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06x30 - The Triple-Cross

Posted: 05/24/22 17:37
by bunniefuu
KRYSTLE: I heard you get up
in the middle of the night.

I came down to phone
our people in Hong Kong.

- Any news yet?
- No.

I told them I couldn't believe
that they weren't able to come up

with an answer yet
from the Chinese on my leases,

and that as of now,
I was gonna handle things for myself.

So you'll be going back
to Hong Kong?

Yes, yes. I'll be demanding
an audience with Mr. Han.

And I won't leave until he agrees
to give me back my leases.

Oh, darling, about tomorrow night--

Don't worry, I'll explain to Dominique
why you can't make the party.

- She'll understand.
- Mr. Carrington.


This just arrived.

How could this have happened?

Alexis, that's how it happened.

She did it to me again.

She was with my brother
in Hong Kong.

This is Blake Carrington.
Put me through to Mrs. Colby.

No, no messages.

Her jet left Honolulu a few hours ago.
She's due back here in Denver at .

Well, I am going to be
a reception committee of one

to meet her at the airport.

This is going to be one homecoming
she'll never forget.

What are you going to do?

I'm going to strip her bare
before the whole world.

There'll be television and
newspaper reporters at the airport.

and they're gonna get an earful.

Blake, wait a minute.

This revenge,
won't it hurt you more than her?

I won't let her get away with this.
I can't.

Blake, you're being consumed
by her poison, by your hatred of her.

I've got to stop her once and for all.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

Have some champagne.

What is it, Alexis?

For a woman who hasn't talked to me
since we left Hong Kong,

you're suddenly very friendly.

You went behind my back
and you took those leases.

I was trying to take Blake

and you succeeded
in taking both of us beautifully.

So here's to the winner
and congratulations.

What's the catch, Alexis?

Oh, there's no catch,
I'm just a good sport.

Oh. Poor Jason Colby.

- Colby?
- Yes.

Shipping the Chinese oil.

He's gonna have to deal
with you now instead of Blake.

I predict fireworks.

Remember those oil leases
that you sold him

that really belonged to your father?

That was over years ago, Alexis.

Yes, but Jason's like an elephant,
he never forgets.

There'll be trouble all right,
but I'm sure you can handle it.

you did marry Jason's brother.

He'll deal better with you.

With me? How?

Well, since I'm giving you
half of the leases...

Oh, no. No, you can't do that.

Why not?

Because you won, and I lost.

Alexis, I'm not being generous.
I'm being smart.

I want us together, two barracudas
chewing up my brother.

Do we have a deal?

You're such a persuasive man, Ben.

Yes, we have a deal.

Gerard, this is Miss Deveraux.
May I speak to Mr. Carrington, please?

I see, all right.
I'll call him at the office later.

Yes, thank you.

- Good morning, Mother.
- Jackie.

- This is Mr. Daniels.
- Daniels?

I'm an old college friend of Garrett's.

He invited me to the party.

You must be Richard Daniels.

Garrett has told me about you
many times. Welcome.

Thank you.
It's great to finally meet you.

Have you already checked in?

No, I'm a day early. I've been having
a little trouble getting a room.

Well, I will fix that in one minute.
I'll be right back.

Garrett's a very lucky fellow,
she's beautiful.

Yes, she is,
and she's more than beautiful.

She's smart and sensitive.

And there's absolutely no one
in the whole world like her.

Well, she must be terrific,

because she's captured
the last of the confirmed bachelors.


Oh, I don't understand.
He's been married before.

Garrett? Heh. No way.

- I don't see how that could be.
- Simple.

He managed to dodge all the beautiful
ladies in his life before your mother.

Yeah, but...

Well, it's all taken care of.

You have a lovely suite
overlooking the golf course.

Great, maybe the view will help
my game.

Thank you.
I'll see you both in a while.


A very nice-looking young man.

What's the matter?

Oh, nothing, nothing, Mother.

I just remembered, I have to go
and get a fitting for my gown tonight.

You had a fitting
for your gown yesterday--

I know, I know, I'm in a hurry, Mother.

Mrs. Dawson. Mrs. Dawson.

Yes, Miss Reece?

Have Danny ready in five minutes.

Mr. Fallmont
is gonna be picking us up.

- He'll be ready.
- Good, I'll be waiting down here.

- Sammy Jo, about Danny.
- What about him?

I told you before, you're not supposed
to take him off the grounds.

Don't tell me what I can
and can't do.

