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12x21 - Building a Mystery: Part 1

Posted: 06/02/22 07:29
by bunniefuu
since the musical's over,

I need the promise
of a brand new project.

I can't wait to see
what you decide-

whoa! Someone's in a hurry.

sorry, eli! Clare!


Hey, girl.


Beautiful ring.

Tell anyone
and you're dead.


Jenna, I feel like
I haven't seen you in forever!

Guess what?!

Never mind,
I can't keep a secret.

Seven plane tickets
to vegas.

As if your parents would
let you go to "sin city."

No, silly.

They're for the student
council fundraiser.

I got an airline
to donate them.

They were only going
to give me six,

But I said,
"how about lucky seven?"

We're gonna raise
so much money

For the school!


oh. Watch it, dancey pants.

sorry, adam.
Are you okay?

I'm fine;
you weigh like a pound.

happy romeo and jules
is done?

Um, not that you should
be happy.

Although you could be,

'Cuz you're entitled
to whatever feelings you want.

(School bell rings)

I have class.


Have fun!

"Have fun?"

Ugh! Did I sound
like a moron?

Yes! Yes, you did!

Because you like adam!

I haven't been able
to stop thinking about him

Since I sang in the musical.

What am I gonna do?

Because of
the transgender thing?

Adam's a boy.

I wouldn't have feelings
for him if he weren't.

Then what's the problem?

He already asked me out
and I blew it.

How do I get him
to ask again?

You could do
the asking.

I could.

It's time
for a fresh start.


♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ And if I hold out ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪


♪ Be the best ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

clare! Clare!


Okay, I can't tell...

Are you excited
or are you freaking out?


This is gonna be
the best term ever!

Um, I'll bite. Why?

Bret barnett will be
guest lecturing

In our class this week.

The bret barnett?

The critically
and commercially

Acclaimed director
bret barnett;

The sundance award-winning
bret barnett;

And most importantly,
the nyu grad, bret barnett.

So you can get him

write me-you a reference letter
for nyu.


I'll show off
my filmmaking knowledge,

He'll be impressed,

And he'll write
a glowing recommendation!

(Both giggle)

good morning, degrassi!

Preparation is under way

For the degrassi
fundraiser gala.

Our goal is to raise $ ,
for the school...

tell. Me. Everything!

you're gonna need
to be more specific.

The engagement?

Did he get down on one knee?
Details, girl!

It was simple.

I dunno.

Oh, you're no fun.

What are you doing?

Where's your ring?
I wanna see.

Oh! It's...cute.

And hidden for a reason.

So what's the problem?

We haven't told audra.

Drew's convinced
she'll talk us out of it.

What do you think?

I don't know.

I mean, drew might not have
a relationship with his mom,

But I do.

And if we get married
without telling her,

It could wreck that.

When it comes
to significant others' mothers,

Sometimes it's best to leave
well enough alone.

you're right.

Look at you,

It's like you're married


(School bell rings)

adam! Hey!

So homeostasis -
pretty cool stuff, huh?

Yeah. Right up there
with watching paint dry.

i, uh...

I wanted to ask you


Would you like
to volunteer

For the student council


You know, I'm pretty busy
with whisperhug.

Now that the musical's over,

We've got so much work
to do.

It's for a good cause!

To be honest,

I'm not sure us working together
is the greatest idea.

(Loud rock music plays
though headphones)

Mo: (yelling)
imogen is getting the key
for the door

'Cause it's locked!

Can't get in without a key.

I know we got off
to a shaky start,

But when you let me sing
in the musical,

It really opened my mind.

mo? Mo!

Can you explain to becky

That I can't help
with the fundraiser

Because we've got band practice
all week?

My man doesn't lie.

Niner, do you mind
if I borrow adam?

It's for student council.

Uh, I don't know.

Don't we have
a battle of the bands

Coming up soon?

So you need practice

Playing in front
of a live audience?

I guess so.

