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05x03 - Bengeance Is Mine

Posted: 05/25/22 06:53
by bunniefuu
welcome to the finest discount
Loofah emporium in undertown.

I'm looking for something exfoliating.

With your skin type, you're going to want
something with a grit level of at least or .


Can I try it wet?

No, no!

This is a sponge shop.

Even one single drop of water
in here would be bad.

Very, very bad!

Waterhazard: Aaaaah!

[ Groans ]

In there, lads.
Get Tennyson before he can...

Waterhazard: Before I blast you
with a faceful of water?

Too late!


No water in my sponge shop!

You hear me?!

Waterhazard: But how am I supposed to...

No buts! And no water!

Waterhazard: Sorry, I... didn't mean to do that.


Waterhazard: No sweat, I've got everything under con..


Ooh, I like the way that feels in my back.

What kind of Loofah is that?

Pakmar is not a Loofah!


♪ Ben , he's a kid, and he wants to have fun ♪

♪ but when you need a superhero, ♪
♪ he gets the job done ♪

♪ Ben , with a device that ♪
♪ he wears on his arm ♪

♪ he can change his shape ♪
♪ and save the world from harm ♪

♪ when trouble's taking place ♪
♪ he gets right in its face, Ben ♪

♪ when lives are on the line ♪
♪ it's hero time, Ben ♪

[ Both grunting ] After you finish with those,
you can start on the big ones.

Ben: What exactly are we supposed
to do with them?

You ruined them!

You figure it out!

[ Doors slam ]

Psyphon: I am the Leader of a criminal g*ng.
I should have at least one underling

that I can trust to do the shopping.

"Closed"?! Curses!
Now I'll have to shop online.

They're charging taxes now!

[ Clanking ]

Bill: Sorry 'bout the noise.

You got water-pressure issues in your pipes,
and I am not kiddin'.

[ Gasps ]

Bill: You must be the Loofah guy.

I am the plumber. Name's Bill, Bill Gacks.

You look like that guy.

You know, the most evil guy in the galaxy?

Bill: Yeah. I get that a lot.
Wanna watch me snake a drain?

Ugh. Hurry it up!

Bill: Poor little man.
He does not know what he's missin'.

Enter password. [ Beeping ]
Password accepted.

[ Crowd gasps ] Rook: Is that who I think it is?

Ben: Vilgax.

It always has to be Vilgax.

Vilgax: People of Earth, if you are seeing this,
your so-called hero Ben Tennyson

has thwarted me once too often, but this time,
I have prepared for such a contingency.

It pleases me to no end that you all will soon
perish with the name "Vilgax" on your lips.

[ Door opens ]

Bill: [ Sneezes ] You're gonna wanna let it air
out in there.

Last thing you want to deal with
is mold issues, believe you me.

Ben: I've taken you down before, Vilgax,
and I can do it again!

Rook: Wait! Stop! That is not Vilgax.

[ Scanner beeping ]

According to my scanner,
that individual is a human being.

Ben: But he looks just like Vilgax!

Bill: Yep. I get that a lot.

[ Tires squeal, horn honks ]

Ben: "Bill Gacks"? Come on!
He isn't even trying that hard.

Rook: Not even Vilgax could fake his own DNA.

Ben: [ Whining ] It's Vilgax. It has to be!

Psyphon: [ Gasps ]

It's Vilgax! It has to be!

[ Tires screech ] Psyphon: My Master has
finally returned!

It is I, your humble servant, Psyphon.

Bill: Uh, man, I-I don't know you.

Psyphon: Ugh!

Don't say that, great one.

Take me back.

I am no leader. My g*ng makes fun of me.

Just... let me swear my eternal
allegiance to you, my Master.

Bill: Uh...[ Chuckles ]

You mean, like, be my apprentice?

Well... sure. Okay. Let's go.

Just don't expect a medical plan

[ grunts ]

Lemme clue you to the sweet
science of fixin' a terlet.

Your average layman don't know Jack about
the engineerin' miracle he's sittin' on.

Hey, hand me that / ths, would ya?

Now, where was I? [ Chuckles ] Oh, yeah!

Water, runs downhill. We straight?

Psyphon: Are you referring to the law
of universal gravitation, Master?

Bill: [ Sighs ]

That's all right. You're here to learn.

You gotta dream big, junior.

Like, I got this plan. I plan to be a rock star.

I used to play keyboards, but now I'm the
undisputed Master on the Keytar.

[ Laughs ]


And believe you me, ain't no bigger chick magnet
than a Keytar solo.

You should come see my band Friday night.

Psyphon: "Chick magnet", "Keytar."

Bill: Do me a solid and hand
me that other wrench.

[ Sighs ] A guy could get used to this.

Psyphon: Master, I cannot let you perform
this manual labor.

Oh, no, no, no, no.

Please, allow me to do it for you.

Bill: Oh sorry, no can do, a clog of this scale
is way too complicated.

Psyphon: But surely, Master, there must be
something I can do for you.

Bill: [ Chuckles ]

Sure! Find me some fast cash.

Psyphon: Fast cash? You need money?

