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08x24 - Super Evil Aquatic Villain Team Up Is Go!/Chum Fricassee

Posted: 05/31/22 06:31
by bunniefuu
- Are you ready, kids?

Aye, aye, Captain!

- I can't hear you.

Aye, aye, Captain!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants! - Ready?

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!


- Why, i'd recognize that sound anywhere.

It's the sound of horrible, croaking sobbing.

- Oh, Neptune, why, oh, why?

- Plankton? - No, please.

I told you i'd get the money.

Please, I... oh, it's you.

- Plankton, what's got you so upset?

I could hear you from three blocks away.

- Oh, that.

It's this doomsday device I invented.

It just doesn't do what it's supposed to do.

- Doomsday device? Well, what's it supposed to do?

- Well, it's supposed to upset the earth's axis,

causing a chain reaction with typhoons, earthquakes,

etcetera, etcetera. - So what does it do instead?

- It just sparks and falls apart.

- Sparks and falls apart? - You Don't believe me?

- No, no, I believe you! I--i...

Believe you.

- Oh, what's the use?

Every day the same old thing.

Life is an endless succession of failures and disappointments.

- Well, look on the bright side, Plankton.

If all your hopes and dreams finally came true,

then you wouldn't have anything left to look forward to.

- Well, I didn't think I could feel any worse,

but at least I know now that anything's possible.

- Plankton, wait.

Wait. Wait. - I'm waiting.

- Maybe what you need is to join a club or something.

Meet new people. You know, make some friends.

- Hmm, yes, yes.

Are you suggesting I forge an evil alliance?

- Um, something like that--

- that is an excellent idea.

But where would someone like me find new friends?

- Well, usually when i'm trying to find something,

I just look it up in the phone book.

Oh, great, thanks.

Now let's see here...

Ah, here we go. "Evil villain for hire."

"Call man ray. No job too diabolical."

- Man ray? But he's one of bikini bottom's

most notorious super villains.

Arch-Nemesis of famed television superheroes mermaid man

and barnacle boy... and he's in the phone book?


You were looking under "fiends," not "friends."

- Oh, I know, Spongebob.

I know.

Man ray, we meet at long last.

And who would've thought to find you here,

working a part-time job restocking vending machines?

That's very clever, man ray, very clever.

And now let us join in evil alliance.

- Have we met?

- Don't you remember? We spoke on the phone.

I, Plankton, know of a secret formula.

A formula that holds the secret.

The oh-so-precious secret of the krusty krab,

and he who controls the krusty krab

controls bikini bottom.

Once that formula is in our possession, we...

I'm listening.

- Then together we will steal the formula,

crush Mister Krabs, and rule the world!



- Oh, Don't mind me, krabs.

I'm just taking a few measurements.

I want to make sure there's enough room

to install a hot tub when I assume ownership of this dump.

But before you toss me out like yesterday's garbage,

there's someone i'd like you to meet.

Come on out, partner.

- Partner? That's the silliest thing you've ever...

Aah! Aah! Aah!

- I want you to say hello to my new partner

and your new overlord... man ray.

- Hello.


- Hmm, was it something I said?

- Hang onto your hats and glasses!

Doom is upon us...

And it's dressed in a red leotard!

- Mister Krabs!

You said to hang onto your glasses,

but all I could find were these extra-large milkshake cups.

Do these count?

- Never mind that now.

I want you to go up to the roof

and light the mermaid man

and barnacle boy emergency searchlight.

- Mermaid man and barnacle boy emergency searchlight?

Oh, what for?

- Because we're having an emergency!

- Oh, aye, aye, Captain.

- It looks like krabs isn't as foolish as I thought.

He's boarded up the front entrance.

I think you know what we need to do now.

- Right, of course.

- You can relax now, Squidward. They're not getting in.

Never mind.

- Where is it? Where is it?

That searchlight could be anywhere up here.

Oh, there.

Yes, mermaid man and barnacle boy will be here in no time.

I guess this is only good for nighttime emergencies.

Help! Help!

Must find mermaid man... barnacle boy.

Man ray! Krusty krab! Taking over!

- Sorry, kid.

This is a retirement community, not an insane asylum.

- Huh? Do you hear that?

- Probably that old air conditioner acting up.

- I'll fix it.

You old piece of junk.

Yep, that must've been it.

It's not making that sound anymore.

- Well, well, well, the krusty krab is finally ours.

Now we can take the secret formula and rule the world.

Hand it over, Eugene.

- No way. You'll never know the secret

of making krabby patties.

- Wait a minute.

I thought you said this was the secret formula

for world domination.

- There's a direct correlation.

Domination in the fast food marketplace

leads to total world control.

Maybe you need to taste a krabby Patty.

Then you'll understand.

