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03x10 - The Locket

Posted: 05/12/22 03:09
by bunniefuu


I've been meaning
to ask you something.


Please look at me.

And please answer me.

You owe me some answers.

About Mark.

You never told me
how you met him,

why you decided to marry him.

Blake, what's the point?


I just wanna know what
was so special about him

that now you insist
on handling the divorce

on a personal basis

when it'd be so much simpler

just to turn it over
to my lawyers.

Now, that's something...

That's something I think
that I have a right to know.


it's a private thing that I
have to deal with my way.

And if it weren't for this mess

about the divorce
not being legal, that...

That man would be out
of my life completely now.

Then you'd rather
not talk about it.

That's right. I wouldn't.


Yes, what is it, Joseph?

There's a call for you from
a Mr. Axted in Hong Kong.

It's on your private
line in the library.

I explained it was
the middle of the night,

but, uh, the operator
insists it's urgent.

Thank you.

Probably located Steven.

Remember this?

Sure, we were on our honeymoon.

Nice old locket.

Belonged to my grandmother.

And I'm gonna wear it all
the time you're in New York.

Then I'll have you close to me.

Oh, I'm gonna
miss you like crazy.

But the minute you hit it big,
then I can come travel with you

and we can do the tour together.

What's wrong?

They just changed their minds.

I just heard about it.

I guess I'm just not good
enough for the circuit.


No, they're wrong.

You're gonna be a
superstar one day.

I just know it.

You're gonna be one of the best.

Oh, it scares me
how much I need you.

I couldn't make it without you.

I love being needed by you.

It'll make me love
you even more.

Blake, what's wrong? What is it?

The phone call?

There was an oil rig expl*si*n

in the Java Sea near Bali.

Five men are missing,
presumed to be dead.

Steven's one of them.


Oh, Blake.

I'm sorry. I-I'm so sorry.

No need to be sorry.

My son isn't dead.

But you said he
was in an expl*si*n...

I'm not sure about that.

All they're going on is
a shortwave-radio report

and that's not good enough
for me, you hear, I wanna know.

They're not going
to write Steven off.

I won't allow them.

I tell you, I won't allow them.

Yes, that's right, Paul.

No, I want the...

Yes, I want the
Lear ready right now.

Los Angeles.

Well, they're all
booked from here

on tonight's flight to Singapore

and I'll need the time in L.A.
to pry loose a reservation.


I don't know, Blake.
Does it make any sense

to go flying halfway
around the world?

To Singapore and then to Bali?

I mean, Colbyco has
people working there.

We can check it out for you.

No, thanks, Jeff,

I'm gonna check this out myself.

I can't shake the feeling

that Steven is alive out
there calling out to me.

I feel closer to
him at this moment

than I've ever felt before.

Well, I've got to go. I've
got to go and find him

and bring him back.

Daddy, please change your
mind and take me with you.

If Steven's alive, then
we'll find him together.

There is no if.

He is alive.

And I've got to do this alone.
It's just between Steven and me.


I wish there was
something I could do.

I-I know how you must feel.

No, you don't. Nobody
knows how I feel.


She's in so much pain now.

It's hard for her to
let anyone be close.

Well, it seems like it's
never been easy for Fallon.

Letting me get close to her.


Kirby, the baby's bottle is warm

and you have work to do.

Jeanette, would you
excuse us, please?

Yes, Mr. Carrington.

What are you doing?

Well, I'm packing
to go with you.

I can't let you go
through this alone.


it was my fault that
Steven went out there.

Now, I made the situation
and I'm going to set it right,

and I have to do it alone.

Now, try to understand that.

No, I can't understand that.

I'm your wife. My
place is with you.

Not now. Not this time.


I have to go.

I'll be in touch when
I have some news.




Don't shut me out.

You need me now.

I don't need anybody

to help me fight
my battles, Krystle.

Not even me.


Well, look who's here.

My favorite brother-in-law.

Your only brother-in-law.

So let's cut the crud
for once, okay, Adam?

