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06x20 - Viva Las Pegasus

Posted: 06/09/22 06:25
by bunniefuu
the map is sending us where

lost pegasus

but last pegasus is a wild vacation spot

it's just one big party all those lights

and sounds not to mention the crowds oh

just the thought of it is overwhelming

i know last pegasus doesn't seem like

either of your cups of tea but i have

total faith you wouldn't have been

called unless you were the perfect

ponies for the job

probably not as bad as we think it can't

just be a loud obnoxious party all the



uh applejack it isn't as bad as we



you're right it's worse


my little pony my little pony


faithful and strong sharing

makes it all kindness


do you know you are my very best


do you think the map could be on the

fritz again i mean this place seems a

lot more suited to pinkie pie or even

rainbow dash

if twilight trust the map then so do i

all we have to do is solve our

friendship problem and get back home

of course

you have to find it first and make sure

to experience our signature show pony

fantastique trust me when i say you've

never seen anything like it unparalleled

acrobatics unique animal antics your

only regret will be that you did see it

sooner and like everything at this

amazing incredible i can't believe it

even exists hotel pony fantastique is

brought to you by the chair pony of

kindness land main himself


wow this glad man sure seems impressive

well uh it is a little embarrassing

but the crowd seemed to like it

mr gladman just glad maynardo

and it's a pleasure to meet actual

cohorts of the princess of friendship

thank you for coming thank you very much

you know who we are

i'm what you might call a friendship

connoisseur so naturally i'm familiar

with the friends of the great twilight

sparkle applejack fluttershy it's an

honor to have you here

i have to admit you're not the type of

pony i expected to find in las pegasus

well my guests may be looking for lights

music and parties but working hard and

making friends is how i turn this hotel

into what it is today and how i plan to

make it even bigger

uh excuse me one second

wise ponies may say the folks that come

here are customers but i can't help but

thinking of each and every one of you as

friends that's why there's a three for

one special on apple fritters in the

cafe for the next hour enjoy

would you two like to take a tour of the

place i'm just about to do my rounds and

check on my friends who work here

we do have a friendship problem to find

lead the way mr gladman just glad me now

you hear


you're just in time to see my newest


new moves or not i'm glad to have a star

like you working for me i'll tell you

what oh do make me blush now watch this



oh mr gladman himself is here let's run

through the whole routine

now don't make a fuss for old me i'm

just gonna keep on giving a tour to my

new friends applejack and fluttershy

howdy hi

if this pony calls you friend you're

welcome backstage anytime i owe in my

entire career

oh well let's leave the artist to

their work

doesn't look like there's any friendship

problems here

i've never seen a pink prairie dog


i like the folks that come here to have

a unique experience

wouldn't we love him for it

with glad means help we've been able to

take care of all these little guys now

this place is overwhelming in a good way

oh glad you like it



come in

there doesn't seem to be anything wrong

around here at all i figured looking for

a friendship problem in las pegasus it'd

be like trying to find a needle in a

stack of needles but everypony seems to

be getting along just fine ladies and

gentle ponies despite what my

competition might say i know you've come

to this fair city to be entertained and

i assure you there is nothing more

entertaining than the astounding

acrobatics in glad means pony fantastic

now i suppose that might be true if it

weren't for the existence and far

superiorly entertaining presence of the

show-stopping exotic animal act that

pony fantastic concludes

those voices sound familiar

they sure do

flim and

flame why i won't even dignify that

assertion with response except to say

that if you were to consider buying your

tickets from me i might consider

offering them to you at a substantial

discount i've always thought you get

what you pay for and in my humble

opinion these tickets are evaluated

twice the price don't let this price

gouging charlatan take you for a ride



dare you



you don't suppose we've been brought

here to help them

absolutely not


i know you and the rest of the apple

family have had your issues with flim

and flam in the past but they're

definitely having trouble and solving a

friendship problem is important no

matter who's having it well of course

that's true

for anypony but they'll

i'm sorry you had to see that i don't

know why but those two have been

fighting ever since they got here i

thought giving them these jobs might

help but i i guess it just made matters

worse trust me i know those ponies and

you're better off with them apart two of

