.

[bell jingles]

Good afternoon, welcome to... Oh, it's just you.

Wow. Quite a hello. Well, I have your mail.

Would you mind going through it, dear?

Bill, bill, bill, bill.

Something from 'The Four Songbirds', bill...

What did you just say?


No. Before that.

I can't believe it!

The Four Songbirds are getting together for a reunion!

Uh, Four Songbirds to the what now?

The Four Songbirds. My old college singing quartet.

You were in a quartet in college?

Yes. And we were very, very good.

We were even going to record an album,

but my Kung Fu Quilting Championship came first,

so we never got the chance.

And the group broke up after graduation.

Mrs. Twombly a singer? She's just full of surprises.

A reunion. How exciting!

Yes. And apparently we aren't just going to reminisce

about old times.

We're going to see if we still have that 'special sauce'

that made us so popular back in the day.

Oh no.

What's the matter, Mrs. Twombly?

Aren't you excited to see the other Songbirds?

Of course I am, Blythe.

But with Pet Street about to open, not to mention

the shop's inventory that needs to get done,

there's just no way I can attend.

[phone rings]

Good afternoon, Littlest Pet Shop, how may I help you?

You know Zoe, maybe there is a way Mrs. Twombly

can be at that reunion,

without ever having to leave Littlest Pet Shop.

♪ You think about all the things ♪

♪ That you love to do

♪ It all comes true

♪ You find a place you never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy to

♪ Just be you!

♪ We can be [yeah]

♪ Who we want to be [yeah]

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me We can be [yeah] ♪

♪ Who we want to be [yeah]

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me


Blythe: I have great news.

I spoke with the members of Mrs. T.'s old singing group

last night and arranged for their reunion

to happen on my laptop via I.C Your Face video chat.

If it all goes well, Mrs. T. might finally get a shot

to record with her group after all.

The call is happening in a few hours!

I can't wait to tell her the good news.

What's the Four Songbirds?

Mrs. Twombly's college singing quartet. Mrs. T. had a...


A moose? No, Vinnie, not a moose. A singing quartet.

Well, she may not have had a moose in college,

but she definitely has one now.

Mrs. Twombly, I have something major to tell you.

As do I, Blythe. Meet Fleur LeMoose.

She'll be staying with us today while her enclosure

at the Downtown City Conservation Center

is being cleaned.

Now let's assure that Fleur has a great stay at LPS.

Will do, Mrs. Twombly, but I wanted to--

Excellent. Now I have to get back to my inventory.

[French accent] Stay calm. Oui? Stay calm.

Don't worry, Fleur.

The pets will make you feel right at home.

I've gotta go deliver some great news to Mrs. Twombly.

Don't worry, Fleur.

You're going to love it here.

I'll show you around and get you settled.

Mrs. T, I have great news!

Oh, Blythe, I would love to chat,

but I'm even busier than a beaver.

Well, how would you like to go

to that Songbird reunion after all?

Oh Blythie, you know I can't do that.

But, yes you can, thanks to my laptop.

I talked to the other Songbirds

and they agreed to do the reunion with you

via video chat on I.C Your Face .

Oh, Blythe, this is marvelous news!

I can finally make up for ruining the group's big break.

But you know, there's one Songbird who never forgave me

for what happened back then.

We haven't spoken since the group broke up.


Martha Janen-Sindee.

She was without question our best singer.

Martha always had perfect pitch.

Our group was always about Martha.

Martha, Martha, Martha!

I'm certain she will scrutinize every note I sing,

so I'm really going to need to prepare.

It's been years since I've busted out a tune.

Oh, but who am I kidding?

I don't have time for any of this.

I'm up to my eyeballs in inventory.

Well, I could do that for you.

Oh, would you, Blythe? That would be wonderful!

No problem, Mrs. T. Now go get those pipes tuned up.

Way to go, Blythe.

Now, time to count aquarium treasure chests.

Fleur, why don't you have a seat here?

This is the most comfortable seat in the entire camp.

Merci, Pen-ny Ling.

[frightened gasps]

Guessing we picked the wrong day

to have a mobile-making contest.

It is just for a few hours that I am here, yes?

[loud bellow]

Oh! Ha ha! Sometimes I hum to calm my nerves.

That was humming, was it?

Fleur, you do whatever you need

to make yourself feel more comfortable.

OK, then. [bellowing]

Gah! What is that sound?

It sounds like a jet-engine being dragged

behind a dump truck covered in bubble wrap!


♪ [pretty singing]

Wow. Mrs. T. sure got her pipes back pretty quick.


[moose wailing]

Blythe, what is that racket?

[pretty singing]

Huh? Mrs. T., how can you be talking

and singing at the same time? Now that's talent.

Don't you hear that?

It sounds like a trash can shot out of a cannon

into a fireworks factory!

