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05x05 - Animo Crackers

Posted: 05/25/22 06:55
by bunniefuu
[birds chirping]

Dr. Animo: Chadwick
was after me, you know.

Wanted me to rule the world for
him, but here ... here, they lock

me up like I'm some sort of madman.

They want mad, do they?!
I'll show them mad!

They will be sorry that they
ever crossed Aloysius J. Animo!

But then again, I could be wrong.

What do all of you think?

[squeaky voice] "We couldn't
agree more, Dr. Animo."

[high-pitched voice]
"They don't appreciate your talents!"

[as Schwarzenegger]
"Yeah, they are all nincompoops!"

[nasally voice] "And you're
the greatest genius in the

- history of the" ...
- There you go again, talking to toys.

They're not real, you know.

[toy shark squeaks]

Dr. Animo: [normal voice] uh, and ...
and ... and ...

- and you are?
- Obviously.

Now I suggest that you get
ready because we are leaving!

[electricity crackling]

♪ Ben ♪

♪ he's a kid,
and he wants to have fun ♪

♪ but when you need a superhero,
he gets the job done ♪

♪ Ben ♪

♪ with a device that he wears on his arm ♪

♪ he can change his shape and
save the world from harm ♪

♪ when trouble's taking place ♪
♪ he gets right in its face ♪

♪ Ben ♪

♪ when lives are on the line ♪
♪ it's hero time ♪

♪ Ben ♪



You know, some of us
are trying to work here.

Ben: I am working, Magister Patelliday.

See, chair, screens, touch pad.
[alarm blaring]

Oh, scrod in a bucket, Ben!
Watch what you're doing, fella!

Monitor duty is a serious business.

You don't go tapping on any old button.

No, sirree. To be an
ace monitor jock, you

need a steely eye, a cool head,
and an economy of motion.

- Rook: Ben!
- Aah!

[breathing heavily]
Rook: I have been watching

your movies, which I find confusing.

Ben: Got to bail, Magister.
This is urgent.

I got your covered, but come
up on my blind side again

and it's fish knuckles
for lunch! You get me?!

[door closes]
Rook: I am especially

- troubled by romantic comedies.
- Ben: Yeah, not my favorite.

Rook: It seems when humans
fall in love, they lose their

ability to walk.
They're always tripping and

falling down ... usually in water.

- Ben: Rook, it's just a movie.
- Rook: Though, I have read

that love affects the same
area of the human brain

- that is linked to insanity.
- Ben: That actually makes a lot of sense.

Dr. Animo: Uh, I don't
remember building you.

That's because you didn't, or
rather, you did, or you will.

Look, I-I'll explain later, or I
should say, you'll explain later.

- Here!
- Dr. Animo: Oh, these are nice!

Well, are you coming?


What's that?!
[alarm blaring]

Pressure pad.
You set off the alarm.

Shall we go?
[blaring continues]

Rook: But if someone had
explained the situation clearly

- in the beginning...
- Ben: That's just not how

movies work, okay?
[alarm blaring]

Ben, there's a breakout
on the prison level!

Ben: Great! Wait,
who's on the prison level?

- It's Animo! He's escaped!
- Ben: I thought you guys fixed

his cell so he couldn't do that again!

We did! Blukic and
Driba supervised the

- renovation themselves!
- Ben: Nice.

Meet you there!

Dr. Animo: What do I do?!
I don't have any weapons!

Pick me up.

Turn! Higher!

Now run that way!

[alarm blaring]
Stop! Quickly, in there!

[blaring continues]

What are you waiting for ...
an instruction manual?! Move!

- Watch it!
- There he is! Halt!

[metal creaks]

[r*fle cocks]

Head for that other elevator!
, , ...

Dr. Animo: Why are you counting?!

- Ben: Hold it, Animo!
- Rook: And put down that... toy?

Right on schedule.

- Dr. Animo: How did you ...
- Watch!

Ben will try to transform into
Humungousaur, but instead,

he's going to get Upgrade.

Ben: Come on, Humungousaur!

Upgrade: Oh, man!

Dr. Animo: There, you did it again!
How do you know what's going to happen?!

Dear me, you are slow.
Now take this and throw it!

[electricity crackling]

- Upgrade: Aah!
- Ben: Aah!

[moaning] Security,
shut down all elevators!

Dr. Animo: Aren't you coming with me?

No, but I'll see you soon enough.

Dr. Animo: I don't understand!



Rook: Ben, in those movies,
why does nobody ever seek

- professional help?
- Ben: Dude, after we catch the psychopath.

Rook: [sighs]
They just seem so troubled.

[birds chirping]
[electricity crackling]

[crackling continues]

Huh? No!

Oh, what am I to do without
you, little gorilla friend?!

Stop blubbering, will you?

