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08x18 - Adam's Son

Posted: 05/29/22 08:14
by bunniefuu
Your breakfast is
ready, Mrs. Rowan.

Thank you, Danielle.


- Good morning. Good morning, Alexis.
- Good morning.

Good morning, Leslie.

I have the Eastridge
papers for you to sign.


I thought Sean was
going to bring them home.

Well, he was, but he wasn't at
work, so there's a rush on them.

Well, the radio reports
great skiing conditions.

Boy, I wish I could go.

- But, of course, work comes first.
- Well, of course it does.

My loyal Leslie,

I can't get over how you've
changed from being my little girl Friday

to such an important
executive at Colbyco.

What is it that Sean calls
you? His executive assistant?

Yes, it is.

So well deserved.

Thank you.

Mm. You've become
invaluable to him.

Well, I try to do my best.

Oh. I'm sure you do.

This pen doesn't work.
Do you have another one?


No. No, I don't.

I see you've taken my advice
about dressing for success.

I like that suit on you.
Red is a very good color.

In fact, you know, that
bracelet that I gave you

would go beautifully with it.

I haven't seen you
wear it recently.

Don't tell me you
haven't had it repaired.

- What?
- The bracelet.

The last time that I wore it, I
noticed that the clasp was loose.

Tomorrow I have to go to the
jewelers’ to pick up a few things.

If you give it to
me, I'll get it fixed.

Oh, that's very kind
of you, but I'll do it.

ALEXIS: Leslie.
- Yes?

You seem very nervous.
You haven't lost it, have you?

No, I haven't.

Well, it doesn't
matter if you have

because it's insured
and they'll take care of it.

Then I can buy you another one.

After all, I gave it to you as a
symbol of the trust you inspired.

So I do hope
you haven't lost it.

The bracelet, that is.

Heh. You don't need to
worry, Alexis. I'll take care of it.

Leslie, I thought you
said there was a rush on?


Yes, that's right.



I see. Thank you.

I knew it. He's
still at the hotel.

- What are you talking about?
- Jesse is still in town.

- Darling, that doesn't mean anything.
- Doesn't it?

He refused the money
I offered to leave. Why?

I don't know, but I'm glad.

Darling, don't you see? We would
have had this black cloud hanging over us.

There is no black cloud,
Dana. There is Jesse Atkinson.

He's a thr*at to
us and our child.

You just said it. Our child.

Adam, the baby is
going to belong to us.

And the surrogate contract is with
Karen Atkinson and nobody else.

- And you trust her?
- Yes, I do.

- You're sure?
- Yes.

Well, I'm not so sure
anymore of anyone.

Including Karen.

Oh, Adam, please don't do that.
That's not going to solve anything.

It's the middle of the morning.
You have an appointment, don't you?

Is that better?
Are you satisfied?

You're right. I have
an appointment.

DANA: What is the matter? I
don't understand what's going on.

- Everything is gonna be fine.
- Don't say that!

There is a hell of a good
chance I could lose my child.

That's right. My child.

Conceived with
seed from my body.

And I'm damned if I'm
gonna let that happen.

Now do you understand?



- Where the hell have you been?
- I was with Alexis, then my room.

- Why, a nap? Growing tired of the job?
- I was looking for the bracelet.

She wants to know where
it is. I looked in the drawer.

- Have you seen it?
- No.

I've got other things on my
mind right now than jewelry.

Well, it was more than
that. You know, maybe...

Maybe I put it back here.

I could have put it in here. I
could have done anything with it.


- Sean.
- What?

I remember now.

I was wearing it that night in your
room, the night Alexis was in the hospital.

What if I dropped it?
What if she found it?

She didn't find it. It
wasn't there. I didn't see it.

But don't you understand? She's
onto us. She knows about us.

Keep this up and she
will suspect something.

Listen to me. Keep
your mouth shut.

I'll take care of Alexis.

- Now, do you understand that?
- Yes.