You, there. Bring us a couple of krabby patties a.S.A.P.

- Squidward.


I Don't get paid enough for this.

Good afternoon.

- Afternoon, sir.


Mermaid man, barnacle boy!

- May I have this dance?

- Of course.

I'm sorry, but i'm gonna have to excuse myself.

I-i... - Hi, handsome.

Do you want to dance? - Certainly.

- Hands off, I saw him first.

- That's what you think, sister.

- It's my turn. - I saw him first.

- No, I saw him first. - I want to dance.

- Mermaid man! Barnacle boy!

- I mean, I really never liked these things anyway.

- Aah! Mermaid man!

- Ah, here we go.

- Two krabby patties. Enjoy your meal.

- Oh, we will. We'll enjoy it a lot, sl*ve.


Now that you've experienced a krabby Patty firsthand,

are you ready to assume control of the secret formula

and take over the world?

- Mmm, it certainly was tasty.

But I think I need to try another one

before I know for sure.

Hey, that one was mine!

- Well, are you satisfied?

Can we get on with our lives now?

- Hmm, satisfied? Not quite.

I think this will require another helping of research.

Uh, you, there.

Another platter of your finest krabby patties, please.

- Mermaid man and barnacle boy! Mermaid man and barnacle boy!

Mermaid man and...Whoa!


- What the... - Is naptime over already?

- Come quick! Krusty krab is in dire straits!

Plankton and man ray teamed up,

and blah, blah, blah...

- This must be one of the new guys.

- Well, kid, we'd like to help out,

but we can't just yet.

- What do you mean you can't?

- Well, we just woke up from our nap.

- And after naptime is when they usually serve ice cream.

- So in the meantime, uh, you're gonna have to be your own hero.

- Unless you want to wait for ice cream too.

- Spongebob, where have you been?

I've been covering for you on the grill

for the past three hours.

My arm feels like it's gonna snap in half.

- It's that guy in red.

He's a really high-maintenance customer.

- Can we please steal the secret formula now?

Pretty please, man ray?

- I must have more.

Bring me more krabby patties.

Bring more krabby patties!

- Stand aside, Squidward.

I'm gonna be my own hero.

Thank you, sir. Enjoy your meal.

- At last.

- All right, fine.

I'll just steal the secret formula myself.

Oh, and man ray? This friendship is over.

- No, no, no more.

Can't. Eat. Another...

- There he is.

All right, man ray. Lunchtime's over.

- What? How did you two know I was here?

- A little sponge told us.

- This wasn't supposed to happen.

- Here you go, Plankton. - What's this?

- It's the bill. For your partner.

- Just clock out already.

- I'm trying, Squidward.

But clocking out is the most upsetting part of the day.

At least soon i'll be home,

where I can relive all the wonderful moments

from my day at work.

I'm all over it, boss man.

Order up, gare-ward.

- It's just so hard to leave,

even for one night.

- I beg to differ.

I mean, just look at this place.

It's disgusting.

Not to mention our cheap boss.

- Whoo-hoo! Got it.

Hey, who are you calling cheap?

- The guy who won't even spring for a doormat.

- Oh, give me a break, Mr. Complains-a-lot.

As if you would know anything about running a restaurant.

- Well, if I did run a restaurant,

my exquisite taste and gourmet know-how

would have customers waiting in line for years

just to get a table.

See you fellows tomorrow.

Gourmet know-how.

- Laugh it up.

My knowledge and intelligence

could make even the chum bucket a success.

- Hey. Hey!


I'm yelling over here!

- Ouch, ooh, I think I picked up a tick.

Plankton, what do you want?

- Well, i'd like to take you up on your offer

to make the chum bucket a success.

- Oh, I Don't know about that.

- I Don't value you at all.

- I'll do it.

- Don't you think that working at the chum bucket

and the krusty krab is a conflict of interest, Squidward?

- Gee, Spongebob, I hadn't thought of that.

You're right.

I quit.

Ick, a bit industrial,

but I can make it work.

You call this a kitchen?

We should start by tearing out this wall

so the chef is visible to his adoring fans.

- Great, two megalomaniacs.

- I Don't see any use for all these old claptraps.

We should just break them down for parts.

- But--but that's my chum-fueled antennae massager.

- Oh, i'm sorry, remind me...

Who's in complete creative control here?

- Anyone can come in and redecorate, pal.

But you still haven't proven

how you're gonna make chum edible.

- So I guess the proof is in the pudding, then, isn't it?

- You're making chum pudding?

- I'm making chum fricassee.

- Frica-what?

- See, Plankton, there's a trick to making chum edible.

We just got to follow

grandma tentacles's secret fricassee recipe.

- Secret recipe, you say, eh? What's in it?

- Nice try, tiny cyclops.

