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02x01 - Outbreak

Posted: 05/23/22 07:47
by bunniefuu

Easy, fella.
Easy, old friend.

You said you would have the

Nemetrix fixed by now, Dr. Psychobos.

Yet the beast continues to
change form at random.

- Not even Khyber can control it.
- I said I would try.

It is based upon a pathetic
piece of Galvan technology ...

and I use the term loosely.

Unfortunately, the component
necessary to stabilize

the Nemetrix resides
within the Omnitrix itself.

Which resides on
Ben Tennyson's wrist,

deep within Plumber headquarters.

I'll retrieve it.

No, Khyber.
Your single-minded pursuit of

Ben Tennyson as a hunting trophy has
clouded your sight of our true goal.

Your goal, not mine.

It is the Omnitrix we need.

Tennyson is inconsequential.

Not to me.

If you cannot
control your mutt, perhaps your

services are no longer needed.

It was I who built the Nemetrix.

Obviously, I am the only
one who can repair it.

Out of my way!

Try not to destroy each
other before I return.

Or do. That would be a pleasant
surprise to come back to.

If you want something done
right, you have to do it yourself.

♪ Ben ♪
♪ he's a kid,
and he wants to have fun ♪

♪ but when you need a superhero,
he gets the job done ♪

♪ Ben ♪
♪ with a device that he wears on his arm ♪

♪ he can change his shape and
save the world from harm ♪

♪ when trouble's taking place ♪
♪ he gets right in its face ♪

♪ Ben ♪

♪ when lives are on the line ♪
♪ it's hero time ♪

♪ Ben ♪

This is not
what I had in mind.

You're always
saying we should spar more often.

To keep our reflexes sharp.

Ha! Right. So... reflex!

This is meant to be weaponless
combat. You're cheating.

One, the Omnitrix
is not a w*apon, and two...

...the bad guys cheat.

That's 'cause they're bad guys.

But I've got the Omnitrix, so I win.

A-and what happens if you ever
do not have the Omnitrix?

Or if it fails?

The Omnitrix never
fails, so I never fail.

Rook's got a point, Ben.

Aw, come on, grandpa.
You're gonna start on me, too?

I'm just saying,
it wouldn't be a bad idea to do

some drilwithout the
Omnitrix ... just in case.

Okay, okay! Whatever!
But break first.

All this kicking your
butt made me thirsty.

Come on, Rook.
Juice box on me.

A box of juice? Is that
another weird Earth expression?

The Plumbers have the dumbest
snack machines on Earth.

That is not a snack machine.

Why does everything in
this base have to be so... alien?

That is not a snack machine.

Coin slot.
Put coin in.

Press button.
Juice box.

But n-o-o-o-o!

That is not a ...

I didn't do it!

Perimeter breach in progress!

Multiple targets incoming!

Move it, boys. We got trouble.

Concentrate fire!
Watch those tails!

Dr. Psychobos:
And now the fun begins.

What'd you do that for?!

- Keep your head above!
- That's "heads-up"!

All right, you evil robots,
meet superher... ohh!

Hey! Cut it out, you...
freaky brainstorm guy!

If you insist.
And now, if you'll excuse me...

You are excused.

- The cerebral Crustacean is escaping!
- Oh, no, he's not!


This is unsettling.

- Phased pulse clips.
- Much more effective.

First squad, fall back and change a*mo.

Second squad, give them cover!

No! Bad guy!
Get bad guy!

Sorry, magister Tennyson.

The intruder escaped.
How is Ben?

- He's okay, Plumber ... hh...
- It is me ... Rook.

- You?!
- That's unfortunate.

Well, Rook, Ben is, um...

Ben is having a little
problem of his own right now!

- Oh, that's no problem.
- We'll just reboot the Omnitrix.

Should fix you and Rook up in a jiffy.

- Are you sure that will work?
- Mostly sure.

At least things can't
get any worse.

Are you crazy?!
Never say that out loud!


I don't like the looks of this.

Okay. Now I really don't
like the looks of this!


Cheer up, Bubbles.
We're getting out of here.

Primary security grid offline.

Get that secondary security grid
back up to full power!


Genetic stabilizers ... check.

Morphogenic grating ...

You sure you
know what you're doing?

- Flux webbing!
- Flux webbing!

going to call that a "no."

- Hmm. That's odd.
- "Odd" is what it is, all right.

- You think?!
- Not that.

There appears to be a piece
missing from the Omnitrix!

Right! That evil
brainstorm guy took it.

- Dr. Psychobos?
- Here?

- Can't be.
- He wouldn't dare!

Whoever it was, he took
something out of the Omnitrix,

which I thought you guys were fixing.

- Oh, my. No.
- Mm, we couldn't possibly fix that.

- Was some kind of regulator.
- No way to tell which one.

So... what? I'm just
going to stay this way?!

Very probably. But, on the bright side,

your arm is out of the containment cube.

Perhaps you could contact
Azmuth for assistance.

- That, we could do.
- If the communication system was up.

Which it is not.

Well, at least things
cannot get any worse.

Dude, you have got to
stop saying that.

- It is a jailbreak!
- Figured that all by yourself, huh?

We're getting out of here!
They can't stop us all!