I wanna speak to Alexis.

Mother's upstairs,

not to be disturbed, she said.

She said?

Or is it that you don't
want me to see her?


I concede that you are
the big man at Colbyco now,

but whether you like it or not,
Alexis looks to me for guidance.

So whatever you want
to tell her, you can tell me.

Well, this isn't business.

It's a family matter.

Is it?

I've learned one thing
since being anointed

a latter-day Carrington.

There's nothing to do with
this family that is not business.

Well, look. Her son, Steven,

your brother,

is missing, presumed dead.

Oh, my God, Jeff.

Look, I think it
really would be better

if I broke the news to Mother.

You understand?


They told me you were
here in Steven's room.

I'd just like to be left
alone for a while, okay?

That's not a lot to ask, is it?

Of course not.


But what?

I guess I'll just never
understand this family.

At a time when most people
need to pull together, you...

You go off by yourselves
like wounded bears.

Well, that's just
the way we are.

So if you can't understand
that, you might at least respect it.

The thing is, it...

It's not just your grief,

yours and your father's.

I love Steven too.

For a long time,

he was the only friend
I had in the house.

And it breaks my heart when I...

Would you please? I
don't wanna talk about it.

Would you please just go away?

I don't imagine you'll be
going into the hotel today.

So if you need
anything to be done, I...

I could do it for you. I have
to be there in a little while.

Have to? Why?

Clear up some things with Mark.

You're really something
else, aren't you?

You can't wait for
my father to go away

and look for whatever's
left of my brother

so you can rush off
and take a tennis lesson

or whatever one does
with a discarded husband.

I'll let that pass, Fallon,

because I know
how upset you are.

But the only reason
Mark's in my life right now

is because you and your mother
worked so hard to put him there.

And the only reason
I'm going to see him now

is to make sure he
gets out of my life.

For good, this time.

I feel so drained.

So numb.

I can't cry anymore, Adam.

I just feel too much pain.

I know.

I know how deep it is
and I feel it with you.

Thank God I have you.



I'm wondering...

Considering how
Father feels about you,

do you think going there
to see him unannounced

is really the wise thing to do?

I can't cry for my loss

without crying for
Blake's loss too.

Having to send Jeff
with the terrible news,

too broken up to come himself.

I think you're too generous,

giving him the benefit
of a very large doubt.

I know you can't understand it.

No one can unless they've
had children of their own.

But this is no time to
hold onto hatred, Adam.

I'll change.

Do you think you'll be able
to leave in about half an hour?

I'll try.


What a terrible
day this is for us all.

What's he doing here?

Darling, can't you forget
your hostilities for once?

Adam is Steven's
brother and yours too.

Not to me, he isn't.

Please, Fallon.

It's all right, Mother.

Now is not the time

for my sister and me
to settle our differences.

It was right here in this room

that Steven told us all
how much we'd failed him.

Then he left.

And now he's never coming back.

As I recall it, Mother,
he told us all to go to hell.

Oh, no, he didn't mean that.

He couldn't have.

In his own tortured mind,

he loved all of us.

Mother, none of this is
going to bring him back to us.

You're right.

What I have to do now
is to pull myself together

before I see Blake.

Seeing Daddy's gonna
be a little bit difficult.

He's on his way to Los
Angeles to catch a flight to Bali.

On his way to Bali?



He said he felt
this was something

that he should do himself.

He felt?

What about me?

All I did was give
birth to your brother

while your father was
tied up in a board meeting.

Well, we certainly all owe
you a great debt of gratitude,

don't we, Krystle?

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about you
and your miserable family

and that trashy
little niece of yours.

Alexis, Sammy Jo is gone.

Now, I know you're upset
about Steven. We all are.

But I don't think
this is the time to...

I think that it's about time
that I told you just how upset

and how tormented that I am.

Because if you hadn't brought

that little tramp
into this house,

Steven would be alive today.

Alexis, I'm going to ignore
that because I know...

I know that you're
in pain right now.

