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08x09 - Family Matters

Posted: 06/09/22 08:15
by bunniefuu
This changes everything.

Five-thousand pounds of flaming muscle coming through! - Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! - Yeah! Argh! Stormfly, go! Ha ha! That sight never gets old.

Two less Flyers, two more free Singetails.

No! Huh? Oh, my Thor! Ahoy, out there! Sinking Johann's ships it's not just a job, it's a calling.

Yeah, so what are we calling him this time? - Sissy! - Meathead! Slapbutt! Ugly legs! Weird ears! Am I the only one who noticed that no matter how many Singetails we free, Johann always seems to find more? Wow.

Thanks for k*lling the mood.

You know, Snotlout, you are the only one who noticed.

You could fill a book with all the things that only you and your genius brain noticed.

A book, you say? Hmm.

The World According to Snotlout or The Wit and Wisdom of Snotlout .

- A short story.

- A work of fiction.

Very funny.

Chapter one "The Many Ways I Am Unappreciated.

" Where did you get a book? Hiccup! Help! Look! Toothless, go! Like many other visionaries, my insight into this world, ah Hmm.

Just us again, Hooky.

The plight of the Snot is a lonely one.

I didn't mean to do it.

Ah, she probably didn't feel a thing.

- Yeah.

Looks like she went peacefully.

- She's not dead, you two! Oh, we just assumed.


Relax, Fishlegs.

She'll come to eventually.

Toothless, what is it? Is that Deathsong amber? Yeah.

How did that get there? What if Krogan found out where we hid Garff? Let's not jump to conclusions.

We got to go check on him, now! Astrid, wait! You guys go.

This is my responsibility.

I-I'll take her back to the Edge.

Chapter two "Never Be the Guy Who Stays Behind by Himself.

" Hey! Garff? Garff? I don't see him.

Garff! Hi! Well, it doesn't look like the Flyers have been here.

It doesn't look like anybody's been here.

Look at Garff.

So, if the amber on that Singetail didn't come from Garff, - it had to come from the adult Deathsong.

- Which means the Flyers must have him.

That would explain how they could round up and subdue dragons as powerful as Singetails.

Krogan must be using the Deathsong to draw them in and capture them with its amber.

If we could free that Deathsong We could cut off the Flyers' supply of new dragons.

And reunite it with Garff.

Sure, but mostly we cut off the supply to new dragons.

We can do both.

But first, we have to figure out where the Deathsong is.

Let's get back to the Edge.


Look at Garff.

Can we bring him? Astrid, you're k*lling me.


Not a chance.

He's safer here.

But he's lonely.

And safe.

He stays.

End of story.

End of story, eh? Way to go, Hiccup.

You ever won an argument with her? Eh, it always seemed like kind of a pointless exercise.

But what do I know? O-Okay.


See all those areas where Ice Tail Pike are found? Good hunting grounds for Singetails.

Krogan would locate near them for sure.

According to this, Singetails prefer nonvolcanic islands, so that would rule these three out.

Could I interrupt and address the Singetail in the room? He couldn't just leave her.

So I guess everybody just gets to bring whatever dragons they want to the Edge now? Chapter three "Don't Bring Untrainable Dragons Home.

" Duh.

Subtitle "Bad Things Always Happen.

" What? Given food supply, nonvolcanic islands, and migration patterns, I'd say this is the area where I would set up to catch Singetails.

They wouldn't be at the one on the left.

That's where we fought the Cavern Crasher.

We fought it? Chapter four "People Always Steal My Credit.

" You're right.

Not a good place for a base with that guy burrowing everywhere.

So our best shot is right here.

What are we waiting for? Let's go rescue that Deathsong.

Uh, okay.

But this time, Astrid, obviously, Garff has to stay behind.

We can't risk giving Krogan another Deathsong, right? Astrid, he's not trained.

He won't be lonely.

Fishlegs and Meatlug will be here taking care of the Singetail, so… Chapter five "Hiccup Haddock, Missing a Leg and a Backbone.

" Hiccup, look.