- Well, say it as if you mean it.
- Yes, Sean.

- Well, yes what?
- I understand.


Interesting that Jeff
requests a meeting today.

Sounds like blackmail to me.

Steven, I hold you
responsible for this entire mess.

Heh, heh. Tell me about it.

Your fight with Dexter
over the pipeline project,

that pushed Jeff into active
involvement in Denver-Carrington.

That could be
potentially crippling.

Another brilliant summation
by the wise young attorney.

- Look, Adam...
- No, you look, Steven. Both of you.

If we don't pull together on this,
we're not only hurting ourselves,

we're hurting Daddy. I'm
not gonna see that happen.

- Blame your little brother.
- I haven't finished.

We've already lost some
control of Denver-Carrington.

And if we're not
careful, we'll...

Excuse me.

Sorry to barge in, but your
secretary wasn't behind her desk.

- Forget the amenities.
- Hello, Fallon.


How are the kids?


If you're through, what did
you come here to discuss?

I'm here to discuss

Colby Enterprises, and the
pipeline contract between us.

Our companies are expanding.
The pipeline will help us do that.

As well as make a lot
of money for each of us.

But. I assume there is one.

Oh, yes, there is.

Construction is three
months behind schedule.

And since Dex left,

Denver-Carrington has failed
to find an adequate replacement.

When you left the job,
Dex, you quit, right?

That's right.

Now you're suddenly back onboard,
along with the newest member

of Denver-Carrington's
executive committee.

Do you mind telling us why?

No, Steven, I don't mind at all.

You were making unreasonable
demands, telling me how to do my job.

Go on.

Well, Jeff has assured me
that I'll have complete authority.

I'll get us back on
schedule as soon as I can.

- How long is this going to take?
- I'll make up the lost time, Adam.

But please, let me
handle things my way.

Well, if there isn't any further
discussion, I suggest we vote

to reinstate Dex.

Heh. What do you say? Shall we
vote or shall we talk about it some more?

I don't see the point of a vote.

I won't fight Dex
taking over again.


If you remember, I didn't want
him to leave in the first place.


You just said it, Steven.
Why bother voting?

My God. You bulldozed
your way into this, didn't you?

The way you do everything.

Well, the fact is, you
have no right to be here.

Maybe you didn't
hear me last night.

But now I own the
largest block of stock...

You and your
stock can go to hell.

Jeff Colby.

The man my father has
always loved like a son.


I wonder how he's gonna react

when he finds out how much
you have taken from him.

I can't tell you how I
appreciate your support, Judd.

Right. Thank you very much.

Right. Give my best to Evelyn.

Good morning, Blake.

Sorry I'm late. I had business to
take care of at Denver-Carrington.

- Yes, I heard about that business.
- Oh?

Why don't we talk
about it? Sit down.

I want you to know
that I'm disappointed

in the way you
went about all of this.

I did what I had to because
I felt it was the only way.

The only way?

To secretly buy up enough
Denver-Carrington stock

so you could force your way
into running the company?

Yes, if that's what it
took to get some action.

Had you still been in charge
at Denver-Carrington...

I'm not in charge of

I've turned it over
to my children.

Obviously, you didn't
think much of my judgment.

Jeff, I keep thinking of words

like "trust" and "loyalty"
and "compassion."

I know that those words are not very
fashionable with some people today,

but they all add up to a kind of
integrity that I believe is important.

Right now, I don't
know what to think.

I'm sorry if I disappointed you.

If this is leading up to your asking me
to resign as your campaign manager,

- I resign.
- You're jumping to conclusions.

- I didn't ask you to resign. JEFF:
But that's what you're implying.

I'll make it official by letter.

I'm just sorry that it
had to happen this way.

So am I.

We had a good campaign going.

Yes, we did, Jeff.

ALEXIS: If you're busy,
I can come back later.

Never too busy for
a beautiful woman.


Especially when that
beautiful woman is your wife.