Really? It sounds really good to me.

Let me go check it out.

[wailing and shouting]

Careful, Blythe, I think she's going to explode!

[pretty singing]

What is everyone getting so worked up about?

It's a little loud, but she has a pretty voice.

PRETTY? It sounds like a car horn in a blender

being dropped into a dumpster filled with cymbals.

Huh. Maybe I don't hear her as a moose

because I'm a quarter Canadian.

Fleur, are you OK?

Oh, no, no, no, Mademoiselle Blythe, I am very nervous.

And when I get nervous, I sing, you know?

We know! We know!

There's nothing I can do. I am so

♪ [operatic] NERVOUS!

♪ [vocal exercises]

[moose wails]

Ugh! This is never going to work.

What if the Songbirds hear this racket

and think that sound's coming from me?


[horrified gasp]

Those moose calls are actually influencing my own sound.

If the other ladies hear this, I'm doomed!


Maybe she just needs a little fresh air

to settle her nerves!

Yeah. Outside is good!

Right. Good thinking, Russell.

Fleur, we're going to take a trip outside.

How does that sound?

♪ That sounds lovely!

OK, then. Let's take this concert outside.

It's a miracle.


Uh, you're yelling, Minks.


Yeah. Little bit.


[phone rings]

Good afternoon, Littlest Pet Shop. Blythe speak--

[unintelligible screaming]

Uh... Yes... The noise in the alley...

[unintelligible screaming]

No, I can assure you it's not a bank safe being crushed

in a trash compactor. Yes, we will take care of it.

[unintelligible screaming]

[phone lines ringing]

That can't be good. I'd better go get Fleur out of the alley.

♪ We're going back inside. Back insiiiiiiiiide. ♪

Take cover!

[panicked screams]

I don't know what that's all about, Fleur.

I think you have a great voice.

You mean it, eh?

Totally! But maybe you could sing a little softer.

Oh yes, like this?


[moose bellows]

[panicked screams]

I am sorry, Blythe.

I only have one volume setting when I am nervous.

Singing is the only thing that helps calm me.

That and...

♪ My favorite stick.

What was that?

My favorite stiiiii...

Your favorite stick! That's it!

But it is back in my enclosure

at the Conservation Center, you know?

Then we'll just have to go and get it. Pets, come out.

Is she done singing?

So what does this stick look like?

It's brown, medium length, knot at the top.

You'll know it when you see it.

Well, I have to finish doing the shop's inventory

before Mrs. Twombly blows a gasket.

So one of you will have to go fetch Fleur's stick

at the Conservation Center.

We will do it, Blythe.

Yeah, I can't get away from this noise fast enough.


We are always up for a new adventure, Blythe.

Right. What he said. Good save, buddy.

Great! And I'll need the rest of you to keep Fleur calm

so Mrs. T. can keep practicing her singing uninterrupted.


OK, this looks like the right place.

Now let's find that 'special stick'.

Uh, Vinnie, it would appear that this pen

is covered in sticks.

Whoa. Who knew that a moose enclosure was like % sticks?


OK, that takes care of pet bowls. Now chew toys.

Let's start with the squeaky family.


Uh-oh. That doesn't sound good.

Blythe! That sound! I can't hear myself sing!

[moose bellows]

There you go, Mrs. Twombly. Noise canceling head phones.

Will these work for you?

Yep, think they will.

♪ [vocal exercises]

[sigh of relief] On to the next crisis.

♪ [singing]

Such a sweet voice.

You have got to be kidding.

I know. Crazy, dominant Canadian genes.

Fleur, I've got a game for you to try.

It's called 'The Quiet Game'.

Games are fun.

Well, this one's really fun.

The rules are, you must be as quiet as you can,

for as long as you can.

The first one who's not quiet loses. Is everybody ready?

OK, everyone and...go!


Well, let's try and match Fleur's description.

Let's see. Brown. Medium length. Knot at the top.

Oh, dear, all of these seem to match the description.

Of course, they do. They're sticks!

Vinnie, I think I found it!

This stick just seems more distinguished and regal

than the others. It has to be Fleur's!

Plus it says 'Fleur's stick' on the side.

Yeah, I don't know. I'd still take it, just in case.


So, where do you think you're going with this stick, eh?

, , , , , , .

[sigh] I am really jamming on this inventory.

♪ Me, me, me, me, me, me

And Mrs. Twombly is getting in some

much needed vocal exercise.

♪ [Fleur singing]

Uh-oh. Fleur just lost the 'Quiet Game'.

I'd better go see what's up.

[electronic ringing]

Oh no, that can't be the call! It's early.

Blythe, your thingamabob is pa-jingly. What's that mean?

It's the Songbirds calling in, but they're early!

[moose bellow]

Oh, dear.

OK, big fella, just give us the stick

and we'll be on our way.

