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09x12 - All Hands on Dex

Posted: 05/29/22 07:19
by bunniefuu
- Sammy Jo!
- Sammy Jo!

Last time on Dynasty:

I've seen the man who shot me.

- Krystle and I...
- Krystle?

Krystle recognised him?

She said she had seen him
in her nightmare

- coming out of the lake.
- Coming out of the lake.

What is this-J?
Prowling around at the lake

and now he's out at Delta Rho.
What is he after? What does he want?

- Why not just destroy it?
- No, the collection is not the problem.

If it could be released to the world,
I'd do it.

But once you did release it
and it came to light,

we'd have to explain how it got here.

What a pity that Krystle's still alive.

That does cramp your style, rather.

Maybe you should send
one of your henchmen to Switzerland

and pull the plug on her.

I care for Blake as a close friend.

And if you choose to go after him
with a sordid m*rder accusation,

I personally will pull the plug on you.

No, I don't have any official business.
They took me off the case.

- They finally got good sense.
- Whose strings did you pull?

- I had nothing to do with it.
- You expect me to believe that?

Get him out of here.

- Stop it! Let go!
- Get him out of here before I k*ll him.

I'll remember you said that.

Why is he so desperate
to have me taken off the case?

What is he so afraid
that I'm gonna find out?

- I don't want to leave you like this.
- Fallon, I'm pulling out of here.

They look like my tankers.

I have just bought your ships
at auction, Alexis.

For cents on the dollar.

I don't believe it.

You once asked me
what I wanted from you

and I said everything you've got.

Let's consider this
the second installment, Alexis.

How did you do it?

With a little help from your friends.

Friends? What friends?

Alexis, you don't really expect me

to betray those that have placed
their trust in me, do you?

Oh, you'd pull the plug
on a dying man's respirator

if you thought it could
do you some good.

- You talk about yourself.
- You won't believe what I heard.

Yes, I think she does believe it now,
don't you, Alexis?

Of course.

Hamilton Stone.

You got him to betray me,
didn't you?

No, actually. He didn't betray you.

He's been working with me
from the beginning.

- From the beginning.
- Oh, yes.

Long before you and I met
so delightfully in Los Angeles that time.

All right, Sable,
you've won this battle.

But the w*r isn't over yet.

Now, there's the door. Use it.

And tell your friend Stone

that playing both sides against
the middle is a very dangerous game.

Oh, really?
And what about you, Adam?

Hamilton Stone may have
double-crossed a mere acquaintance,

- but not his own father.
- What's that supposed to mean?

You live in your father's house
and pretend to run his company.

Yet obviously, your real interests
are with mommy dearest.

- Out!
- Very pleasant evening.

What a mess.

You really must learn to respect
other people's property.

We're not gonna let her
getaway with this.

We'll slap her with a fortune
in lawsuits.

A friend from law school specialises
in maritime law...

Shut up, Adam!

I'm not gonna spend
the next five years in court.

I'm gonna handle this my way.

In a way that that woman
is going to understand.

Well, what do you want to do?

You used to have another friend
who handled special operations.

You told me that he kept his
wallet in one pocket.

- g*n in the other.
- g*n in the other. Cray Boyd.

Yes, he's a mercenary, isn't he?

He prefers to be called
a soldier of fortune.

I don't care what he's called
as long as he does what I want.

Do you know where he is?

I could try to reach him
when I get back to the office.

Do it now, Adam.

Jeff, have you seen Fallon?

- She, uh, took off with the cop.
- I should have known.

Oh, Blake.
Look, I'm sure she didn't mean to.

Didn't mean to what?

Turn against me?
Turn against the family?

I told her I didn't want her to
see that man again.

Look what she does.

I just can't reach her.

Come on, Blake.
She may be headstrong and irrational,

but she would never do
anything to betray you.

- She just did.
- You know how she is.

She never thinks past the moment.
She never has.

I tell you,
I just don't know her anymore, Jeff.

I remember when she was a little girl.

I'd come home from the office
and she would race into my arms.

