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04x05 - Mud Is Thicker Than Water

Posted: 05/24/22 06:23
by bunniefuu
[ Tires screech ]

Blast them to...

[ Squawking ]

Ben: Whoa!

He's got pretty good aim
for an overgrown chicken!

Yeah, and for street thugs,

they're toting some unusually
advanced tech.

[ Beep ]

Xlr : I'll head them off!
Catch up!

Tennyson! You took the keys!

[ Tires screech ]

[ Squawks ]

Xlr : Coochie-coochie-coo!

[ Squawking ]

[ Omnitrix powers down ]

Ben: These blasters look familiar.

That's because they're
top-secret Plumber tech.

They're ours!

♪ Ben ♪

♪ he's a kid,
and he wants to have fun ♪

♪ but when you need a superhero,
he gets the job done ♪

♪ Ben ♪

♪ with a device that he wears on his arm ♪

♪ he can change his shape and
save the world from harm ♪

♪ when trouble's taking place ♪
♪ he gets right in its face ♪

♪ Ben ♪

♪ when lives are on the line ♪
♪ it's hero time ♪

♪ Ben ♪

Gwen: Have a good
time at the car show...

but not too good a time.

[ Toilet flushes ]

[ Intermittent beeping ]

[ Beeping slows ]

[ Elevator bell dings ]

Y-You didn't answer your ...


[ Giggles, snorts ]

Max: Gwen. I have something
very important to tell you.

Gwen: What is it, Grandpa?


[ Giggles, snorts ]


Are you surprised to see me?

Gwen: Cousin Lucy?
What are you doing here?!

I'm visiting for a couple
months. But don't worry.

I promise I won't get mud on anything.

Gwen: I... see you're wearing
my favorite shirt.

And using my favorite hairbrush!

Gwen! Surprised to see me?

Gwen: Cousin Lucy?
What are you doing here?

I've been working with the
Plumbers for a couple of months now.

Don't worry. I promise I
won't get mud on anything.

They were using top-secret
Plumber weapons.

Ben: How are low-level bad
guys in Undertown getting their

hands on our tech?
- Max: This information doesn't

leave the room, but Plumber
tech has been mysteriously

disappearing from our base in
the last couple of months.

or being stolen.

Max: We believe we have a mole
inside Plumber headquarters.

Ben: You mean Jerry from
inhuman resources? [ Chuckles ]

I wasn't gonna say anything, but
he looks exactly like a mole.

It's a joke!
Of course I know what a mole is.

How dumb do you think ...

Max: Patelliday, put the
Plumbers on high alert.

Increased security, no
unauthorized access to

restricted areas ... the works.
There's a traitor among us.

All right, people.
You heard Magister Tennyson...

Ben: Okay.
We're on high alert now.

Let's see some I.D., Cousin Lucy.

Ha! I got my Plumber
badge right here.

Gwen: Plumber badge?
- Max: Yes.

Your cousin Lucy is the
first-ever Sludgepuppy Plumber.

I graduated early
from Plumber academy ...

number one in my class. I've
already been promoted four times.

Ben: Hear that, Gwen?

You might have gone to college
early, but Lucy's already done.

Hey, when you finally finish
college, maybe we could be partners!

Or better yet, maybe I could be
your commanding officer!

[ Giggles, snorts ]

Wouldn't that be hilarious?

Gwen: Yeah ... hilarious.

Ben: It's good to see you, Gwen.

We never do anything together anymore.

You should visit more often.

Gwen: I know, I know.
It's just that I get so busy.

Ben: We're all busy, but you
have to make time in life for

the important stuff, right?
Hey, Jerry!

That's Jerry ... from inhuman resources.

Gwen, I just got a call from
janitorial services complaining

about the stinky mess you left
in the girls' bathroom.

Gwen: What?! No!

I-I don't know what you're
talking about.


[ laughs ]

Oh, man!
Lucy, you got her good!

Oh, Gwen, you should've seen the

face you made when you realized
you were pranked.

[ Chuckles ]

Yeah. that.

[ Buzzer, beep ]

Why are you taking me down here?

Oh, you're not gonna hurt me,
are you?

'Cause I said I was sorry.

Gwen: No, nothing like that.
Just need someplace where we can

talk alone ... without
Cousin Lucy around.

Ben: What's wrong with Cousin Lucy?

Gwen: She just rubs me the
wrong way, okay?

Always has since we were kids.

She's just so... you know?

I don't even get how
we're related to her.

Ben: She's our second
Cousin-in-law, once removed.

She's Grandpa Max's brother's son's
wife's mother's sister's daughter.

Gwen: I'll take your word for it.
- Ben: Come on.

Cousin Lucy is awesome.

Especially 'cause she gets on
your nerves.

[ Chuckles ]

[ groans ]

Now I'm gonna hurt you.

[ Door opens ]

Nobody's supposed to be down here.

Ben: We're down here.

Gwen: And the alarm beeped
when we came in.

