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08x09 - The Setup

Posted: 05/29/22 08:00
by bunniefuu
And so this morning, I met
with the board of directors

and I proposed,
and they accepted,

the creation of an
executive committee.

An equal partnership

with each one of you
having one equal vote.

Now, in the case
of disagreement...

And knowing my kids,

there may be several
from time to time.

In the event of disagreement,
two votes will settle the matter.

Now, as to who
sits in this chair

and who runs the company
on a day-to-day basis,

as I told you last
night, it will be Steven.

I assume that your
acceptance still holds.

Yes, of course.

Steven has been my
right arm here all along.

That made him a logical choice.

I hope you understand that.

Yes, Father.

FALLON: Again, congratulations.

- I'm proud of you.
- Thanks, Fallon.

This has not been an easy time
for any of us these past few days.

I'm very grateful to you all
for the way you've handled it.

There's more that
I would like to say,

but, uh, this doesn't seem
to be the right moment.

Steven, walk me down
to the car, will you?

I wanna talk over that
Townsend contract.

It's the last item on my agenda.
I'd like to get it wrapped up.

I know Father meant well,

but he's always been a bit
myopic where Steven's concerned.

I have no problem with
his sitting in Daddy's chair.

Besides, we're
all equal partners.

Except that Steven's
gonna be calling the sh*ts.

Of course that doesn't bother
you. You've always been close.

It shouldn't bother you,
either. He's your brother.


Who's been fighting me
ever since I came to Denver.

Then it's time to stop it.

We're all one family. If we
can't put that first, we're doomed.

Are you just preaching that, Fallon,
or do you plan to put it into practice?

With you and me?

Okay, I deserved that.

You and I haven't been
close, but that's history.

So let's make this work.

For Daddy and for
everything he's worked for.


Adam Carrington.

Mr. Carrington, Dave Alden,
coach of your brother's team.

I've gotta talk to him,
please. It's urgent.

He's not here. Is
there a message?

Yeah, tell him that his ex-quarterback,
Skip Maitland, was picked up

for dealing cocaine.

Steven and I have
to get together

before the press
gets ahold of the story.

Don't worry. I'll get the
word to him right away.

Security, Steven Carrington's on
his way down to the parking area.

Find him.

Daily Express. I'd like to
speak to the sports editor.


So tell me about the baby.

Everything's wonderful.

I speak with Karen every day.

- Karen is the... She's the mother?
- Mm-hm.

Do you like her?

Oh, yes. Um... Well,
she's terrific. Heh.

Adam and I are very
lucky to have her.

I know.

Oh, Dana, this has
all happened so fast.

Yes. Well, Adam was very
anxious to start a family, you know.

I know. So when the doctor told
you that you couldn't have children,

you just decided to
do something about it.

Yes. After I found out that
a surrogate was possible.

I love Adam very much
and I'd do anything for him.

I know you would.

So don't you think it
would have been kinder

to have told him about
this before the wedding?


Well, that you
couldn't have a baby.

Well, I didn't know.

Dana, surely you must
have had some idea.

No. Of course, I didn't.

I mean, years had gone
by and nothing had...

Nothing had what?


We're not just two women sitting
here having lunch, you know.

I'm Adam's mother, and I
love him very, very much,

and I know he loves you too.

And you, you've loved
him since high school.

You followed him here, and...

Well, I want to be
your friend. I really do.

So please, please
tell me what happened.

Please, Alexis, you must understand,
this isn't easy for me to talk about.

I do. I do understand
very much, but trust me.

All right, Dana? Just trust me.

So years had gone by...

I was very young.

Um, just .

It wasn't easy in those days.

My best friend took
me to see somebody.

But there were
complications, and...

It was a botched abortion.



So you've always known
that you couldn't have children.

No. Of course, I didn't. I'd...

Well, the doctor always...

Well, he told me that maybe I
couldn't, but I always hoped...

I could.

Why didn't you talk
to Adam about it?

I couldn't.