them together will cheat the hooves

right out from under you

yeah i suppose you're right phlegm's

such a show pony and flam has such a

head for business why if they ever did

work together they'd be running this

place in two shakes

speaking of which i better get back to

work y'all enjoy your stay now you here

i'm pretty sure we should help fleming


and i'm pretty sure there's another

friendship problem here and i'm gonna

search this resort top to bottom till i

find it


i hope you didn't travel all the way

from ponyville to try to get me to

reconcile with my no account brother


i don't believe i have one of those

no i already know what he thinks of me

all show and no substance well if he's

so smart he should have no trouble

becoming a big success on his own

he's the greatest sales pony that ever

lived of course just ask him he'll tell

you all about it i'm sure you could work

out your differences if you just sat

down and talked to each other

i'm never speaking to that pony again



you are ruining my soul it isn't just

your show and i'm improving it you don't

pull a rabbit out of a hat on the

trapeze that's the point to give the

audience something they've never seen

before acrobatic magic


it's called blending genres and it's


shouldn't somepony do something

they'd been doing this since they

started working here too bad really if

they ever stop shouting at each other we

could take the show on tour they'd be

way more successful than staying at glad


now that sounds like a real friendship



stop what are you doing it's supposed to

be a pink prairie dog pyramid it's


you said a tower why'd you keep changing


i'm not changing anything use that



you are driving me crazy

i thought you two got along

we used to but we just can't seem to

agree on anything

anymore we used to perform all over

equestria but if we can't agree on a new

act we might as well stay at glad mains


two friendship problems in the same


now we're talking


if you count flim and flam that's three

big friendship problems all in the same


well i don't count fleming flam since

those two not being friends isn't a

problem certainly isn't for glad

sounds like he's better off with them


actually the other pony's problems seem

to be good for glad main too

both the trapeze show and the animal act

will be better off if they left but

everypony's so busy arguing that they

can't do you think he knows

i don't know but i'm starting to think

we should find out

of course gladman wants every pony to

get along he's the nicest most genuine

pony i've ever met did the director put

you up to this

i tell you if gladmane is your friend

you are welcome backstage but

if you are speaking of him poorly you


cladman is the kindest most gentle

most compassionate pony i've ever known

my problem is


i just can't figure it out the only pony

who benefits from all this feuding is

glad but by all accounts he's the best

friend any of these ponies have well

bernard that adorable bunny from the

acrobats hat claims that every morning

glad man tells the director that the

star wants control of the show and every

afternoon tells the star that the

director wants to get rid of her but

neither is true

in the flying prairie knows the pink

prairie dog family say gladman keeps

changing their act to make each trainer

think the other is doing it

so all his talk about friendship is just

a load of applesauce he's getting the

modified with each other on purpose but

how can we get everypony to believe

that's what he's doing there must be a

way to trick him into telling the truth

gee if only there was a pony who knew

how to trick a trickster

a pair of ponies


guess bringing fleming flam back

together might be why we're here


sorry if i don't take the word of some

pony off the street even if that street

is in ponyville but glad man is behind

so many other friendship problems how

can you be sure isn't the cause of yours

because the only problem i have is

standing right there

same here buster do either of you even

know what you're fatting over gladman

let me know that ex-brother of mine

thinks i'm just a mouthpiece without a

single good idea

glad mean assured me this former

fraternal fall here thinks i couldn't

sell heat lamps to yaks sounds to me

like neither you said those things why'd

you believe vlad made when he said you

did why would he lie

because he's afraid that the two of you

together could move in and take over his


and if i'm telling you he said it you

know it's the absolute truth because you

never lie oh brother of mine i think

it's time for a little paper the

canterlot two-step

we don't have the chickens how about the

baltimore flair

my flair isn't what it used to be listen

here y'all if you're a friend of mine

you're entitled to a free united states

and everypony here is a friend of mine

thank you thank you very much

now are you thinking what i am the high

roller hustle

the wood now mmm trust us when we're

done there won't be a pony in town who

doesn't know the apple jackiest truth

about glad maid

that is assuming you two are willing to