Especially then.

Are you sure I'm not
interrupting anything?

I've been reading through some
of the brilliant memos I've written.

Oh, well, if you wrote them,
I'm sure they must be brilliant.

You're not expecting
anyone, are you?

Heh. Like who, Alexis?

Like a pretty little thing
called Leslie Carrington?

What's this all about?

As the saying goes,
"Try this on for size."

As you know, I gave it to her.
And guess where I found it.

- Where?
- Under our bed.

- That's bizarre.
- Oh, yes, isn't it?

I thought maybe you could give
me some idea how it got there.

Of course not. How could I?

Are you insinuating
I'm interested in her?

Oh, no, I'm not insinuating.

I'm saying right out, I think you've
been having an affair with her

in our bed, and in Africa,
and God knows where else.

There's been no affair.
You're the woman I love.

Except I'm beginning
to have doubts

about these campaign
trips you've been taking.

I'm not so sure you've
been faithful to me.

- That is ridiculous and you know it.
- No. No, it's not.

I don't know what really happened
between you and Carrington

that night you were
stranded up in Vail.

Are you implying that I would
go to bed with Blake Carrington?

Maybe you did, maybe you didn't.

- Who knows?
- Well, I know.

- And?
- I did not.

Tables turned. Now you know
how it really feels, don't you, darling?

I still don't know the
answer to this question:

How did this get under my bed?

All right, that night
you were sh*t,

people at the hospital
gave me your jewelry.

Leslie put everything
away into the bedroom safe.

She just must simply have dropped
the bracelet and didn't even realize it.

Hmm. Sounds plausible.
All right, I'm sorry.

No, don't be sorry. Maybe
it's too late to be sorry.




The cinch is loose.


SAMMY JO: What is it, Steven?
- I wanted to see Danny.

- He's not in the house.
SAMMY JO: He's at school.

- I thought he had a fever.
- Well, it was very slight.

Doctor said he could
go to school this morning.

Now, why are you really here?


I can't get it out of my mind.

I don't understand why you went
to Jeff for help instead of to me.

I don't believe this. You
act as if I betrayed you.

Yeah, well, maybe
in a way, you did.


We've been a part
of each other's lives.

We have helped each
other whenever we could.

Now it's like this big vacuum
like that never existed.

That's nonsense.

Jeff is a friend and
he's helping me out.

- And there is nothing personal in it?
- That's none of your business.

You know, you've always
made such a big deal

about not being dependent on me,
and now you're just leaning on Jeff.

This conversation has
gone on long enough.

If you wanna see Danny, he'll be
back from school. See him at home.

Blake, I heard
about Jeff's resigning.

You're not going to
accept it, are you?

I already have. It's done.

Why? Because he did what he
thought was right about the pipeline?

Mr. Carrington, can I
get your signature on this?

BLAKE: Just a minute.

Thank you.

I love that boy. You know that.

But it was the way that he
did it. He went behind my back.

And to do it at this time, when
Steven and Adam are fighting,

when Fallon is caught right in
the middle between the two of them.


I don't know. I'm afraid
they're just not ready.

Maybe I should have considered
getting outside help in to run the company.

But you also said
they had to learn.

You couldn't always
be there to bail them out.

Yes, that's true. But
what if it gets worse?

Am I gonna sit there
and watch it all go under?

All the things I've ever dreamed
about? All the things that I've worked for?

Watch it all disappear?

Except that won't happen.

You know your children.
They're not going to let you down.

All right.

- Ooh. It's cold. Ha, ha.
- Oh, yes, it is.

Miss Dana asked to see
you when you got back.

- Where is she?
- Upstairs in their room.

Thank you, Jeannette.

Oh, Krystle.

I hope you don't mind, but Adam
asked Gerard to bring up Kristina's cradle.

Oh, of course not.

And now that Karen is
due to have the baby,

we wondered if we could
borrow Blake's christening gown.