It was so far in the past and...

You see, I love Adam so
much. I didn't wanna hurt him.

And I still don't
want that to happen.

Please, please tell me you
won't say anything to him.

No, no. I won't, I promise
you. I won't, Dana.

But, God, how do you
expect this marriage to work

when there are three of you?

You, Adam and
this dreadful secret.



- Who...? Ahem. Who is it?
STEVEN: Steven Carrington.


Been trying to get
ahold of you all morning.

Yeah, well, uh, I've just been going
over some stuff for this week's game.

Do I get brownie
points? It's my day off.

We have a problem.

Don't worry, I'm gonna
tear that defense apart.

We have a problem off the field.

Skip Maitland just got
busted for dealing cocaine.


Yeah, well, that figures.
He always was a loser.

So why are you telling me?

Because he may have been
supplying it to other guys on the team.

Did Maitland tell you
that? Well, he's a jerk.

The police told
me that. Is it true?

How do I know? I'm a
quarterback, not a vice cop.

Drop the one-liners. If there's a drug
problem on the team, I wanna know.

So, what, you come to me?

Look, I just throw
them the football.

What they do on their
own time is their business.

Wait, wait a minute. You
accusing me of something?

I'm not accusing you of
anything. I'll find out sooner or later.

Sooner or later,
these things come out.

Fine. Meanwhile, you
can't come in here...

Josh, wait a minute. I did not
come here to argue with you.

I'm just trying to
make you understand

that Maitland's arrest
reflects on the entire team,

including you and me.

Well, you listen to me.

I don't know anything about
Maitland or drug pushing.

You pay me to play football

and you've been busting
my chops to win and win big.

I don't have time to
think about anything else.


Okay, Josh.

Just understand this.

If there's a drug problem
on the team, I'll find out.

Uh, ahem.

Hi, Sammy Jo?

It's Josh, um...

Look, uh, I need to
see you right away.

And what's the first thing he
does? He comes and unloads on me.

I didn't get arrested,
Maitland did.

Man, once a whipping
boy, always a whipping boy.

It seems like he just
wanted some help.

He respects your opinion.

Bull. The only thing your
ex-husband respects is winning.

The minute I stop putting points
on that board, it's, "Adios, Josh."

Why are you putting so
much pressure on yourself?

Ask him. All I hear
about all the time is:

"Why aren't you winning bigger?
You're letting the team down."

- He says that?
- Yeah.

And there's this voice that goes
on in the back of my head, says:

"You're gonna blow it, Harris.

You can't come
through when it counts."

You are being too
hard on yourself.

You deserve more than that.

Do I deserve you?


Sammy Jo, that's
why I came here.

I wanna show I can come
through when it counts.

For us, for you and me.

Please, Josh, you know
that Steven and I have...

An agreement. I know.

So that counts me out.

Heh, good old Steven. On
my back, on and off the field.

Well, you stick to your
agreement, Sammy Jo.

You see what good it does you
when you reach out on a cold night.

I gotta get out of
here. I need a drink.

Oh, I hope I'm not
disturbing the candidate.

BLAKE: Alexis, I am
just leaving for home.

Dinner party?

For two. Just Krystle and me.

Well, I'll get
straight to the point.

Our sweet little daughter-in-law,
Dana, can't have children.

I know that.

Do you know the reason why?

A botched abortion a long
time ago when she was .

She's kept this guilty secret to
herself and has not shared it with Adam.

I don't know where you get your
information from, or whether it's true.

ALEXIS: It's true. She told me.

In any case, I don't care. They're
happy and that's the most important thing.

So please, leave them alone.

Blake, are you blind?

Why do you think that Dana rushed
into this surrogate mother thing?

Because she loves Adam.

He wanted a child and
she couldn't give him one.

She wants to have an heir.

This little nobody follows
our son from Billings to Denver

to try and trap
him into marriage.

Once she has him, then she wants
to have an heir to secure her future.

I don't wanna hear
any more, you mind?

