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08x06 - The Surrogate - Part 2

Posted: 05/29/22 07:59
by bunniefuu
BLAKE: We are definitely
off to a good start.

In any race, a strong
start is important.

Jeff says that the public
reaction to our environmental issue

has been just great.

Much better than anticipated.

I'm sure the public realizes that
our natural resources aren't unlimited.


I can tell you that my
natural resources are limited.


Boy, that...

That is a workout.

Well, you've just earned yourself a
tall, cool glass of fresh orange juice.


I was thinking of
something a lot sweeter.


You know, besides
being a terrific kisser,

you're gonna make
a wonderful governor.

But the race isn't over yet,

so back on the bike
another minutes.

I cannot believe that he actually
went ahead with this nonsense.

Well, your ex-husband
seems to be a man of his word.

He's not gonna get away with it.

- It looks like he already has.
- Not in my newspaper.

You buried the story on Page .

Do you think that's
gonna make it go away?

Are you suggesting that I
splash it over the front page

- like the competition?
- That's exactly what I'm suggesting.

There is another
side to this story.

There is. But I don't think that people
are going to shed too many tears

over Alexis Colby
losing her lumber mill.

People who need jobs,

small businesses
that can barely get by.

You're absolutely right.

A new industry in that area

would be a tremendous
economic boost to this state.

And Blake Carrington has
chosen to ignore that fact.

Yes, he's offering hiking
trails. I'm offering jobs.

I like it.

I like it too. I do
have a story to tell.

A front-page story.

Dana, Kristina just drew this.

"Governor Daddy"
by Kristina Carrington.


DANA: She's certainly captured him.
- Yes, she did.

It must be great
watching her grow up.

You and Adam have a wonderful
experience ahead of you,

when you have your own child.

I have to go.


Did I say something wrong?

Oh, it's nothing. I...

It's just getting late.

Come on. I know you
better than that. What is it?

I'm just getting so tired
of everyone in this family

badgering me about
having children.

Sometimes I think that's
all any of you think about.

"Family is important.
Children are your future."

I'm sick of it.

Dana, what's this all about?

- I... I can't talk about it. I have to go.
- Please.

This isn't about the
family interfering, is it?

I'm just having a
hard time accepting...

Accepting what?


That Adam and I can't...

That I can't...

You can't have
a baby, is that it?



I'm so sorry.

I can't have a baby, but
I have heard of a way.

Will you help me?


Damn it, a shoe
can't just disappear.

Who knows? Maybe there's a
one-legged cat burglar on the prowl.

It always happens when I'm
late. One shoe, no mascara.

Why don't you do yourself a favor?
Leave a few things here so that you...

Unh. Oh, no. I'm not ready for that.
Living together is out of the question.

Who said anything
about living together?

All I suggested was
leaving a toothbrush,

maybe an extra pair of shoes.

Mm-mm, that's
how it gets started.

It doesn't ever have
to go any further.


- Why are you so uptight?
- I'm not.

There are just things that
I wanna do with my life.

And you think I'm gonna
get in your way, that it?

- No, because I won't let you.
- Oh, fine.

You want it all,
and you want it now.

I know what that's like.

Don't patronize me, Dex. You've
already made your mark in life.

Don't tell me about how
tough it was on the way up.

Leslie, you're already on your
way up. Don't you know that?

But I want more than that.


All my life I've been on
the outside looking in.

And now I want in.

God, what am I
really doing here?

You're here to get information
from an attorney, that's all.

I know, but suddenly, the
idea of some other woman

carrying Adam's child scares me.

Look, as easily as
we walked in here,

we can just turn and walk
out if that's what you'd like.

No, I'll be all right.

I received a psychological evaluation
on you from Dr. Davis this morning.

Well, I hope it's all right.

It was interesting,
Mrs. Carrington.

Now, I have to believe
that you are sincere

in wanting to involve
yourself and your husband

in a surrogate-mother program.

- Correct?
- Yes.

I've given it a lot of thought.

And sincere is
the key word here.

I am.

That's a start.

Mrs. Carrington,
do you fully realize

that if we follow
through with this program

that the child in question
will not be biologically yours?

- Yes, I understand that.
- Are you sure?

What I mean is, will you be able to
accept the fact that there will never

be a physical connection
between you and the child?

Yes, I can
accept that. I... It...

- It's better if I do, isn't it?
- Let me ask the questions, please.