You're right, I am.

But I don't want your pity.

Because I hate
her for what she did.

And I hate you
for your part in it.

And I blame both of
you for k*lling my son.

Alexis, why did Sammy
Jo leave this house?

Because you bought her off.

You paid her to get
out of Steven's life.


Well, the fact is,
if she had stayed,

maybe they could
have made a go of it.

Made a go of it. There
was nothing between them.

There was.

Oh, really? What?



A very fragile but
special kind of love.

I am sorry for you, Alexis.

You've lost your son.

But I'm sorry for myself too,
because I love Steven very much

and I will not fight
with you on his grave.

Very nice.


Good volley, Barbie.

Yeah, I feel like my net game's

really starting
to cook, finally.

You ready?

Hey, Mark.

There's no way I can
handle a serve like that.

You darn near took my head off.

I'm sorry, Barbie.

Look, let's wind it up for today

and I'll give you an extra
half-hour tomorrow, okay?

Okay. Thanks for understanding.

Heard about your
stepson. I'm sorry.

Any hope?

Blake thinks so.
I'm praying there is.

What are you
doing here, Krystle?

Come to take off
what's left of my hide?

I, uh, came to apologize to you

for accusing you of lying
about our divorce not being legal.


And now you believe me.

I went to Mexico
to check it out.

You were telling the truth.

Hi, Mark, can we have a game?

Later, honey.

Anytime you
say, I'll be waiting.

Can we talk?

Yeah, you wanna talk,


Could we go someplace
a little more private?

My place.

Don't worry, I'm
not hitting the booze

like I did in the old
days. You'll be safe.


I'll file right here
in Colorado.

The grounds will be
irretrievable breakdown

of the marriage and desertion.

Sounds about right.

Takes about three months,
and then it'll be done.

We can both get
on with our lives.

You could have sent a
lawyer to tell me all this.

Why didn't you?

Oh, I felt that it was
really my problem

and I should settle it myself.

Is that the only reason?

Even though our lives have
gone in different directions, Mark,

we did share some
wonderful years.

I didn't want it to end up
with lawyers and hostility

and nothing else.

Okay, I guess that's
what I was hoping to hear.

And thank you for not mentioning
the not-so-wonderful problems

during those wonderful years.

You deserve your
happiness too, Krystle.

Go ahead with the
divorce proceedings

and I won't do anything
to hold them up.

Thank you.

I feel better about this.

And I just hope that
when the dust settles,

we can still be friends.

Of course we can.

I want that too.

Do you really mean that?

I do.

Sir? Thank you, no.

Would you like
something to drink?

Excuse me, madam, but
this is our first-class lounge.

Well, it's not my
fault that this airline

didn't have enough space
to sell me a first-class ticket.

I'm looking for someone.

You'll have to speak
to our chief steward.

Alexis, what in the
devil are you doing here?

That's a letter from Steven.

Yes, yes, it's a letter
that he wrote to Fallon.

When did she get it?

A couple of days ago.

Couple of days ago?

Probably the last words that
we'll ever hear from my son

and you were all trying
to keep it from me?

Now, will you keep your voice
down and not make a scene?

It's just like it was
with the baby, isn't it?

I had to hear from a stranger
that he was kidnapped.

And you're still treating
me like I don't exist,

like I don't have any feelings
about my own flesh and blood,

flying off on a trip
without even a phone call

to search for my son's body.

Alexis, this is between
me and my son.

It has nothing to do with you.

Nothing to do with me?

Oh, my God.

What kind of a monster are you?

My son is dead.

It's my son too...


Stop it.

I don't wanna hear another word

about Steven being
dead. Do you understand?

Maybe you're willing
to accept it, but I am not.

Do you hear me? Do you?

What's the matter? What is it?

The bottom.

There's nothing there.

Oh, God.

I was thinking about Steven.

How he's probably dead
somewhere at the bottom of the ocean

where nobody will ever find him.

Don't think about
him that way, Fallon.

