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09x10 - Delta Woe

Posted: 05/29/22 07:18
by bunniefuu


Last time on Dynasty:

- She didn't come back, did she?
- No.

Krystle is gone.

But she's not dead.

Sammy Jo, Krystle's spirit
will never leave this house

or any of our heads.

To Krystle.

- Krystle.
- To Krystle.

- Crack the whip.
- No.

- Yeah. Don't be afraid.
- No.

Oh, oh, oh. Whoa!

- You're saying my father went wrong.
- The three of them did.

What you and I have to do now
is we have to protect that secret.

You know,
this pizza really is just warm.

Next time I'll bring a microwave.

I know a place
where we can heat it up.

You really don't remember me,
do you?

If I've done something to you, I...

Do you remember me now?

Good God.

Ever since my father
had the good sense to get rid of you,

you've been on the prowl
for a new coat of arms.

Blake's a free man.
Isn't that why you're here now?

I can't believe it.

Do I look familiar now, Mr. Dexier?

It can't be.

The makeup helps, doesn't it?

- Virginia.
- Ginger.

I didn't go by Virginia then.
Just Ginger.

It's been so many years.

Ten years, six months
and three days.

It's just that I didn't recognise you.

Yeah. I noticed.

But I never forgot you.

Yeah, smooth, Dex. Very smooth.

I haven't changed. Not that much.

You have changed.
You were just a kid.

But how was I supposed
to connect you, Virginia, with Ginger?

I knew you right away.
My hero. My Mr. Right.

The man who promised
to take me away from hell.

Wait, hold on.
I never promised anything.

You threw me away
like a used-up memory.

- Ginger... I mean, Virginia...
- You know what I was left with?

- An empty promise and four photos.
- Calm down! If you'll calm down, I...

- Take your hands off of me!
- Just calm down!

- My, my. Doesn't this look like fun.
- Joanna.

Oh, and if it isn't our lady
of the hotel.

Oh, Dex, you sneaky thing.

You certainly don't waste any time,
do you?

Don't worry, my time's up.

You can take over, babe.


Where you going?

Oh, I see. Hit and run, huh?

You didn't expect me
to spend the night, did you?

Yeah. Why not?

I can't.

Well, why?
Some kind of guilt trip or something?

Zorelli, you are a cop,

and you are trying
to put my father in jail for m*rder.

Oh, right. Yeah. Dumb cop Zorelli.
Now I get it.

I should have figured your real reason
for coming here.

Didn't occur to me
that was your reason.

- Reason?
- For climbing into bed.

If you're saying what I think you are,
you're more than dumb.

Well, we did get awful close,
awful fast.

Maybe you were hoping
that if you and I got together,

then maybe I wouldn't be so hard
on your old man.

Look, Fallon, all I'm trying to say...

You insensitive, pint-sized flatfoot!

You've got a lot of gall!

Oh, here we go. Here we go.

Poor little rich girl
shows her true colours.

Well, I hope you got a good look
at those colours

because it'll be a cold day in hell
before you see them again.

- What did you...?
- Enough, Joanna.

Whatever did you do
to that poor creature?

I mean, the last time I saw her,
she was a wide-eyed innocent.

This isn't what you think it is,
so just forget it.

Look, when you called before,
you said something about Fritz Heath.

Yes, I did, didn't I?

Why are you so interested in him?

I can't give you the details on that.

But I would appreciate
some information.

Now, do you
or don't you know him?


Well, not really, but he did call me.

He wants to meet my boss.

- Sable? Why?
- Beats me.

Could you find out?

Maybe. But why should I?

I mean, I work for Sable
and you work for Alexis.

Why should I tell you anything
about Sable's business?

You probably shouldn't.

But then again,
we have been rather close.

That was pleasure. Not business.

Why don't you let me think it over.

There must have been some reason
that you came here tonight.

Other than the fact
of volunteering the information

that Fritz Heath had called you.

Oh, as you said,
we have been fairly close.

And maybe I felt guilty
about lying to you about Heath.

But that's not why I came.

I thought, here you were.

Poor man, lonely,
taking a shower all by yourself

and I was gonna, maybe,
rub your back,

help soothe your tense...

It's just been
kind of an awkward night.