And you will nonetheless
care for this child

as though it were your own,
your own flesh and blood?

Yes, of course I will.

And you've thought very
deeply about all of this?

Mr. Houser, I have given it a lifetime
of thought over the last few days.

And if you don't believe me,
or you insist on treating me

as if I were on trial defending
myself for some crime,

then you can go to hell.

And I will go
somewhere else for help.

Mrs. Carrington, wait. Please.

Please, sit down.

I'm sorry, but I had to push.


Are you telling me that you treat all
of your prospective clients this way?

That's right. I'm
tough, and I'm insulting,

and I ask
embarrassing questions.

- I give them every chance to back out.
- Why?

Because I've got to be sure the
parents are totally committed to this.

This is not exactly your
everyday occurrence.

Mr. Houser.

My husband and I want a child
more than anything in the world.

I know that now.

Let's go to work.

This is really a
very simple process.

We're not talking about
test-tube babies here.

There is no physical contact.

The surrogate mother
is artificially inseminated

with your husband's sperm.

And is it usually successful?

Yes, it is.

I've been checking my files
ever since I talked to Dr. Davis,

and I think I have someone

who will be acceptable
for your purposes.

Would you like to meet her?

I think I can arrange
it for tomorrow.



It's possible.


Krystle, I know you and
Blake don't have any secrets,

- but I don't want...
- Dana, you don't have to ask.

Once you tell Adam and if the two
of you decide to go ahead with this,

it's your decision and
your news to tell everyone.


If we decide to go ahead.


Have a child with another woman?

My God, Dana. Do you know
what you're talking about?

Yes, I do.

- I've thought it over.
- You've thought it over?

Without talking to
me first. Why not?

- Adam...
- Dana.

You went back to
Dr. Davis to talk it over?

You went to see an
attorney to talk it over

without discussing it with me.
Why not? Why all the secrecy?


I wanted to find out if we had a chance
at getting what we both want so much.

A child.

You tell me that you
don't really want one?

Of course I do.

You know I do.

But to have a child
that would be part mine

and part somebody else's.

A woman I don't even know.

A stranger.

Darling, don't you see?

That is a way for
us to have a child.


Don't you know I would
go to the ends of the Earth

to give you a baby if I could?

If I only could.


You said something

about meeting the
woman tomorrow.

Who is she?

I don't know all
that much about her,

except that she comes
very highly recommended.

I'm gonna have
to think about it.

All right.

We don't have to meet with her.

I can call Mr. Houser
and tell him to forget it.

Is that what you want?

Dana, what do you want?

I want for you to be happy.

For you to become the father
you've always wanted to be.

For both of us to have
someone else to love, and...

A part of you.

That's all that's really important
to me is that it would be yours.

And, you know, we don't have
to make a decision tomorrow.

All we have to do is
talk with the woman.

[MOUTHS] Please.

Yes. Well, everything seems to
be on time and in order as promised.

Thank you, Leslie.

I appreciate you
getting this done for me.

That's so nice to hear.

I imagine you don't get too much
appreciation out at the pipeline.

Dex has been... He's
tried to be fair with me.

Be honest.

Do you really think that there's a future
for a woman working with Dex Dexter?

- It's a living for now.
- Yeah.

Well, you know, I know him. I
was married to him for a while,

and he has some rather primitive
ideas of women's place in society.

I owe him a lot.

You owe yourself more.


When I see a woman
like you, Mrs. Colby,

how much you've accomplished
in spite of all the odds

that are against you, it gives
me hope that someday I could...

Well, I know I can't
compare myself to you.

Oh. On the contrary, I
see a lot of similarities.

We're both bright, determined.

Except that you are
loyal to an employer

who does not
deserve your loyalty.

Women like us, Leslie,
we always find a way.

Well, I...

I do have a feeling that I won't
find my way at the pipeline.

You may not have to.

- Absolutely not.
- You haven't listened to a word.

I've heard every word,
and the answer is still no.

Look, I am not asking you
to drop the wilderness park.

All I'm asking is, isn't there
some way to compromise?

Compromise? Alexis has
no idea what that word means.

And I'm not here to
plead Mother's case either.

I'm just trying to keep this
family from being torn apart.

Torn apart? You're trying to figure
out how this is going to affect you.

I should have remembered it's a
waste of time trying to reason with you.

Father, what's wrong?

- You look as if w*r has been declared.
- It's a local w*r. Look at that.

