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02x12 - Lies That Bind

Posted: 06/05/22 09:36
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Superman & Lois"...

Ally Allston merged
with her Bizarro self.

Does that mean she's
some sort of god now?

That pendant gave her a lot of power.

And the Jon that came here wants
to do the same thing with you.

If Jonathan merges
with his Bizarro self,

- he'll be as strong as she is.
- Who's the weak one now?

Where's Dad taking him?

One of those black sites
at Holding Tower .

John Henry and Nat may have
sent Lana's doppelganger back,

but as long as she's
still working with Ally,

our Lana might not be safe.

- If you're all okay with it...
- Absolutely.

Lana, there's something I've
wanted to tell you my entire life.

You're Superman.


♪ ♪

You're Superman?

Kind of.

How did I not see this?

How did people not put this together?

People see who they want to see.

How long have you had powers?

Since we were kids.


♪ ♪

You have to do it in a specific order.

Otherwise, you...

You're the reason

all that strange stuff happened here.

All of it was you...

♪ ♪

Including the accident.

I love you, Clark.


You saved us.

Couldn't let my friends get hurt.

But I did get hurt.

You vanished almost
right after that night.

Look, I had to figure out who I was.

My dad was gone. My mom didn't
want me using my powers. I...

I was angry and confused.

But after saving you
and Pete that night,

I finally understood what I
was meant to do with my life.

And as soon as I realized that,

I knew I couldn't stay
in Smallville anymore...

no matter how much I wanted to.

That's why you left...

to become Superman.

Why didn't you come back for me?

I did.

You were with Kyle.

Hi. Mmm.

You should have told me.

♪ ♪

Did you ever love me?

Lana, of course I did.

Just not enough.

Lana, I'm sorry.

I got to go.


♪ ♪

You guys are not telling
us the full story.

All right, there's no way that you told

Mrs. Cushing that you're Superman,

and then she just drove
away... that's insane.

That's what she did.

We knew she would be hurt.

Didn't know she'd be that hurt.

I kind of knew.

What was she like at the end?

Like, do you think
she's gonna tell Sarah?

- Did you even ask?
- Jordan, leave your father alone.

Jonathan, where is your backpack?

You're gonna be late for school.

I still can't even believe
you're making us go to school.

Of course you have to go to school.

We are lucky Principal
Balcomb even accepted you back.

And side note... as long as the
other you is still locked up,

you are technically
safer than anyone else.

What does that even mean... I'm
technically safer than anyone else?

Your doppelganger was
Ally's first horseman,

but I doubt he'll be her last.

Well, then maybe we should stay home,

you know, in case you
guys need our help.

Well, if we need your help,
then we'll know exactly

where to find you, won't we?

- Let's go.
- Go.

You really think Ally's gonna
send more of her acolytes?

She already has.

I mean, John Henry and Nat may have
sent Lana-Rho back to her world,

but it doesn't mean she won't try again

or that Ally won't show up herself.

Well, that's why we have
to warn our Lana, Clark.

She won't return my calls.

Let me just reach out,

and I'm gonna try to smooth
things over for you two.

In the meantime, while
your dad and John Henry

are running tests on the pendant,

I will see if I can try to figure
out what Ally's next move is.

- After you drop the boys off.
- Of course.


It's gonna take Lana a little
while to wrap her head around this.



S-she's coming.

♪ ♪

She's not gonna stop.

S-she will if you say hi to her.

- I'm not gonna... Hey, Sarah.
- Hey, Natalie.

Told you.

Look what the cat dragged in.

What's up, guys?

So, uh, Kent,

have you figured out a way to get

- the baseball season canceled yet?

- I mean, since you ruined football.
- Okay, whatever.

At least I didn't snitch on you guys.

You should be thanking me.

Besides, this guy was literally

huffing more of that stuff than I was.

Maybe, but I didn't get
the whole season canceled.

So what? What, you think
any of this matters?

You think football matters?

You think baseball matters?

You think even high school matters?

- All of it's meaningless.
- Uh, Jon, uh...

Okay, you have no idea that it's
about to be the end of the world

- as we know it.
- Uh, he just started

following Greta Thunberg on Twitter.

Climate change.

Scary stuff.

You're a freak, Kent.

What the hell was that?

It's nothing. It's fine.

No, you are definitely not
fine, which is totally cool,

considering what you've
been through, but...

maybe you shouldn't be here.

Where do you want to go?

Follow me.

You're gonna skip on
your first day back?


