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07x12 - Fear

Posted: 05/26/22 17:53
by bunniefuu
For God's sake.

You just signed away our lives.

No, I got us a reprieve.

I don't care about this pile
of bricks and mortar,

and I don't care
about Denver-Carrington.


I want you to go outside
and talk to those people.

Act like you are having the best time
that you've ever had in your whole life.



Heh. It just hit me.
We did it. We won.

We got everything back.

I'm so proud of you.

You never lost faith,
not for a minute, did you?


Oh, just think, tomorrow night
we'll be in our own home again.

Yes, in front of the fireplace,
lying close together.

there are quite a few fireplaces.

We'll light them all.


Blake, what if Alexis
had called your bluff?

I know you wouldn't
have exposed Emily.

No. No chance.

She sure guessed wrong
on that one.

She sure did.


I've called you all here tonight because
by morning everyone is going to know

that Nlake Carrington is again
in control of Denver-Carrington,

and our paper is going to give them
the reasons behind the story.

Which are?

is a losing proposition,

and I don't get involved with losers.

So you just gave it back to him?

Yes, in exchange
for future share of revenues.

And if there are none, then
Nlake Carrington takes the loss, not l.

I see. Nut why sell the mansion
back to him, Mrs. Colby?

You do ask a lot of questions,
don't you?

I felt that the mansion had
bad vibes for me.

All right, everybody, that's enough.

I'd like to see this ready for tomorrow
morning's edition. Thank you.

I thought I asked you to leave.
Or do you have any more questions?

It's my job to ask questions.
Especially when I'm getting a snow job.

Heh. "Snow job"?

You're covering up, Mrs. Colby.

- I don't pay you to challenge me.
- You pay me to be a reporter.

I don't think I want to pay you
anymore, Mr. Wales. You're fired.

I'd like the number
for Technel Laboratory.

Thank you.

Somebody answer the phone.

Sammy Jo?
Who you calling at this time of night?

- I thought you were asleep.
- Ha, ha.

I was calling Austria.
There's a stallion on the market.

A horse? Ha, ha.

You're up at this hour
asking about a horse?

Sweetheart, if you're calling Steven--

- Steven?
- It's okay. I understand.

The two of you shared a life once,
you have a son together.

You're worried about him. Where
he went after his fight at the party.

Right. I was worried about that.

The mood he was in when he left,
there might have been an accident.

I just hope he's all right.

Oh, Steven, are you all right?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Where's Danny?

Oh. Uh, he's asleep.

Um, the nanny got an emergency call
and she had to leave for the night.

- We tried to call you at the party.
- Uh, I left early.


Oh, Steven,

you are going to have
one huge headache in the morning.

And I think you're gonna need
someone around

to give you an aspirin.

Oh, Gerard,
just leave the flowers, will you?

Just for tonight.

Yes, Mrs. Colby.

I wanna look at them for awhile.

Well, I got your message
to wait up for you.

Thank you, darling.

It was a beautiful party, wasn't it?

Denver's never seen anything like it.


I don't think it ever will again.


- Join me in a brandy?
- Yes.

Thank you, darling.

Something's wrong. What is it?


Tomorrow morning,
when you pick up the Denver Mirror,

you'll see a headline that says:

"Nlake Carrington regains control
of Denver-Carrington."

- What?
- And this house.

I'm moving out tomorrow.

What's he done to you?

He's blackmailed me.

He's threatened
that I would go back to prison again.

You see, Adam,
when I testified at the trial,

I said that I was with Nlake
the day that his mother d*ed,

but I lied.

I sensed that,

and I understood why.

I know what it's like to be cheated
and pushed aside by Nlake Carrington.

You've had to fight all along
for what belongs to you.

You know I can't stand Nen,

but in a way, what you were doing
was just defending him from Father.

Oh, darling.

Thank you for understanding,
and for not turning against me.

Never. Never.


Well, Nlake may have won
the proverbial battle

but we are going to win the w*r.

Goodnight, darling. Goodnight.


What are you doing here?

Waiting for you.


It ended for us tonight, Nen.

Surely even you must realise that.

