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03x17 - Temple of Doom

Posted: 05/27/22 08:35
by bunniefuu

Brock Porter,

report to the canteen immediately.

The rats took control
from the frozen yogurt bar.

Attention, those are not
chocolate chips.

I hate my life.

I love my life.

this hot chocolate
deserved to be warmed up.

Even on point.

Dude, why did you send a message to
meet in the boiler room?

They are distributing the new MyPads
that the school won.

I can't believe we had
the highest grades

of all schools in the district.

I know.

Just so you know, I'm the reason
for us to have won these MyPads.

- Are you?
- Yea. I stayed home the day of the test.

Then. You did it. Thanks.

So what happens?

Mr. Roper combined two chemicals
that he shouldn't.

Now the whole science lab
smells of wet cat and rotten eggs.

You are sure
that it's not just Mr. Roper?

It might be.

Anyway, those kids are
suffer and we have to get rid of the kid.

How can we help from below?

Kim. This is
the nerve center of our school.

These valves, indicators
and switches control everything.

Jerry, since when
do you know things?

It's in my blood.

I come from a long line
of electricians,

plumbers and seers.

Jake, you will have a happy life
full of great achievements.

So what about me?

We better get back to work.

Very well, when I say "now",

Jack, you're going to turn that valve,

Kim, you're gonna pull that cable,

and I'm going to release this lever.


And now!

We didn't just take
the stink of the laboratory, right?


I hate that laugh.
What did we just do?




Try to face me

I'm saying, don't do that

Have fun with me

We can have fun and climb walls

It's how we do it

And no matter how much I cut and b*at

It's not so cool
how to have fun with you

Here we go, let the party begin

Do it like karate

All together


Try to face me

I'm saying don't do it

Have fun with me

We can have fun and climb walls

It's how we do it

And no matter how much I cut and b*at

It's not so cool
how to have fun with you

Tell me directly.
I can handle it.

Am sorry. We lost it, sir.

I can't believe she's gone.

She saw a side of me
that few have seen.

Mine. She looks at this place.

has its own
massage chair,

flat screen television,

a cool pool table.

Great spot, Funderburk.

There are some days when I walk
in leopard underwear.

It's director Funderburk!

You three just bought

a ticket for punishment on Saturday.

I will personally supervise

while you clean
all school bathrooms,

starting with mine.

- But it's not fair, Jack and I just...
- Silence, girl!

- We thought we were cleaning up the stench...
- I said, silence, girl.

If you want to be friends with Jerry Martinez,
have to pay the price.

One more thing,

you three
will not receive MyPads.

- What?
- That's right.

Just lost a tool
state-of-the-art learning.

It also allows you to do this.

It's all, people!

I love this application!

Rudy, thanks for bringing me
to the space center tour.

It's my dream one day
attend the Space Program here.

It's my dream to buy another bag
of these Jupiter snacks.

Are amazing.

Then let's experience
what it's like to be weightless.

Wait, let's really experience it
zero gravity?

No, let's experience
a burly man named Tito

taking you by the belt
and walking around with you.


So come in.
It's your turn, boys.


Rudy, what are you doing?

What, man. all the cool things
are behind this door.

I know from a safe source

that there is a camera somewhere around here
biological system that harbors aliens.

Seriously? what source?

I don't have to tell you my source.

But trust me, it's an agent
highly positioned governmental

with access to confidential information.

It's the guy in the park with a pigeon
living in his beard, eh?

Yes. Yes, he is.

Where's Jerry?
Shouldn't he be here already?

he is always around
to cause us trouble,

but never around
to get rid of them.

What is this noise?

It's something to rattle
in the boiler room.

Because of your departure, we had
to drain all the water from the pipes.

Wait, no, I'm telling you, Donna.

You are the only girl

for me.

Are you going out with Brad?

Do you have Kerry Davis' number?

I am?

Glad you made it, Jerry.

Pass your cell phones, guys.

Well done, Martinez.
Now jump.

I hope you're happy, Jerry.

Saturdays are the day I go
to the mall

receive free makeup
pretending I'm going to buy makeup.

This time
You really screwed up, Jerry.

You cost us our weekend
and we will not receive our MyPads.

Well, come on, malta. Am sorry.

You have to admit.
It was quite funny, right?

Maybe Funderburk is right.

Maybe being your friend isn't worth it.

Come on, Kim. Let's clean up any
bathroom where Jerry is not.


Come on, malta. Don't be like that.

You are my best friends!

So are you going to leave me here?

I'll just clean this whole place

next to mine...
nice pool table.

I'll hit the six ball,
tap the five-a-o lightly,

that will slide sideways
and both enter the hole in the corner

or indeed, any ball that enters
it was what i wanted to do.


I think this is
an alien biological chamber.

Hello, alien life forms.

Be you green and flabby

or bigheads,

we will not laugh at your appearance.

Because we come in peace.


Rudy, this is not a camera
alien biological.

Let me turn on a light.

this is the most beautiful thing
that I ever saw.

Inside the Lunar Shuttle!

My my.
Take a picture of me!

Look, look, look.

I'm riding with my tail.

What did you do?

It was my ass that did it.
It has a will of its own.

Launch sequence started

in three,

two, one

You activated the shuttle.

I don't believe.

- Let's go to space!
- What?

My mother from heaven!

Farewell, sweet Mother Earth!

What do you think you are doing?
You'll never get away with it.


No, stop it.
Get away from me!

Get away from me.

Please don't hurt me.


Stop it!

- You'll never get away with this.
- Go there. Let us go.

We've all seen your face, okay?

We just have to report.

How could you have done this?
These MyPads are for students.

They're great.

