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01x12 - Predatory

Posted: 06/10/22 06:34
by bunniefuu
Ah! Really wish I'd packed
some insect repellent.

The mosquitoes out here
on this routine recon

are the size of vampire bats.

And they drink
just about as much blood.

Quite the outdoorsman,
aren't you, Jack?

You wouldn't be making fun
of my survival kit.


I may not have

stinger-proof metal skin,

but in a pinch, I can use
my multi-function pocketknife

and magnesium fire starter

to cook up some freeze-dried
Mac and cheese.

You have your tools.
I have mine.

That's odd.

Ratchet's satellite scans
were accurate.

But subterranean
Energon deposits

don't cause this kind of surge.

What happened here?

Crash landing.

Stay behind me, low and close.

Autobot or Decepticon?

Can't tell.

Wait here.


What's wrong?

I know
who this ship belongs to.

Arcee to base.

I need a ground bridge asap.

W-wait. Why?

Whose ship is this?

Base, do you read?

Com link's dead.

The ship's got to be

a high-frequency
scrambler pulse.


You're kind of
freaking me out here.

Wait here.



Climb on.


Okay, was that
really necessary?

Arcee to base.


Look, I've seen danger before.
What's the --

Wait here.
I mean it this time.

Okay, first you shut me out.

And now you're ditching me?

I thought I was your partner.

No, Jack, you're a kid.

You're only here

because this was supposed to be

Got it?

Arcee to delta team.

rendezvous coordinates.

Do you copy?

Arcee, you lost again?

Your sense of direction could
use some improvement.

So could your aim, tailgate.

If you'd tagged that sn*per
back at the a*tillery depot,

I wouldn't have had
to break rank

and engage the enemy

From the sound of things,

I'm guessing
you came out ahead.

Try waiting up for me
this time,

and I'll give you
the blow-by-blow.

What's your position?

About half a click
from the depot, due north.

Think you can find it, partner?

Trust me, tailgate,

my navigation abilities
are -- Uh!

Piece of advice --

Make yourself comfortable.

You're going to be here awhile.

My first local.

Time for humankind
to feel my sting.


Small universe.

Too small, Airachnid.

You're still holding a grudge?

The w*r's been over
for megacycles.

Tell that to the Decepticons.

These days I travel solo
in pursuit of my new hobby.

I got a look
at your souvenir case.

You mean my trophies?

I collect endangered species.

Of course, they aren't
really endangered...

Until they meet me.

And I have a slot reserved
for "human."

Not gonna happen.


I told you to wait for me!

Well, partners
don't ditch partners.

Get this
through your head --

You're not my partner.

You're a liability.

I don't believe you.

I can see it in your eyes.

You're afraid, arcee,
and you're never afraid.

You know, for an Autobot,

your resilience
is quite impressive.

In fact, I'm guessing

that no matter
what I do to you,

you'll never crack.

Am I right?

That's what I thought.


What have you done to him?

Not much...Yet.

Just tell me what
I want to know, or...

You're a smart 'bot.

I think you can imagine
what happens to tailgate next.

I don't know
the attack coordinates.

I swear upon the Allspark
it's the truth!

We shall see.




You're right, Jack.

I am afraid...
Of losing you.

You sure have trouble

hanging on to your partners,
don't you?

We both know
what happened to tailgate.

But I recently picked up
some Decepticon radio chatter

regarding the passing
of cliffjumper.

At some point you really have
to ask yourself, arcee,

"is it them,
or is it me?"

Do you get it now, Jack?

She's not interested in me.

She hunts indigenous species,
and she's on earth.

That means humans.



And that's why I now prefer
to work alone.

It's so sad when bad things
happen to those close to you.

But don't get me wrong --

I fully intend to snuff out
your spark.

And, believe me,
I will make it hurt.

But that won't compare
to the pain you'll feel

knowing I'm adding your human
to my collection.


That's the spirit, Jack.

Play hard to get.

I couldn't save him.

I couldn't save my partner.

Jack, I'm sorry.

I never should have looked back.

I should have kept driving.

Hello, Jack.

Oh, who am I kidding?

You're making this too easy,

And I do not enjoy being bored.

Now, where did you
scamper off to?

If you wanted a tour, Jack,

all you had to do was ask.

Did you spot the empty space?

I hope you like it.

It's where you'll soon
hang your head.





Are you okay?

Yeah, of course.

Survival kit.


So much for closure.

Now Airachnid's
stuck here on earth.

I'm not sure
that's such a good thing.

I'm sorry you had to face
my demons today.

You were
pretty fearless there, Jack.

Actually, I was terrified.

Mostly for you.

requesting ground bridge.

Need to get my partner far away

from any oversized insects.

Partner, huh?

Junior partner.

I can still pull rank.