- It'd mean so much to Adam.
- Oh, well, of course you can.

Why did you hesitate
before you answered?

Oh, did I? I wasn't
aware that I did.

What are you thinking?

Dana, I don't know
quite how to say this.

And I hope you understand.


I'm wondering if you might not
be a little bit premature about this.

I don't understand.

I sensed something about Karen
and her husband the other night.

I saw how concerned he was about
her and how much he cared about her.

Well, what does that have to do
with a christening gown or a cradle?

Are you thinking Karen and
Jesse might get together again?

What if that were to happen?

Well, it doesn't mean that the
baby wouldn't be Adam's and mine.

Or are you suggesting that too?

Dana, I know how
much you want this baby.

I have this terrible
uneasy feeling.

Please stop it. I don't
wanna hear any more of this.

I am so sick and tired of Adam's
predictions of doom, and now you?

Dana, I'm sorry, I
didn't mean to upset you.

Well, you have.

Doesn't anyone understand
that nothing is going to spoil

what Adam and I have been
waiting for all of these months?

This baby will end
up with us, Krystle.

It will.


JEFF: Hello, Alexis.

Jeff, I've heard that you were
quitting the campaign. Is it true?

Yes, it is.

Jeff, you know, ever since
you've been a little boy,

you've been just
like family to me.

Now that you and Fallon
are getting divorced,

I hope that we don't
become strangers.

JEFF: That's not going to
happen. You know that, Alexis.

Jeff, you've done such a
good job on Blake's campaign.

If you still wanted
to stay in politics...


That's starting to
sound like an invitation.

- Do you want me to join your team?
- Now, isn't that a good idea?

Please sit.

Alexis, that's very flattering,
but, uh, I just can't accept.

You've been very good to me.

And as you know, Blake and I,
our relationship is a bit strained,

but he still is one of the most
important people in my life.

ALEXIS: Ah. Tsk.

I know what you're
saying, and I understand.

It's hard when somebody that
you love and trust lets you down.

Sounds like there's more
to it than just the campaign.

Heh. Yeah, I suppose there is.

JEFF: Wanna talk
about it? ALEXIS: No.

Not right now, but maybe
we can have lunch next week.

Sorry to interrupt.

I'd like that. Excuse me.


ALEXIS: Excuse me, Blake.
- Alexis, I want to ask you something.

Oh, well, I hope it's not gonna
take long. I'm late for dinner.

You tried to get Jeff to join
your campaign, didn't you?


The next time you eavesdrop,
why don't you listen more carefully?

It was Jeff's idea.

Well, I suppose it's business as usual
between you and me, isn't it, Blake?

As far as I'm concerned,
you listen, but you don't hear.

And you look, but you don't see.

Don't give me that.

You'd do anything to get
confidential material out of this office

and get me out of this race,
but it's not going to happen.

One reason it's not gonna happen

is because Jeff had the
good sense to turn you down.

Now, was that quick
enough for you?

Enjoy your dinner.

I thought we could go out
and have some dinner tonight.

I don't know, Jeff. I have
a few things to do in town.

Well, I figured since we're going to
Los Angeles to that horse auction,

we should maybe
plan a little strategy.

Mm. You know, uh, maybe we jumped
into this partnership thing too fast.

Maybe we should just
give up the whole idea.

Wait a minute.

This ranch is in trouble. You said
you were gonna get things moving.

- That doesn't happen overnight, right?
- No.

What happened?

It's just something I feel.

Are you upset
about Steven again?

He feels betrayed because
I didn't come to him for help.

And now he's making
me feel guilty for nothing.

What you did was right for you.

Now, Steven misunderstands
your motives about the ranch.

Blake misunderstands mine
about Denver-Carrington.

And there's nothing we can do.

- We have to live our own lives.
- Hmm.

Sure you don't wanna
have some dinner tonight?

Why not?

JESSE: What do you want?
- I wanna see Karen.

JESSE: She's not here.

