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09x08 - The Wedding

Posted: 05/29/22 07:18
by bunniefuu
- Please.
- Will you get your filthy hands off me?

- Virginia.
- And how about an apology?

I like apologies.

Last time on Dynasty:

No one talks like you do
unless they've been on streets.

- How would you know?
- I know.

Your only hope of survival
is surgery.

There is a possibility
that you won't survive the operation.

I'd love to have you standing there
beside me once again.

Are you asking me to remarry you?

We'd just have the family there.

- Look, the body in the lake was...
- Roger Grimes. The man I loved.

Despite that that was over years
ago, you're still upset about it.

It doesn't matter when it was.
I just found out that Blake k*lled Roger.

You said if I was ever

- in the neighbourhood.
- Mm-hm.

- Ask me out for pizza.
- Sorry, I have to meet somebody.

- Anybody special?
- Everybody's special, Zorelli.

I want the picture you showed
to your mother.

- He was your architect, wasn't he?
- It doesn't matter who he was.

I told you to stay out of this thing.

Zorelli thinks you k*lled that man
and so does Mother.

You want me put in jail for that.

I would put a cap on your curiosity.

It could blow up in your face.

- Did my father m*rder him?
- Why are you doing this to me?

Because watching you
twist in the wind

the way you've made me twist
all these years

gives me a certain satisfaction.

When I black out,
I do strange things.

Things I don't even remember doing.

My God, you are mad.

I could k*ll you, Alexis.

And no jury in the world
would ever convict me.

So I warn you.

If you ever try to harm Blake,
you'll have to answer to me.

I think a Wedding's
a wonderful idea, Krystle.

So do I.

L just don't know if it's a good idea
if I have the surgery.

If? You have to have it.

And I think a Wedding's
a wonderful way to celebrate.

I mean, it's the beginning
of your new life.


I've been a little worried about you.

What happened to you downtown?

You att*cked that man
like you really meant to hurt him.

He came at us with a Kn*fe.

No, it happened
even before you knew he had a Kn*fe.

I didn't know who you were.

Well, maybe you don't.

Wait, please.

I won't push you.
I really just wanna understand.

- You really wanna know who I am?
- Yes.


I'm the scum on the street,
that's what I am.

No better at all.

I slept under porches.

I ate out of trash cans.

And I used to carry a big piece
of broken glass to protect myself.

What are you talking about?

What I'm talking about is my life,

Ever since my darling mother
took off on me.

- Took off?
- Just up and disappeared one day.

And left a -year-old girl
to walk the streets alone.

I didn't know.

Why didn't you call me
or come to me?

- I came to your wedding.
- No, you didn't.

I hitched all the way from Dayion.

And then I walked miles
and stood in front of those huge gates.

I looked inside and I said to myself:

"I'm not going inside there.

That place is a palace."

I can't believe you didn't come in.

I don't think you have any idea
what it feels like

to stand on the other side
of those gates.

You were a princess.

I was nothing.

Dear God, Virginia,

I had no idea.

Why don't you have him call me
as soon as he gets back?

I want all the papers
on that Strasser/Silicon deal

faxed to me today.

All right.



Jeff, Painter, an old Vietnam buddy.

- How you do?
- Pleasure.

I smell some fresh mud.

Oh, right over there. Help yourself.

What do you make of this?

Where did you get this?

My computer
contacted their computer.

They were both lonely,
so they had a little talk.

You mean you hacked
into the investment firm's mainframe.

- Where did you get this guy?
- I already told you.

What do you make of this?


It looks like Heath and Rowan
went through Alexis' portfolio.

Whatever they could,
they liquidated into junk bonds,

and through the same broker, they
made a fortune off the commissions.

You're not gonna nail that broker.

I tried catching him
with another client.

The important thing is that we find out
what Heath is really after.

I mean, the man came back when
he could just have easily have flown.

Painter, you were pretty tight with
some of the phone service people.

Am I hearing a request
for a telephone tap?

Well, maybe. Maybe a list of calls
made from Heath's office.

And if you can get his private calls too,
I would love you forever.

But, Dex, that would be wrong.

Season tickets, -yard line.

That would be right. That and about
a thousand bucks ought to do it.

- Well, I'll get back to you on that.
- See you.

Man drives a hard bargain.

Well, I just hope
he doesn't drive us to jail.