Remember him alive.

And things about him that
made him so special to you.

I know that you and I
got off to a rocky start.

And when I came out
with Alexis yesterday...

Well, I was pretty
rough on you yesterday.


But I understand that.

That's why I came back today.

Because I was hoping we'd
be able to get past your feeling

that I'm intruding
on your grief.

I know I never met Steven,

but I'd like to have known him.

Growing up alone the way I did,

I'd have given a
lot for a kid brother.

And a sister.

It must be a special
kind of friendship.

Steven was very special to me.

He was the only one who
understood how my head worked,

and my heart.

I know I could
never take his place,

and I'm not asking for that.

Just a chance to
be your brother.

I don't know, Adam.

Right now, it's just a little
too painful to think about.

But in time?

We'll see.


He just fell asleep.


Hi. Better?

Yes, that's better.

I was hoping I'd run into you.

I wanted to apologize for the
other night at Fallon's party.

What for?

Oh, I came on pretty strong.

Heh-heh. It happens sometimes.

Especially when I meet a girl

who turns me on
as much as you do.

You know, you
keep talking like that

and another apology
is going to be in order.

You're quite a challenge,

just in case you
didn't know that.

You see, up till now,

I haven't met too many girls
who pretended to turn off to me.

What makes you
think I'm pretending?

Fair enough.

Then I think you owe
me a sporting chance

at changing your mind.

So how about dinner and
some dancing tomorrow night?

I d... I don't believe it.

You just lost a brother

and you're talking
about going out dancing?

If that is supposed
to annihilate me,

you're gonna have to do better.

You see, Steven is
just a name to me.

You, on the other hand,

are someone, a very
attractive someone,

whom I could care a lot about.

So are we on?


We are not on.

I have to work tomorrow night.

That's tomorrow night.

With the little prince.

But there'll be a
night after that one.

Without the little prince.

With just you and me.

Look forward to it, Kirby.

I do.

I happened to be
downtown on another errand.

It was something rather personal

that I wanted to
discuss with you.

I didn't want to
do it at the house.

There's no problem. What do
you wanna talk about, Joseph?

May I? Please.

It's about my daughter, Kirby.

Kirby? What about her?

Well, I expect, uh,

you still think
of her as a child.

She's not a child anymore.

I don't understand why
you're telling me all of this.

Well, she's obviously
come home, um,

still with that childhood
crush on you very much alive.

Except that matters
are more serious now.

That's why I'm here, to ask...

No, to tell you that
I would be grateful

if you would not, uh,
encourage her that.

Wait, wait. Wait.

You see, it's...

I said wait!


What are you talking about?

Well, you're separated
from your wife.

Your room is down the
hall from where Kirby is.

And so you think I am a r*pist?

Huh? These insinuations, what
evidence do you have? What?

Tell me!

Are you finished?

I'm sorry, I...

I, uh...

I don't know. I don't know
what's coming over me.

You knew my uncle Cecil, right?

Yes. Not well, but, yes.


I wonder if his presence
is... Is getting back at me

for turning on him
when he was alive.

It just seems that the more
time that I spend in this office,

the worse I feel, I...


Well, you've been
working too hard,

really, much too hard.

This tragedy with Steven. It...

It was thoughtless of me to
come here at a time like this

with my troubles.

No, you were right.

You don't have to
worry about Kirby.

Thank you.

There's a visitor
here to see you.

The front gate
passed him through

when he identified himself
as Sammy Jo's father.


What does he want?

I'll find out, if you wish.

No, send him in.

Krystle. My, my, my.

Don't you look fine.

What are you doing here, Frank?

I was racing down
in Colorado Springs.

I had some time,

I thought I'd pop up
here and see my little girl.

Only this fellow
out here tells me

she doesn't live here anymore.

No, she doesn't.

But I'm deeply touched
to hear that you care.

Heh. What's that
supposed to mean?

Of course I care,
she's my little girl.

Sure you do.