Why doesn't whisperhug perform
at the fundraiser?

ooh! Game-changer.

Don't make me
regret this.

ladies and germs,

As promised,
our guest for the week,

Renowned director
bret barnett.


Now, under his tutelage,

Each one of you will produce
a short film.

two minutes,
any topic.

Then we'll do critiques.

You got questions?


Um, I noticed
in manny's island

That you broke the axis
a few times.

Uh, is that something
that you'd encourage?

Well, if I did break the axis,
it wasn't on purpose.

But thanks for that.

Uh, your frequent use
of ambient light...

Is that something
you'd recommend for our films?

Unless you got
thousands of dollars

To shell out for a professional
lighting package,

Then yeah.

And finally, what's your stance
on film versus digital?

Digital's cheaper,

But film has
an atmospheric quality-

Yeah, no, look...

None of this tech stuff matters
unless you got a good story.

Well, how do you know
if you have a good story?

Okay, well...

Uh, great artists,

They use their medium
to say something.

So I don't know...
You wanna impress me?

Do that.

and finally,
we'll get the updates

From all of our head volunteers

For the big student council

So decorations?

Totally under control.

okay. And refreshments?

I found a caterer
who'll do it for free.


And donations?

Hello? Donations?

Uh, becky baker,

Head of silent auction

I have really big news:
adam has joined my team.

That's it?

and becky scored us seven
plane tickets to vegas

To auction off.

that's amazing!

Even more amazing,
adam's band, whisperhug,

Is going to be playing
during the event!


Okay, let's break up into groups
and get to work!

I'm on the donations committee?

What do we do,

Well, we're going to go

To local businesses

To see if they'll donate items
for the auction,

And we'll hit the mall
after school!

wearing these.


so what's your strategy here?

Did you ask him out?

I chickened out

And asked him to do
this instead.

Rejection's tough,

But it's better to know
if the guy doesn't like you.

you're right;
I have to find out.

Big mall adventure tonight!

I worry maybe
I forced you to work

On the silent auction.

Ya think?

Well, you don't have to,

And your band can still play
no matter what.

But I hope you want to,

'Cause working on the event

Means you'd help
the school,

And you'd get to work closely
with people like...

Like jenna?


And fiona, and marisol,
and luke, and...


But only if you want to...

Which I hope you do,

Because I'd like to work
closely with you.

We are helping the school
raise money.

Is that a yes?

I'll see you at the mall

is it good enough to win me
five grand in scholarship money?

this is beautiful.

Wow, I wish drew had
your determination.

Drew does.

He's doing really great
at his job.

You should see him.

Has he made any life-altering
decisions this week?

No. Why?

Well, you know,
he dropped out of school,

Bought a motorcycle...

What's next?

For all I know,
he's gonna move to japan.

No. Nothing new.

(Sighs heavily)
I just feel so...

Out of touch
with his life.

But at least I know
he has you.

Yeah. He does.

He definitely does.



♪ Try to forget you ♪

♪ But every other day
I'm callin' ♪

♪ Said I take you up ♪

♪ But every time
you're always stalling ♪

♪ You got a friend ♪

♪ Until your goldfish
needs a surgery ♪

♪ You said your car exploded ♪

♪ Don't be a heartbreaker! ♪

♪ Hey boy! ♪

♪ I know you don't know me ♪

♪ I'm right where you want me ♪

♪ I could be perfect for you ♪

♪ My world ♪

♪ You put the moves on me ♪

♪ And it was so easy ♪

♪ Why can't I talk to you ♪

♪ Hey boy ♪

♪ I need your money ♪

♪ I feel so good ♪
(so good)

♪ You're on my mind ♪

♪ Hey boy ♪

♪ I know you don't know me ♪

♪ I feel so good ♪

if you give us merchandise,

We'll make sure
your branding is visible.

logos the size of your head.

Okay, I'll get you
some hoodies.

while we wait,

I'm gonna go try on that sweater
over there, okay?