If that's where we fought the Cavern Crasher, then the Deathsong should be there.

Let's go.

Everyone in formation.

Stay above cloud cover.


These people obviously do not want company.

There's the Deathsong.

Grab that Singetail.

Move it along! Get it under control! Hold it! We can take those guys, easy.

We have the element of surprise.

Ah, but they have the element of "there are way more people.

" Astrid, it's too risky.

We need to work out a plan.

Maybe bring in some backup from Berk.

Huh? Well, so much for the element of surprise.

Stormfly! No! Ugh! Ha! Garff! No! Chapter six "Wild Dragons on Missions Now, That's a Bad Idea.

" We have to help him, Hiccup! Astrid, you know we can't.

We would just get caught, too.

We need to fall back and figure out a plan.

What do you say we at least get those reins off so it wakes up a free dragon? Whoa! We were taking it off, not putting it back on.

Yes, I know she can't understand me, okay? I am nervous! Would you like a little sagefruit? It'll keep you calm which will keep me calm.

Oh! Ah! Okay, all right, not a fan of fruit, huh? You're more of a, um, meat eater.

Maybe it's the head injury.

Okay, out you go.

All right.

That was close.

She'll probably be fine, right? Good idea.

We will follow her for a while, just to be safe.

Come on.

Down, dragon! What Krogan is making that Deathsong do - Using one dragon to trap another, it's - Brilliant.


You didn't let me finish.

It's brilliant-ly evil.

But mostly evil.

Obviously, like, 70% evil and then, you know, 25% brilliant.

Or fift Eighty, ten.

You know, they say that truly evil people are also geniuses.

So what does that make us? Uh, okay, okay.

We need a plan of attack.

We could get past the ground defenses by coming in low and fast from these three directions at once, but how do we do that and handle the Flyers? Look at that guy.

They're trying to pull him out by his head.

A technique that has the benefit of being both painful and ineffective.

Oh, they could totally use some of Hooky's Monstrous Nightmare gel.

Too bad they don't have any.

But we have plenty of Monstrous Nightmare gel, right? Always.

Why'd we want to use it to free the Hunters? Not the Hunters.

The Singetails.


Chapter seven "Snotlout's Monstrous Nightmare Gel Saves the Day Again.

" Fine.

SnotFang's Monstrous Nightmare Okay! Hookfang's Nightmare You know what? This is my book, not yours.

And don't push me, or I'll redact your dragon butt.

Okay, when you see me light the gel, start your attack runs.

Earplugs in, everybody? Yep.

- What did he say? - They're for the dragons, Tuffnut.

Just in case they try to un-muzzle the Deathsong, we don't need it controlling our dragons.

Bing! "Bing" indeed.

- Good luck, everybody.

- You too.

I don't like this.

Not even a smidgen.

What? We release these Singetails all at once.

The Flyers go after them.

Use the distraction to take out the ground defenses - and free the Deathsongs.

Pretty simple.

- No, no, no, no.

I don't like that I'm the only one doing the dangerous sneaking around part.

Oh, it only seemed right.

I mean, after all, we are taking a chapter from your book.

Huh? Hmm.

I'd just prefer it not be the final chapter.

Here we go.

That's not good.

Huh? Ow, ow, oh! - Whoa! - Fire in the hole! What? Yes! That's it, bud! - What went wrong? - The Singetails didn't leave.

They left all right.

Jumped into the pit.

This makes no sense.

Waah! - We need to fall back.

- No, we can't.

We're too close.

Oh, for the love of Snotlout! Whoa! Ugh! Oh, my Thor! - Oh, no! - Coming in hot and blowing out snot! - Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! - Yeah! - Whoa! - Ah! Everybody, head for that cave, now! We could be trapped if we go in there.

Terrible idea.

And we'll be dead if we stay out here.

Ah! Ah! Aah! Do we go in and finish them, sir? Why? This is the only way in or out of this cave.

Send for Krogan.

In the meantime, I want all the catapults, ballistas and archers we have left aimed right here.

