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03x04 - When Darkness Falls

Posted: 06/05/22 09:44
by bunniefuu
This changes everything.

[both screaming]

[boars snorting]

"Let's explore the island on foot.

Rest the dragons for the long trip home.
I'm a mutton-head!"

- Aah!
- Okay, genius. What's our next move?

Uh, weapons. We need weapons.

- Got one!
- Snotlout, let go!

- What? I called dibs. Gimme!
- Get off me!


Okay, so check that island off the list.

Whoo-hoo-hoo, this is so exciting.

Searching the high seas
for an island outpost to call our own.

Yeah, I like this idea.

Move away from Berk, get my own place,
away from you-know-who.

Yeah, you're telling me, sister.
I am so sick of you-know-who.

He never knows when to shut up.
I want him out of here.

Guys, let's focus. We need to find
an island that's safe, secure

and habitable for both us
and the dragons.

Blah, blah, blah.
How many times do we have to hear that?

Um, until we find what we're looking for.
Let's check this one out.

[Hiccup] Not bad, not bad.

Lots of fresh water,
seems like a plentiful food supply.

And lots of cool blue flowers.

[inhales] I'm in!

- Wait, aren't those--
- [gasps] Blue oleander.

Deadly poisonous to dragons.

- So, we're not staying?
- Aah!

Oh, this island is beautiful.

I even like those weird dots
all over the--

Those aren't dots!
They're Whispering Death Holes!

- [Snotlout] Been there, done that.
- [Astrid] Next!

[all screaming]

My bad! Should've crossed this island
off the list!

[both screaming]

[screaming continues]


- [Hiccup] This looks pretty good.
- [Astrid] Those cliffs could work.

Good sightlines, easily defendable.

The location is great.

- It's perfect.
- Yeah. Too perfect.

I'm just saying, in the immortal words
of the mighty Thor,

"When something looks too perfect,
it probably sucks."

Yeah, I'm pretty sure Thor never said
anything remotely like that.

Oh, really? How do you know?
Do you know Thor?

- Have you talked to him recently?
- No, but--

Because I have, mm-hmm.
And I don't recall him mentioning you.

Look, I just have a feeling
about this place,

and I think we all know what happens
when I get a feeling.

We ignore it?

Mark my words. There will be something
wrong with this island,

something mysterious,
something horrible,

something... something...

Ya finished?

Okay, first thing we need to do
is set up camp for the night.

We need dry wood for fire,
we need fresh water,

and we need someone on traps.

- Snotlout, what is that?
- It's an "S" for "Snotlout."

I think aesthetically
it would look nice flying over.

That's ridiculous. It doesn't matter
what the outpost looks like.

It needs to be functional
and operational.

Uh, guys, what we really need is...

A place for rest, relaxation
and replenishing

after a hard day's work.

You're absolutely right, Hiccup.
Look, Meatlug and I had some thoughts.

- [Astrid] Is that a hot tub?
- No, that's the mud bath.

The hot tub is over there.

- [growls]
- Tell me about it.

Wait a minute. Everyone stop.
I don't see it.

- Me, neither.
- See what?

Um, the boar pit. Where is it?
Where's the boar pit?

You see, the centerpiece
of any good outpost

- is a boar pit.
- Why?

Everybody needs a little entertainment
now and then, don't they?

Well, we do know where do get boars.

Oops, sorry about that. Okay,
so, now that we have your attention,

we really need to set up camp
for the night.

- Wait, what about the--
- Ah-da-da-da!

We'll talk about the dragon
outpost design in the morning.

For now, someone needs to get the water.

Ugh. I don't know about you,
but I like whiney Berk Hiccup

way better than Princess Outpost Hiccup.

I know, right?

[both sigh]



- [grunts]
- What is it, bud?

I'll tell you what it is. Rats.
Rats the size of yaks.

No, it could also--
Is it yaks the size of rats?

Yakrats! Ha ha ha!
Wait, those would be adorable.

No, no, I know what it is.
It's yaks the size of dragons.

Right, Toothless? You feel me, "T"?


There's no such thing
as yaks the size of dragons.

Yakdragons to you, my friend.
And when you've heard their cries,

you'll believe. Trust me. Mm-hmm.


That's right. Let that roll around
in your head for a minute.

- All right, Tuffnut, knock it off.
- Yeah, you're not scaring anyone.

Really? What if there were...
snakes out there in the dark?

Hmm? Giant snakes?
Snakes big enough to swallow a man whole

and then barf out his bones? Blech!

Ha! Please. Barfing out bones.

[laughs nervously]

- [snarls]
- What?

Yeah, that's right, go to bed.

Sleep... if you can.

Ahh, trolls, demon toads...

- [animal howling]
- Aah! What was that?


- [rustling]
- [screaming]

[howling continues]

[wings fluttering]



Aah! Who--

Oh. It's in the trees.

- [rustling]
- Aah! Who--

Yakrats! I knew it.


- [clucking]
- Oh, it's just a chicken.

It's a tiny chicken.
Well... ahem. Hello, breakfast!