I bought one for my mother in law
just for her to leave me alone.

That woman is talkative.

she talks and talks

and she talks and talks.
- Shut up!


Now you won't be able to hear
the end of the story.

These MyPads are worth
a quarter of a million dollars.

They are my retirement plan.

Wait a minute, what are you
are here doing on a Saturday?

Punishing these toilet breakers!

Get down.

Get down!


when we get nervous, we...

- We sing!
- ...we sing.

It's our thing, you see.

Get down

Get down

Dance fever

Love this song.

Get down

Get down
Dance fever

Stop singing!

Brock doesn't know that Jerry
is still in the building.

That's why we have it on our side.

Brock, this is Jerry,
I'm in the building.

In the principal's bathroom,
if you want me.

Microphone on.

I'm very sorry.

Had a nice and relaxing
planned robbery weekend

and you guys ruined it!

- Malta!
- Jerry,

- did you call the police?
- No, I couldn't.

he destroyed
the entire communication system.

computers, phones,
the entire network is down.

You know, Funderburk, I get it.

he's kinda flabby
and physically weak.

I'm right here.

But you and Kim are both
black belts.

How does Brock
dominated you both?

Because apparently, Brock
It's not a regular doorman.

He is the Hideous Hyena.

the toughest fighter
that ever existed.

I was his biggest fan.

actually i was there
on your last night when you left

the referee in two.

He got kicked out of your league

and I hired him here.

Jerry, you have to go get help.

Don't even think you can stop
this guy alone.


No, I won't leave you here
with some crazy fighter.

I got you in this mess
and I will take you out of it.

He was a member of the Hyena Horde.

Yes, every time he
dropped the hammer,

put me up in my chair

and he made the Hyena's call.

It was the loneliest time
of my life.

Wait a second,
why am i screaming?

Because that's what people
tend to do

when they are thrown through space
towards its inevitable fate?

Look at a beautiful comet.


Why aren't we weightless?

Man, I'm so light.

Rudy, if you were light,
I would be light.

Yes, that makes sense.

Rudy, we can finish this mission.

We just have to focus and stay calm.

What are you saying?

I'm saying we can take this
beautiful, huge can back to Earth.

But I can't do it alone.

Major Rudy Gillespie
reporting for service, sir.

sure you can
do this, Milton?

I want to be an astronaut
since the age of four.

I studied each of these buttons
and switches

and I know what each of them does.

Except this one.

let's call this one
the turns button.

That red wire is from the transmission
from the main security camera

passing through the school.

Connect this wire to the USB port
that controls these MyPads.

They become monitors and then
you can see the whole school.

I got lost in "red thread."

Just plug it in!

- Cool.
- Good.

Using these sticks and these ropes,

I can control everything in the building.


Hello, idiot. In the washbasin.

Good, man, you did it.
That was genius.

I'm just warming up.

Time to reverse the airflow.


I have to remember
of this little trick

next time the librarian
park at my spot.

- Jerry, he's getting up!
- Not for long.

Waxing time.

Now I can control the waxer
from here with this remote control.



- Yea!
- Good!

- Cool.
- Very well, wait.

While Brock is stunned,

I go there, take the keys,

- I open these chains, and...
- Jerry!

God help us.

You just woke up the Hyena.

Rock! Rock!

- They're asteroids.
- Asteroid! Asteroid!

Alert. Left engine failure.

This is not good.

Right motor failure.

That's worse.

Total engine failure.

Yes, we understand. Ended!

The only chance we have
is to use Farrington's third axiom

to reverse our matrix
of directional cosine.

Yes. That seems correct to me.

Hold on tight.

I just realized why
is that they have the spin button.

We've arrived!

We achieved!

We're at home!

Let's get out of here
before we get into trouble.

You wouldn't have gotten in trouble,
would have been me.

I flipped the switch
causing all this.

I'm an adult,
would have taken responsibility.

He's the culprit. It was him. It was the boy.

What's your name, son?

Milton Krupnick, sir.


I've never seen anyone fly
the simulator that way.

Well I want to be an astronaut
since I had...

Wait, did you say simulator?

didn't even think it was
in space, do you think?

- Of course.
- Completely.

Son, I would even consider

join our space program

Milton D. Krupnick,
reporting for service, sir.

Damn it.

Then. That turmoil stirred
my Jupiter snacks.

Permission to vomit?

- Refused!
- Canceled!


All right, here we are safe.
That door has a double lock.

If you ask me, I think it's time
to show you that we are not afraid.

Mom, save me!

Here's what will happen.

I will leave this school
with those MyPads

and there's nothing the four of you
can do about it!

You're not going anywhere.

Those MyPads belong to the school.

Jerry, the keys.


Yes sir!
The Hyena is back!

Sorry. Old habit.

Hi Brock.

Only I mess with my school.

Jerry, what you did was amazing.

you had the opportunity to run away
and you didn't run away.

Yes mine. That was fantastic.

You saved the MyPads
and you defeated a crazy fighter.

I got you in trouble enough.

I thought it was high
to get rid of them.

- Let's go get the police.
- Very good. We will.


I'm still chained here.


Well, Brock.

Your plan failed.

You may have been tough once, but...

Look, you're chained
on the same pipe as me.

Please don't hurt me.

I was a member of your horde.

It was very nice of you
take me out to eat after my shift.

I think it was even nicer
you have paid.

So this is your dojo.

Yes. This is my kingdom.

If you'll excuse me,
I have to sit on my throne.

something is not
to agree with me.

What class.

Bemini-Quatro speaks from here
to report back to Klaxon.

I implanted the egg in the Earthling.

the alien offspring
will be born in three,


Who and what are you?