Prepare the ballista! I have a bad feeling about where we're going.

More amm*nit*on! Oh, gosh.

Oh, gosh.

Oh, gosh.

Oh, gosh.

Here we go, girl.

Keep quiet, all right? Ugh! Good job, girl.

Oh, amazing.

No wonder she was so frantic to get back here.

Do you know what this is, girl? A hatchery.

They're breeding Singetails.

Meatlug! You have no other way out.

You can save your friends and your dragons a lot of hurt if you give up before Krogan gets here.

Chapter eight "Hiccup's Plans Stink"! Okay, do you know where you are? In deep trouble? No helping! Within five, how many fingers am I holding up? Belch will be fine.

So there's no back way out, but look who I found.

Ah, looks like we're in here for a while.

Well, if that's true, we need to redecorate.

Oh, I hear you, sis.

Now, let's move out this clutter and go for more of a open-cave concept, you know? - Let the feng shui flow.

- Exactly.

So this is how it is, huh? This is how Snotlout goes out? - Hiccup'll think of something.

- Hope it's better than his last plan.

- It was a good plan.

- No, it wasn't.

It didn't work.

The Singetails didn't make a run for it.

Why? Argh.

We got to think.

How are we gonna get them out of here? It's just you, me, a lovesick mama dragon and a room full of eggs.

Come on, girl, we got another flight ahead of us.

What's this, again? A formal dining room.


I thought it was the informal commode.

No? This is my fault, Hiccup.

If I hadn't forced you to bring Garff along You didn't force me.

It was my decision.

A fateful decision I am detailing in chapter nine "Congratulations, Hiccup, You Finally Got Me k*lled.

" Oh, we're not done yet, Snotlout.

And you can quote me.

I know that sound from somewhere.

And it's getting closer.

- Ah! - Help! What? Oh, hey, everybody! A Cavern Crasher.


Oh! Stormfly, spines! Is that a Singetail egg? There's a room full of 'em in the other cave.

Krogan's breeding them.

Which explains why the Singetails wouldn't take off.

- Hiccup, we can't leave them behind.

- Or the Deathsong.

We're not going to.

I cannot believe you brought that thing here.

Chapter ten "Don't Bring an Egg-eating Dragon to an Island Full of Eggs.

" - I mean, what was your end game here? - End game? Uh, how were you planning on getting rid of that thing? Yeah, I really didn't think that far ahead.

Fine, Hooky and I have this guy's number, so we'll handle him.

You guys free those dragons.

Chapter 11 "It's Up to the Snot, Again.

" Come on, slime ball.

Let's dance.

You heard the man.

Let's go free some dragons.

Hi, uh, out outside people? I'd like to discuss terms of surrender.

How about surrender or die? Oh, interesting.

All right, let me just, uh, consult with my colleague, the Cavern Crasher.

Oh, oh, wait.

It seems he's tunneled a new exit.

Here's our counteroffer.

Fire! Fire! Blast! Blast! Unleash the Deathsong! - That's not good.

- Aah! Oh, no, you don't! Ugh! - Move out, come on! - Fall back! It was It was worth all the risk in the world just to see that.

And that's the last of the eggs.

So much for Krogan's breeding program.

What about the egg that Snotlout has? Yeah, he's probably writing about it in his book as we speak.

Unless he's dead, then, you know probably not.

I have to admit, chapter 12, "The Egg and I," was pretty amazing.


Oh, my Thor.

Thank you.

Quite the satisfying wrap-up.

I never would've thought to do that thing that you did that got the Crasher to do the other thing.

Me neither.

All the things were great.

I don't think even Toothless could pull off that move.

Ha ha.

Snotlout, I think your book could be a big hit.

Bro, I just had a gross thought.

Ooh, me too.

Is it about why we smell so bad? Like, what is causing that smell, you know? No.

What if Snotlout pushes our travel book off the best-seller list? - Ugh! Yeah, that's disgusting.

- So gross.

Oh, that's funny! Consider yourself redacted from the acknowledgments.

What's wrong with you? Why do you have to be so mean?!