I can see that.

So I guess you're just gonna have
to rub your own back

and soothe your own whatever.

Some days...


Well, I don't think Heath

- is Dex's Trojan horse after all.
- Really?

No. It looks like Dex
is as much in the dark

about Heath as we are.

You're sure that's not just
what he wants you to believe?

No. Dex has his moves,

but I'm pretty sure
we're still ahead of him.

I hope you're right. It's very important
that we get to Heath.

Now, have you finished
that background check on him yet?

I have people working on it now.

Make sure they understand
that we want to find something

that will make Heath anxious
to talk to us.

As Alexis' corporate comptroller,

Heath can tell us exactly
what's going on at Colbyco.

- You must be Virginia's evil twin.
- What?

I just came from, you know,
a new club.

I guess I overdid the makeup, huh?

I like ii.

It's nice having someone around here
who isn't a stuffed shin.

Where is this place, anyway?

Downtown. Near the civic centre.

Never heard of it.

Must be pretty lively.

It's okay.

Next time you go
maybe you'll take me along?


Carrington residence.

Oh, hello, Mr. Dexier.

Miss Metheny?

Uh, uh...

I can take a message for you.

I certainly will, sir.

- He just said to tell you he'd phoned.
- Yeah. Well, thanks.

Do you have something
against Dexier?

- No. No.
- I wouldn't blame you if you had.

A new woman in front of Dex
is like a red flag in front of a bull.

I've gotta get some sleep.
Good night, Adam.

Sweet dreams.


Well, if it isn't Cinderella.

God, of all the people to run into.

Hot date or just working real late
at the office again?

- Shut up, Adam.
- Ooh.

Touched a nerve.

I guess you got your tickets
to the policeman's ball.

- Tickets to what?
- Ls it true cops sleep with g*ns on?

- Who do you think you are?
- You can't resist a man in uniform?

You really are an ass, aren't you?

And what are you, Fallon?

- Let go of me.
- What would you call

a woman
who's sleeping with the cop

who's trying
to put her own father in jail?

No lesson in morals
from a man who has none.

Zorelli's just using you.

Since you're the expert
in using people, you should...

He wants Dad's scalp
and you're helping him to get it.

- That's not true.
- You'd sacrifice your own family

for this guy you don't even know?

Family? You don't know the meaning.

- You've back-stabbed everybody.
- I have never betrayed my own father.

Only because you're afraid
you'd be cut out of his will.

What's the matter, Adam?
Touched a nerve?

Dad missed you tonight.

He's back?

- Is he okay?
- A little hurt that you weren't there.

Wondered where you were.

And I'll bet you told him.

Didn't want him to worry.

There you are.

We're all so fond of Mrs. Carrington.

It, uh...

It hasn't been the same
since she's been gone.

Thank you, Jeanette.

Daddy, you're back. Adam told me.

Good morning, Fallon.

I'm so sorry about Krystle.

How are you?

I'm all right.

When you called the day
after the surgery...

Oh, God.

I got in early last night.

We had a family gathering.

We missed you.

Oh, I'm sorry.
I was out. I didn't know.

Yes, very late.

With that detective.

You make it sound
like I'm back in high school.

Well, back then
you were a little more responsible.

Daddy, I'm really sorry
about what's happened.

- If I'd have known you were back, I...
- I've tried to reason with you.

I've tried to explain to you.

Apparently, it doesn't do any good.

- Daddy...
- I don't know you anymore, Fallon.

My own flesh and blood,
and I swear I...

I don't know you.

Mm. You sure know
how to make me tingle.

- Oh, yeah?
- Mm-hm.

Let's see now. Tingle, huh?

- How about a little tingle here.
- Aah! Ha-ha.

- Stop it.
- A tingle there.

Stop it. You are a sadist.

And the next thing you know,
you're tingling all over.

Jeff, how can it be
so relaxed and easy now

when it used to get
so difficult before?

Ours is not to question why.

Ours is but to...


And what is this all about?

Danny found it yesterday.

Danny found it? Where?

Out in the stables.

- Where the guy knocked you down?
- He couldn't have dropped it.

- Why not?
- Well, because the stable hands

searched the place high and low
after the guy took off.