We're so gonna get busted.

You look exactly the same
as you did in high school.

Good genes, I guess.

You have the same look on your face,

like you got the weight of
the world on your shoulders.

You know, you don't have to do this.

There's always another way.

I don't think you really believe that.

You're the hero right now, Lana.

Also, did Superman just lie to me?

- Lana.


Earth to Lana. Hey.

Hey, Kyle. Sorry.

[SIGHS] You were
really zoning out there.

Well, I just didn't get
a lot of sleep last night.

Yeah, you didn't call me back either.

Uh, just... I wanted to see
how things went with Sarah.

The car?

- Did she love the car?
- Oh, yeah.

Yeah, she did. I'm sorry.

I-I should have called you back.

It's fine. Um...

so did y'all take it for a spin?

Actually, we didn't get a chance.

Why not?



Oh, God, I really can't talk.

Can you do me a favor and, um,
pick up the girls from school?

Yeah. Sure.

Thank you.

Important call?

Oh, just my new assistant
wondering where I am.

Got to go.




What are you doing here?

I was hoping we could talk.

I have nothing to say to you.

You're angry.

From what I could tell,

you didn't exactly have the best...

support system over there.

My family? Supportive?

And I'm sorry for that.
You deserve better.

But you made a lot of bad choices,

ones that cost people their lives.

- And that's on you.

♪ ♪


You really come all the way
here just to tell me that?

I came here because I think there's more

to you than what I've seen.

You're a good kid who
went down the wrong path,

and I want to give you
the chance to make up

for some of the hurt you've caused.

Yeah? How's that?

Help me save your world...

and mine.

Help me stop Ally.

You know, maybe...

maybe if my dad had ever...

I don't know, just

talked to me the way you are right
now, maybe I'd be on your side.

But he didn't.

Tell me what she's planning.

You know the answer to that.

- She's gonna fix the worlds.
- No, she isn't.

Because I have the pendant.

- And after I destroy it...
- You can't destroy it.

[SCOFFS] My father
already tried and failed.

And you'll fail, too.

When she realizes that
I'm not coming back,

she's gonna come here,

and she's gonna take

what's rightfully hers.

You saw her, Superman.

Ally's a God.

The people on my Earth are gonna merge

with the people on your Earth,

and there's absolutely
nothing you can do to stop it.

♪ ♪

I wish I had better news,
but that kid's right.

The pendant's nearly
impossible to destroy.

You're saying it's indestructible.

Not indestructible, per se.

But the amount of concentrated energy

it would take to destroy it is a
lot more than what you can supply,

and using any tech we have
here, much too dangerous.

Well, dangerous is one thing.
Impossible is something else.

I'm gonna need a little
time to think about it.

We may have a better idea.

What is it?

Show him the plans.


♪ ♪

You want to destroy the portal.

A controlled expl*si*n.

That would make the mines inoperable.

Small price to pay for saving the world.

Yeah, our world maybe,
but what about theirs?

Yes, destroying the portal prevents
Ally's followers from coming here,

but it also keeps us
from getting back there.

You're worried about our new prisoner?

And what about all the innocent people

whose lives are being destroyed by Ally?

They have no one left
over there to protect them.

They're gonna need our help.

You can't save everybody, Clark.

I have to try.

It's the promise I made,
the promise we made.

You don't know what's happened
on her world since you left.

- You need to concentrate on this one.
- He's right.

We do what we can with
the information we have.

We save our own.

[SCOFFS] Correct me if I'm wrong.

The last time the two of you
came up with a plan to do that,

it was by k*lling me.

In the moment, it seemed
like our only option.

Exactly my point. There's
always another way.

And we're gonna find one.


I lied to Kyle...

which, for the record, is
something I have never done.

Yeah, of course.

Don't say "of course" like you
know what I'm talking about.

I'm sorry. I understand
why you're mad at Clark.

I'm not mad at Clark.

- You're not?
- I was mad at him.

Then I tried to put myself in
his shoes and realized I couldn't.

The man literally carries the
weight of the world on his shoulders.

When he figured out who he was,
what he was, he was just a kid.

We were kids.

I don't blame him for not
telling me the truth back then.

It hurts, but I can't be mad about it.

Are you sure? 'Cause
you seem kind of mad.

- I'm mad at you.
- Me?

When you moved to Smallville,

we didn't have to become friends.

We could have been neighborly,
waving hello at the bus stop,

but you sought me
out, and I trusted you.