Well, where is she?

JESSE: She's out for
a walk with your wife.

I'll wait for her here.

I just got off the phone
with an old buddy of mine.

- Offered me a job.
- Which you turned down.

JESSE: Which I
did not turn down.

See, Carrington, I'm
staying here in Denver.

Gonna get back with
my wife and my kids.

What kind of sick game
are you playing with me?

You want more money, is that it?

I didn't want your dirty money the
other night and I don't want it now.

I want you to get
out of my house.

I'm waiting for
Karen right here.

Rich man.

You think you can buy people
just like you buy a new suit.

I want your butt out of
here. You understand?

Get your hands off me, Atkinson.


- Adam, Jesse, stop it.
- Adam, stop it. Both of you.

- Stop it, both of you.
- Oh!

ADAM: Oh, my God, Karen.

- Karen. Oh, my God.
- Karen?

- It's the baby, I think.
ADAM: Dana, call the hospital.

Gotta get her to the car.
Jesse, come on, help me.

KAREN: Aah. Oh.
- Come on.


We're on the way.

DANA: We called ahead.
Mrs. Atkinson's in labor.

ADAM: We're at the hospital,
Karen. They'll take care of you.

MEDIC : Get an IV ready. It could
be an immediate delivery. You all right?

Quick. Lie down right here.

DANA: Get her coat around her.
- There you go.

- Take it easy. Breathe deeply.
- Be careful, okay?

You're gonna be
fine. You'll be okay.

MEDIC : Get her
inside right away.

JESSE: Watch it. MEDIC
: Second floor. Quickly.

DANA: Easy.

Orderlies not assigned to duty...

NURSE: Clear the
elevator. DANA: Just hold on.

MEDIC : Tell Dr. Davis she's
here. WOMAN: Report to Emergency.

Damn you.

This never would have happened if
you hadn't been over at the house.

I'm not interested in
what you have to say.

I want you out of my
life, you understand?

Look, maybe it hasn't
penetrated your thick skull yet,

but Karen is carrying my child.

Adam, they've taken
Karen into the delivery room.

She's going to have
the baby any time now.


SAMMY JO: Whoa. Ha, ha.

Thank you.


- You know, I'm really impressed.
- Don't be.

I've been playing
Frisbee since I was .

Oh, not with your Frisbee.

Today at the auction, the
way you handled yourself.


I mean that. I thought you were
just fixing your earring or something.

The next thing I know, we
bought an Arabian horse.

Eh. I just hope I
did the right thing.

Well, I'm sure you did.

I mean, you have an
uncanny way with horses.

Hmm. I guess I'm not too shabby

for a girl who grew up knowing
nothing but jalopy racing.

I remember when I thought
watching the Indy on TV

was the next best
thing to heaven.

I've come a long way, haven't I?

Yeah, you sure have.

Couldn't have happened
to a nicer person,

- particularly my partner.
- Huh.

You haven't been in
the water yet, have you?

Oh, no, no, please,
please, please.

Please, I'll do anything.
Anything. Anything for you.

Anything for you.




That's it.

I wish the kids were with us.

They'd love California.

Well, maybe next time
we can bring them, huh?

Right now, though,

why don't just the two
of us love California?


SAMMY JO: It's getting late.

We better get back to the car.

Come on.

Jesse, how long was
Karen in labor with Allison?

Fourteen hours
and a few minutes.

We've been here
since : last night.

Is this ever gonna end?

If you wanna go home to your
mansion and take a nap, Carrington,

the elevator's right over there.


I gotta get some more
coffee. Can I get you some?

- No, thanks.
- Okay.

It's been more than hours.

Karen is going to be all
right. And so will the baby.

You saw how pale she
was when we got here.


Do you think maybe the fall
she took affected the baby?

No, I don't.

You're frightened
too, aren't you?

- Yeah, I guess I am.
- Yeah.