You won't get grandma's delicate mix

of seasonings and spices that easily.

But preparation cannot be rushed.

Each batch must simmer for exactly hours.

- hours later.

Who took my blue blanky? Huh?

This is the secret stuff? Doesn't look very promising.

- Oh, just taste it already.

- Well, the smell doesn't make me retch.

Hey, that ain't bad at all.

It's actually amazing.

This is gold in the form of chum.

Squidward, my friend, you'll be the toast of bikini bottom.

This recipe is going to make you a star.

- A star.

- A star.

- Hello, hungry eaters.

It's time for flavors of the bottom,

a delectable look at dining out in bikini bottom,

with your host perch Perkins.

- Hey, all you bottom feeders.

If you've already eaten, well, you might want

to make room for seconds,

'cause we're tasting bikini bottom's sensational

new upscale eatery, le chum bucket.

Look at all those classy diners.

What's on the menu?

It's called chum fricassee.

Earlier, I spoke to head chef Squidward tentacles.

He shared with us why it's such a frica-success.

- Actually, I can't share the recipe with you.

It's a secret. - What?

That's right, krabs.

Now we have a secret formula,

and it's in a bottle, and you can't have it.

- Give that back, please. Thank you.

- Secret! - Well,

it's clearly no secret... - Say "fricassee."

- That le chum bucket is a hit.

- Chef Squidward, chef Squidward!

- Will you sign this, please?

- Anything for my fans.

- This is mutiny.

And the public is actually eating it.

Well, at least our loyal clientele haven't jumped

on the chum wagon.

- Don't speak too soon, Mister Krabs.

- So we're having a slow day.

At least old jethra has stuck with us.

That krabby Patty hitting the spot, jethra?

- Actually, they was all filled up at the chum bucket,

so I had to get my chum to go.

I got it signed by Squidward himself, though.

- Time to get to the bottom of this.


Just act like you're another fancy customer.

- Aye, aye, Mister Krabs-- - shh!

What's gotten into you?

Highfalutin customers Don't bark at the top

of their lungs like a seadog.

- Oops, um...

I mean, I fancy a bit of the old chum.

Indeed I do, squire.

- Good evening, madam. Table for two, please.

- Your name?

- I be Eugene...Er... I mean, uh...

Sir krumple o'wrapper.

Uh, that's my name, Don't wear it out.

- All right, let's pull up your reservation.

Oh, i'm so sorry, sir.

I'm not showing any "o'wrapper."

Reservation? In this sinkhole?

- There's a two-year wait for a table.

- What seems to be the problem?

Well, well, well...

If it isn't Mister Krabs and Spongebob.

Now just follow me.

I believe I have a table reserved just for you.

Bon appeétit, suckers.

See you in two years.

- Yeah, see how you like it, krabs.

- One week later.

- I was here first.

- No, I was.

- One at a time, please.

- Oh, Mr. Tentacles, it's so nice to finally meet you.

- Yes, isn't it?

Next? Whoa!

Plankton! - Yeah, what's up?

- Are you not seeing the line of people out there?

What's the hold-up with that new batch of fricassee?

- What's the hold-up?

You said it took exactly hours.

- I Don't care if it isn't finished.

Just take the orders.

- But I haven't even sauteéed it yet.

Whatever you say.

What am I gonna do?

What am I gonna do?

- Oh, sir, i'm sure that that new chum fricassee

can't taste better than a krabby Patty.

- Thank you, sir. Come again.

Enjoy your leftovers.

Oh, I will.

- Please, sir, take my chum.

It's the least I can do to help.

Poor guys.

- You go first, boy.

- Hey, this is great.

- Better than a krabby Patty?

- A what?

- This is delicious.

No! I'm ruined!

- Here you go, folks.

Enjoy my world famous fricassee.


- Someone's been cooking my recipe.

And they're doing it wrong.

- What are you doing here?

- Saving my recipe from my bumbling grandson.

- Ow! I didn't do it. Uh, uh...

It was him. - What?

Oh, you're not pinning this on me.

You said you didn't care if it was ready or not.

- Okay, I admit it, I admit it.

But--but what's the big deal? Ow!

The big deal is when the chum's not cooked

for exactly hours,

it causes severe tummy trouble.

- You fed us undercooked chum?

- Tear him apart, people!

- I've had it, and i'm not gonna take it anymore.

- Not the napkins!

- He got what he deserved, that's what I say.

- It's on fire! It's all burning!


- My restaurant!

- My fan base!

- I hope you learned your lesson, genius.

- Gee, Mister Krabs.

It sure was nice of you to hire Squidward back,

especially since he tried to destroy your business and all.

- I figure it's the least I can do for him

after causing all that mayhem over at the chum bucket.

In fact, I promoted him.

He's our new doormat.

- No!

Living the dream.