Clint figures it probably belongs to one
of them and he's checking it out.

"To my Scuba with love."

One of your ranch hands
is a scuba diver?

- Why not?
- Ha-ha.

Where's he gonna dive,
in one of the horse troughs?

Jeffrey, Fallon is the one
who has a thing for detectives, okay?

Now, I did not invite you here
for an interrogation.

I guess not.

- Yes?
- Mr. Carrington,

Sable Colby is here.

She asked if you had a moment
to see her?

Yes, of course. Show her in, please.


- Hello.
- Blake.

When I heard you were back
from Switzerland,

I came as soon as I could.
How are you?

As well as can be expected.

Getting back to work,
of course, is helpful.

Yes. Oh, poor Krystle.
It's so horrible.

You know, before you left,
I felt so close to both of you.

It's difficult for me
not to share your grief.

Thank you.

Got a moment? Sit down.

How are you?

Well, to tell you the truth,
I'm feeling a little guilty.

I am responsible for getting you
into the mess about the photograph.

The one of you with Roger Grimes.

- What do you mean?
- Well,

when I saw Fallon showing it to Jeff
at The Carlton,

I was so surprised, and...

Well, I told her to show it to Alexis,
more as a prank than anything.

And, of course,
I immediately realised my mistake

and then I came to you.

Yes, I remember.

That's when you told me
that you thought I needed a friend.

I am sorry, Blake.

You can't imagine how heavily
this has weighed on me.

No, I understand.

It was an honest mistake, wasn't it?

Yes. Thank you.

You know, the more I thought
about that problem,

the more that something else
has been tugging at my memory

and given
that Alexis may attack you,

- I thought I should mention it.
- What's that?

Well, it may be nothing, but...

Did you know
that Roger came to see Jason?

He did? When was that?

Oh, a couple of years
after we were married.

They had a few
very private meetings.

Do you have any idea
why he came there?

No. None at all.

Did you ever ask Jason about it?

I never even gave it a thought
until recently.

Then I wondered
if it was something to do

with your mining project.

It was the only project
that you and Jason had together.

Before the pipeline, of course.

And I do know
that if there was any trouble

between Jason and Roger,

Jason wouldn't have given
a second thought

about doing away with that man.

Hell you that for your protection

against this accusation that Alexis has
hanging over your head.

I thought you should know.

You see, I promised Krystle
I'd do everything to stop Alexis.

I make the same promise to you.

Thank you. I appreciate that.

I don't think there's gonna be
any problem. It'll be all right.

Dex, this is Blake.

I think we have a new problem.

Can you get over here right away?


Even if Jason Colby
and Grimes did meet, so what?

- I don't see the connection.
- That's the point.

There wasn't supposed
to be a connection.

Roger Grimes was an architect.

What could he possibly have to do
with a mining project?

Are you sure
Sable is telling you everything?

I can't believe
she's hiding anything from me.

After all, she was the one
that brought me the information.

Have you spoken to Jason
about any of this?

I've tried calling him but his office says
he's out of the country.


you don't think he's betrayed us?

Do I think
that he has broken the pact?

That possibility has me very worried.

But why would he do that?

Jason has as much to lose
as any of us if this thing comes out.

Damn it! Somebody's trying
to unearth the collection.

And if we don't stop them,

they're gonna destroy us
and our families in the process.

Now, what have you heard
from Alexis?

She's still bogged down in Natumbe.

The last thing on her mind
is Roger Grimes.

It won't be once she gets back.

I'll talk to her.

What about Fallon?

I'm gonna have to do something
about Fallon and that detective.

She told me she was interested in him
when they first found the body.

If I had known then it was Grimes,
I wouldn't have...

That's all done.

We have to deal with now.

What are we gonna do?

There's been an idea
running around in my head.

If the only way to call off the dogs
is to close out the m*rder case,

maybe I'll have
to do something myself.

What do you mean?

If I have to, I'll confess
to the m*rder of Roger Grimes.


This thing has got to end.

You don't love me anymore, do you?

Where are you?

- What were you doing with that cop?
- I just wanted to get close to him.


Maybe because I wanted to find out
what he knows.

- You wanted to hurt me.
- No.