Up until last night, I didn't
think anything could go wrong,

but when she fell and
the way she was shaking,

and now all these
hours with no news,

I'm a little frightened for her.

I, uh, brought you a cup
anyway. You know, just in case.

Thank you.

Congratulations. Karen
gave birth to a baby boy.

- Eight pounds, ounces.
- A son.

- Is he okay?
- Mm-hm. He's a perfect child.

And both he and Karen
are doing beautifully.

- Oh, thank God.
- That's wonderful.

- We have a son.
- I know.

Doctor, are you sure that
Karen is gonna be all right?

Yes, she's resting now. But,
uh, the father can see the child.

- Hey, I think that's me.
- Ha, ha.


- Let's go and visit the baby.
- Okay.



He's so beautiful, Adam.


My son.

I promise to protect you.

I promise to give you everything I
never had when I was growing up.

And I promise that nothing
will ever, ever separate us.

I love you.

SEAN: So, Dex,

you're back on the
Denver-Carrington pipeline, I see.

Well, after Colbyco agreed to
an easement on that property, yes.

Sean, I had a phone call
from Natumbe this morning

about the Vitron Oil deal.

- What's that gotta do with you?
- I just got a friend checking it out.

I know Colbyco's in on the
deal as well as Blake's company.

Thought you might
clear something up.

Yes, if I can.

Denver-Carrington ship's loaded,

but only half the
holds are filled with oil.

Now, you and I have both
dealt with Harry Thresher

and his slimeball ways.

Is something
happening down there

that maybe both companies
should know about?

For example?

Heh. I just gave you an example.

You just brought me a
story from some third person

about another person
seeing empty holds.

Now, isn't it pretty damned
logical that if they're empty,

they just haven't
been filled yet?

As in simple logic.

Except maybe a little
too simple in this case?

You're in the oil business.

Now, why don't you tell
me what you really suspect?

That is the key
word here, isn't it?

Or did you just find yourself in the
neighborhood and decide to drop by?

I've got to cut this short.
I've got some people waiting.

Thank you very
much for your time.

You know, you're probably right.

They just haven't
filled those holds yet.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Don't you knock?

Why should I when I have a key?

Frighten you?

No, I was just writing a letter.

To who?

- Alexis.
- Why?

Because I'm resigning
from Colbyco, that's why.

I wouldn't write that
letter if I were you, Leslie.

But she knows something.
She suspects something.

The minute she gets that,
she'll know she was right.

Don't you understand,
Sean? I am scared to death.

Death. Ah.


You came very close to it
in Africa, didn't you, Leslie?

When you challenged a viper?

- Are you trying to thr*aten me?
- No.

I don't need to thr*aten.

I just call the sh*ts
and you listen.

Don't you?

Ah, thanks for waiting.
I'm sorry this took so long.

What do you say about your
offer to work with me again?

The job's yours
if you still want it.

- Dex, I...
- I know, I know. You're very grateful.

So? Good news?

I can't take the job. I've
decided to stay on at Colbyco.

Oh. Ah.

You got a raise? You
got a bigger office?

You got a bigger plant
to put in the bigger office?

What's the matter? What
are you keeping from me?

- Nothing. Let's just drop it, okay?
- I wanna know what's bothering you.

- It's Rowan, isn't it?
- No.

Has he been coming on to
you? That wouldn't surprise me.

We've been having an affair.

I think Alexis knows.

See, I left this bracelet
on her bedroom floor,

and then she found it with...

When she was in the hospital.

You see, if I leave, she's gonna
think that I'm running away.

I don't know how I got
myself into this mess.

People have been known to
have affairs they've regretted.

There's more.

- Sean.
- What about Sean?

He tried to k*ll me.

What are you talking about?

I know something about him that
could destroy his marriage to Alexis.

You know what, Leslie?

Tell me.



I didn't know if you
were awake or not.

- How are you?
- I'm fine.

- It took a long time.
- Mm-hm.