And I'd hold her in my lap.

We'd talk.

We were so close then.

Now she's doing something
that we're all gonna be sorry for.

Well, maybe if you'd satisfy
her curiosity, she'd back off.

She knows you're keeping
something from her.

I'm keeping something from her
because it's necessary.

And I don't think I should have
to explain myself to my own daughter.

It's Colterion, isn't it?

You know about Colterion?

Sure. My family was involved too.

Jason, my grandfather.

- How much do you know?
- Well, not much.

I do know about the mine
and there was a project going on there.

I guess I was about or so
and I went out there with some friends

and we got chased off
by some armed guards.

I asked my grandfather what was...
What was going on.

And all he would say
was that it was top secret.

And that's all that you know?

Well, that and that it had to do
with World w*r ll.

The families didn't want
the project to go public.

Blake, if there's something
I can do to help, feel free to ask.

Thank you, Jeff. I appreciate that.

I trust you.

I wish I trusted my own
children as much.

- Well, Fallon has a good head.
- I know.

It's herjudgement
that concerns me now.

You know,
God may have left you short on brains,

but he sure made you beautiful.

Sheri on brains?

Yeah. I mean, if you had any,

you wouldn't be hanging around
with me right now, would you?

You know, my father's never
gonna forgive me for this one.

Probably not,
but I'll tell you something.

I won't forgive him, either.

- You didn't have to storm the house.
- No?

You didn't have to
leave with me either.


Breakfast in bed.

- Yeah.
- You shouldn't have.

The only other thing I have
is cold spaghetti.

- You want cold spaghetti?
- No.

My holster looks
lonely over there, doesn't it?

I never thought I'd see the day.

I guess I could always put
your hair brush in there, huh?

- You'll get your g*n back.
- I don't know.

It's sort of like the Army, you know?

You make one move
your captain doesn't like,

and your nose is in toilets
for the rest of the stay.

Come on, it can't be that bad.

Let me tell you something.
A cop without a g*n is a joke.

He's got as much power as...

Is that what it is

that you like about being a cop,
the power?


Ever worked a crossword puzzle?

And then sometimes you get stuck
on a big word right in the middle

that about other words hook up
to it? Drives you crazy, right?

Then all of a sudden, you figure it out,
and the whole puzzle falls into place.

It's fantastic.
It's almost as good as, uh...

Okay, so maybe not that good.


- Ha-ha-ha.
- Oh, no. Heh.

No, no, you see, I've already
almost lost two prizes this way.

A g*n. Wouldn't you know it?

- You'll get your job back.
- Yeah, sure.

All I have to do is crawl to your father
on my knees and say:

"Yes, sir, Mr. Carrington,
I was wrong."

I should not have
performed my duties.

I should not have pushed
that police investigation

that you didn't want me to.

If anybody's guilty here, it was me.

I should have been diligent
in my duties

"to protect a rich gentleman
such as yourself."

- Don't.
- That's the way it is, isn't it?

Am I wrong? I mean, if your old man
was the guy next door,

would he be able to have my g*n
taken away from me?

He's not a bad man, Zorelli.

Well, I gotta tell you,

right now, my opinion
is just a little prejudiced.

It's already morning.

Don't you think you should go home?

But I don't wanna go home.

Not just yet.

With Zorelli off the case,

there's a chance
we could turn things around.

But the crucial problem now
is the scuba diver.

Did the police get any more
out of him?

No, I have a feeling
that I'm gonna have to do that.

- Blake, wait a minute...
- It's the only way I can think of.

I'll call in a couple of favors
and go in alone to see him.

How? Without exposing our hand.

I won't be exposing anything.

After all,
the man shot my daughter-in-law.

I wanna know why.

- I don't know.
- I'm gonna go down to that hospital

and I'm gonna get him to talk.

We don't have anything
to hold over him.

He'll talk.

You heard anything from Alexis?

She hasn't said a thing.

It's starting to bother
the hell out of me.