Oh... my... Thor.

[chicken clucks]


Mmm, Astrid,
you look like a pillow. Mmm.

- [rustling]
- [Tuffnut] Help!



Chicken! Roaring!
Roaring huge chicken! Chicken roar!

Is he saying he saw
a big, roaring chicken?

Not a chicken. Dragon.

What's another word?

- Colossal.
- What happened to the chicken?

Forget the chicken!
We gotta get out of here!

Is anyone falling for this?

I don't know.
I haven't seen him this freaked out

since he found a leech on his--

Okay, I'm gonna stop you there. Ugh.

Okay, fine, let's just check this out

so we could all go back to sleep.

Okay, when this giant beast
rips us limb from limb,

I will expect a full apology
from each and every one of you.

And a handshake.

No, you won't be able to shake hands
'cause your limbs will be gone.

- [rustling]
- Shh.

Aaah! Ha ha!

[making whooshing noises]


No! It was here, and it was huge.
I'm not making this up.

Here, tell them.
You were standing right there.

Tell them, chicken.

Uh, you're scaring me, bro, okay?
And we shared a womb.

[chicken clucking]

I can't even look at you right now.


- What did you just say?
- [crows]

I didn't think so.

[both yawning]

Okay, now, let's talk outpost.

Since you brought it up,
I've been working on my designs.

We'll set up lookout posts
with interlocking fields of fire and--

Never get any rest.
But here, in my meditation garden--

Neither of those is S-shaped.
Did you not see my design?

Boar pit! Boar pit! Boar pit!

Guys, guys, listen to me.
We need one idea.

We can't design five different outposts.

Or... can we?

You know what?
Boar pit. Great idea.

Whoa. What just happened?

Oh. S-shape? I love it.

Don't freak me out, Hiccup.
It gives me the willies.

I'm just saying, let's all come up with
a design that we each think is the best,

and then we'll vote on it.
Does that sound fair?

What are you up to?

Nothing, nothing at all.
Just trying to keep the troops happy.

You know what they say.
Happy troops are, uh...

happy... groups?

Hey, speaking of troops,
Ruff, where's your other half?

Don't ask me. All I know is,
this boar pit is not gonna dig itself.

Okay, giant dragon,
you are officially on notice.

Oh, you can run, but you can't hide.

I guess you can fly.
You can also run.

You can run or fly.
But either way, you can't hide.

Because nothing escapes
the watchful eye of--



[screaming continues]

[chicken clucking]

Oh! I am hurt! I am very much hurt!

[chicken clucking]

[Tuffnut grunting]

You couldn't have warned me?

Okay, so it's gonna be the hard way.
Fine, that's the way I like it.

Just ask the chicken.


Aah! Uhh! Ha! See?

Oh, yeah. Tuffnut Thorston
is locked in now.

He ain't falling off another cl--

Aah! Aaaaah!


Multiple ledges!
Ow, ow, ow, ow!

This island is very cliffy!

[chicken clucks]

- Do you hear that, Toothless?
- [purring]

That's the sound of peace and quiet.

You know,
making them work together

might just be the best idea
I've ever had.

Uh, excuse me? My rock.

Oh, how do you figure?

I need it! That rock makes
the bottom of my "S".

And I need my "S."

Really? Your "S"?

Your genius architectural marvel.

Give me the rock.

Ah, since you put it like that...

There. There's your rock.


- And there's your architectural marvel.
- [gasping]

And I've spoken too soon.

[Toothless groans]

Hey, Hiccup,
I'm ready for a dry run.

You want to be the boar? Ha ha ha!

- Ugh.
- [laughs]

Whoa. What happened to him?

You've really been out there all day
looking for that dragon?

Instead of digging our boar pit?
Priorities, huh?

Or maybe he really did see something.

Oh, I saw something.

You did, too, you little back-stabber.
Tell them.

- [clucking]
- Oh, save it. You had your chance.

Or this whole thing is a bunch
of stinky yak dung.

You know? First of all, yak dung,
when made into a nice tea,

can be quite aromatic.

Agreed. But I still think
you're just trying to scare everybody.

There's no dragon out there.

Yeah, there is, Ruffnut. You willing
to put your mutton where your mouth is?

Oh, you're not suggesting...

Oh, I am. I'm suggesting
like a hot Gronckle in a lava pit.

And you know exactly what that means.

- What is going on with you two?
- Silence!

I officially declare Thorston challenge.

- Thorston what?
- Accepted!

- Usual stakes?
- Of course.

- What stakes?
- It's better you don't know.

[both spit]

- [Snotlout] No, gimme!
- [all grunting]

- Give it to me!
- [Astrid] It's mine!

I know, bud, I'm losing it, too.

Ruff, Tuff, wait up!
How about a couple of impartial judges

for the Thorston challenge?

For the love of the Thor,
take us with you!


Tastes like chicken.
Chicken on a stick.

Chicken à la mode.

And that's where we should
probably call it a night.

- Chicken and ice cream.
- Sure!

