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01x07 - Scrapheap

Posted: 06/10/22 06:28
by bunniefuu
No, we're not there yet, but it should be just past this ridge, Bumblebee.

I don't get it.

These readings are off the meter.

I told you, doc, we're fine.

The only way to be certain you're fine, bulkhead, is to endure standard defrosting procedure.

You know prolonged exposure to sub-zero conditions can cause permanent system damage.

Ratchet, have you learned anything more about our arctic find? Not yet.

The pod can't be opened while it's frozen solid.

Arcee and I will search for any clue which might explain the origin of our arctic find.

Only until your sensors sound.

Remember, once your core temperature drops into the blue zone, system failures aren't likely -- They're imminent.

Miss us, doc bot? Shouldn't they be in school? On Saturday? We have the whole weekend off to spend with you.

I wasn't expecting to carpool.

What gives, Arcee? Tag team, Jack.

It's my turn for exploration duty.

Oh, too bad.

It's a beautiful day for a ride.

Would hate for you to feel guilty for leaving me indoors.

Arctic exploration duty.

Indoors where it's warm.

The arctic? I've always wanted to see snow.

I would invite you to join, Rafael, but the conditions are much too extreme, even for we autobots.


But I will bring you back a snowball.

That would be awesome.

Transport complete.

By the allspark! So, what do you guys think we should do today? Video game tournament! Last one standing wins! Bulkhead, Bumblebee! Here! Now! Prepare to be destroyed.

Yeah, not really my thing, Miko.

Oh? Scared of losing? To a girl? Bring it! No mercy.

Hey, raf You want to take on Miko for me? Nah.

I have stuff to do.

Hoo-yeah! You can't boss us around just because the boss is out.

I need some heavy lifting.

The ground bridge is down.

Optimus and Arcee made it through just fine.

It's bringing them back that concerns me.

Now, remove those panels -- Chop-chop.

Temperatures sub-zero and dropping.

Got toGet back To base! Hello? Where did you come from? The autobots never said anything about pets.

You want to play fetch? Good boy.

Go get it! No! Don't eat that! You're gonna choke! OrNot.

Ah, come on.

Come on.

You want some? InYourFace! Whoa! What the?! Great.

Power failure.


It wiped out our game.

But I was winning! Bummer.

We most definitely have a problem.

But what could have caused this? Or that? Might be the main grid.

Hopefully, it isn't a substation malfunction.

Hey, guys.

Look what I found.

We're busy! Aah! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Hey, hey! What's with you guys? Scraplet! Scraplet! What's a Scraplet? The most dangerous vermin ever to crawl upon the face of Cybertron.

This? Are you kidding me? You're giant robots.

Scrappy here is Teeny.

You have no idea of the damage that teeny thing can do! Aw, he wouldn't hurt anything.

Whoa, easy there, k*ller.


I did not see that coming.

I'm sorry, Bumblebee.

Is he gonna be okay? Only a mesh wound.

He'll live.

Now do you believe me? All Scraplets do is dismantle machinery and eat anything metal -- Especially living metal.

Well, bug squashed, game over, right? No.

When it comes to Scraplets, there's never just one.

And I fear I know how they got in here.

It's a trap -- A Scraplet trap.

Uh, an empty Scraplet trap.

Most likely ejected into space eons ago, only to wind up in the arctic, where the temperature kept them in stasis.

Until we brought the thaw.

Now they're wide awake and ready to brunch.

SoHow many are we talking about? Thousands.

And the power malfunctions and ground bridge damage are sure signs that their infestation is well underway.

Arcee, what's your status? My sensor's going off.

Guess we should call for pickup before things get chilly.

Optimus to base, core temperature readings have reached the blue zone.

Prepare to activate ground bridge.

Ratchet to Optimus, do you read me? We have a situation.

The Scraplets have gotten into the com-link system! If we don't eradicate these creatures immediately, they will reduce the entire base to a scrap heap! I say we bug out of here and let them keep it! Evacuation is not an option.

If we don't get the ground bridge back online stat, Optimus and Arcee will perish.

TheyWill? Bulkhead, you never run! Miko, you haven't seen a swarm of these things devour a bot.