It's bad enough our fathers
have us sitting on a time b*mb,

the thought Alexis
could set the whole thing off...

We'll find a way to stop her.

We have to.

- Virginia.
- Mm.

- Morning.
- Morning.

I had a wonderful time last night.

- Sorry I had to leave you so abruptly.
- Everything work out okay?

Everything but getting back to you.
Can we get together later?

Gee, uh, I don't know...

- Why? Ls something wrong?
- It's our best hope.

- You'll call me.
- Yes.

As soon as I leave the hospital.

You know, Adam,
on second thought,

- I'd love to get together.
- Great.

See you later.

- Morning.
- Dad.


I could call her back, Dex,
if you're ready to turn the other cheek.

Robert, have you seen Rafael? He
was supposed to bring my car around.

- No, ma'am, but I'll check for you.
- Thank you.

Oh, lend me that a minute, will you?

- Hamilton Stone. You bastard.
- What's going on?

Just imagine that you're on a tanker
with no life preserver.

Have you lost your mind?

And there's no one around
to watch you drown.

And you will drown too by the time
I'm finished with you, you traitor.

Sable's an old friend. I was just doing
her a favour. It was nothing personal.

What I have planned for you
is nothing personal either.

You've been plotting behind my back
all the time since L.A., haven't you?

You promised me
that you'd get back my ships

- and then you give them to her.
- It's not as cut-and-dried as that.

All the time you've been hiding
behind that viper's skirts.

Really, Alexis, I thought you'd be
a better sport about all this.

This is not sport, Sybil, this is w*r.

Oh, I'm sorry you feel that way.
It's all a game to me.

Oh, no. Oh, no, it's not a game to you
because you're trying to destroy me.

But you can't,
because I'm indestructible.

We'll see.

As for you,
you pathetic little monkey,

you backed the wrong
cousin this time.

And the next time we meet,

I'm gonna see you hanging
from the family tree.

I think you need a drying out.

Calm down, Hamilton.

I don't know what you're
so nervous about.

Alexis could hurl me badly. She wasn't
supposed to find out I was helping you.

Oh, what difference does it make?

That woman is all flap
and no propeller.

I wouldn't underestimate her, Sable.

Yes, yes, yes, I know
hell hath no fury like Alexis scorned.

Don't worry, I'll keep her in check.

But for now we've won, Hamilton.

It's time to celebrate.

You performed miracles.

You got me her ships.

Are you sure he'll show up?

He was supposed to fly in
first thing this morning.

God, what a dismal place.

Just the sort of dump you'd expect
a mercenary to choose.

I didn't choose it, your son did.

I would have preferred
The Carlton Hotel lobby.

Cray, I appreciate your coming.

Well, I see you haven't lost
that little boy look

- that used to drive the coeds crazy.
- Ha-ha-ha.

Alexis Colby. Cray Boyd.

How do you do?
That's an unusual name.

- It's short for Creighton.
- Well, you are hardly what I imagined

a soldier of fortune would look like.

Oh, fortune is the key word.

And you're not exactly
what I expected

when Adam said
he was bringing his mother.

I can think of more exciting things
to seize than your ships.


Well, let's get down to business,
shall we?

- I'm sure that Adam has filled you in.
- Yeah, to a certain degree.

You realise that what you're asking
is no small operation.

Nothing that I do is done
in a small way, Mr. Boyd.

- I know the area.
- I do too.

The bay in Natumbe
is not an easy place to operate.

It's going to take helicopters,
armed speedboats,

some sophisticated
tracking equipment.

What about the crew?

For seven ships?
Forty-five, maybe men.

- And I'll have to recruit them.
- Americans?

Some, maybe.

I look for competence,
not what flag they salute.

How do we know you can handle
such a big operation?

- Can you?
- Ha, ha.

If you're talking about money...

No, I'm not concerned about money.

If I was, I wouldn't be here.

What I am concerned about
are repercussions.

Some very good men
are gonna be on the line,

with wives and kids.

- They're going to be protected.
- They will be.

That's the point.