The judge told you.
Doesn't that mean anything to you?

Well, maybe I'm above the law.

- Like you.
- Oh, really?

Your little reckless-driving accident,
letting Clay Fallmont take the blame.

That's none of your business.

But if I were you,
I would not take Danny out.

He's my son
and I'll take him wherever I want.

As long as you're dishing out advice,
Amanda, take some from me.

Learn to start dealing directly
with what's really bugging you.

And what's that supposed to mean?

You're jealous
because I'm going out with Clay.

Why can't you just be honest
and admit it?

I am being honest.
Why don't you try it for a change?


I knew you'd come
once you got my message, Blake.

Yes, my secretary said that you
had phoned and said that I was a liar.

That I was lying as always.
What is this all about?

Lankershim One.
You stole it from me.

Well, we can't keep going over
and over this thing.

I'm very busy.
I'm on my way to the airport.

Now, Claudia,
I've tried to help you over the years.

Now, first, you call me a liar.
Now you're calling me a thief.

No one has stolen
that well from you.

It belongs to Denver-Carrington.

It's not my personal property,
do you understand that?

You're pretending
that Adam didn't fill you in.

That well is really mine, finally.
And don't you take me for a fool, Blake.

I know what you're doing.

I know that you're siphoning off that oil
so that I'll become "poor Claudia" again.

- Claudia, you're not making sense.
- Oh, no?

You mean, you didn't tell Adam
to tell me

that that well
is practically worthless?

I've barely seen Adam.
I've been in Hong Kong.

And what he told you about the well
is true, it is drying up.

But how did this well
suddenly become your property?

This, Blake.

When you were too sick
to know what you were doing,

your devoted son Adam
had you sign a power of attorney

so that he could steal
from Denver-Carrington.

You cheated me, Blake.

Adam cheated you.

There's a certain sort of justice
in it all, I suppose.

Well, I'll discuss this with Adam.

But meanwhile,
what he told you about the well is true.

It is drying up. As a matter of fact,
this whole field is drying up.

It happens. But...

I'm sorry, Claudia. Now I have to go.

Where are you going, Blake?

Blake, just a minute. Don't go yet.

Where are you going, Blake?
I'm not finished with you yet.

Blake, listen to me.

Blake, I don't want you to go away.
I'm not as dumb as you think I am.

You stole that well from me, Blake.
Where are you going?

You're not finished with me yet.


Mrs. Colby, there's word that during
your stopover in Los Angeles,

you intimated that you
and Ben Carrington are now partners

and are sharing
the South China Sea oil leases.

Is that true?

Yes, Ben Carrington and l
are indeed partners

and we intend to handle the South
China Sea oil production honestly.

I repeat, ladies and gentlemen,
the keyword is "honestly,"

The Chinese will be paid everyhing
that they are due.

Unlike Denver-Carrington, Colby Co.
always pays its debts.

Bravo, bravo, Mrs. Colby.

Now I would like to tell you
reporters and television people

a little about Alexis Colby's honesty.

I have known her
and her duplicity for years.

It's time the rest of the world
knew something about it too.

I have here a manuscript
written by the person

who knows her best,
her sister, Caress Morell.

What is he doing?

It's a true story about the kind of
a woman Alexis Colby really is.

And the story is so revealing
that Mrs. Colby tried to suppress it

by buying the publishing company
that was about to print it.

I'd like to read
some portions of it for you.

"My sister, dear Alexis,

who has a superb record
of infidelity and chicanery,

reached the heights when
she joined in framing me for a m*rder

and sending me to prison--"

This piece of fiction belongs to me.

And if you ladies and gentlemen of
the press print one word of this trash,

I shall have no alternative
but to sue all of you

for libel and defamation
of character.

I have additional copies
of that manuscript in my car,

if anyone is interested.


Oh, welcome home, Alexis.

And have a nice day.

What kind of a son are you?

Stealing an oil well from our company
and presenting it to Claudia.

- What else have you stolen?
- Nothing, I swear it.

I'll believe that
when I have time to check it out.

Is that why you tried so hard

to stop Steven
from looking through your files?

Well, answer me, I want the truth.

Or what?
You've already cut me out of your will.

I cut you out of my will because
you abused your authority here.

You didn't learn from that.
No, you had to turn on me again.

Pulling this trick.

I was sick and tired of being treated
like an orphan in this family.

Yes, I made a mistake, Father.
I was fighting for my life.

My life as a Carrington.

You had no intention
of ever reinstating me,

of treating me like your true son.