- Dr. Animo: Who... Who are you?
- Isn't it obvious?

I'm you.
Dr. Aloysius J. Animo.

From the future!
[cackling maniacally]

Dr. Animo: The Dr. Animo of the future?

So you teleported that toy into my cell?

- Future Animo: Indeed I did.
- Dr. Animo: But why not just

- beam in yourself?
- Future Animo: Another life-form

in your cell would
have alerted the redspots.

- Dr. Animo: Curse them!
- Future Animo: I know, right?

Dr. Animo: And the
toy's voice ... also you?

As you are me!

- Love the gorilla body.
- Future Animo: Oh, this old thing?

It's just something I picked up ...
after you ruined the original!

Dr. Animo: Oh. When did it happen?

Future Animo: Well, that would be telling.

Dr. Animo: So, you know
what's going to take place

- before it happens.
- Future Animo: Yes.

Well, uh, no.
[clears throat] Mostly.

Dr. Animo: Very well. To what
do I owe the pleasure of your...

and by that, I mean "my" visit?

Future Animo: Unbeknownst
to me ... that is, you ...

the government in this time
period has been working

on the arc project.

Dr. Animo: I don't know what that is.

Future Animo: That's why I'm telling you!

Arc, Archival Recombinant Codex ...

a collection of DNA samples
from all other species

in the event of a mass extinction.

Dr. Animo: Ooh! With
such a collection in my

- possession, I could ...
- Future Animo: We could.

Dr. Animo: Dare I say it ...
rule the world!

Future Animo: Or at the
very least, cook up lots of new

mutant species. Now do
you see why I came back?

- Dr. Animo: It's pure genius!
- More like pure madness!

Both: Who dares?!

Call me Crono panner.


Ben: That way!

One down, one to go!

- Future Animo: Aah!
- Is that the best you got?

Dr. Animo: Oh, no.
We're just getting started!

Rook: There is Animo!
And a large albino gorilla.

Ben: Actually, that's also Animo.

I fought him way back,
um, in the future.

Rook: Ah. Who is the other person?

Ben: Okay, nobody move!

It's Ben Tennyson!

- He's here?!
- Future Animo: Yes, as I

Now you go that way.

- I'll go the other.
- You're not going anywhere!

Ben: Leave them to me.
You grab Animo.

Rook: Agreed.

Ben: Agh! [grunts]

[birds chirping]
Where'd he go?

- Where did he go?
- Okay, kid.

- I don't know who you are...
- Or what you're doing here...

- But you're going down!
- You have it all wrong!

Oh, yeah?
Then where's monkey man?

[heads swishing]

[all gasp]


Future Animo: That's Dr.
Monkey man to you! [grunts]



[breathing heavily]

Agh! Agh!

[rope creaking, swishing]
Rook: I recommend that you surrender.

Dr. Animo: Oh, do you?
Behold! [warbling]

[squirrels squeaking]
[warbling continues]

[squirrels squeaking angrily]

[creatures growling]
Dr. Animo: These new antenna

mutant as well as control?!

Ooh, I can't wait for the future!


We must hurry.
Time is of the essence.

See what I did there?


Oh, I get it.
[birds calling]

[birds chirping]
Ben: Do I know you?

Rook: [breathing heavily]
I knew it!

Squirrels pretend to be
harmless, but they are really

just waiting to be mutated
into muriod-like K*llers!

Ben: Sure, blame the rodents.
Why are you helping

- that Animo from the future?
- Wait, how do you even

- know about him?
- Ben: It's kind of a long story.

My cousin and I ... hey, I'm
asking the questions here. [sighing]

I'm not with Animo.
Ben, you have to contact

- Lieutenant Steel right away.
- Ben: Lieutenant Steel?

How do you know even about
him? [telephone ringing]

Ben: Hey, Steel.

- It's your old pal Ben.
- Tennyson?

I haven't heard from you in
years, and now you're calling me?

- Ben: Yeah, my bad. So, how are you?
- Under att*ck.

Thanks for asking.
[indistinct shouting]

Ben: How'd you know
I had to call Steel?

- It's kind of a long story.
- Ben: Okay, funny guy,

- you're coming with us.
- Yes!

[frog croaking]

[frog croaking]
[metal creaking]

[tires screech]

[frog croaking]
Future Animo: And now I order

- you to give me ...
- Dr. Animo: And by that, he means us.

Both: The arc project!

Ben: Nobody's giving
anybody anything!

- Whoa!
- Dr. Animo: Even I could've

- predicted that.
- Ben: Like I was ... Ugh!

...saying, this little
frog-and-pony show is...

Okay, who's this?

Hi. Uh, excuse me.
Uh, but you're from the future,

am I right? You know stuff.

Future Animo: As a matter of fact, I do.