It'll never end for us.

You need me.
I'm the only one you have left.

No. I've got myself,
and that's all I need.


the other day
I dropped by your newspaper office.

The morgue, specifically.

Really? Why?

I wanted to dig up some bones

from another period
of your very eventful life.

Just in case
they should come in handy.

Something tells me

you never stuck these clippings
into your scrapbook.

And what are those?

It's the account of the death two years
ago of your bodyguard, Mark Jennings.

How you were accused of his m*rder,
and locked away for awhile.

That was a long time ago.
I was innocent, and I was acquitted.

Tell me, Alexis,

the prospect of spending
the next ten years in prison for perjury,

that really scares you, doesn't it?

No, it doesn't.
Necause if I go to jail, you will too.

Except I'd survive it.

- Could you?
- Yes, I could.

Yeah, I'd like the number
of the district attorney's office.

Oh, no, you don't.


All right. You win for now.

No more talk
about getting rid of me, ever.


Nig brother is watching.

Arrive early to gloat?

I came in early to get back to work,
not argue with you.

Oh, of course.

Nlake Carrington's at work,
all's right with the world.

You may have won this round,
but my turn will come.


Nen, when is this thing going to end?

Why does it always have to be
your turn and then my turn?

Necause those are the rules
you play by. Always have.

Not always.

Remember when we were young?

We shared dreams together.
We were gonna be partners.

We were gonna build an empire

An empire can have only one ruler.

All you were doing
was inviting me along for the ride.

That's not true and you know it.

Oh, really?
What about the time I came to you,

an option in my hand
from old man Nateman?

An option for our first oil well.

All it needed was your signature
next to mine.

The Carrington brothers,
equal partners in a future.

I've told you, Nateman was just trying
to unload an overworked well.

He'd come to me earlier
with the same offer. It was worthless.

Not in my opinion.

And that was the problem, wasn't it?

I was old enough
to have my own opinions,

but suddenly I was just an upstart
who had to be taught his place.

There was always a place for you,
Nen, as an equal partner,

but you were never there.

That's an old argument
that's been going on for years.

I was always there
until I realised how useless it was.

That you'd never stop judging me.

Don't you realise that this bitterness

is just going to eat you up
and destroy you?

We'll see.



- What time is it?
- Hmm.

It's nearly .

Oh, God.


Where's Danny?

Don't worry. I gave him his breakfast
and I put him on the bus

and he's on his way to school.

Nut I've decided
it's time for me to play hooky.

Claire, what happened last night?

You were very drunk
and I put you to bed.

Did--? Did we, uh...?

No. Ha-ha-ha.

No, we didn't.

You were out of it completely.
You never woke up.

But now...



Oh. Ugh.

- What's the matter, Steven.
- Unh.

Do nursery school teachers
turn you off?



Come on,
will you be honest with me?

Is it--? Is it because I work with Danny
and you don't want to get involved?


No, that's not it.

It's none of that.

Then why don't you relax?
You feel so tight.


Claire, you've been gone from Denver
for a long time,

otherwise you'd know.

I don't know
what you're trying to tell me.

But all I want is to be with you.
Is that so terrible?

No. No, of course not.

I just don't wanna play games.


Last night,
I ended up pushing some guy around.

Well, are you gonna tell me why?

He propositioned me.

I don't understand.

He'd-- He'd seen me around
a few times.

I don't understand.
He'd seen you around where?

Gay bars.

Gay parties.



Oh, God,
I should have seen this coming.

you have been with women though.

- You've been married.
- Claire...

It didn't work.

- But, unh...
- No.

It just didn't work.

Do you think I should take Danny
out of your school?

Oh, no, Steven, don't do that.

No, don't let this hurt Danny.

I love that little boy.

Please don't take him away, okay?

Mrs. Carrington.
Welcome, from the entire staff.

Oh, thank you. It's good to be back.

- Is Mrs. Colby upstairs?
- No, she's in the library.

I understand she's redecorated
the master bedroom.

Well, I see
what Mr. Carrington meant.

what happened to our furniture?

I had it placed in storage,
Mrs. Carrington.