London Bridge is falling down.

My fair lady.

London Bridge is falling down.

Falling down.

Falling down.

London Bridge is falling down.

My fair lady.

She's not your lady.

No, please. Daddy, don't.

- Get away from her.
- Don't sh**t. Please.

It's okay, Fallon.

I'm already dead.

FALLON". Daddy, don't sh**t.
BLAKE". Get away from her.

Daddy, don't sh**t, please.

Oh, did I wake you, Mommy?

No. Whatever gave you that idea?

London Bridge is falling down.

Falling down, falling down.

London Bridge is falling down
My fair lady.

London Bridge is falling down
Falling down, falling down.

London Bridge is falling down
My fair lady.

London Bridge is falling down
Falling down, falling down.

London Bridge is falling down
My fair lady.


Are you busy?

Can we talk?

No, not here. I'll come to you.

- Yes?
- Mr. Dexter,

- Fallon Carrington's here to see you.
- Oh, send her in.

- Hi.
- Let me guess.

Problems with your cop.

- No.
- Ah.

Well, let me see.

I give UP-

Remember those dreams
I was telling you about?

The ones about the dead man
they found in the lake?

Well, he's not dead anymore.

- I beg your pardon?
- He lives inside my head, Dex,

all the time,
every time I close my eyes.

He's trying to tell me something.

Fallon, come on now.

And I'm not having delusions.

Look, we've known each other
for a long time.

Your father worked
with my grandfather and...


What if I told you that man they found
was Mother's lover, Roger Grimes?

And she says Daddy k*lled him.

- What are you asking me?
- If it's true.

I don't know
whether Blake k*lled the guy or not.

- Frankly, it doesn't matter.
- I've tried talking to him and...

Hey, hey.
There are things in people's lives

that they don't tell anybody.

- Yes, I know that, but...
- Fallon.

- Do you love Blake?
- Of course, I do.

So don't put him on the spot
by asking questions he can't answer.

Protect him. He's your father.

That's what Sable said.

Sable knows about this?

She saw the picture.

- Hi.
- Krystle.

What are you doing here?

Well, we have some business
to discuss.

- Business?
- Yes.

I've been thinking about what you said
about us getting married again

before I go in for the surgery.

I think it's a wonderful idea.


But you have to do something for me

I've been to a lawyer
and I'd like you to sign these papers.

Hmm. This really is business.

These are divorce papers.

I know.

And it's a living will.

What it says is,
that if I come out of this operation

and I can't hear or speak
or recognise you,

that my divorce from you
will become a*t*matic.

And that you'll place me
in an institution

where I'll have no contact
with the family.

Krystle, I can't do that.

Do you know
what you're asking me to do?

I'm asking you to keep me
from becoming a burden

to the people I love.

No. Absolutely not.

I'm sorry.
I'm not gonna sign these papers.

Then I can't remarry you.

And I won't have the operation.

you've got to have that operation.

If you don't have it, you'll...

I'll die.

Yes, I know.


Oh, hello, Krystle.
If I'm interrupting...

No. We're finished.
I'll see you at home.

Are we dressing for dinner tonight?

Yes. Sable's coming,
so I thought we'd make it formal.

Oh, really?

Yeah, she's new here and she doesn't
know many people in Denver.

Good. I like Sable.

So do I.
Even if she is Alexis' cousin.

There's something special
about her.

All right.

About your divorce papers,

this is the hardest thing
that I've ever been asked to do.

I know.

All my life in business,
I've managed to keep out of corners.

I've always given myself
lots of options.

I've never allowed myself
to be pinned down,

but now you're forcing my hand.

Don't you see that?

All right.

We both know
that you must have this surgery.

I have no choice.

I'll sign your divorce papers.

Thank you.

Now we can have our wedding.

- Good evening, Sable.
- I'm so glad you could come.

It's quite absurd, but I nearly didn't.
Somehow I'm quite nervous.

- But you're family.
- I know,

but I've been without one
for so long.

Oh, well, I'll just take a deep breath.

Now, tell me, is the chef any good?

- He is excellent.
- All right, in that case, I'll stay.

We're having drinks
in the living room.

Oh, Sable, this is Virginia,
Krystle's cousin,

new member of the family.

- A pleasure to meet you.
- And you, Virginia.

Thank you.

Shall we?

Here we are, right in here.