If you cared for me, you wouldn't
be fooling around with him.

How can I care about you?
I don't even know you.

Sure, you do. If not,
you wouldn't keep bringing me back.

I want to know you.

I want to know who you were
to Mother and to Father.

Why should I tell you anything
as long as that cop's still around?

Wait. Don't go. Don't.

So Fritz Heath is a gambler.

Oh, and a losing one.

They do tend to go hand in hand.

Take a look at this last page.

Mr. Heath seems to be
in very troubled waters

at a private casino
just outside of town.

- Really?
- And I think you know the proprietor,

- Aly Samarkian?
- Oof.

As a matter of fact, I do.

Good work.
You've been doing very nicely, Joanna.

But, you know,
I think I'll step in now.

This project really has taken up
too much of your time.

All those extra hours
working on Dexter.

Well, I have managed
to keep him off guard.

- Off guard?
- You know what I mean.

And how have you managed that?

I've been very careful.

Good for you.


I don't know
what the fuss was about.

I told you
that I could secure the payment.

And you did.
Four and a half million bucks.

And did a terrific job of squeezing out
extra interest out of other accounts.

When Alexis gets back from Natumbe,
she's going to be very pleased.

Well, I...

I tried to explain to Mr. Dexier,

it's just a question
of accounting procedures.

Sure. Of course.

I'd like to thank you
for your support in all of this.

You know that Mr. Dexter and I
don't exactly see eye to eye.

Fritz. Ha-ha.

Let me tell you something
about Dex.

You see,

Dex is an action-oriented
kind of guy.

Kind of a cross between a Green Beret
and a Wyoming cow poke.

It's either you k*ll them
or you brand them.

He's made deals
on cocktail napkins.

Yes, I heard about that.

You see, I think the problem is
is that Alexis and Dex,

they don't understand what you do.

Accounting, I mean.

See, they see a bunch
of funny figures

and that kind of throws them.

And the next thing you know,
they're out for blood. Ha-ha-ha.

They think
you're playing games with us.

- No.
- Yeah, I know. I know.

So I'll tell you what we're gonna do.
Why don't you sit down

and then show me exactly
what you've done.

That way I'll be able
to explain it to them,

next thing you know,
everybody's gonna be happy.

- Sure.
- Good.

Now, that and a half million dollars
from Vitron, that was nice,

but that million dollars
from Strasser-Silicon. Whew.

That's gonna be
a tough nut to crack.

Maybe it's a bit more complicated,
but I've got it under control.

Oh, good, then,
why don't you spell it out for me?

But before you do,
I think we should order in some lunch.

We're gonna be here a while.

The important thing
is that Sammy Jo didn't get hurt.

- Absolutely.
- Do you have any idea who it was?

I was seeing stars
before I could get a look at anyone.

You can't be too careful these days.

They come onto your property,
into your home.

Oh. Good evening, Dex.
Good to have you here.

- Good evening, everyone.
- You've met Virginia?

Of course,
you met her at the wedding.

Sammy Jo,
I heard about what happened.

- Are you all right?
- I'm fine.

Did they take anything?

No, but we ended up finding
something, so we came out ahead.

We found a knife.
It was engraved with:

- "To Scuba with love."
- Scuba?

It's probably a nickname
for some guy who scuba dives.

Sammy Jo thinks that it's one
of the ranch hands, I doubt it.

But we're still gonna keep an eye
on them anyway.

Sable, why were you so surprised?

Well, you don't often find
a scuba diver's knife in a barn, do you?

Unless someone's hunting
for seahorses.

Oh, God, Adam.
Let's make a joke out of it.

- I've called you a few times today.
- Amazing.

You know, I don't hear a whisper
in over ten years

and suddenly he misses me.

- Look, Virginia, don't be silly.
- Just can it.

Sammy Jo, why don't you consider

staying with us for a couple of days?

I mean, Kristina would love
to have Danny around, and so would I.

Thank you, Blake, but I don't want
to be driven from my home

because some creep wandered
into the barn.

It might not hurt to be more cautious,
Sammy Jo.

Well, you sure are good
at giving advice, aren't you?

- I'm just concerned.
- Yeah, sure.

You talk a sweet game, but when the
chips are down, you're out the door.