Will you please listen to me?

Adam is the real
father of this child.

Now, we've gotta make quite sure

that Dana never has any
legal claim on the baby.

I am not going to
let you interfere.

We're talking about something terribly
important for the future of our family.

You're talking about
it. My position is clear.

I'm warning you.
Stay out of this.

And I'm warning you.

Your blind loyalty to this
girl is going to cost us all.


Governor. You can't even run
your own family, let alone Colorado.

- You're very tense this morning.
- Mm.

Yes. We can thank Blake
Carrington for that. Ugh.

I tell him the girl has a backstreet
abortion and he defends her.

Darling, you're not still letting
this thing with Dana ride you?

No, the thing is that when
I have concerns, Sean,

I can't just turn
them off like a tap.

God, I wish I could
go to Adam with this.

Well, you decided that wouldn't be
smart. Why don't you just forget it?

How can I forget it? You
mean like Blake forgot it?

I mean, she is a gold
digger. I know she is.

I mean, she can smell
a man with money.

Yes, mm-hm.

The rich do have
a distinctive scent.

- Ow. Oh, Sean, you're hurting me.
- Sorry about that.

I think you're worrying
about nothing, Alexis.

ALEXIS: Heh, you do, do you?

Well, I'll tell you
something. I don't.

Do you realize that
Blake has just turned over

one-third of
Denver-Carrington to Adam?


Well, that's very interesting.

Interesting? It's
more than interesting.

I have to protect Adam. Otherwise,
that little girl that he married

is going to become a very
rich and powerful woman.

You're right. She could
have a lot of power.


Uh, look, I've got
a meeting, darling.

- We'll talk more when I get back.
- All right. Bye.


SEAN: Anna Gregory.

KRYSTLE: Aren't these wonderful?

Where did you find
all these old toys?

Jeanette brought them
down from the attic.

We're giving them to
the children's home.

Oh, my God.

It's my favorite doll.


Annie, I used to play
for hours with you.

I remember one day,
Jeff was teasing me,

and he grabbed Annie

and accidentally pulled
one of her legs off.

He said he was sorry, but I
told him I would hate him forever.

The next morning, there
was a box outside my door.

Jeff had spent the entire
night trying to fix her leg.

It wasn't perfect, but, uh...

I guess nothing ever is.



I know that you and Jeff are going
through a difficult time right now.

Can I be honest with you?

You can say anything
to me. You know that.

I don't even know if we
have a relationship anymore.

I can't remember the last
happy moment we had,

the last time we made love.

And the most difficult part is,
the longer we go on like this...

the less I wanna try.

If you want your marriage to
work, you're gonna have to try.


Well, um...

Jeff comes home
from New York tonight.

The two of you should
spend some time together.


You know, ever since
we left New York,

you've just been burying
yourself in this paperwork.

That's... I wanna finish it
before we get back to Denver.

That's fine for today.

But what about yesterday,
this little disappearing number?

I was busy.

No one is that busy.


What happened
the other night was...


That's all right.
You can say it.

I would, but I can't.

Because it can't happen again.

What's changed?



I'm very attracted to you,

but I've got to try and
make it work with Fallon.

Try and make it
work with Fallon?

You're kidding
yourself, you know.


But that's what I've decided.

Well, then, I guess I'll just,
um, wish you both good luck.

And as governor,

my agenda will be
simple and direct.

Jobs for all those who
are capable of working,

compassion and assistance for those
who are deserving of that assistance,

and a balanced growth that will help
carry this great state into the future.

Thank you. Thank
you all for your support.

Are there any questions?

Is there any truth to the rumor that
you'd ultimately like to be president?

And live outside this beautiful
state of Colorado? Never.


Mr. Carrington, what's your
reaction to the drug problem

on your son's football team?

Well, I'd hardly call the
arrest of one former player

a drug problem on the team.

What's the morale
on the team now?

You'll have to ask my
son that. It's his team.