Well, now you can prosecute
and finally be rid of me.

That's what you've wanted, from
the day I walked back into your life.

What about that day that you walked
into my room and got me to sign this?

A day that I was so sick
I couldn't read the paper I was signing.

What about that day?

Well, I have taken enough
from you, Adam.

Now get out of here.

Get out. Get out of my sight.

I can't stand to be in the same room
with people I can't trust.



I could k*ll that damned Blake.

He's trying to make me look
like a complete laughing stock.

Alexis, there's nothing you can do.

I am going to be on every newscast
in the country tonight.

I'm going to be trashed in the tabloids
and all because of him

and that miserable manuscript
of my sister's.

Oh, come on, this will blow over.

Until the newspapers can prove it,
they won't print of what she's written.

- But it's all a pack of lies.
- Look, Alexis, we know that.

That's not gonna stop them.
They're just gonna keep on digging.

Calm down, Alexis. It will blow over.

Besides, we have the leases,
we have the power, so who cares?

I care. It's my name that's being
dragged through the mud, mine.

Careful, careful.
Don't get too carried away.

I am not carried away.

I'll show him.

I am going to take away everyhing

that Blake Carrington
has ever worked for.

I'm going to drag him into a pit so deep
that he's never going to get out.

This is w*r, Ben.

And you'd better be sure
that you're on my side this time.

I will be. But a warning, Alexis.

Don't let this obsession
get the best of you

or else you might push too hard,
and you could lose.

Oh, no, Ben.

Ever since I came back to Denver,
I've been winning.

And I'm going to keep on winning
because I am this close

to destroying Blake Carrington forever,
and I will.

Blake, you must know
I'm your friend but--

No buts, Bob, this is business.

I want an extension on that loan.

You say that very easily.

We are talking about ELC holdings,
about $ million.

Yes, that's exactly
what we're talking about.

Blake, I hate to say this,

but the backers are concerned
about your ability to make good on it.

I have the money.

All I need is an extension of ten days.
Now, do I get it?

I don't know.
I'll have to talk with my backers.

All right, fine. Now, you do that.

I'll be getting in touch with them
within the hour.

I'll expect to hear from you then.


This is Bob Ashmore.
I've just been with Blake.

He's asking for more time.

Well, tell him the answer is no,
Mr. Ashmore.

And to him I suggest he check out
the nearest diner.

Because that's where he'll be eating
in the future.

What are you doing here?

Well, I heard about the incident
at the airport.

There are so many fascinating facets
to your personality.

Yes, there are, aren't there?

- I'm calling security.
- Have me kicked out?

That wouldn't look good in print,
now, would it, Mrs. Colby?

What do you want?

No, it's "What do the readers
of World Finance wanna know?"

More information
about your sister, Caress.

what that chapter in her book

about the South American incident
was really about.


It's all nonsense.

You didn't watch her go off to prison
for a crime she didn't commit?


Well, maybe I should talk to her
about it.

Where is she, Mrs. Colby?

I haven't the slightest idea.
She's disappeared.

Oh, just like that?

Mrs. Colby, I'm digging
and I won't stop digging.

Now, about your sister's

Look, I told you
I don't know where she is.

And as far as I'm concerned,
she's dead.

Guard. Guard.

You said you were absolutely sure

that my message had been delivered
to the authorities.

So why?
Why haven't they answered me?

They say you must serve out
the rest of your sentence.

Two more years.

After all those unbearable years
I've already suffered in this hell?


I'm sorry, senorita.

Guard, there's something else
you can do for me.

This letter. I want it mailed.

It's the last favour I shall ask, please.


Mr. Blake Carrington?

Yes, in Denver, Colorado.

It's vital that he gets it.

I helped him once.
Now he'll help me.

My whole life depends on that man.
Please, please.

Now, just a minute, Mr. Ahmed.

Your people agreed to lend me
$ billion.

You can't just cancel that,
out of hand.

Not out of hand.

Your collateral has ceased to exist.

The South China Sea leases
now belong to your brother.

I've been on the phone
with the Chinese.

I'm trying to get them to send
a representative here so we can talk.

About getting your leases back?

Mr. Carrington, I don't think they'll
change their mind quite so easily.

But in any case,
I did raise the money for you.

It was deposited in New York
to be drawn upon as needed.

And my fee of $ million
is still due me.

You expect me to pay for money
that I'm never going to see?

That's ridiculous. I won't do it.