Lana, I understand how
this must feel for you.

No, you don't, Lois,

because I've told you a lot.

After Sarah's quinceañera,

when my marriage was
falling apart, I called you.

You've become the person that I call.

And this whole time

you've been keeping
this huge secret from me.

It wasn't my secret to share.

But you knew, and I didn't,

which means our entire
friendship was built on a lie.

- There's nothing real between us.
- Please don't say that.

It's not true, and it's not how I feel.

Maybe not...

but it is how I feel.

And the worst part about it

is that you've made me a liar, too.

♪ ♪

Okay, remember, guys,
you can't tell anyone.

Not even your parents.


Uh, maybe you shouldn't show us.

Look, I'm not trying to
get you guys in trouble, but

don't you feel like our parents
still view us all as little kids?

- All the time.
- Yeah, sometimes.

So I decided to do something about it.


You built your own k*ll suit?

It's still very much a work in
progress, but the bones are there.

How did you figure out how to do this?

Basically designed my dad's suit.

- So is this for you?
- It was.

But after your run-in
with your lookalike,

I thought you might
need it more than I do.

It should prevent any
more nonconsensual merging.


This is... I mean, this is the
coolest present I've ever gotten.

- Yeah, and we have the PS .
- Okay, don't get too excited.

It doesn't actually work yet.

In order to power the suit I
still need the key component,

but I can't get it by myself.

I need your help digging it out.

Okay. Where to?


Were you aware that
the discovery of gold

at Sutter's Mill in

sparked the largest migration

in the history of the United States?

I wouldn't have taken you for
much of a human history buff.

There's only so many
times a grown man can read

"The Fault in Our Stars."

It's been a while, brother.

I was beginning to think
you'd forgotten all about me.

Actually, you and I just
spent a bit of time together.

You crossed over.

Well, what was it like?

Did you meet my wife?

Would you believe me if I told you

that you helped save my son's life?

Of course I would.

In any other world, brother,

you and I are the best of friends.

It's only in this one
that you find yourself

unable to trust me.

Maybe I could...

if you helped me here and now.

There's always an "if"
with you, isn't there?

I need to destroy Ally's pendant.

I can't do it alone, but if
we combined our strength...

Cut to the chase. What
would I get in return?

Well, for starters, I could
bring you some new books.

Oh, a library card. How
very generous of you.

If you're asking to be released...

I wouldn't waste a wish on
something I know I can't have.

Then what do you want?


I want my brother back.

Like I said,

this would be a first step to
building that kind of relationship.

Please. I saved your life,
and it still wasn't enough.

Nothing I do will ever be enough...

because it's not you I
have to convince, is it?

♪ ♪

- Clark?


Guess who Lana hates more than you.

- Uh, Kyle?
- No, me!

Can you believe it? Of course you can't,

because it makes no sense,

and it's just another classic example

of women holding each other to
higher standards than we hold men.

No, I know, I know, babe. And
I want to hear all about it, but

right now there's someone
here who wants to talk to you.

Just follow me.

♪ ♪

Hello, Lois.

What the hell is he doing here?

[SIGHS] It's complicated,

but if I'm gonna have any chance
of destroying Ally's pendant,

I need his help.

I've come to try and make amends.

Oh, really?

Well, which part did you
want me to forgive first...

how you kidnapped my son?

Or how you tried to
eradicate all of humanity?

- Lois.
- Or was it when you rewrote

my article in the "Daily Planet"?

I told you she'd bring that up.

Okay, Lois, please, will
you just hear him out,

- for me?
- Why should I?

- Because just listen to him.
- Lois,

I'm not expecting you to forgive me.

I hope only that you'll

allow me to explain what I've
only recently discovered myself.

My father sent me on a
path when I was a child,

a-a very painful one.

But I was convinced that
if I fulfilled his dreams,

then my own might also come true,

that I may one day be
reunited with my brother.

I had no idea that Kal already
had a family of his own,

and when he chose you over me,

- I got angry.
- Wow.

Is everything my fault today?

I saw you as an obstacle
that I needed to overcome.

But I was wrong.

I see that now, and I'm sorry.

If I hadn't wasted so much time
doing someone else's bidding,

I might have found a
family here in all of you.

We'll never know.

But you can trust me, Lois,

when I tell you I will never
hurt anyone you love again.


♪ ♪

Someone's coming.

It's John Henry and your dad.

We've got to get you out of here.

You're not going anywhere.

