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19x21 - Birds of a Feather

Posted: 05/24/22 08:07
by bunniefuu
Previously on "NCIS..."

Pastry, anyone?

I can find the best
international pastry in any town.

You're a bird-watcher?

Hidden talent.

Was this in his record?

No. But we only know his record

from as far back as he was with the FBI.

We don't know
what he was doing before then.

Just thinking if you didn't have
anything to do tonight

that maybe you wanted to go to a wedding

with me as my plus-one.

I'd love to go, yeah.

These are from that, uh,
wedding you went to

last month. It looks like

you and Jimmy had a fun time.

Jess, I really like you.

So, there's this new coffee shop

a couple of blocks from here.

You want to check it out?


Hey there, gorgeous.




Where'd you go, you little pecker?

Hey there, gorgeous.

Oh, shake those tail feathers.



WOMAN: Get, get off!




All I need is the incoming
routing number. See,

I'm filling out disclosure forms
for my job,

and I need to explain a $ , deposit

into my account.

No, it was actually a, uh,
a gift from my former boss.

No. No, I do not want to b...

I'm on hold.

I swear, filling out these
HR forms is a waste of time.

Tell me about it. I have
to disclose that my father

is a foreign spy
and that I can't find him.


MCGEE: Knight doesn't seem to
be making much headway either.

She's been on the phone for minutes.

Did you say my name?

Oh, we're just saying
that having to list

all your potential conflicts of interest

is just such a pain in the ass.

Oh. I didn't think it was too bad.

My dad works
for the NCIS Far East office,

so disclosing his current
contact info was easy.

Then why are you still on the phone?

- I like talking to my dad.
- Oh.

Morning, everyone.
I have those extra HR forms.

- For who?
- For who?

For Agent Parker.

He left a message this morning
saying he needed extra space.

Six-page form wasn't enough?


Okay. Love you.

Dude, this is, like, more pages.

How many conflicts of interest
could one man possibly have?

Well, his friend in Philly
is a known felon.

Maybe Parker has
other questionable relationships

he needs to disclose.

Either that or he's dating

the entire NCIS accounting department.

Oh, come on, that's a rumor. Right?

Well, clearly there's a lot
about Parker we don't know.

Well, I say we find out.

You can't read his HR forms.

Those are supposed to be private.

Well, then he shouldn't have
left them in the public.

- Oh, whoa!

Okay, I did not touch anything.

No, no. A Bandium notification
from Kasie.

Well, why so loud?

Probably 'cause it says "emergency."

Well, that can't be good.

MCGEE: Hey, Kase. Got your message.

Yeah, your very loud message.

Sorry. Emergency Bandiums

override internal volume controls.

So, what's the emergency?

Ah. This.

These photos were emailed

to the NCIS tip line this morning.

Did these birds commit a crime?

Uh, no, but someone did.

Well, that's creepy.

It gets even creepier.


Are these real?

Uh, I already confirmed
the image data integrity.

These photos have not
been altered in any way.

MCGEE: So this kidnapping
actually happened.

So, who's our victim?

Yeah, and who sent these photos?

Still tracing the anonymous email,

and facial recognition hasn't
come back on the jogger yet.

Anything on her license plate?

I was only able to get a partial number.

I'm running against make and
model now to get a...

Oh, there it is.

The vehicle is registered
to a Vivian Kolchak.

- Same hair, same face.
- That's our jogger.

What's the emergency, Kasie?


What's she doing up there?

What, you-you know this woman?

Does this have something to do
with my disclosure forms?

We didn't touch those.


Then why is my ex-wife on the screen?

[SIGHS] Thanks, Janet.
If you hear from her,

let me know right away, okay?

KNIGHT: Poor guy.

Watching his ex-wife get kidnapped

- really messed him up.
- Well,

ex or not, he obviously
still cares about her.

KNIGHT: Well, here's what
we know so far.

Vivian Kolchak, formerly

a special agent at the FBI.