You made your point.
Now calm down.

Don't tell me to calm down.
You've got no right to tell me anything.

- Take it easy.
- Keep your hands off me.

Who the hell do you think you are?

- Good Lord.
- There are a million stories

in the big city.

And I, for one, can't wait
to get to the next chapter.

Dex, are you all right?
I'm sorry about that.

- I'm all right, Blake.
- What's gotten into her?

Who knows?
Is there a full moon tonight?


- Shall I go and see how she is?
- No. No, no, I'll go.

I haven't had a chance to talk to her
since I got back.

Again, I'm very sorry, but there
must be some explanation for it.

Well, I have business to attend to

and I think this party
has run its course.

So I'll say good night.

Once again, Mr. Dexier, I am awed

by your remarkable effect
upon women.

That was quite a scene.
What's the real story, Dex?

Come on, there's no real story.

As Sable said,
I think this party is over.

- I'll say good night too.
- I'll walk you out.

I'm famished.
Isn't anybody gonna eat tonight?

Well, I think
it's just gonna be us three.

That's we three.

There is food, Adam.

I don't have to eat my words,
thank you.

So Virginia Metheny
blows up again.

- What do you mean, again?
- Didn't you hear about that?

Krystle took us downtown,
this guy pulled out a knife

and Miss Goody Two-shoes
took the guy apart.

- You're kidding.
- No.

I thought she was showing off
or something,

but now I think
it might be a permanent defect.

Like Adam.

Speaking of defects, I'm not the one
who's telling a detective one thing

and the family something else.

Since you obviously don't know
what you're talking about,

excuse me if I don't take offense.

Would you two knock it off.

Don't you get tired
of sniping at each other all the time?

I don't.

Adam's dull wit
needs all the sharpening it can get.


What's her problem?

Cinderella complex.

She had to leave
before she turns into a bumpkin.


You know, there are times
when we're pushed so hard

that we do things
that under ordinary circumstances

- we'd never do.
- I know.

Here, sit down, sit down.

You've been under
a lot of stress lately.

We all have.

I should have controlled myself.
It was just that seeing...

I know all about it.

- You do?
- Mm-hm.

God, you must hate me.

I know why you're angry inside.

For the very same reason that I am.

Losing Krystle is terrible for all of us.

But you know what?
We should be grateful

for the time we had with her
instead of being angry.


You know something else?

If we met each day
with the same kind of

dignity and courage that she had,

I'm sure that's what she'd want.

I'm gonna try, Blake.

We'll all try.

Now, about Dex...

- Blake, if you'll just let me explain.
- No, no, no.

I'm sorry that he said something
that set you off,

but I'm sure it was not intentional.

Dex is a fine man.

The more you get to know him,
the more you'll understand why.

- Who's that?
- Hmm?

Wake up.
There's someone at the door.

- You're sure you're not married?
- I told you I wasn't.

Yeah, all right. All right. Okay.


Ah. Um, your friend and I
have some business to discuss.

Why don't you go
and powder your nose or something?

- Listen, lady.
- You understand English, don't you?

- Yes, ma'am.
- Good.

What were you doing
at Delta Rho yesterday?

Delta Rho?
What's that, some kind of fraternity?

Your wit is about on par
with your taste in women.

A knife was found

shortly after a young woman
was knocked unconscious.

As I understand it,
it was a little different than this one.

It was a folding knife
with a name inscribed on it.


As in scuba diving, I suppose.

Hey, lady, you know how many divers
there are in the world?

Rather a lot.

But very few of them hang
around horse farms in Denver.

Well, you can't pin that rap on me.

I don't need to.

The fingerprints on the knife
should do that for me.

Of course, the police won't know
who they belong to, but I do.

Don't you thr*aten me.

You were brought hereto do a job.

You're paid, and very well.

And I politely asked you to leave.
Now, I am telling you.

Time to go home, Mr. Gibson.
You have hours.

Yeah? Or what?

I don't think you want to find out.

Miss Carrington? It's Sergeant Zorelli.

- I'll take that.
- Daddy, give me the phone.

Mr. Zorelli,
I'm drawing the line right here.

It's bad enough that you harass me
with your wild accusations,

I will not tolerate you
using my family.