[ Footsteps ]

And you said we never do
anything together anymore.

[ Beep ]

[ Beep ]

Ben: He couldn't have given us the slip.

Gwen: He has to be in here.
This generator...

[ Chugging ]

...something's wrong with it.
- Ben: What makes you think that?

[ Electricity crackles ]

Gwen: Just a hunch.

Ben: The entire power core is going up!

Maybe I can shut it down before
things get worse.

Or... maybe not.

[ Beep ]

Eye Guy: I got this one!

And that's the end of that chap...

[ gasps ]

The generators are still running!
We need to cut the power!

Eye Guy: Is there a switch?
A plug I can pull?

That cut them off from the power grid.

And that's the end of that chapter.

They're still on fire.

Gwen: And that's
the end of that chapter.

Eye Guy: Hey, you stole my line!

Ben: Someone tampered with
the access panel.

Gwen: This was no accident.
This was sabotage.

Ben: You've got that
suspicious look on your face.

You think you know who did it.

Gwen: I can't shake this bad
feeling, but... where's Lucy?

[ Footsteps ]

[ Squawks ]

Are you okay, boss?

Psyphon: No, Liam.
I am not okay.

Do you have any idea how much my

spy inside the Plumbers is
costing me?

You said we're not allowed to

know ... bkaww! ... what our
coworkers are making.

Psyphon: Well, it's expensive!

I'm paying that spy a lot.
And let me tell you, it's ...

[ Engines roar ]'s ...worth ...every ...penny.

The expl*si*n in the power
core was meant to be a diversion.

Max: During the chaos,

someone managed to make off
with several Plumber tanks.

Ben: First, it was energy weapons...
now they're stealing our tanks?!

At this rate, soon, there
won't be anything left to steal.

Ben: There's no way Lucy has
anything to do with this.

Gwen: Hello?!
These thefts started a few

months ago ... right at the same
time she arrived.

Ben: Look, it's one thing for
her to borrow your favorite

shirt, but do you really think

Lucy is capable of stealing
Plumber tanks?

Gwen: I don't know exactly
what she's capable of,

but I'm gonna find out.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Ben: Hey, Rook.
How's the auto show?

[ Indistinct screaming ]

Whoa, Rook, I can barely hear you over
all that screaming in the background.

Look, whatever trouble you and
Kevin are in, it can't be

anywhere near as bad as what
we're dealing with here.

[ w*apon fire ]

Okay, I stand corrected.
Your thing is way worse.

[ w*apon fire continues ]

[ gasps ]


Why are you here and not at the
auto show with Rook?


[ Giggles, snorts ]

So, what's Kevin Levin like?

Gwen: Ugh! He's the worst!
Thinks he's so tough and bad.

[ Gasps ]

No way!
You like him!

[ Giggles, snorts ]

[ Singsong voice ] You like Kevin!

[ scoffs ]

As if!

You totally wish you were
sitting with him in a tree,


Gwen: Oh, please!
Kevin Levin?

Never in a million years!

[ Growls ]

Max: Because of recent
security breaches, we're gonna

move all the classified Plumber
tech off-planet asap,

starting with the
most dangerous piece in

our possession ...
the Annihilarrgh.

[ All gasp ]

All: The Annihilarrgh?!

Ben: Not the Anigh... uh...
the Aniha...

that thing again.

Legendary doomsday device with

enough power to destroy the
entire universe!

Gwen: I read the security briefing.

But I thought the Annihilarrgh
didn't work.

Somebody fixed it.

Ben: What'd I miss?
- Gwen: You're not fooling me, Lucy.

Ben: You think I'm Lucy?

Gwen: Just drop the act.
Of course you're Lucy!

Ben: Hi.
My name is Ben Tennyson.

You may have heard of me.
The two of us are supposedly

related ... only, apparently, I'm
not as paranoid as you are.

[ sighs ]

You're right.
I let Lucy get in my head, and

now I'm accusing everyone of being her.

I'm sorry, Ben.
I know you're not Lucy.


[ Giggles ]

[ growls ]

The Annihilarrgh is safely on board.

Max: I copy. Good luck.

Ben: Hey, if that's
Grandpa Max, ask him if we're

getting hazard pay for this.

Psyphon: Doors open for business!

Now bring me the Annihilarrgh.

You heard the boss!

Bring the annihila... Bkaww!
... arrgh!

Ben: Oh, we so better be
getting hazard pay for this.

[ Beep ]

Both: Whoa!

Both: Aaaaaah!

Eat neutrinos, ya bkaww!

Gwen: With a side of mana?

Lucy's not around again?
What a surprise.

Astrodactyl: And you get a whip!

And you get a whip!

And you get a whip!

[ Weapons cock ]

Gwen: Duck!

Astrodactyl: Astrodac... oh.

Eat my dust!

Gwen: Ben!

[ Omnitrix powers down ]

It's too late.

Ben: The Annarla... ha...
uh... Anilag-gahge...

Gwen: Annihilarrgh!