Oh, goodness gracious.

Oh, Adam, you two know each other,
of course.

- Hello, Adam.
- We met in Los Angeles.

- I remember you very, very well.
- Oh, dear. Ha-ha.

Adam gives bad first impressions.

they're usually accurate.

Now, Fallon, why do you want
to hurt your brother's feelings?

- Mm.
- I couldn't. He doesn't have any.

- Thank God you're so easy to ignore.
- Ha-ha.

That's enough, you two.
Now, remember, we have a guest.

Sorry, I'm late.

Oh, and you are the very pretty
Sammy Jo.

- Thank you.
- Tell me, what do you do

with all those men you must attract?

Usually lose them.

Don't we all?

Adam, Sable's helping me
with the homeless project.

That's an enormous undertaking,

And very expensive. Right, Adam?

- Money is not the point, Fallon.
- It is to you.

Now, that is enough, both of you.

Oh, no, this is wonderful.

I haven't heard such bickering
since my own children left.

Krystle, Blake,
you have a perfect family.

Home, hearth, and hell.

- Where did you hear that?
- I think I just made it up.

Oh, a moment, please, everybody.
I have an announcement to make.

Now, as you all know,
we are taking Krystle to Switzerland

for her operation soon.

And we're just waiting to hear
that they're ready for us now.

But before that happens,

I've asked her
to renew our marriage vows.

And she has agreed.

- Oh, that's wonderful.
- That's great.

That's exciting.

It's like a second chance.

- For what?
- Oh, for me.

I've been trying
to catch that bouquet

ever since my husband Jason and I
split up.

Well, the very best of luck.

Thank you.

I have the feeling
you don't care much for Virginia.


Probably for the same reason
I don't like rattlesnakes.

Their rattles sound cute and then
they stick their fangs into you.

I'll have your table in a moment,
Mrs. Carrington.

Thank you.
That's not fair, Sammy Jo.

I've known Virginia
since she was little.

No, you knew her
when she was a little girl.

And an awful lot can happen
when a little girl starts growing up.

But you haven't spent much time
around her.

You really ought
to give her a chance.

Well, maybe. Look, could we talk
about something else?


We could talk about the wedding.

And about
your being my maid of honour.


Your table's ready. Right this way.

I would love
to be your maid of honour.

But what do I do?
I mean, what do I wear?

You know,
maybe we could go sometime and...

What's wrong?

That man, I've seen his face.


It is strange.

It was in a nightmare.

What nightmare?

It's about that body in the lake.

Only I dreamed it was alive.

And there was another man
and he came out of the water.

And that was the man?

L think so.

But it was a dream.

Oh, God, I hope my mind
isn't playing tricks on me again.

Don't let it worry you.
That happens to everybody.

I'm always seeing people
I think I know.

Come in.

- Dad, you wanted to see me?
- Yes, I did.

Oh, what's on your mind?

You, actually.

I can't tell you how happy I am

that you and Jeff
have been getting along so well.

I know you don't care much
for each other,

but Jeff has always been
like a son to me.

- I was hoping that you...
- I'm giving it my best.

I know that and I appreciate it.

You know, son,
you have a fine, capable mind.

Without you, Denver-Carrington
wouldn't be half of what it is right now.

Oh, that's very nice of you to say.

Unfortunately, that mind

is also as stubborn and thick-headed
as my own.

I tell you,
I see myself in you all the time.

Maybe that's why
I keep such a careful eye on you.

So that you won't make
the same mistakes that I made.

Mm. I've got a favour
I wanna ask of you.


Tomorrow night, will you be
my best man at the wedding?

Will you stand up for me?

I'll stand up for you anytime,

- Thank you.
- Good.

Now, sit down.
Have some lunch with me.

You never told me you came
face-to-face with Krystle Carrington.

Look, I was coming out of the water
after my dive.

Now, how did I know
anybody was on the bank?

And then you bumped
into her again today?

Yeah, but she doesn't know me.

This whole thing
has gotten out of hand.

You're telling me?

I've been sitting around here
twiddling my thumbs

for six, seven, eight weeks now
ever since that body just popped up.

You want to make another dive now

with the police crawling around
all over the place?

Besides, you are being paid,
and very well.

Oh, yeah.
But that's not what I'm down here for.

You are here because I thought
there was something in the lake.

