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11x36 - Not Ready to Make Nice: Part 1

Posted: 06/05/22 08:58
by bunniefuu
You know, we should schedule
which one of us

Is gonna be running late
on which day.

Make it easier for you
to avoid me.

I'm not avoiding you.

Could you move
or something?

come on, clare,

You barricade yourself
in your room all the time.

What do you expect?

It's hard enough adjusting
to two men living in my house.

One of them being
my ex-boyfriend

Makes it even worse.


Come on, who puts
empty milk cartons

Back in the fridge?!

sorry. Bad habit.

Hey, bud!
Happy birthday!

is it your birthday?

We don't have to make
a big deal about it, helen.


You don't turn seventeen

Hey, we have steaks
in the freezer;

We can have a barbecue!

I want our first
birthday celebration

As a new family
to be special.

jake, if you like,

You can invite your new girl
to join us for dinner.

New girl?

Uh, we're just friends, dad.

okay, sure,
but she is welcome.

okay. Great.
Yeah. Thanks.

I'll see you later,

(Milk carton thuds,
clare sighs, angry)

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ And if I hold out ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪


♪ Be the best ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh... ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪
(I can make it!)

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

here you go. Go!

If you don't catch the ball,
you're off the team!

Owen: faster!
Drew: no, but seriously!

Where did you come from?

Algebra class.

No, no.
I meant the pass.

Oh. Yeah.
I knew that.

Football's starting up,

Yeah, I'm pumped.

Something to focus on,
you know?

Yeah. I'm actually thinking
about trying out.

You're a big guy.

Our defense could use you.

At the behavioral program
I went to,

They taught me ways

To mimic neurotypical
social behaviour to-

To integrate into peer
groups better.


okay, but it's just football.

You only gotta be
good at it.

See you around.

Good morning, alli.

uh... Hi.

I must have missed the memo
that we were talking again.

I just wanted
to congratulate you

For waiting
a whole five minutes

After jake and I broke up
before swooping in there.

Clare, what happened
at the cabin

Was a stupid
one-time mistake.

There's nothing going on
between us now.

And even so,
whatever jake does,

Is none of your business.

You two broke up,

Move on.

Well, if not you,
then who?


Jenna? And jake?

We're just friends,

You don't have to justify
anything to her.

You have to be freaking
kidding me!

Mr. Perino:
miss edwards,


Come here.

What's going on?

Do you really want
to know my opinion

On serial boyfriend

Good point.

Okay, just get yourself
under control

Or else you'll be
sharing your angst

With mr. Simpson.

Mr. Khanna:
once your mini-house
is completed,

I will put it through
a mock home inspection,

(Bell rings)
checking for proper

Oh, make sure you get one!

This is forty percent,

ugh! Forty percent of our mark

To build an entire
doll house?


Forty percent?

I thought life skills

Was supposed to be
a bird course.

Well, I'm excited!

I already have like
a bazillion ideas.

This project is gonna
take us forever, isn't it?

At least all the extra

Will give you guys time
to perfect revenge

On katie and marisol.

How's that going
by the way?

We got nothing.

Yeah. I figured.

Maybe we'd be a bit
more successful

If the master
of diabolical revenge plots

Stepped up to the plate.

Sorry, I'm retired.

Mm... Just as well,

Your last few schemes
weren't very good.

Boo to you.


♪ Just because I can't decide ♪

♪ Doesn't mean
I'm petrified of this ♪

Vampire fiction, huh?

I used to read a lot
of these.

they're my top sellers.

People love the escape.

I could definitely use
the escape.

Do you have any more?

I do.

Hey, bree, could you go grab
the other books from the van?

So why the need
for the escape?

Oh, you know,

Just your run-of-the-mill
family problems.

Mom and dad divorced,

Stepdad and stepbrother
just moved in.

Up until recently,

Said step-brother
was my boyfriend.


yeah, I know.
Nice, huh?

here you go.

Thank you.

Vampire psychologist?

but also dead sexy.

It's perfect for your escape
from reality.

I'm summer,
by the way.


And I guess
I'll take both.


You know, bree just left
a bad home situation

A couple of weeks ago.

My boyfriend and I
help out teens

From time to time.

My address
is on this card.

If you ever need
an elsewhere to be...

I'm not gonna run away.

Sometimes when you can't
change your circumstances,

The best thing you can do
is change your surroundings.

I think I'll stick
to fictional escape,

But, uh,
thanks for these.

(Bell rings)

come on, man,
it was an all right pass.

no, I mean, you should've
caught that.

well, you should just
throw it better.

nothing like the view
from the football field, boys!

it's too bad none of those girls
are viewing you back, mo.

Easy, okay?

We didn't all get to date
the hottest girl in school

Last year, owen.

That is, until she came
to her senses

And joined the army.

be careful not to mention
the "a" word,

Unless you want
to see owen cry.