You know that I'm running
for governor of Colorado

and if there are any questions
regarding the issues in this campaign,

I'd be happy to answer them.

What's your position on
mandatory drug testing?

I think that drug abuse is a
terrible blight on our society

and any reasonable method that
would help us get rid of that blight,

I'm in favor of.

Will you urge your
son to test his team?

My son makes his own decisions.

I'm sure he'll take
the appropriate action.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm
running a little behind schedule.

So thank you again for everything,
and together we can make it happen.

Thank you very much.

Well done, Father.

But a drug scandal? That's
just what you need right now.

Thank you very much, Steven.

What do you mean, "Thank
you very much, Steven"?

This isn't your brother's fault.

You said it yourself.
It's his team.

The way he runs it
reflects on your campaign.

Adam, I don't have to tell you

that the press is always
out looking for a story.

Now, what they're trying to do is to
pit one Carrington against the other.

Now, don't you feed that fire.

Look, Leslie... [JEFF SIGHS]

Look at my desk. Paperwork's
piling up on it since I went to New York.

You know, it was a long
plane ride, I'm sure you're tired.

And the car is still downstairs.

Go home.

You know, if I stay here and help
you, you'll get out of here a lot quicker.

Unless, of course, you're
afraid to be alone with me.

Leslie, how many
ways do I have to say it?

Jeff, relax. I just wanna
make a few phone calls.

JEFF: Suit yourself.



LESLIE: Fallon.

I should have guessed.

Uh, we just got in from
New York. Jeff's in the, uh...

Spare me the details.

I know what you're
thinking. You're wrong.

Please don't insult me, Leslie.

Did you really think I
didn't recognize your voice

on the phone from
Jeff's hotel room?


Fallon. What are you doing here?

Interrupting, obviously.

Oh, now, wait a minute.

If you two don't mind,
I'm suddenly very tired.

Look, I, uh, know what you're
thinking, but you're wrong.

Isn't it funny? You
even sound alike.

I guess that comes from sharing
all those intimate little moments.

Fallon, don't make a
federal case out of nothing.

Leslie and I, we were in New
York together on business.

We flew home together and...

And picked up right where
you left off in your hotel room.


Fallon, uh, we should talk.

There's so many things
that I have to tell you.

First, tell me there was nothing
between you and Leslie in New York.


It's not... It's
not that simple.

Oh, yes, it is.





Send him in.

- Morning, Alexis.
- Morning, Dex.

I wanted to see Sean,
but he's not in his office.

No, he's out at a meeting.

But, uh, I don't know
when he'll be back.

You all right?

Yes. Yes, I'm fine. If
you want to see Sean,

why don't you make an
appointment with his secretary?

Well, maybe it's best
my seeing you first.

I talked to him last week

about an easement on
transit rights for the pipeline.

He said he'd get
back to me. He hasn't.

- So?
- Come on, face it, Alexis.

Your husband
and I are strangers.

We don't even speak the
same language. You and I do.

Why should I be
interested in something

that no longer concerns
either me or my company?

Because I have a contract with
Blake to go ahead on the project.

I'm a guy who keeps his word.
Blake is a guy who keeps his.

- And you want me to help you, right?
- Right.

You expect me to help
you with Blake Carrington?

That paragon of virtue,

a man who always keeps his word
and never ever does anything wrong.

Look, I didn't come here to
listen to a campaign speech

against the competition.

Let me tell you something
about the competition, Dex.

I had some business
with Blake recently,

a little legal business,

and he had a deposition
that was all neatly signed

and it was signed by a
women called Cora Van Husen.

Do you know what Miss
Van Husen does for a living?

She runs a whorehouse
in Colorado Springs.

I see. That's, uh, very
interesting. About the easement?

I don't want to hear
about your easement

and I'm not interested in
anything to do with the pipeline

and if you want to talk about
it, call Sean. It's his department.

Just say it, Alexis. I wasted
my time walking in here.


You just said it, Dex.


Oh, that paragon of virtue.

Saint among saints.