Just like Parker.
Maybe that's where they met.

File just says they married
in ' , divorced in ' ,

citing irreconcilable differences.

Well, that could mean anything.

Well, after the divorce,
Vivian left the FBI

for a job at the Defense Department,
where she is now...

the head of the Unidentified
Aerial Phenomena Task Force.

That sounds like UFOs.

It is UFOs.
They investigate reported sightings.

It's the real deal.

It's very X-Files.

You think Parker married
the real-life Agent Mulder?

Might explain why he needed
those extra disclosure forms.

PARKER: I confirmed that Viv's cell
phone is off

and nobody's heard from her.

We need to find her, like, now!

MCGEE: Well, we, uh...

we don't have a lot to go on so far.

According to Kasie,
the kidnapping photos are a dead end.

MCGEE: Yeah, no identifiable landmarks,

and the metadata has been erased.

So we don't know when or where
the actual crime took place.

And the sender used
a burner email address

and a secure VPN,
so no way to backtrace.

- So, what dowe know?
- TORRES: Well,

we know that whoever sent those photos

wanted you to see them.

I mean, clearly they-they know you.

Bird-watching, ex-wife, NCIS.

Why send them at all?

Obviously to taunt you.

Any enemies you'd like
to disclose, Parker?

It's a long list, so let's focus
on finding the crime scene.

Maybe the kidnappers
left something behind

we can use to trace them with.

Do you know where Vivian likes to run?

No, but knowing her,
she probably told someone.

She may spend most of her time

staring up at the sky
looking for little green men,

but she's also very practical.

Okay, the phone records
just came through.

Vivian's last call was this morning

to a Fairfax Senior Living Home.

You got to be kidding me.

Does Vivian have family there?

Not exactly.

your ex-wife still calls your dad?

PARKER: Viv's a people person.

This place is nicer than mine.

Well, my brothers and
sisters all have careers

that take them around the world,

so I offered to move Dad in here.

I'm sure he appreciates it.

He appreciates that I come over
once a week for a game of Risk.

Is that the one where
you conquer the world?

Dad likes to go to w*r.


- Is there a problem?
- Look,

I love my dad, but just a heads-up,

we don't always get along.

ROMAN: This is all your fault.

You never should've let Vivian get away.

What does our divorce have to do
with her being kidnapped?

I don't know, Detective. You tell me.

Dad, we just need to know what Viv said

when she called this morning.

[SIGHS] She asked if she could drop off

some fresh pecan bars.

I said hell yes. You know that woman

- can bake.
- PARKER: Yeah.

But I don't know why
she still bakes for you.

Because she's a damn saint.

Mr. Parker...
- ROMAN: And divorcing her

was an affront to God.

KNIGHT: Mr. Parker,

are you saying that Vivian

was actually here this morning?

Yeah, i-it's Roman. And yeah.

She, uh, she dropped off the pecan bars

right before I went to hot yoga at : .

Well, did she say anything?
Was she acting strangely?

Pecan bar, hon?


I suggest, uh,
one of the chewy edge pieces.

Uh, thank you.

ROMAN: Yeah.

Uh, by the way, did you know my son

- is an ex-con?
- Dad.

You know, he may have mentioned
that he went to juvie once,

but that was a long time ago.

I'll never forget it.


And I think that's all in his past,

because look at your son now.

He is a NCIS agent.


He could've joined the real Navy
if it wasn't

for that criminal record.

The only Parker who
never wore the uniform.

- So, you're Navy?
- I was.

Three tours on the USS Garrett County.

Mm. A whole military family.

No wonder you need
extra disclosure forms.

- ROMAN: Oh.

Guess he didn't tell you. Figures.

Coming here was a mistake.

What are you... What did I say?

It's what you're not saying, Dad.

We just need to know
if Viv said anything

about where she was going
or what she was doing.

Well, why didn't you ask?

I've been trying to!

