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04x01 - Chapter One: The Hellfire Club

Posted: 05/27/22 08:24
by bunniefuu
That's your favorite, isn't it?

How are you feeling today?


Are you up for some more lessons?

Afternoon, Dr. Brenner.

Dr. Ellis.


What do you see?

Don't force it.

Let it come to you.

Just like we practiced.


... a yellow circle.

The sun.

Very good. Very good.

All right. Now, let's see...


Now what do you see?



It's supposed to be a dog.

It looks like a cow.

It does, doesn't it?

I never was much of an artist.

All right. Let's try something
a little bit more challenging.

Is that all right with you?

I want you to find Dr. Ellis.

Can you do that?

Have you found her?


What's she doing?

Lessons with Six in his room.

What kind of lessons?

Six is trying to move a block.

A red block.

Can you hear what they're saying?

Something's wrong.

If you've lost the
visual, just let it go.

Try to reorient.

They're screaming.

Why are they screaming?


- Peter, Alec, what's going on out there?
- Sir, we've got a situation.

Six and Dr. Ellis...


They're both dead.

What have you done?

What have you done?

Dear Mike,

Today is day .

Feels more like ten years.

Joyce says time is funny like that.

Emotions can make it
speed up or slow down.

We are all time travelers
if you think about it.

For example, this week
is going very fast.

I think because I am so busy.

I have to make something
called a visual aid.

I hope Mrs. Gracey will give me an A.

I can send you a previous
edition as a loaner

to see if you like the product
before committing to purchasing it...

Some exciting news.

Joyce got an amazing new job.

She gets to work at home.

Yeah, I'm... I'm not a robot.
You do realize that, don't you?

She says she loves the "freedom."


Will is painting a lot,

but he... he won't show
me what he's working on.

Maybe it is for a girl.

I think there is someone he likes,

because he has been acting


Jonathan is acting weird also.

I think he is just
nervous about college.

He is still waiting for his big letter.

I hope he and Nancy get to go together.

Damn it.

But I don't know how
he'll get to college

because his car is still broken.

His funny friend Argyle has
been taking us to school.

His hair is longer than mine.

And he and Jonathan like to
smoke smelly plants together.

Jonathan says the plants are super safe

because they come from the earth,

but to not tell Joyce.


I am twice as happy now.

You were right. It just takes time.

All right.

Hold on to your butts, brochachos.

I think I have finally adapted.

Slow down!

At first, I missed
all the spring flowers,

but now I find it pretty here too.

I even like school now.

I am still best at math, but my
grammar is getting good now also.

It helps that everyone is so nice here.

I have made lots of friends.

Even so, I am ready for spring break,
mostly because I get to see you.

I am so excited to see
you, it is hard to breathe.

Are you excited too?

I think you will love it here like me.

I think we will have the
best spring break ever.

I hope my spelling was better this time.

Miss you.

Love, El.

- The hell are you doing? It's ten after.
- Oh, shit. Shit!

Thirty seconds or I'm
leaving without you, okay?

Thirty seconds.

Okay, I have to find my pants.

- Michael, I know your D&D club is tonight.
- Hellfire.

Why don't you call it the
High School Dropout Club?

- I want you home no later than : .
- I'll try.

- No trying. You need to go to bed early.
- Why?

- It's a : flight, Michael.
- Yeah, I know, but...

No buts. Nine or no California.

And no sweetie pie.


Let's go.

Jesus. How am I gonna survive
a whole week without you guys?


Remind me, when do they become
reasonable human beings again?

That's a negative, Dustybun.

Son of a bitch.

Try "Tigers ."

"Tigers ." Copy that.

Jiminy crickets, Dusty. I'm in.

Holy shit.

What's going on in there?
You're gonna be late.

Don't come in! I'm naked!

I'm running out of time here.

Just hold your horsies, Dustybun.

Do you see it?

Yeah, I see it.