- Is that clear?
- Daddy!

I want you out of our lives
once and for all!

- I've had it. This is enough.
- Daddy, he was calling me.

You don't have the sense
you were born with.

You can't run my life.
I'm a grown woman with two children.

Why don't you act
like a grown woman.

I come back from Switzerland,
and you're with that man

- until in the morning.
- Excuse me.

- I didn't know you'd be at the door.
- No idea what you're involved with.

Of course I don't. You won't tell me.

Tell you? You're sleeping with a man
that's trying to throw me into prison,

- you wonder why I don't?
- You can't use him as an excuse.

- You were shutting me out...
- You are sleeping with him.

That is nobody's business but mine.

Nice work, Zorro,
only how are you gonna use it?

- It came in.
- Yep.

The photo blow-up you sent
to the Bureau.

Take a look at it.

This might have been worth
getting your chops busted after all.

And Mr. Carrington said
he never saw the dead guy before.

Guess this one slipped his mind.

Like I was saying,
how are you gonna use it?

- What are you talking about?
- I'm talking about you playing with fire

and getting your little Italian butt
burnt to a crisp.

I'm not real big on parables, Rudy.
Why don't you try plain English, huh?

Yeah. Sure.

You stir up things
with this little picture here

and where do you think you'll stand
with Daddy's little girl?

- Looking for directions, lady?
- No, thank you.

I know where I'm going.

How did you find me?

I parked near the station
and followed the smell of garlic.

- Can I sit down?
- Free country.

- May I help you?
- I'll have an espresso, please.

Sure thing, sweetie.
That's our special tonight.

The coffee acid
should k*ll the germs.

Did you come all the way down here
just to insult my favourite restaurant?

Not exactly.

- What's this, homework?
- No. It's nothing.

So tell me,
do I get to hear an apology?

An apology? From me?

That chat I had with your old man.

I mean, if I want somebody
to take a bite out of me,

I don't need to call across town,
I could just go to my captain.

If anybody's making apologies,
Zorelli, it should be you.

Sorry, you lost me.

The other night at your place,
I thought we had a really nice time.

And then you wake up
making these ugly accusations.

I guess I was a little hasty.

- Hasty?
- Come on, Fallon.

Are you trying to tell me you wouldn't
like me to stop the investigation?

That has nothing to do
with why I came back with you.

I thought you knew that.

Here we go.

Here you are.

I don't know what to tell you, Fallon.

I can take off my badge
when I'm with you, but I'm still a cop.

It's in my blood.

And as for your old man,
I'm not out to get him.

L just think he knows more
about this dead guy than he lets on.

You say he doesn't,
he says he doesn't.

- You don't believe us.
- I'm trying to earn my keep.

Am I part of that keep?


I suppose the other night
you were just playing

frisk-the-suspect, is that it?

This might surprise you, sweetie,

but this insensitive, half-pint flatfoot
has feelings too.

Oh, this tastes blech.

Now you know
why I use three sugars.

I'm glad we had this little talk.

You're leaving?

You said what you had to.

I'm pretty tired.

You're not an insensitive flatfoot.

You're an insensitive ass.

You wanted to meet Mr. Heath


Oh, don't worry, he can't see you.
It's a one-way mirror.

Get as close as you like.

And you say he often comes here?

What's his game, blackjack?

Blackjack, roulette, chemin de fer.

No luck on one, he tries another.

Ooh. Serious gambler.

If this were a church,
he'd be halfway to heaven.

Yes. Well, this is a temple
for more illegal pursuits.

What has his worship cost him?

Over the years, I'd say,
one million-five, one million-eight.

And what does he owe you now?

Counting tonight, $ , ,
give or take.

And you haven't cut him off?

Well, he's always paid up before.

He says he's working on a way
of getting the money by next week.

Oh! Well, I hope for your sake that
that wasn't the way.

Poor man seems to be losing
everything but his trousers.

Oh. Yes.

There's a Mr. Dexier outside.

He says he knows you're here
and he wants to see you.

Well, what do you know?


Would you mind?

Send him in.

Oh, thank you, Aly.

Take as long as you like.

We'll talk about Heath later.

Oh, Mr. Dexier.