Not hard enough.
Because I would've told you

that Viv said she was going
for her usual run

near Wyatt Lake.

Um, thank you. [CHUCKLES]

See you on Sunday for Risk!

We got tire tracks.
We got a water bottle

and a towel, but nothing to tell us

- who took your ex-wife.
- Or where they took her.

Any luck in your neck of the woods?

No sign of our bird-watcher

or where he took the photos from.

PARKER: Copy. Keep looking.

MCGEE: Based on the angle

of the camera,
definitely say we're getting close.

Your dad was Navy, right?

Oh, loud and proud. Sometimes very loud.

So, did he get angry
when you didn't join?

You still thinking about
what Parker's dad said?


You know, he eventually got over it.

Think, uh, joining NCIS actually helped.


Well, I don't think that's
the case with Papa Parker.

I think his son joining NCIS
actually made things worse.

Hmm. Well, I can definitely understand

Parker not saying anything.

You know, I think we
may have something here.

KNIGHT: Hmm. Someone made a
sh**t's nest.

MCGEE: Oh, this is definitely

where the photos were taken from.

Looks like our bird-watcher
had a seed habit.

Found our photo spot.

Got some chewed-up sunflower seeds, too.

The seeds. Salted or unsalted?

I did not taste them.

- Bag and tag everything.

Torres, take the lead here.

- Hey, you all right?

I won't be until we find Viv.




KASIE: I just want to know

how many dates constitutes
a relationship.

One? Two? ?

Filling out your disclosure forms?

No. Not me. I am...

- asking for a friend.
- Right.

Well, in that case, tell your friend

I think it's more
about the quality of dates

than the quantity.

Talking about your coffee
dates with Jimmy?

No, we're talking about... Wait.

How do you know about our coffee dates?

Hmm? Little birdie told me.

A little birdie of the genus Palmer?

- Ooh.

What do you got, Kase?

A DNA match to the sunflower shells

- you guys found yesterday.
- Well, that was fast.

Because our bird-watcher
was in the system

as a government employee.

Meet former FBI Special Agent
Frank Ressler.

According to his file,

he was fired last year
for taking bribes.

Well, looks like he graduated
from fraud to kidnapping.

Former FBI.

Maybe he has history with Parker.

Says here they used to be partners.

Why would his former partner
kidnap his ex-wife?

Yeah, that's a good question.

I'll send the address.


Take the back.
We'll go through the front.

So, how long were you partners
with this guy?

Too long. Let's move.



Vintage Mercedes.

Vivian's car.

House is clear. The trunk.

We've got blood.

That your former partner?

Yep. What's left of him.

High-end camera equipment,
sunflower seeds.

Looks like Frank Ressler is
our bird-watcher.

Which also makes him
one of our kidnappers.

So where's our missing ex-wife?

Parker's still processing the house.

There's no sign of Vivian
or the second kidnapper.

- Ski Mask Man.
- Yeah.

b*llet to the back.
I'm thinking Ski Mask

double-crossed his partner in crime.

Speaking of bad partners,
I heard that our victim here

used to work with Parker at the FBI.

That's what Parker said.

He hasn't said much else.

Not since he left the park
in a hurry yesterday.

What, you think he knew Ressler
chewed sunflower seeds?

Unsalted sunflower seeds.

Are we thinking that Parker came here

to confront his ex-partner?

You thought right.

I did come here last night.

So what exactly happened
after you came here last night?

Nothing, because he wasn't home.

And Vivian's car sure as hell
wasn't in the driveway,

so I left.

And what time was that?

I don't know, Jimmy. Why?

Because body temperature
tells me he died

about : p.m. last night,

which is, obviously,
after you left, right?


All right, yes, I had a hunch
about the sunflower seeds,

but it was a long shot,
so I wanted to check it out

before dragging all of you
into yet another chapter

of my sordid history.

Well, Parker, we're reading
that chapter now.