Yikes, Dusty.


I will repent later.

Then there's Heidi tomorrow
night, but the problem with Heidi

is that she's going out
of state for college.

Do I wanna start another relationship
that has no point other than sex?

I mean, I don't know. Does
that make sense to you?

- Robin, are you listening?
- Uh, yes.

- What did I just say?
- Something about sex with Linda.

No, I'm talking about Heidi.

- Cut me some slack, please.
- Well...

Your love life is one of
labyrinthine complexity.

It is : in the morning,
we have the stupid pep rally,

and I woke up looking like a corpse.

You're worried about a pep
rally? Expect me to believe that?

- Yeah? So?
- So we both know what this is about.

- Not buying that. This is about Vickie.
- Absolutely not.

- It is. You know what else?
- I don't care...

You gotta stop pretending to be
someone else when you're around her.

You just gotta be yourself.

You're literally quoting me
to me. You do realize that.

Maybe you need to listen to
yourself. Ever think about that?

I listened. Look at me.
Boom. Back in business.

- It's not the same thing. Okay?
- Well...

You ask out a girl and she says no.

Big deal. Nothing happens. Maybe
your ego's a little bruised.

I ask out the wrong girl,
and bam, I'm a town pariah.

I'd buy that, except Vickie is
definitely not the wrong girl.

We just don't know that, do we?

She returned Fast Times paused
at minutes, seconds.

Know who pauses Fast Times
at minutes, seconds?

- People who like boobies, Robin.
- Ew!

- Gross. Don't say boobies.
- Boobies.

Not a big deal, okay? I like
boobies. You like boobies.

Vickie likes boobies. Definitely.

It's boobies.

- To the gym, everyone.
- Hey, wait up!

Pep rally! Pep rally!

Kyle, good to see you.

Hey, Josh. To the gym,
everyone. To the gym.

Go support your Tigers! Go, Tigers!

To the gym! Hi, Amber.

Max! Max!

Where were you yesterday?

Oh, yeah. Sorry, I
forgot it was Thursday.

I'd like to see you today.
Come straight after lunch, okay?

Look, I'm not saying that my
girlfriend is better than yours.

It's just that Suzie's,
like, a certified genius.

You do realize El saved
the world twice, right?

And yet you still have a C in Spanish.

And let's hear it for your Tigers!


Good morning, Hawkins High!

First off... Hey.

First off, I'd like to thank
each and every one of you.

Without your support,
we wouldn't be here.

Give yourselves a big hand.

And of course, of course, I
have to give a special shout-out

to the best and the
prettiest fans of all time,

the Tiger Cheer Squad.



Chrissy, I love you, babe.


You know...

I think I can speak
for all of us when I say

it's been a tough year for Hawkins.

So much loss.

And sometimes I wonder, "How
much loss can one community take?"

In dark days like this, we
need something to believe in.

So, last night,

when we were down by ten points
at half to Christian Academy,

I looked at my team,

and I said,

"Think of Jack."

"Think of Melissa."

"Think of Heather."

"Think of Billy."

"Think about our heroic
police chief, Jim Hopper."

"Think about every one of our
friends who perished in that fire."

"What did they die for?"

"For us to lose to
some... some crap school?"

- "No."
- No!

"For us to return home with
our heads hung low in defeat?"

- "No!"
- No!


"Let's win this game."

"Let's win this game for them."
And that's exactly what we did!

We embarrassed those
candy-asses in their own house,

and now tonight, tonight,

we're gonna bring home
the championship trophy!

Let's go!


- How is that possible?
- They call it a tournament.

You win one game, you go on
until there's only one team left.

I don't get the big
deal. Just talk to Eddie.

Get him to move Hellfire
to another night.

"Just talk to Eddie."

Why don't you just talk to your
coach and get him to move the game?

- I think that's a great idea, Mike.
- Thank you, Dustin.

- This is the championship game.
- And this is the end of Eddie's campaign.