If I thought for one second

that you would take the
information we gave you

and bring it to this guy...

- I had no choice.
- We gave you a choice.

Dooming an entire
civilization to a merciless god

is hardly a choice. You of
all people should know that.

I'm sorry, Clark, I
know he's your brother,

but that doesn't mean we can trust him.

I'm not asking you to trust him.

- I'm asking you to trust me.
- Clark, he is a sociopath.

- There's no need for name-calling.
- Enough!

Look, I don't love the plan
either, but Clark is right.

It's the best one we have, and
every second we waste arguing,

we leave ourselves
and the people we love

vulnerable to Ally's next
move, like Lana and Lucy.

Ally is gonna get to Lucy before we do,

and you know it, Dad.

So just figure this out.

I have something I have to do.

♪ ♪


What's your idea?

The DOD got rid of most of the X-K.

My dad and I found some near
the portal the other day,

so I don't think they got all of it.

- So that's where we're going?
- No.

There's too many soldiers guarding it.

The map said there were
other caverns further in.

Nat, why don't we just use some
from the stash you got with your dad?

'Cause if he saw any missing,
he'd know something was up.

I don't need another lecture

on not interfering in adult situations.

- I get those a lot.
- [SCOFFS] Yeah.

I still can't believe you're
using X-K to power the suit.

Well, in their purest
form, those crystals

contain an insane amount of energy.

And I think we just hit...

the mother lode.

♪ ♪

Let's get to work.


♪ ♪


Come on. You got me today.

Where's Mom?

No idea.

That woman is full of secrets lately.


Hey, um...

is there something going
on that I should know about?

This morning your mom
was just, uh... just off.

I don't know. Maybe. I mean,

she did got for, like, a
six-hour walk yesterday, so...

Who the hell goes for a six-hour walk?

Oh, Dad, I wouldn't
be too worried. I mean,

a worry is a wish for
something you don't want.

Learned that in therapy, so...

Well, that's money well spent.


Come on, we got to go get your
sister, get her to ballet, all right?


It's getting pretty late...
if we don't get home soon,

Mom and Dad are gonna start texting us.

- Yeah. How much more do we need?

More than this.

God, I wish we had my
dad's rock-grinder thingy.

Let me guess... another
awesome invention?

Jeez, you guys sure do
make being smart cool.

I have an idea.

- Step back.
- All right.



♪ ♪

Screw smart. I'd rather have powers.


♪ ♪


Um, guys?

It's gonna cave in.



♪ ♪



- A... are you guys okay?
- Yeah.

Yeah. I mean, not to bum you out,

but if Sarah ever sees you do that,

you guys are definitely
getting back together.

- Yeah, dude.
- You think so?

Yeah. Yeah.

Wait, guys.

Where's the bag of X-K?

You sure this is gonna work?

It's like Jon-El said,
I can't do it alone.

But my mother thought
the other Kal-El and I

would have a chance
if we tried together.

- This was Mother's idea?
- Mm.

And the thought of
using maybe your brother

instead of that thing
never crossed her mind?

- Tal.
- Some things never change.

What do your readings say?

That his mom was right.

♪ ♪

- These two should be more than enough.
- Well, then...

no time like the present.

♪ ♪


Just one thing...

♪ ♪

♪ Dust it all off ♪

♪ Put my head down ♪

♪ And just breathe ♪

- Hey.
- Hey.

♪ And just breathe ♪

What's that? One of those
new Olivia Rodrigo songs?

Actually, it's one of my own.

Oh, you're writing your own songs now.

Yeah, I'm trying to work
through the rage. It...

it helps.

I can see that.

Well, hell, you got enough
here for an entire album.

I mean, that's kind of
the goal, right? So...

give it.

Thank you.

Um... so, hey, you know,
I was... I was thinking

a bit more about... about your mama...

- Mm-hmm.
- And, uh,

this walk that she went on.

You think that she was with someone?

- Huh?
- Well, like... like... like a... like, a guy?

Maybe. I'm not too sure, though.

Mi'jita, what are you not telling me?

♪ ♪

Is your... is your mama
dating someone already?

I don't know. I have no idea.

If you want to talk to Mom about
her personal life, then do it.

In case you haven't
noticed, I'm trying to deal

with my own kind of breakup.

Oh, I'm... I'm so sorry.

You're right.

Dad, I didn't... I
didn't mean it like that.

- No.
- It's just that, you know...

I got to go get Soph anyway.

You just keep writing your music, okay?