Yeah, why would your former partner

want to kidnap your ex-wife?

Let's just say after he was fired,

we had a falling out.

Over what?

Over me getting him fired.

The FBI was shocked to learn
of Vivian's abduction.

How can we help NCIS find her?

Appreciate the offer,
Deputy Director Sweeney,

but right now we're just asking that

all local and federal agencies

keep an open line of communication.

And in that spirit, please,
pass along my sympathy

to Agent Parker.

I know he and Vivian were close.

We still are, Chief,
because she's still alive.

Agent Parker, my apologies. I misspoke.

Yeah, not the first time.

As I recall, you accidentally
fired me for doing my job.

Oh, that was no accident.

Your job was to bring
Agent Gibbs to Justice,

not let him disappear in Alaska.

Gentlemen, perhaps we should discuss

the firing of our m*rder victim.
Agent Ressler?

I'd be happy to, Director.

The FBI takes pride in
ridding itself of corrupt agents.

The last case Special Agents
Parker and Ressler

worked together was
a fraud investigation.

A U.S. senator was using
his security briefings

as insider information to buy stocks.

Turns out he was buying my partner,

so I blew the whistle.

Agent Ressler was caught
destroying evidence

in exchange for hush money,
which was never found.

So he avoided prison,
but after Ressler was fired,

his life quickly fell apart.

Messy divorce. Oh, bankruptcy.

He blamed it all on me.
He wrote threatening letters,

left constant messages.

He also filed a costly
defamation suit against you.

Now that he's dead,

it all conveniently goes away.

Deputy Director, are you accusing
one of my agents of m*rder?

Oh, I misspoke again.
I'm simply saying that,

given Agent Parker's history
with the victim,

he should be on the list of suspects.

At the top, I'm sure.

If NCIS can't see this, perhaps the FBI

should take over this investigation.

I assure you,
NCIS will pursue all leads.

We'll be in touch.

I should have warned you
he has trust issues.

He's also got a point.

Director, if you think
for one second that I k*lled...

No, Parker, I don't.

But I do think you're
too close to the case.

Ex-wives, ex-partners.
Parker, I have no choice.

I have to send you home.

I know.

But I'm not gonna stop
looking for Vivian.

I know.

JIMMY: I can't believe
that Parker never told us

that his ex-wife is
a paranormal investigator.

And apparently, his whole family
is in the Navy.

I mean, these are the sort of things

we should know about a teammate.

We can't all be open books, Dr. Palmer.

Perhaps keeping secrets is
another of his hobbies,

like bird watching or pastry buying.

JIMMY: I heard that he also gardens.

Apparently, he's been trying to clone

Kasie's pomato plant for the last month

in his rooftop greenhouse.

That does not sound real.

Exactly. We don't know enough about him.

Well, I just learned today
that Dr. Mallard moonlights

as a refrigerator repairman.

It's one of my many skills.

Yeah, the compressor went out on .

He's the only one that
knows how to fix it.


Despite my leaving
specific instructions.

This time, I was in the middle
of an autopsy.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

An autopsy I'm about
to get an update on?

Right. Frank Ressler. He was k*lled with

a single nine-millimeter slug
that punctured

his lung and his pulmonary artery.

Kasie has the b*llet?

Yeah, along with the tissue I pulled

from underneath his fingernails.

Here, look at this.

These bruises on his forearm

appear to be defensive wounds.

So he fought with his k*ller.

Yeah. Hopefully we can
get a hit on that DNA.

Well, that is very good work.


Ah, I see you are, uh, starting
on your HR forms already.

Oh. Uh, yeah, yeah. Hey, funny

- you should mention that. Um...
- Uh...

Why is Jessica Knight listed
as a workplace relationship?

I was gonna talk to you about that

before I submitted those forms.


How about now?


Director Vance.

Yes, yes, I heard that. Um...

[WHISPERING]: To be continued.

Well, that's one of your problems fixed.

Anything else?