I want you to call
my car and chauffeur

and tell them we're driving to
Colorado Springs right away.


VAN HUSEN: Don't tell me.

You were just in the neighborhood
and decided to drop in.

You're a very successful
businesswoman, Miss Van Husen,

and so am I.

That's very flattering
coming from you, Mrs. Colby.

I also know that
you're very direct.

So, what do I want?

I'm here to talk about the
deposition you gave Blake Carrington,

for which he was
very appreciative.

So you think Blake
Carrington paid me off.

Is that what you're saying?

Let's just say that he
needed a favor and so do I.

I don't sell that kind
of favor, Mrs. Colby.

The deposition said Blake's
brother, Ben, was not with you

on the night his mother d*ed in
that fire, but with another women.

I gave him that deposition
because he's a damn good man

and I didn't want to see him
crucified for his mother's death.


as one businesswoman to another,

time is money.

- Mrs. Colby.
- Yes?

I heard what you said to Cora.


I have something I think
you'd be interested in.

Interested? What?

I was here the day
Mr. Carrington made his visit.

Did you hear anything?

Or did you see anything?

Better than that, Mrs. Colby.

Much, much better.

You can see it
for yourself on film.

- Morning.
- Morning, Steven.

Dad, did you say this?

Well, it's out of context,
but, yes, I did say it.

Well, it sounds like you're endorsing
mandatory testing for my team.

Oh, I didn't say that.

But that's not such a
bad idea, you know.

I think it is. I mean,
this isn't a police state.

Well, I'm not
endorsing a police state.

Steven, whether we like it
or not, I'm in the public eye.

Yeah, but, Dad, I'm not and
I'm trying to handle this my way.

If you publicly endorse
mandatory testing,

we're going to be at odds,
because I believe it's wrong.

And you're entitled to that
belief. But so am I, in mine.

Look, son,

I didn't sell you
that football team,

I didn't choose you to
run Denver-Carrington

so that I could call the
sh*ts behind the scenes.

I want you to do
what you think is best.

You really mean that?

Yes, I do. Absolutely.

- You didn't come home last night.
- Jeanette had the number.

She knew where to reach
me in case of an emergency.


If it's about Leslie...

It's about us.

I don't think we can
be together anymore.

You're willing to throw
away everything...?

I am? What about you?

Jeff, we've both tried, but
it doesn't work anymore.

I'm afraid if this goes on,
we'll end up hating each other.

I don't want that.

I just wanted to make you happy
and I wanted to take care of you.

FALLON: That's
part of the problem.

I've spent my entire life
being someone's little girl.

First, Daddy, and then you.

You both wanted to
protect me and I let you.

You think that was wrong?


I just don't want to be that
little girl anymore. I can't.

Well, you can
change. I can help...

This is one thing you
can't fix for me, Jeff.

A separation will
hurt Blake's campaign.

You're probably right.

Would you feel more comfortable
if I moved into a guest bedroom?

Yes, I would.

I'll have Gerard get the rest
of my things this afternoon.

We're going to
have to tell the family.

I'll talk to Daddy.


Goodbye, Jeff.

Well, looks like
it's moving day.

I'll be staying at The
Carlton for a while.

Alexis has this project

that she wants me to do
hours a day, I'm afraid, heh.

Fine. Good luck.

- Separate bedrooms?
- For the time being.

Look, Jeff, believe it or not,

I'm sorry that things aren't
going the way you planned.

But I'm not going to
apologize for caring about you.

That night we spent
together was very special.

It was a mistake.

I don't think you mean that.

I'll be staying in Suite
at The Carlton.

I'm tired of your
excuses, Harris.

You don't practice, you
don't play. It's that simple.

Well, now, that's brilliant.

You're going into the biggest game
of the year without your quarterback.

I'm going with whoever gives
me the best sh*t at winning.

- Right now that's not you.
- Look, I said I was sorry.

I'll practice twice as hard tomorrow.
What do you want from me?