- It's really good.
- Thank you.

♪ ♪




Hey, you've reached
Tonya. Leave a message.

- Hey, Tonya. It's, uh...

it's Kyle.

Listen, can you give me a
call when you get a chance?


Mayor Lang, Lois Lane
is here to see you.

Thanks, Beau.

- The office looks great.
- Lois, I'm really busy right now.

I know, so I will cut to the chase.

I came here to tell you what I
should have told you this morning,

which is that I am sorry.

Sometimes I forget how important
those two little words are.

You were right. I was really selfish.

I wanted to be your
friend, and I didn't think

about whether it was fair to you.

You have to understand, Lana,

my life was so different in Metropolis.

The boys were little. I was
working around the clock.

I didn't have time for friends.

So it was easy to keep the secret.

And then we moved here, and
you and I started hanging out,

and I felt this connection.

Yeah. I felt it, too.

I hadn't had a real girlfriend

since my sister and
I had our falling-out.

I didn't want to give it up.

So I convinced myself
that it was Clark's secret.

And that wasn't true.

Listen, I know it's
gonna take a lot of time

to earn back your trust,
but I want to start now.

[SCOFFS] What do you mean by now?

Clark being Superman is
just the tip of the iceberg.

There's a lot more you need to know.

Once you have all that information,

you can decide what to do with it.

I didn't even realize I had a choice.

Of course you do.

We love you, Lana.

It's up to you whether or not
you decide to tell your family.

Let's start with Jordan.

Turns out he takes after his dad.


♪ ♪

Interesting location.

Couldn't have found an abandoned
tropical beach somewhere?

♪ ♪

I think we'd all feel better
if what's left of the pendant

when you're done winds up at
the bottom of that volcano.

Very well, then. Shall we?

Whenever you're ready.

It's working.

Wait. What the hell just happened?

♪ ♪

I'm taking back what's mine.

So, that's what becoming
whole looks like.

We can't have that now, can we?



What did she just do to me?


Tal's down. Ally's got the pendant.

- We have to stop her before she gets to the portal.
- On my way.

Fire up the suit!

John, she's got Superman.
You need to hurry.

Lock on target.

I told you, Superman,
we would become gods.


I don't have much left, brother.

Neither do I.

Make it quick.

♪ ♪

Together, then.

♪ ♪

Almost there.

Give it everything you got!




♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪



♪ ♪

We should've kept him in cuffs.

What do you mean she stole your power?

Not stole exactly...

more like siphoned.

She was feeding off my energy
to make herself stronger.

- I felt that sensation before.
- When?

When I tried to stop her from merging.

Today was ten times worse.

But at least now, with
the pendant destroyed,

it won't happen to anyone else,

which means we only
have to worry about Ally.

And Tal-Rho.

I wouldn't worry about him.

What? So dude brings you some
flowers, and then all is forgiven?

He risked his life to save ours,

not once but twice.

And they weren't just
flowers. They were peonies.

Destroying the pendant
didn't solve our problem.

It only enraged Ally,
which means she'll be back.

So now we have an enemy who
can steal Superman's powers

and potentially use them against us.

How the hell do we defeat
something like that?


♪ ♪

- Are you making dinner?
- It's just salad and hot dogs.

But the salad does have pumpkin seeds,

so you can tell an effort has been made.

I mean, you are literally the best.

- Thank you.

Yeah. I'm just trying to help.

I can tell you've been
overwhelmed lately, so...


so Dad picking us up from school...

you must be really busy.

Was everything okay with your dad?

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

It's just I think that you guys
need to have a conversation.

What about?

Come on, Mom, Dad's not an idiot.

He can tell when
something's up with you.

It's just...

if you are dating somebody, then...

Dating someone?

- Why on Earth would I even...
- I don't want to hear about it.

In fact, I'd, like, rather you
never speak to me about that.

I'm just saying that if you...

if you are totally over Dad,
then you should tell him,

'cause he does deserve to know.

Honey, I'm not dating anyone.

So then what is it?

'Cause you have been
acting kind of weird.

♪ ♪

Whatever it is, you...
you can trust me with it.

I know I can.

♪ ♪

I know.

Come here.

Is everything okay?

Everything is fine...

okay? I just, uh...

I just learned something
that's kind of a big deal,

and I want to share it with you.


SSSniperWolf just posted a new video.

- Come watch with me.
- Okay, I'll...

I'll be there in a second.

God, she's growing up so fast.

