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07x11 - One Coarse Meal/Gary in Love

Posted: 06/01/22 06:09
by bunniefuu
- Are you ready, kids?

Aye, aye, Captain!

- I can't hear you.

Aye, aye, Captain!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants! - Ready?

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

- Spongebob


- Just two more minutes, Patrick.

- Yup.

- Look! Here he comes!

- Who?

- Thank you, Mr. Ranger.

- Yeah, thanks.

- Yes?

- Aren't you forgetting something?

- Yeah. Something.

Please show me your...

Jellyfishing licenses.

- Patrick, look!

I caught a rare breed, a glowing three-spot.

- Hey, I caught one too.

This one's a five-spot.

- Patrick, guess what.

- You like it here so much,

you feel yourself being moved to a song?

- Yes, yes, how did you guess?

- Well, I kind of feel a movement coming on myself.

- Let's just start with the song.

- You mean the jellyfishing song?

- That's the one.

Ba-dum! Dum!

- Isn't it great that these majestic creatures

have jellyfish fields to call their home?

- You bet.

And it's highway convenient too,

according to that big sign.

- Big sign? I didn't see a--

jumping jellyfish, that's a big sign!

- And it says, "future site of the Shelly superhighway."

- Superhighway?

Do you know what that means?

- Oh, yeah, it's sort of like other roads,

except there are no stop s--

- I know what a superhighway is.

I mean for all these jellyfish,

for us,

for jellyfish field!


- So what you're saying

is that if they go through with their plans

to build this new superhighway through jellyfish fields

that every single specie of flora and fauna

that makes this place their habitat

will be forced out of the ecosystem they have formed,

effectively being destroyed?

- Well, that's a simplified version,

but, yeah, something like that.

Which is why I hereby make this solemn vow

to stop this so-called Shelly superhighway

from ever being built.

- , ,

, --whoa!

- Larry, you got to help me stop the highway.

- Can't right now, bro.

I got about , more reps to do.


- Mermaid man! Barnacle boy!

Certainly with superpowers like yours,

we can stop this superhighway.

- I'm sorry, Spongebob.

I actually would like to help,

but I'm just too busy right now.

- Too busy doing what?

- I'm too busy telling you, "no!"

Private Spongebob! Ahoy!

- Captain Mister Krabs, ahoy.

- Why, Spongebob,

that's not your usual four-fingered salute.

- Well, I guess I'm just upset

because they're building a highway over jellyfish fields.

Well, Spongebob,

I'd sure hate me customers to see you like this.

Is there anything I can do to help?

- Really, Mister Krabs?

- Sure, why not?

- Oh, Mister Krabs!

I just know that together,

we can stop that nasty old highway

from going right through jellyfish fields.

- Uh, you're not talking about

the Shelly superhighway, are you?

- Yeah, why?

- Uh, well, 'cause I'm actually

in favor of that highway being built.

- No!

- Yes, I've already calculated

how many new customers I'll get once it's finished.

You can see for yourself

on this whole series of charts and diagrams I've displayed.

- Charts and dia--

Mister Krabs, didn't you see?

- See what? - This!

According to this plan,

after the Shelly superhighway goes through jellyfish fields,

it goes right over the krusty krab.

Hey, look.

There you are, destitute and living in a cardboard box.

Then it does sort of a loop-the-loop

before going straight into the front door of...

The chum bucket.

- What? Who approved this plan?

- "Plan approved and sponsored by Sheldon Plankton enterprises,

a division of no fun incorporated."

- Come on, lad, let's go give that Plankton

a piece of our minds.

- Think this piece will get the point across?

- All right, Plankton,

it's Eugene krabs here with what's-his-name.

Now, come on out! - I can't.

- Come on outside and take what's coming to you.

- I really can't come outside.

- Why not?

- Because I'm already out here, you bumbling bottom-feeders.

Open your eyes, for crying out loud!

- Oh, sorry.

- Now, what's this all about, anyway?

- Don't play coy with us, Shelly.

We both know you've been up to no good.