I do wanna see that.

Anya. Anya. Anya.

I'll do it, dude.
I'll cry.

I'll make everybody feel
really uncomfortable.

Why are they trying
to make owen cry?

they're not.
It's just joking around.

oh. That's funny.

(blows whistle)

All right,
mo, connor,

You're both up
for nose tackle.

Let's see you attack that


Let's go, boys!

(Blows whistle)

(Grunts of effort)

Yeah! Connor!

(Blows whistle)

Atta boy!

Mo, what happened, man?
What happened?!

my cleat was loose, man!

Don't cry!

yeah! Connor, man!


you have a fluff on your bum.

why are you looking
at my bum?

I wasn't even!

oh, uh...

I thought you had
a newspaper meeting.

I skipped it.

Hello, jenna.

We were just gonna
listen to music.

Um, I can go.
Maybe another time.

oh, come on,
it's my birthday.

Don't change your plans
because of me.

you sure?

Yeah, it's fine.

Care to join us?

I would not.


(Door shuts)

(Music starts playing
in jake's room)

(Muffled screams)

(Streetcar rumbles)

agh! My arms are k*lling me.

When do we get
to the fun stuff -

Like deciding where
to put the hot tub?

I think we should

On making the floors
level, first.


These sketches are amazing.

my dad taught me.

When he's not teaching
at the university,

He consults on unique
urban-scaping projects.

We moved around a lot
when I was a kid.

I moved from place to place
when I was younger, too.


We're lucky that the universe
brought us together then.

We must be soulmates.



So are you and eli gonna
get together and date

Or what?

Uh, don't ask me
about him.

I never know
what that boy is thinking.

Well, you were totally obsessed
with him

During the play.

Feelings like that
don't just go away.

I was obsessed.

But I locked those feelings
in a box,

Strapped the box
to a rocket,

Sent the rocket to the moon,

And if I ever need feelings
for eli again,

I know where to find them -

On the moon.

(Both laugh)

(Cutlery clanks)

So, jenna, jake tells me
that you write music?

I do.

I took a bit of a break

But I'm getting back
into it now.

oh, why the break?

well, I actually had a baby
earlier this year.

wow. Uh...i had no idea.

jenna had the baby adopted
back in the spring.

It was the hardest thing
I've ever done,

But tyson's new parents
are wonderful.

It was the right choice.

Wow! I have to say
I'm impressed.

me too.

It really shows
your strength of character.

What?! Unbelievable.

Clare, can you pass
the steak?

not too many adults I know

Could go through
something like that

And still be smiling,

So good for you.

thanks. I really appreciate it.

Most of the time,

I just feel like
people are judging me.

Probably because
they are.


mom, you're such a hypocrite!

clare, watch how you speak
to your mother in our house.

"Our" house?

You just got here.

Look, if you can't
behave yourself,

Maybe you should go
to your room.

You don't get to tell me
where to go, glenn.

You are not my father.

clare, uh, please?

Maybe it'll give you
a little time to cool down.

Just make sure you stock up
on condoms, jake.

This one's fertile.

(Traffic rumbles)



That looks fantastic.

this is all
thanks to imogen.

She's brilliant!
So fun and so hilarious.

And so pretty?

Ugh! I have a dumb crush
on imogen.

I never would have guessed.

Mom, I can't go down
this road

With a straight girl

The only reason holly j
didn't run for the hills

Is because she knew me
so well.

Oh, honey,

Your feelings
are your feelings.

And I'm sending them

On the first rocket
to the moon.

imogen's perfect for eli.

Well, if they're so perfect,
then why aren't they together?

Because they're dim?

I don't know!

If I were to get eli
and imogen together,

She would never suspect
that I have feelings for her.

You just be careful

What you're getting
yourself into.

Thanks, mother.


P.a. Announcement:
this year's football
team roster

Is now posted in the foyer.

Thanks to everyone
who came out.

excuse me! Excuse me!

Congrats, connor!

I-i made it?

I got starting nose tackle.

what? Why am I your backup?
This is crap!

I'm sorry, mo.

But your large body mass
handicaps your maximum speed

By up to thirty-seven percent.

Sorry, conehead.
Don't speak nerd.

oh, allow me.

Uh, he says you're fat.

Real nice.
Are we going or what?

where are we going?

oh, we're getting wings.

Yeah. Too bad
you're not invited.

Let's go, fellas.

Just remember
you made the team.

It doesn't feel that way.


♪ I filled up an hourglass ♪

♪ To feel the sand slipping
through my hands ♪

(Car honks)

hi. Sorry I'm late.

I hope you weren't
waiting long.

no, not too long.

Thanks for coming.

oh, hey, are you kidding?
It's great to see you.

Hope it wasn't too weird,

Me calling you
out of the blue?