Well, now, I'm...

Well, frankly,
I'm not so sure anymore.

Oh, there is, all right.


And what did you find
besides a body

that floated inconveniently
to the surface

and caused lot of trouble
for a lot of people?

It's a passageway.

There was no passageway.

That was probably
just a flow of water or something.

Look, there was a passageway.

And why do I get the idea you don't
want me to find out where it leads?

Mr. Gibson, you didn't find anything.

And my feelings are,
you're not going to.

Now, wait a minute.

- Are you trying to cut me out?
- No.

I just think that before we waste
any more of your time or my money,

we should call a halt to this.

Unless you did find something.

that you're not telling me about.

- Yeah, don't I wish.
- Exactly.

May I get you something else,
Mrs. Colby?

Uh... No, Robert, thank you.
I think that we're finished.

Yes, ma'am.

Well, I have to be somewhere,
Mr. Gibson.

I'm so sorry
that things didn't work out.

I'll send you your final fee tomorrow
by messenger.

All right.

But you know where to reach me
if you need me.

Of course.

I think L.B. k*lled it.

No, he didn't.

When I asked you over

I didn't know it would be
for such a very important operation.


Thank you.

Oh, you're very, very welcome.

Hey, where are you going
in such a hurry?

To kick L.B.

Oh, great.

Oh! I miss my children.

What I wouldn't give
to do the whole thing all over again.

But you have such a full life.

No. To me, no life is full
without your children.

Have you ever thought
about getting married again?

Yes, I have.

when I look at you and Blake.

You really personify the word "love."

Oh, thank you.

Sable, the other day,
after you told me about Roger Grimes,

- I went to see Alexis.
- Uh-huh.

I'm afraid she's going to go after Blake
with a vengeance.

And I told you we'd stop her.

I hope we can.

You really don't know me, do you?

When I care about someone,
I let no one hurt them, ever.

I am so glad you moved to Denver.

I only wish we'd known each other

I feel exactly the same.

Sable, it would really please me

if you could feel
that our home is yours.

And I mean that,
whether I'm here or not.

You will never not be here.


Oh, yeah. I'm sorry.

I was just remembering it.

I was too before.

I was thinking
about the first wedding nine years ago,

how angry I was at Daddy.

- Angry?
- For marrying you.

I hated you.

I thought
you were just some opportunist

trying to steal him away from me.

I remember that.

Of course, I don't think that anymore.
I haven't for years.

In fact, you've brought us all
so much closer as a family

than we ever could have been
without you.

Oh, thank you.
Well, it's a wonderful thing to hear.

I should have said it years ago.

You've always done so much for us

and you never ask for anything
in return.

Oh, I'm not sure about that.

But I am going to ask you
for something now.

This operation I'm going to have,

who knows
how successful it will be?

Please don't say that.

In any case,
I'd like you to do something for me.

I'd like you and everyone else
to welcome Virginia into this family.

She's very special to me, you know?

And she's never really had a home.

If I could give her one,
that would mean a lotto me.

We'll do everything we can.

Krystle, this young lady was planning
to wear this dress to the wedding.

What do you think?


I think I need to borrow
some of your clothes.

Virginia and I
should play dress up.

- No, look...
- I think it's a wonderful idea.

You go ahead.
I'll join you in a little while.

You see?

Come on,
take me to her dressing room.

No arguments. Lead the way.

Okay. Here it goes.

Excuse me, sir.

Mr. Dexier is here.

Oh, show him in, would you please,

Thank you, Gerard.

- Dex. How are you?
- I'm fine, Blake.

What brings you here?

Well, I wanted to catch you
before tomorrow.

I know you'll be busy with the wedding,
then I guess you'll be going away.

Yes, I'm gonna take Krystle
for a little honeymoon

before the operation.

- Can I fix you a drink?
- Oh, please, a short one. Scotch.

The last thing I wanna cause
is more trouble at a time like this,

but, Blake, has Fallon talked to you
about her dreams?

- Her dreams?
- Yeah.

About the body
that was found out at the lake

and her obsession with it.

No. She talked to you about that?

Oh, yeah. The question is,
who else has she talked to?

You know that Sable knows.

We both know
who Roger Grimes was

and what he meant,
not only to Alexis, but to you.

I'm not gonna ask you
whether you k*lled him or not

because I wouldn't have blamed you
if you had,

but I know Alexis

and the harm that she could cause.