So you have to know, going in,

if anybody gets in their way,
they might lose something valuable.

Are you trying to frighten us,
Mr. Boyd?

No, just laying down
some ground rules.

If we get in this together,

whatever comes down,

nobody will be able
to trace anything to you.

I just wanna make sure
it works the other way around too.

And how do we know
we can trust you?

You don't.

Well, Mr. Boyd,
if you're as good as your hype,

this should be
a very interesting mission.

They said Mr. Dexier had
been out all day.

I just don't understand.

He has an appointment, he doesn't
show up. Where the hell is he?

Don't answer that, just find him.

Where would you like me to start?

You want to be an executive assistant,
be creative.

Yes, ma'am.


Boyd just called with the estimates.

- This little job is gonna cost...
- I don't care what it costs, Adam.

- What?
- I want that Sable Colby destroyed.

I want everything that
that woman possesses

blown off the face of the earth

and then I want that Hamilton Stone

drowned with one of my tankers
wrapped around his neck.

And then I want to toast them both
in pink champagne.

Will you calm down?

I won't rest
until that woman rots in hell!

- Why are you yelling at me?
- Convenience!

I'm on your side, remember?

I'm sick of Sable stalking the house.

Nothing would give me
greater pleasure

than to see her forced
to sell her furs back to the animals

but one step at a time.

Darling, it's good to know
that I have one person in the world

that I can rely on.

Always said, "Like mother, like son."


L just wish I could understand why you
insist upon working for your father.

At least Sable was right about that.
Your loyalties are scattered.

No more than yours.

- What do you mean by that?
- Dexter.

You've got him snooping into all your
affairs like some wet-nosed mongrel.

Adam, please.
Stay out of this, will you?

Tell me about that mercenary.

- Cray Boyd?
- Mm.

You know everything
you need to know about him.

Well, I'm giving him
a great deal of money

to mount this operation.

And that's the only thing
you can entrust him with.

Watch it, Mother.

He knows a lot more about k*lling
than he does about love.

How bizarre.

He's been known to get the two
confused on occasion.

Hmm. Even more bizarre.



The only thing worse than soggy tuna
is somebody watching you eat it.

- What do you want?
- I thought maybe we could talk.

You can talk on the phones
where I put you.

Listen, captain,

maybe I didn't handle this Carrington
case the way I should have.

- Did you ever have a hunch?
- Yeah, when I hired you.

And it's proven to be wrong.

First, this body pops up, right?

Twenty-five years dead.
Everybody's ready to steam it,

send the bones down to the junkyard,
forgetting it was a b*llet

- that scrambled his brains.
- Everybody except you.

Which is why
you'll be answering phones

until you hear a dial tone
when you're brushing your teeth.

With all due respect,
and correct me if I'm wrong,

but when a cop has a hunch,

like that maybe the k*ller
of this -year-old corpse

is putting b*ll*ts in a g*n
for another hit,

- shouldn't he follow it up?
- What are you saying, Zorelli?

Sammy Jo Carrington was shot.
Could have been k*lled.

We know it's not the guy that put
the hole in that corpse, he's too young.

But maybe he popped that body
to the surface.

If he is... Captain, look,
if I could just question this guy...

The only questioning
you'll be doing is:

"Where's the tree?"

and "Do we need a ladder
to get the cat down?"

- ls that understood?
- Damn it.

These two cases are connected.
I know it.

There's something going on.

If we're not on it,
b*llet's gonna find its mark

and one of the Carrington's
are gonna be dead.

- I don't like you, Zorelli.
- Good. We got that out of the way.

You have disobeyed orders

since the day you drove up
in that subversive car.

- Subversive?
- I saw your record.

No army, no navy.

Just a bunch
of damned college credits

that gave you a big head
and no muscles.

You may think you're some
hotshot big city detective,

but in this department,
you're a grunt,

until I tell you otherwise.

I understand that.
If you'd just give me a chance...

You got your chance and blew it.

If you're not out of here
in two seconds, you're on suspension.

Make it three, and you're fired.