Well, I have to say
I was a bit surprised

When you called.

But I'd never turn down
a dinner date

With my daughter.

Good. We have a lot
to talk about.

I'm not surprised.

We haven't spent
much time together

Since the divorce.

I'm just happy
you and I are talking.

Is everything okay
with you?

How's the new family?

That's uh...
That's actually why I called.

Right now,
I hate being at home.

And everyone is happy
but me.

I could really use
a change of scenery.

With me?

Clare, my new condo
is really small.

I'll sleep on the sofa,
I don't care.

Well, I'll have some
convincing to do.

You're living with her?

Irene. Yeah.


With her kids
every other week,

Things get a bit crowded.

But maybe we could work
something out.

So you still like
chinese buffet?



hey, captain america.

You're lucky
this is on my route.

What's up?

Oh, you know,
this and that and imogen.


You two have been spending
a lot of time together.

I wondered if you had
feelings for her?

Uh, we're good friends.

That wasn't the question.

I... Okay,

Why are you all up
in my business about this?

You do have feelings
for her!

I knew it!

So why the feet of clay?

I hurt her,

And I don't think
I have a shot.

Of course you do.

If she seems wary,
it's cause you're a blockhead!


Imogen doesn't know
what you're thinking.

You just need to be direct.

I don't even know how
to start that conversation.

Just leave it to me,

Why the sudden interest
in matchmaking?

I just want to see
my two besties happy.

It's a noble cause!


Hey, you'll get over it.

(Whistle blows)

you know, the only thing I like
better than power squad girls?

Band geek girls.

Especially ones
that play the french horn.

I don't...
I'm one-quarter french
on my mom's side,

(Blows pretend horn)

(All laugh, getting it)


What are you laughing at,

Your joke.
It was funny.

What was funny?

I want you and your megamind
to dissect for me

Why that joke was funny.

I don't know.

I just laughed because
everyone else was laughing;

That's what I'm supposed to do.

What you're supposed to?

Mo, it's not like that.
Connor has a problem-

No, shut up, kc!

My only problem
is this guy!

Then let me break this down
for you in nerd code.

Thinking a joke is funny
equals laughing.

Not thinking a joke is funny
means keep your mouth shut.

Get what I'm saying?

I never get
what you're saying.

Now you're mocking me?

I'm not!

Easy there, blind side.

I thought I was
girl krypronite!


Come on.

(Knock on door)

What is it?

You okay?

Not really.

You still mad
about yesterday?

You were a complete hypocrite
about jenna!

If I'd a baby,
you'd have sent me to mars!

She was jake's guest!

What was I supposed to do?

And then glenn treats me
like some four-year-old.

I can't believe
you took his side.

He is my husband.

I'm your daughter!

There have been a lot
of changes in this house,

Very quickly.

I know you're struggling,

But we're in a better place,
aren't we?

I need to talk
about this, mom.

I wish I could help,

But I don't know what it is
I'm supposed to do.

That's why I'm gonna
go stay with dad.

Randall would never
agree to that!

Then call him
and ask him,

If you don't believe me!

Then please call me
when you get there.

Hi, I don't know
if you remember me, but...


Hi, summer.


Is this clare?

I had a feeling
she'd come.

Can I stay?

Yes. Yes, of course.

Join us.

Come on.

♪ I saw a standing
virgin bride ♪


You okay?

I acted the way
I was supposed to

And it didn't work.

I don't know why mo
keeps on bugging me.

Because if they weren't
laughing at you,

They'd be laughing
at him.

And he knows that,
so he makes connor jokes.

So what if I made
a mo joke?

What kind of joke?

Well, mo only plays

Because it'll help him
score a girl.

So if mo wants a girl,
I'll give him one.

Then he won't need

This conversation
just got sketchy.

How are you gonna give mo
a girl?

By my estimation,
% of relationships

That begin online
are successful.

Oh, jeez...

there you go.

Hey, good morning, clare!

how did you sleep?

Like a baby.
Thank you.

well, sit down. Eat.

Organic eggs,
fresh fruit,

And summer made that bread


Do you guys eat together
every day?

every breakfast and dinner.

It's the best way
to stay connected.

You take all the positive energy
from this table

And you can withstand
all the negativity

You'll face out
in the world.

(Phone beeps)

Uh, is that important?

It's my ex.
He wants to talk.

we do have
a no-cell phone policy

Here at the house.

Oh. Why?

It's a leash
to your old life -

The one you left behind,

The day I threw
my cell phone away

Was like getting out of jail.

you went from happy
to miserable

Just by glancing at it.

You can't let a piece of plastic
with some wires

Have such power over your mood,

Ditch the phone.
Free yourself.

♪ If I'm gonna live ♪

♪ The way I want to ♪

♪ And how much will
I have to leave ♪




♪ We learn... ♪


There you go!