And don't forget that my father
was a part of this too.

That's why I thought
that I ought to make you aware

about this thing with Fallon.

We both know
that that body means nothing

compared to what could float
to the surface.

Oh, such a jerk.

Well, we'll see you tomorrow
at the wedding now, won't we?

Of course.

Oh, Virginia.

I'd like you to meet someone.

This is Dex Dexier.

This is Krystle's cousin, Virginia.

A pleasure.

Is there something wrong?




I guess everyone in the house
is in a state

of the wedding preparations.

Well, good night, Dex.

Blake, I'm sorry that I had to bring up
this issue about Fallon.

No, no, no, it's better that you did.
Thank you.

- Good night.
- Good night.

Well, according
to a very old tradition,

all you need is something old,
something new.

You've got something borrowed
that just leaves something blue.

- And I'll be a bride?
- Someday.

My nightgown is blue.

What do you know about that?

And here's something old.

It's a picture of you.

On the day you were born.

I was gonna give it to you
when you got older.

And I'm old enough now?

Okay, sleepy one, let's go to bed.

No more bride.


I've got something new.

A book?

But it has writing all over it.

It's my writing. I wrote it for you.

And there's something special

for each of the birthdays
you're gonna have

until you're a very big girl.

Is it stories?

Yeah. Stories about me

and how I felt when I was the age
that you're going to be.

Read me something.

No, you're too sleepy.

Besides, you're supposed to wait
till it's your birthday.


All right. Just one.

Let's see.

Now you're six.

Such a very big girl.

When I was six, I had long,
beautiful hair just like yours.

I wanted to cut it,
but nobody would let me.

So today, I'd like to take you
on your first trip to the beauty parlour.

And you and me
will get our hair cut together?


I'm going to like that, Mommy.

I hope so.

Then we can have ice cream?

Of course.

I love you so much, Kristina.

And wherever I am,

I'm thinking about you,
watching over you.

And if you look up
into the sky tonight

and see
an especially bright twinkling star,

that will be me,
sending my love to you.

Kiss Daddy for me

and have a happy sixth birthday,

Thank you. That will be just fine.

I appreciate that very much indeed.

Thank you. Goodbye.

That was the hotel in Paris.
They've shifted some guests around.

We're gonna have the suite we had
on our first honeymoon.

- That's terrific.
- Not a word to Krystle about this.

I want it to be a big surprise.

- How long are you gonna be gone?
- Oh, a week or two.

It depends largely
on how quickly Dr. Hampton

can pull his surgical team together.

Surgery is being done
in Switzerland,

- you know?
- Yes, I know.

Paris is going to be wonderful.

Krystle loves that city.
She says being there is timeless.

We're gonna have the greatest week
we've ever had.

Hey, thief,
come back with my flowers.

You said we could do
anything we wanted today.

- Hold up.
- That woman stole my flowers.

Yes, I told her to.
Well, another problem.

Would you please tell Virginia that this
is the only colour lipstick for her dress?

That's the only colour lipstick
for your dress.

- The colour, it's just not me.
- Thank the Lord.

Sable, what are you doing to her?

Creating a monster, probably.

Now, Krystle, tell me exactly what you
want to happen at the ceremony.

Well, everybody is supposed
to be himself.

But that could be disastrous.

No, it's going to be wonderful.

Come along, Virginia. Now I'm going
to t*rture you with some eye shadow.

- Oh, no, not eye shadow.
- Yes, eye shadow.

This is the old music box we found
in an old shed in Dayion.

You are everything I've ever wanted
in a woman.

And you're everything
I've ever wanted.

You know, I think this is probably
the first time I ever danced

before a wedding.

I think this is the first time
that you haven't stepped on my toes.

Oh, how would you like a kick
in the shin?

Oh, a toast. Um...

To my oldest and closest friend,
and may you always be that.

When's the ceremony
going to start?

Who knows?
Krystle wants it to be spontaneous.

Oh, I'm gonna have to have a word
with that woman.


Well, if it isn't the dashing
Dexier Dexier.

Oh, and the always intriguing Sable.

Oh, you find me intriguing now,
do you?

You certainly didn't
at that swimming pool in Los Angeles.

Oh, I must have been waterlogged.

Tell me, Sable,

do you think you and I will ever...?