help what size gown do you wear


what's all the fuss now it's the grand

matriarch of the rich family impossibly

rich she's one of the wealthiest ponies

in equestria

well why didn't some pony tell me you

know how i like to give vip guests my

personal touch well she's not exactly a


word is she's planning a resort of her


i think she's here to scout the


oh really

and with her bits she could take over

the whole strip hire away any pony she


and not me of course i love it here my

good-for-nothing brother on the other


impossibly rich what an honor it is to

have you at my humble five hook resort

i'm sure flam has done an excellent job

showing you around but nothing could

beat a personalized tour from the maine


you'll have to excuse miss rich she

saves the energy other ponies spend

talking out loud and uses it to make

more money

she'd love a personal tour

say in uh about an hour

well that sounds right pleasant and if

you can break away for a moment flam i'd

love to see you in my office so i can

get ready

are all of you sure this is a good idea

absolutely glad man is one fish that's

hooked but good i sure hope you two know

what you're doing oh don't you worry

when it comes to throwing ponies off

their game no two ponies do it better

than us

can't argue with that


hey there boss impossibly rich is just

about ready for that tour

so what do you want to see me about

actually there's something i want you to

see the grand plan

every hotel on this strip as amazing as

this one in every one of a mine

and all it'll take is a little sales

pony ship like this

hey there friends

if you think my resort is fantastic wait

till you see pony fantastic

thank you

thank you very much

now i know impossibly rich has probably

made you a tempting offer to come work

for her well uh now that you mention it

and as your friend i'd never tell you

what to do but no pony's gonna stand in

the way of my plans no matter how rich

she is and i sure wouldn't want you to

end up on the losing side i think you

might consider staying here yeah

well all right dude

they're coming

and last but not least miss rich the

jewel in my crown

impossibly wants you to know she's very

impressed but doesn't think you can keep

a result of this caliber going for long

oh and why is that

because you've got the best talent in

the industry what stops them from just

leaving to join any competitor

well you see i have a trick for that i

must confess

and it all has to do with how i handle

my employees

and how is that

well like friends of course and i treat

every one of my employees with the

kindness they deserve

that's it that's your secret


nothing else

nope just friendship

but you know all about friendship don't



you knew the whole time

never try to count a con pony


i thought you hit the road by now

whether we were able to fool you or not

you can't just go on keeping ponies from

getting along it's just


now maybe it is but it's a meanness that

works unlike your pathetic little ploy

i practically invented the high roller


but i suppose i should be impressed

you're the only ponies to ever figure

out the secret to my success it takes a

lot of work keeping everypony fighting

but as long as i keep them convincing

i'm their only friend all of las pegas's

will be mine

oh you can't trick a confession out of a

pony like me

i am always one step ahead

well you better check your hooves

because you just stepped in a confession


oh no no no wait wait

did that sound okay

flamin flam told us you'd see right

through the fake rich pony bit and then

once you did you wouldn't be able to

resist gloating about it this was all

part of the plan

oh my now friends listen i can explain


i think you've done enough of that


oh i cannot believe we let him almost

ruin our friendship and our act good

luck finding another one

wait no y'all come back come on i'm not

i'm gonna be rude this is glad man yo

come on you can't do this

lad man has left the building

i guess the map wasn't on the fritz

after all


if it weren't for your history with flim

and flam you never would have been so

determined to find somepony else to help

and we never would have found out what

glad man was doing and if it weren't for

you want to show even those two con

ponies kindness we never would have been

able to trick the trickster

it must have felt pretty nice to finally

put all your conniving and cheating

skills to good use

in fact we like to think of it as a

once-in-a-lifetime opportunity emphasis

on the once

what do you mean

oh wow this establishment undergoes a

slight change in management my brother

and i want to assure you that it remains

the pinnacle of lost pegasus

entertainment which is why we invite

each and every one of you to experience

the wonder of the pony fantastic theater

at half the normal cost of admission and

while you're appreciating this historic

venue totally devoid of performance of

any kind we invite you to use the wonder

of your own imaginations to fill the

space at no additional charge


my little pony


my little pony