That's why you left
her here a year ago

and wrote me that,
uh, "Dear Krystle" letter

about how you had better
things to do than to look after her.

Listen, Krystle, I was
really messed up then.

That was Bedelia,

heh, my ex-lady.

She got all she could out
of me and then she ran out.

Running out seems to run in
your side of the family, Frank.

I know I didn't do
right by Sammy Jo.

That's why I'm here.

I, uh, heard on the radio

about her husband
being k*lled. I'm...

I'm really sorry about that.

I came to give whatever
comfort I can as a father.

And maybe try to get your hands
on some of Steven's money?

Oh, stop, Krystle.

You're wrong about
that, you're dead wrong.

I've never been wrong
about you, Frank.

From the first day my
sister brought you around,

I knew the kind of man you were.

I only regret I didn't talk
her out of marrying you

and ruining her life.

Thank you.

Now, you'd better leave.

Heh. I'm not going anywhere

until you tell me where
Sammy Jo went to.

I don't know where she is.

She didn't even have
the decency to tell me.

Krystle, I have rights.

Now, my little girl is bound
to come into some money

and I want her to get it.

Get out, Frank.

Or I'll have you thrown out.

You take care of
yourself, Krystle.

What have you been doing?
That's what I wanna know.

It's been almost
hours since the expl*si*n

and you don't have one scrap of
information about the survivors?

Maybe Steven was picked up by...

No, Alexis, please.
Well, what about it?

You think we haven't
been trying, huh?

I haven't been out of this
place since that rig blew.

We haven't slept,

been living on cold coffee
and stale sandwiches.

And I feel like that radiophone
is growing out of my ear.

All right, Cassidy,

now, I realize it's
been rough on you too.

But what I'm
trying to understand

is why there's
been no information.

Look, this is the area
we're talking about.

It's huge.

Thousands of square
miles of open sea.

Where was the rig?

Right here.

That's open sea, it's isolated.

Yesterday, we had
search planes over the area

but they didn't find anything.

Today, we got a
typhoon moving in

and that grounds the
planes. Now, I understand

that the foreman of the
rig survived, is that right?

That's right. He was
still on the wreckage

when the rescue
chopper got there.

Well, can we talk to the man?

Well, where is he?

Have you questioned him?

He's in a hospital
in south Borneo.

We'll have him down here
when the weather clears.

Then you haven't talked
to him? Well, not yet.

from here to there?

Forget it, they're lousy.
But, soon as we can,

we'll fly him down
here and then we can...

That's not good enough.
I'm gonna fly up there myself

and find out what he knows.

Did you hear what
I just told you?

There's a typhoon coming
in. You'll never make it.

Even if you find a
pilot fool enough to try.

Well, then you're gonna find
me one that's fool enough.

Carrington, why can't
you listen to reason?

Do it.

I don't know why
Daddy hasn't called yet.

At least to tell us
he arrived safely.

I'm sure he'll call the
minute he knows something.


Is this the
Carrington residence?

Mark? It's Fallon.

Is there a problem at the hotel?

No problem. I'm downtown
and I'm calling to talk to Krystle.

Is she there?

Yeah, she's here.

It's for you.

Mark, what is it?

La Mirage in an hour?

I guess I could.

I don't understand.
What's it about?

Well, it seems we
overlooked one item

in this according-to-Hoyle

The property settlement.

Thought you were pretty smart
last night, didn't you, Krystle?

Throwing me out of that
big, fancy house of yours.

What do you want, Frank?

Nobody treats me like
trash, Krystle. Nobody.

Don't turn your back on
me when I'm talking to you.

You're hurting me.
Now, my Sammy Jo

is the widow of Carrington,
and she's entitled to plenty.

Hey, get away from her.

Hey, I know you,
you're the brother-in-law.

You stay out of this.

This is a family thing. It's
between Krystle and me.

Oh, well, if it's a family
squabble, that's okay,

because I'm family too. Agh!

Now, listen, Frank,

if I ever catch you putting
your hands on this lady again,

do you know what I'm gonna do?