We very much just need to give it to the girl moose

so she will stop 'singing'.

Ah oui, the girl moose! Oh ho! Where is she, eh?

I love her singing. My name's Hammy Jambon

and I sing, too, you know.


I also dance.

Hey, what do you know? He's a hoofer!

Want to hear me sing, eh?


We want to be surprised when we see your 'one-moose show'.

So Hammy, what brings you to this enclosure?

The singing girl moose.

I have been listening to her sweet voice for months,

but have been too scared to jump the fence

to introduce myself.

And when I finally do, who do I find?

You two instead.

Will she be back soon? Oh, no matter.

Gives me more time to rehearse, eh?


[laptop chiming]

This is quite a pickle, isn't it, Blythe?

Don't worry, Mrs. Twombly; I have an idea.

Just follow my lead.

Greetings, Songbirds!


[nervous murmurs]

So glad we could make this call happen

and we can't wait to...

Oh, well, I'll be. It looks like their connection froze.

Ha! Typical.

Let's disconnect and try again.

If I can remember how to do it.

Where are those instructions? Where are my glasses?

Woof. That was close. Quick thinking, dear.

Yeah. That bought us a little time.

I see what you mean about Martha. Judge-y.

[moose wail]

Oh no. Not again.

OK, hold tight, Mrs. T.

I might have another way to muffle this problem

long enough for the solve to get here.

[bellowing continues]

OK, pets, I need your help!

We need to push Fleur toward the fire-hydrant slide.

Ex-squeeze me?

Come on!


[muffled bellowing]

That should hold her until Vinnie and Sunil

can get back with her stick.

Keep an eye on her, pets.

I have to get back to Mrs. Twombly.


Jazz hooves!


Thank you, eh? You know, I was just thinking,

maybe with that girl moose's singing skills and my dancing,

we could put together some kind of moose act. No?

Absolutely not! Ow!

Of course you should! Stick, s'il vous plait?

Mais non.

I think I should deliver this stick to her myself.

That way, we could talk about putting together

a 'moose-ical act'.

A 'moose-ical act'... Get it? Heh heh. It is funny, no?

No. HEY! I was agreeing with him.

Yes. Of course you can.

And how are we planning on getting him

in the hamster tubes?

Hamster tubes?

Where we're going,

we won't need no hamster tubes.

Oh dear. Oh, Blythe, thank goodness, you're back.

The Songbirds are calling again. What do we do?

Leave it to me, Mrs. Twombly.

Hello -ongbirds. -about -ast time -lad -called-.

Now, can - things -arted?

Oh. You're cutting out.

Oh, must - bad connect-... We'll -call -ack.

OK, that buys us a few more minutes until Martha

gets annoyed enough to call us back on her own.

Uh-oh. It is kind of dusty in here. I think I'm going to...

Ahhh... ahhhhhh... CHEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!




♪ [singing]

Oh, no, this is bad.

[knock at door]

They have the stick!

And another moose?


My special stick!


I can't believe it. It worked!

Hear that, Minka? Quiet.


[laptop chiming]

Uh-oh. I need to get Mrs. Twombly on that call

with the Songbirds right away.

Boys, do you want to explain the moose?

No, not really.

Agh! He's been like this all day.

Hello, Songbirds. We were just about to call you.

Are we done with the 'technical difficulties'?

It would appear that we are.

Fine. So, Anna, it's time to show your stuff.

[clears throat nervously]

Why does she not sing, eh?

She only sings when she's nervous.

And now that she has her special stick,

she's not nervous anymore.

No. I want to hear her beautiful voice.

I think she will be perfect for my moose-ical act.



[big breath in]

[nervous moose-wailing]

♪ [singing]

It's beautiful.

♪ You're all I need

♪ You're all I need

♪ You make everything in life so sweet ♪

♪ You're all I need

♪ You're all I need

♪ And now that you're back I feel complete ♪

♪ You're all I need

♪ You're all I need



[ nd voice in harmony]Songbirds...

[ rd voice in harmony]Songbirds...

[screechy and off-key) Songbirds!!

Um, very good harmonizing, Anna.

Oh! Yes! We sounded like the Four Songbirds of old.

Most of us anyway.

Anna, wherever did you find that interesting sound?

Well, I...

It's a pre-recorded track

that Mrs. Twombly and I have been working on.

Well, we love it.

Maybe it's time we get together

and finally record that album.

But first, we need to get Martha some vocal coaching.

Her pitch is definitely off.

I deserve that.

Thank you so much, Blythe! That was


Ha ha. We sing terrific together!

We do, eh?

So does that mean we have a 'moose-ical act'

in the making?

Definitely, eh? Did you see those dance moves?

Very impressive, eh?

How do I answer that?


Well, if we're a team

then we should start rehearsals right now. No?