Now, start talking.

- All right, so I've been stealing your mail

for the past five years, big whoop.

- Not that. - What? You've been what?

- We're talking about that new superhighway

you're planning on building.

And in case you didn't know,

it's gonna destroy jellyfish fields.

Not to mention that your plan is stupid and dumb

and dumb and stupid.

- Wait a minute. You've been what?

- Well, that certainly was an interesting series of words

that just tumbled out past your teeth and lips,

but frankly, my dear sponge, I don't give a barnacle.

- I don't know.

- Forget it.

Even if I wanted to stop

the Shelly superhighway from being built,

it would be impossible.

- Why?

- Because the whole city has already approved it.

See for yourself

through this conveniently timed flashback.

- Order. Order.

Order in the meeting hall.

Now, all those in favor of paving over jellyfish fields

and building the Shelly superhighway,

raise your right fin and say, "aye."


- Everybody else just sit there, quietly.

- I like highways.

- I like things that are super.

- And I like saying, "aye."

Oh, why did I say, "aye"?

- Seems as though the ayes have it.

Now, if you'll excuse me,

I've got superhighway preparations

to be attending to.


- What are we gonna do now, Mister Krabs?

- Well, I'm gonna do the only thing I can do

when me character is tested by insurmountable odds:

Lie on me back and sob loudly.

- Normally, Mister Krabs,

I would lie on my back and sob loudly too,

but I am not giving up.

There's still one citizen in bikini bottom

who won't sit still

in the face of this outrageous injustice.

- It's working, Patrick.

They're booing the highway.

Looks like our message

has really started getting through to the people.

Let's play another song while their hearts are open.

Hey, wait a minute.

This is one of our flyers.

They're pelting us with our own pamphlets.

What does this mean?

- I couldn't tell you.

- I'll tell you what it means.

It means this.

- It means you hate tambourines?

- No, it means--

- all right, you guys the highway haters?

- Yes, but with good reason, sir.

You see, without jellyfish fields,

jellyfish will have to find a new home and--

- all right, you two, you're under arrest.

- What for?

- Unlicensed use of a sitar.

- But my grandma gave me this sitar.

It didn't come with a license.

- Yeah, well, neither did this.

Highway! Highway!

Highway! Highway!

Highway! Highway!

Highway! Highway!

- Patrick, I'm scared.

- Spongebob, I'll never forget what my great-uncle cletus said

right before he was arrested during a freedom march.

- What was that?

- It's where a bunch of people go walking down the street and--

- I know what a freedom march is, Patrick.

I mean, what did he say?

- Oh, yeah.

He said, "let not your heart walk away from you

lest your mind grow legs and follow it."

- Wow, your uncle sounds like a pretty smart guy, Patrick.

What happened to him after he was arrested?

- I don't know.

He was never heard from again.

- See you later, longhairs.

- Bye. - Bye!

- It's a wig. - See you later.

Thanks for the lift.

They left us in the middle of nowhere.

- Well, this isn't the middle of nowhere.

We're actually right on the edge of nowhere.

- Well, at least it isn't raining.

- I'm not ready to give up just yet.

- I am.

- If we could just come up

with a better way to reach the people,

something everybody can see and hear.

- You mean like a parade?

- Oh, a parade!

Patrick, how did you come up with such a brilliant idea?

- There's one going by right there.

- That certainly is a parade.



driving a big tractor.

This doesn't look good at all, Patrick.

- Does this?

- Come on. Let's go follow him.

- People of bikini bottom.

- Did you hear that?

- I'm hearing the voices again.

- Look! Up there.

- Today marks a new--

- Stop murmuring!

Thank you.

As I was saying, today marks the beginning of a new--


- Today marks a new beginning

for bikini bottom!

Now it's time to pave our way down the road to success.

I love the smell of hot tar in the morning.

Yeah, baby!

Hey, you there.

Are you trying to get yourself crushed?

- I won't let you do it, Plankton.

If you're gonna pave over jellyfish fields,

you're gonna have to pave over me first.