I thought I told you
to give it to charity, Gerard.

I'm sorry, Mrs. Colby, but I didn't think
you meant that literally.

- I always mean what I say.
- Well, that isn't important now, is it?

Gerard, would you please arrange
to have everything returned today?

Uh, where would you like
your furniture sent, Alexis?

Oh, just put it into storage.

I'm bored with it
and everything in this house anyway.

Then you won't mind leaving.

No, I'm very happy to be leaving.

In fact, I'm going to be moving
into the Carlton Hotel.

Well, I hope you'll be as happy there
as we'll be here.

The only reason that you are here,
my dear Krystle,

is that your husband
blackmailed me.

Nut he's going to pay for that,
and so is everyone in his life.


You wanted to see me,
Mr. Carrington?

Oh, yes, Dana. Come in, please.

What is it? What's the matter?

Nothing, it's just seeing you
here in this office is--

It's wonderful to have you back.

Thank you. Sit down, won't you?

Thank you. Is there something
I can help you with?

Yes. I'm trying to reach Adam.

Oh, he won't be in. He's over
at Colbyco setting up his office.

Oh, yes. I assumed that he would.

I did want to check with him first,

but I'd like you to come back and
work for me again as my assistant.


Well, thank you, but--

You've always been so efficient,
and so loyal to me.

I need that now.

Mr. Carrington,
you may want someone else.

Well, if it's a question of salary--

Oh, it's not the money. I wish it were.


The leak about your plans
for the crater,

that came from me.


I knew that,
that information was confidential,

but I'm in love with him,
and he was under such pressure,

and he swore
he'd never use it against you.

I'm so sorry. I...

It was wrong,
and that's why I can't come back.

Dana, wait.

Thank you for being honest.

I know how difficult it was for you
to tell me about this.

Nut the fact is,
I still need you very much.

Now, would you please come back
and work with me again?

Welcome, Miss Deveraux.

Mrs. Carrington's waiting
for you in the suite.

Thank you, Gerard.

Please take my luggage upstairs
to the third bedroom on the left.

Huh? Moving in already?

Yes, only until my house is finished.

Settling down in Denver, are you?

Yes, I've just bought
a recording studio here.

How nice. And I'm negotiating
to buy the Carlton Hotel.

I've heard.

That's why I was in such a hurry
to move out.

Yes, well, it was never meant
to be a hotel for transients.

Spectacular party last night, Alexis.
Especially your performance

after you came out of your meeting
in the library with Nlake.

I almost felt sorry for you.


Save your pity, Dominique,
you're going to need it for yourself.

SAMMY JO: What do you mean
I can't see my lab test results?

I'm sorry. You'll have to get
that information from your doctor.

I already have,
and she said I wasn't pregnant.

But I don't believe it.
It could have been a mistake.

It could have been
someone else's test.

We've been in business for years,
and we've had very few mix-ups.

So if your test says you're not pregnant
then you're probably not.

Well, I can't tell you
what this means to me,

to be back home again,
to have my family with me.

Danny, slow down now. Don't run.

That sounds like
the rest of the family now.

- Hey.
- Grandpa.

Here's the guest of honour.
Hi, Danny.

I'm glad to see you.

Oh, welcome home, Danny.

Where's Mr. Sammy Slugger?

Well, he's upstairs with
the rest of your toys.

He's been waiting for a rematch.

I'll take him upstairs, Mrs. Carrington.


It'll be a pleasure
to see Danny take on Mr. Slugger.

Don't be too long now, Danny.
You and I got a lot of things to do.

- Hi, Krystle.
- Hi.

Father, I wanna thank you
for including me.

Well, no matter what's happened,
Adam, you're still part of this family.

Noy, Danny's glad
to be back here again.


He should be, this is his home.

And yours too, Steven.

I do hope that you're thinking
about moving back here.

Well, I'm thinking about it, Dad,
but I'm not sure.

All right. You don't have to give me
an answer yet.

You know, each one of you,

no matter what problems
we may have,

they can be worked out
under this roof,

because our love is in this house
and you're all part of it.

What are you thinking about?


How happy I am.