Right in here.

Thank you.

So it seems
you have friends all over.

And you have spies
following me to them.

You are a clever Dexier.

- You're not doing badly yourself.
- Ha-ha.

Fascinating, it seems
to be open season on Heath.

Look at the poor man,
happily racking up debt after debt

with no idea
we both have him in our cross-hairs.

Ugh. But he is such puny game.

If he's such puny game,
why do you want him so badly?


Haven't you been able
to prise that out of Joanna?

Obviously, you think
that you can use him to get at Alexis.

Oh, now,
that is an interesting suggestion.

- I must remember that.
- Hmm.

What about you?

Why would you be interested
in some sad inveterate gambler?

I mean, it was him you followed here,
wasn't it, not me?

Oh, absolutely.

Heath's the kind of guy
you just can't get too much of.

He's wonderful.

He's like a science project.

Let's dissect him, shall we?

I'm sure if we opened him up,

we'd find all sons
of fascinating things.

No. No, I won't be long.

I just had to stop
and see someone for Dex.


Well, it's sort of a personal favour
for him.

So I'm here at the stables
all by myself with some fresh hay,

and I just might need someone
to help me roll in it.

That sounds tempting.

Oh, I'm almost finished
with all this new tack,

so don't be too long, cowboy.

I won't. Bye.

You must be the B team.

You must be Joanna.

Dex isn't gonna make it.
He wanted me to tell you.

That he couldn't make it?

That's what he wanted me
to tell you.

Aren't you a little old
to be working as an errand boy?

Yes, I am. Excuse me.

Wait a second. What's your name?

I always like to know
who I've insulted.

- Jeff Colby.
- No.

Not the Jeff Colby.

The one Sable
is always saying terrible things about?

Tell me something, are you always
this warm and ingratiating?

No. Only when I'm stood up.

since you're delivering messages,

why don't you deliver one from me?

Why not?

Tell Dex... Tell him...

You won't forget, will you?

Robert Ahem.

- Are you all right, Mr. Colby?
- Oh, no, no, I'm fine. I'm fine.

That's the second time I've been
slapped by a woman in this bar.

Yes, sir, I noticed that.

The man is a rash
that won't go away.

So you've been scratching him
for Alexis

while she's off gallivanting
in Natumbe. Why do you do it?

So she'll pat you on the head
and throw you another little bone?

Oh, Dexter, surely it must take more
than that to please a man like you?

- Sable, why do you keep doing this?
- What?

What? This little dance.

This jab here, a tweak there,
always trying to get my goat.

I don't know.

Must be because you deserve it.

Chasing so hard after a woman
who obviously cares so little for you.

You really enjoy putting Alexis down,
don't you?

Mm. Yes. It helps salve some wounds
she's given me over the years.

Well, Alexis and I
may have our differences,

but I am in no way gonna hurt her.

I see.

Oh, I see, so that's why
you keep shying away from me?

That's a laugh.

Oh, you have your own
little dance yourself.

You creep forward
and you dodge back.

You know, I think...

I think you have this troubling sense
of loyalty to my cousin.

That's funny, I've never found
anything wrong with loyalty.

That depends
to whom you are being loyal.

Your loyalty to Alexis
is like an albatross around your neck.

She's half the world away
doing God knows what,

- with God knows whom.
- Mm.

And what about you?

- Sable, are you that much better?
- Oh, yes.

Alexis goes through men
like they were cheeses

with an expiration date.

Now, that's not me at all.

- Really?
- No, not at all.

I mean, you didn't set up this meeting
in this very private office?

This very private office?
No, I didn't set it up.

How could I have known
you'd have shown up?

Easy. You baited my spies.

and they just snapped up my bait.

Unlike you, of course.

I don't need bait
when I know what I want.

- But do you?
- Oh. Heh.


You're a real queen bee, aren't you?

Oh, yes, and I sting.


Now, I know you're a Green Beret
and I took you by surprise,

but please don't feel
you have to brutalize me in return.

Don't worry, Sable.

If I want you to fall for me,
I'll be more subtle.

Oh, well, if that notion
ever crosses your mind, um,

please make sure
it's after you're finished

playing with my hired help.

Who's there?



Not again.