Do we understand each other?


- What are you doing? Give me that.
- Hey.

Isn't your stomach
k*lling you already?

- Wait a minute.
- Shot up to within an inch of your life,

and now you gotta continue
to self-destruct?

- You could've died for God's sakes.
- You're telling me?

- It wasn't your fault, right?
- What are you talking about?

- He shot me.
- And you shot him.

Everybody sh**t up
everybody else.

- Okay, where did you get this?
- Listen...

A friend gave it to me. Why?

Somebody you, uh,
hang around with a lot?

Yeah... What's wrong?
What-J? Are you crazy?

- Where is it?
- Where is what? Give me that.

You tell me where it is
or I'll rip this to pieces.

- I'm calling the nurse.
- Look, I'm trying to help you, okay?

I mean, look at you. You know,
you look ten years older than you are.

Now, wait just a minute.

Such a pretty girl too.

- You're almost a woman.
- Almost a...

Well, you're , right? Next year,
you'll be . That is if you make it.

Okay, all right. It's not in the bunny,
then you stashed it somewhere else.

Your friends think they're doing you a
favour, Elizabeth, sending a little fix.

- Your friends are gonna k*ll you.
- Excuse me.

But before you vivisect
that entire little animal,

there's something
you ought to know.

Hi, Sammy Jo.

Fallon. Oh, thank you.

Sammy Jo?

Well, unless you've changed
your name.

You're not Elizabeth Parker?

Sammy Jo Carrington.
And you're...?

In trouble, I think.

Is this Room ?

This is Room .

Oh, boy.

Oh, boy.

I can't tell you how sorry I am.

I thought that you were...

- Sixteen.
- Yeah.

And Elizabeth.


I'm gonna make this up to you,

I promise
I'm gonna make this up to you.

I can't wait to hear about this one.

Have a chocolate.

Damn it, Dex.
I should have been told.

And then what?
Throw a few ashtrays at Sable?

Look, so far, the only proof we've got
is that Heath is a bad businessman.

We both know there's
more to it than that.

If we pull the plug on him now,
we're not gonna find out.

That woman is out to get me
and she will use any means to do it.

Heath, Hamilton Stone, even you.

I don't deserve that.

Tell me the truth,
do you find her attractive?

I haven't given her much thought.

Well, you've spent enough time
hanging around her recently.

I spend a lot of time doing a lot
of things, including working for you.

Why are you doing this?

- Doing what?
- Playing these word games with me.

What do you want me to say?

That while you were in Africa
and Europe running around,

I cooled out in a monastery

No, I don't expect you to do that.

I do understand certain things,

but there's one thing I wanna know.

Did you sleep with my cousin?

You asked me that
when you got back from Natumbe.

I told you, I hadn't.


Because I can forgive almost anything,
except you and that unspeakable slut.

This is crazy.

Lam crazy listening to this.


Well, it's about time you showed up.

Ah. Punching time cards are we now,
Mr. Colby, sir?

These were on your secretary's
desk for over a week.

I need your signature on them,
as well as Fallon's.

Well, unless your g*n
has a bigger bang than Zorelli's,

you can forget Fallon.

What the hell is that
supposed to mean?

That I doubt
that you're enough of a draw

to get Fallon out of that cop's bed
long enough to sign anything,

unless it's a warrant
for Blake's arrest.

You really are something,
you know that?

What do you think,
this is all a big joke?

Your father could go to jail.
Whose side are you on?

- Is it my fault that Fallon-J?
- Nothing to do with Fallon, it's you.

You don't know the first damn thing
about me.

Adam, she's your sister.

She makes a mistake,
you turn on her.

It just seems
that you love to hurt her.

Hurt me, hurt your father,
hurt anyone.

Who the hell do you think you are?

Let go!

The minute Blake got back
from Switzerland,

you told him Fallon
was with that cop.

It was more important
to you to hurt her

than to let him know
how much you loved him.

- I'm sure you did that for both of us.
- You're Blake Carrington's son.