Then I suppose
there is the alternative.

What alternative?

The consortium.

They intend to sue you, to demand
a lien against your company's assets.

All right, I'll go to the consortium
and talk to them. Who are they?

I don't think
that will do you much good.

Let me be the judge of that.

Who are they, who's in charge?

Mr. Ahmed, I asked you something.

The consortium is Alexis Colby.


That's right.
I put up the billion dollars.

I should have known that money came
from you, handed out by the devil.

What do you want, Blake?
It's been a very long day.

I'm here to tell you
what should be obvious.

I haven't the slightest intention
of paying you that fee

for money I never received.

Oh, really?

Well, I put up the money
in good faith.

And I intend to collect every penny

down to the last thin,
but beautiful dime.


Unless what?

I'll call off the $ million debt.

In exchange for the same amount

of Denver-Carrington stock
at market price.

Which would give you controlling
interest in Denver-Carrington.


Before I'd hand over
those shares to you,

I'd sell them on the open market.

Do that
and watch them plummet.

You won't raise enough
to settle your debt

and your empire will crumble.

On the other hand,
if you sell to me privately,

your debt will be settled
once and for all.

I swear I'll see you in hell
before I let you take anything from me.

Oh, I don't just want anything, Blake.
I want everyhing.

This time I'm going to get it.

Sooner than you think.

So let me understand.

You are offering me
Titania Records,

two nightclubs and practically
everyhing you own in the world

in order to bail out Blake
and yourself?

Don't bother to tell me
that it isn't enough, Alexis?

Because I do realise that.

But it is a very healthy
down payment.

And who will pay the rest?

Blake, of course.

When he's back on his feet,
and he will be back on his feet.

Not if I have anything to do with it.

Good God, Alexis.

Is this vendetta
really that important to you?

This vendetta, as you call it,

is probably the most important thing
in my life right now.

Your totally empty life.

Poor Alexis.

Devoting all of her energy to hate.

What do you suggest I do
with my energy? Charity work?

I don't think there's a charity around
that would take you, but enough.

Because tonight
is my engagement party.

But this is fair warning,

once it's over,
I'm coming back to fight you.

Because you see,
I've dealt with dirt like you before.

Listen to me, Dominique,

I finally have Blake and all of you
exactly where I want you

and I'm not about to let any of you
off the hook.

Morning, this is Mr. Carrington.

Have any overseas telexes
come in this morning?

Ah. Nothing from Hong Kong
or Peking?

Thank you.

What is the matter with those people?
Why don't they get back to me?

- Father, I've got to talk to you.
- Not now, Adam.

- I'm busy.
- But--

I have things to do and I don't want
to discuss this right now.

Darling, I know the world
is crashing around you, but Adam--

He should have been supporting me
all this time instead of betraying me.

He admitted
that what he did was wrong.

Yes, but he did get me to sign
that power of attorney.

Right now,
he was reaching out for your help.

He needs your guidance,
not your anger.

he has done terrible things to me.

Well, no matter what he's done,
he's still your son.

Just because he's my son
doesn't put him on my side.

Ben is my brother,
look what he's done.

Alexis is the mother of four
of my children, look at what she's done.

I don't need Adam.

I have enough enemies
to deal with right now.

I was told my mother was coming
to visit you, Mrs. Colby.

Yes, Dominique was here,
but she just left.


I'm sorry to have bothered you.
I have to find her before tonight.

Jackie, is something wrong?

It's nothing I can talk about.

Come in.

Close the door.

You said tonight.

Does it have something to do
with Dominique's engagement party?

Does it concern your mother?

And someone else.

Garrett Boydston?

You don't approve of him?

I did.

You did? What happened?

I'm sorry, it's very personal.

Well, come and sit down.

If this affects your mother
and her happiness,

maybe I can help.

You know, your mother and l
have a lot in common.

We're both strong,
powerful business women.

We've both had to struggle
to make our way in life.

If it weren't for circumstances,

I'm sure
that we could be very good friends.

In fact, I know we would.


Tell me, darling, what's the matter?


Dexter, what a surprise.

I'm here to see Alexis.

Well, she's not here.

And if she were,
I don't think she'd want to see you.

She's through with you, friend.

And taken up with you?

Well, if she has, why not?

I've given her everyhing
you couldn't.

Helping her in this insane battle
against your brother?

And then what, Carrington?

Now, what are your plans
for Alexis after that?

That is my business.

Maybe I wanna make it mine.