Alexis is taking our
environmental issue.

She's written a front-page editorial
blasting our whole campaign.

ADAM: What?
- Yes. She says that the wildlife refuge

would have a negative
economic impact,

and she uses a lot of trumped-up
numbers and half-truths

to back up her story.

- Nice work, Adam.
- Father, I knew nothing about this.

- Oh, sure.
- I'm as surprised as you are.

- I had no idea.
- I believe you, son.

Now, do you think
that's gonna hurt us?

No, it's too early to tell.
I'll make some phone calls.


- There you go. BOYS: Grandpa!

BLAKE: Look who's come to visit.
- Grandpa.

- Hi, fellows. DANNY: Grandpa.

Why, I'm so glad to see you,
L.B. You've grown so much.

DANNY: Me too?
- Yeah. You're both big.

You've both gotten so... Hey.
Where are you going? Ha, ha.



I'll tell you, I've got two
rowdy but terrific grandsons.

I thought I'd take them
out to the football practice.

I didn't expect to
see you here, Adam.

I had some business
to discuss with Jeff.

Adam's business has
made the front page.

Hold it. We'll get back
to the campaign later.

Right now, we have
a bigger problem.

Fellows, wait a minute.
Wait, wait, hold it.

I think I've got the answer.

Now, that's it.

You sit in this corner. Danny,
you sit in the other corner.


You know, someday they're
gonna be running Denver-Carrington.

This chair is gonna be theirs.

It'll be large enough for my
next grandchild too, Adam.

I thought you weren't coming.

I'm so glad you
changed your mind.

I decided you were right.

We do have to look
at all the possibilities.

Well, Mr. Houser said
she is a lovely woman.


And she has two kids of her
own, wonderful, healthy kids.

I know it sounds a little silly, but
I'm dying to see what she looks like.

- Would that make a difference?
- Not really.

Might be nice if she
looked a little like me.

She couldn't possibly
be as beautiful as you.


I, um...

I picture her as more
the, uh, earth-mother type.



- I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.
- That's all right.

Mr. Houser, this is my
husband, Adam Carrington.

- Hello.
- How do you do?

And I have someone
I'd like you to meet.


Karen Atkinson, I'd like
you to meet the Carringtons.

I'm very happy to meet you.

Wanna tell me where
you've been all day?

- With Alexis. You knew that.
- But for hours?

Since when do I have to
punch a time clock around here?

All right, now
that you are here,

would you mind looking
over these specs for me?

Alexis offered me a job.

Well, that doesn't surprise me.

I've decided to
accept the offer.

Come on, Leslie.

Don't you realize
what this is all about?

It's about someone who
thinks I deserve the opportunity

to make my own way.

Oh, making your own way
working for Alexis Colby.

Leslie, this has
nothing to do with you.

Don't you realize she is
using you to get at me?

Ugh, your ego is a work of art.

You can't believe it is simply
one woman helping another.

If the woman weren't
Alexis Colby, I might buy it.

Well, maybe you just don't know
her as well as you think you do.

I know one thing. She is
in a league all by herself.

And I'm prepared
to play in that league.

Why do you think I offered
to deliver those papers?

Why do you think I changed
out of my work clothes?

I know what I'm doing, Dex.

And I'm gonna go on doing it no
matter who tries to get in my way.


- You were a cheerleader?
- What a disaster.

I had so many years
of ballet lessons,

all my "rah, rahs" looked like
something out of Swan Lake.


I lasted exactly one semester.


And who's this?

This is Kelly, my
younger daughter.

- She's very pretty.
- And she looks just like you.

She's a very
independent little girl.

But Allison, my -year-old,
needs a lot of attention.

That's one of the reasons the
surrogate program was appealing.

And why is that?

Quite frankly, the support
money will allow me

to stay home with my children.

As a single mother,
I've always had to work.

We didn't realize
you weren't married.

My ex-husband left
after Kelly was born.

Do you have any
contact with him?

No. Heh.

Jessie has no interest
in the children or me.

It must have been rough
raising two kids on your own.

KAREN: Oh, we've
been doing pretty well.

But with Allison starting
school and feeling a little scared,

it would be nice to
stay home this year.

And you don't mind being...

- Pregnant?
- Yes.


I love it.

I know some people
might think of it as a burden.

But to me, carrying a child

is the most wonderful
feeling in the world.