A semester of adventuring has led
to this moment, and we need you.

Yeah, and the Tigers don't.
You've been on the bench all year.

- That's not the point.
- Please, arrive at the point.

If I get in good with these guys,

I'll be in the popular crowd,
and then you guys will be too.

Has it ever occurred to you
that we don't want to be popular?

You wanna be stuck with the nerds
and freaks for three more years?

We are nerds and freaks.

But maybe we don't have to be.

Look, I'm tired of being bullied.

I'm tired of girls laughing at us.

I'm tired of feeling like a loser.

We came to high school wanting
things to be different. Right?

So now we have that chance.

I skip tonight, that's
all out the window.

So I'm asking you guys,

as a friend,

just talk to Eddie.

Get him to move Hellfire.

Come to my game.



Mrs. Ergenbright, let
me ask you something.

- Mm-hmm.
- Have you ever wished

you could have the answer to any
question, right at your fingertips?

Oh, gosh.

Yes. It's just like those...

those big fancy books you see on TV.

Oh, yes, they're lovely.

Yeah, just imagine, you'd never
have to go to the library again.

Or, hey, think of the money
that you'll save on gas alone.

- Oh, good point.
- Anything?


Acceptance letters tend to come
end of week to make you sweat.

Well, I'm sweating.

- It's coming, Mrs. Byers. Don't you worry.
- I always worry. Thanks.

Oh, gosh. Did I lose you? Hello?

No, sorry. Carol? Can I call you Carol?

- Of... Of course.
- Great. So, what are we thinking?

Could do volumes A through C, or we
could do the... the whole alphabet.

Well, uh, remind me how much money...

I can't remember...

Carol, uh, can I call you back?

Oh, sure.

After learning to speak,

she traveled the world
to spread her message,

and along the way,

changed how the world perceived
those like her with disabilities.

And that is why I have chosen

Helen Keller as my hero.

That was wonderful, Angela.

Truly wonderful.

What an inspiring story.

Okay. Now let's see
who has to follow that.



For my hero,


I chose my dad.

And for my visual aid,

I made a "direyama" of our cabin.

More like diarrhea.

Quiet, everyone.

Let's be respectful.

This is my dad.

His name is Hopper.

He made the best Eggos,

and... ... we liked to
watch Miami Vice on Fridays.

This is Mr. Fibbly.

He is a squirrel.


And this is the alarm that my dad made.

I... I was never scared because...

beca... because...

Uh, Angela, let's save questions
until the end of Jane's presentation.

Yeah. Sorry.

I'm just, like, confused.

I thought this was a presentation
about a historical hero.

My dad was in the newspaper.

Your local paper?

I just don't think that's what
Mrs. Gracey meant by historical.

This is supposed to
be about famous people.

My dad is famous.

He... He saved lots of lives.

In a mall fire.

He was a hero for people.

And he was my hero too.

That's not what I'm saying
at all, but it's okay.

I am so sorry, Mrs. Gracey.

I didn't mean to interrupt.

I just wanted clarity on
the rules of the assignment.

Well, technically, you are correct,

but Jane has decided to do her father.


please, continue with
your presentation, Jane.

El, it wasn't that bad.

Friends don't lie.

I'm not lying.


Come on.

- ♪ It didn't hurt me ♪
- ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Do you wanna feel how it feels? ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ If I only could I'd
make a deal with God ♪

♪ And I'd get him to swap our places ♪

♪ Be running up that road ♪

♪ Be running up that hill ♪

♪ Be running up that building ♪

♪ Say if I only could ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, ♪

♪ Tell me we both matter, don't we? ♪

♪ You ♪

♪ If only I could ♪

♪ I'd make a deal with God ♪

♪ And I'd get him to swap our places ♪

♪ Be running up that road ♪

♪ Be running up that hill ♪

♪ Be running up that building ♪

♪ Say, if only I could ♪

Can you remove your headphones, please?


