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12x15 - Never Ever: Part 1

Posted: 06/02/22 07:25
by bunniefuu
do you think eli
will like it?

Louie moreno:
I'm a little concerned...

It's a bit small.

Or did eli cast
litty itty bitty actors?


Louie moreno:
your attention to detail
astounds me, princess.

You put your soul
into this.

I'm proud.

hmm. Coming from the guy

Who stores his car keys
in the crisper.

You want a treat?

no human food for volta.

But why?
He likes it!

Right, animal friend?

What's this,
suspended here?

It's the heart,
uniting the houses.

Imagine it all lit up.

A symbol of romeo and jules'
everlasting love.

Even when their story ends,

Their hearts will shine

Over here will go
the staircase.

Stage right,
the balcony.

And downstage centre,
the open tomb.

Where they, you know-

(Makes a knife cutting sound)

I'm blown away.

But how are we supposed
to build it in time?

It's an insane amount
of work.

And I'm insane about
working hard.

I can do it.
You just have to let me.

How much is it
gonna cost?

Using recycled materials
and scraps?

About fi...


Five hundred!

Wow, look,
I want this set,

But with rights,
costumes, lights -

Scale it back.

Unless you know some big
shot who can sponsor us.

There is someone.


♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ And if I hold out ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪


♪ Be the best ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ it's not fair
to deny me ♪

♪ Of the cross I bear
that you gave to me ♪

♪ You, you,
you oughta know- ♪


Oh no, I'm sure you sound
great in your own head.

Okay, yeah, I know,
I am tone deaf.

Maya's told me once
or twice.

here. Katie,
I wanna show you something.

I did that.

I planted a seed
in the ground,

And now it's alive.

Yeah, pretty cute little
dianthus, huh?

You know, I never thought
I'd get so much satisfaction

From taking care of something
and watching it grow.

Beats wiping down

Ugh, but seriously.

You know, I was in such
a weird place

At the beginning of this year.

This garden has really
helped me.

I mean, I feel relaxed,

Free of expectations.

Thank you.

Hey, you're the one who
inspired the whole thing,

So... Thank yourself.

Here's the plan:

Go in. Get the money.
Get out.

Stop blinking!

your finger is in my eye.

well, can't you just
wear your glasses?

Why the t*rture?

Dad wears glasses,

And natalie left dad,
and if I wear my glasses,

She'll think of him
and not give me the money

I need to make my dreams
come true.

Okay. And I thought my
mother-daughter relationship

Was complicated.

Natalie's evil.

She left when I was eight.

And all she cared about was
cutting into people's backs.

She's a back stabber?

Spinal surgeon.
With a perfect new family.

I see her once a month,

Only when I can't find
an excuse to get out of it.

I hate it there.

So are you sure
you wanna do this?

Fiones! You know how much
I loved to build

That mini house last year.

This is my chance to build
something full scale,

From the ground up.

Well, in that case,

Go get that money
from your evil mom.

You deserve it.

green fact of the today...

Disposal coffee cups
are recyclable.

Now you know.

Just in time!
These are perfect.

Most girls going
to a new school

Focus on getting a boyfriend.

You've raised money
for hurricane relief.

I really admire you,

excuse me,
is this were I get tickets

For romeo and jules:
a musical experience?

yep. Right here!

um, excuse me, boys.

Can you conduct your
business elsewhere?

I booked the foyer table
for the week.

So if you don't mind-

Ohhhh, okay.

I see what's going on here.

You think because
I'm the new girl,

You get to push me around.

No way.
Early bird gets the worm.

So if you don't mind-

adam's not lying.

You have to sign the table
out with the office.

I should have told you.

No, it's okay.
I don't blame you, jenna.

It's just that musical...

Right over there.


This is a nice surprise.

Sorry I haven't been
returning your calls lately.

School's been cray cray.

Oh, you're wearing
your contacts.

You look great.

Of course that's
what you think.

I have an hour for lunch.

How does a vending machine
sandwich sound?

uh, actually-

You came for lunch,
didn't you?

I want to hear
how you're doing.

How your father's doing.

I can stay for a quick nibble,
I suppose.

Chicken salad or tuna?

You know what,
I'll get one of each.



What's up?

Everywhere I go "it's musical
this, musical that".

There is something
wrong with this school.

Here we go again.

People are in need,

And instead of helping,
they're putting on a musical.

Oh, no,
not a musical.

The blasphemous musical
that normalizes

Alternative lifestyles,

just ignore it.

I can't!

It's wrong.

Becks, are you
forgetting about

Your super-annoying

You're loud.
Just make 'em listen.