I think that adam person
likes you.

You think so?

'Cause I was hoping,
but I wasn't sure.

okay. Whatever's going on here,
end it.

Give me one good reason.

I'll give you two:
mom and dad.

How do you think
they'd feel about it?

You can't say anything!

But I know you,

Are you really going
to be happy

Dating someone that mom and dad
will never approve of?

♪ Hey boy ♪

♪ I know you don't know me ♪

♪ I'm right where you want me,
I could be perfect... ♪

I don't have a single good idea
for this short film.

Can you help me?


Uh, conflict
in the middle east?

The decline of
western civilization?

Which subject
is most important?

I want to show bret
that I have something to say.

Both of these are really

Why not aim for something
more achievable?

no. I need to impress him

If I wanna get this
reference letter.

Okay. What you do need
is to relax.

(School bell rings)

I've gotta run.
But you can do this.

Maybe jake can help you?

You struggling?

My movie is already
"in the can,"

As they say.

Yeah. I'm spinning.

None of my ideas
have been good enough.

I just filmed a plastic bag
floating in the wind.

For two whole minutes?

It's probably still there.

How'd you come up
with that idea?

Please, jake,
I'm desperate.


Okay, but it's gotta stay
our little secret.


Why so glum?

Did things not go well
with adam last night?

I'm pretty sure
he likes me.

Oh, becky,
that's exciting.

Why aren't you
doing twirls?

I was,
until luke pointed out

That my parents
will never approve.

Are you sure?
They seem really nice.

They are,

But they're extremely

Then keep him a secret.

Lie to my parents?

Don't lie.
Just don't tell them.

don quixote imagines a world
where chivalry is not dead.

Now the author makes this point

By giving us
a brilliant literary cipher

In the form of the novel's
never glimpsed dulcinea.

Becky baker,

What are your thoughts
on the elusive dulcinea?

Actually, sir,

I was hoping
for a hall pass?

Right, well,
make it quick!

Anyone else?

Adam, I really,
really like you.

I'm sensing a
"but you're transgender."

I should've known better
than to fall for you.

You fell for me?

The first time
I met you.

I like you a lot.

But my parents,
they're traditional.

They'll never approve.

But you're okay with me?

Will you be
my secret boyfriend?

I'm not ashamed,

I just don't want them
to forbid me from seeing you.


Go back to the part

Where you asked me
to be your boyfriend.

Will you?

Sure. Why not?

okay. You can't tell clare.

but we share everything.

please tell me you're kidding.

Well, not everything,
but... Most things.

but you can't tell her this.

You gotta-
you gotta promise.

Yeah, yeah,
I promise.

Cross your heart?

Okay, why are you
acting so weird?

That's your secret -

Well, I prefer to call it
by its proper name.


You were on dr*gs
when you shot your film?

Yeah, yeah.
Most definitely, yeah.

But if you're not interested...

I'm no pusher.

Wait. Hol-

Do I have
to inhale?

I don't know, b.

You really think the dot's
a big enough place

For a wedding?

Oh my god, we gotta go.
My mom's here.

Hey, I lied about
the wedding stuff.

I asked audra
to meet us here.

You tricked me?

It sucks to be lied to,

I can't lie to audra
anymore, drew.

If we tell her,
she'll find a way

To ruin everything!

Look, audra is the closest thing
I've ever had to a mom,

And it's really
important to me

That she's a part
of this.


She means that much
to you?

All right. Fine.
If it'll make you happy.



Mr. Baker:
who's a?


Mr. Baker:
is this adam a boyfriend?

Um, he's a boy
who's a friend.

You know, you're not
just lying to me, becky.

Okay, adam's a little more
than a friend.

So when do I meet him?


You know my rules,

Be polite,
say my prayers,

And brush after
every meal?

About boys.

You're only allowed
to date if...

You meet the guy first.

Why don't you ask him over
for dinner, tonight?!