I want you to take
a complete physical.

What do you mean,
a complete physical?

Just that.

I'm concerned about you, Harris.

You might have some
neurological damage.

You took some heavy
hits in the Chicago game.

Look, man, you pay me
to play football, that's it.

No one's sticking
pins in my head.

You're making this
tough for me, Josh.

You're playing badly and I can't
take a chance on your getting hurt.

I have no choice.

You sit on the bench on Sunday.

I'll tell you what. I'll go you one better.
I'll sit at home and watch you lose.

I quit.

- Josh, what's going on?
- Ask him.

Harris just quit the team.


Quit? Why?

That's a good
question, Sammy Jo.

My God.

- This wedding must have cost...
- A fortune.

Just look at Dana.
And the house.

Now, this is where she
lives, the Carrington mansion.

Servants, limousines
and private plane.



Dana Waring.

I had no idea.

Knowing how close you were,

I was surprised you weren't
invited to the wedding.

Well, our lives have changed
a lot since high school.

I've seen pictures
of the two of you.

You were very beautiful, Anna.

Homecoming queen, weren't you?

Yes, I was.

In fact, Dana made
my gown for me.


That seems like
such a long time ago.

It's funny, she liked
doing things like that.

I was the one that wanted
to be rich and famous.

It's been difficult
for you, hasn't it?

I manage. My kids
never go hungry.

Don't you think you deserve
a little better than that?

There's nothing wrong
with asking a friend for help.


I would never ask
her for anything.

She's moved on
to a whole new life.

And forgotten her best friend.

I think that's wrong.

We all need help
from time to time.

Which answers your question
when we first met today.

What am I doing here?

Would $ , make
your life a little better?


SEAN: Think about it.
- Heh.

I got your message.
What do you want?

I wanna know why. What
did you hope to gain?

What are you talking about?

I just found out who leaked
the drug story to the press.

That's a serious accusation.
Can you back it up?

The coach told me it was
you who answered the call.

And that's it?

That's your evidence?

I wouldn't walk into
court with that, Steven.

Anybody could have
leaked that story.

Your coach, the cop
who busted Maitland.

How long did you think you
could keep it under wraps?

Long enough to get a
press statement together.

But you didn't
want that, did you?

You resent me so much you would
do anything to make me look bad.

You don't need me
to make you look bad.

You're doing a wonderful
job all by yourself.

Oh, just admit it, Adam.

The one thing that really bothers
you is that I'm sitting in Blake's chair.

You're wrong.

Everything about you bothers me.

Stop it. Both of you.

Stay out of this,
Fallon. It's okay.

No, it isn't.

This is between Steven and me.

Not anymore. Can't you
see what's happening?

We've been running the
business for three days

and we're already at
each other's throats.

It has to end now or
we'll destroy everything.


Diane, this is heaven.

With the campaign, there's
been so little time to relax.

I just don't ever
want it to end.

Hello, Krystle.


I'm sorry. I hate to
interrupt your busy schedule,

but I'm having an Olde English
Faire at The Carlton on the th

and I'd love for you and
Blake to be my guests of honor.

Well, you're just full of
surprises, aren't you?

I try.

Well, then try to
understand this.

The last thing either one of us
wants to do is to be a guest of honor

at one of your parties.

Well, it's not my
party. It's for charity.

And I want the proceeds to go
to your drug rehabilitation center.


Why this sudden
interest in the center?

Well, it's for Steven, really.

There's been so
much adverse publicity

about dr*gs on
his football team.


Why don't we see if we can forget
our differences for one night, Krystle?

I know I did oppose
Blake in the primary,

but now that he's the party's
choice, I want him to win.

Oh, by the way, I understand
that there's a, um, campaign film

of you and Blake touring
the drug rehabilitation center.

That's right.

I'd love to show
it at the party.

There are gonna be
influential people there.

It could do Blake a lot of good.

Uh, I'll discuss it with
him. We'll let you know.


Ciao, Krystle.