You get that from your dad.

I get a lot
of things from him.

You should try eating
the crust.

Believe it or not,
it's my favourite part.

Hm, I'm okay.

How has your dad been?


Anything unusual?

Same old.

Is he remembering to make
you breakfast?

I'm seventeen.
I make my own breakfast.


If you need
a housekeeper-

Dad's taken care of me
all my life.

I don't know why you care
all of a sudden.

I know it's hard for you
to believe,

But I do care.

If there's ever anything,
you can call me.

I'm building sets
for the school musical.

The thing is,
there's zero budget

So they can't use
any of my designs.

How much do you need?

Five hundred dollars.

One condition.

You come over for dinner
tomorrow night.

There's something important
we need to talk about.

I would love to stay

And chat a little bit longer,

But I need to get back
to school.



The next time you
come to visit,

It would be nice if it wasn't
because you needed money.

you're in love
with jake?!

Yeah. Louder.

This is perfect!

Jake is friends with mo.


No, mare,
I'm not happy about this.

He hasn't made a move,
he doesn't even like me.

I'm just his
landscaping buddy.

You don't know that.

Trust me.

Even if he did like me,

Best case scenario:
we date,

We fall in love,
he cheats,

We break up, and then hate each
other forever.

A perfectly good friendship
completely ruined.

Glass half empty much?

(Bell rings)

I trust you have all
meticulously read chapter ?

Partner up for your projects,
young physicists!

Since I'm working with mo,
partner up with jake.

See where it goes.

I know where it's gonna go,
and I don't wanna go there.

Which is why I'm gonna
pair up with someone

I could never fall for.

The girl with
the dragon tattoo.

To what do I owe
this pleasure?

I was going to suggest
we work together.

Are you gonna be an ass
about it?

Are you gonna sabotage me like
you did at the pep rally?

No. I'll be good.

Okay. On three.
One, two, three.


♪ So this is what you meant ♪

♪ When said that
you're a friend ♪

Eee! Thanks. Okay.

Everyone take ten,

And we'll finish
the capulet house after.

Tres impressionnant.

So, you defeated
the evil queen

And got your materials,
I see?

at a cost.

She wants to eat dinner
with me tonight.

I rather die
a thousand deaths.

Oh, quelle drame.

there's a crazy guy outside.

wearing a robe.

Flasher on the loose!

An ex-boyfriend from your
hetero days, peut-etre?

I've gotta see this.

What's wrong?

Have you met my dad?

It's weird.

See, this is why I don't invite
you over to my house.

Because I knew
you get all judge-y

I mean,
I know it's weird.

But it's not weird
for my dad.

So he's worn a robe in public
to visit you at school before.

No. But sometimes we go
for brunch in our robes.

And he always walks volta
in his pajamas.

Like sweatpants and uggs?

Or he forgets to get dressed?


I'll admit it he has been
forgetful lately.

Walking into rooms
and forgets why he's there.

Keys in the fridge
on a regular.

But who doesn't that happen to,

And he's been really, really
busy with a new course.

I think it's time for you
to see us morenos in action

To fully understand.

Come over tonight.

I'll make quesadillas!

And what about dinner
with your mom?

It's not like she hasn't
let me down before.

How can I resist


junior physicist your money
for programming in now overdue.

No cash, no tour.

tickets for romeo and jules:
a musical experience

Are now on sale in the foyer.

I knew I'd regret this.

Aren't we supposed to be
working on our assignment?

welcome to physics
with dallas.

Mini putt?

newton's second law,
golf style.

Homework is way better
when it's about sports.

Not that you play

Excuse me?

You're looking at a national
soccer team hopeful.

Well, that is,
before I tore my acl.

Yeah, my hockey door's
closing, too.


That would be easier
on the ego.

I'm just not nhl material.

Well, you never know,
you could still get drafted.

Yeah, but I know
what I'm up against.

And I've dealt with it.

That's why
I've taken up golf.

Laugh it up,
dragon tattoo.

But it actually requires
skill and it's high pressure.

That's how I thrive.

You sound like
last year katie.

So what's this year
katie about?

Hooking up
with that garden boy?

His name is jake.

And no,
we're not hooking up.

I'm on a relationship
hiatus since drew.

You know he moved out
of the house?

Yeah, into fiona's loft,
I heard.

That's a sitcom
waiting to happen.

I think it's already is.

Why don't you hit some balls
with me after school?

Uh, let's just focus
on our assignment, okay?

♪ look into a child's eyes, ♪

♪ He's hungry ♪

♪ Look into a child's eyes ♪


Thank you so much!

Every bit helps.