I think you set a
new record. Ha, ha.

- You stayed the whole time?
- Sure. I wouldn't go.

Not when I was
the cause of it all.

It was time for the
baby to come, Jesse.

- It wasn't your fault.
- Yes, it was. It's always my fault.

All the years of bad times,
all the pain I've caused you.

God, I'm sorry, Karen.

Don't be so rough
on yourself, Jesse.

- Have you seen the baby?
- No.

You'd think he'd let
me see your child.

He took his wife.

Acted as if she was the one
who carried it all this time.

She's thought of it as her baby right
from the beginning, you know that.

Yeah, but what I know is that it was
you that carried it all these months.

You gave that baby life.

- It was your strength, Karen.
- Jesse, please.

Okay, I won't talk about it.

Here you go.

Talked to the girls.

They're fine. They're
real happy that it's a boy.

- They sound okay?
- Oh, they sounded great.

They wanted to know
what you're gonna name it.

I guess you don't have
any say in that, either.

Can't we just talk
about the girls, Jesse?

They asked me to
stay on in Denver.

Stay here?

I didn't make any promises.

It's up to you, Karen.

I'm not sure.
This isn't the time.

Honey, I've always
been a dreamer.

You remember you called me
that the first time that we met.

And it cost me my family.

But I love you, Karen.

I'm just asking you to
give me another chance.


is it? JEFF: It's Jeff.

- Hi.
- Oh, hi.

- Look what I got.
- What?

- Movie-star mags.
- Boy.

Bruce Willis,
Tony Danza's in it.

Pee-wee Her... Tom Cruise.

Oh, thanks a lot. Ha, ha.

I had a terrific day today, and I thought
we'd top it off by going to Spago's.

Oh, that sounds great.

You know, I haven't felt
this relaxed in a long time.


This morning at the beach,
when we were kissing...

- Yeah?
- In front of all the seagulls.


They didn't seem
to mind. Did you?

Ha, ha. No. No, not at all.

I think I'd better
finish getting dressed.

Jeff, maybe I...

Forget the maybes.

Yes, I know that Harry Thresher
was involved in Sean's Colbyco deal.

I know that he and Thresher go back
a long way, as you and Thresher do.

- So what?
- That's right. And he's a crook.

I hear he's going straight now.

You feel the same way
about your husband, I suppose.

- What do you mean by that?
- Do you trust him, Alexis? All the way?

Get to the point, Dex.

- Why is Sean Rowan in Denver?
- Why is anyone in Denver?

How come he was on that
bridge the day your car went over?

It was a lucky break. He saved
my life. That's all I care about.

I'd care more
about it if I were you.

Do you know who your
husband's father is?

- No.
- Did he ever tell you

that his name is Joseph?

Joseph Anders?


Joseph Anders?
Our old majordomo?



He k*lled himself and blamed
you in a letter he left behind.

Sean Anders is his son.

And my guess is that he's
come here to get revenge

on what he thinks you did to
his father and to his sister, Kirby.

Oh, Dex.

This is all so ridiculous.
Where did you hear this?

- How do you know?
- It's the truth.

Alexis, he married
you to destroy you.



KAREN: Come in.


You look wonderful.

How do you feel?

I feel fine.

He's really something, isn't he?

Yes, he is.

We only saw him
for a little while,

and I didn't get a
chance to hold him.

May I?

My God.



Oh, uh...


Everything they say about
the miracle of birth is true.

Adam, he's your son.

May I have him back, please?

Oh, sure.

Karen, what's the matter?

I'm sorry.

It's all right. You've been
through an awful lot lately.

I carried this baby.
I nurtured this baby.

And we'll always be grateful
for everything you've done for us.

You both don't understand.

- He's a part of me.
- We know that.

A part of me that...

That what?

He's a part of me, and you
can't take him away from me.

Karen, what are you saying?

I can't give him to you.

He's mine and I
can't give him up.

Not now, not ever.

I can't.