Since we never found
that quote-unquote Yakdragon,

declare me the Thorston challenge winner
and we can all go home.

Uh, okay, sure. Um, by the power,
uh, vested in me,

I hereby declare that Ruffnut
is the-- Whoa!

I don't believe it.

Me, neither.
Tuffnut wins the Thorston challenge.

Yes! Told you. Now pay up.

- [grunting]
- Guys, focus!

Look where it's headed!
Straight for our campsite.

If it catches those guys
asleep on the ground...


[chicken clucking]


I forgive you, too.

- See you in Valhalla!
- [Ruffnut] See you in Valhalla!

- Aah!
- Here we go!

[Ruffnut screams]

What in the name of--

It's not one big dragon.
It's tons of little ones.

If this is Valhalla...

What are you doing here?

Whoa, check that out.



They're joining back up
around the white one.

He must be the leader.
This is amazing.

Guys, what are you doing?

- [shrieks]
- Bam! Problem solved.

All right, let's head home.

I don't know about you, bud,
but I've got a bad feeling about this.



It looks sort of like a Terrible Terror.

But bigger and meaner.

And it seems like they're nocturnal.

[screeching continues]

You know, they come out at night--

Yeah, I knew that. Noc-a-turnal.
I was gonna explain that to them.

[both laughing]


I say we call them Night Terrors.


Hey, I saw him first,
so I get to name him.

- [clucking]
- No! You always say that.

Now, let's think about this logically.

They come out at night
and they're terrifying.

Terror of the night. I've got it!

Smidvarg and the g*ng.

[chicken clucking]

And Night Terrors it is.



What's going on out there?

I don't know, but whatever it is,
Smidvarg doesn't like it,

and the g*ng ain't paying attention.

Let's check it out.



- [snarls]

I know, bud, not exactly
a fair fight, is it?

Let's even up the odds.


No bullies on our island!

Hey! You can't treat
our dragons like that!

Only we can treat
our dragons like that.

That should take care of them.

But what about those guys?


- [Astrid] How many?
- Too many!

- Why are they all coming here now?
- [screeches]

It must be the Night Terrors.

When we captured the white one,
they all split up.

Oh, of course! They flock into a shape
of a giant version of themselves

as a defense mechanism
to scare off predators.

- And now that they can't...
- They're lunch.

Oh, I knew this was gonna be bad.
We have to help them.

I'll head back
for the white Night Terror.

He's their leader. You guys
hold them off as long as you can.



Yeah, probably deserved that.



You leave our Smidvarg alone.

Great job. Okay,
you cover Smidvarg from behind,

Toothless and I will lead the way.

Okay, so it's growing on me.



Lava blast!

Oh, Thor! Oh, Thor!



Oh, Thor!


[dragons roaring]


[both gasp]

- Yes!
- Ha ha!

What's this?

A diagram of our new outpost.

I got the idea from Smidvarg.

So, see, I combined all your ideas
into one giant base.

And I was thinking we could
call it the Dragon's Edge.

What do you guys think?

Okay, I just need to point out
that this is the first time

that that has ever happened.
Let's take a look.

Everybody gets to make
their section of Dragon's Edge

whatever they want it to be.

Astrid, you can make yours
the most heavily-armed bedroom

in the known Viking world.

And, Fishlegs, your place
is quiet and secluded,

overlooking the ocean,
very serene, very relaxing,

with lots of room
for your very own rock garden.

Snotlout, your spot is up here.

Now, it's not S-shaped,

but you can go S-crazy
and paint them all over it.

Yeah, I can! Snotlout!

Boar pit! Boar pit! Boar pit!

Yes, yes, aha!
Glad you brought that up.

There's a space for one
right underneath your hut.

Just do me a favor and lock up the boars
after you're done with them.

- Aww.
- You do care. Boo-do-boo-do-do.

We'll connect the different sections
with bridges, zip-lines and gangplanks.

We'll have really cool stables
with our own landing strip.

And, of course,
a dragon training arena.

And in the center,
overlooking everything else,

will be the clubhouse,
the eye of Dragon's Edge.

It's really taking shape.

And now for one more addition
to our new outpost... Tuff?

- That's right.
- [clucking]

Uh... what? Oh. Smidvarg!

Ouch! Ow! Ow!

What? Oh, I can't have friends now?


[Hiccup] Well, if we're gonna
share the island with them,

I thought we should share
the outpost, too.

Plus, it doesn't hurt that they seem
to have an instinct to protect.

They'll be like sentries.
Right, Smidvarg?


Okay, so, the Thorston challenge--

When is Ruffnut gonna pay up?

She already has. Can't you tell?
I mean, look at her.

She lost, so she had
to swap clothes with me.

Right. And if you had lost?

Ugh. I'd have to swap clothes with her.

- Yeah, but you guys are exactly, uh--
- Don't go there.


- What are they doing now?
- I have no idea.

Hiccup, look.

Whoa! Awesome!





Ha ha ha ha ha!

[chicken clucks]

Aw, chicken, I couldn't have
squawked it better myself.