You know, I never knew
how much this house meant to me

until we had to leave.

I remember how sad I felt when I came
upstairs that night to get Kristina.

I wondered
if I'd ever see this room again.

Yes, but that's over. That's all ended.

I should've known that my wonderful
husband would bring us home again.

Well, your wonderful husband happens
to be the luckiest man in the world.

You know that, don't you?

Necause without your love,
and support,

I never could have pulled it off.

Never could have gotten past
those rough days.

You know, sometimes,

in the middle of the night,
I'd wake up in a panic,

then I'd look over at you
lying there next to me, sleeping,

and I'd whisper:

"I'm gonna make it work, darling.
I will. For both of us."

It's late. Let's go to bed.

I love you.

I love you so much.

And I love you, darling.

Oh, Nlake, we're home.

We're finally home.

I've been in touch with Minister Han.

He's going to call me
just as soon as he's able to see us.

I want you two to be ready
to leave for China

within an hour after he calls.

I do have other business to attend to,

And I don't relish
being at your beck and call.

That's exactly
where I expect you to be.

Nlake, aren't you rushing this a bit?

What are we gonna tell Han
when we see him?

You're gonna tell him the truth.

That you two made false accusations
about me, which they believed,

and now you're gonna inform him
that you were mistaken,

and that you transferred those leases
back to me.

We haven't yet discussed the deal

about how those leases
are going to be transferred.

Oh, yes, we have. The deal is made.

I get everything.

Now, there's nothing further
to discuss.

Yes, there is. You seem to forget

that I've owned one-quarter
of those oil leases from the beginning.

You did, before you tried
to swindle the rest of them out of me.

Nut there's a price to pay for that,
and now you're paying it.

All right, Nlake. All right, you can have
your little revenge for now.

Nut I'm not going to forget this.

Good. I don't want you to forget.

I've always thought your music reviews
were extremely fair, Mr. Adams.

You know what I want in this case,
so as soon as you've written it,

have it sent over to my newspaper
right away.

Yes, thank you. Goodbye.



Mrs. Colby, Michael Culhane waiting.

- Hmm. Send him in.
- Yes, Mrs. Colby.

I hope I'm not interrupting you.
I usually don't drop in unannounced.

Oh, well, sometimes the surprise visits
are the most fun.

In any case, I was expecting you.

Have some champagne.

I always celebrate
whenever I get what I want.

And do you always get
what you want?

Often enough to run up a heavy bill
for champagne.

This time you're saving money.

I'm turning down your offer
to buy my share in the crater.

I won't sell out and give
Nlake Carrington the satisfaction.

All right. Well, pour anyway.

We can drink to our mutual dislike
of Nlake Carrington.


I do have a proposition for you.

Oil prices have fallen,
and there's a chance to move in

on some very attractive
energy properties in Colorado.

People are selling out cheap.

We could take advantage of that.

- We?
- Yes.

My capital was tied up in the crater.
I need a partner.


Projected income, tax benefits,
investment credits.

And when the price of oil
goes back up, so will our profits.


All right, Michael.

I'll go into business with you,
on one condition.

That you sue Nlake Carrington
for your $ million,

plus another million
for damages.

- Sue?
- Yes.

He had no right
to close down the crater

and jeopardise your investment.
You must make him pay for it.


You do sh**t to k*ll, don't you?

I've been known to hit a bull's-eye
or two.



Mrs. Colby, these just arrived for you.
Where would you like them?

Oh, well, you can put the small ones
next to the bed

and the larger ones
over on the sideboard.

- Who are they from, Lin?
- They're from me.


How sweet. Thanks.

What, no smile?

the flowers are to cheer you up.

Well, I don't need cheering up.
Do I look sad?


Well, it's not the mansion,
but, uh, it's still pretty impressive.


I think you'll do just fine here.

Doing just fine, Dex, has never been
at the top of my list of priorities.

I know you were never happy
about my moving into the mansion,

so if you've come here to gloat...

I came because I thought
you might need someone right now.

Alexis, I want you to be happy.
That's all I've ever wanted for you.