- He needs you. Start acting like it.
- Let go.

- Where's your loyalty?
- Let go!

Now, get out.

Get out!

God help your family,
because I think they actually love you.

- Hello.
- I'm tired of waiting.

You got more hours and that's it.

How dare you speak to me like this.

Listen, lady,
you said you'd get me out of here.

Now post my damn bail.

Mr. Gibson, I have been very careful

never to have my name linked
with yours.

I have no intention
of being less careful now.

That is why it's taking a little time.

Oh, no, you're running out of time.

I don't respond well to threats.

Then get me out of here.

Lam doing my best.

Mr. Carrington would like to talk to you.

It's okay. Mr. Carrington cleared it
with the captain.

Oh, yeah? Well, maybe
I don't wanna talk to Mr. Carrington.

I think that would be a mistake.

Who are you working for?

That's a funny question.

You've been digging
around Delta Rho,

you've also been seen making a dive
in my lake and I wanna know why.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

My wife saw you there.

Well, from what I understand,

she, uh, probably wouldn't be
a very good witness right now.

Now, you listen to me
and you listen carefully.

Ease up. I only meant...

You were accused of trying
to m*rder my daughter-in-law.

- Look, I...
- You'll have to stand trial

for what you did.

Now, I can make it easier for you
or I can make it harder.

Now, who was hiring you?

Gibson, why is it that nobody's
come here to try to bail you out?

- Oh, they will, they will.
- Are you sure?

Posting bail is not that difficult.
Think about it.

Now, you're obviously trying
to protect somebody

that doesn't give a damn about you.

All right, you let me know
when you're ready to talk.


- Sable Colby.
- What about her?

I was hired by Sable Colby.

Would you pass the pepper, please?

Hi, Daddy.

Sit down, won't you, please?

- Look, Daddy, I'm sorry...
- Not now, Fallon.

- I just wanted to say that...
- Not now.

Missed you at the office today.

Doesn't surprise me.
You miss a lot of things.

Why don't you try the soup?
We were just commenting on it.

Look, Daddy, this is ridiculous.

You know how to clear a room,
don't you?

Drop dead.

Is Sable Colby there, please?

No. No. Don't disturb her.




- Are you awake?
- Heh.


Well, if it isn't Mr. Destructo.

- Heh. Guess I made an impression.
- Ha, ha, are you kidding?

So much stuffing on the bed when
you left, it looked like Thanksgiving.

Where is the little bunny?

Oh, I yanked off his other ear
and rented him out as a hat rack.

- Ah.
- So is that my compensation?

Oh, well, uh, no. That's my dinner.

I wanted to buy you
another stuffed animal,

but then I got so caught up that, uh...

- Would you believe it's in the mail?
- No, I wouldn't.

No, neither would I.

It's been a really crazy week.

It seems like all of my kids
have been in trouble.

I supervise a project for runaways.

Sometimes this hospital calls me in
to help out.

Like with Elizabeth.

Oh, is she gonna be okay-J?
Ow! Ow, ow. Ow!

- What is it?
- Ooh, ow. Oh, God.

I... I... I have a cramp in my foot
and I can't get it because my...

It hurts my stomach when I bend.
It's my left foot, please.

- Ow. Aah.
- Now, just relax, all right?

Oh, you have strong hands.

- Ls that good?
- Ooh, that's very good.

And here.

Mm. That feels great. Oh.

That's very good, thank you.

- Jeff.
- What's going on?

Here's your shake.

Thank you.

Uh, this is...

Well, who are you?

Yeah, who are you? And why do you
have my girlfriend's leg in your hand?

Oh, I'm Tanner McBride.
We're working out a cramp.

Tanner and I met when he...

- Uh...
- Heh.

- I guess you had to be there, huh?
- Yeah.

- Better?
- Yes, much.

Looks like
you've got some company,

so I'll just stop in
and see you another time?

Anytime. Thanks.

Oh, hey, I owed you one.

What was that all about?

I leave you ten minutes and I come
back and a guy is massaging your leg.