I have.

They pick you apart from the inside out, going for the small, juicy bits first -- Fuse by fuse, circuit by circuit, till there's nothing left, and I mean nothing Not even your optics.

You have to let us help.

We're not made of metal.


The Scraplets can't hurt us.

Typically, I find your fleshiness to be your least engaging quality But it would appear to provide an advantage under these extremes.

Okay, good.

So we pair off -- One bot, one human.

I'll watch your back while you repair the ground bridge.

And we go on a bug hunt.

Oh, boy.

Optimus to base.

Do you read? Are you sure a nice long drive wouldn't help? I hear Miami's beautiful this time of year.

The nearest temperate climate is too distant, Arcee.

Attempting to reach it would expend too much energy and hasten the freezing process.

Until Ratchet sends for us -- And he will -- Our best option would be to seek shelter and insulate ourselves.

I get to be your bodyguard for once.

How cool is that?! Raf found the first one here, right? Did you just scream like a little girl? No! Maybe.

Can we talk about this later? Take 'er easy, bulkhead.

Just stay focused.

Everything's gonna be -- Aah! Look out! Aaaah! Okay.

Wish I hadn't seen that.

Bulkhead, you're fine.

It's just a bunch of cables.




Don't these things ever stop eating? How's it going over there? I've repaired the damaged conductors and rerouted the central conduits, but the ground bridge still won't receive power! They fly?! You never said they could fly! Ratchet! The fire extinguisher! Ratchet, get the patch kit.

We're leaking energon like -- Whoa! Eat this! Arcee, wake up.

Just resting my eyes.

The longer we remain alert, the longer we remain alive.

What do you suggest? Wait.

How about a game? Let's play "who screwed things up back at base?" Our predicament could be the result of a simple malfunction.

Caused by bulkhead.

Let's see.

No com-link.

Maybe even no power.

The big lug probably tripped over a cord.

He's never been too graceful.

Remember when we first arrived on earth and bulkhead walked into those power lines? Who knew he could dance like that? Bulkhead may be Too large for this world, but his inner strength is without bounds.

One should not be measured by size alone.

We get them all? Hardly.

These were just scouts.

So, the rest of them know we're in here? And if we allow ourselves to become their next meal, Optimus and Arcee will never make it home.

We must get the ground bridge operational.

Then we can use it to send the Scraplets anywhere on earth.

Why not back to the arctic? We already know they don't do cold.

Sweet! One-stop shopping.

Given the body mass of the Scraplets, sub-zero temperature should freeze them on contact.

So think, Ratchet.

Think! If the ground bridge is still down, there must be a breach in the energon fuel line.

If we weren't breaching, one of us could get back over there and fix it.

Where do we find it? And how do we fix it? Remember, we're okay.

We're not metal.

There's the breach.

Come on.

We have to work fast.

So, if we get -- When we get the ground bridge open, do we send the creepy-crawlies out or bring our bots in? Optimus and Arcee will be fresh meat.

If we bring them in first, the Scraplets will have no reason to leave.

We'll need bait.

Where are we gonna get bait?! The Scraplets already helped themselves to everything in here! They're getting ready to feed! You know the worst part? After battling 'cons all these years -- Getting smacked down, sh*t at, blown up -- This is how our lights go out? Arcee, this may not be the finish that we had planned, but if this is indeed the end, if we are to become one with the allspark It's been an honor serving with you, Optimus prime.

Ratchet, all systems go! Fire it up! Ground bridge Activated.

Bait, huh? Ready for the main course? Come and get it! Down! Down! I'd invite you in, but the place is a mess.

Report bio-circuitry status.

Levels are rising.


Rafael, keep a close watch on Bumblebee's electro-pulse monitor.

Miko, check bulkhead's interface patch.

It's steady.

Looking good.

Perhaps you should get some rest yourself, old friend.

You saved quite a few lives today.

It Wasn't all my doing.

We're just fortunate that this infestation happened On a Saturday.

Our human friends may be small, but they are strong.

Scraplet?! Spider! Is it on me?! Aah! Get off! Did she just scream like a little girl?