I'm telling you,
Vivian's car is a dead end.

No DNA, no fingerprints.

Certainly not a GPS tracker.

Not even an after-market one?

Vivian still uses a cassette player.

Oh, we got Aretha and Bowie and Frank.

Zappa, not Sinatra.

Kase, you gotta give me something.

It's about hours

since Vivian was taken,
and we got nothing.

Oh, not true. We have these.

Wood shavings?

I found them in
the driver's-side footwell.

Okay, maybe Parker's not
the only one with hobbies.

Maybe Vivian could be into woodworking.

Oh, no, I doubt these came from Vivian.

The rest of the car is
meticulously detailed.

Not so much as a crumb
between the seats.

Okay, so they were left by a kidnapper.

Can you trace the wood?

Mass spec is still analyzing,

but it looks pretty common to me.

No tracing, no help. Ooh.

Could that be some help?

Uh, maybe.

It's a DNA match to the tissue
Jimmy found on the body.

That seems kind of fast, again.

Uh, because again, the match is

to a government employee.

Oh. More dirty FBI agents?

Uh, not FBI.

Parker? It's gotta be a mistake.

Uh, yeah. I'll-I'll
double-check the report.

It's not a mistake.

The DNA found under
the m*rder victim's fingernails

belongs to... Agent Parker.

So what now?

Now we call Vance,

and bring in Parker for questioning.

Oh, it's a nice neighborhood.

Given Parker's hobby habit,
I would have thought

he'd live in a place with a garage.

Or a basement.

According to this, his apartment's

- on the top floor.
- So just to be clear,

we don't think he actually
did this, right?

k*ll someone in cold blood?
Absolutely not.

Well, he did admit to going to
the house last night.

That's true.

And, uh, his DNA was underneath
the victim's fingernails.

Also true.

So maybe the ex-partner was
home, and they fought.

Could have been self-defense.

But Parker wouldn't lie
to us about that.


I hope not.


Hey, the g*ng's all here.

We need to talk.

I was just thinking the same thing.


who is it?

Is that...

Everybody, this is my ex-wife Vivian.

We can talk in here.

KNIGHT: So you do have a greenhouse.

My little oasis.

I'd ask you to sit and relax, but, uh...

When did you find Vivian?

And when were you gonna tell us?

I can help explain that
after I make myself a drink.

- Ginkgo and mint, please.
- Over here.

Given that I was drugged
and held prisoner

for the last day, I need
something to clear my head.

So if you were held prisoner,
how'd you end up here?

I was able to escape this morning.

Whatever it was they injected
me with started to wear off.

Must have been some kind of benzos.

Should you be drinking?

Alcohol? No.

A mix of hot water and GABA inhibitors?

- Yes. Absolutely.
- TORRES: Okay...

How did you get away?

Well, in my drug-induced haze,

all I can remember are blurry flashes.

I'm sawing of my bindings
on a broken sink.

Kicking out a vent, and then, uh,

making a run for it
through a patch of trees

until I was finally able
to make it to a road.

She flagged down a passing driver,

and then used their phone to call me.

Yeah, Parker's the only person
I knew I could trust.

We've been through a lot together.

For better or worse.

Parker, why didn't you call us
about any of this?

Things happened fast.

We just got here when you showed up.

Why, is there some kind of problem?

Yeah, there is.

We need you to come with us
back to NCIS.

Vance took me off the case.

Not coming in as an agent.

Coming in as a m*rder suspect.


This is a joke, right?

Wish it was.

We couldn't do this
in the conference room?

This chair is uncomfortable.

Same chair as over here.

No, it isn't.

Your DNA was found
under the victim's fingernails.

Would you care to explain that?

Wish I could.

What happened when you went
to Frank Ressler's house?

I knocked on the door.
He wasn't home. I left.

My story isn't changing, fellas.
It's the truth.

And the DNA?

We all know how easy it is to get this.

All somebody had to do
is go through my trash.