Every woman should...

I'm sorry.

It's okay, I understand.

Um, Karen, thank you for
spending all this time with us.

- I think we should go.
- In a minute, Dana.

Karen, we've been
asking all the questions.

Is there anything you'd
like to know about us?

I think everybody in Colorado
knows the Carringtons.

You'll make wonderful parents.

I hope my being single
doesn't bother you.

- Well... ADAM: No.

As a matter of fact, in many
ways, it's probably better.

Well, Josh, you made it
happen. Our first win in six weeks.

SAMMY JO: Cheers.

Well, here's to the guy
that gave me my shot.

Absolutely phenomenal.
Three touchdown passes.

- Runs the last one in himself.
SAMMY JO: I know, I was there.

Twelfth row, -yard line.

Pick you out of
a crowd any time.

MAN: Mr. Carrington,

there's a man named
Fredericks in the lobby to see you.

Oh. Okay, uh, thanks. I'll
be right back. Excuse me.

Alone at last.

- So you like football?
- Can take it or leave it.

You don't seem to me to be the
take-it-or-leave-it sort of woman.

What's that supposed to mean?

You see what you
want and you go after it.

I'm like that too.

So, what's the story
with you and the boss?

If there was a story, I certainly
wouldn't discuss it with you.


Worse than I thought.
There's a problem at the office.

- I gotta leave right away.
- Oh, uh, I'll drive Sammy Jo home.

- Oh, no, don't bother.
- Well, I insist. It'll be a pleasure.

Okay, thanks. It
shouldn't take too long.

I'm afraid you're right, Blake.

Alexis' attack on our campaign
seems to be affecting the polls.

Yes, we are down a bit,

and Ralph Dunbar
seems to be catching up.

KRYSTLE: And we're losing
ground in the minority communities.

I tell you, that newspaper of
Alexis' is completely irresponsible.

But apparently, her
readers believe it.

I'm sure that eventually, people
will start seeing through her.

I don't think we
can afford to wait.

If you'd agreed to talk
to my mother earlier,

maybe this could
have been avoided.

I don't think it would
have made any difference.

Anyway, I'm digging up statistics to
refute what Alexis has been saying.

- What kind of statistics?
- On her proposed lumber mill.

I just don't think it's gonna create
the amount of jobs she's predicting.

- Good.
- I'll be working on it tonight.


Jeff, uh, I think you've
been working too hard.

You know, Krystle is right.
That could wait until tomorrow.

Why don't the four of us
go out to dinner? Just relax.

I'm sure we could all use it.

I promised L.B. I'd have
dinner with him tonight.

Well, I'd feel a lot more comfortable
if I could get this work out of the way.

I won't be late.


Darling, won't
you join us tonight?

It would certainly be good fun if
we could spend some time with you.

Oh, I know it would,
Daddy, but, uh, not tonight.

Oh, Blake.

They'll work it out.
I'm sure they will.

- What about David?
- Who?

For the baby. David Carrington.

I like that. David Carrington.

Do you think she's pretty?



She's very pretty, isn't she?

Yes, she is. That's
nice for us, isn't it?

I don't know. I think maybe we
should talk to a couple of other women.

We don't have to decide
on the first one we meet.

But Karen's perfect.

And for a girl...

I kind of like Jennifer.

Jennifer Carrington.

I don't think she's perfect.

What do you mean?

Well, for one thing,
she's not married.

Well, I think that's a plus.
One less person to deal with.

Besides, your lawyer said he thought
that she was an ideal match for us.

- Yes, but...
- Well, you like her, don't you?

She's a good mother.

She's bright, she's attractive.

And most important of
all, she was a cheerleader.

Adam, this is a
very big decision.

I'm just beginning to think maybe
you were right in the first place.

That maybe we shouldn't
be rushing into this.

I'd like to be sure.

I'm sure enough for both of us.

Karen has everything
we could hope for.

Everything we could hope for,
or everything you could hope for?

Oh, my God.

Is that what this is all about?


The only interest I
have in Karen Atkinson

is the fact that she's offered
to help us have a child.

Our child. That's all.

You sure?

You're the woman I love.

The only woman I will ever love.

And this is gonna work out.

I know she's the
right one. I just know it.

Please, trust me.




I hope they're paying you
time and a half for overtime.

Hello, Leslie.

I was just looking
for Uncle Blake.

He went out to
dinner with Krystle.