Alexis, next time knock. Okay?



I still don't understand
what you're so hot about.

The pipeline, Dex. You're
six weeks behind schedule.

Well, that's not
exactly a news flash.

We're waiting on that easement
that Colbyco promised us on the land.

- We can't do a thing without it.
- Then get it.

Who the hell do you
think you're talking to?

I'm talking to the guy who's
supposed to deliver a pipeline.

On time and on budget.

You know something, Steven?
I have about had it with you.

You don't talk to people
anymore. You issue orders.

And you don't listen.

Let me suggest
something to you, Steven.

It takes more than just
sitting in your father's chair

to run a company
like Denver-Carrington.

A quick course in people
management might not hurt.

- Don't lecture me, Dex.
- I'm not lecturing you.

I'm trying to help you.
I'm not blind, Steven.

I know the kind of
strain you've been under,

what with Matthew's death,
trouble on the football team...

But you start alienating
yourself from people

and you're gonna hurt yourself.

I don't believe this.

You've got a contract
with Denver-Carrington

with a deadline spelled out,

a deadline you seem blind to,

and you're telling me
how to run this company.

I'm asking you to be reasonable!

And I'm telling you, I don't
need your -cent psychoanalysis.

Just get the pipeline
finished. On time.


Don't look so worried.

Well, it's a little odd.

Meeting here and
not telling anyone.

I apologize for the
cloak and dagger.

I just didn't want
any interruptions.

What do you want, Mr. Rowan?

Sean, please.

You know, Alexis was very upset
after your conversation the other day.

She gave me the story.

I never should have told her.


Look, is there a point to any of
this? If not, I'm a very busy woman.

The point, Dana, is that I know why
you only told Alexis part of the story.

What do you mean?

You were very much in love
with that young man in high school.

That is none of your concern.

We're family, Dana. Of
course I'm concerned.

I find that very
hard to believe.

Otherwise, I would have told
Alexis about that one night.

The only night when you and
that young man were together.

It must've been
difficult for you

when he didn't remember
a thing the next morning.

How did you find out?

So, of course, when you
found yourself pregnant,

you really had no choice
but to resolve the problem.

Billings is such a small town.

What do you want from me?

For one thing, I don't
want you to panic.

Your secret is safe with me.

That's what Alexis said.

Ah, yes, but then Alexis only
knows half the secret, doesn't she?

Oh, my God.
Somebody did tell you.

Ironic, isn't it? Hmm?

Adam Carrington, who caused
you so much pain as a teenager,

who was the father
of your unborn child,

should end up giving you so
much happiness as your husband.

You can't know any of that.

I do. Oh, but I do.

And I also know that
Adam doesn't know.

Please, he mustn't
ever find out.

I've already told you,
your secret is safe with me.

Then, what do you want?

For now? For you to trust me.

I don't understand.

You will, Dana.

You will.

LESLIE: So the
kissing booth here.

ALEXIS: Yes, and, um, let's see.

And over there, I want to have a
dunking tub, heh, for the town fool.

Of which there are going to
be quite a few at this party.

And I want you to order strolling
troubadours and musicians

and make sure that the
food is totally authentic.

Think we'll have enough
room for a bawdy wench or two

to make this a real
Olde English Faire?

Oh, I think the gentlemen at
the party will be counting on it.

Mrs. Colby, I'm just curious.

Why are you doing this for
the drug rehabilitation center?

You mean because it's Krystle
Carrington's favorite charity?

Well, let's just say that
I'm a very altruistic person

and I think that we should
bury our differences for this night.

I mean, it's a very worthy cause
and we should raise the money for it.

As well as a little hell.

Thanks to a rather
talkative lady of the night.

I don't know, Mrs. Colby. This
film was sh*t by an amateur.

I did what I could to
bring up the quality.

Do you think you can
recognize the faces?

Yeah. I think so.
Let me run it for you.

The images are
gonna be very small.

Size doesn't matter.

This will do.

This will do very nicely.