I'm being framed.

That explains why the kidnapping photos

were sent to NCIS in the first place.

To taunt me and to create
a motive for m*rder.

Well, I'd say it worked, then.

Well, that part maybe,

but not cleaning
the victim's fingernails?

Do you really think I'm that stupid?

No, we don't.

MCGEE: But a jury might.
That's why we need to

find the evidence
to prove you're innocent.

Parker, you have any idea
who might be doing this?

No, but I have an idea why
they might be doing this.

- May I?
- Yeah.

Everybody involved in this case

has one thing in common, right?

All are former FBI.

They took Viv, k*lled Frank
and framed me.

It's gotta be connected
to our time in the Bureau.

Okay, how do we find out?

We pull my old case files
and we look for a connection.

And how do you plan to get those files?

If I ask the FBI for help,
they'll want to know why.

Right. And then you'd have to say that

I'm officially a m*rder suspect,

and NCIS would have
to turn over this case.

As it is, I should have called Justice

the minute your DNA
showed up on the victim.

And why didn't you, Director?

Seems I've lost their number for now.

And how much time might we have
until you find it?

Forty-eight hours.

So I suggest you find another way

to access those files.

Quickly and quietly.

You know what?

We might have someone who can
access that FBI database.

KNIGHT: After you escaped,
you called Parker from here.

The question is
where did you escape from?


[SIGHS] I'm sorry,
my brain is still a little scrambled.

My ex-husband is being
interrogated for m*rder.

I-I should be in there.
I am a federal agent.

Yeah, well, you investigate
UFOs, not murders.

I investigate the unexplained,
and this counts.

Look, I just want to help Park.

You know, for a divorced couple,
you're still pretty close.


Why did you break up?

He left his dirty socks on the floor.

Listen, there are some things
that even a happy marriage

can't survive,

and I would really rather
not get into it.

Right now, Vivian, the best way

for you to help Parker is by helping us.

Starting with finding out
where you were being held.

Close your eyes and try
to picture where you were.

[EXHALES SHARPLY] I know how this works.

Anything can help.
Colors, shapes, feelings.

I, um...

I remember feeling trapped,
like-like an animal.

Maybe because it smelled like
a dirty animal cage.

What kind of cage? Dog cage?

Um, no. Like a, a hamster, because...

[STAMMERS] The kind that have, like,

those little wood shavings.

We found wood shavings in your car.

We're not looking for a wood shop.

We're looking for a pet shop.

- Anything?
- Yeah.

There's an abandoned
strip mall that used to have

an old pet store.

That could be where
they were holding me.

Only one way to find out.

Thank you.


This reminds me of the botanic
gardens in Glasgow.

Well, the director asked us
to keep a low profile, so...

Yeah. Yeah, a very wise decision.

Especially given this.

Every FBI file that mentions

Special Agent Alden Parker.

Mm. Nice work, Duck.

As NCIS historian,
I couldn't access data

from outside agencies,

but my counterpart at the FBI
was most helpful.

All it took was a glass of Montrachet

and a little persuasion.

He owed you one?

She did.

Dating within one's professional circles

has its perks.

Duck, you got a girlfriend?

At my age, who needs labels?

HR, apparently.

I'll get started on these files.

Federal agents!

- Clear.
- Clear.

Well, this is definitely
where Vivian escaped from.

Unfortunately, no sign of
our kidnapper/k*ller.

Yes, there is.

You gotta be kidding me.

PARKER: Whoever wrote this
garbage signed it appropriately.

- MCGEE: "Quoth the raven."
- PARKER: Get Kasie on the phone.

- PARKER: The flask, Jimmy.

- Don't open it.
- COMPUTER: Code alert.

Biotoxin detected.

VANCE: This came in the mail today.

It was addressed to Special
Agent Alden Parker and his team.

- What's it say?
- One word.

The Raven.

He's back.

PARKER: "Nevermore," quoth the raven.