A C in English and a C-minus in Spanish.


Well, that's not normal for you.

If you say so.

How's your mom holding up?

She's fine.

I mean, she hates our new
place, which is, like...

Yeah, it's terrible, but...

she's fine.

Is she still drinking?

Like, yeah, a little, but...

Well, she's working two jobs.

So, it's not easy.

It must not be easy for you
either with your stepdad gone.

It's kind of better, honestly.

Better how?

He was an assh*le.

So, there's less


Are you sleeping better?

Yeah, fine.

No more headaches?





What you've been through, what
you're still going through,

it's a lot for anyone.

And it's okay to not be okay.

But I can only help
you if you're truthful,

if you open up to me.

Yeah, I... I know.

I'm... I'm being open.

I'm being open.

Max, hey.

Are you stalking me or something?

Oh, no, I... I just
wanted to give you this.

- What is this?
- A ticket to the game.

I know you never want to go to my games,

but this one is kind of a big deal.

A big deal? Lucas, you
really care about this?

Yeah, I... I do. Maybe you should
find something you care about too.

What the hell is that supposed to mean?


You're just...

It's... It's like you're
not even here anymore.

It's... It's like you're
a ghost or something.

A ghost?



I know something's wrong.

Yeah, right.

Something must be wrong with
me because I broke up with you.


No, that... that's not what I meant.

Lucas, look,

people just change, okay?

That's it.

I've changed.

It's that simple.

Good luck.

Hey, are you all right?

Yeah... Yes, I'm...

I'm fine.

Okay, um...

You're sure?

Please, just go away.

Are you deaf? I said go away.




You ready to try on the dress again?

I loosened the back a little for you.

Chrissy! Did you hear me?

Open the g*dd*mn door, Chrissy...

open the door, Chrissy,

or I'm gonna gut you like
the fat pig that you are.

Go away! Go away! Go away!

- Did you hear me?
- Go away!

Go away! Go away! Go away! Go away!

Can you hear me?

"The Devil has come to America."

"Dungeons and Dragons,

at first regarded as a
harmless game of make-believe,

now has both parents and
psychologists concerned."

"Studies have linked
violent behavior to the game,

saying it promotes satanic worship,

ritual sacrifice,



and even...


Shit, he seems really revved up today.

He's always revved up.

We'll just act casual.

- Casual.
- Casual.

Right, okay.


Society has to blame something.

- We're an easy target.
- Exactly.

We're the freaks because we
like to play a fantasy game.

But as long as you're into band

or science...

... or parties

or a game where you toss
balls into laundry baskets...

- Loser!
- You want something, freak?


It's forced conforming.

That's what's... ... k*lling the kids!

That's the real monster.

So, uh, speaking of monsters,


Lucas has to do his, uh,



... he's not gonna be able to
make it to Hellfire tonight.

And I know there's no way we can beat

your sadistic campaign without him.

So, me and Mike,

we were talking,

sh**ting the shit,

and we were thinking
that maybe we might...


- Postpone? Can't just drop this on us!
- Over my dead body.

Shut up!

You saying Sinclair's been
taken in by the dark side?

- Uh, something like that.
- Something like that?

- Jesus Christ.
- And rather than find a sub for him,

you want... you want to postpone

"The Cult of Vecna"?

I... I don't want to postpone
it. We don't want to postpone it.

It's just that, you know,

most of the subs will be
at the championship game.

- Oh, it's the championship game?
- Yeah.

Can I level with you?

Jeff graduates this year.

Gareth's got, what? A year and a half?

Me, I am army-crawling my way
toward a D in Ms. O'Donnell's.

If I don't blow her final,

I'm gonna walk that stage next month,

I'm gonna look Principal
Higgins dead in the eye,

I'm gonna flip him the bird,

I'm gonna snatch that diploma.

I'm gonna run like hell outta here.