Uh... yeah.
This way out of hand.

We better get in there,
Rook. Rook?

Is that you, Tennyson?

I believe you've got
some payback coming!

Too slow!

Gotcha, little fishy!

I don't suppose this is one
of those "catch and release" deals?

Now I have you for a snack!

You still think it couldn't
get any worse?

I thought you said not
to say that.

You made me say it!

Maybe the universe didn't hear.

I really do not think we
are talking "cause and effect" here.

We are beaten!
I cannot fight like this!

Sure you can! Just
stop being you so much and be me.

You are not making any sense.

Stop fighting like Rook.
You're Upchuck. Be Upchuck.

Eat something! Anything!

Any time now, partner!

Now upchuck it!


What are you ...
We have to go after them!

You can't go down there as a Walkatrout.

Beyond being humiliating,
it's just too dangerous.

You have no special abilities
without the Omnitrix.

You better not say
"I told you so."

I am taking a team down there
... without you. You are a liability.

Those guys would have creamed
us just now if it weren't for me.

We got lucky. The only
way out is through this room.

We will hold it until we get the
prisoners back in their cells.

Pfft. Whatever.

What were you doing
down here, you coward?

We nearly got slaughtered!


Have you forgotten who your master is?

Everything's proceeding
according to my plan!

Stuff your plan! If you'd
been with us, we'd be free now!

The Plumbers wouldn't have had a chance!

Please stop trying to
think, birdbrain. You don't do it well.

I knew the Plumbers would defeat you.

Your escape attempt
was merely a diversion.

- Di... ver...?
- A distraction to buy me some time.

You have no idea where you are, do you?

The null void?
No way, Psyphon!

I ain't going back there for nothing!

Of course not, you witless gasbag.

Attention, Plumbers!

I am Psyphon, imprisoned here
against my will by you

self-appointed, peacekeeping Plumbers!

Wow. That's Psyphon?!
He's actually kind of cool now.

I know who you are, Psyphon,
and we won't give in to your demands.

You realize we control the
lower decks of this base?

That won't help you.

The only way out is through us,
and that's not gonna happen.

Return to your cells now!

I... think not.

I've committed this base's power
core directly to the null void gate.

The gate has been set to overload.

Which means...?

If the gate overloads,
all of Bellwood ...

everything and everyone in it ...
will be sucked into the null void!

You're bluffing, Psyphon.

One prison is the
same as another to us, but the

poor, innocent citizens of
Bellwood ... how will they fare

trapped in the null void?
And what will they think of you

Plumbers, who
chose not to save them?

The multi-jolt first?

The prisoners have
sealed off all the maintenance

tunnels, so we will be
using the air vents instead.

- I'm going.
- You are not going.

Oh, come on!
What is the point of this guy?

He's totally useless!

Uh... no offense, dude.

Aw, this guy's the worst.

What? I'm coming!

You are not.
You will get hurt or captured.

Look, the Omnitrix turned the

prisoners into other
aliens ... my aliens.

I know all their weaknesses.
You need me.

- Come on.
- Yes!

Hmm. This is actually quite
smart ... for a non-Galvan.

Thanks... I think.

The base is really a space
station underground.

The power core's on the bottom level.

We'll shut down the core so
the null void gate can't overload.

Which means we can rush
the bad guys and take them out.

- They got nothin'.
- Shh. We are here.

Stations and , mark.

Dude, if you're gonna
keep talking like that, I'm out.

We have completed Phase .

Yes. Thank you.

We couldn't have done it without you.

- The secondary security field!
- Very good. Yes.

You see, there's a force field around
this base ... low-level, actually.

You wouldn't even notice it.

It serves only one function.

To stop jailbreaks.

You tricked us into
shutting it off!

Maybe not so smart for a
non-Galvan, after all.

And now we will be going.


That's not going to happen.

And who's going to stop us?
You and your little friends?

Take 'em down!

The shocksquatch guy can't
att*ck if he's insulated!

That's gonna take a
while to comb out.

The mechamorph girl is
sensitive to magnetic fields!


Come on, guys.
Can't we talk this over?

You have tormented me
for the last time, Ben Tennyson!

- Hurry!
- I am hurrying!

- I did it!
- I did it!

- You did it?! It was me!
- You did it?! It was me!

No. No!
No! No!


"Uh-oh" is right,
chicken little!

Kickin' Hawk: Omnitrix is fixed.

And thanks to you, I got me a new alien.

And that, my friends,
is how you make the feathers fly.


I don't know how you did it,
but you really saved our

bacon today, fellas.
Nice work.

I am especially pleased
with the team's performance.

This little group, with Ben and
I as their leaders, may be the

best strike force in Plumber history.

- Oh, really?
- Nothing can stop us.

Seriously, you have got to stop

saying stuff like that out loud, Rook.

Would you rather I say
"nothing can go wrong now"?

Or how about
"things cannot get any worse"?

You are so pushing
your luck right now, man.

You had Tennyson and
the Omnitrix in your claws,

and you didn't end him!

Tennyson is nothing.
Azmuth is our enemy, and with

our perfected Nemetrix,
we do not need his inferior toy.

Azmuth shall pay dearly for his hubris ...
and I use the term loosely.

Yes. I believe he will.