TORRES: Same calling card.
Same block letters.

Thankfully, no sign of
the same deadly toxin

he tried releasing a few months ago.

Eh. But our bird is back
with a vengeance.

We're not dealing with
a sane individual.

He went to great lengths
to poison half the city.

And now it appears he blames you

for stopping the attack.

He blames me for something.

Kidnapping my ex-wife,
k*lling my ex-partner

and framing me for the m*rder.

If he hates you so much,
why not just, you know,

k*ll you and be done with it?

I'll let the, uh, forensic
psychologist answer that one.

Well, I'd need to perform
a detailed study

to get a proper assessment,

but it appears this Raven takes pleasure

in prolonging things.

Why bite the lollipop

when you can savor it over time?

Well, if I'm the sucker,
consider me licked. I'm done.

You're not gonna like this.

Skimming through old FBI files,

I found an investigation
that's still active.

Why? Who's being investigated?

You are.

How? They don't know about my DNA.

Not a m*rder investigation. It's fraud.

Looks like the FBI found
the hush money that your

former partner took off with.


Money is in an offshore
account in the Caymans

that they think belongs to you.

Believe me, If I had
an account in the Caymans,

I'd be using it in the Caymans.

I don't know anything about this.

This doesn't make sense.

You're already being framed for m*rder.

Why add on a lesser charge of fraud?

I think that was the doctor's point.

Indeed. Clearly, the Raven
hasn't finished savoring.

Unless we're missing something.

Why are we still talking
about him? We got work to do.

In hours, Vance hands
the case over to DOJ.

- Let's do it.
- Stop!

Okay, we're handing over
this case right now.

What? Why? Director said that...

And I'm saying that
this has gone far enough.

We all know what
the Raven is capable of,

and you heard the doc.

This guy is not done.

Yeah. That's exactly why
we need to stop him.

Right. He got away the first
time and look what happened.

Yeah, what happened was
Jimmy and Kasie nearly died,

and I'm not gonna let that
happen again to any of you.

Parker, we can do our job.

[EXHALES] Doing your job doesn't include

taking unnecessary risks for me.

I'm not Gibbs. Okay?

You don't owe me anything.

I appreciate all of you

more than you know.

But it's over.

Hey, what are you doing with
Polly the pomato plant?

Parker said to give her back.

So it's true?

He's really turning himself in?

It looks that way.
Meeting with Vance this morning.


- Hey, did we miss the meeting?
- What meeting?

The meeting to help Parker.

I mean, if the Raven is back,

he's gonna need our help, believe me.

I've been thinking about
what Parker said,

and I think maybe he's right.

Maybe we've done
everything that we can do,

and we just need to walk away.


I mean, it's not like
it's Gibbs, you know.

We don't know him all that well.


So why does this feel wrong?

He had our backs when
the Raven came back last time.

Jimmy and I know that
up close and personal.

He had your backs, too.

He risked his life to save ours

when we were held hostage on that ship.

And Parker risked everything
for Gibbs, too, up in Alaska.

You know everything
you need to know about the man.

It's him that doesn't know us.

Yeah, thinking that
we'd turn our backs on him

at a time like this.

- Well, then, I say we get back to work.
- Yeah.

All right, let's go update
those BOLOs on the Raven.

I'll keep processing everything we have.

Hey, Jess, Jess.

- Uh, you have one second? Yeah.
- Yeah.

- What's up?
- Uh, hey, I just...

I wanted to apologize for
listing you on my HR forms.

You're thinking about your HR forms?


I-I feel like I overstepped.

You know, it was...

It was just
a couple coffee dates, right?

I don't know.

You see, 'cause-'cause
I don't know, either.

I mean, with all the bad
that's happened this year,

why deny the good?

And we have something good.

Don't we?


But are you saying that
that something good

should be disclosed?

Do you think we should find out?

That is definitely worth disclosing.

I think that we should do that again.