I'm gonna break your
ugly good-old-boy neck.

Now, take off.

Get going.

It's all right, baby.
He won't be back.

Come on.

Can I, uh, order you anything?

A cup of coffee? A beer?

No, I'm all right, really.

If you hadn't come
along when you did, I...


thanks doesn't seem to cover it.

No thanks required.

The, uh, property settlement
you talked about on the phone,

exactly what did
you have in mind?

Oh, that.

Coming up.

Go ahead. Open it.

It's your property.


Remember when you lost it

and you wondered if maybe I
knew what had happened to it?

Well, you were right, of
course. I took it and I pawned it.

Then when I came back from
Mexico and you were gone,

I got it out of hock.

Kept it ever since
to remember you by.

Well, it's yours again. Let's...

Let's just call it our
property settlement, okay?


Cassidy, damn it.
It's nearly midnight.

Do you know how long I've
been sitting by that phone,

waiting to hear from you?

Anybody ever dared
tell you, Mr. Carrington,

you're not much
fun to deal with.

I'm sorry.

You've been very decent.

I'm sorry I've been so
demanding and bad-tempered.

Well, if it was
my kid out there,

I'd probably be a
little testy myself.

You are a little testy yourself.

Now, do you have
anything to tell me?


I found a pilot who's
fool enough to fly you.

Well, actually, you got a
little break in the weather.

That storm's veering
to the north a bit.

Otherwise, I can tell you,

you'd never have got
anybody to chance it,

no matter how much
money you throw around.

Okay? Okay.

Tomorrow morning,
I'll pick you up at ,

we leave for the airport.

Well, that's not necessary.

I can get out to the
airport by myself.

It's necessary if I'm
going with you, which I am.

You see, those five missing
guys were like my kids.

They're my
responsibility, anyway.

Well, I'll be glad to
have you as company.

Oh, you'd better be.

I'm the fool who's
gonna fly you.

I absolutely detest this
place. Good evening...

My room is full of insects.
The entire hotel staff

don't speak ten words
of English between them,

and I've got this
dreadful feeling

that the news that we're
waiting for can only be bad.

Alexis, there's a plane leaving
for the States in the morning.

Now, why don't you
book yourself a seat on it?

Blake, please,
don't let's fight.

I really want to believe
that Steven is still alive.

Why don't we have
some supper together

and share some
memories of our child?


Yes, operator, I'd...

Yes, I did put a call
in to the United States.

Um, yes, I'm ready
to talk right now.


Yes, Daddy, I can
hear you perfectly.

What's the news there?

Well, I'm flying
out in the morning

to see the foreman
of the oil rig.

I'm hoping that
he'll have something

to tell us about Steven.

Well, something good, I hope.

Well, I'll know more
after I talk to the man.

Uh, Fallon,

would you get Krystle
and put her on, please?

She's not here, Daddy.

She's out at La Mirage.

Mark Jennings phoned
and she took off to meet him.




give her my love, will you?

Uh, I'll call you soon.

Bye, darling.


Well, what do you think, Blake?

Shall I order something
from room service?

If we share anything, it's
our love for our children.

So let's not punish each other.

You mean that I will comfort you

and, of course,
you'll comfort me?

Yes, that's what I mean.

This is no time for
either of us to be alone.

My God, how many ways can
you try to destroy my marriage?

You dug up Mark Jennings,
you brought him to Denver

to make trouble
between Krystle and me.

Now you wanna
spend the night with me,

an event which you will
certainly let Krystle in on

the first time you see her.

I have no intention

of ever spending the
night with you again.

And as for Mark Jennings,

you should thank me
for bringing him back.

Oh, yes? Why would I do that?

Oh, you'll find out soon enough.

I'll find out what?

You wait.

Just you wait.

I never like to spoil
the ending of a play.

Or a movie, or a book.

A romantic tragedy.

Some people
might call it a farce.

Now, what the hell
does that mean?

That means that what
you thought you had,

you never really had at all.