Dr. Animo: Why are you

- talking to Tennyson?
- Future Animo: Shh! Shh!

You do? Great.
Yeah, that's great.

Hey, do me a solid, will you,
and tell me about this guy.

Future Animo: The name
you gave yourself is Gutrot!

Gutrot: Right, Gutrot.

Future Animo: It means, you
dithering dunderhead,

that your innards are
a walking chemical laboratory.

Gutrot: [scoffs]
Get out of town.

Future Animo: Yes. You
have the ability to combine

various chemicals and expel them as gas!

- All: Ew!
- Future Animo: Now, is there

anything else you'd care
to know before I crush you?

Gutrot: No, no thanks.

Uh, that might have been too
much information.

Oh, wait, wait.
There is one more thing.

[gas hissing]
Dr. Animo: [muffled shout]

Agh, my eyes! Agh, agh!

Future Animo: [sniffs]
Oh, my eyes!

[cries] No!
[both gagging]

[creature grunts]
[frog croaks]

[metal creaks]
Dr. Animo: Stop!

Future Animo: Come back,
you feckless amphibians!

Rook: Ben!

- What is that?
- Gutrot: Sulfur dioxide.

Uh, don't ask me how
I know or how I do it.

Hey, hey, your gas is
as good as mine, right?

[tink! Tink!]

Fine, fine. Hey, if
that awesome pun won't

get a laugh, maybe
some nitrous oxide will!

[gas hissing]

Dr. Animo: Nitrous oxide?

- But that [laughing] that's ...
- Future Animo: Yes, laughing gas.

Dr. Animo: [laughing]

Why didn't you see this coming?!


Future Animo: I can't remember why.

[r*fle cocks] [laughing]
Future Animo: Run!

[laughing continues]

- Oh!
- Rook: Halt, or I will...

Dr. Animo: Agh!

I thought you knew [laughs]

everything that was gonna happen!

Future Animo: I'm wearing my head

on the body of a gorilla.
It was a very traumatic experience!

Dr. Animo: So, now I'm supposed
to feel sorry for you? [laughing]

[frog grunting]
[frog croaking]

[indistinct shouting]

Future Animo: [grunts]
Now what?!

[frog croaks]
[metal creaks]

Now I see why the arc project

didn't make it into the future!
It was because you couldn't

- control your frog!
- Dr. Animo: Well, what if that

was your frog?! You have
no one to blame but yourself!

Future Animo: You are myself, you twit!

Dr. Animo: Look!

I saved one. It's poodle DNA.

Future Animo: An
army of mutant poodles?

- Are you serious?!
- Dr. Animo: You're just jealous!


[both grunting]

Gutrot: Uh, excuse me,
but we can wrap this anytime.

- Time ... that is the problem.
- Gutrot: Huh?

Rook: I believe I understand you.

Even if we defeat the gorilla
animal this time, he will keep

coming back from the
future until he succeeds.

Unless you could ... I don't know ...

- make him forget what's happened.
- Rook: A blow to the head

makes a human forget things ...
especially when it is a wealthy

- person falling off a yacht.
- Gutrot: Now that's only in

- the movies.
- Rook: And television.

Gutrot: And in real life, a
bump on the head just gives

- you a concussion.
- Rook: I see ... those poor actors.

Gutrot: Also, Animo coming
back from the future again?

Now, does that mean that
everything was different until

he came back or there was a
world where he didn't come back

that doesn't exist anymore or what?
See, 'cause it doesn't make any sense.

- Rook: Time travel, Ben. It never does.
- Ben: But if someone had

explained the situation
clearly in the beginning...

Rook: That is just not
how the universe works, okay?

- Dr. Animo: Give it to me!
- Future Animo: Unh!

- Never! You give it to me!
- Dr. Animo: [grunts] No!

You're old and slow!

Future Animo: Yes, for a gorilla!

Gutrot: Uh, good time to give up.

- Dr. Animo: Oh!
- Future Animo: I knew you'd say that.

[gas hissing]

Oh-ho, oh-ho, oh-ho.

Dr. Animo: [sniffs]
Oh! [clatters]

Rook: What did you use on them?

Gutrot: Just a little fluoromethyl

- hexafluoroisopropyl ether.
- Rook: Which...

Gutrot: Induces short-term
memory loss.

Ben: And that's why he won't
remember how this all went down.

Rook: Excellent. Now
we can return them

- to the headquarters.
- You can have one of them.

Ben: Hey, whose side are you on?!

Dr. Animo: Oh, what happened?

Rook: You are very fortunate.
Tonight is movie night.

The on-base prisoners will be
screening "Duet for two,"

starring Jennifer Nocturne
and Hugh Danielson.


Ben: Who was that guy?

Well, that would be telling.