Oh, I had a cramp.

How come you never get a cramp
when I'm around?

Oh, but I do, Jeff.

In fact, I have one right now.

Only it's not in my foot.

I thought maybe you could use
some company.

Okay. I could use some company.

Come in. Come on in.

Oh, come on in.

It's cold.

Put another log on the fire.

Is it always so cold in here?

If you think this is bad, the railroad flat
where I grew up in Philly,

you wake up in the morning,
you could see your breath.

- What was that?
- Testing the pasta.

I think it needs
about another seconds here.

If that's the way you test food here,
I'm glad I wasn't over for Thanksgiving.

How are you?

You wanna hear about my day?

I stared off with some filing, okay?

I went from A to R, Rukowski.
That was good.

Then I did some phone work.
You see, that was very enjoyable.

I was on the nut line
for, what, two and a half hours?

Did you know that God talks to us
through our television sets?

A woman in Denver told me.

- Zorelli...
- And then Elvis, let's see.

- Elvis called me three times today.
- Stop it.

How about you?

Did you talk to your father?

My father made it very clear
we have nothing to say to each other.

So you figured
you'd hustle your way down here,

back down to the slums, huh?

I came here
because I wanted to see you.

And I thought
you wanted to see me.

Do you want me to go?

I don't know what I want.

Pasta's ready.

- Did you eat yet?
- What?

- Did you eat yet?
- No, I wasn't able to.

See, that's the difference
between your kind of people and mine.

We can always eat.

Blake, what a wonderful surprise.

- May I get you a drink?
- No, thank you.

Is something wrong?

We took you into our family.

We trusted you.

You were even part of our wedding.

Blake, please, what is it?

I saw that scuba diver,
Gibson, today.

He told me that you sent him

- to Delta Rho.
- No.

Does that mean
that you didn't hire him?

You don't understand.
I know the way that it looks.

I understand that you almost got
Sammy Jo k*lled.

- No, I didn't.
- You knew all along

that Jason and Roger Grimes
were meeting, you told me that.

You also knew you were tampering
with something that could ruin us.

- That's not true.
- Isn't it?

Well, did you
or didn't you hire Gibson?

- Yes, I did, but...
- And what were you looking for?

Oh, Blake,
I know what you're thinking, but...

Jason sent you here, didn't he?
You're fronting for him.

No, I have not. If you will just
listen to me, I'll explain.

Well, well, well,

what have we here,
a lovers' quarrel?

- Get out.
- When I saw you in the lobby, Blake,

I suspected I might find
something like this.

- Something like what?
- I didn't expect to hear a dreadful row.

It sounded like somebody
was being k*lled.

You know that sound,
don't you, Blake?

You have five seconds.

I simply don't believe my eyes.

Poor Krystle on a life support,
barely breathing in Switzerland

and her devoted husband breathing
heavily down that trollop's neck.

That's enough, Alexis.

But you never did care
about your wives, did you?

You're always far too busy.

I was forced into an affair
with Roger Grimes

because of your indifference.
But poor Krystle?

She found her own way out
just in time.

I'm warning you, Alexis.

I never thought that I would be the one
to defend Krystle's memory.

Damn it. I told you...

Are you going to hit me, Blake,
like you hit Roger Grimes?

I bet if you had a g*n,
you'd sh**t me too.

Right at this moment, yes.

Yes, I would.

I think I'd better go
before I do something I regret.


So, cousin, you see what a truly
violent man Blake Carrington is.

Get out. Blake may not hurt you,
but I will.

Ho, oh.
Then it's a match made in heaven.

Enjoy each other
while you still have time.

Pleasant dreams, Sybil.

Right on time.

I thought you preferred
meeting at the hotel.

Not when I'm about to take off
with a half a million dollars in cash.

Aren't you gonna count it?

Oh, I'm sure it's all there.

If it's not,
you won't hear from me again.

" Simple?
- Very."

Now, what exactly am I getting
for my money?

Yale. Six years. International law.