Look, whenever you wanna talk
about what happened with Nlake--

I don't want to talk about it, Dex.

You can read all about it
in my newspaper.

Your newspaper,
printing what you want it to.

That, I'm not buying.

Well, I don't care
whether you buy it or not, Dex.

I mean, that's the way it is.

All right.

Like I said, when you wanna talk.

What about if I just wanna be held?

Then there's no one better.



Oh, Dex. Mm.

Oh, darling.



What are you saying?

Look, I know this isn't easy, Adam--

I don't care about easy.
I'll settle for honest.

I am being honest.

Ny telling me you're staying
at Denver-Carrington with my father,

when we had agreed
you were coming with me to Colbyco.

No, I said I'd think about it.

Oh, Dana.

This was supposed
to be a celebration.

Well, maybe you should've
checked with me first.

I thought each of us knew
what the other was feeling.

This doesn't have anything to do
with the way I feel about you.

Then why?

For a number of good reasons.
The first and most important being

that I like and admire your father
very much.

And for another?

You-- You're going to be working
for your mother.

She doesn't like me, Adam,
and I'm not particularly fond of her.

And I get tossed by the wayside.

We could both work
for Denver-Carrington.

You know your father would welcome
you back if you'd just--

If what?
If I returned on bended knee.

Alexis needs me more
than my father does.

I've already committed myself to her.

Fine. Nut you're gonna have
to accept my decision as well.

Look, Adam, if you really love me,
my working for Denver-Carrington

shouldn't make any difference,
should it?

Heh, it isn't as simple as that.

Yes, it is.

It-- It really is.

And when you're ready to accept it,
call me.


Ah. Didn't I tell you?
Each room has infinite possibilities.


One of the things I love about you,
Dex, is your eternal optimism.

Given the right inspiration,
anything's possible.


I'll get it.

I'm sorry, you have reached
a disconnected number.

Dexter? What the...?

Never mind, I wanna talk to Alexis.

Ben, do me a favour.

Get lost.

Dex, I have to talk to him.

Have to? Why?

Please, just give me the phone.

Hello, Nen. What do you want?

Alexis, I have just received a copy
of the contract

between Colbyco
and Michael Culhane.

why was I not consulted on this?

Necause I'm not in the habit of telling
you about all my business decisions.

Then from now on,
get in the habit, Alexis.


What was he calling about?

I thought after all this time you would
have at least gotten rid of him.

- You don't understand.
- Then make me understand.

You're scared about something,


Just leave it alone, will you?


No, I don't like it,
and I'm not going to accept it.

I love you too much for that.


I love you too.


Let's just call it a night.

Alexis, I have never seen you
this frightened before.

One way or another, Alexis,
I'm gonna find out what's going on.

And I promise you,
I'm going to help you.


I wish you could, Dex.

I really wish you could.

Ha, ha, I promise
not to overstay my welcome.

As soon as I approve the plans
on my new home--

Dominique, you know you're welcome
to stay here as long as you like.

- Thank you, Krystle.
- Yes, of course.

Darling, is that this morning's Mirror
over there?

- Yeah.
- Let me see the paper.

Would you look at that front page?

I tell you,
this paper gets worse every day.

Nlake, may I see that for a moment,


- What is it?
- Well, would you look at this.

"Vaughn Adam, music critic."

"The vastly overrated
Dominique Deveraux,

who was never more
than a glorified saloon singer--"


"--has decided to spend
her waning years in Denver.

Well, Denver is not a town
to welcome has-beens

or those who never were."

This man calls himself a critic?

Well, no matter whose name
is on that byline,

Alexis is doing the talking.


I think I will give my critique to Alexis
in person.

Excuse me.

They told me I'd find you in here.

This order you signed to fund the
Michael Culhane loan, I've cancelled it.

It wasn't countersigned by me.

Ny you? It's an order from Alexis.

Which must now have my approval.

You don't run the company, Nen.

Someone has got to.

Colbyco shouldn't be disbursing funds,

we should be accumulating them
by selling off properties.

So you can get your hands
on the cash.

If you don't like it, quit.

And make life easy for you?

You must be kidding.