In case you've forgotten,
the woman divorced you, Dexter.

After that incident with her daughter,
she considers you scum.

And that is what you are.
Pure scum.


Stop it.

Will you stop it?

I don't know
what you're doing here, Dex.

But as usual, you've caused damage,
now, I want you to get out of here.

Do you hear me?

Get out.


It's getting late.

Aren't you going to finish
dressing for the party?

When are they going to phone
to set up a meeting?

Where is their representative?
Why the silence?

- Darling, I know how important this is.
- lmportant?

Krystle, darling,

if the Chinese don't send a man here
to talk to me about this thing,

you know what that means?

It's a final and emphatic "No,"

Do you realise
how much we stand to lose?

Of course, I do.

I just think it would be good for you
to get away from this house

and to stop thinking about it
so much.

This is no time for me to be away
from the phone

or from the house for that matter.

In case somebody comes by
here for me.

Darling, if someone shows up,

Gerard will phone us at La Mirage
and we'll hurry back.

Besides, this is a special evening
for Dominique and Garrett.



Why didn't I think of that before?
He could be helpful.

I can talk to him there.

Good, we'll go to the party.


Ha-ha-ha. Hello.

Hello, how are you?

I just can't wait any longer.

Something's bothering you.

What's wrong? Is it Blake?

Tonight you shouldn't be worrying,
not about anything.

It's our night.

Garrett, I know that you're right.

MAN: Good evening, Miss Deveraux.
JACKlE: Good evening.

Here's a very lovely young lady.

Thank you, Garrett.

Well, how about "Thank you, Dad"?

That will take some getting used to.

Mother, you look beautiful.

Thank you, darling.

I'll join the party.
I'll see the both of you later.

All right.

You know, I think she needs to dance
with Twinkletoes Boydston.

That ought to cheer her up.

Oh, darling,
please, don't step on her toes.

Dominique. Good evening.

Good evening, Alexis.

I was sure you knew,
this is a private party.

Oh, I know.
And I wouldn't dream of crashing it.

But I was dining
in the gourmet room

and I wanted to give you a very special
engagement present personally.

There is nothing
I want from you, Alexis.

Oh, you'll want this, dear.

Interesting man, your fiance.
Let's discuss him.

Surely you understand
that I'm not in the mood

to discuss Garrett
or anyone else with you.

Oh, does that include
his so-called first wife?

Yes, that does include Jessica.

Jessica. Ah.

Well, I think that I should tell you
as a friend

that there never was a Jessica.

That your fiance
has never been married.

Oh, good God, Alexis.

Do your lies never stop?

Are you calling me a liar?

Oh, I find that very amusing.

Well, I suggest that you check it out
with Garrett Boydston yourself

because he gives a new meaning
to the word "liar,"

- Alexis.
- Yes?

I didn't thank you for your present.


It's he you should slap, dear.
Not l.

Mrs. Colby's table, please.


What do you want, Dex?

I need to talk to you, alone.

Excuse me for a minute, Alexis.

What's that for?

To cover the damages
at the apartment.

You don't know me very well,
do you, Dex?

It seems I don't know you at all.

Not anymore.

That's because I'm finally
extremely happy.

- Are you, Alexis?
- Yes.

I finally have everyhing
I've always wanted,

money, position, power.

More power than practically
any woman in America.

And I've done it all myself.

For what, Alexis?
I mean, what are you doing it for?

Because it pleases me.
Is that all right with you?

No, it's not all right.

You're hanging around
with a creep like Ben Carrington.

When I could have you?


It's over between us.

But I can't help thinking

what it could have been
if we stayed together.

Together we were the best.

And we'd have had it all,

and we wouldn't have had
to steal or cheat to get it.


I'll miss you, Alexis.

Not the woman you are now,
but the woman you were with me.

Good evening, Krystle.

I wanna ask you something, Alexis.


Are you so insecure that you'll go
to any extreme to get what you want?

When is enough enough?

When I say so.

You know, I don't care
how all of this turns out.

Because what's really important in life
you'll never have.

Krystle, dear, I know what's important
and I'm getting it.

No, you'll never get it.

Blake and I have each other,
we have a home, a family.

You'll never have what I have, Alexis.

All right, Ben.
Time to move on, let's go.

Go where?

On to the main event.


Honest answer? Yes.

You thought you'd go behind my back
and deal with Bob Ashmore.

But I got there first.

Is there no limit
to what you'll do, Alexis?

Not anymore, Ben. Not anymore.