- No.
- No.


No one's dancing with me,
so you have to.

No, I don't.

I'll give you three frogs in a jar.


- What's that?
- Your wedding present.

I cut it from my first wedding dress.

I've used it as a bookmark in my diary
for the last nine years.

To mark our time together.

And you said no gifts, remember?

I made the rules tonight,
I can break the rules tonight.

I would like to make a toast.

To the sleeping beauty
who has awakened, Virginia.

Not bad.

- Hmm.
- Well, don't forget what I told you, Jeff.

Talk to her at least once
before you propose.

Uh... May I have the honour?


It's a pleasure.
Look up, look up, look up.

You look wonderful.

Well, if you two would prefer,
we'll skip the wedding

- and go right onto the honeymoon.
- No, we're ready.

You will be.
Come on. Downstairs, everybody.

I'm gonna transform this woman
into a real bride.

- All right. Come on.
- Come. Come.

All right.

- Out of here.
- Okay, okay, okay.


Let's do it.

Oh, look how beautiful.

You've really outdone yourselves.

Why is everyone looking so serious?

Because this is a ceremony.

There has to be some formality.

Now, Krystle, what you do
is you take a flower from each guest

and move down the line.
Sammy Jo, stay with her.

- Thief.
- You're the thief.

You're stealing my father again.

You better believe it.

The bride's supposed to be the most
beautiful one at her wedding,

not you.

Don't worry, you haven't got
any competition here tonight.

Mrs. Carrington,
thank you for including me.

I'm so glad you're here.

- Mrs. Carrington.
- Gerard.

- You're wonderful.
- Thank you, Jeff.

- Krystle.
- Thanks.

My, don't you look handsome.

Thank you.

Aren't you gonna give mommy
her flower?

Can I keep it?

Oh, of course, you can.

What do I say to you?


You don't say anything.

All right, you two, loosen up.

Oh, I can't tell you
how long I've waited to do that.

you're such a stuffed shirt.

And don't you cry.

Where's the minister?

There is none.

Well, who's gonna marry us?

Darling, we're already married.

You're gonna have to explain
because I don't under...

It's all right.
We don't need a minister to marry us.

Because what I want
is for our vows to be blessed,

not only by God,
but all the love I feel in this room.

I want tonight to be a celebration

of all the shared moments
of our lives,

those that are passed

and those
that we haven't gotten to yet.

The love you've all given me
is such a gift.

But I'm gonna ask you
for one more thing.

That you give that same gift of love
to each other.

What I really want tonight

is that you share in the vows
that Blake and I are going to take,

that you promise
to care for one another

and be bound to each other
for the rest of your lives.

I want tonight
to be a marriage of all of us.

The honeymoon,
we'll take care of ourselves.

Now, just a minute.

Now, you can marry everyone
in this room,

but I am gonna marry you.

Come on.

If there's no minister,
then I'm going to do it.

We are gathered together here
in the sight of God

and in the face of this company

to join together in holy matrimony.

If there's any man
who can show just cause

why we should not be married,

let him speak now
or forever hold us peace.

I dare you, any of you.

I, Blake Carrington.

I, Krystle Carrington.

Take you as my lawful-wedded wife.


And to love and honour and cherish

in sickness and in health.

And I will love and honour
and cherish you

in sickness and in health.

From this day forward.

And for all eternity
where we'll meet again

in a place far more beautiful
than this.

With this ring, I thee wed.

With this ring, I thee wed.

I love you, my darling.

I love you more than I can ever say.

And I love you.

Okay, everybody.
They're coming downstairs. Come on.

- Everybody got their rice?
- Yep.

Seven, eight, nine, ten,
, , , , , ...

Darling, what are you doing?

I always wondered
how many steps over.

I just never got around
to counting them.

Here they come.

Well, I guess
there's just one thing left to do.

The bouquet.

Get rid of it.

- That's all, I guess.
- Yes, we should go.

Are you sure I can't come?

Not this time, sweetheart.

Will you be back soon?

Sure, I will.

I love you. Now, you be a good girl.

Goodbye, darling.


I hope
they have a wonderful honeymoon.

There's not
going to be a honeymoon.


The doctor just called.

He wants them to fly directly
to the clinic in Switzerland.

The operation is scheduled
for the day after tomorrow.

Oh, dear God, protect her.