Oh. And left you behind without
a crust of bread to gnaw on?

I'm really not hungry tonight.

You know, sometimes
taking a break is good.

Revitalizes the old gray matter.


And you are just in luck,

because I have been
combing the streets of Denver

just looking for someone
to take me to dinner.

I really can't. Not tonight.

I've been sworn to secrecy.

However, there
is this place... No.

Don't ask me to tell you where,
but they have k*ller lasagna.

And that is not
even the best part.

I've seen otherwise sane
men give up their firstborn

for a second piece of
Mr. Ottavio's garlic bread.

And the wine, mm.

September, a vintage month.

You know, you're a
very persuasive woman.

Where's Daddy?

He has to work, sweetheart.

When he gets home,
he'll give you a big kiss.

Can't we call him?

We don't wanna disturb him.

Please? I won't talk a lot.



- Can I talk?
- Well, he's not there.

He's probably on his way home.

Do you miss Daddy too?

Thanks for the ride.

- What are you doing?
- Give me chance to explain.

- No. Now let me out.
- Just one minute, please?

One minute.

Look, I know I was a...

I was kind of a
wise guy at dinner.

And I don't blame you for giving me
the cold shoulder all the way home.

I just don't know
how to act around you.

Well, then, let me
give you a clue.

Coming on to me in front of
Steven and then holding me prisoner

in your car is probably
the wrong tack to be taking.


Okay, so I'm discovering
I'm not exactly Mr. Smooth.

I'm a football player.

I spend my days with guys
who break heads for a living.

And your nights?

Well, let's just say I'm
not used to ladies like you.

See, I grew up hard. I
mean, no college scholarship.

I worked nights. Barely
made it through my classes.

Heh. I was third string
until my senior year.

Then you threw the
game-winning hundred-yard pass,

- and the rest is history?
- Almost.

The first-string
quarterback broke his ankle,

the second stringer flunked out.

The coach had no
one to go with but me.

Then I threw the
hundred-yard pass.


You know, you got a nice smile.

Hold it right there, hot shot.

I'm not buying your
dumb-country-boy routine.

And if you don't let me out, you
might find yourself with an injury

that will not only
prevent you from playing

but from ever fathering a child.

This is great.

The papers loved Harris.
They're calling him a savior.

The crowd loved him
too. They went wild for him.

Well, I guess all those
touchdowns were a big deal.

Yeah, but it wasn't just
winning. It was the way he did it.

Down six points
with a minute to go,

he took the team yards
and scored on a bootleg.

- It was fantastic.
- A bootleg? What's a bootleg?

Bootleg. You remember
the last touchdown he faked

to the tailback and ran around...
The hell with it. It was a great call.

- I'm telling you, this guy has it.
- Yeah, he has it all right.

You talked to him for a little
while. What did you think?

You mean, what did I think
about being stuck for two hours

with a loud-mouthed,
self-centered, dull-witted jock?

I had a great time. Wouldn't
have missed it for the world.

Yeah, well, Harris certainly
has some rough edges.

Rough edges? The man
belongs in a cage, Steven.

What did he say to you? Did
he do something to upset you?

No. No, he just needs a
personality transplant, that's all.

He pulled through for you
and that's the important thing.

I'm sorry he was rude to you.

He seems to have made
an impression on everybody.

Yes, that's the one right there.


I think I've been spotted.

By whom?

I don't know his name, but I believe
we met him at a fund-raising luncheon.

Here he comes now.

Blake? Blake Carrington.
I thought that was you.

- Hello, nice to see you again.
- Nice to see you.

- Uh, Krystle, I'd like you to meet, uh...
- Harry Donalds.

We've already met, darling.
Nice to see you. How's your wife?

HARRY: Oh, wonderful, thanks.

Blake, I hope I'm
not intruding, but I...

I'm in the middle of breakfast
with some business associates.

You know, uh,
potential contributors.

Oh, yes. Yes.

I wondered if you could spare a
couple of minutes just to say hello.

Certainly, I'd be happy to do it.
Excuse me, darling. I'll be right back.



Charming group of friends
your husband appears

to be cultivating recently.

Good morning, Alexis.

Yes, it is a good morning, isn't
it? Have you seen the latest polls?

Blake's popularity
appears to be slipping.

Oh, I hadn't noticed.

But if you think your
misleading editorials

are going to cost Blake
this election, you're wrong.