Bill, Miriam.

- Oh, Blake.
- Garrett.

- Congratulations.
- Thank you.

- Can I offer you a drink?
- Yes, thank you.

Well, it's a very special night for you,
isn't it?

It certainly is.

I don't know whether this is the best
time to bring this up, Garrett,

but I want to make an offer
to Jason.

- An offer.
- Yes.

I need a loan. A very sizeable loan.

And I'm willing to put up
my Denver-Carrington stock

as collateral against that loan.

I'll pass it along, Blake.
But I can already tell you the answer.

Alexis phoned Jason
in L.A. the other day

and they discussed a deal
in which Jason will ship

the South China Sea oil.

You tell him not to do
any business with her,

not under any conditions.

Because that oil is mine.

Now, it was swindled away from me,
but I intend to get it back.

Look, Blake--

At this very moment, I'm waiting
for one of Minister Han's men.

And when he gets here,
I'm going to get those leases back.

The fact is, you don't have the oil.

There's nothing else we can do,
we're forced into this.

Burying the body before the funeral,
huh, Garrett?

Well, I'm not dead.
I'm very much alive.

And I'm gonna fight this
until I get those leases back.

And you can tell that to Jason Colby.


I want to dance with the most
beautiful woman in this room.

Excuse us, please.

Garrett, I am not in the mood
for dancing.

I thought you promised this thing

with Blake
wouldn't get you down tonight.

Oh, but what's in a promise,

I mean, you promised to love, honour
and cherish Jessica, didn't you?

What are you talking about?

We've never really talked
about Jessica, have we?

The wife that kept us
from getting married,

kept you from getting to know Jackie
all these years.

- Listen, Dominique--
- Oh, I am listening.

But you're not gonna say
anything even now.

It's hard to erase all those years
of lying, isn't it, Garrett?

By the way, when did you plan

to tell me
that Jessica never really existed?

- At the altar?
- Dominique.

Whatever I may have done
in the past, I love you.

I've always loved you.

Garrett, you just leave me alone.


- Excuse me, Mr. Carrington.
- Yes?

I have a message for you, sir.

There's someone waiting for you
at your mansion.

Did they say who it was?

No, sir, you should get home
right away.

Thank you.

Darling, it must be the Chinese

I knew they'd send a man here.

I have to leave,
if you wanna stay, I'll send the car--

- No, I'm coming with you.
- All right.

It's getting kind of stuffy in there.

- Yeah, it is.
- Yeah.

You know, Amanda, I have wanted
to dance with you all night.

Let's do it right here. Right now.


You know, Clay, there were times
when I was really abrupt with you.

And I just wanted to say I'm sorry.

And I hope we can be friends
from now on.

Hmm. Tsk.

No problem there.

Clay, would you get us
more drinks, please?

How about you, Amanda?

No, thanks.

And you, Amanda,
can run along now.

Is he your personal property

I don't have to answer to you
about anything,

including the men I date.

And Clay is my date tonight.

Well, I suppose you better enjoy him
while you can.

What's that supposed to mean?

I asked you something.

Well, here's your answer.



Well, miss perfection,
you look like a cat on a rainy night.

You pathetic little twit.

You'll never get Clay, Amanda.

He wants a real woman,
not a plastic excuse for one.

I haven't finished with you yet.




Looks like you've had enough
to drink.

Why don't you try some coffee?

Why this sudden show
of brotherly concern, Steven?

I'm drinking to Claudia,
wherever she is

and wherever she's going,
out of both our lives.








Sammy Jo.


All of you.




All of them.

All of them.


Blake, our luggage.

Yes, what's that all about?

What the hell are you doing here?

This cable from Han arrived
a little while ago for you.

- I took the liberty of opening it.
- You did?

His answer is no, Blake.

He's not sending anyone.

There's nothing to talk about,
it's all over.

The hell it is.

Oh, it is. You're broke, wiped out.

You heard him, Blake.

You're finished.
You've lost everyhing.

And I now own this house.

This house? Are you insane?

Oh, no. I'm perfectly sane.

So, take this junk
and your blond tramp

and get out of my home.

You are insane.

This isn't your house
and it's never going to be.

Oh, you're so wrong.

It's all mine, Blake.

And I have the papers to prove it.

Papers? What papers?

What are you talking about?

I bought all of your holdings,
including this house.

And there's absolutely
nothing you can do about it.

Damn you, Alexis.
I'm going to k*ll you.



No. Blake.

Ben. Help.