- So I'd know how to break it.
- Ha-ha-ha.

School doesn't exactly qualify one
for what you're about to attempt.

And being beautiful doesn't qualify one
for what I'm allowing her to buy.

Let's get specific, Mr. Boyd, all right?
Three million dollars is a lot of money.

Yeah, you're not buying helicopters
and soldiers, you're buying outcome.

Any army man will tell you
he needs security.

I prefer to take it.


So how long have you been, uh,
involved in this sort of business?

Since I learned that if you don't start
a w*r, someone else will.

You seem to be a man
who loves danger.

Does it excite you?

Well, many things excite me.

Well, I must say,
you do make it all seem quite easy.

The setup is always easy.

It's the execution
that can blow up in our faces.

Ha, ha. Your face, Mr. Boyd,
your face. If this fails, I don't know you.

If this fails, nobody better know me.

- Hmm.
- So how about a toast?

Well, you are full of surprises.

That's what I'm paid for.

- A present? For me?
- Yeah.

What are these?

Put this on.
I wanna see you put this on.

- Fix your hair up like that.
- No, stop, Adam.

Come on.

It isn't like you haven't
done this before.

What are you talking about?
I haven't done this.

Okay, you want to fight a little?

Did you make Dex fight a little
before you dressed up for him?

- What?
- Don't blame Dex.

He never thought
he'd see you again.

My God, Adam,
what kind of man are you?

Just your average run-of-the-mill guy.
But you?

You're the special one.

Madonna by day,
and hooker by night.

Get out.

- Get out.
- Hey. What...?

- Get out.
- What's the matter?

Just get out.


I'll let you think about it a while.

I always wondered
why Dex left you on the streets.

You mean that Jason and Sable
are in this together?

The man that Sable hired, Gibson,
knew exactly where to look.

First the lake, and then Delta Rho.

- Only Jason could know about that.
- But it doesn't make sense.

My father's a stubborn piece of work,
but he's not self-destructive.

I can't be sure of anyone right now.

I want you to find Jason, talk to him.

Tell him that I'll meet him
anytime, anywhere.

What are you gonna do
about Sable?

Well, her connection to Gibson
will keep her quiet for now.

If the police find out, she's gonna
have a lot of explaining to do.

I wish I could say that I was surprised
by what she did, but I'm not.

- I'm sorry.
- So am I.

But my immediate concern
right now is Alexis.

I'm sure she's ready
to make her move.

What are you gonna do?

Whatever it takes to stop her.

There must be certain things that are
as precious to her as this is to me.

Now, I'm going to find those things
and use them if I have to.

- Who is it?
- It's Joanna.

- I hope I didn't disturb you.
- No, no, no. Come in.

Are you all right?

Well, it hasn't been the best of days.

Well, for someone who has just
pulled off a multimillion dollar coup,

you don't look very happy.

Oh, I'm happy about the ships.

I came over to congratulate you.

I thought you would be
jumping up and down.

Yes, I would be,
if I could be jumping up and down

- on Alexis Colby's head.
- What?

That woman sucks the life
out of everything she touches,

and then spits it out
like a personal asset.

She has no feelings.
No respect for anyone.

My brother-in-law, Cecil,
made a fatal mistake. He loved her.

He loved her.
She k*lled him. She k*lled him.

But not before she had wrapped up
everything he owned

in the shirt off his back
and carried it away in a body bag.

I'm ashamed to call
that woman cousin.

I am ashamed that my family blood
courses through her veins.

I won't be content
until I have a hammer so large

it can pound Alexis Colby
into the ground.

Well, you may just be in luck.

- We may have the hammer.
- What?

It's the gambling marker
you asked me to get at the casino.

Alexis' comptroller
now owes us $ , .

Aly sold it to us.

Now we can blackmail Heath

into digging up the dirt
on Alexis' entire operation.

And if he doesn't help us bring it

and Alexis to their knees,
we'll foreclose on his life.

I've got her. I've finally got her.

- I think you're right.
- This could be what?

Oh, this could be the key.