Bill: None of your business.

But a word of advice, when your unreliable,
unstable ex-girlfriend asks ya to watch

her rare pet parrot, just say "no."

Psyphon: Yes, yes, I... understand.

Ben: Vilgax's holograms came from down there.

Rook: I realize that, and finding Vilgax
is of the utmost importance,

but we should not lose sight of the fact
that it s really gross down there.

What are we hoping to find?

Ben: I don't know.

A lead, a clue, something out of the ordinary?

[ expl*si*n ]

Something like that.

[ Alarm ringing ]

Psyphon! Back working for Vilgax?

Psyphon: Indeed.

I have returned to his service.

Ben: And he still hired you back?

Vilgax must be desperate.

Rook: Robbing a bank does not seem
like a typical Vilgax scheme.

Psyphon: That's only because you do not
understand the Master like I do.

He has bestowed upon me wisdom of the ages.


These precious dollars will help Vilgax,
as will the death of Ben Tennyson.

You are not hurt.

Ghostfreak: No thanks to Psyphon.

Psyphon: Neat trick, but you can't phase
through everything!

Ghostfreak: Actually, I can.

[ Horn honks ] [ Tires screech ]

Psyphon: [ Growls ]

You'll pay for this, Tennyson!

[ Omnitrix powers down ] [ Passengers cheering ]

Rook: There is much to Vilgax's revenge scheme
that we do not yet understand.

Ben: Whatever it is, it's got to be scary,
off-the-charts evil.

Bill: Hey, you wanna be my apprentice?
You're takin' -minute breaks,

not , straight?

Now, do me a solid and stick your finger
right in there.

Psyphon: My Lord, I failed in my mission,

I was thwarted from the money,

but I beg you for another chance.

[ Clank ]

Bill: I have no idea what you're sayin'.

Hey, hand me the pump pliers.

Psyphon: I will never fail you again.

Bill: Not the right part, buddy.

That's a u-bend.

You're no friend of plumbers.

Psyphon: You are too kind to me,
thank you, Master, oh, thank you.

Ben: Need supplies before we head back down.

Rook: Your continuing obsession with going
down into the sewers is beginning to worry me.

Just because the holograms came from the sewers
does not mean that Vilgax is hiding there.

Ben: No, but I have a hunch,

'cause of something that happened once before.

Vilgax: Any final words?

Ben: Well, for starters, Vilgax, you stink
even worse than usual!


Vilgax: Insolent whelp!

The humidity in here re-creates the natural
environment of the planet I grew up on.

It's also good for my pets, who are very hungry.

[ Squids snarling ]

Ben: Blah, blah, blah!

Let's cut to the part where I get out of here
and kick your butt!

[ Grunts ]

[ Beep ]

Xlr : I'm too fast and too smart for you, Vilgax.

Why don't you give up?

Because you will never, ever
be able to b*at Ben !

Oh, man!

Ben: Vilgax used to have this squid monster.
As long as it's left somewhere moist,

it can hibernate for centuries before it wakes up.

Rook: Somewhere moist...

Like the sewers!

Ben: Exactly.

Vilgax could have it down there or be
planning to put it down there.

But where do we look?

Bill: Hang out here.

Gonna run in and see if this place
has those rubber washers that I like.

Rook: - It is not Vilgax
Ben: - He looks just like Vilgax!

Bill: [ Chuckling ] Yep.

I get that a lot.

Ben: You think it's coincidence
that he showed up here?

Rook: Consider for a moment,

even if you are right, why would Vilgax
want to buy his plumbing supplies here?

At retail?

Bill: Oh, dang, you guys don't carry
the washers I need.

[ Stomach gurgles ]

Oops. Nature calls.

Can you do me a solid and let
me use your bathroom?

Ben: [ Grunts ]

Bill: [ Gasps ]

Ben: Um, sorry. No can't use the bathroom.
It's, uh... it's broken.

Bill: Well, Einstein, I'm a plumber.
Lemme take a look at it.

Ben: Yeah, but we don't want it fixed.

Uh, we like it the way it is.
We prefer it broken.

Rook: That man is not Vilgax.

[ Clatter ]

Ben: Of course it's Vilgax!

The most dangerous villain in the galaxy!

And you let him use our bathroom!

Oh, and you gave him access to the secret
entrance to the plumber base!

Vilgax: [ Laughs evilly ]

Your time is up, Bellwood.

You're about to feel the full
force of my vengeance.

[ Laughs evilly ]

[ Toilet flushes ]

Bill: Well, it's all in workin' order.

Happens all the time.

We pros call it "phantom plumbing"
when the pipes fix themselves.

But, uh, you might not want to go
in there for a while.

[ Chuckles ]

Oh! My band is playin' Friday night.

I play Keytar.

Bring your friends.

Ben: Whew! Vilgax must've done something in
here, besides that smell.

Rook: First, that was not Vilgax.

Second, nothing in this bathroom
appears out of place.

Third, and not least, that was not Vilgax.

Ben: Well, if he's really trying to put
a squid monster down the sewer...