You know, Alexis, your preoccupation
with my husband is amazing,

and a little sad.

What is sad, Krystle, is that you fail
to understand the power of the press.

The public like what they're
reading, and they're responding.

Well, you have
made a lot of noise,

which is one of the few
things you do rather well.

But it's just noise,
no substance.

We're not worried.

If you're not worried, Krystle,
you're underestimating the opposition.

And you're underestimating
Blake and me.

Ah, coffee.

You're late for breakfast.

That's all right. I'll get
something downtown.

Ah. Boy, does it
feel great to sleep in.

New job. New clothes.
No hard hat. Ha, ha.

- Daddy!
- Hey there, tiger.

- How are you doing?
- Where were you last night?

Mommy and I called you.


L.B., you'll be late for school.

We waited and waited, Daddy.

- Well, I...
- Uh-oh.

I think I'm the bad guy.

See, your daddy
was working so hard,

but I dragged him out of the
office and I took him to dinner.

I hope that's not a problem.

No, of course not.

L.B., you'll be late.

Me too. I don't wanna keep
Alexis waiting on my first day.

I'm gonna be home early tonight.

Why don't we go out
and get some ice cream?



- Get going now. L.B.: Okay.

Well, I guess I'd better be off.

See you later?

BLAKE: You are quite a woman.

You know, you saved my
neck with that introduction.

Poor Krystle.

It must be terribly difficult for
her to keep up with all of this

with her background.

Darling, I don't know why
you let her get to you this way.

Blake, it's one thing
when she att*cks me,

but when she att*cks you...

I'm sorry, I just have a
very difficult time with that.

Don't sell yourself short.
You just touched a nerve.

You can't stop now.

I have no intention of stopping.

I believe I'm right.

What's her next move?

You know, if she's hit this
hard on the wilderness area,

what's she gonna do next?

Now, the important thing is,

you don't want it to look
like a personal vendetta.

Heh. Stop sounding like Krystle.

I couldn't care
less about Blake.

- She's really out to get you.
- Darling, let her try.

The only issue that's gonna be
important to the voters of this state

is whether or not Blake Carrington
is gonna be a good governor.

The truth is, there is no
such thing as a good governor.

All people wanna know is,
how will his winning affect me?

- Heh. That's human nature.
- Oh, you're so cynical.

I love that in a man.

Well, no matter what happens,

you'll always be my
favorite candidate.

Good. I need the women's vote.


I am really sorry about those figures
you need for Blake's speech, Krystle.

However, I couldn't bring them all
because they aren't quite ready yet.

It's all right. It's not the end of
the world. I'll get them tomorrow.

Thank you.

I think my mind has been
someplace else all day. I...

Actually, Adam is over at
the doctor's office right now.

And if everything checks out,

Karen could be
inseminated this afternoon.

Are you having second
thoughts about this?


If you have any doubts at all,
now is the time to say something.

But Adam wants this so much,

and I have pushed so hard.

But you're allowed
to change your mind.

Well, this should be
something you both want.

We do.

It's just...

I think I... I'm
feeling a little left out.

Then tell him.

I have,

and all he does is try to
reassure me over and over again.

I don't think I've ever loved you
more than I do at this moment.

I love you too.

- But... ADAM:
It's gonna be fine.

We've checked all the
legalities of the contract.

Oh, Dana,

you are gonna make the
most wonderful mother.

Darling, I want you
to be proud of me.


The doctor said
the timing is great.

We should know in a few
days whether or not it's taken.

It's gonna work.

I know it's gonna work.


ADAM: Oh, Karen.

What are you doing here?

Peace offering?

I'm not interested in
anything you have to offer.

Look, I know I was
a jerk last night.

Heh. At least we
agree on something.

All I wanted to say was,
it won't happen again.

I'll just leave these over here.

You don't have to do that.
You can give them to me.

Uh, no, that's okay.

What's the matter? You
can give me the flowers.


I don't believe it. Are
you afraid of my horse?

Not your horse, lady, any horse.

I've never been too comfortable
around anything bigger or faster than me.

Heh. I'm shocked. Josh
Harris, Mr. Macho, is afraid.

- Ha, ha.
- Terrific. Go ahead, laugh.

Come here. He won't hurt you.

- No, thanks.
- Come here.

Come on.

There. See, he's real gentle.

Sammy Jo, that's
not why I came here.

Shouldn't you be
at practice, Harris?