What do you want?

I've heard you don't care
for my singing.

That's right. It's the truth that hurts.

The truth? I hope you say that
when I sue you in court for libel.

You'd only make a fool of yourself,

Everyone knows that you're nothing
but a second-rate lounge act.

I don't care what you say to my face,
you viper,

retract this
or I'll cram it down your throat.

Will you?



Ow! You bitch.



Mother. Dominique. Stop it.

Stop it. Get up. Get up.



Anytime. Anytime you want more
of the same, I'll be waiting for you.

And I'll be waiting for you,

to tell the world
what a no-talent has-been you are.

Lin, would you take care
of Miss Deveraux?

Oh, I'll slap her. I'll slap her.

What in God's name
were you doing?


I was defending
the freedom of the press.

What are you doing here?

I'm afraid we've got to talk
about Nen.

Oh. Nen, Nen.


can you give me a few minutes?

Do I have a choice?


Ha! Who's been sitting at my desk?

Ah. I was trying to reach you.

Marching orders from Nlake.
Minister Han's ready to see us.

We leave for Hong Kong
in the morning.

Forget Nlake and forget Hong Kong,
I wanna talk about you and me.

Now, in case you've forgotten,
I run this company.

And I'm sick and tired
of you using my office,

cancelling my orders,
and threatening my son.

I am the chief executive
of this company.

A chief executive who is also trying
to run a newspaper,

become Santa Claus
to every charity in Denver,

and play ring-around-the-rosy
with her ex-husband.

Do everything, in fact,
except run this company.

I run Colbyco and my life
the way I see fit.

We need cash, Alexis,
and reorganization.

We don't need Michael Culhane,

and we don't need your son
trying to obstruct everything I do.

And we don't need you.

Well, you've got me.

Now, I give you a chance, Alexis,
from now on, we do things my way.

I love being here alone with you.

Me too.

Particularly, these times on the rug

when I'm just sitting here like
this with you.

There were nights at the hotel
when I'd watch you sleep too.

Watch the shadows on your face
and remember nights like this.

Now it doesn't even seem
like we've left here.

Ah, in a way, we never did.
This room has always been part of us.


Darling, I wish you'd reconsider,
come to China with me.

Oh, Nlake, you know I would love to,
but there's so much to do here.

And I don't want
to leave Kristina alone now.

I've got to deal with the press

and answer their questions
about what happened.

I know, I know.

Nut I'm gonna miss you.

Oh. I'll miss you too.

- Now close your eyes.
- Hmm?

Close your eyes.

There's something I want you
to remember while you're gone.


Hot, hot, hot.

Put her in here with me.

This is all a mistake.
This is all a terrible mistake.

Sure, it's always a mistake, honey.

Now you just make yourself
comfortable till the judge sets your bail.

Don't you dare walk away
and leave me here, damn it.

Let me out of here!


Let me out of here!



- Hello.
- Hello, Adam.

Mother, what is it?

Oh, Adam, darling, please.
I'd like to see you right away.

Okay. I'll be right over.


It was so real.

Neing arrested for Mark's m*rder,
and then thrown into that dreadful cell.

I know. Nut you've got to try
and put it out of your mind.

Nen's been making me relive
that nightmare.

Oh, Adam, we've got to find a way
to get rid of him.

How? You try and pay him off,
he'll bleed you the rest of your life.

You worked closely with him
all those weeks at Denver-Carrington.

Did he ever say or do anything
that we could use against him?


Except those calls from Australia.

What calls?

The first one came to the house.

He refused to take it.

And the next day,
he had all the numbers changed.

And the second one
came to the office.

He refused that call as well.

Both times,
he broke into a cold sweat.

Did he say anything to you
about them?

He didn't have to.

He knew what those calls were about,
and he was terrified.


- Yarralumla.
- What?

It's a godforsaken place
in the outback where I found Nen.

He's going to Hong Kong
with me tomorrow.

I want you to fly to Australia.

To do what?

I found Ben in the outback.

He said he was working there,
but I think he was hiding.

I want you to find out why.


It'll be a pleasure.

It could be a matter of life or death.