[ Bubbling ]

[ Clank ] [ Grunts ]

Vilgax's squid monster!

[ Beep ]

Clockwork: [ Groans ]

Clockwork's not good for dodging.


[ Hisses ]

Rook: I did not know you could do that.

[ Panting ] Neither... did... I.


I need two end caps.

Rook: Metric or standard?

Clockwork: What are you asking me for?

[ Omnitrix powers down ]

Rook: That was easy.

I had assumed foiling Vilgax
would be more difficult than this.

Ben: Something doesn't feel right.

One squid monster can't be Vilgax's whole plan.

[ expl*si*n ]

[ People screaming ],

[ horns honking ]

Rook: Not by itself.

Ben: Vilgax didn't send one k*ller squid monster.

He sent hundreds of them!

When there is Vilgax's revenge

Rook: How are we going to stop
that many monsters?!

[ Beep ]

Bullfrag: Take 'em down one at a time.

[ Helicopter whirring ]

Is that all you got? I got snot
made of stronger stuff than you!

Don't feel bad. My snot is tough
as the rest of me.


Rook: That did not go well.

Bill: And then he hears the bear shout out
from inside the chifforobe,

"I'll do it for a quarter!"

[ Laughs ]

You get it?

[ Tires screeching ]

Ever seen anything like that, junior?

Psyphon: It looks familiar.

[ Squids snarling ]

[ Panting ] Aah! Get away from me!

What is this? You're not...

Wait, I know where I've seen you before.

You belong to Vilgax.

You recognize me as his loyal servant.

To obey me is to obey the Master.

Then in our name, I order you,
lay waste to Bellwood.

Level it to the ground!

[ Squids snarling ]

[ Siren wailing ]

Bill: Monster, you are in for
a world of pain!

If I get my leverage.

Bullfrag: [ Grunts ] You all right?

Bill: I was just about to tear
that thing a new ink jet.

I'm dead serious.

Bullfrag: Okay.

Rook: It appears the squid monsters are
coordinating and moving deliberately now.

Bullfrag: Psyphon, of course Vilgax's sidekick
would be leading the way.

Rook: With Psyphon controlling them,
the squid monsters are organized

and much more formidable.

[ Omnitrix powers down ]

Ben: Look, I'm sorry.

If the squid monsters are attacking
you and Psyphon is leading them,

then you're not Vilgax.

But both me and Psyphon were pretty convinced.

I think I have an idea how to stop those squids!

Rook: They are extremely strong.

Anything powerful enough to stop them
will most likely damage the surrounding area.

Ben: We're not going after them.
They're coming to us.

But we need your help.

Bill: [ Sighs ]

'Course you do.

I lettered in wrestlin', but Bill Gacks
don't get into other folks' business, man.

Already got a gig.

Rook: We will pay you for your time.

Bill: Son, I am a plumber, not some greedy,
money-grubbing mercenary.

Ben: Time and a half.

Bill: Let's go.

[ Squids roaring ]

Psyphon: The Master will be pleased
when he sees the work we've.....

The Master!

I am your humble servant, I live only
to serve and follow your....

Vilgax: Um, right. Yeah.

Listen, I need you to get all the monsters
to follow me.

Psyphon: Yes. Oh, yes.

It is an honor to carry out your every command.

In his glorious name,
I order you to follow Vilgax!

Follow him to glory and victory!

Vilgax: We're almost there.

Psyphon: Yes, great one, we live to follow.

Vilgax: Hey, do me a solid and wait right here.

Psyphon: Of course.

Master, look out! It's Ben Tennyson!

[ Beep ] Oh. It's a trap.


Snare-Oh: And down goes Psyphon.

[ Squids snarling ]

Oh, man, now I'm remembering how you squids smell!

You reek of Vilgax stank!


Psyphon: I don't understand what's happened
to Vilgax, but it must be your fault!

Snare-Oh: [ Straining ]

Psyphon: This is payback for everything you've
ever done to the Master!

Snare-Oh: Everything?


Excu-u-use me!

Psyphon: Time to face facts.

[ Squids snarling ]

You have no chance against us.

Snare-Oh: You're right, Psyphon.
I can't b*at all of you.

If no one needs anything, I
guess I'll be going now.

Psyphon: No! I won't let you!


What... is this thing?

We've been trapped... by a Loofah?!


[ Police radio chatter ]

Psyphon: Master? I... don't understand.


You.....You aren't him at all.

This entire time, I followed you,
and you weren't even Vilgax.

Bill: Sorry, man, but you were lazy, slow,
and an all-around lousy apprentice.

Plumb lousy.

[ Chuckles ]

See how that works, junior?

[ Laughs ]

Aw, you'll catch up.

Psyphon: Only the real Vilgax
would treat me so poorly.

Your secret shall remain safe with me, Master.

Bill: I gotta tell you guys, I don't know
what you do for a career

or what you do for a livin', but you two
have the look of great plumbers.

Rook: Thank you, Bill Gacks.

Ben: And if you don't mind me saying, you have
the look of an intergalactic supervillain.

[ Together ] Yeah, you get that a lot.

[ Laughs ]