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02x08 - Ultimate w*apon

Posted: 05/21/22 07:36
by bunniefuu
something's wrong.


¶ it started when
an alien device did what it did

And stuck itself upon his wrist
with secrets that it hid

Now he's got super powers
he's no ordinary kid

He's ben ¶

¶ ben ¶
¶ ben ¶

¶ so if you see him
you might be in for
a big surprise

He'll turn into an alien
before your very eyes

He's funny, freaky,
fast and strong

He's every shape and size
he's ben ¶

¶ ben ¶

¶ all new powers
he's on the case

Fighting all evil
from earth or space

He'll never stop till it's ok

'cause he's the baddest kid
to ever save the day

Ben ¶

¶ ben ¶

¶ , , ¶

well, what do you think?

Bet you never tasted anything
like that before.

mmm. What's the crunchy stuff?

dung beetle.

what, too spicy?
You'll get used to it.


grandpa, what is it?

the mask from apuk.

It's the key to the most
powerful and destructive w*apon
ever created.

The mask of apuk is the guide
to the sword of echtua.

The plumbers searched for it
for decades without any luck.

What kind of alien is that?

not alien.

Echtua was the mayan god of w*r.

His sword was rumored
to have leveled cities
with just one swipe.

ha! Sounds like
just the kind of thing

The world's most powerful
year old boy should have.

this is no toy, benjamin.

Whoever controls the sword
controls the destiny of mankind,

And i will not let it fall
into the wrong hands.

Bet they're keeping it
in the basement.

Ben, you go alien and sneak in.

Then open the side door for us.

sneak in?
Don't you mean break in?

ben, i haven't time to
explain how important it is
for us to get the mask.

Now, can i count on you or not?

you know you can, grandpa.

What's up with grandpa?
He's so...

Uh, intense.

cut him some slack, will ya?
He's trying to save the world.

I know ben can be a major
doofus, but don't you think
you were a little--

now, you're just kids.
I don't expect you
to understand.

oh, man! Ugh!

I should've just gone cannonbolt
and busted my way in.


Who's the big dog now?

it's about time.

why do you smell like
dog slobber?

Have you ever seen grandpa
this serious?

i've never seen anyone
this serious.

it has to be in here.
i'm on it.

good job, ben.
beautiful, isn't it?

uh, well, not exactly.

over years of searching,

And now, finally, you're--

i thought you'd retired from the
plumbing business, mr. Tennyson.

Or may i call you max?

it's enoch and those
forever knight guys who tried
to slice and dice me.

how nice of you to remember.
And of course, how can i forget

The family who left the forever
knights without a castle?

whatever happened,
you brought upon yourselves.

aren't we
the feisty sewer rat?

I'd love to chat about old
times, but i'm late for holding
the world at my mercy.

So, i'll be
taking that mask now.

over my dead body.

excellent suggestion.

hey, what's going on here?



wait. This way.

whoa! Aah!

No way i'm winding up
alien cole slaw.

we've got burglars.
Seal the exits!

wrong way.

your loss is my gain.

grab on.


Oh, i hate it when this happens.

we don't have time
to fool around, ben.

Get in.

ha ha ha.

come on! Wildmutt?

Ripjaws? Somebody.

oh, i'm trying.
Stupid watch won't let me.

this is a job for a plumber.

autodriver engaged.

uh, grandpa?

Guess when you gotta go,
you gotta go.


come on, work!

Uh, grandpa, what's with
the fashion show?

it's my plumber's suit.

Been saving it
for the right time. Like now.



you wanna fight, try picking
on someone your own size.


nice job!


got it.


hold on.


send in the bird.

this is metric.

I said i needed
a / inch wrench.

sorry, grumpa.

uh, grandpa.

not now, ben.

i think you're gonna
want to see this.

it's the map to the ancient
mayan temple of echtua.

We need to b*at them
to that temple.

Ben, can't you go any faster?

i'm sorry, grandpa, i'm not
used to flying with passengers.

He must be close.
Uh-oh! Hold on!


I have got to work on
those emergency landings.

fire in the hole!

still not open.

Use a bigger charge this time,
you idiots.

now, there's always a secret
entrance to these temples.

Where is it?

Ben, what are you doing?

if this thing could show us
how to get this far,

Maybe it could show us
how to get in.

the sword would be kept
in the center of the temple
on the lowest floor.

There should be
some stairs nearby.

stairs? Aw, man,
where's the express elevator
when you really need it?


Whoa! Ugh!

whoa, that was close.

Almost lost the mask.

ok, can you say obsessed?

once he gets that sword,
he'll be himself again, right?

stay sharp.
The ancient mayans were
notorious for setting--

booby traps.


come on, somebody.


jump on!


Thanks, grandpa.
you two coming?

remember when he used
to make this stuff fun?
I miss the old grandpa.

i'd eat a whole bowl of dung
beetle stew if i thought it
would bring him back.

this is it.

ha ha ha!

Who says you can't get a plumber
when you need one?

Without you bringing the
mask, we wouldn't have been able

To get inside the great chamber.

Now, i believe it's time
to toss the garbage.

Legend has it that the eternal
pit of despair is bottomless.

Let's find out.



wouldn't want the lad
to get lonely.



I am so going to band camp
next summer.

Bring it to me.

I think gwen needs a second
to catch her breath.

no can do. Enoch may
already have the sword.

ever since that alarm
went off, that sword
is all you think about!

you two have to keep
your eyes on the prize

And remember
what's important here.

we do remember.
Do you?

why does that thing
look familiar?

it must be apuk, the mayan
god of death and the underworld.

He's the guardian
of the sword of echtua.

why can't these places
ever be protected by, like,

The guardian of cheerfulness?

is that too much to ask?

looks like he's pounding
the bad guys for us.

ben, keep him occupied
while we get the sword.

yo, rock puke!
Come and get some.




I have got to get a suit
like that.





I, uh, meant to do that.

not good.


how about you ground
old beak-face.

the sword!

At last...

The ultimate w*apon.

The world shall kneel before me.

whoa, what happened?

Guess that's what happens
when your ultimate w*apon

Is , years old.

think that sword
was booby trapped?

Get out of here!

grandpa, time to go!

well, i sure could go
for some dung beetle stew.

It's even better reheated,
you know.

glad to have you back,

thanks, guys.
And i'm sorry.

You know, i think it's time to
put away the old plumber suit.

because you've finally found
the sword of echtua?

that, and it's giving me
a really uncomfortable rash.

so, how are we
going to get back?

no way i'm flying
el stinko airlines again.

grandpa, you wouldn't happen
to know how to fly a helicopter,
would you?