Ben: Really? Do I look
like I care what it's called?!

The most dangerous w*apon
in the universe is gone!

Gwen: She got the Annihilarrgh.

Ben: You have no proof that
Cousin Lucy is the spy.

Gwen: Every time something
like this happens,

Lucy is nowhere to be found!

Wake up, Ben.
Lucy sold us out.

The Annihilarrgh!

It's indescribable. It's ...

Psyphon: The power to
obliterate the entire universe ...

literally in my hands.

[ Laughs evilly ]

[ Door opens ]


Psyphon: Nice of you to join us.
You look terrible.

[ Growls ]

You had me thrown off the
transport ship!

Psyphon: I was making sure
the Plumbers wouldn't suspect

you were the spy.
You ought to be thanking me.

Then here's a token of my


[ Weapons charging ]

Call them off!

Psyphon: [ laughing ]
Gorvan, you make me laugh.

Then I'll break you in half.

Psyphon: Oh. You make a good point.
Lower your weapons!

[ Crash ]

The Plumbers?!
I should have known!

You told them where we were!
- I was your spy!

Why would I tell them where to find you?

Psyphon: Who else could have
led them here?


[ Clears throat ]

Actually ... Bkaww!
... that was me.

[ Giggles, snorts ]

[ Grunts ]

[ growls ]

Wipe out the Plumbers!
And wipe out Gorvan!

And wipe out the Sludgepuppy!

[ Growls ]

Just wipe them all out!

Gorvan was the mole in Plumber HQ.

You heard the lady!
Find Gorvan!

[ Beep ]

[ chirps ]

Pardon me! Excuse me!

[ Snorts ]

Psyphon: Time to field-test
this Plumber tech.

Crashhopper: I don't like the
sound of that.

Plumber tech might be built...
too well.

Gorvan's getting away!

Gwen: No, he's not!

[ Laughs ]

So you wanna dance?

Gwen: Well, I did take
Cotillion for three years.

Cotillion. It means ...
- Gimme back my Annihilarrgh!

[ Grunting ]

Maybe you didn't notice, but I'm
bigger and stronger than you.

Gwen: I hadn't noticed. Gee.

Then this beatdown I'm putting
on you must be embarrassing.

[ Growls ]

Gwen: Really embarrassing.

[ Grunts ]


Gwen: Three years of
Cotillion, nine years of judo.

[ chirping ]

[ Viewfinder beeping rapidly ]

[ Beeping slows ]

[ Engine powering down ]

Psyphon: No. No! No!!

[ Footsteps ]



I'm ... I'm...your humble...

I-I-I l-l-li...
I live to serve.

Please ... don't hurt me.



Psyphon: You've ruined everything!

[ Grunts ]

Aw, thanks!
That's so kind of you to say.

Psyphon: Ungh!

Aah! Uhh!



[ chirps ]

[ groans ]

[ Omnitrix powers down ]

Gwen: Think fast!

Ben: Hahh!

[ Grunts ]

Don't throw it!
What are you, crazy?!

[ Rattling ]

Wait. It's a fake?!

Gwen: Psych.
[ Giggles, snorts ]

Good one!

We knew all along that Lucy
wasn't the mole.

Max: Lucy was brought in to
pose as Liam and figure out who

the real traitor among us was.

Gwen: I should've known.
I was convinced Lucy was a

traitor just because of my
feelings from when we were kids.

I can't believe I could suspect
my own family.

Ben: I can't believe for once,
I'm the mature one in a situation.

Max: Try not to feel bad
about it, Gwen.

Counterintelligence and covert
spying are tricky business.

Sometimes even when you think
you know, you don't know.

Gwen: My hairbrush?

[ Growls ]
Cousin Lucy again.

Have you seen Cousin Lucy?

Ben: Nope.
- Gwen: Lucy keeps using my

favorite hairbrush ... without asking!

And she keeps getting mud on it!

Ben: [ chuckling ] Yeah.

Some people can be so

Gwen: I know, right?
Plus, she ...

[ growls ]

Ben: Gangway!

Gwen: This hairbrush is going
up your nose!

[ Giggles ]

Wait up! I want to play, too!

[ Cellphone rings ]

[ Cellphone beeps ]

Ben: Hey, Rook.
[ Tires screeching ]

Wait ... what?! Where's Kevin?!
[ Tires screeching ]

Wait ... how big are we talking here?
[ Crash ]

Okay, okay. Try not to make
it any worse. I'm on my way.

[ Cellphone beeps ]

[ Chuckles nervously ]

Those two jokers.
They're having a great time.

A great...uneventful time.
Excuse me.

[ Panting ]

Gwen: I'm sorry.

I never should have suspected
you to be a traitor.

I understand if you're mad at me.

[ Chuckling ]
Please! I'm not mad at you.

We're family.

Besides, someday, I'll get you

back when I'm your commanding officer.

[ chuckles ]

You are kidding, right?


[ Giggles, snorts ]