- Didn't you say that last year?
- And the year before?

Yeah, yeah, and I was full of shit.

This year's different.

This year is my year.

I can feel it.

' , baby.

You know what that means?

It means you boys

are the future of Hellfire.

I knew it the moment I saw you.

You sat on that table right
over there, looking like...

looking like two little lost sheep.

You were wearing a Weird Al T-shirt,

which I thought was brave.

Thank you.

Mike, you were wearing whatever shit

your mommy bought you from g*dd*mn Gap.

And we showed you

that school didn't have to be the
worst years of your lives, right?

- No.
- Okay, no, no.

Well, I'm here to tell you

that there are other little lost
sheepies out there who need help.

Who need you.

And all you guys gotta do

is get your Bo-Peeps
on and go and find one.

Where the hell have you been?

I have karate from
: to : on Fridays.

So let me see if I have this right.

You received a doll in the mail.

- Yes.
- And it's creepy.

- Oh, yes.
- And you believe it's from Russia, huh?

- I know it is.
- Hmm.

The... The stamps on the package

have that hammer with
that hook thingamajig.

- Sickle.
- Whatever.

Sounds like it came from Russia.

Wow, I am so glad I called you.

Should I be worried?

I would be.


Could be a threat.

After all, you did sabotage
their U.S. operation

and k*lled about two dozen comrades.

But how would they know my name?

If it's the KGB, Joyce,

and they wanna find out
who you are, they will.

Wait, can you undress her?

- What?
- The creepy doll.

Can you remove her dress?

I don't...




She has nipples.


Okay, now, do you see
anything taped to her?

Wires or a bug or something?

I don't know. It's... It's cracked.


Yeah, like, the porcelain's cracked

and they tried to glue it back together.

Okay, okay. Uh, do you have rope

and something heavy?

What for?


What do you think, Byers?

I call it a weeder.

You get it, man? Like a feeder?



Hey, where are you going, man?

Look, I'm just trying to turn
that frown upside down, man.

Yeah, yeah.

Okay, come on, man.

What, are you gonna be moping
around all break or what?

- I'm not moping.
- You're moping.

- Really?
- Mopey d*ck.

Wow, wow, that's clever.

Is this because your
girl is ditching you?

What? Nancy's not ditching me.

Oh, so she's coming now?


Ah, so she's ditching you.

Dude, no, she's not ditching me.

She has to work.

Who the hell works over spring break?

Nancy. Nancy does.

Maybe I'm missing something,

but why can't Jonathan
come down here for break?

- Because.
- Because why?

Because a lot of reasons.


Um, do you mind if I take
a crack at this, Candace?

Um, go ahead. All yours.

You said there's lots of
reasons he's not coming. Such as?

- Why are you being so nosy?
- Call it journalistic instinct.

Okay, well, there's no story
here, if that's what you're after.

His mom works,

so he has to watch over his brother.

On top of that, he's not
early decision like me,

so he's waiting on
his acceptance letter,

and he wants to be there when it comes.

Which I totally get.

Okay. Um, I don't. It just...

... doesn't make any sense, dude.

Okay, let me sift through this mess.

Nancy is the supposed love of your life.

In fact, you're so smitten
that you have this grand plan

to go to some fancy-schmancy
college, AKA money pit, together?

And yet he's so nervous
about this acceptance letter,

he doesn't have time to visit
the most desired girl in Hawkins?

That doesn't pass the smell test.

In fact, it stinks to high heaven.


Look, you're a good boy, okay?

You've been a good boy, man.

And I think it's way past due

you give that right
hand of yours a vacation

and get you some
well-deserved hanky-panky.

Okay, first of all, Fred,

I'm going to try to forget
that you said any of that.

- It's...
- Gross, dude.

- It's natural.
- You don't understand Nancy.

He's not like you. He's
caring and compassionate and...

... incredibly ambitious.

She's never done a single
thing halfway in her life.