Romeo and jules tickets,
over here.

ten dollars
for a play ticket

Can provide a meal
for a family of five instead.

Think about it.

That was very generous
of you.

That's me,
mr. Generosity.

Would you mind
toning it down?

In this economic downturn,

There's only so much
money to go around.

And eli deserves
none of it.

He's finally getting
what he deserves.

Don't you mean you're happy
to be raising money

For your cause?

You're using charity
for revenge.

What if I am?

That's low,
becky baker.

I didn't think you
were a hypocrite.


(Bell rings)

Future boyfriend


hi jake.

I got two tickets
to the garden show.

Thought we could pick up some
sustainable fertilizer?

I'd like to,
but I have homework.

Next time.

Marisol's making faces
behind me, isn't she?




What's wrong?
He asked you out!

No, he asked me
to go buy manure.

It sounded like
a date to me.

Besides, I'm golfing
with dallas.

Okay, hold up.

You're giving mike dallas
a shot, but not jake?

I'm not giving anyone
any sh*ts.

After I lost soccer, drew,
and student council -

I was flailing so...

But the garden helped you!

Yeah. For a while.

But now that
that's complicated

Because jake only wants
to buy feces with me,

So I need a new thing.

But golf, really?!

it's better than crap.

Sorry I'm late!

Our grocer has a vendetta
against fermented butterfat.

He means they're
out of sour cream.

And how are my green
peppers coming along?

are these chopped
finely enough?

I'll do another pass.

sorry, cooking was never really
a coyne family activity.

My dad likes them
impossibly small.

Why don't you grate
some cheddar!

Louie and imogen:
♪ we've got issues ♪

♪ Burlington comics! ♪



As a kids,
declan and i,

Weren't allowed to sing

Why not?

Something stupid.

My mom saw it
as low brow and silly.

Louie moreno:
I'm afraid your mother
has a point there.

Hey! Do I have something
on my face?

no playing with food.

Don't worry, volta the canine
vacuum will get it.

I should get my self
one if those.

Then again, I have drew.

Hey dad, where's volta?

I... I put him out
in the yard.

All day?

Ugh, I'll get him.

Louie moreno:
take him for a quick walk
while you're out there?

Let's go, fiones!


I take back what I said
about your dad.

He's awesome.

He kind of makes
makes me miss my mom.

Stupid house arrest.

Too bad he loses dogs

Hey, it happens.

I set a cat free
on purpose once.

Go grab the car keys
from my dad.

We'll take a drive around
the neighborhood to find him.

Where are you,
animal friend?

(Emotional breaths)


what are you doing?


What's wrong?


Oh whoa!

Okay. Putting green
and driving net

At your disposal?

You are really into this.

My turn.


Okay. Try and hold it like
you're holding a bird.

Firm enough
so it can't fly away,

But gentle enough
that you don't hurt it.

Try and focus on the back
of the ball. Here.

I got it.

Oh weee!

Ha! My knee doesn't even hurt!

There's just something about
focusing all my energy

On hitting that ball
as hard as I can.

You know, we should
totally start

The first ever degrassi
golf team.

I like it,
I like it.

You know,
since you're a sporto,

Why don't you come
to my game tomorrow.

I've got two extra tickets,

And I don't want them
to go to waste.

I like watching sports.

You really are
the whole package.

Just, uh,

Dropping off some stuff
from the garden show.

I thought
you had homework.

Oh, well,
this... Is homework.


Oh okay.

Sure he's not
your boyfriend?

Positive. We just built this
garden together, so...

Let's hit some more balls.

okay. Thanks.

Louie moreno:
princess i...

Volta liked to lie
in the driveway

And watch the neighbours
walk by.

But dad was rushing.

Anybody could have hit him

If they weren't
paying attention.

It's not that he hit him,

It's that
he didn't remember.

Maybe he didn't realize...

He wasn't a small dog.

I think your dad
should see a doctor.

Maybe you should talk
to your mom.

So she can force me
to move in with her

And leave him alone.
No thank you.

What happened?!

what are you doing here?

I got your message
about postponing dinner

And got worried.

There's nothing
to worry about.

I'm fine.
Everything's fine.

Then why did you cancel?

You made a commitment,
you need to respect it.

You're one to lecture me
about respecting commitments.

If your friend wouldn't
mind giving us a little space,

We need to talk.

Fiona's not my friend,
she's my girlfriend.

And she's not going

I didn't know you
had a girlfriend.

Or that you are a lesbian.

Well, natalie,

There's a lot you don't
know about me.

And I'd like to keep it
that way.

It's nice to meet you.

(Car door opens and slams shut)