♪ ♪

Um, I'm sorry, Mom.
What were you saying?

Oh, uh, yeah.

Uh, uh, there's an internship

available in my office,

and I know that you're looking
to beef up your college résumé,

so I figure...

Internship, uh...

Y-yeah. Do you mind if I...

- if I think about it?
- Oh, absolutely. Take your time.


- Uh, I'll grab it.
- Oh, it's okay. I'll get it.

You go be with your sister.

♪ ♪


Can we talk somewhere...

in private?

- Okay, okay, when that boulder

was going to fall on your head,

all right, I swear, I
almost let it hit you.

No, but we were so close.

Okay, but we can
always go back tomorrow.

Okay, we got to get
to school eventually,

'cause I have a sandwich in my locker,

- and it will start to smell.

What's happening here?

You know, just a little family bonding.


I like seeing that.

So how was school?
Anything exciting happen?

- BOTH: No.
- Very dull.

Okay. Well, your dad and I
had a very productive day.

- What happened?
- Did you seal the portal?

We may not need to anymore.
The pendant has been destroyed.

No way! You're kidding!
So what... I mean,

Ally can't force anyone
else to merge, then, right?

Yeah, that... that may be so, but, like,

she's still out there somewhere.


You boys want to stay for dinner?

- Sure.
- Cool.

Text your folks, then
you can help us make it.

Saw that coming.

- You got it?
- Yeah.

Come on, I'm not making it by myself.




♪ ♪


Oh. Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Kent.

Hey, Sarah.

Mom, do you mind if I go
out with Dad for a bit?

Sure. Just be back by : .

Okay. Uh, bye, guys.

[WHISPERING] Did you tell her?

I couldn't.

Not because she wouldn't
be able to handle it,

but I can't ask her to lie
to her sister or her father,

for that matter.

It's not fair to Sarah.

That makes sense.

So I have a doppelganger

somewhere out there who
may try to come and k*ll me.

I'm not gonna let that happen.

We're just making you aware
as the situation unfolds,

not because there's anything
you should do right now.

Is Smallville in danger?

Honestly, we can't be sure of anything

as long as Ally's still out there.

We just wanted you to know what we know.

Like you said in your
interview, full transparency.

I appreciate that.

And I want you both to
know that even though

it's gonna take some
time to get over the...

hurt, I will get over it.

And I'm not mad at either of you.

really happy to hear that.

But I also can't have you
in my life right now...

not just mine, but my kids'.

I don't want to feel
like I'm lying to them

every time our families are together.

And I think it would
be easier for everyone

if we just made a clean break.

♪ ♪

Lana, please.

I'm sorry, but that's just
the way it has to be right now.

♪ ♪


Um, I know I'm pretty mature for my age,

but you know I'm not actually , right?

Yeah, I'm aware.


Wait, is this...

No, no, no, I'm not here
to meet your old hookup.

No. No. No, no, no. You're not.

Okay, look, she doesn't
even work here anymore.

But she, uh... she did do us a solid.

It's open-mic night,

you know, and I heard that...
what was it, Billie Eilish?

well, she got famous when she was .

So I figured, uh,

why not launch the next big
thing right here in Smallville?

Dad, I'm not the next big thing.

Oh, but that's the goal, right?

Come on, you got to start somewhere.

Tonya cleared everything
with the manager.

Hey, look, she feels as badly

about what happened as I do.

- Yeah, I'm sure she does.
- Okay, stage is open.

Why don't you just get up there

and show 'em what you got, hmm?

- Right now?
- Yeah.


- Um...
- Andale.

You got this.

Hey, y'all. Uh,

I'm Sarah Cortez, and
these are my songs.


♪ ♪

♪ They say love is the way,
but that can't be right ♪

♪ When every happy ever after ♪

♪ Ends in goodbye ♪

♪ There's a voice telling
me this anxiety will cease ♪

♪ And I'll know it all ♪

♪ I'm reaching for
the stars and hoping ♪

♪ That the sky won't fall ♪

♪ I'm tired of it all ♪

Then it's over.

- We've lost.
- We haven't lost.

But without the pendant?

There are other ways.


♪ ♪

Where's Lana? I want to talk to Lana.

That's not gonna happen...

ever again.

I saw what happened when you merged.

I saw your fear.

Your plan to save everyone,

it's not gonna work.

I should have listened to my brother.

You are no savior.

[ECHOING] Not yet.



♪ ♪


♪ ♪

[ECHOING] But I will be.

♪ ♪