He's so protective over
the people that he loves.

If she takes on the
editor of the school paper,

she's gonna make that the
best paper that ever existed.

And he'll never back down from
what's right, what's moral.

No matter the pressure, no
matter the personal cost...

- That's why I love her.
- That's why I love him.

- Everything between us is...
- Perfect.

Eh, I'm still rooting for my alt.


Nancy, hey.

Um, do you wanna join Hellfire tonight?

Just move your date this one time.

Come on.

What, to hang out with you
and Eddie "the freak" Munson?

Uh, yeah, I'll pass.

You're just jealous 'cause I
have another older male friend.

Ew. Ugh. Whatever.

Besides, I mean, I really dig this girl.

I think that she could...

Who knows, she could be the one.

Oh, I got some customers.
Call you back. Bye.

No, you can't. I'm at...

... school.

So you fight with dice?

Yes, but these aren't your normal dice.

They have up to sides.

If I play, do I get one
of those cool T-shirts?

- Yes.
- Really?

Everyone gets a T-shirt. We
make 'em ourselves, and if you...

You're being sarcastic.

You being sarcastic?

She was being sarcastic.

Mom says the game promotes
Satanism and animal cruelty.

That's just bullshit media propaganda.

Minutes begs to differ.

- No.
- No.


- No.
- No.

I hate high school.

So, screw it.

Screw what?

Screw high school.

What? What? Dustin, where are you going?

Just trust me!

Come on, just talk to me.

Tell me things!

- Wear a helmet!
- What are you talking about?


Whoa, hey, hey, hey.


Didn't mean to scare you.

You okay?

There's, uh... There's
nothing to worry about. Okay?

No one ever comes out here.

We're safe.

I promise.

So, how does this work exactly?

Oh, just like any other old sale,

except, uh, cash only,

and, uh, for obvious reasons,

no receipts.

I'll do you a half ounce for,
uh... . What do you say?

Plenty of bang for your
buck. Should last a while.

Hey, uh, we don't need to do this.

Just give me the word
and I'll walk away.

- Okay?
- It's not that. I don't want you to go.

It's just...

Do you ever feel like

you're losing your mind?


you know, just... on a daily basis.

I feel like I'm losing my mind right now

doing a drug deal with
Chrissy Cunningham,

the queen of Hawkins High.

You know, this isn't the
first time that we've, um...

- hung out.
- No?

You don't remember?

I'm sorry. I...

That's okay.

I wouldn't remember me either, Chrissy.

Honestly, do I have stuff in my hair?

You don't remember me?

I'm sorry.

Middle school, talent show.

You were doing this cheer thing.

You know, the... the thing you do.

It was pretty cool, actually.

And I...

- I was with my band.
- Corroded Coffin.

- Corro... You do remember.
- Oh my God! Yes, of course.

With a name like that,
how could I forget?

I dunno. You're a freak.

No, you just...

- You looked so...
- Different?

Yeah. Well, uh, my hair was buzzed,

and I didn't have these
sweet old tatties yet.

- You played guitar, right?
- Uh-huh.

Still do. Still do.

You should come see us.

Uh, we play at The Hideout on Tuesdays.

It's pretty cool. We...
We actually get a crowd

of about five drunks.

It's not exactly the Garden,

but you gotta start
somewhere, right? So...

You know, you're not what
I thought you'd be like.

- Mean and scary?
- Yeah.

Yeah, well, I actually kinda thought
you'd be kinda mean and scary too.

- Me?
- Terrifying.

Uh, so,

in other good news,
flattery works with me, so...

Twenty-five percent
discount for the half.

Fifteen bucks. You're robbing
me blind here, you know.

Do you have anything



Nice job, Kate.

Excellent work, Paul. Nice improvement.

Very disappointing, Jane.

Let's talk after break.

- Oh!
- Oh my God.

I am so sorry.