Uh, I think he's busy.

Is there some reason

Why you don't want us
to meet him?

Does he have a tattoo?

No. No tattoo.

He drives
a motorcycle?


Well, there is gotta be
something wrong with him

If you haven't
brought him home.

There's nothing wrong
with him.

He's the nicest guy
I've ever met.

Then it's settled.
Invite him over.


I promise
I won't embarrass you,


Although I can't speak
for your mother.

my son, in the flesh.

You know, when bianca told me
you wanted to talk,

I'll be honest,
I didn't believe it.

Drew came because
we have something to tell you.

Oh god,
you're pregnant!

No! No. God, no.

(Relieved sigh)
thank goodness.

Oh, I'm too young
to be a grandmother.

We're getting married
this summer.


You can't stop us.

let your mom speak.

You don't have
life experience

To make this decision.

You didn't even graduate
from high school.

Thanks for being
so predictable, mom.

we will by the time
we get married,

And drew promised me
he'd get his ged.

I'm outta here.



You have come so far.

Why not just wait
until you've graduated

From university?

Why rush this?

(Drew knocks on glass)
you coming or what?

Bianca, please,
think about it.

I'm sorry.

(Phone rings)


Are you free tonight?

uh... I could be.

No. My parents kinda wanna
have you over.

But if you're busy
it's totally okay.

I can reschedule.

How do your parents know
I exist?

um, my dad's just such
a good guesser.

I mean, you have no idea
what a good guesser my dad is.

You're a terrible liar.


I accidentally told him
I have a boyfriend,

And now he wants
to meet you.

Someone can't keep a secret.

What're we gonna do?

Uh, eat dinner?
Maybe dessert.

Adam, this is serious.

Okay. I'm sorry.

Everything's gonna be okay.

No! It's not gonna be okay.

If my parents meet you,
they'll freak out.

They'll never let us
see each other.

We need a plan.

Becky, I'm a boy.

I know that,
but my dad-

I passed when I met you,

That's true.

Unless they ask to see
my drivers' license,

Your parents
will have no clue.

I promise.

Are you sure
we can do this?

trust me.

i-i can't believe
how obvious this was!

Hey, you just needed
a little nudge.

It's about love, life,
w*r, love...

I said love twice.

But that's okay

Because love is
a big part of life.

Oh, that is good.

I need remember that
so I can say that to bret.

Uh, pen me.


(Pen clatters on floor)

You know what? Forget it.
I'll remember it.

Wait. What'd I say?

Something about life.

Okay! Um...

New title: "life."

No! No! No!
"Life: the short film."

(Talking to himself)
and we cross-fade...
Uh, wipe to colour,

Then back to black and white.

Then we fade in,

And um... Star wipe,

Fade back out.

And...the end.

This is the best thing
I've ever done.

do you hear a ringing?

Mr. Baker:
so, adam,

Why don't you tell us
a bit about your family.


His mom's on the pta.
His dad's a lawyer.

He has an older brother.

His family is normal.
Totally, totally normal.

that's the lightning round

Mrs. Baker:
so becky tells us
your family is christian?


They go to st. Mary's church
every sunday.

Mr. Baker:
becky, let the boy speak!

No. It's okay.

Uh, my turn.
What's my favourite movie?

I don't know.

Mr. Baker:
ah, you stumped her!
Up top.

So, adam,
you play any sports?

I was always too small
as a kid.

But I'm actually thinking
of going out

For something this year.

A guys' team?


No, I understand
his confusion.

They only let you play
on girls' hockey, right?

(Becky giggles)

I'd like to make a toast.

To becky's boyfriend.

He's a brave guy
for dating my sister.

Mr. Baker: to adam!
Mrs. Baker: adam!

(Glasses clink)

♪ Your love is
like a tidal wave ♪

♪ Let me dive in ♪

♪ Let me feel your grey ♪

♪ Yes, your love will
wash me away ♪