- You know, just-just to make sure.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.




KASIE: You guys!

What happened to Polly the pomato plant?

It was an accident.
What had happened was...

JIMMY: I-I sneezed.

Wait, hold up.

We've got a problem.

There is more in here
than just potatoes and tomatoes.

Is that what I think it is?

Parker's place is bugged.

We found this hidden
inside the pomato plant.

Safe bet is they're
all over your apartment.

Who's bugging me?

The FBI.

We did a backdoor search

into DOJ records.

Found the warrant.

So the listening devices are legal.

Well, the justification's pretty thin.

Obviously, they pulled some strings

to get a judge to sign off.

The FBI wants Parker's head.

And the Raven is handing it
to them on a silver platter.

Are you saying that the Raven
is connected to the FBI?

What we're saying is
that if we turn Parker over now,

we're not gonna find out
what's really going on.

VANCE: All right, I agree. This is bad.

But I'm afraid
it's too little, too late.

- We just need more time, Director.
- VANCE: And I can't

give it to you, Agent McGee.

I called Justice this morning.

Call them back.

They've already sent the FBI
to take over this case.

Deputy Director Sweeney

- just signed in downstairs.
- Look,

I told you this was happening.

Why are you still trying to help me?

Because you forgot
rules five, eight and .

We'll send you a list.

We got to do something before the FBI

walks through that door.

You two, stay here.

- You see Parker, cuff him.
- Yes, sir.

Deputy Director Sweeney, FBI.

I'm here to see the director.

Is he expecting you?

Deputy Director. Come on in.

Can I get you something? Coffee, water?

The Department of Justice
said you agreed

to hand over this case.

Along with Agent Parker.

And we plan to cooperate fully.

Well? I'm waiting.

The file boxes are
already packed downstairs.

But as for Agent Parker,

your guess is as good as mine.

KNIGHT: An extra go bag
with a change of clothes

in case the FBI
has your apartment staked out.

And a burner phone.


Look, I appreciate
what you all are doing,

but, uh, I've never been a fan

of running away from my problems.

You're not running.
You're just doing your job.

We all are.

Starting with that account
in the Caymans.

What, the account
the FBI thinks belongs to me?

Only because they stopped digging.

I kept looking.

Were you able to trace the money?

Uh, it bounced around
through various accounting firms

on the eastern seaboard.

Got a list?

Sorry I couldn't narrow it down more.

Leave that to me.

I'll keep digging on my end, too.


Morning, Chief.

Where the hell are you?

I had a little car trouble,

but, uh, don't worry.

I'm just about to jump into an Uber.

I hope you're on your way to NCIS.

Well, I got to be honest.

Wasn't the plan.

Running will only
make things worse, Parker.

For you and NCIS.

Not running.

Just doing my job.

We'll be in touch.

This isn't over.

Well, last chance.

Sure you want to help a fugitive?

Not a fugitive.


Thank you.


Same goes for you.

You sure you want to do this?

This Raven came after me, too.

Whatever bigger plans he has,
I'm already a part of it.

For better or for worse.


We could lose our jobs for this.

Hmm. Or worse.

Just like old times.

Do you have any idea
where we're gonna stay

on this little sojourn of ours?

I'm guessing that they're
watching my place, too.

You remember our honeymoon?

How could I forget?

I was thinking that might be
a good place to lay low.

Do you know that I still have

that mixtape that you made
for us when we eloped?

Get out of here.
- [CHUCKLES]: I'm not kidding.

- I just saw it the other day.
- Wow.

- Man, I worked hard on that one.
- I remember.

I got it right back here.


Just saw it the other day.


Let's see.

Which one is it?

- No, it's not that one.
- _


There it is.

Got it?

- Original sticker and everything.
- Oh, my...

All right.

Go ahead.


♪ Oh, she's a little runaway... ♪


Just like old times, hmm?

♪ All those things he couldn't say ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ She's a little runaway. ♪