I hope Mr. Fibbly's okay.


Oh my God.


Holy shit!

What the hell was that?

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

Hey, what's going on here?

What's going on? Jane?


Did someone do this?

I tripped.

It was just an accident.

All right, Angela. You come with me.

- Ooh!
- What? Why?

Let's go.

I didn't do anything.
Tell her, Jane. Tell her!

Shit. El. El.



I'm sorry.

It's gonna be okay.

It... It's not that bad.

We'll fix it together, okay?

Okay? Shit.

Come on, kids.

Don't stare.

Oh, hi.

Mommy, what's she doing?

Was this really necessary?

If that porcelain belly is
pregnant with an expl*sive device,

you will soon be thanking me.

And remember, you are not
lowering this bucket. You are...

Releasing it. Got it.

We want to make sure
that we destroy that doll

with as much force as possible.

Yep. Got it.

One more thing.

Joyce. Are you there?
Talk to me! Joyce! Joyce!

Joyce! Joyce! Joyce!

- Joyce!
- Yeah?

- What happened?
- It broke.

Do you see a bug?

Anything with wires?

Or anything that... that doesn't
look like the insides of a doll.

Anything like that?

Joyce! Joyce!

Where'd you go? Where'd you go now?

Why are you not answering me again?


Oh my...

Let's go, Tigers!

Let's go, Tigers!

Does it bother you that, like,

we might win a championship
right after you graduated?

Yeah, that's an interesting point.

Thank you so much for
bringing that up, Brenda.

Everyone now please rise
for our national anthem.

Singing for us tonight, we
have a very special guest.

All the way from Nashville,

our very own Tammy Thompson!

Go, Tammy!

We love you, Tammy!

♪ O say, can you see ♪

♪ By the dawn's early light... ♪

Told you.


Okay, she does sound like a Muppet.

Oh my God, totally.

She sounds like Kermit.

I was thinking it was
more like Miss Piggy.

I used to think she sounded good
'cause I had this massive crush...


Um, we... we took a... a
massively hard class together.

We were... We were in Mrs.
Click's class together.



- Sorry, were you asking me a question?
- No.

Oh, okay.

♪ ... ramparts we watched ♪

Wow. She sounds amazing, doesn't she?

♪ And the rocket's red glare ♪

♪ The bombs bursting in air ♪

♪ Gave proof through the night ♪

♪ That our flag was still there ♪

♪ O say, does that star-spangled... ♪

Absolutely not.

You asked for a sub. We delivered.

This is Hellfire Club.
Not Babysitting Club.

I'm , you long-haired freak.

My, my, the child speaks.

So, what's your name, child?

Erica Sinclair.

So this is Sinclair's infamous sister.

He's sharp.

What's your class and
level? Level one dwarf?

My name is Lady Applejack.

And I'm a chaotic good
half-elf rogue, level .

I will sneak behind any
monster you throw my way

and s*ab them in the back
with my poison-soaked kukri.

And I'll smile as I watch them
die a slow, agonizing death.

So, we gonna do this,

or we gonna keep chitchatting like
this is your mommy's book club?

Welcome to Hellfire.

Push 'em back, defense! Push 'em back...

Hey! Yo, you gotta stay on 'em.

Stay on 'em! Let's go! Go!

Looks like my headline has a shot.

The hooded cultists chant,

"Hail Lord Vecna."

"Hail Lord Vecna."

They turn to you,

remove their hoods.

You recognize most of them from Makbar.

But there is one you do not recognize,

his skin shriveled,


And something else.

He is not only missing his left arm,

but his left eye!

No! No!

- Vecna's dead.
- He was k*lled by Kas.

So it was thought, my
friends. So it was thought.

But Vecna lives.

Yo, what the hell was that?

What the hell was that?
That's not me, that's him.

You are scared. You're
tired. You are injured.

Do you flee Vecna and his cultists?

Or stand your ground and fight?

Come on.