- Whoo, your wish is my command, sponge.


- Is that all you got?

Knock it off, Patrick.

- I used to dream of me restaurant

having easy highway access.

- Yeah, but this is more like highway excess.

- Well, I'm gonna go soak my tentacles.

It's cold in here under all this concrete.

- But, Squidward, you can't leave.

What if we have a customer?

- Really?

We haven't had a customer

since the day this highway was built.

- Uh, Squidward, it's technically a superhighway.

- I don't care what it is.

I'm out of here.

- But, Squidward-- - no.

No, Spongebob.

Squidward's right.

I think it's high time we started accepting facts.

- I'm on it, Mister Krabs.

- No, boy-o, not that kind.

- Mister Krabs, what are you saying?

- The krusty krab can't stay in business.

Not like this. - It can't?

- No, Spongebob.

It's time to activate plan zed dash niner niner.

- Zed dash niner niner?

- Eugene, what is plan zed dash niner niner?

And more importantly, how does it affect me?

- Plan zed dash niner niner is...



I'm selling the krabby Patty secret formula to Plankton.

- Eugene.

- I have no choice.

And stop calling me Eugene.

- Tell me that I'm dreaming.

- Not this time, little fella.


A little lower.

Yeah, that's it.

Now, who could that be during my hour of triumph?

How appropriate.

- Plankton, I'm ready to negotiate a price

for me secret formula.

- Oh, goody.

Let me just wind my watch.

- What for?

- 'Cause I'm gonna love every minute of this.

Did you hear that?

Karen, is that you?

- Up there.

- Whoa, Nelly.

- First I lost jellyfish fields.




- and what?

- And now I've lost the only job I ever wanted.

- Look at it this way.

I don't have to see you every day now.

Oh, this really could be the start

of something beautiful.

What in the name of-- - Squidward, look!

- What am I looking--

- all the jellyfish who used to live in jellyfish fields

are coming to bikini bottom!

- Yeah, but for some reason,

I don't think it's to distribute holiday gift baskets.

- Aw, you don't?

- Hey, you know, Plankton,

let's just talk about this later.

I think I'm just gonna run for me life.

- Wait! I'm coming with you.


Not the eye.

Not the eye!

- Chaos runs rampant in bikini bottom.

That's right, folks.

This is news reporter Ben blenny

standing in for perch Perkins, who's out today

with a terrible case of indigestion.

And we are coming to you live during day three

of what appears to be bikini bottom's worst--

- am I on television?

- Yes, sir, you are.

Would you care to say a few words--

- hi, mom. Hi, dad.

Hey, Dr. Sleen. Hey, Jennifer.

Hey, Sally. Hey, Frances.

Hey, Mabel. Hey, Julie.

Hey, Abigail!

Now they'll have to listen.

- And there's my pals in altoona

and the g*ng at the pudgy flipper.

- Thank you.

Hello, little boy,

how about saying a few words into the camera

about the current crisis?

- Um, okay.

Sorry, I'm a little nervous.

- That's understandable. Just talk nice and clear.

- Well, okay, I guess.

All I have to say

is that, um...

That probably--

stop the madness!

We need to give jellyfish fields back to the jellyfish.

If we restore their natural habitat,

then they will go in peace,

and balance will once again be restored to our land.

So what do you say, everybody?

Will you help me?


- You're kidding, right?


- Well, all right.

Everybody, follow me.

Okay, everyone,

say good-bye to the worst thing to happen to this town

since ยข stores.

Good effort, spongedope,

but you can't tear up my highway.

It's indestructible!

- Not if we have anything to do with it.

- Larry lobster!

- That's right, pal, but that's not all.

- Sandy squirrel!

Mrs. Puff!

Mermaid man and barnacle boy!


- sh**t. sh**t. sh**t.

- And Squidward!

- Nope, that's everybody.

- Push.


- Harder still!

- You heard the little square guy.

- Wait.

I didn't count on all of you working together.


My highway!


You can't!


- Praise Neptune.

- Everyone sing along.