- Sinclair, you're in.
- Huh?

You're in. Son, let's go!

I say we fight.

To the death.

To the death.

To the death.

To the death! To the death!

To the death! To the death!

To the death!

To the death!

To the death!

To the death!


- No!
- Defense! Defense!

sh**t it!


Come on!

Time-out. Time-out.

Time-out! Time-out!

Guys, I hate to say this,
but we've got to flee.

- I concur.
- Didn't we just agree "to the death"?

That wasn't literal.

Vecna just decimated us. We
can't k*ll him with two players.

You too? He only has hit
points left. Don't be pussies.

Pussies? Really? 'Cause
we're not delusional?

- Delusional? How about not cowards?
- Hey!

If I may interject,
gentlemen, Lady Applejack.

Whilst I respect the passion,

you'd be wise to take Gareth
the Great's concern to heart.

There is no shame in running.

Don't try to be heroes.

Not today, 'kay?

One sec.

What do you think?

How many hit points do you
and Applejack have left?


Here, on inbound,

they're gonna try and take
away Jason and double-team him.

That is gonna free up Patrick.

Wait, no. You gotta
let me take the shot.

It's risky as hell.

But you're the ones on the b*ttlefield.

So it's your call.

- What do you say, Lady Applejack?
- You really gotta ask?

Screw it.

Let's k*ll the son of a bitch.

Winners find a way to
win. Let me find a way.

The chances of success are -to- .

Never tell me the odds.

Just get me the ball. Get me the ball.

Give me the D .

That's a miss!

- No!
- Shit! Shit!

- Please!
- Come on!

- Please!
- Come on!


Come on!

- Crit hit!
- Yeah!

What? What?

That's why we play.

Yes! Yes!

Lucas! Lucas! Lucas! Lucas!

That's you, baby! That's you!

Yeah, man.

Hey, Jed, you comin'?

Oh, yeah. Party at Benny's, boys!



Lucas. Come on, man.

After a tragic year for our town,

the Tigers have brought
home the conference title

for the first time in years.

And what a great game it was, Allen,

ending with a dramatic buzzer-beater
from benchwarmer Lucas Sinclair.

He must be feeling on
top of the world right...

All right, all right, I hear you.

- It'll be . .
- Yeah.

But this is your old
friend Billy talking.

You know, just... just a little
favor. And I don't think...

No. I don't wanna do that stuff.

Not for you, not for anybody.

I'm trying to be normal, Billy.

I'm coming. I'm coming.

Here you go. Good boy.

This is, uh, my castle.

Okay. All right.

One more. That's it though, right?

Good boy.

Sorry for the mess.

Uh, the maid took the week off.

You, um...

You live here alone?

With my uncle.

But, uh, he works nights at the plant.

Bringing home the big bucks.

How long does it take?


The Special K. How long to kick in?

Oh, uh, well, it depends
if you snort it or not.

Uh, if you do,

then, uh, yeah.

It'll, uh, kick in pretty quick.

Oh, shit.

- You're sure you have it?
- No, no, I got it.

Um, somewhere.


Sorry I'm late, sweetheart.

You're beautiful.

Eddie? Did you find it?





Just loosening this
up for you, sweetheart.

You're going to look...
... absolutely beautiful.


- No!
- Chrissy, open the door!

- No!
- Let go! Let go!



Dad! Dad?


Found it.

Peaceful bliss, just moments away.





Hey, Chrissy, wake up.

Hey. Hello?

Chrissy. Hello?

Hey, Chrissy.




Help! Help!

Somebody, help me!

Time to wake up. Hello? Can you hear me?

Wake up, Chrissy.

Chrissy, wake up!

I don't like this, Chrissy! Wake up!




Chrissy! Chrissy! Chrissy!

Chrissy, wake up now! Chrissy!

Don't cry, Chrissy.

It's time

for your suffering...

to end.



Jesus Christ!